ii Naga gg PATE hag Ro 412. THE OSHAWA TIMES; Tosedey, August 10, 1965 tape RE aes FIRST LADY GETS A WRITING PEN President Johnson hands the First Lady a pen used I bill in a ceremony at the National Institutes of Health in nearby Bethesda, Md. He also had a few private ee, Oat MONTREAL (CP) -- 'Andre pai ay 47, was arraigned in phe ge neo le assa' i was released on $10,000 bail for # preliminary Aug. 12. Police said Lariviere de- scribed himself as a psycho- Janalyst and included among his patients a number of women and girls. The charges. result from an) jjiai. investigation of his methods of oie and. consultation. La- was arrested Saturday. || The investigation followed the suicide of a Canadian girl in Paris earlier this year. Some of the charges date back 13 Tee report on the suicide was teceived by Justice Minister Claude Wagner from the Paris ce, The French authorities 'said the suicide involved a young French-Canadian girl who had been receiving some kind of psychiatric treatment for # con- siderable time. Upon. receiving the report, Mr, Wagner ordered the investi- gation that Jed to Lariviere's ar- rest, Up to 50 officers took part in the arrest and accompanying raids. Lariviere has offices in suburban Notre Dame de Grace and lives in the neighboring suburb of Westmount. SEIZE DOCUMENTS Bundles of case histories and other documents were taken to lice headquarters. PoThe officers went through La- words for the First Lady's ear as he clasped her hand. In the gackground is Sen, Lister Hill, D-Ala. (AP Wirephoto) BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Jail Terms Given For Armed French Canadian Andrejprevious convictions for driving Lavoie, from Montreal, was sentenced to two years less a day and three months indefinite when he appeared before Magis- trate Harry Jermyn for sentenc- ing on a robbery charge. The robbery, which took place in late May, occured at a Sun- derland service station. Lavoie was one of a Montreal group involved in the hold up. Mary Trottier, the mother of six children, also appeared for sentence on the same charge. She was given up to 12 mon reformatory by Magistra' myn. Both have been in custody at the Whitby County Jail since June 3 awaiting the completion of their trial. Time spent in jail was taken in giving their; Robbery while under suspension. For two offences of failing to file necessary documents for inspection by the Unemploy- ment Insurance sion. Mrs. Smith, of RR 1 Oshawa, was fined a total of $100. She was fined $50 and costs on each of the charges with a pla nace days in ail. For two offences of driving while under suspension Stephen Evenden, of 352 Buena Vista, netted a total of 60 days in jail. Evenden pleaded guilty to both charges. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck explained that Evenden was first caught driving on July 16. -|He was charged with driving under suspension. In early August he was caught again. he alighted from the was unsteady on his feet and had to lean against his ear for support. vere yoursrys at THI DUG MeCLORE: GLENN CORBETT: PATRICK WAYNE: KATHARINE ROSS ROSEMARY FORSYTH ll Feature: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 » 7:30 » 9:30. Lest Show 9:20, how PxA)INS riviere's residence and office, He was sentenced to 30 days|his summer cottage near Ste. in jail on each charge. Magis-| Adele, Que., a printing plant he trate Jermyn ordered the|owns at Bethierville, Que., and sentences to run consecutively.| other facilities. a4 Lariviere appeared Monday For being drunk in a public| before Judge Marc-Andre Blain. | Police said they have ob- place Bob Twaddell, of 626 Car- tained statements in the case negie st., was fined $50 and cost|som @ dozen patients and 15 or seven days in jail. He ad- eel, said to have worked for mitted the offence. him in various capacities. Lariviere was described by Four youths appeared for| police as having taken univer- minor consuming. All were fined|Sity courses here and other in Paris. je and costs or seven days in "Set polled said they did not 4 know whether he was qualified The four were Richard A./in medicine, psychology or as Nosal, of 134%, Olive ave.,|a practitioner of psychoanal- Fernand Joseph Frigault, of 24] ysis. Girl's Paris Suicide Precedes Man's Arrest He was said to have written several books on psychology. His printing business is call Editions Psychologiques is not among their members. At the hearing Monday, La- riviere heard the clerk of the court charges which contained the in- only of the victims of the alleged assaults, and the accused himself wants to tg ahead as quickly as pos- sible with the preliminary hear- ing in order to clear himself," -- lawyer maurice Hebert He said the offence charged is punishable by & maximum of five years in penitentiary. led] jected to bail and tha Enrg.| ready to read out the dozen|! "We offer a substantial bail f Permanent Crown Prosecutor Jean-Guy Boillard said tree S3is i a Fas 83 SE8 bers of several prominent Mont- families were "patients" of Lariviere. 7 Montreal policemen and po- licewomen and __ plainsclothes- men took part in the investiga- tion by posing as patients. eccrine MONTREAL (CP) -- Farm- ers and shippers were breath- ing easier after an almost unan- imous vote by Montreal's 1,000 grain-handlers to go back on the job today. With the offer of a new two- year contract providing for a 50-cent hourly pay increase, the striking grain- handlers, cold storage and maintenance em- ployees agreed to end the eight- week walkout at 9 Monday meeting called by the Montreal Port E.mployees' Union (CNTU), The men left their jobs June 16 in support of 107 of their fel- low workers who had been threatened with dismissal by the national harbors board when they objected to super- visory appointments made by the board. The work stoppage began with "study sessions" and later included mass marches and scuffles with harbors board po- lice before a new contract pro- posal was drafted at an all- night negotiating session Sun- Grain-handlers Return To Jobs day and Monday. Originally: seeking a 70-cent hourly increase, the union set- tled for a 50-cent boost over two years--30 cents retroactive to last Jan. 1, five cents effective from the date of the new con- tract and 15 cents effective next Jan, 1. Before the strike, grain-han- dlers earned $1.97, maintenance e% A _ |Protest Lack Of Action i lowed attempts to present grievances on working condi- tions and salary to the county's home committee. JOIN 'UNION ; Feeling their protests were not being answered adequately, the women said, they joined the union which has had the county's 33 road workers on strike since July' 8. Sl a i ale ee A ee a Beat il : 8 e = wanted to go. "We can hold out indefinitely now with the staff we have," he said. ' He added that some new staff members were being hired on a temporary basis. He declined to elaborate. is: Told of Mr. Nicholson's an- nouncement, UMW officials said| sensibly they planned to continue the! 'If it is, it will men and cold storage workers $1.73. : Before the secret ballot Mon- day, the union president, Herve Dube told the men that the har- bors board had agreed to union security, seniority rights and grievance procedures, Among other benefits were a new pension fund plan, weekly instead of fortnightly pay cheques, a 40-hour week, time- and-a-half for Saturday over- time, double time for Sunday work and free parking during working hours for grain-han- dlers' cars. The end of the strike means an end to the rerouting of grain- handling ships that had been Four Girls Drown Ages 12 To 16 STE. ANNE DE LA PER- ADE, Que. (CP)--One body was recovered Sunday of four girls, aged 12 to 16, who were drowned Friday in the swift sit-in until the union was recog-|erations and that iz desira! n i ble," Lambton County council in 1 1956 passed a bylaw taking ad- : vantage of a clause in the On- tario Labor Relations Act which permits municipalities to oper- ate outside of act regulations. The county three times this summer refused to rescind the bylaw. "Just one currents of the Ste. Anne River. The victims were Therese Boucher, 12, and her sister Lu- cie, 16; Christiane Caron and Marielle Tessier, each 16. The girls had gone swimming and the mishap was not known until they didn't show up for dinner and a search began. bypassing Montreal Elena st.; Edward Benson Legg, aeons 5, Jan's Garage of R Ri, Brooklin and Josep! @ WHEEL ALIGNMENT end Robert Burke. Burke also pleaded guilty to BALANCING @ BRAKES a further offence of disobeying a traffic signal. He was fined $10 and costs or three days in jail. s Fret End Repairs COLIC WAS BULLET MEXICO CITY (AP)--Com- plaining of stomach pains, a seven-year-old boy was taken to hospital and found to have a bullet in his lower intestine. He told doctors he heard what sounded like fireworks a few days before and then his stom- ach ache began. 40 ALBERT 725-8371 NORTH BROCK TEXAGO Prop. - Al Morrison @ WASHING @ LUBRICATION @ ROAD SERVICE @ MINOR REPAIRS Truck Tire Repeirs 668-2092 After Hours Cell Allen Morrison... 668-8734 -roeescitaen Firestone Tires Batteries & Accessories McQUEEN @ ONE OF CANADA'S LAR. GEST RAMBLER DEALERS. @ General repairs on all mekes and models, © 24.HOUR TOWING 623-3355 CROWELL'S Service Station © Complete Ignition Service end minor repairs @ Shell Products © Tires, Batteries and Accessories 'TUNE-UPS Carburetor Tuning 22 BOND £, 728-8712 ' Pg . 19, ye 21 Alexandra Park SEAWAY Motors Ltd. 200 Dundes St, W. WHITBY 668-5893 Ex "OSHAWA 20 took care ofall -- SS @ New Cers @ A-1 Used Cers . MARIJANS "TECHNICOLOR 8 C.N.E, AQUA CAPERS" OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. John Edward Lapel, of Osh- awa, pleaded not guilty to the charge although admitting the facts of the case. Sentence was adjourned so the youth would not have a criminal record which might disrupt his career. A Bowmanville man was sen- tenced to four months in jail after pleading guilty to his fourth offence of driving while under suspension. James William Robinson, of West Beach, Bowmanville, ad- mitted that his licence had been revoked following a conviction CELEBRATING 45 ¥ ne GEAR @ BODY WORK @ SPRAY PAINTING @ Mechanice!l Repairs 290 Cordeve PEATURE DAILY AT: 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 7:20 - 9:30 prisoners hate Von Ryan Opposite G.M. 728-5101 than they hated Hitler? Len Wall WHITE ROSE STATION @ Mechenicel end Electrical Repeirs e TOWING @ Open till 12 Nightly | @ GENERATOR and STARTER REBUILDING ;: @ BATTERY RENTALS @ SPRING TUNE-UPS @ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE @ WHEEL BALANCING SIMCOE ST. N. AIR-COOLED for careless driving. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck added that Robinson had three LAST Plus -- OSHAWA ORIVE-IN THEATRE NOW PLAYING Niimnes On Os 0sO+OrOe FEI BE : ' < : / : i : ; ot © STARTS W. "HUSH... HUSH SWEET CHARLOTTE" ADULT EDNESDAY ¢ 725-6841 "GUNS AT BATASI" studied were defective Coittfiod MECHANICAL COLLISION SPECIALIZED SERVICE ApPRoveD 6Y jaa DID YOU KNOW THAT... You cen be sure of skilled workmanship by certified craftsmen when you. deal with mem- bers of Garage Operators Association of Onterie. This is a basic requirement for membership. FACT: A five-year study of fate! accidents sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and conducted by a team of scientists at Harvard University, recently revealed thet more then 50% of the vehicles involved in fatal ceses Faulty repairs can cost lives. Don't gamble, Look for the G.0.A. Emblems and BE SAFE. STARR'S GARAGE @ All Types of Body Re- poirs @ Reasonable Prices @ General Repairs CRANFIELD Motor Sales @ CHRYSLER @ PLYMOUTH @ FARGO end BMC DEALER © SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF CARS © Pius B.A. PRODUCTS 331 Park Rd. S$. 723-2284 prior to the accident. Jake and Bill's Service VOLVO MERCEDES BENZ and PEUGOT Dealer © Complete Seles end Service © Generel Mechenice! Repelr © Automotive Electrice! Service 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 BILENDUKE Esso ~ payments had reached the stage where we just coulda' manege. Then we heard about Trans Canada Credit's "Special 728-1411 GEORGE'S FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING ! GERRY 'x7 THE PACEMAKERS "FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY" ] FANTASTIC SONG HITS! ~WITH-- CILLA BLACK HIS FUNNIEST HAPPIEST WILDEST HIT! ELVIS PRESLEY "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" In COLOR with ARTHUR O'CONNELL ANNE HELM FINA @ Tune up end miner repairs © Fine Centre Deoler © Batteries; tires; end eccesso IT'S SPRING CHANGE-OVER TIME o° BILTMORE '9 PHONE 725-5833 SAT. AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. 932 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-4232 Fred Lawless SERVICE STATION @ GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIRS @ LUBRICATION @ TIRES and BATTERY SERVICE 1 @ FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY 277 SIMCOE S. 725-4641 > seca) ROBERT TUMEY SHELL SERVICE CBRAKESD © General Repairs @ Tune-Ups BRAKE SERVICE A SPECIALTY 962 Simcoe N. 725-8542 _ Automatic Transmission CENTRE 728-7339 1038 Simcoe N, ©@ Trensmissions ere our Business NOT A SIDELIN' @ 1 Dey Service, Repairs ADJUSTMENTS, EXCHANGES Man would like to help you with your special occasion, See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrange loans from $100 to $2500 or more, STEPHENSON'S GARAGE over 30 years in Business Wheel Alignment and Belencing @ "Been" Visueliner Equipment © Frame streightening © Only Wheel Streightening In Oshewe ie TRANS CANADACREDIT CORPORATION LTD, ' 48 King Street West @ GENERAL REPAIRS eau an 15 CHURCH ST