Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1965, p. 16

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Bo = iE sa Fee ae 3 14 «=THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 14, 1968 ' ; as : | ¥: | "Times Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Investment" Call The Direct Classified Nuniber 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 13--Articles for Rent 17--Female Help Wanted |17---Female Help Wanted e SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RJ. SCOTT RENTALS BRANCH BUSINESS SERV Rico F SEES VM | OF ALL KINDS |, MANAGERESS , oF of wd 3 goer dee a . REDUCING EQUIPMENT a RESPONSIBLE POSITION OPFICAL IKCTRUMENT 'id | Massaging belts, rowing mo- | pe ren Canada Ltd. EVER MADE , hye pod saerclogs -- all erviewing --- testing : TV--Redio Repairs BYMAN, y $6. --- hiring. Top office skills h Accountants Barristers = nant Sai FUTURE Li j PLiukieR'sTooLs -- pine required, For appointment as career , BOYCHYN, and HILL. , cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- ae peg King. siroot Ent, owe MAN. ie Balitors 36¥2 King! In just a few months you can a oe ype eaaa pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- OFFICE opportunities for awa, pita David G. Perkin, CA; King t Tag Ma ye feeeye'| have a_ highly-paid racggete TV TOWERS ots pipe threading dies, : Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; Willlam . wen BA. LLB, Office: with independerice, and + : ! toilet auger. Hall, B.Comm., CA. ie i nn ror 725-4604; Whitby,| chance to create something ARE THE BEST! PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- OVERLOAD several WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered un378; Foe wok apd and! beautiful every day of your WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! stepladders, aluminum exten- CO. LTD. 5 See nonela Fy 9. Wingy, CAS. Boo life. PAUL POGUE BEAUTY sion ladders, ladder jacks, Industr ial away Ronald F, oe tate Building Trades SCHOOLS en train you to be T R | @) stel ppt. compressors, 728-9431 reas hair-stylist, cosmetician, spray guns, wallpaper steam- i JAMES Chartered SPECIAL ; Your talent is ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, : : ' es eer Suite 205W, Oshawa Shopping salon manager. Your talent i: TELEVISION y pat a A ax Furniture 725-9953. H developed under personal Pd propane to ches, J p eee ener mcaming services| 10% Discount guidance. No advanced edu- | Comer Bond arid Division Bulter's EOUIRMENT --- Monufact epresentatives Complete bookkeeping ng service a "|. On All Orders cation required, Call or write: 728-514 cement mixers, finishing tro- anuracturer Street West, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. _ fr till PAUL POGUE BEAUTY wels, wheel barrows, electric REQUIRES Applicants should be 25-35 JOSEPH GUTMANN, ches Be cng 1 Dene SCHOOLS LIMITED, 2237 ' vibrator, air compressor, jack years of age with @ univer. ant, Licensed Trusieg, BelntiNG, BG. a erioush- | Yonge St., Toronts, telephone TV TOWERS Aster hammers, hand trowels, water WOMAN sity education or equivalent. SeeaRT HOSMAR, Chariored Recount) Work jewtering, cement work 487-2107; or 249 Queens ord 15 SAID A ; pumps, portable heaters, steel Se nk tub : Selling experience is prefer- ALsER Prince Stree Suite 4, Oshawa, soph anew Minin Haors Avenue, London, telephone ECONOMY AND 4o KAVE WHEN DID cao scaffolding, electric generator, con Fh taking hg -- able although not absolutely aa oat Ano ¢0.,| and windows, siding. 439-0101. DELUXE GRRE AME DAMM "tet todo ano Tints MOMIC ENERGY hoor be ee wai ng. typing, 'eccounting e didotes will + bavi mvs YALE, FRIEDLAN dy t ve ae R ik RS ha mR i ; i BECOME EXTiNct 4 jammers, masonry saw, build- " 2 iagates will receive extensive tL ewe Ca a srs a men ready to ser OSHAWA TERMS ANT ANCES a Some Suck ° BOMB EXPLODING DEEP in -TKE. ing 'jacks, mortar ¢ixers, tres. io Salary _commens- training. Excellent opportun- ogg clea NELLIS' HOME DRIVING SCHOOL blpeiraiden : EARTH, BUT THE SOURCE oF ENERGY mortar boxer, chain hoist, eoty a eanperience and | ities for advancement, full iOPKINS iaate AND C0," Che / 10 'years teaching driving es Wa INANE ITT CEN{URY, | FOR AVOLCANO HAS BEEN AMYSERY, miter saw, electric plane, tar- ability to accept responsibli- benefit program, car and ex- tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulle. IMPROVEMENTS automatic and standard cars. OSHAWA TV z Thy Fares akan bts 148. We sgh mea fh paulins, sand blaster, power ties. penses provided, ean, ne Hootiess car | Oshawa ---- 728-2061 Professional instructors. post hole auger, ascillating PHONE AJAX Ba hibke) Ge ioe del re Mr ead at Peterborough -- 745-2184 728-0091 SUPPLY. LIMITED "gee: Aviton Yon oer ee 942-1742 phone or write AI ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME - 8--Articles for Sale \8--Articles for Sale yah ae Barristers UALITY CARPENTRY -- vb led 28 AR PBS --.--..| lene welding outfits, 200 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers , Selick 2 WaITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new eel 728 8180 @ Gravel @ Sand © Stone | amp electric welders, LIBRARY G. K. MacDonald car! rsonal, om een. se Misia: 3, _ aise, R GENERAL 'REPAIRS ice iy licensed ond insured, 668-6176, ° Tite en ee ee BICYCLES S T A N : S CLERK 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Roofing, Painting, Siding, 7 EC ANSGAR semua : TEXACO ras Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, Aiea' we beach Tiles. a i TELEVISION - RADIO ia ld phi a Standord features _ include, Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, coms, General home remod- Winer Fact, i a ae 223 Ki aly ncbiabow and BASTEDO, Barristers | el-ing. All work guaranteed. pi gs gg 24 HOUR SERVICE Texaco Dealer chain guard, Perry Coaster PHONE 793-355, for adult department Solicitors. Mortgages . arranged. hating H. McKOY F25. 8576 estimates, Work Call 668-3524 brakes and> silver brazed 23-3224 Canada Ltd rat 8 Buliding, 2 Egy 28 a we i Cc |guaranteed, 728-7736. SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED frames $34.95 -- McLAUGHLIN ; Eagar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H, Arm M To Loan HOLMES 244 Brock St. South From $34.95 Up RENTALS Box 416 strong. ise THE natn! dBc : PUBLIC LIBRARY JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. | WILL LOAN you up 1 at - Janssen's Power ; 142 King Street ET ; bi te of interest t lidate ELECTRONICS LAWN MOWERS Boating, Camping, L d ' WH B Men ane 7a Ghat kc A ieee we ae ee Saulament Centre Beotinay Camping, Lawn ond | Grade 13 certificate, speidy ITBY, ONT. ST ee Rar ne . i are ea em- t . toes iaicher ond Ag 5 728-0232 ployed ena have, goed credit. Telephone For ig service Toro, Moto-Mower_Massey- Light, dependable and power- Sprayers, Power Tools, Boat and accurate typist. Duties 668-3211 Oe ccemmercial Bullding, 286 King West, 723-463), Ferguson Riding Tractors, ful, Adjustable cutting height -- Box and Cabin Trailers, to commence September Ist. tario. Client Parking avall- h binets, Vanities. |PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If have esi Service on all power equip- " "" 3 3 Soles 70716 oF, 7254717 pau bullt 'cabinets, ond credit, Il! lend you up to" 5000 to ad hitby -- "668-5679 cli opm viewed thathanie oh a «cron re SALES -- SERVICE Apply in person to the Ps As: 668-3610 EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) SSO ON porb crdAb gaNel Bed 'i cornbeek. Tale. FAST T.V. SERVICE duty : ASSISTANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN - LU le Help W VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, | PEE bulging, root |dation of any worthwhile purposes. Tele- From $39.95 U AND REPA ASS TANT CHIEF LIBRARIAN |18--Male Help Wanted _ Bete Se asta, ene i it ae = Se Service Call only $2.80 | pttaar rane ako tae | foe REGISTERED JOIN THE LEADER! ir * nd m - crag Scr yCigK GAY Gat oe Ai" Mortgages DOMINION iter ae antar etna es TENTS Evans and Station Engines | i ABORATORY | fer ovr 20 yor we hove rynan, QC; ba | Re , apt lomelite Saws, Tillers QC, 723-4768) J.C. Victor, 95-7115.) RooRING, concrete floors, flat 'aimee | Pickering. been leading our indystry Mortgages arranged. Fe gt A lg al A near MORTGAGE 728 sore p.m BUYING OR SELLING turnifure or ap-| Heavy waterproofed drill, West Bend Outboard Motors TECH NOLIGIST with the finest products, the and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. e aah os [pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or} sewn-in floor, rear window ' atlers ith : pee . finest. service, the highest Classified Rates NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, LOANS Aa ek guoraatet, COMPLETE S67 --alaarkroam sau. vi loa wae we brah eek any, mequired be lone vox > on pall ght yaoainl Mire! y ier aie . Free) M for first mortgages ¥ " / ; : i ini raignt o ission WoRD ADS we worae vroe [eaineten AC. Woods, 726300"! Goon Morgages o™ _ TV SERVICE Tier, ster si50"'or be afer Unesay! From $39.95 Up WILDE Renae Sih sith but: this is no problem if you rer Ra onal f b- |e yi SOMES u nro | i make money right away. Our additional words 4"ac tt 2% |custom Famodelingealing and Fsst| Lago Me 7% DAY OR_ EVENING sins = tat Be ne eae rece sey, 5% doy an de i ba Nd secutive Insertions. of 94 words $2.88 lri1e,, reoreoms, siding, adaitions, --ge-| ju : 728-5286 at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, RENTAL SERVICE bids night calls. been dot { | additional words 126 rds. $4.32, |rages, cupboard Ge eral repairs. Alli No charge for valuations 78-973). DOMINION PLEASE APPLY TO: en ing so for well over mncutive, Ingertions of 34, we work guaranteed, Call 728-3489, C. ©.) Mortgages and Agreements OSHAWA CAST IRON Gilson 011 furnace Including and SALES Administrator ten years, We pay top com- S--Ravains--oa-- wees | ,Durchosed ELECTRONICS --_sitpines: burer"ant contro "in gon 1415 Dundes St. E, Whith st missions weekly a orders are Cae > 0 ae ini 5 Tees rie" | Money for second mortgages Sliad aot, sine i July [Condition General, Electric 'heavy duty TIRE STORE 7 ay Y Oshawa Clinic received plus full commission charge If sgl ig : Fast service |_Closed Saturdays during July |steve. Apply 141 Church Street. | Telephone 668-3226 ' on, plentiful repeat business. tu Method of counting -- Less than 24 CARPENTRY of | of ait kinds, cement work, eh l7 EAL CEACAND G i i ) ETERS Hecht cadet So Ate 117 King St. E '4 i ords; each word, 4 d FALL SEASON SOON" VIKING washing machine, wringer type: " . Your accounts are protect: ' Toil, figure 'er. abbrevition counts ohana M. F. SWARTZ TV CHECK-UP, NOW ee gts ecvers oth in Good, wereise| pte" Sia eh 14--Business Opportunities| Oshawa There is no doorto-dosr sail ' as one word? phone number OUND TT PAVING "ic amuare tore| 20/2 King St. East 7 qualified servicemen THREE ROOME of lutions GS S| -------- = WINDSOR PLAZA -- 950 sq. ft. store ing. No cash investment but sjediiueahet cludes grading and fill, two-year guaran- Oshawa, gle b down payment $15 monthly at Honest FREE er wi requires shoe i eee SECRETARY car is necessary. Our most BIRTHS -- sac aig ei tee oa i 723-4697 TR LO: Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191, | Hove your furnace cleaned |weer or men's be successful men are between SOCIAL NOTIC YOUR SOCAL CHIMNEY Cleaner. Cir) WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- FREE this summer. and guar- _|Sibby's Real Est FOR forty and sixty plus, Local $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- ineys built and repaired; gas linings TELEVISION ture or anything you have, The City GROCERY ana. Manager 'read # not paid within 8 installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates.| Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street} anteed trouble-free all winter, | 1 and Variety Store business. ger ready to train you, pp ogg charges if si 723-2997. SUMMERLAND 728-5143 South 923- 1671. | if you purchase the best cil peered yee For a rap ae LAW OFFICE There is a Permanent posi- ad --_-- ---- oe -- ent; nm FOR | y SECURITIES CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re-|TYPEWRITERS, a from Western Oil Co.--Call |Stradeski Real Estate, 72-4681. tion, sound future with the IN MEMORIAMS as and Se {2IL types of cement work. Frank McCann, Shi All ware guaranteed. ne yeanitime clocks, new and rebui y today. | : Certified Electric Company, a eta bee, te 9 [oe oem eee ae oan Simeon St. North Rvnia tp st Fee etait rst te 725-1212 [17--Female Help Wanted | Eerienced, Excellent solory | Dundas, Ontario. Wait us chai not pe io - B | aT 8 ze its. t ' eae Cartage Teer SE EOe, ° 'Well ew ate se, ikepine" | ails pseriag canine, \cuPaoaros, two, meta, 60" high by : se Washi A ge canoe om THANKS Imre tiacterery and jar Cawnes| Mortgage Money [wai bien oy cine speciation Ree aan a ee" A Ty BOX 508 COOK i; f 30-Inch til y we , sell, rent, me $2.00 for the first 35 words ond se | Call_725:9843. Open for contracts. Available Street West, iy, 058.2563 or 668-3809. | Itrade with budget terms. New' and. used. | |HONEST CAL'S Furntutre and Appli- OSHAWA TIMES each thereafter, with 25c additional |JOHN'S MOVING, St Storage and Cartage Low Interest !Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, _Raglan, ances. Name brands at highest discounts ' Full 7 charge if not paid within 8 days, lreasonable rates, fully insured. Call 2--Personal FREEZER -- with fast freeze section,|anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- Pully experienced, required COMING EVENTS | fost fas hentai sce ae RENO Member Ontario tes Cor cat OO. eh at ee Le GE tener Coke daca aan WORKERS | for modern hospital, dietary $2.10 per Inch (display) $1.50 for the Dentistry - |. Mortgage Brokers Association | Removal of superfluous hair | Phone 725-2802, __ |424 King Street West, 728-9191. CLERK department. Good salary and first 20 words and 5¢ each thereafter. BALERS BRED Dental Sargonn| [PRIVATE and corporate monies for all| Marie Murduff will be in TELEVISION _ Aarniral 2 inch, blond: | piano = Suitable for. recreation room| Electronic ierutdohines fa. benefits, 5 day (40-hour) 3 (Word Ads.) LEK, . Cc. B., pial = mortgages. Mortgages and agreements Oshawa Sept. 13th, 14th, coffee table with drawer, bion: One| or cottage. Telephone 725-4238. ; : ' ur. AUCTION SALES dppoinimnent, 7285842 'or Res, 7oe-844),,""jof sale purchased. Creighton, Dryna 15th, Phone Genosha Hotel [Used aluminum door. Atter 6 p.m., quires @ number of addition- TYPIST week, Hospital, medical and & 42.10 PER INCH INSERTION - 7 |pinst awe ~SRCOHDrigoae tle on these dates for appoint- Maw, sab icon le za |9--Market Basket cn oes pot ea Pension plans. Pi DEADLINES |Oressmaking _ pen agreements purchased and sold. Hennick, ment. pairs to all, cane New hoses. Phone ORDER FOR FREEZER, roasting chick-| ing plan, Steady employment, Must be experienced, 4 > | DRESSMAKING All Kinds of ladies'|and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street] ELECTROLYSIS Jack Lees, 72 Ne jens, four pounds $1.35; three pounds $1.15. Openi ilabl do & WORD ADS \wea. High qu ry work, Call Agnes) East, 723-7232. | 723-4641 STEREO Hi-Fi -- Custom built, AM-FM,|Delivery on order of ten or more. Tele- penings available on coy , General office duties, PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON To ? 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Dressmaking, 668. . |Stereo FM, multiplex, mahogany cab-|phone 728-5291, oo shift 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or DIRECTOR OF PERSONN FOUN: | DRESSMAKING -- 'Gili coals, dresses, Optometrist | ints, Phone Whitby 668-4887, | RASPBERRIES 1 night shift 4:30 p.m, - 11 apply: EL ard ge i gy a alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a) '5--Trailers |KEEP your basement dry with an Elec-|own. 20c a pint. Ste p.m. wae specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |; RICHARD BLACK: OD. 136 Simcoe trohome for only; Street North, Whitby. 723-419) 9 a.m. day of publication COOKS Trac Narn tayaha 8 P18 SIMCOR) RASPRERRIES for sale. Pick your own| APPLY IN PERSON PLEASE | 273 Simcoe St. South OSHAWA \Gardening end Suppli ies |at ten cents a pint. John Nosowenko, RR sea i |1, Brooklin, 655-4710, Highway No, 7. b Fst Pay ean tah TLS B THAT! [Painting and Decorating | rp A ER CAL ES and apeliances. Oe lean 'iy Prey ween Brovghem ana trettn' CROVEN INVOICE GENERAL BIRTHS AND DEATHS | | { 'umn: | | : J': |LARGE Willamet Raspberries at Chom- ae eget aiI8 sith, Cay previee PAINTING AND Simcoe St. North MATTRESSES! MATTE Best|ko's Farm, Pick en gp tg 10.30 LTD TYPIST CANCELLATIONS AND DECORATING Clearance sale starts today. .|values -- lowest prices, spring-filled mat-|a.m, No children under 14, Telephone : CORRECTIONS LAWN SEEDS | INTERIOR and EXTERIOR B d tresses from $14. Wilson's Mattress Pal-| 668-4606 regarding picking days d fi HOSPITAL PF PUBLICATION : uy now and save. ace, 20 Church Street, o> 500 Beech S$ Good at figures 9 A.M. DAY O FERTILIZERS | Broadioom, Custom Draperies 2 only 15° citations. HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, biped Ry gee . orchera, noch aiemet, Experienced or grode 12 BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ PEAT MOSS | FREE ESTIMATES i pled i --. $299. No down payment. Open evenings! Thickson Road North, Whitby. : WHITBY graduate. fete open, | 3 15' di j til 9 Honda Shop, 199 King West. | ' ca ye og Peg 9 pam aed ae sigh or ha 2 only 16" Glenelles, (fully [Biel fama oe" SOP" Kine Wel FRESH VEGETABLES. Waller Horan Bookmobile the "savertiaars as soon as possible Sorte 2 3 EEE a equipped) TYPEWRITER portable $30. Standard! North Service Road. ie) SURE. FIT D . we accept, no liability in respect of | BUG KILLERS PAINTING AND DECORATING, cheaper) 1 On 17° Glendette (sh $35. Adding machine $40, Electric 1.8.M.| soraroEs, $1.75 bushel. F : es river-Clerk loss or damage BEES a Lg --_ | COW MANURE lrates, Also chimneys cleaned. All work Bates seule: lette OW ~ |{ypewriter $40. Electric cash register '|tor Bowmanville. and Gohewe AJAX through either failure or delay in for- dtl alle 723-3317, r Cc ith . he 263-2150. warding such replies, however caused | PURINA DOG MEALS "p | Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m. |auy AND SELL = Good used furniture) on" = F U N $$ 942-150] required by r ence « | 'The Times" wil not be responsibie for | MASTER DOG MEALS 'Plumbing and Heating Closed on, Sunday. Fea ean nie sacar *510--Farmer's Column caaimtn abaie --eaee we McLAUGHLIN eos a ice ck al tal alan de PURITY DOG MEALS {ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, = ca |FURNITURE -- mree rooms, new qual-/FOR SALE -- 21 foot auger, used on®| Ladies to demonstrate a full. (to come in and care for inree children, PUBLIC LIBRARY five days per week. Vicinity of Lupin |Drive and Highway No, 2, Whitby. Live = |also all types of welding done, reason- |bedroom, living room, kitchen embles.|pelled combine; new Holland baler with line of toys ond gifts. Sept. | | | REGULATIONS | PET SUPPLIES jrates, Estimates tree. 723-1191. J. Foley.|TRAILER HITCHES made and installed,|ity furniture, only $299, inc. -complete|season; 10 feat Massey. Harris. self-pro- j | | | | | | ik REL esi Ability to dri The Oshawa Times will not be re / |ALL PLUMBING and heating supp Pay only $3 wkly, Unbeatable value!|V-4 "Wisconsin" air cooled motor; Inter-| Oct., Nov, Commission. Car out preferably. Call 668-8587 after 6 p.m. rive @ tractor sponsible for errors in advertise PLAY SAND | Telephone 725-3521, Harold H, Stark Ltd. mae Portahie equipment for 'rent, Tl warena' 'dome Furnishings, 424 Simcoe|national Farmall M tractor with front] essential --- mo investment, WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE it yoo trailer and 1965 chauf- ments submitted otherwise than = in | Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225 ee |South. end 'loader, and corn scufflers to fit trac] Gdeliveri Ilecti We cian eh t Phd feurs licence in. good stand. writing not for more than one inser- Simcoe Street South PLYWOOD TRAILER, i7-foot, two- ans for; International tandem disc; ten inch| Oe lveries or collection, We jenloy working three or four nours a day ee # tion of any advertisement nor be- | COOPER ie SMITH --------= |burner stove, ice box and Propane| PIANO, | upright, peg lcd ait." $100. |John Deere three-furrow plow. Both hy- will train you, Pep as sh BE rate et 3 sraup) ine seuetial, To assist book- yond the price charge for # single | COMPANY 'Rug- Upholstery Service Hebe ale GRE tle ih ain A ten pus AAR Rll |draulic, Mr. Wind, Newcastle, 987-4948 m ' fo be established I and rena Cate} mobile librarian in clerical insertion in which error occurs. fetus Bho cnn | NSN Os ELCS SOS. LECCE TO RRERIGKRATOR, PHC). slove, We |San sare ale chaimacy conmine, CALL NOW ! and are willing to make light deliveries,| duties. Applications close The Oshawa Times reserves the right 16 CELINA STREET OSHAWA |MOBILE HOME, Deluxe, 50 ft. x 10 ft.,|Clary Easy; gray oval Arborite' table, | mode! 66, A-1 condition. Telephone Whit-/ PEGGY LANGILLE etc, write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept.| August 19, 1965. aie. fising aceording to three bedrooms, fully furnished. Will ac-jand four turquoise chairs; two Hollywood!) ¢¢a sng, 668-2992. \ SAQ45, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreal 32, to classify advertising ording tf ent. Phone| couches, Private, All new condition. Ajax Rata ae esi we tal! fi bi i er classification. 723-1 139 cept furniture as part paym: ie 728 3608 for full detalis and free useable sam- > Bron . lop nd Ushalitaw Clear 668-8497 or can be seen at 1010 Dudnas 942-2143. froritaina tara earaeen Bei bs ples. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour, Apply To In the cases of display advertisements We Deliver Pag hae yo ae lla Ae SETA RRS naneaeC |DIAMOND RING -- "$120 or best offer. Tey? l\vacny oaagse [LVCR NSE D Nalreresser , exverienced CHIEF LIBRARIAN The Times will not be held respon | ------------- fe Hie At our plant or in your |1960 GLENDETTE nouse trailer, 15 foot,|Telephone 728-0229. HWAD and crpled TW BGR pies wanted for downtown shop. ible for more space than that whic ome. fi fi Apply 580 Grierson Street try. Gi nt ani | Telephone 725-9572 Py 8 ine the aonial error' occupies The | FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS CALL 725-9961 [ters io aeald jQNER. CRAVING "coustry, ace dak att Anon Cae ha bay CASHIERS [sree 8 McLAUGHLIN " bat ea IVR rake te e. jampton, er verine Tater ceca: Ot assume 94 BRUCE STREET TENT TRAILER + sleeps four, in good| Phone 725-6974. 263-2721. Licence 389-C-6: . |SINCERE YOUNG WOMAN to help PUBLIC LIBRARY no liability of advertisement if. any - Condition. Phone 723-3716 after 4, eVve-'1945 SUZUKI 80, tweive hundred mil _ care for two co Hight y inaccuracies in any form are contained RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab- "ings excellent condition, $300, Whitby 668-3176, 11--Pets and Livestock PART - TIME live In, | in, sa phone 125-5494, E therein. se jlished 17 years. Complete range of ma- |15-FOOT Citation travel trailer. Brand|6-!1 p.m, bath aes FULL a nied. Phone NG NEER Laid and Delivered. ...also --_{teriais. Workmanship. guaranteed five Slnew, never used. Apply: to John Maw. /BED, 20°, also 397 bed, glass cabinetie, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready fori Must be experienced. Apply |Gerd's 'Pickincchicken foe vane | Any advertisement. cancelled before Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid jyears, Free estimates. Credit terms. myrtle, Ont. : cena 4 4 728-1264 raining, talking strain, Apply Mrs, T. publication will be charged one day's | and Delivered Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. d Sond _onaltion.. Talemnane. 740-1 _..|Broad, 114 Elgin East, | in person, The Manager. Hust have Grade' th and ferprances "Te: " : ist » 287 . . mM ee i TRANCH Vachde thnk Boe iia CALL Avenve. Jesanie s commery' 7 O*"|6--"Marine Equipment ----_|/AcchARY, setieretor, 9c" "0 SORE RAHCN ra Fa Bagi quired" apely mm serven 'sere nooe| = REQUIRED 7 | a" "" pits iia tat en tate he RE ore eRe DIT AELAD hte Ba US, se -- -- -- -- " i" 4 tai Fee Wea IT'S EASY TO tater MAPLE LEAF |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re. MOTOR -- 5 HP. Good condilion, reason-|REGENT wringer washer. ~ Telephone! stock, Pups, stud service, boarding, Ash- ' Ab aNN ed te tnt TIMES ACTION WANT AD tL Londecaninn ond Garden Service |covered like new. Ge! the vest for, less|abl@. Phone 723-6064, =| 703. 5038, |burn 655-4662 weekends. WOMAN to mind two children, co Minimum 4th class, Retired Call Classified Direct } 1 "Lat Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street|14_ FOOT BOAT, 25 H.P. Mercury, and| RANGE, Mollat Fiesta, siainiess steel| HORSES for sale. Beautifully matched Mn cn hee engineer acceptable. Apply 723-3492 | 5-061 South. Call 728-6 ti | TEE-Nee trailer, $300. Telephone 723-7717. high oven and permanent base, like new.|team, chestnut mare: Hight mane and SUPERMARKET <a ; ior Gall to } . |CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered Tala FOOT PACESHIP moulded plywood| Wo Window conditioners. Waterless cook- us Ar years old. $1,100. L. Trotter, Ue ive Bh hank Counselor' i aoe | CITY WIDE Styled. Free estimate, See our material|boat and trailer, In good condition. Will|ware, Never used. 725-0191, oH otis bl ee er tce ene 5 | EAST area, or call for products. Telephone INDEX TO | __ SHARPENING ----iar'"covring Ontos Upnierng 7s septnny S18. "Yelopann TabSr4| SPACE" HEATER, Coleen, sbi _Tor WHITE Teta pate, Ot KING ST. BAST | Durham Growers | } iu ou rT viser, ect|cottage. 100 gal. oll tank and stove pipes.|champion stock, $ includes registra- 7 BT ae ag Se gaa eg ai one REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS _ | harles Street 723-7212 --|Eondtiton, three years. old, 40 Norse, Evine|Brocklin 6SS-4971.. pipes ltion. Telephone 723-109 se MATURE WOMAW ip ive iW ahd "cre! Co Operative St Ltd CLASSIFICATIONS Sharpening © and Repairs. |CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered Vand re- lrude and. trai $1000, Apply 353 Powell FLY KILLING system, completely wolc-| FOR SALE arched ghennard ------ for two small children while mother | 0-Uperative orage 4 Shears, scissors, knives. Quick lag: Pha deen rai sd "Gonolsterings 75" K-Mart. | matic, Try tor one month for - $3.50.| six weeks old. See same at ay ore Apply 354 King Street East (side Newcastle recoveri i i Sperenat aha service. Pick-up and delivery. [charles Stree! 723-7212 |15¥ FOOT Sheperd | runabout @ and motor, |Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200. Steak and Burgers, Highwey No, 12.) CLERK HOUSEKEEPER "gestae om ge amen's Column SHARPENING BY MACHINES \like new. T 725-22! | SWIMMING POOL -- Chemicals ana) WDitby. four children, three school-age. Refer- 987 4852 5--Trallers 248 8Q b St., 725-0500 \Sales end Se e OVERNIGHT CRUISER -- i7-4., 40 HP|equipment for sale. deliver, Call Cul-|GERMAN SHEPHERD, six months oid. ances. Call 723-5476 after 7 jer 7 p.m. - 6--Marine Equipment uebec chord ttt | Evinrude. Trailer. Best offer. Keen Kraft/ligan, Whitby 668-2200. =» [Has papers, $50. Telephone 728-7236, MATURE WOMAN lo care for three MT) Bat ol Moai gag | FENCING USED | BICYCLES Marina, Frenchman's may _|WASHING MACHINE, $20.; large wheei-- POODLES -- Black, male, registered, children in motherless home, Live in iss "A Ch cahares on ematorines perme, Uva") MECHANICS WANTED Homers,| with aptitude for figures. _|city. Telephone 725-6705, No not just standard galvan- Pai rbonatahsethuid acl MCD OED for lout windshield, speedometer, plus many|structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|morner, Tumblers, Helmets, Lahores. Excellent Opportunity for girl pen i cng ey oh a CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP ized chain link, but, electro- 10--Farmer's Column 11--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted --Market Basket 2 std 5 Repairs to all makes of bi- |S004 condition, Telephone 725-6347. |Apply 257 Adelaide West. YOUNG PIGEONS for Oe 16° GREW runabout, convertible top, fold- [TELEVISION TOWER' SPECIAL -- 40-ft, Rollers, Nuns, Carriers, joons, Kor- | BOUGHT AND SOLD |SAILBOAT -- -- 16 ft. sloop. Asking $210,/Darrow, $20.; wooden storm door, $8./needles, papers. $100. Whitby 668-5426. | cycles. Lawnmower repairs. ; $ lytic and galvanized ofter 1 . ith .initiati d bit six hours per day. .725-1644. 13--Articles for Rent ea) for Tecum- included, single alj-channel antenna com- bali 668-3278 froma 6-9 bm. wi initiative and ambition baccarat a ea 2 vinta BARE ORO ARAL se meinens Opportunities weave chain link. Fencing for pers gig 'products [paeas eee ree mnent pete installed, fax included, guaran-/ 1 ------| to learn all phases of metal F bePh es scows Keenan came | Ma men only {aap sey: 15--Employment Wanted y A Te eledermreent one year, $50. See all towers * bio, work. ly in person, Aci %, lean, modern shop facilities ls-Employment, W Sra wanna ine AJAX CYCLE ond SPORTS | FIGREGLASS BOAT, 196 regal 1073 0 TR10 Television, corner Bond and. DWV 13--Arti . | for Rent office procedure. 299 Bloor West, and other benefits. IeoMele Help. Wented Hetteand Lorescasing 725- BARWOOR Arce pct eneay auiy Gator" trailer Cail inet - Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Write stating, age, experience EXPERIENCED cash cashier. Apply y in pe person Contact in person 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 1721 } Telephone 942-1551 723-9170. [TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- «foot Tower | es, Cutlery, Glasses, 'Coffee and salary expected to rine Street N an eee, Aeste, ders DOUG HART 20--Real Estate for Sale Sniotininintenintemsinlesicnniiaiindiisen| PNR Bie up on ond delivery --_------- Eggi bl Ty supply Limited. 34t| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal WANTED i " ae : 5 Pa a Service 'Manager rw lA | GUARANTEED we erney --Swap and Barter |Gibbons. Street, 728-8180. Wear, Men's Formals, White B ~~ y frit: to. show. our dhe ig NORTHSIDE 21--Farms for Sale | CEDAR TREES | CANVAS awnings; curtains, canopie | F F Mink Stol our luxuriou: ir 22--Lots for Sale GREEN BUS Complete service. Free estimates. Me' THTUBS, $10; basins $2) pressure|OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, | Ox Furs, Min oles. {cares to Retr re pero age ae ex: CHRYSLER DODGE 23--Real Estate Wanted E AND BUSHY FOR | Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. systems, $35; sinks, $8.95; cabinets, $35; figure work, custom picture framing " \perience ne ir exciting catalogue 24--Stores, Offices and Storage | HEDGES ETC, -- FREE ES | sit --------=evenentetcennienennnneen| HORS, Motors; trallers. (new), $119.50. H. BS Studio, evenings and weekends. | SARGEANT'S RENTALS OSHAWA TIMES Heeler ol 7 Herne z= - Bolg (WHITBY) LTD 25--Houses tor Ren , : : jChinn, 723-7088. 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitb N EX rcgy m easy to'get plenty of orders, Apartments for Rent Teneo. PORN ITY 0b 'Septic Service -- jLAWN. og Teco, 18 ais ier | anton Rae Ss Ee eae ar ne ot A oe Cards ---- fer Chretien tara or Green) ane inervou tan wine sone 27--Rooms for Rent POSTS AN 3 jeaned,: * service! iS | 2 . ristmas cards on approval and interes! in bettering your %--Room and Board ene eee ogee ae ee 204 [a nl cycle push type lawn mower. Also Gen-/ ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred |novelties, tc. lab dpa. Shia ol wies|{fee catalogue. Monarch Card Co. Dept.|self? if so, why not get acquainted with " =--Wanted to Rent SMITH'S TREE FARM on ca | Smart eral Electric wringer washer with pump.|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- ully illustrated catalogue, samples] 1;%, Haratt one of the Righest "paid "professions > 3--Automobiies for Sale Newtonville ---- Call Collect [ee Hacr9 onae ee EE, Business Phone 725-9187 Pe ce pene eee eee: ppitte vantage Lo pe eee - ree epee Sir | Selling Real Estate, we require an ener- 31--Compact Cars for Sale ' 786-2283. Is | [USED MOTOREVCLES and. scooters,| Cem wane mar RiTchOne Parking. RORDOt ree at teeiitce oni a bo eaekage nae wd are te getic man to hell service our ever 32--Trucks for Sale coe L. urveyors | People Honda, Allstate, Bridgstone. All" in. ex-[Able rates, 728-6315. steer, | chee! age; also light housework Fig. |nereasing. cali." Experienced. man_ Pree 33--Automobiles Wanted ARMSTRONG sod and loam, nursery sod.|H- PLII 4 Sinn the: Proje |cellent condition. The Cycle Shop, 153|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, WAIRDRESSER -- Experienced, full room and board. 728-190: ' ferred... Excellent commissions for the %4--Automodiie Repair gravel, stone and top soll, Telephone|Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone ing tne Praises Simcoe Street South, 725-6611. Open 'til/reduting machines, sick room supplles.|time. Greig's Hair stylings Soaeinvitte right man. For confidential _ interview 35--Lost and Found 725-5864 725-4881 of Oshawa 9pm {Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 3-293! |RAIN ¢ OR SHINE: ------ Want ol Paved Martin, 728-5103, W. ©. Martin, Lega -- neta nm ------ = ae - -- a atles. 'ealtor , " - i io $ STOVE, 30 inch n 1 th CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church GIRL for or babysitting and "tight duties,/ Ads give you speedy help, -n any kind of sit FOES SE NG OE 8 ecconng avert a den ek cubase Patio 7 care eager, Caaaratel: bie pnts Times Classified pear gh et pepaition' its Bd aisle runners: Cleve Fox Rentals, ey ok welcome, Live in, Telephone Alax! weather, To buy, sell, Hire or rent tele-| PLASTERER WANTED. Must be exper' 39--Notices 1728-0610, f Ii Ontarie Street, 725-5632, | Action Ads Street, Ajax, |Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, 5056, [phone 729-3492, wages, Telaphone 725-4647, # i

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