DONT SHOUT THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, August 11, 1965 =| ONLY"S"BAY VANCOUVER (CP) -- On yahoo at a police officer 222] REMAINING IN [I ance at a Vancouver op DOLLAR SALE H-R Common Stock Cactnlts (bs. eee: ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END... . AND SO MUST THE DUNN'S ANNUAL ce Corp. Lid., an- DOLLAR SALE ... ONLY THREE DAYS REMAINING TO GET IN ON THE SAVINGS... BUY ONE SUIT, SPORT SHIRT OR TROUSERS AT THE REGULAR ADVERTISED PRICE AND RE- eae common 'oct ~ CEIVE A SIMILAR ARTICLE FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR EXTRA. '| Holt, Renfrew and Co More than 93 percent of the 40,000 outstanding common ; : BOYS' oe shares of Holt Renfrew have ; been validly tendered at the bid/m |. SPORT 4eape Pow ineat ee on vile We . mated ' ayment for all va n- am 2 ? dered shares will be made by Available in all colors and styles . . . sizes 8 - 18, Canada Permanent Trust Co. : A FOR as soon as possible. Although : Y ' ; the offer now has expired, any 4 -- Holt Renfrew shareholder who f . ' shares may sill €o s0 a8 8 se / PLUS $1.00 arate transaction, the company ; Trim new styling... said. rich worsted fabrics ! . . » Specially purchased and FA ; WHOOPING CRANES exceptionally low priced. MEN'S BRAND NAME HATCH EDMONTON (CP)--There is Pet handsome verecees| | eae SPORT SHIRTS ing crane will escape extinction, the latest styles for men f reports the Canadian Wildlife 'Gnd youd man: Care- Service. Six chicks were fully anid mnoticalcuahy Stripes, checks, plains, Sanforized shrunk. All top ANNOUNCES SEPARATION tary antes tee iver NT, tailored to add « note quality brand names, complete size range. of distinction to any Malaysia's Prime Minister | Lumpur when he announced to become independent. about 650 miles north of Edmon- man's appearance . . as FIRST EXTRA Y Tonku Abdul Rahman ges- that Singapore had left the (AP Wirephoto) | ton. sizes 34 to 52 to fit SHIRT 3.95 SHIRT 1 00 sh 4 95 tures during aoe --_ eraniend | young vad press conference in ; regular, short, tall a FIRST 4. 95 EXTRA federation of island states hordteontt shouts, SHIRT SHIRT 1.00 sx VE O 95 FIRST SUIT bi rdinal Claims ae es In The Dark 50 : CTA A hep MEN'S BRAND NAME s Fs fh. ' : a a 1S D SHIRTS ok carnal Cushing of Bos- e : : Tress ton said today that he didn't etl =n nom sry hg know what went on at =) by ot jean ecumenical counc e- j si thet lati faciliti of ll rr noe am EXTRA SUIT foe vm "]'m no scholar," he said. "I ! have never earned a degree and when I go to the ecumen- ical council I don't know in the PLUS $1.00 name of God what's going on.' It was absurd such a --_ e ao -- bog "hat at 2 : MEN'S Phe aur cptiles © 260 ie . schon a Drogheda, one 4 DUNN'S Bathing Sasete | Cardinal Cushing arriv : SAVES Ireland Monday on a 12-day Featuring all lar styles visit oe end petiorns, Sioee 28-38, I/3 OFF Under-18 Youths At Front e MEN'S WASHINGTON (AP) -- US. : Army headquarters has asked the Viet Nam command -how . | BERMUDA many youths under 18 are in the Viet Nam war zone and whether any of them are there ' and contrary to regulations. The inquiry was prompted by news reports from Saigon that * ; J AM Alc A about 100 enlisted men of the ful 173rd Airborne Brigade might SHOR be sent out of Viet Nam be- } cause of thelr age. b seg hips ged: Ro cdfind Modern two - button, three - button single breasted services, has a regulation pro- a ig the -- agg and link models, tailored from the latest fabrics in ent o oldier under if he is "ak ts the regular bad solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, army. This means that draftees : i- SI 46. Tall under 18 must not be sent over- OPEN A CHARGE navy, grey and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 46. Talls seas. | i and shorts included. wih official reports from the é iet Nam command show that there are non-regular army en- | ACCOUNT listed personnel under 18 there ' FOR $ Sp soreness | EXTRA TROUSERS 3 °1 explanation of how it hap- e @ present world-wide total man-| | @ No Carrying ECONOMY RANGE CUSTOM RANGE power of about 2,600,000, appar' | Charges sront atta SAVE SPORT PETRA SAVE i 28 a 42. | | ot Rae ae ae a Ge Oe Se ee Fe OSES OS PO ES OEE tee pened. | The U.S. armed forces, with) . © No Interest 29.50 1.00 13.95 | 3450 1.00 13.95 1/3 OFF personnel younger than 18. & NEWS IN BRIEF RACED ON BIKE HE WON | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Young) Joseph Grimes of Indianapolis, | Ind., won $150, the price of his} European bicycle, by riding it. A friend bet him he could not} Men's Full Fashion SHORT SLEEVE MENS SLACKS but Sasa od ad vost | BAN LON SWEAT ERS Tailored from the finest English and domesti¢ the 274 miles here in 2% days. BEAT RAILROAD RULE Blue, grey, brown, beige, green. S-M-L. all wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannel in BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP) -- and extra large. pic 'n' pic, neat and plains in grey, blue, med- Mrs. John McEwen, 82, remem: ium, dark brown and blues. Hook and bar bers well the days of 1913 when plus 1.00 (he railway Game through "her for fastener above zipper fly. Single pleats, con- district. Though the railroad pol- tinental style included, tabs on back pockets. ee fey was to build no bridges, she ; EXTRA PAIR ors off until they agreed to her oa j ' terms. The McEwen farm still : a : DRILL PANTS RANee'" GOLF COURSES SWING | "s : Black, green, grey, dark and navy. RANGE hole course opens next year and 00 18.95 MEADOW LAKE, Sask. (CP) much to stay away during the| : patrolled her land with a lantern a ; U : MEN'S has the only overpass between WINNIPEG (CP) -- .Metro- | 00 1 9.95 another of 18 holes should be yes : ye The second circular school) building in Canada now is under F DOWNTOWN OSHAWA vacation. every night to keep the survey- here and Dover. , 4 : s politan Winnipeg now has two we public golf sonaban B pall plans to Sizes 28 - 44. gusrom open two more -by 1968. A nine- a ONLY @ s * s finished after centennial ial building "e | specia. a Y' ha +h] r BUILD ROUND SCHOOL : : hs MAY truction here. The first, al : cestratn fre, The Aaa] GOLDEN ALE monton. alleen. : 36 KING ST. E. RUN BACK TO SCHOOL Ps . MONTREAL (CP)--Two boys, , OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. FRI. back to school insiead of away| "ll = ack to school instead of away from it, They returned to St. FROM MOLS ' fat = ed 10'S. ON'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE uebec's Eastern Townships be- Guebecis Easter Tornnirs | INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. t ay ; pad THURSDAY AND FRIDAY