THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 Wednesdey, August, 11, 1965 Fluid Milk Sales Lower| The Ontario Department «of Agriculture age that sales of pe ag ed the commercial s in Ontario County, dur- this year, rd Rg Bh the. preceding rg but higher than in May were May of this year were 1,154,823 quarts. This compared 'with 1,163.748 quarts in April of this r and 1,113,838 quarts in 'ay of last year. Sales of buttermilk in May of wd year totalled 14,407 quarts. fa apel of this year end rts in Ap this year an 14001 quarts in May of last year, A total of 66,653 quarts of chocolate dairy drink were sold in May of this year. This com- pared with 65,279 quarts in April and 61,537 quarts in May of last year, Sales of fluid cream totalled 45,824 quarts in May of this year compared with 46,389 quarts in April of this year and 36,601 quarts in May of 1064, The department says that 3,728,082 pounds of milk were purchased by Ontario County commercial dairies from pro- ducers during May of this year. At an average cost per hundred. weight of $4.74 a total of $176,679 was expended for the product. It is stated that a consider- able part of the products sold by the dairies are dispensed in paper and plastic containers. The report gives the following] percentages: standard fluid milk, 45.3; partly skimmed, 48.5; skim milk, 46,6; butter- milk, 68.4; chocoate dairy drink, 87.9; cereal cream, 66.7; table cream, 23.3; whipping cream, 59.6; sour cream, 28.6, Butter Make Is Reduced The statistics branch of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture reports the make of cream- ery butter in Ontario County during the first six months of this year was lower than in the corresponding period of 1964, The make during the first half of 1965 was 535,757 pounds compared with 566,287 pounds' during the same period of last year. The make in June 1965 was 112,695 pounds compared with 116,352-poynds in June of last year. The make in Durham and Northumberland was also low- er, The figure for the first half of this year was 1,437,006 pomnte ceopered with gener: pou: during the same pe' of 1964. The make in June of this year was 329,427 pounds compared with 324,996 pounds in June of last year, The make of cheddar cheese in the United Counties showed an increase, The make in June of this year was 780,658 pounds compared with 722,554 pounds in June of last year. The make du the first half of this year wi 446,446 pounds compared with 2,113,184 pounds in the game period of last year, Sisters Reunited After 44 Years BROOKLIN --. Two sisters, separated by the Atlantic Ocean for 44 » were joyfully re- united for a short time recent- ly in Brooklin. Mrs, Thomas Llewellyn, of South Wales, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Smart, of 29 Garside ave., Brooklin, could hardly believe her eyes when her sister, Mrs. Row, of Maryland, walked ero sales-in the county a Teacher Guest At Tea Party BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs, H. E Ashmore entertained at tea 'on the rectory lawn last Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Norman Dysart prior to her departure for France. Mrs. Dysart and her husband have been engaged to teach at the Metz Air Force Station for two years. Mrs. P. Romeril and Miss H. Booth are attending the United Church Women's School for Leaders at Albert College, Belle- ville, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc. Laughlin, accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wright, of Osh- awa, were on a trip to Sudbury, Manitoulin Island and surround- ing areas. Sister Hyacinthe Boothe, of Jamaica, conducted the service and delivered the sermon at the United Church on Sunday. Ernest Swain and Judy Swain sang a duet. Sharon Larmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Larmer, is attending the Girl Guide Camp at Goderich this week. Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis, and Miss Lynda Kyte have returned from a three- week holiday in Guernsey. FAMILY HALTS TRAFFIC NAPLES (AP) -- Uga Ciara- magiia, 34, an unemployed cob- bier, planted himself and his eight children shoulder to shoulder across Naples square, causing a giant traffic jam. He told police he did it to call atten- tion to his family's plight, | POWER LEAN TENDER % 564 KING ST, E. dik way MANDARIN ORANGES = B 'ies PRIDE OF JAMAICA GrapetrutseonnsB se "6 ee: VIVA PLUM PEELED act age CLARK'S IRISH OR SAVE Ile Beef Stew 2'%e769° GOLD SEAL PARCHMENT SAVE Ge gaine = 2n.63° SHORTCUT 5.89.7" ROAST IDEAL FOR BAR-B-Q--WELL TRIMMED RIB STEAKS IS SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF SF ofect PETER POWER PORK & pier SAUSAGE..49° HOCKS 4..21-°° FRANKS 63° BOLO FRESH MEATY PORK MAPLE LEAF SLICED GNA-«:45° PPANCY SMOK' FILLETS. oe FEATURES @ CHOICE BONELESS 49° KIPPERS 39° rs CLARK'S VEGETABLE OR 10 Oz ¢ TIN SAVE 3¢ % 600 ROSSLAND RD. Vegetable Oil 2c: 69° CREST Reg. Volves 1.19 Toothpaste = "Six" size SCHICKDOUBLEEDGE Reg. Value! ae Razor SCHICK DOUBLE EDGE Reg. Volve RAZOR BLADES 3 + 8 PANTRY SHELF GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz. ; ¢ TIN" SAVE 4c Tablets wes 73" E BEAUTIFUL DELICATE Golden Wheat This Week ED. SMITH ASST'D PURE JELLIES & 'ei 15¢ ee PIE ONT. NO, 1 GRADE RED, RIPE FIELD : it uw J : SIZE ar 6 QT. heen = KOUNTY KIST TENDER ie | TIN 5 LB. BAG CARNATION EVAPORATED | ~ MILK /] Fu, Rye - GOOD SIZE CHEROKEE BRAND U.S. NO. 1 GRADE a Flesh CANTALOUPES FRESH MINCED HAMBURG Jd x Opon Wed, Night fo 9:30 p.m, PURE WHITE GRANULATED 16 OZ TALL TINS SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. AUG. 14th NO DEALERS PLEASE SAVE 8c GRAIN-FED BEEF ume ond BOB 2%» BUTCHER © Onolhev Meaning POWER Conknaton.. tHe MENG oF roast BEEF ogee ey ® (TONIGHT) 6 P.M. © MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE =: eee GARDEN PATCH CHOICE GREEN 10 02, se | }: SAVE 3c SPECIAL EFFEC TIV E WED. TO 9:30 P.M. ss ong 54.00 Tuna CRISP, FRESH SAVE 6e chips =i SAVE 6c ASTRA FANCY RED > SOCKEYE SALMON BF | Vegetales 10" Detergent'=4.08 WHITE OR PINK. AYLMER FANCY TOMATO Jit 2 aes SAVE 130 TENDER Lemonade * -T br = e ¢| Juice ONT. NO. 1 GRADE CRISP Celery ONT. NO, 1 GRADE t| TENDER | Lettuce me 2 3:29