\. Int Nickel STOCK MARKET MINES TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Aug, 11 {Quotations in cents unless marked $. One Int. xd--Ex-dividend, Bless 4 Fights, *w--Bx-warranis, wei Pt from previous board-lot Closing. pale.) INDUSTRIALS 1) Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge so $2 1212 $374 374 37% + S644 644 644 Stock Sales Abitibi 29% 29% 4 634 63% ve 9% 2% 20% + Ve 5 5 634 63%4 41% 7% M+ 16% 16% 4 a+ % 7 7 +h "4 "4 425 425 42% 42% + Ve 13% 134--% ry ipere cp c Chemecel! Col Cell Col Cet pr ¢ Savings Con' Bidg Con M5 Con Gas Corby vi Crush int Cygnus A Cygnus B Cygnus pr Dist Seag D Bridge Dotaseo Dom. Stores Dorntar Dom_ Text Du Pont Falcon Fed Grain Ford Cda GMC Goodyr pr G L Power Gr Weg G Greyhnd Guar Tr Hardee Hard. Carp 5 Merd Carp A 25 HBC 225 292 457 200 100 55 26% 26% -- Ve 23a 23% 199 19% + Ve 30% 20% + 484 4BYa 97% 97% % 143 105 460 29% 455 125 200 140 % 195 3078 oo $103 $4814 ag A 143 Husky imp Oi! imp Tob ind Accep Ind Min 23 Iniand Gw 100 int City Gr 4405 40 3 215 $93% 283 $30 40) $88% el SP 200 $5% TL Ind 100 $11% qarhaten PS 200 814% Jefferson 1650 $19 $74 80 Int util inter a." 20% 6 290 «290 20 200 $15% 1 $35% $8% $29 $6 +5 154 = "a M Leaf Mill Mass-F MeCP Pac Pete Pow Corp Premium 100 «Price Bros. 7210 Probulld P \ 250 $155 QN Gas 125 QN G 63 100 Rapid-Gri 250 FH Revelstoke 100 $9% Rockowr pr 100 $14 Royal Bank 240 $72 7 72" -- Ve Salada 435 yvette 250 20 300 +5 nn Can 725 i 7% 17% + % Shell | w 230 560 560 560 | Shop Save xd 100 $13% 13% 13% -- Vs Shop City 100 490 490 490 Shuliy's 160 320 320 Simpsons xd 50 $27 26% 27 + Ve St Pav 184 $13 13% 13% .Steel Car 825 $27% 27% 27% + Ve Steinbg A xd 75 Stuart. House 100 Tor-Dom Bk 226 Tor Iron A 100 T Fin A 425 Transair 300 Tr Can PL 623 Trans-Mt 31s Trans PPL 100 Un Carbide i] Un Gas Versatile 250 505 7 We 9am Ve 406M 320 $6 6 6 Sole $1 614 $22 622 22 $13% 3% 310 «(30S $6 4% % S19% 194 19% $8% «8% 87% --~ vw} 828% 24 8% $2642 26% 26\4-- % $e " ' S14% 14% 14% $374 374 3% 250 250 «(250 370 355 370 30 183 100 West ind A 300 WCoast Tr 365 $184 15 § ~ W Pacific 400 817% 17 WY Weston A 250 $20 0 2 Woodwd A 300 $25 25 25 OILS pos Uran Aceri All Pitch Am -Larder Aime RYT Area Arion Argosy A Arcadia Atl © Cop Belleterre Bethim Bidcop Big Nama Black Bay Bralorne . Brov! Reef Brunswk Buhker H Dy: c no, Captain Cent Pat Cheski irk Chib-Kay Chimo Coch will Coin Lake Comb Met ¢ Mogul € Morrison € Northid € Regeourt Cop Corp Craigmt Croinor ison Dicknsn Dome & Amphi F G G Granisle Gunnar Headway Heath High-Bell Hud Bay Int Bibis 1 Kenville Irish Cop tron Bay Jelex Joburke Kerr Add L Dufavit Lakehead | Lahgis Louviet Madsen Martin | Radiore 1) 1086 = 'al Mattgmi Maybrun Merrill | Metal Mine + %! Midrim Min-Ore MultieM New Ath N Hosco | N Miyame Nisto Norbeau Norlartic . Norpax N Goldert Northgte Obaska O'Brien Orchan Pamour Patino Pax int Pce Expl Pine Point Porc Pay Preston Probe Prudex Ave Man Raduore Raglan Rayrock Rexspar Rio Algom Salem Sherritt Steep R Texmont |} Tombill Tormont Tribag 900 U Asbestos 100 Un Buffad 198250 UCL Mine 1000 Un Keno 100 500 700 Upp Can Violam Willroy 600 Win Eld 1000 White Star 39900 Yk Bear 100 Zenmac 3500 Zulapa 3500 Sales fo 11:00 a. FOREIGN Tk 300 1000 Cochwill Three States dn 4, Mad RY 2 ~~? ATLANTA, Ga, (AP) -- Offi- cials of Texas, Virginia and Alabama today were examining government suits to abolish the poll tax to determine what ac- tion to take, In Texas, Attorney - General Waggoner Carr said he would file an answer after the neces- ({| sary study and preparation. Similar reactions were ex- pressed in Virginia and Ala- bama where the justice depart- ment also sued to abolish the poll tax. The suits were filed Tuesday, the same day federal examin- ers began registering Negroes to vote in nine southern coun- ties and parishes in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. A civil, service spokesman ~"},|Said in Washington that 1,144 + "| Negroes registered to vote on the first day of federally super- vised registration under the 1965 voting rights law. TO EASE VOTING Both the registration an the suits to abolish the poll tax are "ona designed to make it easier for 110 +3 | Negroes to vote, At Austin, Tex., two federal attorneys delivered to the fed- eral district court clerk a peti- | tion sens by U.S. Attorney- Gener: Nicholas Katzenbach| which 'alleged the 63-year-old, poll tax requirement served| only to limit voting rights, par- ticularly those of Negroes. Both Carr and Governor John Connally said they wanted to study the petition before com- menting. Carr said last week, "It's my duty to defend the laws of Texas, and in the event the U.S. attorney - general chal - lenges their validity we will %, 0 ae 24% ae "a 165 165 2 380 +5 2 25 23 450 455 +5 199 6159 +2 | Aide % Wh" 7 9 2 dig 13 1394 4 = $l4\o 144 lhe 335 (335 «335 27 22 281 445 % pd srs 110 27 22 760 445 16 445 6 +% rh] 48 830 830 $14% ea 4% td Va} 27 27 7 = M4 40% ae 32'. 29 235 2900 20 4 3 73 73) mt $17% 17% 17% 12% 12% 12Va a 638 63 O42 72 «172: «172 =3 4" 49 " 10% 102 104 -- + 28 275 an "" 1 1 +4 +2 ~1 ie 20: My a tov ig To Abolish U.S. Poll Tax |Canton, with scores more told Study Suits ilar suit was filed in federal district court at Richmond. It claimed the $1.50 » year tax was designed solely to restrict the electorate, particularly Ne- gro voters, In all three states the justice department asked that the cases be heard as soon as pos- sible by three-judge courts. A similar request was made when the department filed suit against Mississippi's poll tax Saturday. Mississippi Negroes could control one-third of the state's legislative seats if they regis- ter as voters, an Associated Press survey showed today. Negroes outnumber whites in one of five congressional dis- tricts. RINGO! Ringo Starr is the drum- mer for the British sing- ing group called the Beatles. The group will be in Toronto Aug. 17. (CP Photo) Freight-rate Discrimination Charged To Britain, Others WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Britain and other shipping countries were accused in = cengressional report released Tuesday of ocean freight-rate discrimination against the|an United States. Senator Paul Douglas, chair- man of a joint congressional economic subcommittee, which conducted hearings last May, said the record shows discrim- incticn and monopoly in -Brit- ish-American trade, He asserted that American exporters pay one-third more to ship their commodities to Eng- land than English shippers pay to send similar commodities to the United States. The British government, in a statement submitted to the sub- committee, senied the accusa tion. It said étatistics assembled This was a portent of historic political change in this state Tuesday when federal voting] . registrars began enrolling Ne- groes in two counties. Negroes in Madison County nearly doubled their voting) strength in a single day. There were 209 registered at| to come back today, The jus- tice department had said previ- ously 218 out of the country's vote, counties have 'more Negroes |than whites. Those 29 counties| have 40 seats in the 122-mem- ber state house. Negroes could elect 19 of the 52 state senators. Whites outnumber Negroes 1,257,546 to 915,743, however,| census authorities say the Ne- gro voting - age pophlation is proportionately smaller than the total Negro population be- 1% ~! |meet him in the courtroom." Virginia officials generally| jhad little to say after a. sim- 16! '7 1' 70 735 24% a 7 ys 740 uMa+ Ve Lc eo | | cause Negroes continue to leave the state when they become adults. a0 +20 184 6 850 33 485 184 184 850 850 31 uM" 3 6 46 +H $520 52e S20 +10 se 8 8 ml 2 160 162 "" % Th vee is ie LIMA, Peru (AP)--A search for a lost Inca city. .. . Caches of gold hidden four centuries ago from the marauding Span- ish conquerors. . ... Fame to the finders, It sounds exciting, Pith hel- mets. . .. Native porters, . . Nights in the jungles. That's the alluring. side, The other is sobering. Back-breaking days hacking tangled jungle brush with a ma- chete. . . . Scorching sun and chilling rain. Poisonous snakes and man-killing jaguars. . Frustration and disappoint- ment, Explorer- Gene Savoy says 18% 18% 184 730 730 730 70 168 «(168 --10 =) TRADING 435 435 «435 145 145 145 -5 +5 Scugog's, Win Boxla Tilts In. a pair o |Juvenile lacrosse: games staged) $42% 42% 42% == vajat the Oshawa Children's Arena! last night, Se y|scored four goals in the first jperiod and coasted to an 8-3 305 5 |win over Bosco's Real Estate, \while Tom Cullen's nipped Gus Brown's 10-7 in Scugog's came out of the first + %|period with a 4-1 lead, held that to 5-2 after 40 minutes, and out- +10 Ise ored the opposition 3-1 in the --,,|third stanza for the win. John the winners with four markers, while Rick Lack, Joe Krasny, Terry Slack and Johnson led Gary Kalynko each, Dave M it's worth-the trouble. The 38- year-old American is organizing his third expedition to the re- mote Plain of the Spirits in southeast Peru, once the heart of the great Inca empire. Savoy came to Peru six years ago to hunt for ruins of lost civilizations after exploring in Canada, the United States, Al- aska and Mexico, His home is in Portland, Ore. He is credited with discover- ing three pre-Inca cities and a centuries-old 100-foot-wide stone highway in northern Peru. Now he wants to establish beyond doubt that extensive ruins he came across at the foot of the Maracocha and Pis- cacocha Mountains in southeast Peru are those of Vilcabamba, counted once|the last refuge of the Incas, cMaster, Bill) If the ruins are those of the Cullen's { OLA Junior- ugog Cleaners a close contest. Back-Breaking Days, Too In Inca Treasure Search treasures of gold with them. | Any treasure found legally be- longs to Peru. From Vilcabamba, the Incas) made -sporadic war on the| Spaniards, and the city was so} well hidden it defied -- .|through the centuries. U.S. archeologist Hiram Bing-| ham at first thought he had| found Vilcabamba when he dis- | covered the spectacular ruins of | Machu Picchu in 1911. But) Machu Picchu, high in the| Andes, did not fit the descrip-| tion of Vilcabamba, described) in chronicles and church rec- ords as a jungle capital much} farther from Cuzco, Today Ma- chu Picchu is one of South) America's biggest tourist at-) tractions, Savoy, who came back with dozens of relics, photographs and sketches, says he is al most certain he has found the lost city, but acknowledges: "I sometimes have my doubts, although I have seen the ruins with my own eyes. || find it hard to believe, myself."| He reported finding gran- ite temples, palatial residences, | gardens and fountains on three) adjoining plateaus covering a wide area. Two Face Trial | In Armed Robbery ST, THOMAS (CP)--Two Lon- os Her the world junior welterweight boxing champion, has been sus- |pended for a year by the Cara- Boxing Commission. The suspension applies only to the Caracas metropolitan area, but may be extended Venezuela. The Caracas i ana the transcript of the subcommittee cas 10,366 eligible Negroes could|Commission alleged young champion had often been| | hearings. The survey indicates that 29 drunk in public. don, Ont., men, charged with the armed robbery last month of a family in nearby Port Bruce, were ordered Tuesday to stand trial Sept. 17. Gustave Walter Behrens, 31, and John Sholtanuk, 39, were charged after Mr, and Mrs.| Cornelius Meeuse and their son) John, 24, were bound and robbed Langley and Tom Werry notched|legendary city of Vilcabamba| singlestons for the losers. they will provide a missing link! The other game saw Cullen's|in the history of the mysterious 175 1A (174 hold slim period leads of 4-3 and|Inca civilization, Savoy says. sim i 19% - Vai B-5 before pulling away in the * as as third. Charlie Brown, Rick Bab-/FLED WITH GOLD 8 iS --2 jcock, Bill Hastie and J, Jan-| Thousands of Inca warriors ~' \kowski scored twice each, with|led by Emperor Manco II es- single markers coming from R.|caped from Cuzco, the capital Fisher and Felix. of the Incas, after the Span- Alminex Am Leduc toss Ang U Dev 4000 Asamera 10700 € &x Gas 1200 Cdn Sup Oil 116 Cent Del 525 Fr Pete 150 Gridol! 1500 Numac 200 Permo 400 Provo Gas 200 Scurry Rain $00 405 iW 400 400 " " NW = 4. 6 8} 48 146 140 14d mh BOXER SUSPENDED CARACAS agape _ Car- sion show that for every $100 'in British exports landed in 26, of V throughout the United States, an average of $4.81 is paid to the shipping conferences in freight. charges, For every $100 in U.S. exports landed in Britain, the average payment is $4.65, The diitish government also objected to publication of the Testimony was heard by the | subcommittee in closed ve o| (Dy, May 27. The were pri- vate hacouce they invalvod In- formation r received from Brit- ain and hoe f bee = agreement req consul- tation with them prior to pub- lication. Senator Douglas said the in- formation had been kept confi- dential for over two months, during which time consultation "| took place with the nations in- volved, and "ample notice was given of the subcommittee's in- tention to publish it." In London, Trade Minister Douglas Jay accused the U.S. maritime commission Tuesday of making use of misleading formation in trying to prove that freight rates between Brit- ish and American ports dis- criminate against American ex- by tie U.S. maritime commis- ports The freight rates are fixed by a conference of major shipping lines. Jay. said the commission's comparison sued a "revenue tons" rate, a variable unit of 1964. measurement, The trade minister said that compatison based on constant units of measurement -- cargo weight or cargo value--showed a clear advantage -to U.S. ex- ports. - r THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Auget 11, 1965. 29 SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP)---Gen- eral Motors was eee Tuesday of fesponsibility the performance of a 1960 rear- engine Corvair involved three years ago in a double highway fatality. A jury in Santa Clara County, in world's largest car manufac-|(ause trial, ing went against Doreen ins of San Jose, Calif., who sought $400,000 resulted in the deaths of her daughter, her fiance, John H. Taylor, 38 also of San Jose. The plaintiff's lawyer said the case representéd the first of 500 lawsuits in the United States, involving $150,000,000 in claims, to be decided on Corvairs man- divorcee, who had a Lorraine, seven, "1 ind driver's rie ru GM Acquitted In Lawsuit Over Corvair Parfarma ed 00 Corel rat termaing it 0 Paul O'Shea, end ea nage tthe model for the plain None of the lat four- Pal seat turer at the end of a 10-week ie and. evidence marked by technical eons Mrs.laind films, Fenty The car was owned by Tay- on the contention that a faulty 1960|!0r, @ disabled war veteran we in-|Corvair caused an accident that "agree _ Jose A College. Mrs, Collins, a car. The accident between his Cor- vair and a 16-ton truck 'haulin; itwo aed Sept. Calif. trailers. 1962, near "Merced, ufactured between 1960 and Mrs. Collins, 39, charged that the accident was caused by the alleged "defective design" of the Corvair's rear-swing axle. EXPERTS DISAGREED Stirling Moss, former Ryitish racing champion, testified dur- For August 11 12, 13, (4th at GLECOFE'S surermarker TRAIN KILIS BOY TORONTO (CP) -- Edward of|Troisi, an 11-year-old boy carry- ing lumber to the Don River where he and his brother were to have built a raft was killed by a train Monday night as he was crossing tracks. Mix 'em or Match 'em Maple Leaf Cooked Meats MAC & CHEESE DUTCH LOAF PICKLE & PIMENTO CHICKEN LOAF MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA y Fg J » 31- FANCY 15-0Z, BANQUET PEAS SAVE 14e¢ REG. Canned MILK 6. 89° 6. 1.00 1.14 -- CARNATION Ideol to take along on your trip. SAVE 10¢ -- REG, 49¢ -- DAFFODIL APPLE PIES DATE BARS SPECIAL EACH 39° REG. 49% 45° SPECIAL KING SIZE TIDE 25° OFF REGULAR PRICE Plus 35¢ coupon inside for next purchase of TIDE ¢ FROZEN BIRDS EYE THIS WEEK ONLY ! EASY OFF SAVE 19¢_ ctinen 40° WITH AMMONIA, 20-0Z, BOTTLE by SIMONIZ FOODS « 6-07. © Drugs and Clothing ° Triad Oj) 45 Union O11 330 U Canso 500 320 315 320 +5 W Decaita 200 370 370 370 at their home July 21. The ban- dits made off with money and the younger Meeuse's car. D. Spencer tallied three times|iards conquered their empire in for the losers, with B, Dres andthe 16th century. It is believed P. Smith adding a pair each. \the ) fleeing Incas carried great AL'S BI-RITE _-- %* Annual - CLEARANCE SALE ALL PRICES SLASHED *« SAVE , 0" to 50% ON ALL MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 35 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 725-7951 OPEN FRI. TO FAMILY SIZE-----REG. 1.49 -- CUE TOOTH PASTE § 1.35 JOHNSON'S REG. 98¢ BABY POWDER 85° SAVE 20c ----- REG. 59 PAIR Si 3 256 $1914 19% 194+ Meadow Gold. Ice Cream BRICKS Reg. 1.08 / ' for Cc NO. 1 ONTARIO GROWN TOMATOES 4-07. BSKT. ORANGEJUICE 2 «49. CARNATION 9-02. FRENCH FRIES Special 3 Qc pair FINEST SALMON FLESH CANTALOUPES "Wow -- What a Bargain" reraTaEs = 79 GLECOF F'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA RED RIPE -- (Average 25 Ibs. Luscious WATERMELONS: C &