'sight. Charles Blackburne, of Dunbarton, who celebrated his diamond wedding an- niversary Aug. 7, is seen here operating an Oudine DUNBARTON RESIDENT DEMONSTRATES INVENTION coil producing high fre- quency ossilation which he made in 1910. Mrs, Black- burne is a patient in the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital which he visited to recall 60 years of married life. Besides electronics, Mr. Blackburne is a serious stu- dent of astronomy. --Oshawa Times Photo Small Animal Shelter Need Is Emphasized WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby- Oshawa district definitely needs a small animal shelter it was again reported this week by Miss Muriel H. Sisson, secre- tary Whitby Branch, Ontario Humane Society. The need was said to be desperate with im- mediate action urgently re- quired. The secretary stated the Pickering - Ajax - Whitby - Oshawa area is undoubtedly the largest, most densely populated, area in Ontario without a proper animal shelter or, trained in- spector. The inspector will move | The branch secreaty pointed out that municipalities thinking only in terms of dog control make no provision for preven- tion of lawless behaviour and cruelty to animals. Residents outraged by the sights and sounds of mistreatment of ani- mals phone the humane society. They ask why the society does nothing to prevent this cruelty and are informed the town pro- vides no resources to cope with the situation, These same callers ask why the town council do nothing about the situation? Miss Sissons stated that any- unable to nurse her starving off- spring. Efforts to assist the suf- fering animals eventually were made by two lady volunteers to really help. |FUNCTIONS CITED who lacked adequate resourves} WHITBY (Staff) -- The Town of Whitby Planning Board shot down a proposed 99-suite apart- ment and commercial develop- ment this week on the basis of three infractions of the town's zoning bylaw. The board, how- ever, classed the proposal as a very desirable type of develop- ment, stressing the hope the de- velopex can change his plans to meet the town's zoning specifi- cations, The proposed development, owned by Key Investments: of Toronto, consists of a nine- storey building which included an eight-storey apartment proj- ect and a one-floor commercial development. It was to be lo- cated on Brock st. s:, on the Planners Turn Down Apartment Complex present site of the former Whit- by Malleable Iron and Brass Co. factory. DENSITY TOO GREAT The board discovered the pro- posed development would have a density almost twice the amount allowed by Zoning By- law 2585. The suggested 99 suites would require some 118,- 800 square feet of land area while the applicant now owns only. 64,061. square feet of area or about 54 per cent of the amount required under town zoning regulations. The board agreed an allow- ance might be made for the 30,- 000 square feet of underground parking, This fact, however, was ruled out by still another im- portant. point. The development of 99 suites would contain ap- proximately 220 persons or, a density of around 150 per acre. The official plan shows a maxi- mum density of only 96 persons per acre can be allowed under present regulations. PARKING FACILITIES One other point which went against the proposed develop- ment was the fact the plan only has parking for 99 cars whereas the bylaw requires 1.5 or about 149 parking spaces for the pro- posed number of suites. No mention was made of parking space for customers who would do business in the commercial development on the ground floor. The board ruled against the plan of develapment because of insufficient land area which By CLIFF GORDON WHITBY -- Showing plenty of hustle and desire, Whitby Lasco Steelezs downed East York Mo- hawks 14 to 6 last night to) sweep the Ontario Junior "B"| lacrosse semi-final series in four games. The Steelers meet the winner of the Huntsville- St. Catharines series. The Huntsville team lead the series three games to nil with the fourth game slated for their home floor Saturday night. Should Huntsville win Satur- day's game it is likely the series with Whitby will open in Hunts- ville Tuesday night with the sec- ond game in Whitby Thursday night. Peter Vipond,. of Brooklin, showed the way for the Steelers with three goals and an assist. Two-goal men were Brian Jen- kins, Larry Haight and Wayne Davidson. Dave Keenan, Ron Sutton, Bill Gresham, Tom Vann and Al. Partington each scored one. Ken Green scored three goals for East York with Jack Chisholm, Rick Duffield jand Rolly Morris getting single counters. Captain Dave Houston set up Whitby Lasco Steelers Eliminate East York | The general functions of a N/ sour goals for the winners with Ontario Humane Shelter man-| his accurate passing. Goalie on. to the scene Aug. 16 but, the animal shelter is no where in Most enlightened people have come to believe that adequate animal control is a necessary public service, needed as badly as proper police and-sanitation enforcement, the secretary ex- plained. Other districts have proven a well-planned, well- staffed Ontario Humane Shelter) is not only effective but also the most economical way of serving practiced in the area, one who feels the control of; dogs is the only animal problem in the area should spend a few days answering the phone at her LEFT TO DIE | home. The calls, frequently re- animals; to destroy them at a) ferred to the local police office|minimal charge, may come at the rate of four|charge for kittens). : a day, during day and evening The rescue and destruction of hours .The secretary cited sev-/Dadly dg gy ree --. | ases where destruction is aie) opnreplen ot. the crucity pt preyed to attend to disposal| learn that she is in the Oshawa iof the y. agement were set out by Miss Sissons. | To receive and _ investigate! TB ernie regarding mistreat- WHI Y ment of animals, and to lay charges if justified. P ERSONALS Receiving and shelter of lost| ,, and abandoned animals and to| Ernest Combdon, his wife and either place them in homes or|daughter Karen and his twin destroy them if necessary. | brother, Lawrence and his wife The receiving of unwanted| have returned from a two-week (probably no! vacation spent in Newfoundland | visiting relatives. Friends of Miss Gertrude Luke, 126 Ash st., are sorry to : | General Hospital under observa- The offering of humane educa-| tion. There were six kittens left tojtion to young people, advice and! the purpose. die in a garbage can behind a assistance to the public. Craig, son of Mr, and Mrs. SUPPORT NEEDED | Miss Sissons said voluntary charitable support alone is neither adequate nor equitable in handling the situation. "If Oshawa and Whitby alone -sup- ported such a service, the cost to the municipalities would be something like 17 cents per capita per annum," she said. If adjoining municipalities contrib- uted to the service, the cost would be proportionately jower. |local supermarket on a_ hot summer day. Another terrified small creature had been thrown up on the roof of a local bank. Five small kittens were found at the Victoria st, dump, dis- carded in a box of nails. A rab- bit, injured on Trent st., was found kicking and screaming in a ditch. A mother cat was found under the verendah of a _ resi- dent's home with a litter of kittens. The mother was Covered with oil and burrs and was BETTER LEGISLATION | Donald Breen, is celebrating his The society in its borader| sphere is also, concerned with) improvements in humane legis-| lation | The secretary stated a petition is being circulated in the area to the effect that municipalities should consider subscribing to such a service. She said the response has been gratifying. Persons desiring to add_ their, names to the petition are invited to call 668-2576, Humane Society Names Inspector WHITBY (Staff) -- Good news for all animal lovers was an- nounced this week by the Oshawa-Whitby Branch of the Ontario Humane Society. The district will have the services of a full-time Inspector for animal welfare effective, August 16. The new inspector, Al David- son, has worked for the past eight years in British Columbia for the Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Dumb Animals. While in the west voast prov- ince, Mr. Davidson and his wife) were responsible for the found- ing of the New Westminister- Surrey Animal Shelter which they managed with outstanding success. The local branch of the Humane Society expects to have the new inspector placed in quarters suitable to the work he will perform, in the near future. All persons having need of the inspector's services may con- tact either municipal or provin- cial police offices. Local branch authorities agree with the sentiments of Tom Hughes, general manager of the Ontario Humane Society. The general manager stated the Oshawa-Whitby area is excep- tionally fortunate to obtain the services of a full-time inspector, trained and fully experienced in organizing proper humane treat- Board Delays 'Tender Decision PICKERING (Staff) -- Tend- ers received for an addition to the St. Francis de Sales Sepa- rate School, Pickering Village, were not opened as expected Wednesday afternoon. The pro- \ject is expected to cost $100,000. Architect W. W! Rankin said no decision was made because construction trades were not bidding competitively and only three tenders were received. He said that construction cost \had started to escalate in June and that the sub trades were not interested in bidding on projects because there was enough work going on in the jconstruction field everywhere. | Mr. Rankin said that labor costs alone had risen 20 per cent in the past three years. The addition to the school in- cludes a gymnasium, two class- rooms, a principal's office and ja teacher's room Three Sustain Minor Injuries WHITBY (Staff) -- Three per- sons suffered minor injuries in accidents investigated by the Whitby Detachment of the OPP during the past 24 hours. | Robert L. Ware, of Toronto, was injured in an _ accident Thursday afternoon on Highway 401, near Thickson's rd. His ve- hicle was involved in an acci- dent with one driven by Harry McClain, of Toronto. Four vehicles were involved in an accident at 12.45 a.m. to- day on Highway 401, east of the! Pickering - Whitby town line,| Two people were injured. The vehicles were operated by William Bishop, of Marion, Ohio; Kenneth Lee, 940 Crocus cres., Whitby; John Diamond,} Central Park boulevard north, Oshawa and Donald Thompson, RR 7, Peterborough. 'Doc Fin' Captures Greenwood Feature 'Pic-Ax Players Plan Production | AJAX -- The next production) by the Pic-Ax Players probably will be the Canadian first of a play written by Jack Vickers, a member of the group. The play, ment for all dumb animals. _|"A Bit 0° Peace and Quiet," TORONTO (CP)--Doc Fin, first birthday today. Teddy and Chris Connell have just returned from a five-week vacation spent visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Connell, of Driftwood Shores, on the Trent Canal. Miss Carol Collinson and her friend Miss Shirley Ventress are spending a vacation at Paradise Lake in the Haliburton District. Kathy, daughter of Mt. and Mrs. George Broome, is cele- brating her second birthday to- day. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke, 1111 Green st., were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wrench of Hartford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs, John Clarke and children, Joan, Betty, John and Doris, formerly of Malton, have established residence at 312) Centre st, n. Douglas Williams, Toronto, is visiting his friend, Dale Chur- ther, 752 Dundas st. w., for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Clark, 804 Athol st., have returned from a week's vacation spent in the Haliburton area, guests of rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs.. Percy Chase, Belleville, parents of Mrs. J. A. Osterhout, spent a day this week visiting with their daugh- ter and family. ROADS KILL HUNDREDS A total of 4,655 people died on Canadian highways in 1964; 1,424 ef them in Ontario. owned by Dr. A .J. Finlayson of Paris, Ont., took the featured $1,500 Invitation Trot at Green- wood Raceway Thursday night to register his second consecu- tive stakes win. Doc Fin held off Vera E.| Scot's challenge in the stretch More Than 300 At Warden's Picnic More than 300 United Counties councillors, employees and their families were feted Wednesday at. Darlington Provincial Park at the annual warden's picnic. Following an outdoor banquet presided over by Warden A. L. Blanchard of Darlington Town- ship, baseball and games pre- dominated "We tried to give them all the chicken they could eat. I guess we did just that because there was, still some left over at the end of the day,"' the war den said. is #5 a comedy which received' ac- to win by a length. The victoty pore : . was worth $750 to the three jclaim in little theatre circles i | : year-old and boosted his sea- throughout England, as well as , to $6,554 | on British television wor eee eer | |. The author is well known as ™, rag yg Yor of et Pes head.of the Ajax Library and for|2"4 Vera E. Scott provided a his acting ability with the Pic-/999 qinella. Ax Players and the Oshawa| Armbro Eleetra from the Little Theatre group, Armstrong Brothers' Brampton With Jack as director of the barn captured the eighth race | lexi it should prove to be an| with Harold: McKinley driving.! exciting event both for the|!t was the first season victory jaudience and the cast. in 11 starts for the four-year- At the studio, Joe Mullen is|0ld. busy shaping up a one-act sus-| Joseph Kara's Elinora from| {pense play, "Heat and Light-|Oshawa took top prize in the ning," written by Robert F./second race paying $4.50 and Carroll, for presentation at the|combining with Jerry Farong| Orono Drama Festival, In the|for a $13.40 daily double cast are Miss Gay-Rowan, Barry| Kingston, owned by Denton | | ough, paid the biggest price of the night--$55.20--with his win in the fourth race. iit Saale ls. 3 2% ACCOUNTS SAVINGS Chequing Privileges No Service Charges WHITBY |Bateman and-Thomas Stephany.'and Vera Johnston of oe would create a population den- sity that does not appear to be Whitby Unit WHITBY (Staff) --Plans for formation of another service club in Whitby will be revealed Monday evening at the Spruce Villa Hotel. The 6.30 dinner meeting has been arranged by the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of organizing a Whitby Jaycee Unit, The extension chairman of the Oshawa Jaycee unit, Les Williams, stated this week that many young Whitby men have requested formation of a unit in the community. Many of these have already been contacted plaine scribed 4s a civic service or- open to all young men between THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 13,1965 5 ganization whose membership is 18 and 40 years. The purpose of the -woshd-wide'/ organization is the improvement of the com- munity in which a unit is lo- cated. Personal development of BEGAN AS ELEPHANT The first acting role of Ray Brooks, who plays the man with the knack in the movie "The Knock" was plaving an elephant in a Noah's Ark child- ren's show. the members is also high on the list of benefits with both objectives accomplished through ag variety of project activi- At the present time Jaycee units are located in 225 com- munities in Canada, having a total membership in excess of 10,000. International units exist in more than 85 countries and it ga it was further ex- One-Stop DECORATING 'SHOP Wallpaper ond Murels Custom Droperien and are expected to attend the meeting. Various phases of operation, activities and advantages of a Jaycee unit will be explained to all in attendance. Details of membership requirements and) benefits derived by both the member and the community will be fully explained. The Jaycees have been de- justified at this time. call Charlie the most immoral man she'd ever met (9 | Cf Brian Bremner, while not hard pressed, handled himself well and was credited with three} assists. Whitby led 6 to 1 at the end/ of the first period and increased | it to 9 to 4 at the end of the} second. | Coach Jim Hinkson: was all! smiles after the contest. It is| the feeling of the team that the MELVYN GARNER ANDREWs =--=DOUGLAS club is playing its best lacrosse of the season, They will have tol THe AMERICANIZaTION OF Pati! be every bit as good or better |] sm!/wmmrs henet ; as Huntsville is a classy club with plenty of scoring and de- fensive power. Larry Ireland, who played with the Oshawa Green Gaels, has the ability to} break a game wide open and) will be closely watched. | Saturdey Matinee in Eastmon Color . , BROCK - Whitby "THE THREE WORLDS OF GULLIVER" + Kerwin Mathews -- Jo Morrow Attraction Only CENTRE LT A, fa" -mart tue i Lox iu | Ome mes CX 120 ' Nababigte K K x ta. CAMERA DEPT. et FREE ROLL OF FILM! FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 || Blair Park Plaza | Mon, to Fri, -- 9 om, te 9 p.m. Set. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Volunteer TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Applications are hereby invited for the position of volunteer fire chief for fire area No. 1 (Brooklin) to be received by the undersigned not later than Friday, August 27th, 1965 at 4:00 p.m. All applications should be in writing 'stating full particulors, such as fire fighting experience, age, education, ete, C.LL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE. LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 Fire Chief WM. H. WALLACE, Clerk, Township of Whitby, Box 160, Brooklin, Ont. Whitby Community Arena ROLLER SKATING Music by the LAKESIDER "DELUXE e Other Models from Every Friday Night 8 P.M. to 11 P.M, Admission $1.00 "FREE MATTRESSES" WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3226 "Silvertones" « 399.00 to 895.00 BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR FOR EACH ROLL LEFT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING YOU NEED NEVER BUY ANOTHER FILM! SIMPLY LEAVE YOUR NEXT FILM BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR AT K mart's CAMERA DEPART- MENT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING. YOU WILL GET A FREE ROLL OF THE SAME SIZE. © 8 6 8 8 © 8 8 FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE ! FINEST QUALITY PRINTS ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! FREE! SAME SIZE OF FILM WITH EACH ORDER! * year-old used cor from a new thot has virtually no body rust weother and parked outdoors value @ hundred dollars since a An additional fact that is not cor finish and ultimately cause the new eerylic paints. his hose under the fenders for ally. The recent trend in car colors The trend in new cars has been from Northside Chrysler, Dodge. select an end-of-season value. NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER D A SIMPLE WAY TO INCREASE YOUR CAR'S TRADE-IN VALUE Once in awhile we toke in @ three to five- fact that it has been driven in oll types of ' In talking to the owner it invariably turns out that he or she had the cor washed frequently so that road grime ond corrosive salts have not had a chance to eat into the paint. Immaculate bedy condition in a used cor can easily up the eppearance will do much to increase its normal resale value. steam used by many assembly line wash plonts, will dull ony mobile manufacturers' instructions clearly state that only luke warm or cold water should be used to preserve the finish on Another worthwhile suggestion is to hove the attendant play eccumlations of salt thet continue to ect away at the inside of motel surfaces even after the cor has been washed norm- two-tone combinations with straight black and white account- ing for better than fifty percent of cars sold. cor buyer despite the overnight. dealer reclizes that the car's generally known is thot 'het flaking and rust spots. Auto- @ few seconds to wash out is back to solid colors from to Chrysler Dodge or Valiant Why not come in, soon, and -- ODGE