Pa __ | REMEMBER WHEN . ... By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto Argonauts be- came a war casualty 23 years ago today--in 1942-- when they withdrew from the Eastern Rugby Football Union for the duration of the Second World War, This left the Scullers without a Just for fun, stopover in London before visiting Europe! Fly BOAC across the Atlantic this fall and it won't cost a penny extra in fares to visit London en route to Europe, Shop for antique treasures at bargain prices. See next year's Broadway hits this year. Visit the Abbey and the Tower of London, Stay a week or a month--then choose from 200 flights a day to 63 European cities. ==" BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA 10° THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wediiendey, August 13, 1968 SPORT FROM BRITAIN Lester Piggott Aims | For His Third Crown By RON 'HOWARD. biggest bookmakers, reckoned|som Derby three times' and has AGP) = Wiry. little|his firm lost' more than £100,000\twice taken the Epsom Oaks, on Piggott's mounts during the|the 2,000 Guineas and the St. ay age of 12, is MIKE BELKIN Tennis Star Withdraws, Leaves Officials Fuming Canadian '66 Bisley Team Has Eight New Members By PETE wl gc the Governor-General's match, CONNAUGHT RANGES, Ont.|Saturday, scoring 198 of a pos- (CP)--An Air Canada employee|sible 200 points. f -| Both Sewell and Dainer have tively bes Saco ag Bethy been to Bisley twice. By JIM CRERAR a candidate for Canada's Davis team to. the Commonwealth| Third in line in the Bisley ag-| TORONTO (CP)--A Montreal-|Cup team. canting seautelenation vit Bis-(gregate was Ralph Grant, a sea|born tennis star has Canadian| te sent a telegram to Kirsten ley, England, next summer. ben who attends Dartmouth, lawn tennis tournament officials would be unabl Ada 1. Grant, w-jangry at him because he went saying hy: we pare 0 Don Sewell, 38, a tall, slender|N-S., high school. Grant, a ne compete in the Canadian cham- 1g\home to the United States. marksman who has been to Bis-("omer to the team, and st 18 Mike Belkin, who lived in|pionships, which end here next fey twle, faled to win a singlethe Youngest member Montreal for 11 betore|Sunday, due to illness. He did 861 points, one more than PhiljMontreal for years hefore|Sunday, due to is. He e-da in/Leger Handica major match at the Dominion|® ho _has|moving to Miami, pulled out ofjnot disclose the nature of the third 'British Sksgeas Ghan the cence' titer Prendergast "has see velyjf Canada Rifle Association Isaac of Winnipeg, who ~S/the Canadian lawn tennis cham-(iliness but said he was going season andjrode "eight winners, breaking championships but was close|made the Bisley trip once. . ; serio' ry|the record of seven he had held Scent in tht Ke a St. rime enough to the winning pace in Fi Agee Beers ~_-- pionships just before the open-jhome on doctor's orders, tian ie 'Heljointly with Sir Gordon Rich-/a 1960|ards. rkshire, Sept. 8[@!! of them to top the field of ong 'Mond. ng ye lg got "yelkin the defendin oe ue ue rie 's "nd{850 in the Bisley aggregate, |b¢ Dick Hampton of Alliston, onday. He was. s y, ' 8 when Bell, : Ont, Hampton, a former army|S¢cond to Ron Holmberg of Dal- Ontario international tourna- Pigesit's deteruiinns riding|Crosby are all 'expected to be Fhe, linger ee nin fae pote re major, has qualified to: make|!®s, Tex., the sixth-ranking U.S./ment champion, was 'upset in ha player. the final of that event by sec- August, si hod ~ Py ee him °F pisgoti is descended from alt@peaters, only three have Mas cats veaneeid shooter} It left tournament chairmanjond-seeded Bill Lenoir of Tuc- made the trip to Bisley as often three years ago the, Royal So- ong. lite tM trainer angj@s three times and only Bili|had @ total of #59 in the aggre- shar ettcdais inulin eat cey\ Teast tek te tie Chadian ciety for the Prevention of Cru-father Keith Is a tra her(Brown of Virden, Man., has|@ate, the same as Arne Soren- vost hi h € j y Se hi i elty to Animals set up an in-former jockey and his mother) i) times. ' sen, one of five Calgarians on|¢9st him a chance to play injchampionship, won his opening mi ag to investigate his use of|an experienced rider. His grand cewell, who Scored 865 of althe team. Sorensen has been to future tournaments, men's singles match Monday whip. He was later'cleared| jong Tom Cannon, rode his . Bisley once. Belkin, a student at the Uni-jover Pierre Lamarche of Mont- possible 925 points in the nine sity of 4 6-2. 6+ by RSPCA officials. | -_ winner et = age Poly 8 matches that contribute 'toward|. 1n addition to Hampton, only versity of Miami, is consideredireal 6-4, 6-2, 6-0. "{'m often asked if I'm mel-/&" the Bisley total, was making his|Cathline and LAC Jim Hennok tional Steeplechase Cold. Lak lowing and maturing," he says. \G rand Na seventh appearance in the an-\%f RCAF Station Cold Lake, three times. ' Ita,, have been to the Com- profitable victories have been vel Pm foo oi to mare, rises a mgs ty "a saadilee" a en ferro championship aij board |wife Susan, 1 least th times. Cathline has Seen tee Tec cin ouked irs trobtla' Ol ladles Foy meldaughter of a trainer, and their| AME CLOSE ONCE gone five times and. Henaok DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH jointly. b "Cal a ublisher|I am cruel to horses because I/four-year-old daughter, Maut-| 1) one eaten hate nning three times. | $5 00 PER DAY PLUS LOW Max Bell Vancouver ollman|hit them too hard pcg peak or p ageregpel "which he thd tines. Other | . ™ _ MILEAGE CHARGE Frank McMahon and singer| "Because 1 flourish the whip/near Newmar shooters for first place and lost FIGHT TO DRAW 725-6553 the shoot-off to Sgt. Ralph Cath-; TORONTO (CP)--Portuguese | Bing Crosby. a lot and look to be going mad|the Jockey | Club, -- Piggott scored the first Irish/at times people get the wrong line of Camp Borden, Ont., who| United and Toronto Azzuri tied| by 24 wins. Two of his finest and most Oshewa's Agent Sree ee nt Ra, Sr classic win of his career June 26 when he coasted the chestnut colt to a two-length win in the £55,000 Irish Sweeps Derby. He followed that performance up three weeks later with another two - length win on Meadow £30,000 King place ride in the Epsom Derby. ON BOOKIES IN Described by Meadow Court's trainer Paddy Prendergast as.a "great rider," the sallow-com- brings ot 98 ~- gg usually even poorer - class s he poo to ride. Meadow Court was odds-on favorite for both) gh this year. impression. "No one who loves horses as| much as I do would deliber-| ately hurt them. It's just that| some are lazy and won't do, their best without a crack or two." FLIES TO MEETS Piggott has taken to the air} to meet his riding commit- ments, sometimes appearing at as many as three tracks in one afternoon. His latest scrape with the stewards resulted in his being reported to the British Jockey Club for failing to arrive for a race in Folkestone, Kent, when poor weather grounded his plane in Newmarket, 85 miles eee gott has won the. Ascot also qualified for Bisley. 2-2 Tuesday night in a National! RUTHERFORD'S SPORT BRIEFS UNDERGOES SURGERY BOSTON (AP) -- Manager Billy Herman of Boston Red |Sox underwent emergency sur- gery for appendicitis Tuesday \night, The operation was termed a success by Red Sox physician Dr. Thomas Tierney, who said the 59-year-old Her- man would remain in hospital for a week. Coach Pete Run- nels will handle the American League team until Herman's re- turn. SERIES OF SHUTOUTS Mickey Lolich, Detroit Tiger southpaw, pitched six shutouts lin 1964, three of them in sucees- sion, and had a string of 30 Pig 'illiam Hill, one of London', s|Gold A four times, the Ep- scoreless innings at one time. 1, Guerenteed Savings Prices guaranteed not to go up during month, Alwoys lower than the 4 largest supermarket chains. Shows much you save. 2. Food Rescue Service We will replace free of charge, 'foods purchased that are no longer edible due to freezer breakdown. 3. Free Food Storage 1f you are moving, or away on long' vacation, we will store your food for os long as 2 months without charge. 4, Free Quickh-Freezing Service We will quick-freeze, eb- solutely free, ony large amount of food your freezer can't handle. 5. Free Food Delivery All food orders over $25 will be delivered to your home without cherge. 6. Satisfection Gueranteed If not. satisfied. with quality of feod purchased, we will refund money or. replace food. All This and More! 7. Free Sickness end Accident Benefits We will deliver to your home. $50 of food every month, up to 12. months, absolutely free if you are unoble to work due to ac- cident or sickness, 8. Members laid off work on strike or sick If money is owed, payment con be extended up to 3 months to help you through your troubles, 9. Accident or Sickness Too If member should have fot- o! accident or sickness, his debts to the Club will be poid by us. 10.Food Credits Credits worth up to $10 are given for recipes pub- lished in our Bulletin, Cred- its worth $10 are given for name of prospect which leads to sale of freezer and Club membership. 11, Plant Shopping You can shop in person et our Food Plants on WHAT A MEMBERSHIP: IN CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB CAN DO FOR YOU Sewell's total of 865 points was one better than that of Derek Daines of Calgary. Daines, a 36-year-old tool and Soccer League match. Ray} Reynolds and Bert Santos} scored for United, Chris Doyle and Ennio Del Gallo for Az- zurri. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. . Oshawa 57 King St. ett B= &, and ~tS WE'RE ne trcHe ~ DURING 'IN ne A OUR | | | FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) LIMITED East 728 ees an HEAT'S GOT US! WE CARE ABOUT NOTHING! NOT EVEN PROFIT! WANT PROOF? LOOK at the PRICES! VOGUE TOILET TISSUE By Kelton SWIMMING POOLS Skol. Sun Tan LOTION Good Foods: All our foods are either well-known brands or packed exclusivel for us by leading manufacturers. We sell only Red and Blue Brand Hest nights « week and on Sat- urdeys. You can pay by cash or Instant Charge. 12. Budget Terms end « Instant Charge Budget Terms ore available for purchase of food deliv- ered to your home, Terms are for 2 months ond there is a small carrying charge. Instant Charge is available through our cashiers to members who like to shop at one of our 5 Food Plonts. 13. Deposit Accounts Chambers Deposit Accounts poy 5% interest on mini- mum monthly balance (cal- culated semi-annually.) 14, Free Consulting Service Any member mey phone us for advice on keeping and freezing foods. 15, Chombers Cookery These helpful sessions ore held several times a yeor, They cover cooking and cut- ting of meats, new recipes and how fm moke best use of your freezer, School of NEW 22 CU. FT. FREEZERS FROM 194.00 *IF YOU ALREADY OWN A FREEZER OR REFRIGERATOR FREEZER COMBINATION YOU TOO, MAY BECOME A MEMBER. PHONE OR COME IN FOR FULL PARTICULARS NO OBLIGATION. For Complete 7123-1 OR COME Details 163 IN PHONE Chambeu; FOOD CLUB OSHAWA PLANT - 933 RITSON RD. SOUTH OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, to 6 P.M. -- TUES., THURS., FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. Lerge 8-roll Pack, Compare at 79c. FOR PRICE SAKE, Rigid pool We snap 'n lock metal ae i 12, 0. pry 6. 97 8.88 F.P.S, 66" x 42" x 12", « Compere et 15.95, @ LOWER FPS... LEVEL @ @ MAIN FLOOR @ Famous Woods end Leckies BAR-B-Q SPECIALS TENTS CHARCOAL | "ita S-LB. ry example: 9' x 9' us 3S TOURIST TENT 10-LB. BAG ......... Fiberglassed screend door and win- dow, full sew-in floor. 29.97 LOWER . 63e STARTER FLUID 33° @ OUTDOOR PATIO DISPLAY ¢ LEVEL @ Prevents burning and paeling. Large 6-oz. size. Compere et 1.00. FOR PRICE SAKE @ MAIN FLOOR @ ASHTON BRAND 5-Cell FLASHLIGHT POLISHED ALUMINUM Compare et 1.10, FOR PRICE SAKE 66: @ MAIN FLOOR @ TENT ACCESSORIES Metal Pegs, each... 10° Wooden Pegs, each .. 14° Tent Ropes, pair ..» 66¢ '@ LOWER LEVEL @ PLASTIC FUNNEL With built-in screen. Compare et 1.49. FOR PRICE SAKE, @ LOWER LEVEL @ Hurricane LANTERNS Meade in England. Compare et 4.95. FOR PRICE SAKE 2.88 e LOWER LEVEL @ PORTABLE MIXER With steiniess steel mixing bowl, Compare ot 18.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE 9.97 @ LOWER LEVEL @ "The Hurrier I Go The Behinder I Get'! Johnson's Self-Polishing "BRAVO" FLOOR WAX ¢0 tough it's detergent resistant. Compere at 1.49, FOR PRICE SAKE. 99. @ LOWER LEVEL @ Top Quality Yarn DUST MOPS Replacement Head In assorted colors, Regular 1.98 each. FOR PRICE SAKE 99. @ LOWER LEVEL @ FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Compare at 2 for 39c. FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. 6 - 88: @ MAIN FLOOR @ FOR PRICE SAKE il's NO WHERE ELSE Adults Only Allowed Speciels We Reserve the Right to Limit Quentities McFARLANE GENDRON CAR SEAT With steering wheel, pleid covered. Compore ot 7.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE 4.77 @ LOWER LEVEL ¢ Boys' Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Canadion Made in sixes 8 to 18, Compere et 2.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE. @ MAIN FLOOR' Terrycloth APRONS Compare at 1.25 FOR PRICE SAKE 66: @ MAIN FLOOR @ Canedian Mede BABY BLANKETS 60% viscose; 40% wool in choice of white, yellow, blue and green, Com- pere at 4.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE 2.44 @ MAIN FLOOR @ LADIES' Sizes 10 to 16. SHORTS Compare at 3.98 pair FOR PRICE SAKE 2.22 @ MAIN FLOOR e@ BOYS' Sizes 8 to 16. SUMMER JACKETS all at HALF PRICE 4-PLAYER CROQUET SET For healthful family fun. Compare et 9.30 set. FOR PRICE SAKE, 4.77 e@ MAIN FLOOR @ OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 King St. W. at Garrard Rd. -6201-2-3