i Pailte which is Gaelic and can iwho has come to the United THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 11, 1965 17 jf Combining Job By ROBERTA ROESCH There's ideal work for every- one and sometimes you can find it by fusing all of your back- ground into promising career. In essence, this is the story behind Anne Tolan's career. Anne, who's as Irish as a sham- Nee has developed from her da job as a Colleen be interpreted as "an Irish girl States to tell everyone about Ireland and the welcome that CONTAGIOUS ENTHUSIASM To this job, vivacious yor Anne brings such a deep knowl- edge of Ireland that she can talk with contagious enthusiasm on Irish fashions, folklore, cul- Experiences Dream Career tinued studying about the coun- try on her own at the same time she majored in social sci- ence and economics, She says a joh as an airline stewardess was probably in the back of her mind as she ab- sorbed this background. But un- til she was old enough, she went | °PP0' to France and Spain to brush up on her languages. Later she|# involved herself in amateur act- ing, which gave her the tra and e that' -- though she couldn't ancitipate it then-- are now so invaluable in her Job. "Finally, when ' was old enough to be an airline stew- ardess, I flew for 3% years," she said. 'In that job, I learned a great deal about people. But at the same time I also discov- ered how little is known 'about Ireland. | WHAT SHE KNEW BEST i "Gradually, I realized more and more," Anne . continued, | 'that the thing that I know best in life is Ireland, so earlier this | year when the H came to be one of four girls] chosen to come to the United States on a three-month good- will tour to tell people Ireland, I knew I had a reall portunity. "Later iin 1 was chosen, as| a result of this job, to be aj full-time Colleen Failte or Host- | ining |¢88 of Welcome in this country, | I knew "it was even more of an opportunity and the ideal work for me. "It's a job that's a dream 'come true," she said. HOUSEHOLD HINT Use a piece of dental floss in a sawing motion to split cake sine, women, industry, sports, culture, the arts--and anything else that's Irish. Primarily, she's based in New MOUTH-WATERING BARBECUE STEAK, WIENERS AND BACON Tangy Scent Of Barbecue Smoke Barbecues sre still the favor- ites for those easy, relaxed summer meals, be it beef, pork or lamb, the distinctive barbe- cue flavor provides a change of pace to regular meals. Today, barbecuing, once confined only to the now familiar beefsteak, has enlarged its scope to in- clude everything from kabobs to ham steaks. The key to successful bar- becuing is to select meat prod- ucts suitable to dry heat cook- ing, and always make sure that the coals in your barbecue have an even, white hue prior to the commencement of cooking. An- other feature of barbecuing is to always plan a little bit larger portions than usual because of the sharpening of appetites by the fresh air and the exciting aromas of charcoal cooking. FOR STEAK 1, Take steak out tf refriger- ator an hour before cooking. (If steak has been in the freezer then be sure it is completely thawed out before cooking.) 2. Start the fire about 30 minutes ahead of time so that you have a bed of steadily glow- ing coals without flames. 3. Score fat edge, but don't bal into meat or juices will be Brush each side of meat oil just before cooking to oe. from picking and to Subdivisions _ 5. When juices rise to un- cooked surface, turn steak. Sea- son. A 1" steak requires 6 to 10 minutes on each side and a 2" steak 10 to 15 minutes for medium rare. Remember bar- becuing times vary according to heat of fire and thickness of steak. For a deep brown crusty coat and char flavor, sear one side by lowering grill close to coals for 2 to 3 minutes. Then raise grill to about 3" above coals to finish same side. Turn steak and repeat for second side. WIENERS IN SAVOR BUTTERED BUNS 1 pound wieners Hot dog buns, slit in half % eup soft butter or margarine Y, cup finely chopped green onion tablespoon lemon juice \% teaspoon sage Heat wieners over coals, turn- ing often to brown evenly. Blend butter, onion, lemon juice and sage together. Spread on cut surface on buns and place split side down on grill to toast light- iy. Serve hot wieners in toasted uns, 1 KABOBS Alternate on skewers any of the combinations below. Broil on outside barbecue or place on a greased baking sheet, and broil in oven until ked as desired. Turn kabobs occasion- ally. Brush frequently with bar- becue sauce or melted: butter or margarine. If desired, insert skewers in whole pineapple, watermelon end or grapefruit. Serve on skewers, in toasted rolls or over cooked rice. Pass barbecue sauce, chili sauce or steak sauce. 1, (Wieners pieces), mushroom caps, apple chunks. 2. Wieners (cut in pieces and wrapped with bacon) dill pickle chunks, tomato dg (cut in 1-inch| pine-| WIFE PRESERVER Screw cup hooks to an ordin- ary wooden hanger and use to hang belts by their buckles. 3. Cubes of tinned ham, green pepper wedges, tiny onions, mushroom caps, 4. Cubes of tinned ham, spiced crabapples, cooked sweet pota- toes. 5. Cubes of tinned ham, pine- apple chunks, marasefino cher- | ries, banana pieces. BORED ARE EMPTY MONTREAL (CP) -- Bored people are that way because they have nothing to concentrate on, says 21-year-old artist Mar- ion Wagschal. "People have to realize the world has given them a lot of terrific things in combination with miserable things like the shortness of the life span, but that there are in- teresting experiences' that can) enrich their lives," she said. When need "HOME-HURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" Remember to prepare fresh fruits near serving time for best appearance. York in the Irish International Airlines office. But she ap- pears before business, civic, church, fraternal and women's club groups in different parts of the country to present -her ex- cellent repertoire of fashion shows, films and talks. "It's the ideal job for me," she said. 'There's excitement all the time." But when you probe beneath the job that's so exciting to Anne, the story of her present success is the old familiar story of fusing all of one's back- ground into an ideal career. GOT AN EARLY START As a child in Ireland, Anne had absorbed a great.deal of information about Irish cus- toms, history and geography. When she went to the university in Dublin, she maintained her interest in Ireland and she con- layers. in half, CLEARANCE CHILDREN'S WEAR SPRING & SUMMER STOCK Reduced To. Sorry, but today it's our turn to smile! We're taking a vacation! | STAFF HOLIDAYS | | | | | FOR 2 WEEKS AUGUST (6th to 28th May we also wish you ond yours @ sofe and happy holiday. In the mean- time, get ti for the very best cleaning care. shirts to us STORES: 92 WOLFE 170% MARY ST. 12 BOND E, 924 SIMCOE N. AGENTS: @ United Taxi, 143 King le at b Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Pie: 75" Includin SPRING SU BATHING Don't Miss The Storewide Savings, Now at YJO|UIN|GHA|cIE|s OSHAWA SHOP 0% g: COATS ITS SUITS, etc. PING CENTRE ie Now the goodness, purity and nourisnment Of Heinz Baby Foods comes to you in convenient glass jars. HEINZ BABY FOODS (© the good they do your baby now--lasts a lifetimes FRIENDLY SERVICE -- NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES ' BUDGET TERMS GLAZIER'S FINAL Summer CLEAR- i Seeing is believing -- ALL summer merchandise now reduc- ed up to Ya OFF and many items even more! Here are few of the clecrance bargeins you will find at Glezier's. Oy eee et ey ee rere ee LADIES' and GIRLS' DRESSES - SLIMS - SHORTS BLOUSES - BATHING SUITS etc. ALL REDUCED UP TO My Off and MORE!! LADIES' Ladies' SLIMS ak. Ladies' BLOUSES ee ee ee ie Ladies' SASSY SETS ee, 4,99 ALL BATHING SUITS Reduced fo Low Low Prices! ! GIRLS' SHORTS & BERMUDAS si -- . 14. Reg. to 2.49 Sale 1.00 es 3 to 6x. Reg, to 1.98, ror aaa: 79° eee meee eeene Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. to 2.49, SALE Girls' POP TOPS Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. to 1.98. Sale 98c, eid 4 to 6x, Reg. 1.79. Mens' SHIRTS Short Sleeve. Sizes $.M.L. Reg. to 2.98. SALE Boys' SHORTS a, to 14, Reg. to 1.98. Sale 1,00 Sizes 2 to 6x. Reg. to 1.89, SALE 2 vo 8.00 LADIES' SUMMER CASUALS Reg, to 5.98 s And Still More Big Savings on Display Shop Now -- Don't be Disappointed -- Use Your Credit. boas All toy Watnettay very inesday -- Open Thursday and we Friday Until 9 P.M. {38 SIMCOE ST. S. Across from Simcoe St. School LAZIER'S FREE PARKING 'SIDUVHD ONIAWAVD YO_1STATLNI IDAWTS ATONATES |