ope ances: JO'S JOURNAL BY JO ALDWINCKLE Women's Editor of The Times Com! and gs and little items of personal interest are jones down ag the journal this week and although as human beings we are all interested in each other it seems there js never enough time to sit and converse about all the major and minor events that swirl around us, How does # nurse feel when she takes off her cap and apron for the last time? Is it with a sense of freedom or does she lay them aside knowing that they will be ready in pyre ind at a presentation thoughts went through my mind at a pres tea wh Miss vn Cole who after 53 years has retired from the nursing staff of Ostiawa General Hospital. Quiet and al- ways cheerful, Miss Cole has been an example to hundreds of young women who have graduated from the OGH School of Nursing during the past half century, It is highly: un- likely that such a record will ever be duplicated; certainly not in the eame circumstances, From Dublin's Fair City As @ girl, Jane Cole lived near Dublin in Queen's County, Ireland. She had a great desire to enter the nursing profes- sion, but to her disappointment the hospital of her choice did not receive young ladies for nursing education until they had reached the age of twenty-one years, In her rest- lessiess, the jure of the west called and with one sister, she sailed for Canada leaving two brothers and a sister at home in the Emerald Isle. The two sisters came to Toronto to visit friends and Miss Cole's attention was drawn to an advertisement in the newspaper for applicants for students for the School of Nursing at the Oshawa General Hospital. After an inter- view with tne superintendent she was accepted and entered the School of Nursing January 19, 1913. Before long her out- standing ability, with ideals and attitudes fundamental to the practice of nursing, and her capacity for leadership were discovered Miss Cole graduated with one other student in 1916 and was the first graduate to receive the Dr. F. J. Rundle award for proficiency in operating room technique. She devoted one year to supervising the obstetrical unit of the Oshawa General Hospital in Llewellyn Hall which is now the Hebrew Synagogue on King street east, After a short period of private nursing in Toronto, she decided to further her knowledge in her chosen profession and attended a post graduate course in operating room technique at the New York Medical School and since that time has continued her duties as operating room supervisor. In 1957 with the opening of the new operating room suite in 5A, she relinquished the more arduous task of head nurse but has continued to give her loyal support in the capacity of assistant head nurse, Half A Century Of Progress Miss Cole has seen the hospital grow from a small place with sixteen beds to its present complex with capacity for 640 patients and has observed and implemented many im- provements during this time. Her own co-operative endeavor has been no small part in the institution of these changes. Now she js leaving her world of disinfectants and an- aesthetics, to spend some time with her sister in Toronto, then maybe (o take a little holiday and ultimately to reside in Oshawa, Will she soak the starch out of her cap? I doubt it, Word has been received here by Mr. R. J. McConnell, Simcoe street south that his sister, Sallie, Mrs, James Mc- Crea of Belfast, Northern Ireland, passed away suddenly of a coronary thrombosis, Mrs. McCrea lived in Oshawa for a number of years and had made many friends who will be saddened by this news, Friends of Mr. Harry Chapman will be sorry to learn that he recentlly had news of the death of his mother in London, England, The sad cablegram arrived at a time when Mr, and Mrs, Chapman were enjoying a visit with Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Cuss of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire and their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Cuss of Toronto, The son and his family came to Toronto in 1958 and the parents are visiting them for a holiday and to see two of the five grandchildren for the first time. The couples were put in touch by mutual friends in High Wycombe, Mr, and Mrs, Willlam Mayes, and exchanged news of Little Theatre activities, The Mayes have been working with the Wycombe Operatic Society for many years, Mr, Mayes as stage manager and Mrs, Mayes as musical director, The group does operettas, English and American musicals and a pantomine every Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Mayes were enjoying their visit very much F and beside commenting on the fine Canadian highways and # beauty spots they had seen, they were captivated by some ' of the unusual aspects of Canadian life; the novelty of tele- phoning for Chinese food or anything they desired, English- style fish and chips, and having it delivered within minutes -- all this at an hour when they would be retiring for the night in the Old Country, A tape recording was made of part of the reminiscences and will be played back to the Mayes family when Mr, and Mrs. Cuss return, "It's Great To Be Home" A few days at home and a chance to catch up on lost sleep has restored his bounce and breezy disposition to the debonair Mr. Michael Starr. His three-week governmental tour in the USSR was exciting but fatiguing, On the out- ward trip he went 26 hours without sleep and once arrived, the schedule was a demanding one with every hour account- ed for, With the advantage of his mother tongue he was able to act as interpreter for the group which meant that he was always in demand. He was gratified that arrangements were made at his personal request for an excursion to the homes of his parents in the Ukraine. His father's village, Ivanie Puste, reminded him of rural Ontario with its good, rich farmland and all the villagers, some two hundred strong, gathered to take a look at these visitors from Kanadie, There was barely time for an exchange of greetings but their smiling faces indicated what they would have loved to say. Mr. Starr also passed throug the village of Pechernia where his mother was born, some thirty miles from Ivanie Puste. Pechernia nestles on the slopes of the Dniester River and is thick with fruit orchards of cherries, plums and peaches. The village is picturesque, a few remaining thatch- ed roofs contribute to an old world scene and it was here that Mr. Sterr had a brief meeting with two first cousins, In Zaluria near Lwil (Lviv) where Mrs. Starr's mother was born, he met two of her aunts. So from a personal point of view the trip held some stirring moments, Other visitors to the USSR have told me that they have found it impossible to meet or communicate with ordinary perple. The guided tours are so filled with sightseeing and entertainment from early morning to late at night that there is no opportunity to wander at will, With official duties to perform as well the situation must be almost suffocating. There may be a purpose in this surfeit of hospitality, but even on this continent in our enthusiasm to show our visitors a good time we are inclined to overdo it. We al- = killed the Queen with kindness on her coast to coast jour Something Old Something New... Of special interest at the Stata -- Lemon wedding re- cently for "something old", a good luck token, the bride, the former Miss Donna Jean Lemon, carried a hand-made lace-bordered handkerchief made by her great-grandmother, Sarah Jane Gilders of Bowmanville, The handkerchief is a prized possession of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. A. W. Nesbitt. The lace is tatted and Mrs, Gilders was close to 88 years old when she made it. Balance of Nature Notes: Ching Ling has had three field mice and a cliff swallow this week and is refusing canned food indicating that I should provide wild game and poultry, Late correction! four field mice! UsT 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, August 14, 1965 Jo Aldwinckle, Telephone 728 - 3474 fo; Mrs, William Reed, Lloyd street, has returned from a tour in the Maritimes, From 8t. Andrew's by the Sea, New Brunswick, she and her travel- ling companion, Mrs, Frank Boughton of Weston took the three-hour crossing by ferry to Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy. Their guest house there had been the home of a sea captain and they enjoyed the atmosphere along with . the home-baked bread and rolls, Their route home took them throught the states of Maine, New. Hampshire, Vermont and across Lake Placid, New York, with side-trips and sightseeing all the. way. Mrs, J. J, Peterson, nee Pear! Storie, and children, Denis and Karen, have returned to Minne- apolis after a summer holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Women's Editor / r Women's Department three weeks, Prior to leaving, a bon voyage party was held at the Morrison summer cottage in Bobcaygen, attended by the family and close friends at Bob- caygeon, Mr, and Mrs, Morrison were presented with a piece of luggage and other small gifts, Miss . Beverly Bull, whose marriage takes place this after. noon in St, George's Memorial Church, to Mr, David John Douglas Helmer, has been enter- tained at several showers and presentations, A .neighborhood shower was held with Mrs, Hazel. Malloy and Mrs, Hilton O'Neill as hostesses, Mrs. John Gaskell and Miss Sandra Gas- kell entertained wi « miscellan- eous shower and Mrs, George West gave a linen shower, Mrs, Alde Chiasson and Thomas Bull gave a miscellaneous shower, The students at T, R, Me- Ewen Senior Public School made a presentation 'of pyro-ceram and glass ware and the staff presented the brids-slect with a A, G. Storie, Simcoe street north, Mr. Ralph Burton, Simcoe street south, is home from a motor coach tour across the continent, Travelling through the United States to Seattle, Wash- ington, he enjoyed stopovers at Reno, Nevada; Portland, Oregon, 'and other points of interest and scenic beauty, From Seattle. he journeyed to Van- couver, British Columbia, and crossed to Victoria on Van- couver Island. En route home through the Canadian Rockies he surveyed the splendors of Lake Louise and Banff and stopped briefly at Calgary and Winnipeg, but long enough to purchase some ten-gallon cow- boy hats for his grandchildren. Tampa, Florida. lceremony in the chapel of King ton, New Zealand, has been a white linen tablecloth and nap- kins, The Ist Oshawa Air Rangers made a presentation of a stainless steel tray. Mr, and Mrs, Jelle Bakker, and family, Colborne street east, are holidaying at Lake St, Peter, Hastings County, Mr, and Mrs, James Mac- Donald, Hillside avenue, had as their guests last week the latter's cousin, Mr. Thomas Macauley and Mrs, Macauley of | Mrs, Cecil Manson of Welling:| guest of her cousin, Mrs, James MacDonald and Mr. MacDonald, Hillside avenue, Mrs, Manson Mr, and Mrs. D. J, Leach, Grierson street, have had as their guests, for the past three weeks, Mr, and Mrs, W. OQ, Hughes and their daughters, the Misses Lynne, Patricia and Janet Hughes, of Vancouver, who is a writer is on her first visit to Canada. She is particu- larly interested in researching the historical past of her family (the Macauleys), She has now left for Saint John and Sussex, New Brunswick, and will travel Mr, and Mrs. Leach and family and their guests spent two weeks at a summer cottage on Lake Baptiste, near Bancroft. Mr, and Mrs, John Helmer, Miss Elizabeth Helmer and Mr, Edward Helmer Groydon, Lon- don, England, have arrived in Oshawa to attend the Helmer- Bull wedding in St, George's Memoria! Church this afternoon, out-of-town guests attending are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adamson, and Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Bull, all of Belleville; Mrs, Harry Austin, Tweed; Mr, and Mrs. George Van Loon, Don Mills; Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Moseley, John and Christopher, Montreal; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Reid and Mr, and Mrs, Wendell Deare, all of Pickering; Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hill and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lovelock, all of Brooklin; and Miss Annie Bull, Colling- wood, Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Morrison, Marland avenue, are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, George Brown and Mrs, Brown, Saugus, California, for SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Vivtor Tilling, Oshawa, announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter, Joyee Victoria, to Mr. Alistar Jackson Lee Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders: son of Ajax. The ceremony is to take place in Centre Street Unit- ed Church on Saturday, August 28, 1965, at 2:00 p.m. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, William John Newton wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Catherine Violet, to Mr, Robert Frank Daniel, son of Mr, and Mrs. Roland Daniel, Whitby, The ceremony will take place on Saturday, September) 118, 1965 at St, Mark's United! Chureh, Whitby. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Clements wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol, te Mr. Roy Harold Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Reginald H. Evans, all of Osh. awa, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, September! 18, 1965 at 12 o'clock noon in Holy Cross Reman Carpatie) Orleans, tracing the voyages of a sea captain, Burk street, are guests this by her daughter, Miss Sharon ed at a trousseau tea in her to Cape Cod, Miami and New her great grandfather who was Mr, and Mrs, A. E, Blatch, week of their daughter, Mrs. W. T. C, Wilson and Mr, Wilson, Fonthill, Ontario, Today's Bride Feted At Showers Miss Frances Margaret Brit- ten, whose marriage takes place this afternoon to Mr, John The chapel of King Street. United Church was the set- ting for the marriage of Patricia Gail, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bab- possible after the ceremony, In a double-ring candle-light Street United Church, the Rev- erend John Porter united in marriage Patricia Gail Babing- ton and John Patrick Caines. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Babington and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. Jack Caines and Mrs; Alice Caines, all of Oshawa, | Mr, Ernest Fellows, assistant minister at King Street United Chureh, sang "O Perfect Love" accompanied by Miss Hazel Rundle at the organ, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal gown of lustrous peau de sole, Chantilly lace comprised the lily-point 'sleeves and bodice, which had a scalloped scoop neckline and an empire waist- line, enhanced by a peau de sole bow, The semi-A-line skirt had soft folds falling from the back waist into a bustle effect and flowing into a ola chapel train. Her floral headdreas held her pearl trimmed circular veil WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Caines - Babington of silk illusion and she car- ington, to John Patrick Caines, son of Mr, Jack Cains and Mrs, Alice Caines, all of Oshawa, Ireland Studio You are asked to submit the ried a Bible crested with pink sweetheart roses. The maid of honor was Miss Marion Caines and the other at- tendant was Mrs, Alan Stacey, wearing identical gowns of white organza eyelet embroidery over pink chanteen and carrying bou- quets of pink and white carna- tions and gladiolus, Mr, Harvey Pyke was the best man and Mr, John Babington) was the usher. Miss Patricia Ward whose marriage to Mr. Kurt Zander is to take place this evening in the. Westmount United Church has been honored: on several occasions, Mrs. Gordon Brown held a miscellaneous shower in. her home with Mrs, Ewart Dunn and Miss Marilyn Langmaid as co-hostesses, Mrs, Emerson Vance, Mrs, Jack Flewell and Miss Carolyn Flewell entertained for t future bride' in the home of Mrs, Vance where relatives and friends from Oshawa, Toronto and Claremont attended, Attendants of the. bride-elect, Miss Elaine Edwards and Miss Anne Lindley of Burlington en- tertained at the former's home with a kitchen shower, The bride-elect's former . university and Teachers' College friends attended from London, Belle- ville, Toronto, Burlington and Oshawa. | Miss Caryne Wright and Mrs, R, L. Dawson were hostesses at the future bride's home for a neighborhood shower, Miss Margot Morris and Miss Linda Taylor entertained a number of former High School friends at the home of Miss Morris with a cup and saucer) shower, | At Lorelei, Miss Ward and Mr, Zander were presented with a food mixer, a Polterabend in Club Showers, Trousseau Tea Honor Patricia Ward, A Bride Of Today hook was Miss Debra Flewell,| & cousin of Mice Ward, | Miss Anne Lindley was in charge of the personal trous: seau room, Miss Elaine Edwards attended a weddii ift room, while Miss Edit nder and Miss Louise Tam- blyn were in charge of shower gifts and wedding gifts, Mra, Jack Flewell, Mrs, Emerson Vance, Mrs Vance and Mrs, Wi aunts of Miss Wa with Mrs, Henry dmother of the bride honorary assistant, 8 of the future bride, Mrs, Ronald Flewell, Mrs, Dean Betty Fvans were assisted v4 Miss Margot Morris, Miss Lin: Taylor and Mrs, Gerald Shar+ loch in serving, ¥ollowing the wedding re- hearsal, the bridal party was. entertained in the home of the future bridegroom's, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Zander, MacMillan drive, ed KAYE'S LARGE SIZES SHOPPE SIZES trom 14V4 + 32% and Reg. 38 to 52, LOVELY LARGE Size BATHING SUITS end : SUMMER PLAY SUITS.» 4 King St, BOWMANVILLE Evans, Miss Deanna Vence,| Miss Carolyn Flewell and Miss 623-3102 VACATION ANNOUNCEMENT The staff at Jordan Florist will be on vocation from Aug. 16 te 29, OPEN AS USUAL MON,, AUG. 30 We hope you have @ safe and happy summer as well, JORDAN FLORIST 120 ARLINGTON 720-9443 Mrs. Joseph Ward held a tea ih honor of her daughter, Mrs, Bernhardt Zander, the future bridegroom's mother, the bride- elect and Mrs, Ward received the guests, Attending the guest erence to the rule for washing foundation garments frequently, Laundering in soap or detergent suds keeps foundations fresh and odor-free and protects them against the deteriorating effects of perspiration, GREATER NEED TODAY And now that foundation gar- jments are not controlled by metal plates or dagger stays, they need washing more than ever, It's those cleansing suds, you know, that restore a girdle and bra to shape after a day's gn Hin FURNITURE ORAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 stretch--and thereby make shape so much more shapely. our The reception was held at the | eum home of the bride's parents on Colborne street east, where her mother received, wearing a champagne beige suit of ribbon lace trimmed with beige satin and mauve accessories, The bridegroom's mother assisted wearing ® navy blue sult of jer- sey with a white blouse, As the couple left for a Niagara Falls honeymoon the bride was wearing a navy blue suit with navy blue and green accessories, Mr, and Mrs Caines will make their home at Buckingham Manor, Apartment 16, Simcoe street north, Oshawa, Arthur Shiel, has been enter: everal showers and parties, A miscellaneous shower was phe at the home of Miss ynda Hatfield by sorority sis- ters of the bride-elect. The! hostess was assisted by Mrs, Neil McLean, and guests in- cluded the teaching staff of Col- lege Hill Public School and high school friends of Miss Britten, Mrs, Earl Campbell, assisted Campbell, opened her home for a neighborhood linen shower, The women of Selkirk Bap- tist Church, Selkirk, Ontario, where the prospective bride- groom is the pastor, held a kitchen shower in the Sunday school hall, Mrs, Fred Britten entertain- daughter's honor, Those attend- ing were Mrs, Basil Oke, a@ sis- ter of the future bridegroom, the. bridal attendants, Miss Ruth Britten, Mrs. Robert Duncanson, and Miss Sharon Campbell. Pouring tea were Mrs. . Wil- liam Pearn, Miss Evelyn Gay, and Mrs, Harrison Peacock, As sisting in serving were Mrs, Earl Campbell, Miss Lynda Hatfield, and Miss Ruth Yeo, Following the rehearsal last night; Mr, and Mrs, Fred Brit- ten,- assisted by Miss Evelyn Gay, entertained the wedding party at their home on Thomas) street, } When need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N, Nurse 725-2211 "Heme-Nu Care for ivinvoue® HAMPTON offerin FRESH FRO " 7 miles East of the § points corner Tounten and Scugog Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville, Open Daily 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. the district's finest ITS and VEGETABLES and SOFT ICE CREAM @ Special Prices On Freezer @ Foods In Quantities PHONE 263-2193 GARDENS BUY THE BEST AT BUDGET PRICES" By ELEANOR RO88 Does your girdle pinch or feel like a suit of armor? .Why, of course not! In these days of spandex and stretch lace, such complaints are as rare as an old-fashioned whalebone corset, How times have changed! Sixteenth century women, how- ever, really did wear armor, When Queen Catherine do Medici of France advocated the 15-inch waistline, ladies not only donned tightly laced under-gar- ments, but covered them with metal plates, Then came those perilous days when ivory, wood, or even iron stays were sewn right into dress linings. The danger lay in the unhappy fact that some of these stays were honest - to- goodness daggers in decorative sheaths--and fashionable young ladies often took them out at times, threateningly or not, to toy with as a modern miss might hold her cigarette, 'History Of Foundations bes The Uncover Story In the 17th and 18th centuties, bodice-corsets were worn out- side dresses, This was fashion repeating itself-as it has done throughout the ages -- since women of ancient Greece and Mycene had also worn girdles and bras outside their costumes, Eventually, foundations went inside again -- this time to the tune of bustles, whalebone stays, and a rash of 19th cen- tury fainting fits caused by too tight lacing. Re thanktul, then, for 20th century improvements, Wires and bones have all but disap- peared, even in foundation gar- ments designed for the more mature figure. The new materi- als enable bras and girdles to mold the figure more skillfully than ever to a flattering natural shape BENEFITS GIVEN | Spandex and stretch lace and other molding fabric panels give the benefits of feather-light- ness and machine-washability. Easy cleaning is vital in def- 74 Celina Street FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the letest Shades ond Fobrics .. . 908, .. _DRY GooDs & DRAPERIES BUA' sUAEie 723-7827 LEG Sat., Aug. Door Prizes ° PRE-PICNIC DANCE Legion Hall, Centre St., Oshawa Musie By The @ STAR-LINERS e Proceeds to go to the Legion Minor Baseball, ION 'awn taaeets me these shirts!" Take it easy mister ! Don't take it out on her, She just hasn't taken them to Acadian Cleaners yet. & & 14,9 P.M. Admission $2.00 per Couple 299 Bloor St. West "HEY SWEETIE! It's About Listen Ladies! Has your husband been giving you « herd time about his shirts net being exactly the way he likes them ? Your problems are over and they are our business, because you see, we take the utmost care and devotion in doing your husbends shirts. We really are interested in him having the cleanest shirts in Oshawa and we would like to prove it to you. Give us a call now, we'll pick them up for you and deliver them back to you too, ACADIAN curanens 728-5141