wee oa Sees i amare ea rete a ahaa eRe é A Ue SC a Four teenagers from the Bowmanville area will enter- tain on Uncle Jerry's Club when the Channel 4 pro- gram resumes for the new season Sunday morning, Aug. 15. In addition to the entertainers a bus load of girls and boys from the area will be the on-camera audience, From left are Cindy Kowal, 10, of 6 St. George st., Bowmanville, who will sing and tap dance to 'For Me and My®*Girl"; Elva Kinnear, 12, of 2 Lam- bert st., Bowmanville, who will sing the song, 'How BOWMANVILLE AREA CHILDREN TO APPEAR ON TV Great Thou Art"; Scott, 10, of Newcastle, who will sing the popular tune "Yellow Bird'; Patsy Blake, , of 34 Ontario st., Bow- manville, who will twirl her 13 baton and Marie Yeo, 13, of t , ' Orono, who will sing "Love _ on television on the day of rin Boar tat Manta AUTOMATION monived fad agency Tass re- Makes the World Go Round" the telecast. and forest development areas.|. High School Superintendent|? y. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 12, 1965 § Tenders Soon Two Pickering Schools. |- For Building | c Newcasti "rors nore, = tetey wl TO Get Roof Repairs Over Welcome new Dominion building on John pioxERING (Staff) -- The by marking tests, exams and| PORT HOPE -- In rural st., should be called before theipickering and District Mig hlattendance* and leaving thelwee playoff" baseball. New- end of next month, Russell Cischool Board decided yjteacher more time to teach.|castle trimmed Welcome 11-0 at Honey, Durham MP, fold ®/night to repair the roofs of its|Mr. Richardson said that thelWelcome Community Park. meeting of the board of tradeltwo newest schools at an esti-department of education was| 'hie win by the visitors gives executive this week. mated cost of $14,000. also checking into the use of|them the championship in rural Mr. Honey, who had just re-| 'rhe hoard also decided to en-|IBM systems in schools, TOBA 3-1 in games, turned from a vacation to west-izag¢ roof inspectors at an an+| Mr, Richardson also reported| Mike White, the winning ern Canada, was a special guestinual fee of $200 for at least onelto the board statistics on alhurler, allowed only three hits, at the luncheon. -lyear. , remedial reading test held: atithree walks and struck out "I've been a bit disappointed) The board decided to do the|Dunbarton during the lag t|nine batters. at the delay in completing thelwork after roofing specialists|school term. Mr, Richardson re-| Gary Smith started on the plans," he said, However, helsaid the nine-year-old Ajax High|ported that 68 students had been|mound for Welcome, was. re- pointed out this could not beischool needed 3200 square feet|paired off into two groups and|placed by Mike Mills before avoided because of all the red|of re-roofing and a new coat of|that the 34 students who had|the first inning was completed. B povic tend that the exist-(2" 204 gravel on the remainder received the remedial reading mgr Doggett oj on io e predicte at the exist-lof the roof. The four-year-old|classes had obtained a two- e fourth, Bo gg 7 mark increase over six sub-|Smith who came back to comi- ing building would be destroyed|punbarton High School was {shortly, and the site prepared/found to be in need of a 9500 pg over the control group.|plete the game. ; for the new structure. square foot section of new roof-|Mr. Richardson saiti- that the| Newcastle hils were by Tom statistics would not mean too|Wallace, three singles, Guy much until a complete study has been made, WHITBY : DRIVING SCHOOL In other business, the boardiing at a cost of $9853. decided to go ahead with a survey of ne sroure in the eG La ge i area to determine their pur-| Prope ommittee jair- chasing habits, . man F. Hunt said complaints|DUNBARTON. WATER When completed, this survey|had been received ftom the] . Harold Mitchell reported the will be made available to the|school principals and care-iwater main construction was Personal courteous service. merchants for further action|takers for the past two years|progressing toward the Dunbar- Fuly Weensed and insured. j Dial 668-6176 J, A, OSTERHOUT, Owner if they desire. regarding Jeaks in the roof. ton High School and is expect- The board found the leaksjed to be completed by the time ) had been caused by scaffolding|school opens. Business Admin-| Conservation Tour Planned placed on the Ajax roof forjistrator Ross Irwin was re chimney repairs and by people|quested to find -out where the walking on the roofs crushing|township intends to connect into the gravel through the tar sur-|the school. Water was brought face. Administrator Ross Irwin|to the Dunbarton School at a BOWMANVILLE -- Plans for\suggested that a six-inch nail|cost of $52,000 to the high school a tour of the Central Lake On-|on the roof could eventually, |board. tario. Conservation Authority|through weather, changes, work|~~~~~~ area on Oct, 16 were discussed at a meeting Wednesday. night of the public relations and ad- visory committee. The tour, which will its way through the tar. chartered buses, is expected to| A suggestion by Dr, William McKay to construct the roof so start from the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. The areas to be COURTICE PHARMACY 117 BROCK ST, N. -- WHITBY will be CLOSED - ONE WEEK Aug. 15 to Aug. 22 FOR HOLIDAYS TO VISIT ABROAD MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Violin- ist David Oistrakh will lead a group of top Soviet musicians on a three-month tour of Can- ada, Britain, the United States and Mexico with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, the "Brotherhood". The young entertainers were auditioned by Uncle Jerry Brick in Newcastle recently. The program was video - taped and the children will be able to observe themselves Robert that it could be walked on was use dismissed as too costly. J. Smith said he believed the work could be done before school started in four weeks. --Photo by Robert L. Smith C. Richardson informed the Frenchman's Is Growing Rapidly BAY RIDGES (Staff) -- More than 2,000 people are already residing at the 250 new homes and 120 maisonettes built by the Consolidated Buildin gieast of the bay two years ago, Corporation on the west side of Frenchman's Bay Plans for the west side call for 1,200 housing units to be built over the next three years Until last August 90 per cent of the homes were being sold to former Toronto residents but the trend has changed and the corporation is now selling 30 r cent of its homes to fam- ies' from the Ajax-Whitby and . Oshawa area. Houses being constructed on the west side of the bay are mainly in the $18,000 to $22,000 "class. The Bell Telephone recently included the Bay Ridges area Bay Area z in its Toronto dialing range rais-| ing the cost of the service by $2. Homes sold in the subdivision, are already selling for $1,000 to $2,000 more than the original and also give a recitation on The tour will acquaint mem-|?: ° : ree eee. bers of municipal councils in ae groan Mage FREEMAN'S THIRD INSTALMENT or second team enrolled in Ban-|the area as well as authority 7p ORSA Has Many tam. Bay Ridges are entered in| board members with the work me ~~ apy yoo FORMAL RENTALS T A x E Ss District Entries the Juvenile "A" group, while being done and what can be said that the system would Made to Measure Clothes | At least eight teams have been entered in this| under Intermediate "A". erosion to be ready in about three aie |year's Ontario Rural Softball; Most playoff games in the It was announced that a dis-| weeks. | iiah tedhals Association playoffs. ORSA begin this weekend. play to be placed at area fall| Copies of press releases willl { uss | ir a "ate oy arrest My first instal. _ Claremont has two teams, one fairs is almost completed. The|be forwarded to principals of For ven convenience all texes ere poyeble et any Whitby in the Intermediate ""B' and a} FERRY OWNERS SPEND display will be shown at Osh-|schools in the area for display | EEVE | Beak wiiheut collection charges. second in the Midget division.) Air and ship ferry operators|awa Fair as well as at Orono/on bulletin boards, In this way MEN"S SHOP Brougham and Greenwood have teams in the Intermediate "C" loop, while Greenwood has alfor this year's tourist season, |by the authority are expected will be ly poli oy pixel bt alleviate the work of teachers . Cow ---- conservation work could curb cates i Pickering, Brock road and Squire's Beach are classed district ball Due, Monday, August 16th, 1966 : it is hoped to solicit the inter- est of the students in the work of the authority, Pay Now... Avoid Penalty Charge! F. N, MeEWEN, on the English Channel spent £8,000,000 on new equipment and Markham fairs. New brochures to be issued " 129 Brock St. S., Whitby price. | The corporation is selling} more homes to Oshawa workers) with the idea that it takes a commuter as og : to get to the GM south plant from the north end of Oshawa as it does from Frenchman's Bay. The new community on the west side of the bay is called Dover on the Bay by the developers. The last eastbound commuter station for the recently an- nounced train commuter service to Toronto will be constructed at Fairport rd., within walking distance of the new subdivision. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Car- ter recently spent a few days in Kirkland Lake as the guests of his mother, Mrs. Marion Car- ter, and his aunt, Miss Bess Kennedy Mrs. Minnie Hensley and her granddaughter, Molly Doe of England, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Catherine Cart- wright, 409 Pee) st. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Porter, of Sherbrooke, Que., were visi- tors at the home of her sister and . brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Caverly, Byron st. s. Grant Monahan of Pinole, California; Mrs. Freda Hughes, Brampton and Fred Levesque, Hartland, New Brunswick, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beer, 226 Centre st. n. A hearty welcome is extended to Miss Sharon Cook, of Win- nipeg, Manitoba, who is visiting the east for the first time as the guest of Mr. James Kozak and family of Thornton rd. s., Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Charles (Bus) Gagnon, of Dallas, Texas, for- mer Whitby residents, were the guests of Mrs. Olive Howe, Frances st. They are now with his parents at their cottage at Lake Simcoe. Glenn, four - and - a - half - month-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Cane, is in the Osh- awa General Hospital. Happy birthday wishes are extended to Robert Munroe, who is celebrating his birthday today. Mrs. J. A Osterhout is con: valescing at her home, 1010 Dundas st. ¢., after undergoing surgery at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Rambow have returned from a 10-day holiday visiting his mother and friends in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carr were in Stratford for a few days this week. Kevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lintner and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carr, is celebrating his fourth birthday today, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Chase, their son, George and friend, Garnet (Skit) Swain, spent last weekend camping at North |Bay. They visited Upper Can- ada Village and were also in Morrisburg. James Barnard and friends have returned from a 10-day motor trip in the Gatineau area, They also visited places of interest in Quehec. Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Childs |spent last weekend in Wilbur- force, Haliburton district, as the guests of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Clarke. | | Miss Ruth Chilton, Toronto, is| japending a week visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Chilton, 305 St. John st. w. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson and son, Mark, are spending a few days visiting Mr. Carlson's mother at a cottage near Fene- lon Falls. U.S. Car Supply Firm Seen' Ready To Open In Chatham LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The Free Press says Eaton Manu- facturing Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, a major supplier to the automotive industry, will build a plant at Chatham, Ont. The newspaper says the com- pany will make a formal an- nouncement when final Jand and legal technicalities have been cleared. Details will be made public at that time Last Monday, the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board approved applica- tions to rezone and annex to Chatham land in Raleigh Town- ship required for what was des- cribed as the site for a major industry The rezoning and annexa- tion applications comprise 81.3 acres, but the OMB was told thé new plant, identified then only as "Industry X"" would re- quire only 45 acres. The Free Press says Eaton's expansion into the area is in large measure a result of the jfree trade agreement between Canada and the U.S, in the au- tomotive field, Chatham's counsel, D. G Kerr, said at the OMB hearing the city would get its biggest in- dustry in a decade, but only if the property was rezoned speed- ily. The property is immedi ately west of Chatham's city limits, between the CPR right- of-way and the Thames River.- It already is serviced with electricity and gas and has a railway spur line. Construction of about 500 feet of sewer and water line is planned, Evening Programs -- 7 and 9:20 Festure at. . 7 end 9:20 P.M. BROCK WHITBY TENT Ligie! : CHAIN LINK |" "es SPECIAL PURCHASE WHILE ROTLED | Weteroroot | CHAIN LINK 2 GARNER: ANDRews Meme DUGIAs a | LASTS » ROOFING Chipboord FENCING RED THe AmeRicanizarion OF ERRRELY Economy Grede 4x 8's 4x8 36° $] 17 CEDAR Recommanded as Adult Entertainment. 1 | wooeum 15.07.29) yam TABLES we"| Sheathing , | TABLES | WALNUT 88 mings) 2.38 (42°13 544559 | WHITBY WELCOMES heet ' PANELLING Tn raseceuset} ayy quan | BAG 00 FooT | AY 6 ANOTHER NEW INDUSTRY Rap' imecenranae| coor cue VST Yoo | a | maN|WAILS | p. H. CABINET CO BATHSET 2 x 4 - 8' CASHWAY CEDAR CREEN&STORM] 7" ne $5.98 ] « = ~ A SPRUCE | DistRIBUTION | 4% 4's | DOORS | mse it 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY @17" x 19" BASIN e1$ g8| 3° $5.82 $ 25 REVERSE TRAP 8). ¢= _ CENTRE 18%; a1 £ $5.69 5 Manufacturers of Fine Quality YOU'LL SEE WHY PEOP! PER 3 * all for 79.35 37 quenctty SS DUAL Av Camsmiay "1 cw toed tak | ts S584) we, | SLR CARTON each Kitchen Cabinets and Vanities TRUCK LOTS 5 COLOU' Fi STEEL | _eonouy - From the Whitby coon pry utiity | ORDER YOUR ena Hr Abid REDIVUE SPECIAL PURCHASE ! ' Ccudiaal ALUMINUM | "AT" GRADE Industrial Commission. SPRUCE | ALUMINUM | eer | GARAGE | SASHLESS FAMOUS BRAND 2X4 5°77 QP (SCREENS STORM) = ASPHALT | .ROORS., | WINDOWS | 23 779 ee er WINDOWS Pet. Peete Eight foot "NOW! SHINGLES $40 95. $ 9" 8 > f 83 2x4--10't0 16" $83.50 958 secre 30450/cusTOM MADE] $ [Pe .O7 | rar |. os, oc) ELECTRIC AML NOTICE 2x8~ Stole $86.50) Up 79 98 UNITED INCHES PER | $42.45 .:. hoe ep" i all per 1000 board feet in JUST 9 x 7% $14" DRILLS The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic he Rel oegs Uae ip aM SQUARE | $47.55... ca, Seperate Schools for the Town of Whitby 25 SHEET LOTS ; > V6" JET CARNIVAL & BLACK MARBLE re en ST SMEATHING «| cca #230] MAHOGANY BRSURAQE vinrs aspestas scan iy ™? Bh | cons uci cmtce se sti'ay aun SHEATHING 5! wm 70 ces 11.30 UA FLOO lots ea, euthorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of PLYWOOD 71 es mcnes 13.25 PANELLING debentures of the acid Boord of Trustees in the principal 86 to 100 INCHES 14.40 : TILE Pon noe a emount ef $255,000. 5/16" $ 67 ' 57 a . x. FREE 4 x7 S$2 Sect FIRST QUALITY I-9giNTERIOR 1, The money is to be borrowed for the purpose of paying the 4x8 sheet | MEASURING CHARTS! 4x 8's$23: MAHOGANY DOORS cost of © end equipment of two (2) additions te %" $3.08 sheet 4] |G Ss sheet ole VAIL : n St. John the Evangelist Seporate School, 1103 Giffard IN CRATE LOTS" ABLE 1-0 x 6-6 $3,.56-252 x 6-6 $4, Street, consisting of eight classrooms, with wash-rooms, smatier lots add 20¢ per vi Ad 10 yeore, 1-6 x 6-6 $4,09-2-4 x 6-6 peg heating plant and other ancillory area and on all-purpose A J AX YARD sheet to cover handling wt oS | $1436 & 6-6 95-1 eh room of enpreninaty 3200 sant bee bine a the ropa 300 SG.FOOT purchase of a site said Town o' 161 DOWTY. ROAD ARBORITE | ROtt/2 mi. 2. The amount to be borrowed is $255,000 and the security OFF HIGHWAY Ne. 401 26 q feet YETHYLEN therefor shall be the sold debentures, which shell be @ AT INTERCHANGE 66 $3.90 ane oy te Gil sad peal Rapes aon te 9 per ea. Board, ond upon the Separate Schoo! rates. ~-- ase-122) MANOS Any DELIVERY 3. The debentures are to be dated August 15, 1965, are to V,PLasTic aaa SERVICE be in denominations of $1,000 each and are to be repay- eble in instalments of principal on December 1 in $Q.50 steiee le the ol "W906 te 1985 ih alls ond are to bear R KLIN YARD wp interest et 6% per annum. Interest is poyable onnually, The aggregate amount of principal and interest payable in Corner Ry ng 7 $1 45. ' CANS poh vortes borveni $21 60 and S497 1h dé an °. is ; M1-QUALITY 5 RED BARN Benson $. Hamilton, a METAL *Qitare $'teoen sm Hea, ROME OF 2512 ROOFING pest auauity 100:$ $18.85... wth cig =