7 SPORT FROM BRITAIN 10° THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 18, 1968 hameat: idea tat while re They are currently staying in) ALGONQUIN: PARK -- For ue ' | youth), private home in Stoke-on-|the fishing pleasure of visors this year playing several gamesistay on with Port Vale this pewoag co ag ee ta Trent and are receiving an un- this summer, the following lakes @ ANDREW'S ; e e with Toronto City of the East-|season, then decide next spring is : re Hana: A BRL T wo ' oronto Rookies lern Canada Professional Soccer whether {to remain in England|° Aithough both Boys were born|dis closed salary from Port eae : ~~ Provineiat" Path HEATING: : ite League. \ or return to Canada to play projin Scotland (Moffatt is trom|Vale, believed to be more than were stocked with speckled « 'HOLDING OUR OWN' soccer. Musselburgh and Castledine|s69 a week, the maximum for trout once in June, twice in July He says that although the two| "They should make the first|{fom Edinburgh) they learned] s+ class players in England and will be stocked again in "4 é ° ' j robabif won't make the league|team in two or three years if|their soccer in Canada, rising August: Peck, Margaret, Found, |f 725-1660 P lease 1r tan e foam this year they are, certainjeverything goes all right," says|through atom, bantam and juv- until the rules were changed alRosepond, Bluff and St. ; enile ranks. few years ago. Anthony. to be on either the reserve team/Sir Stanley. 'It takes time. You see . ior the A team, from which re-|don't just become a star over-|f ---- ' By RON HOWARD a i placements are taken for in-|night. They'll have some disap- LONDON (CP) -- The 45,000 . jured first-string players. pointments and they'll have a seat Port Vale stadium is a -. "We trained hard' the first|few thrills. You've got to be in long way from the North Etobi- week and as a reward they|love with the game first." coke Minor Soccer Association gave us four days' off to visit) Many of the more than 30 grounds but two Toronto teen- relatives," says Moffatt. players at training camp are rs are out to show they can : "We seem to be holding our|youngsters, jn keeping with make the jump. i own," Castledine adds, "Every-|-------------- shies iad "It's a terrific. opportunity wa , : one seems to be having a rough 'ade te. Banat and. everything is just perfect | time right now with the rigor- LEARN ALL THE ht now," says Ken Castle. @ : ous training sessions. And for NEW STEPS , 18, one of two Thistletown : oe ' ' us ie ball seems bigger and sities ae Collegiate students chosen by Ye eo heavier and the wet weather|} , "sh uP on the old favorites soccer great Sir gry be j : verge f ig made the 'playing ARTHUR MURRAY ews to participate in a rebu " é field really greasy." ranchised st ing program for the slumping ff & ; Both say they would like tolp___" Simece 8 726-168) a English League: j club Sir Stanley, a 33-year veteran : .. , : Now Is The Time To Order | of British soccer, was appointed & : ee SS Your Winter Fuel ,.,.;.x.;. 16: GAL. ! All Prices: In this Ad coach and general manager. of the Port Vale club July bes and ' Pcsarllarat pie one day later announced ie was "SANDY" MOFFATT KEN CASTLEDINE turday, Aug. 21, asking Castledine, a goalkeeper,| This pair of Toronto teen- _ the play of Moffatt (17) and On Premium Quality phil LOREEN and Sandy Moffatt, 17, an in-| agers is doing something Castledine (18) while he was : : side right, to come to training) qifferent -- they've been visiting in Toronto. He pick- FUEL OIL dane Parker Reg, Price loaf 280 -- SAVE 90 SAMPLE IT ON YOUR NEXT VISIT! camp. The two' arrived in) imported to play soccer, in ed them to help rebuild Bri- | | Cracked Wheat 24-02 Stoke-on-Trent, home of the) the 45,000-seat Port Vale -- ain's slumping fourth-divi- | PHONE 668-3341 BREAD loaves c Port Vale team, July 26 Stadium, in London, where sion English League club. "I'm delighted with their play) Sir stanley Mathews is the the "Port Vales". DX FUEL Ol AY Ga deieak Visi: isda Reg. Price each 69¢ -- SAVE I4e so far," Sir Stanley says.) coach, "Sir Stanley" noted --CP Wirephotos | Sugared Reg. Price pkg 200 -- SAVE Se full 8 inch oan, re standing Pod to the P Osh Whitb " 4D CAKE UTS 2 49 24-02 sive t training and are enjoying them-| The 50-year-old coach, wholjonly last year, noticed the two, erving Oshawa - itby - Ajax an istrict DON kos of 12 ' selves as well." retired from league competitioniyouths while in Toronto earlier Rccciameaniealencel anestoaetelina iecieeasiagtpeianinpdeamenman ae . ANN PAGE : A&P FANCY QUALITY TOMATO BEANS - JUICE SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SCHOOL SUPPLIES' ||| * PA2:99. a 19th to 21 st SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY -- CANADA'S FINEST NATURALLY AGED RED BRAND STEER BEEF E ' na: : bi | : 1 2" VINYL BINDER id OLS 'ee Large 2" ring Binder contoins: 150 pages of , i . ia ' i, ' refill with margin, 32 page Excercise Book and | wos : 4 Divider Index Set. Reg. 2.29 Value. aa... ee ARESCE -O 5 | | 2 ; rs, ' HT! Boneless RUMP Boneless _ toogt H4At perats --= 0 : or ROUND ¢ POINT | si9 I .. || sreax roast. tb simom tb - LOOSE LEAF Bottom Cut | ROAST ON REFILLS GIRDLES eas 300 sheets to poly package Rayon Powernet Girdles with hip control at side, satin 8% x 11" size poper with TAG warn. panel in front with lace overlay and 4 garters. Also avail- | Se i able Long Leg Pantie Girdles. Sizes S-M-L-XL. ROUND STEAK BONELESS FULL SLICE OR MINCED ws 89: SPECIAL 1" VINYL BINDER 77° a ae ; BACK BACON _ sworeic, smoxeo, suo v0 69 Binder includes 40 page refill with margin and 5 | &X BRAND 8X BRAND PURE oe "YOUNG ADULT" . \| BEEF BOLOGNA « eux ©39 PORK SAUSAGE ribtry 1.19 SCHOOL OPENING TEENAGE ; 5 i | SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED SEA SEALD eo. |. NYLONS 'as wt || BEEF LIVER so senusss 639 HADDOCK FILLETS b@5e First Quality Seamless Nylons in attractive ode" ig Tender Beige, Rose Tango and Spark Sect tue f 43 fc RGG A Variety Of In-Season Favourites! -- Fresh. Fruits And Vegetables SCHOOL OPENING aap eae © | | SEEDLESS, LARGE CLUSTERS | ees 2 « 83° : | | NOW AT THEIR BEST re Att oe : ae (fo | No. 1 GRADE lb CO am. RAP RITE etek Oe ary © ws ----) ~~ | : BRAZILIAN, NEW CROP PAPER pie ewttnees || (ile ¢ 3 ' ; jo. sg AR BAG I nn nin nae in, MEO Re SOR ene your $ | 5 . T i Keep your school books dry AUGUST SPECIAL tive Jacquered pattern trim. Boys' V-neck OPENING BOXES c cardigans and girls' crew neck cardigans and Fresh, Crisp, Bradford Marsh Grown, No. 1 Grade California Sunkist, "The Pick of the Crop", No. 1 Grade SCHOOL 4 97 pullovers. Assorted colors. Sizes 2 to 6. Reg. $ .88 C RR TS 3-b eellob 19 LE ONS eello ba: of 6 29 SPECIAL |; 2.79 Value SCHOOL OPENING SPECIAL | A '@) hf cello bag ¢ M 0 bag ¢ | Burlington Grown, Staked, No, 1 Grade 'Bradford Grown, Jumbo Size, No. 1 Grade cen TOMATOES 229: CELERY STALKS 2-29: RETRACTABLE BALL PENS , | -- with metal CAPS Tl apie Reg. Price 290 -- SAVE 4e ream! || SWEET RELISH = 12: 25: pr gh STICK ae bain Gs Ot A&P "HOUSE BRANDS": EW/ --. BALL PENS #e= MARGARINE vikate 99 COST YOU LESS! SORTER i q : Y LOR OF CAF LOR OF INK | Delsey White or Coloured Rey. pkg 29¢ -- SAVE 40 Ann Page cm TOILET TISSUE 0012 ols B5¢ CRAYOLA CRAYON BOYS' AND GIRLS' js\ PACKAGED Hostess Tog. Price bag 690 -- SAVE 4e 48 brilliant colored crayons to box a box BILLFOLDS BALL POINT PENS POTATO CHIPS 13-02 bag 65: SALAD DRESSING contains a built-in sharpener. Reg. 79c Value. 5 Retractable Ball Pens with metal caps -- ail Boys' with 3-way zi te ide vie re ; i ae os wing bar Gi Lucky Charis oh desea ral Pyotr: + stick pens in assorted colors Regular, Carefree or Teenage Reg. pkg 51e -- SAVE 18¢ 32-fi SCHOOL OPENING photon or garda MODESS 2 rigs of 12 BMc ox jar SCHOOL OPENIN ¢ Reg. 1.49 Value. Pineanp!e-Orange SPECIAL! SPECIAL ... 6 SCHOOL OPENING ¢€ | ' SPECIAL SPECIAL Del Monte DRINK 48-f-oz tin BD Kraft Salad Pressing AB f | Geisha Mandarin SPECIAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED seal 4 11-02 tins He oo e279, 'TWE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY U7D. AP FOOD STORES DOWNTOWN : | Septombar hee Now On Sale -- WOMANS BAY 2 STORES T OSHAWA OSHAWA O SERVE YOU BETTER SHOPPING CENTRE