Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Aug 1965, p. 3

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SHOE I FIRST HOLIDAY IN 13 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas years this summer, and took Warnes of Loretto, Ont., their 11 children with them. took their first holiday in 13 The family travelled to Van- Frm AP-Reuters |' SINGAPORE (CP) -- and friendship with its arch foe, 'Ition's foreign minister, S, Ra- jaratnam, said today . tries," Rajaratnam said ii an interview reviewing Singapore's prospective foreign policy be prepared, to listen to us in regard to the necessity for .liv- ing in peace and friendliness with Malaysia." to crush the Malaysian Feder- ation. FOR THE WARNES FAMILY 'sters, six of whom are adopted, range in age from 11 months to 17 years. --CP Wirephoto couver in four days in a school bus with the children singing all the time 'they were awake. The young- become a republic, | | | Fewer Look New Strikes, Threats Stir Unrest In Canada At TV Now CBC Hints By ROSEMARY SPIERS disputes that were Labor says Canadians may be drift-|tled into relative calm, but a Canadian Press Staff Writer |Wse- St. Francois, Que., near Mont- " ' * While the series of unauthor-| OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC|making headlines last week set- 64) in a three-week strike of|ized postal strikes is over, the Acted In Line Of Duty some 1,000 members of the pro- issues are not dead. Strike vote} pore would be declared a re- public. ments Monday to end a seven-|support this. 'Singapore Asks Peace Lee had said he expected all eget aes Bape try to convince Indo- pote wi should live in peace an independent, state. og and rotten music." esia publicly dec y ew island na-|it recognizes apore and the ee if right of its iy to run tele own affairs, Singapore wou ' ' be prepared "But there is no question of Singapore playing the role of Indonesia, Lee said. Singapore ediator between the two coun- would take care that it did not hve jeopardize Malaysia's interests, he said. Asked if Singapore would od continue to get British defence 'As we now.are out of Ma-laiq Lee replied the island had laysia, perhaps Indonesia M&Y|the right to seek help from any uarter, including Britain, to protect itself. 'snaibiee Wi British Prime Minister Wil a In Jakarta, however, Indone- nn ama bagi a Plesia After Fatality sian President Sukarno was re-jagainst Indonesia despite Sin- ported as determined as everigapore's secession. Under the separation agree ment with Malaysia, Singapore Meanwhile, official. Radio Sin- promised to honor Britain 8|Legett of Hamilton June gapore reported Prime Minister|right to use the island's big Lee Kuan Yew as saying the naval and air bases, Britain's/driving and fined $25. newly-independent island would|Far East defence headquarters. British officials have expressed The radio, quoting Lee's com- apprehension, however, that the ments at a press conference for Singapore government might local Malay - language news- junk the agreement in exchange | on Highway 11. papers, said the prime minis-\for diplomatic recognition by| ter did not state when Singa-|Indonesia. In New Delhi, a foreign of- fice song said a Indian British officials said in Lon-|government has extended rec- don Tuesday that Singapore has ognition to Singapore, but Red asked to remain in the Com- China continued to watch devel- monwealth as an independent|opments in Singapore, giving no increase to its present $2.65|reached back - to - work agree-jnation and that Britain would = open it would recognize the new state. 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedneadey, August 11, 1965 3 PEKING (Reuters) leadin; describes Britain's to be friends with| three national The mewspaper readers the Beatles' Chinese newspaper pop-sin; ing Beatles as monsters and says they produce an unpleas- ant noise to satisfy the West- ern world's need for "crazy Making what is believed to be the first published Chinese comment on the group, Ta King Pao, one of Peking's dailies, de- lares: "Britain needs the Beatles. But even if 'more Beatles come, it is difficult anyway to save Britain from decline." tells its BEATLE MUSIC "CRAZY, BAD" IRATE PEKING DAILY CLAIMS looks like mops and the style their 'them the |the shadow of the a of coats gives m the me pene J Magna they It is the Great Plague of 1665, sing it is even worse. Accord- |which destroyed two-thirds of Se tne Bene play. out-ot ons play le tune guitars, beat drums with- |and church out rhythm and utter intoler- - A g- appearance of "'beetles. . It continues; "When able cries. lish aristocracy. "The crazy and Western, world neéds hair and rotten music." Legett eight miles north The bearded Legett Meanwhile, violence flared at|week strike. | ing away from their television|rash of new strikes and threat- iacial sets. ened strikes have erupted Watching the cathode tube,/@cross Caaais. _|higher rates. At Joliette, 40 however, remains second only| Postal workers and grain|miles north of Montreal, a to sleeping as the nation's most|handlers were on the job again| truck was burned and its driver popular activity. this week in Montreal and neg0-|peaten. A recent study by the CBC's tiations with Vancouver's grain} Saskatoon's problems began research department disclosedjhandlers took a positive turn.iwhen work halted Tuesday on that during the first three But new construction strikes}s+ jeast 10 major construction months of 1965, the average broke out in Saskatoon and projects as members of build- Canadian had his TV set on for|Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., andling trade. unions refused to fewer hours than in the compar-|building continued crippled in|oross picket lines set up by 55 able period of 1964 and 1963. |Ottawa. sheet-metal workers. The study interpreted the fig-| Only Toronto was relieved of} The sheet - metal workers are ures as 'a slight indication|its construction problems whenjasking for. an 85-cents-an-hour that a trend to less TV view-|carpenters and plasterers re-jincrease in their present $2.25 ing may be under way." It/turned to work Tuesday. hourly wage. hastened to add, however, that) Concentrated - milk shippers} At Sault Ste. Marie, con- this will "require more basic|threatened a province - wide|struction projects were halted data for confirmation." strike in Ontario while tomato|for the second time .in two 'The study completed in July,|pickers at the H. J. Heinz plant|weeks as 200 plumbers and based solely on the averagejin Leamington, Ont., finally| pipe fitters went on strike Tues- time-per-week in which Cana-|\agreed to arbitration. day in contract disputes over dian TV sets are turned on,| Windsor, Ont. avoided labor|wages, overtime and vacation showed that in January the fig-jtroubles Tuesday when 650 of-jpay. ure stood at 40 hours and 24|fice workers at the Chrysler|STOP CONSTRUCTION minutes. In March the national|ttd, plant agreed to remain on| The strikers, members of lo- average was 39 hours, six min-|the job after being offered sal-|cal 508, United Association of utes. : ary increases. . Plumbers and Pipe Fitters The 1964 comparable figures|TALKS BREAK OFF (CLC), are stopping more than were 42 hours and 39 hours, 48) In Quebec City, negotiations) $10,000,000 worth of construc- minutes respectively. In 1963,pet ween representatives of|tion in the city. the January average was 41|1,200 striking plumbers and| Ottawa's Mayor Donald Reid, hours, 54 minutes and thelelectricians and employers|announced he would ask provin- March figure 39 hours, 54 min-jproke. off late Tuesday with|cial Labor Minister Leslie utes. both sides saying they would|Rowntree to intervene in a The study showed that, dur- ider new proposals made|strike that has been tying up ing the fall, winter and spring|by conciliator Noel Berube. {building worth $32,000,000 since months, the average Canadian| Real Labelle of the Confed-|the first week in June. home has its TV set on aboutleration of National Trade| Three different striking build- 40 hours a week. The popular|Unions, representing the union,|ing unions are demanding they working estimate is that the av-jsaid he did not see an early|be allowed to honor other Ot- erage Canadian sleeps about 56/settlement to the 23-day strike|tawa picket lines. association of dump truck owners which is seeking ballots have gone out across the country and postal workers in register dissatisfaction with a $510-to-$550 annual pay raise. | 'HOT AIR' }u amount milk used by powdered and/o one creamery manager Tues- But about 600 shippers Grey and Bruce counties Western Ontario voted last) ince. union and company officials and were to meet again today in an attempt to end a strike by 1,100 Leamington employees. Members of local 459, United (CLO), Workers Union been on ing the busy picking season. |{t Motors (Canada) Ltd. plant at cal 1285,. United Automobile|i Workers (CLC), said Tuesday] In Ontario, price cuts in the|Thomas H. Blair said Tuesday shippers receive for|that three policemen, accused wy. f manhandling three Canadian) were not the bandits, said, and the Canadians were released, Goldberg and Rosen said He said a department inquiry|they had retained counsel in charges| Buffalo to take action against the city for false arrest, false imprisonment and assault. concentrated milk manufactur-| lawyers, during a robbery in- ers brought a threatened prov-| vestigation, acted in the line of ince - wide strike -- a threat} duty. day called "a lot of hot air." |into the Canadians' in| showed the policemen had acted in\in a "reasonable manner. week to go on strike Sept. 15jilton, one of the lawyers, said and then set out to raise sup-| Monday he and two colleagues port from all of the 15,000 farm-|Solly Rosen, 27, and Fred Lev ers who ship milk in the prov-jitt, 27, both of Toronto, were): roughed up by Buffalo police}; In the H. J. Heinz dispute,|last week. mth Labor Minter Rowatree| U.S. Sub Collides Packinghouse, Food and Allied|defence department confirmed have/Thursday that a U.S, subma- strike against thelrine collided with a Lebanese Heinz company since July 27|freighter July 13, 'but said the concerning overtime pay dur-laccident occurred in interna- Elsewhere the American/|Sea. Brampton faced a strike threat.|dio had charged last Sunday James Peters, president of lo-jthat such @ collision occur: that unless a new contract is|queries about the Peking radio sun ana ronal vores | Says Deputy Of Officers Blair said the Canadians were BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)--Dep- He was Ci red. Convict Driver ORILLIA (CP)--Charles.. Ed- ward Lannen, 26, of Newmar- ket, who was driving the car that struck and killed Percy convicted Tuesday of careless Magistrate K. A. Cameron said Lennen was not keeping a proper lookout when his car hit celebrity in Hamilton, where he won the title of Canada's oldest beatnik for defying authorities in wearing shorts while stay- ing at a home for the aged. H was a former Montreal busi- nessman who left his work and at one point became hermit in the Kirkland Lake area. walking to North Bay from Hamilton pushing a art when the accident occur- 10, was of here was a} Guorenteed -- Redeemable -- ty police comm issioner|taken to a delicatessen that had|furope is feathers for George Goldberg, 27, of Ham- With Freighter WASHINGTON (AP) -- 'The ional waters of the South China The Communist Chinese ra- n territorial waters of The pentagon answer to men. The store-owners said they hours a week, "because of the unacceptable During the summer, the av-|position of the employers." The erage Canadian set is on only|ynion seeks a 70-cent hourly|plasterers and 4,500 carpenters|out. problems seemed over as 500|members of the union will walk|Medregal "while on routine op- But Toronto's construction|signed by the weekend, 1,250|report said that the submarine erations in the South China ¢ 92 nours a week, reflecting both the usual away-from-the-living- room summer ditt and stores! Faces Abortion, ernt'acomn' tor % per cent ®t) Cloutier Is Refused Bail weekly TV viewing. Federal Money Need Stressed BUFFALO (AP)--New York| state needs more Tuesday for Andre Lariviere, Judge Cloutier turned down a MONTREAL (CP) -- Judgesum of $15,000 a€posited Mon-|Chief Armand Cloutier refused bailday when Lariviere was ar-|Tuesday two 47, charged with conspiracy andcent assault |performing an abortion on awho had come to his office for young woman two months ago. psychoanalysis or related treat- Sea on July 13, 1965, was in collision with the S.S. Rodos, a merchant ship of Lebanese reg- istry." Seen In Escape The Medregal is . can . _|tionally - powered submarine o' gge "ye id 65 ne about 1,500 tons that normally _ oun capa carries a crew of about -80 raigned on 12 charges of inde- charged with breaking and en- mer. i against women |fering after a short manhunt in| yaities on the Medregal. month, were given outside help| in their escape Monday night Record Volume from the town detention cells. Conspiracy Outside Help ment. federal| request for bail from def Crown Pr t Jean-Guy | money, not federal controls, in j A general alarm was out for the fight to halt pollution o' lawyer Maurice Hebert, Whpoiard objected to bail On\the has men, Eugene Tanguay, Of Crops Seen 4 ae t. Wi said he needed his client's lib- ned ae Pl oo pag erty to prepare his case for the His contention was challenged oo: oer mt peonece by Senator bg F. gers! Mr. Hebert suggested bail of who said New York state should) $5,999 in cash, in addition to the grounds that the new charge|21, and Roland Cleland, 22, the was the more serious in that |Chief said. ; "the young woman in the case| The two and Alagis Zadori, came within an inch of dying |26, of Ottawa, who was released as a result of complications." on $500 bail on the. same WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. planted in modern times. charge, were charged after a agree with « en-| dorsed by Ohio, Indiana and| Michisan at, + waterzatuter Charles Urged To Enlist week. eral enforcement of pollution- abatement plans in each state.| GLASGOW (Reuters)-- The governor criticized Ken-| Prince Charles, 16-year-old nedy's' suggestion that New| heir to Britain's throne, has York ask for federal enforce-| been advised to join the Royal | ment, and called instead for| Marines. Kennedy to work for additional} 'the jnyitation was passed federal aid to the state. | to him Tuesday in a tea-time Kennedy urged Rockefeller to) conversation by William seek repeal of provisions of the) Birch, a burly quartermaster- | state's Penal Code, which pre-| sergeant im the marines. vents state agencies from re-| vealing information about in) gown to tea with the Royal Birch found himself sitting | supermarket in this community ; r nological advances are the ma- 40 miles northwest of Ottawa) or contributing factors. was robbed of a quantity of cig-| An agriculture department arettes. | ; "Somebody broke into the p lcrop development report said E ase 4 The conclusions called for fed- In British Royal Marines hice mebody broke into ine Tuesday conditions Aug. 1 in- dicated that this year's total crop volume will cent above the 1957-1959 aver. time someone went into the |men," Chief Parsons said. Royal Marines. "The keys (to the cells) are} "The prince smiléd but did |kept in the office in case) not commit himself, but as I |there's an emergency. The man) said goodbye to him I added; jon duty was only away for! 'Please. don't forget, sir, |three - quarters of an hour and| cent above last year. | what I said about the Royal |when he came back the men | Marines'."" were gone." { | 'Tanguay and Zadori both had| GOOD FOOD SEEKS 6,000TH WIN \Pleaded not guilty to breaking! BUSINESS ME |_ VANCOUVER (CP) -- When|406 ee eet ee Tyra 2s yg | jg) Aug. 23. n ea ilty. ue Johnny Longden rides home his P guilty DINNER 5:30 te 8 P.M. There were no personal cas-|' farmers are producing a record |: volume of crops this year onj~ one of the smallest acreages |: Favorable weather and tech- |: be 16 per) age, four per cent above the}; previous record in 1963 and six} dustrial pollution. | Family in the course of a visit He asked for new interstate standardssson water quality to eliminate differing standards among states. Henry A. Lawless by the. Queen to the aircraft carrier Centaur in the Clyde River. The Queen, with Prince Philip, Charles and Princess Ann, sat down to tea with the Centaur's non-commis- 6,000h winner as expected shortly, a Vancouver civic re- TAKE FEW HOLIDAYS cognition medal will await at| Britain has only six public) jthe finish line. City council) holidays a year, some of which voted Tuesday to extend civicjare held on different dates in! recognition to Longden, the| Scotland and England.. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe world's winningest jockey ever. | He is four wins short of the sioned officers. Gets CFMM Post } Birch eal aie the party: MONTREAL (CP) -- Henry; "I mentioned to the Prince Alan Lawless, 32, of Montreal) as there were members of 6,000 mark, and will try to 6.000 mark, "and will ty tol THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Vancouver's Exhibition Park. * Longden, born in England and has been appointed acting exe-| his family in the Royal Navy raised in Canada, began racing, PRESTIGE A FEW cutive director of the Canadian| and the army, it was about lin Alberta in 1927. 7 AND 2 CT pipoentalnig icipalities, it was announced| r UV DISTINCTION SUITES Tuesday. Now Is The Time To Order | BEYOND Pag hail He fills the vacancy left by| : | the recent death of George S. | Your Winter Fuel ..1..+..... C GAL. COMPARE Mooney, who was 27 years with | | ee sed the federation. The federation is the national | organization for local govern-| ment throughout Canada. It has a membership of 350 municipali- | ties with a total population of 12,000,000. Mr. Lawless has been division manager and secretary of the Canadian Paint Varnish and Lacquer Association for the last six years. He is bilingual. i 4 SAVE PHONE DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District On Premium Quality FUEL OIL ae sis ee LS | 728.2911 668-3341 - 5 GeorGcian mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA been robbed of $130 by three|peds, TRADE IN GOOD SLEEP One of the important items Communist China exports to/s feather SAVING HOURS: Blair! weep A NEW Ne Down Payment--First December--Call PERRY Dey or Night . FURNACE? « + 723-3443 Mon.-Thurs, 9te Fridey 9te Seturdey 9te Payment FRESH ONTARIO SPRING LAMB Pera ume SHINE "OM oy LEG OLAME LOIN CHOPS 89: PEAMEAL BACON 8 0: Ib End Cuts by Lean Sliced The Piece. Round STEAK or Boneless RUMP or me 89 STEAK ROAST Fresh SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS "It is this sort of monster |. who has big chances in Brit- ain, The Queen recently ferred the MBE on them thus admitting the Beatles to the rank of gentlemen of the Eng- rotten MONEY TO INVEST? Earn the highest rote -- EYAM, England (CP) -- The people of this Derbyshire vii- lage are commemorating an an- niversary this year which Lon- don seems to have left hidden in nniversaries crazy per ennum for 5 years (end up to 10 years) CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES are as to Principal end Interest Flexible -- may be used os Collateral for loone upon death Authorized -- os Trustee Act Investments Head Office: 6 9 5 pounTAIHEND (OF SERACE 69: lb STEW of LAMB CUTS 39 Seasoned JITNEY BURGERS Skinless WIENERS 2 iis. 95 LEAN SLICED c| _SIDE | BACON 79: FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE 4u.5] SALMON STEAKS 9 Seasoned BEEF PATTIES 2.39 5 LB. BOX VEAL ROAST -LEG-RUMP SIRLOIN 69: 3 uss, 25% WINGS 3 us. 1.00 Thursday Only CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS 39: lb "Seturday till 6 P.M. 12 KING ST. E. 723-3633 STORE HOURS: Friday till 9 P.M Tel. 723-5221 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION

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