Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Aug 1965, p. 12

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ee pee 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August. 9, 1965 THE STARS SAY Prrsibeayyro -- : pa ANN LANDERS By ESTRELLITA December, January, March and} '\ i, FOR TOMORROW May. | » Be satisfied with even small} Look for a bent Pa , ' in: . Don't try for the|teresting social activities this ~ A First-Rate Squelch Soy yt ge cepa Nf | unreasonable and don't overtax yourself, but don't put off es-|influential contacts --. espe- : t sentials, either. Follow a sound cially between now and igs 15} eeNy 4 For Frisky Old Goa oer ad cy ener = AA yt ze Ist. The latter two periods, in- ey . Z : or In oo P. nr Pog Mer- eidentalty, iy also be excep- |i im ; j AY, i cury influences w govern|tionally propitious for romance; / Dear Ann Landers: I'm 17 those in the writing professions|also next May and June. For - é and working as a check-out girl ang him to forget he ever knew) 14 in the writing professions|the isatebntated. it would be . o in a neighborhood supermarket. and in the communications field I enjoy the work but I am hay-| Funny thing, Ann, she died| generally. the be! wee of isahe 'ta bee ing a problem, The manager of|two years later and left a big : ai J is i j traits 'and vegetable has ajestate, Please print this, It\FOR THE BIRTHDAY yh A gy rp 2 CONTINUES FOR A SHORT fresh mouth. This old goat has|could open a few eyes. Old) It tomorrow is your birthday, and July of 1966 : 4 @}. Z, children who are older than 1|Salty. your horoscope promises excel-|" 4 "nila born on this day wit y am and he makes me so mad I) Dear Salty: A father whoj|!ent results in financial matters|,. seit-rdliant, hi ghly energetic , j + | E ON LY want to paste him in the teeth.|would allow selfish children to|4uring the next year, but youlang » horn leader. ; M cae He always has something per-|talk him out of a second mar-|Will have to,be conservative in sal * gonal to say. All week long he's riage for financial reasons de-\Your program. You can make y pes been following me around whis-\serves a lonely old age--which|fine gains, however, if you man-|§ Wy pering, "I had a wonderfullis usually what he gets. age smartly--especially within J AM ES ) Gp dream about you last night. the next 10 days, and even more fj 1 pl ase Would you like to hear about) Dear Ann Landers: I am 60\¢specially between Sept. 15 and) 1 1 Ma ~~ it?" I walk away from him but|My husband is 68. I've worked|Nov. 15, when these matters | @) MALLEY'! i , | he tags along and keeps talking.|at a steady job for 40 years be-|Will be governed by extremely) T wish 1 had a real sharp|cause we never had any chil eeneticiens. Zueer., Sithoonees. 0 Cc tion Led. UME ' a answer to put him in his place.|4ren. I wanted to adopt but my|Next good periods for increas-| onstruction Ltd, ' : ec0e --Inex.|husband refused to take '"ajing assets: Early December, | nee ma help ms.--inex stranger's child" into the house,|"€xt February, April and June. | 7 2 3 > 7 1 2 2 Dear In: the| realize now I was foolish to} Avoid speculation of any kind| } , Ch | lf y L k old rs Pv d ves aes > let him have his way about this.|during the first two weeks wn H Additio ! v arge t ou | e hear about his dream say, "'No| Now that we are able to go|September, however, Let nojg@ Homes @ ney 4 ' --but I'll bet my father wouldjon trips and do some of thejone tempt you with | randoise | like to hear about it. Shall I/things I've always wanted to do,|schemes or "blue sky" proposi- g © Offices @ Remodeling, "" husband won't budge. Ey.|tions. ee D | C ' Ch | ae eae on ory time we (ak a0 Sic ---- No Money Down - No Carrying Charges If this doesn't wilt his lettuce speak to the store manager. tion he develops a new ache or é pal, OSHAWA & Dear Ann Landers: You usu-| My sister is going west to visit r) ally come right out and letjher son in a few weeks and has WALK om R SHOPPING the meddlers, scoundrels, pests,jasked me to accompany her. CENTRE nags and cheapskates have it|We would be gone only six days. right between the eyes. But,|My husband is putting on such a there's one group you haven't|a campaign of abuse that I'm a _ MM hit very hard and I'd like to dojnervous wreck. He calls me a ' ! wn kids who don't wantlan's place is at home with her Men's Casua it for you. I'm talking about|"gadabout" and says a wom- / aA == = : a their fathers to remarry--for|husband, He says if I leave him = selfish reasons. x to go on this trip he will get sick ] Cord Drill EXTRA SUIT I never saw it to fail: If Dadjand it will be my fault. | f has no money the kids are al-| What shall I do?--Shut In | PANTS ways pushing the old man to} Dear In: You've catered to | / 4 marry some nice woman wholthis selfish man for so long he| Girls' Sleeveless Wash'n Wear a é will take care of him in his oldjis like a spoiled child, Of course) . Sizes 28-44, j age so they won't get stuck. it won't be easy to bust out after} D R E S S E S Khaki, black, blue and grey th If Dad has money they don't|40 years of imprisonment but I want him to get married becausejurge you to try. | Colours, red polka dot and SALE it cuts down their share. I've} Tell your sister you are going) seen this happen many timesjon the trip. Prepare plenty off blue polka dot on white back- among my. older friends and it's|nourishing food so your husband * a shame. My brother listened to|will be well fed in your absence,|| ground. Sizes 3 - 4 - 6X. Reg. ; DUNN'S his selfish kids. They got him|Let him know that if he gets 1.98 | | to ask the woman he was going|sick the doctor can do him more 4 While They Last 4 with to settle for $10,000 if he|good than you can. Enjoy your- 4 S AVES should die first. The woman'self and send me a postcard. | CLEARANCE MEN'S You eee : | idee bane | 9 HAMPTON GARDENS || 'ADIES SWIMSUITS 1) Cour Sea eeE 7 miles East of the 5 points corner Taunton and 0 OFF fabrics! . . . Specially purchased Seugog Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville. styles and colours, 20 % | JACKETS end exceptionally low priced, Feature Open Daily 10 A.M. fo 10 P.M. sizes 9 to 20. eae Bites ing handsome single breasted two or , Offering the district's finest three - button models in. the latest FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES LADIES' Sizes 36 to 44. ; styles for men and young men. Care- st ag so | _ WHITE UNIFORMS © ne of nection sain one @ Special Prices On. Freezer @ Smortly styled in polins and terylenes. Sizes 8 to 20. 4 appearance . . . sizes 34 to 52 to fit Foods In Quantities | a ve a 14.98 | I/3 : men and young men, regular short, } 5 tall and hard-to-fit stouts, PHONE 263-2193 jj 8.00 10.00 "BUY THE BEST AT Walker's -- Oshawa Shopping Gentre . BUDGET PRICES" Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fridey S PEC IAL ! KELVI NATOR SHORTS and Al perl sao : BLAZERS AUG. SPECIAL 1 Modern two-button, three-button single breasted I/3 and link models, tailored from the latest fabries in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, Charge-It navy, grey and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 46. S PEC IAL 1 Talls and shorts included. aRAND NAME EXTRA TROUSERS tiv DRESS ECONOMY RANGE CUSTOM RANGE SHIRTS Tonr rroustes + SAVE | Cont rhoustes «= SAVE "her Seve 29.50 1.00 13.95 94.50 1.00 13.95 : IMMEDIATE DELIVERY !!! Bs . a. A » Bais. 2 for price of 1 SLACKS plus 1.00 ALL BRAND NAME Tailored, from the finest English and domestic of wool yarns, dyed worsteds and flannel in pic 'n' pic, ee neat ond plains in grey, blue, medium, dork brown and blues. Hook and bar fastener above zipper fly, ' Single pleats, continente! style included, tabs on back pockets. * Stripes, checks, plains, Sanforized shrunk. rea EXTRA MEN'S All top quality brand names complete size PAIR SAVE GE =. ronge. 9.95 1.00 8.95 -2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR/ FREEZER aa | x @ 2 ee ry, ; HI SUITS 9 a0 SAVE 14.95 1,00 13.95 Z f ith o Two lifeti lai isture- | : 00 2 4 CUSTOM 'eorcacce «Sr O\ WA] sees 20-20 3.95 1. 95 ~ a ar phi FIRST EXTRA You 17.95 1.00 16.95 " " : Magnetic d | (all. four x "'No-fast refrigerator section % Magnetic door closure (a - SHIRT. HIRT SAVE HAND EXTRA with automatic defrosting. sides for safe, positive seal. . 5 GRADE PAIR SAVE 495 1.00 3.9 19.95 1.00 18.95 % Exclusive humidiplate provides % 5-year warranty on world's fin- 2+. ON best moist-cold balance. est 'Polarsphere" unit, EASY "BFG' % Lifetime cabinet construction BUDGET with "Perma-brite"' finish. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 36 KING ST. EAST OPEN 'TIL 9-P.M. FRI. BF GOODRICH B EGood rich HOME & AUTO CENTRE ; Oshawa Shopping Centre 88 King St. W. 725-4543 : OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M, \ THURSDAY AND FRIDAY

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