THE OSHAWA TIMES, +2! Wednesdey, August 11, 1965 Russ Told Of "Terror" In Raids W (AP)--Three Soviet isctaaabiain told 8 television ' A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited Nam have caused terror, disruption of communi- cations and damage to schools, hospitals and industries. al eat Ga temaaty te on) : Thursday 10 A.M. Ps before returning to Mos-| #&% * . a 4 sala él : ' fe >. este 200 ONLY ue 'picture of a man iden pend s 4 ; SO } Z >, pp see ae e NARS aet g Si : EB has Carions of Ci gareltes 2.88 «carson May. 3 'by yy and schools were the said. , burning buildings appeared on the screen. These he identified 4 j 4 4 / , ye f ; ee 5 asa school and a hospital. : 4%. 4 ; A An) % J : Thursday 2 P.M. ement on the roads has| = z 4 ay ater 4 j chakged." he said. "In Febru- yes ' Q RED ROSE BRAND ary it was possible to move by! ? a d 2 A sa a - Z eet oee e | @ : : REG. GRIND only at night." ot Y 1 'ii. 3 : 4 The three correspondents are i ' y 'i i, , : 148 Yuri Yakhananov of Moscow! gag pa Sa 4 i. radio and television, Vadim) q i we TIN Komsomolskaya Pravda. peering, 10 sero scred| fm 6S, CAPER-CORD BEDSPREADS QUILTED ic, BEDSPREADS had been taken from a plane . shot down and on it were ' TWIN OR DOUBLE SIZE TWIN OR DOUBLE SIZE marked the co- ordinates of Assorted Polished Cotton: Thursday 7 P.M. schools ye aopranghl ae i Tailored style bedspreads in a Wilieed. Hadiprecés' with. a . any , ° : Pe acd csr he bomb-| jay large assortment of solid colours, tractive ruffle {rll Assorted LIMI MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Chereapaateats with world! | Choose from brown, gold, red, Ld prints of blue, pink, gold and @ QUANTITY war experience remembered = 4 that pilot maps normally = / green or blue. Men m wes marked to show known schools patte and hospitals so they could be avoided. lilac. rey a Sha Shak FIESTA GRILL ee , GIRDL it bo S a AG Lycra Girdle in white only, Sizes : ena Friday 10 4.M. YOU CAN, K aos K-DAY | Home Made . JOHNSON'S PRID KR Somy\ | 7 on AT | eet) | FANCY ICED-DONUTS ee B U ¥ : e 7 8 Playtex "Cross-Your-Heart" : ga ws al Bakers' Doz. 47 BRASSIERES LINEN T.7 ae new Se TEA TOWELS ' | : 2 ane Se Gee ee ENT $s J ) eweltone Sa el x. sy prema e page S E ae K sea rapes winsome aia ae Roll and Butter ata gaat tn nels tS ---- 75. | . 177 Yorkshire for Boys. Moccasin toe oxford with full leather lining and Mg ins srs 3 month Guaranteed wee Sizes 812 to4 B&D w ,€ a aa" r Ng & ty , . x ' ' i bays ONLY. %4.00 " ee | ' & . Frid Almost AGN my Fresh Roasted De tise TEM. B. BOYS' OXFORDS 4 SPANISH PEANUTS fo FABRIC SPECIALS Vdeo! for dress or school, New style Anythi n Ing Young Men's Shoe with Mocco C % Quarter, gnd long Venriee Neclite one ee Ch twille or ta plaids Ld piece sole and heel. Sizes 55. 00 Be assorted colors, 3% to 6. 3 DAYS ONLY, .... Ue! . & ec : - ' SPECIAL 79 YARD Through TIMES Classified ACTION ADS C. GIRLS' OXFORDS Jay Kaye for Children 2 eyelet oxford with envelope front with shaw!, inter- waren testa, thm od, Nyon. ap é bial Pane. OO 7 ; : | CARAMEL CORN Fun-Time Mix BISCUITS D. INFANTS BOOTS 4 Assorted Biscuits : Choose 'Steen at Shortcoke, tt Carmae! Crunch, Small Rich Tee, olden Jay Kaye for Children. Moccasin toe 14-oz. weet end Gi boots with soft biog flexible matin, or le Vinyt sole, tr wear end flexibility. Bag € 2Y%-lb. 6 4 f r 87 Sizes 2 to 6. $9 23 ce) | of 3 DAYS ONLY. LAVORIS Richard Hudnut _° Polycolor Antiseptic spe bie | | Kraft Jet Puff } joo Sms QUI CK Colored King Size The hair coloring sensation ou' 'as! nd. Gargle, M h Il | ireaic sean. sae set eon mou ard Las asey, Ne Drips Ne. Mam MARGARINE arsnmaiiows Blue Detergent natural hair coloring. Choice of 14 shades. a . 2 09 3-lb. Pkg. 11%4-0z, Pkg. 64-oz. Size 1.53 79. 33. ENO Fruit Salt Lanolin Life a a) || AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION IN THE Effervescent Saline, Hair Spray her 69¢ ee te. Try This! NEW LARGER SIZE _ Richmello totem sient ie Dominion's Own Richmello ICE CR E AM -- 'Ban' Deodorant Country Club Orage: ot ee Roll-on Be , : COFFEE Chiffon Cake Ice-Cream Scoop. 16-oz. Tin 3 Pint Container. , 6-oz. OPEN 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. except Sunday ay a. 79. PHONE 725-7331 | t 39: { way, To a beautiful lasting weve. Somewhere, someone is looking for the item you have to sell. Because of the wide selection of offerings each day, thousands of people make The Oshawa Times Classified Section a daily reading habit. You can count on quick action when you advertise with Times Classified Action Ads, ee AARARRARRARAR TELEPHONE 123-3492 RAR ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY Siscuencug