Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1965, p. 9

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OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 . CUPE Members Endorse New Two-Year Contract | AUTO CRASH AT 4 CORNERS; CAR WRECKED, Minor injuries and more than. $2,500 damage was caused this morning in a two-car collision at the Four Corners, Franklin Henderson, 58, of 631 Oxford st., was treated and released from the Osh- awa General Hospital for face and hand lacerations MAN INJURED caused in the crash, His car suffered $1,000 damage. Richard Eenling, 29, of 232 McKim st., was. un injured in the crash which occurred when both vehicles collided. The Eenling vehicle was a complete write-off. Oshawa Police said today that the cause of the acci- dent is under investigation. Janitors Endorse 45-Cent Boost By 36-24 Vote Ratio Oshawa Board of Education|insurance company. We are not employees last night approved|happy with it and would prefer a two-year union contract which/the OMERS benefits," guarantees an estitnated 45-cent hourly package. will be paid to the head custo- Douglas Lindsay, president ofjdian at the city high schools, Local 218, Canadian Union ofjand to the lead hands of the Public Employees, said today|carpenters, painters and plumb- that the settlement was ac-iers. 3 cepted by a 36 to 24 vote by} "The membership didn't membérs of the 80-strong local.|really think that the settlement "Things might have gone|was adequate," Mr. Lindsay An additional five cents hourly] | Che Oshawa Times -- differently if the rest of the|stated, "but when we were fellows had been there," hejclose to a contract we didn' said, "but we have quite a few/think it was really worth a WHOPPER Crippling arthritis didn't stop Mrs. Alice McKenna of Oshawa Blvd. s. from land- ing this 14-Ib, muskell at Pigeon Lake recently. She was fishing with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of Oshawa who aided her in getting the beauty into the boat. The lunge measured 38 inches. FAMILY BRASS SECTION WARMS UP up on its selections. Staff 14, and David, 11, will ne yongest we $ atta They j pear at 8 p.m. in Memoria will play "German Dance' 3 Sergeant. William Whitaitt Park. Sgt. Whitsitt plays the "All Thrugh the Night and his three sons, from euphonium, Zam plays thé and "Jubilate". left to right, Paul, 9, Zam, tenor horn and the two --Oshawa Times Photo 4 : members out of town on vaca-|strike,"' ity Mail Boss = The agreement, marks be re to six months of negotiations Bo d V t . between the board and union. ar 0 es p S or Tl e Mr. Lindsay stated that the contract covers er aeaga T ' *hed-|in hi personnel and caretakers at Letter carriers were sched i ry of 0 the government! | hawa's pubfic and high Omorrow in Osh-|--Yes or No. ete age pats ewaeari | Judge J. C. Anderson of) Schools. awa post office today to thrash), cjieville was picked by the| Features of the new agree-| A special meeting of the Osh- out views on a nation-wide ref-| government July 23 to investi- ag apa by Mr. Lindsay poet enh of a bog ve 5 include: eld tomorrow afternoon to rat- Sian" Vestal 'Workers Brother:| vorkers' strike which parsiyzed| NIGHT. PREMIUM ify a two-year contract with the hood | nation-wide postal service. | A night shift premium of five|system's maintenance staff. 'Ted Williams, president of the} "I am going to recommend|Cents and seyen cents hourly) Chairman Edward Bassett local branch of the Federated] that we say Yes to a strike and|for the afternpon and midnight/ said, "I'm quite sure the board Association of Letter Carriers, No to the report," said Mr.|Shifts respectively. "The board) will accept the contract." said this morning that referen- Williams. : negotiators fought against any; The 80- member local last dum forms have been received| 'How can we approve a re-|Premium," Mr. Lindsay said,jmight endorsed the conciliation by letter carriers here. '"We|port which has not yet been| Dut now it is established we) board recommendations for an ' are asked if we want to strike--| made public? We know what the|Will be able to improve on it in/estimated 45-cent hourly in- Horses Horses The family section of the Yes or No -- and are also asked| wage raises are but not what br? future." ie bath hie. Bedeett eeik eabia / Thursday concert by the On- if we approve the Eiger sot bis. other recommendations will) oe ee eeine won pol Te wate |teet baad a bowty ak bee. Abo d At F H tario Regiment in the Mc- Hons made by Juice Ancerem be. Eligibility for three weeks paid|miums since night shift ¢m- un alr Laughlin Band Shell brush- vacation was reduced from 12) ployees worked only 40 hours} Horses will dominate the entry + scab Ai gia «55 A ee PE U2 A aa BE ER" IR RT RUSE R'E NTE EE WS OE s to 10 years of service. compared with the regular|list at this year's edition of the e ® . . When t omes 0 a n Wage improvements include a| work-week of 44. Oshawa Fair from Aug. 19 to Behind Iron Curtain; |ity Inching oe ee TE eto ea arr € in r on. ) P . -- of the passer rap -- not in cash, but in short- naan ig director of the - nereases Wi retroactive|er hours," said Mr, Bassett. Tse ion, expects a ' ° ° » |Closer To We re OK: Credit Expert to Apr. 1. Termed by CUPE president|!arger-than-usual number of en- Exhaustive But Informative a te 1 Mente pen whe Se a s ot Os ilie m- roxi in the work week from "future improvements" the pre- Rirport Land ce 5 Oe ee _. Se es ee en i ae hours, Mr. Lindsay said that aj miums are five cents per hour|Will be judged Thursday even- Michael Starr, MP for On-|ments,.some of which were sub-jafforded for free time to make} jterparts in the. province sol found to have records of|'W° hour weekly reduction will/for afternoon shifts and seven Fecha oD bp per- tario riding, returned Sunday|ject to our criticisms. _, (our own plans-- except as 1) City Council's property com-|it comes to paying debts, J.| several social problems or crim-|8° into effect immediately the) cents for midnight shifts. Giassaeto te falend Thursday from' a_ Canadian parliamen-| "We had interviews with/have already mentioned, in| mittee will meet soon with De-| Morse Hatt, president of the|inal records. "I don't have a|contract is signed and the sec- incinde Palomine 'horeek' Wik tary tour of the Soviet Union|Kosygin, Mikoyan and Payve in Czechoslovakia. : jpartment of Transport officials) Credit Bureau of Oshawa Ltd., 'breakdown for this group local- ond two hours on the first an- western equipment, Engtiah and Czechoslovakia--at the inthe USSR and continually) "We had an opportunity of/on the possibility of the city|/reyealed today. ly," said Mr, Hatt, "but it|Miversary date of 'the agree- Slays Lawyer saddles clase Western pleasure vitation of both governments.|travelled in black limousines|viewing an opera in the Bolshoi) hyying the Oshawa Airport He said that a provincial| compares with the Ontario-wide ment, "i on Pred seten: tame The three-week trip, afirst by|@ccompanied by representatives -- as well as the Leningrad) jands, average of 80.9 per cent 'of figures." The board also agreed to! [pn Divorce Case class and the half-Arabian line any North American legislative], the et Regents. tits er : nd one half days|.,Mayor Lyman Gifford last/debtors met their obligations) "The established families in allow, the union members to a aes. group, sparked Mr. Starr's im-| "They allowed us to take iaited the ves 'Rege™ the night named this standing com-| well, when addressing the|the city shape up well when it|join the io Municipal Em-| BANGOR, Me. (AP) -- Al of gpecial interest to' the pressions of the journey, as told|Pictures except in certain cir- Md a Png cp vatied| mittee to examine purchase de-|Rotary Club. of Oshawa Mon-}comes to paying debts," said te Gene bone yoy short, slight laborer -wasichidren will be the pony class to the Times: camtamees when ve Were. Tele eht which caters entirely to\*MUs and relocation of the sir-|day, whereas $1.2 per cent of|Mr. Hatt. "We find that we} 'The 0) ca ey the On-/charged with shooting and Kill-lonen to exhibitors 15 years 'of "The schedule of the trip was soa tn con aga ithe. cations and rest et the port. [Oshawa people fall into the thor geal nyc: igs Bhar erode by Local 218 if 75 Ay t his ife Yai arn ca ag sad under, the most exhausting I have| VISITED GEORGIA eng bala | This two-point program is the|same category. transient people who are attract-| J0 Apa potion wife a divorce decree, Mr. Hayes reports that the g "par ssp|workers and tourists | Pp prog d here by ind of the non-teaching staff can be ' ever experienced, This was also| 'During our stay in the USSR UKR AINE. |basis of Ald. Richard Donald's| people who are slow in re-|© "Gites y industry. . alsigned a. 1 don't ttek we oak Wendell Atherton, 52, a for-|harness ponies with long tails voiced by the other members of|We Visited two» other places be od tly, I had th motion which council approved| paying debts made up 10.38] 4 bes F nrggapr . mn _ coos tee tan Me ane member of Maine's House| show on Friday as well as the te a sini eral inne, "Peromaly 1D the ones 3 an Tsay ise" cena he prom aver|umesiandng, met, Haan te, sae sat See, Gellman cowme. Tie cedes "The high presgure applied| °sco¥--eoreia an ce pend eg <cstr "We have to find out what can|age, while 9.7 per cent of Osh-|P!0}) bee hag ad et bey Shr classes provides ; We saw a variety.of scenery|miles through the Ukraine and a the slow- out," Mr, Hatt told the serv. 'Right now our pension|was shot as he sat at a ik particularly in the USSR. Injpom the forests to steppes tolvisited villages along the high-|be done here and our first step| awa borrowers were in the slow-| 104" ayy, scheme is run by a privatelin his downtown office Czechoslovakia, the schedule}, mountainous regions and|way. This type of travelling was|!8 to meet with transport offi-| paying group. s was much easier and allowance}... great rivers as the Dnieper,|done more extensively in| "als, in Toronto and maybe in| Mr, Hatt said that the Osh- Fa was made for free time'to the/n ister and the Danube. We|Czechoslovakia and Slovakia. All| Ottawa," said Property chair-| awa credit bureau found that delegates at intervals. _ _|visisted heavy industry, fac-|of the delegation, with the ex-|™4? Ald. Hayward Murdoch to-| 9.1 per cent of local borrowers "There is no doubt in my mind|torjes as well as wine and beer-|ception of one, were guests of| 4#Y- | were unsatisfactory in making that the Canadian delegation|making establishments. both these countries for the first| Ald. Donald repeated his be-| payments, compared with a pro- was shown the best of achieve-! 'There was little opportunity'time." lief that the land can be put to|vincial average' of 9.53 per better municipal uses, | cent, NO COUNSEL Murder Charge Remand 1 Week BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --jyouth, Gruene was not repre- Manfred Gruene, 19, of Simcoe! sented by counsel. st. s., Oshawa, appeared before} The remand was requested by Magistrate J. D. Burger today|Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bon- on a non-capital murder charge| neycastle of the United Counties and was remanded in custody|of Northumberland-Durham, for one week. Ross died of knife wounds sus- The youth is charged with the|tained early Sunday morning knife slaying of 19-year-old Earl|during an argument. Fraser Ross last Sunday outside} Gruene was arrested the same a' roadside cabin which the vic-|day as he walked along Centre tim shared with two other men. |st. in Oshawa by Constable Gruene appeared to be in ajChester Laughren of the Osh- state of shock as he made his|awa police department. Const. brief appearance before the|Laughren recognized the act- magistrate to be arraigned on|cused from a description that the charge. A tall, blond-haired| was broadcast to patrol officers. Council OK's Land Sale To Big Storage Company City Council last night voted to self 26 acres of industrial land to Front Industrial Stor- age Company Limited of} Industrial Commissioner J. P. Toronto. Williams outlined the offer to Price is $2500 per acre. The} council last night. land is in two parcels: 22 and| He said he hopes this ware- four acres. housing development will be The larger parcel is on the 3 : : "|used by out-of-town firms sup- west side of Wilson rd. s, ex plying this area. tended, south of the Canadian : National Railway line. The four-| ANd encourage supply firms acre piece is across the road, {outside the city (especially The company has indicated it|those some distance away) to will put up a 25,000 square foot| locate here in Oshawa. warehouse, probably this fall,) In other business last night, lee with more storage space to fol-|council accepted a $202,151 low over a 10-year program. (tender from Tripp Construction me 2 | Limited, RR 3, Oshawa, for con- ory ek (the struction of sanitary and storm J +e,| Sewers, catchbasins, water- et tea than the city) mains, underdrains and granu- tial" services such as roads|@F base roads. : and sewers. Wilson road would| Bylaws were passed naming be extended south, at least.to|three inspectors to enforce the Raleigh. Construction Safety Act and the The city will ask the Depart- Trench Excavators Protection ment of Municipal Affairs for| Act. War vintage parked in front (permission to take this money} George Fisher will be chief of the Armouries on Simcoe |from its industrial reserve|construction safety inspector. st. n. | account. | Others are Willy Gudmendsen Oshawa Times Photo | Council's motion to sell is sub-'and Eli Mattson. ject to conditions in the offer to purchase. These conditions have not been released. THESPIANS TO PEAY A LARK atre-year. Here Gail Bur- group decided on the first rows, secretary, Earl play, "The Lark", trans- Bailey, centre, and Ray lated by Christopher Fry, Langridge, vice - president scheduled for November. and treasurer, examine a "Tt's a new interpretation of catalogue of plays, The the Joan of Arc story," said ADVICE FROM THE TOP Commanding Officer of : the Ontario Regiment Col. Mr. Bailey. Two-other three» act plays and a night of three one-act productions in the McLaughlin Library auditorium will complete the up-coming season. --Oshawa Times Photo A season of comedy, mys- tery and drama was prom- ised city theatre-goers last night as the 1965-66 Oshawa Little Theatre executive made plans for the new the- ' seated on an American Paton tank of Second World awa cadets, Trooper Dave Lewis, left, and Trooper Barry Hobbs, right, at a re- cent banquet for student militiamen, The cadets are W. C. Paynter, discusses tank warfare 'techniques with two outstanding Osh- ' *

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