Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1965, p. 5

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} | jibe! Canadian-born Albert R. Alexander, 105, of Platts- burg, Missouri, is believed to be the oldest man to hold a judicial post in the United States. Born in Brooklin, BROOKLIN NATIVE 105 YEARS OLD Ont., he retired recently as probate judge and mag trate of Clinton County, Mo. Judge Alexander, who left Canada as a child, is a grad- uate of the University of Varied Service By County Hea WHITBY (Staff) -- In 1957, the dreams of many people were realized by the formation of the Ontario County Health Unit. For eight years, groups such as the Pickering Women's Insti- tuet and the Federation of Agri- culture petitioned the County Council to set up a health unit. It was not until 1956, when Pick- ering Township approached communities in the southern part of the county, that any ac- tion was taken. The result -- the Ontario County Health Unit came into being. The unit is now the official health agency for the Towns of Ajax, Uxbridge and Whitby, the Village of Pickering and the Townships of Pickering, . Scott and East Whitby. What is the job of the Health Unit? GENERALIZED SERVICE The unit provides a general- {zed public health program for Otfered Ith Unit "It has, been said that $1 worth of prevention is worth $15 worth of cure. "Our nurses hold immuniza- tion clinics throughout the year at the child health centres and in the public and high schools. Shots are against tetanus, polio- Offer Unsatisfactory THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, July 30, 1965 5 Playground | Kiddies B during the day, were everywhere. The braves and.squaws held » pow-wowlwith all the children paying a Franklin Park held a hike visit to Camp Allendale, Say Civil Servants WHITBY (Staff) -- Generaljstrike or slow down should be dissatisfaction, over the Ontario|put into operation to show the government's $500 increase tolgovernment our dissatisfaction. Civil Servants, was the reaction|There was even talk of quitting from the executive of Local 27 of|from some of the members." the Civil Service Association of Ontario. The local tive, which) rel "It is felt by the executive," the statement said, 'the press from the government represents 1,000. male day afternoon, said there was general dissatis faction on the wage offer, TALK OF QUITTING an diare misleading, The government female workers at. the Ontariojreports that a family of four, Hospital in Whitby, said anijliving on welfare, cannot exist $4 lemergency. general membershipjon less than $4,000 per year, yet meeting has been scheduled forjwith the new increases there Aug. 5, and other hospitals willlare people working at the hos-) be asked for a reaction, Thurs-|pital earning $3,400," the executive -itered Nurses Association at the One representive of the Regis- hospital said it was unfair that a male supervisor, who does the responsibilities less than the woman. SOME UNAFFECTED The president of the local, still be some 50 per cent of the pomtal * no 'consideration to truck drivers the highway.. Their salary is $3,000, Also omitted in the pay BOWMANVILLE -- Repre- sentatives from all the town laygrounds met at Memorial ark to compete in tin can as a female supervisor should be paid $700 pe a ~ gon ee gy 6 girls from Memorial Park won the tin can cricket contests, On- tario st. playground won the John Harkness, said with the|boys' bean bag title and Frank- government's offer there would|lin Park won the girls' tour: ney. staff earning under| 1m addition to the, inter-play- ground special event each w several of the playgrounds con- "The government. has given duct their own special events, Vincent Massey Play, whose maximum salary is $3,700 ground a year, and to chauffeurs who re 8 Biscay ate yg dig drive the government cars ON). 14 the pirate scenery gave the event an official air, While Vincent Massey was boost were the trade and cleri- : "It was the feeling that alsame work and has the same'cal workers." sailing the ocean blue, Memo- rial Park girls were on a hike to the west beach and the boys Snowden Clan Holds Annual Get-Together MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- More|10 to 13 -- Patsy Bell, Debbie rug o. yee odd ont ae Snowden, Esther Cryderman; 14 len ¢ elr a . together at The Acres, Taunton and 15, Girls -- Wendy Lewis, rd., with the president, Wesley|Kathy Twist; Boys -- Randy Down presiding, The gathering|Snowden; wheelbarrow race, was the largest in many years.|boys 10 and over -- Bill Gilbank Greta Down, who has beenjand Roy Watts. preparing the family tree, in-| Sack Race -- David Larmer; 4 \vited the gathering to examine|Three-legged race -- Margaret f \this work and supply further in-|and Len Goodmurphy, Betty formation, a heyy aaa and Terry Baker; Ladies' Race -- Margaret Good-| OFFICERS ELECTED murphy; Men's race -- Terry| Officers for 1966 are: presi-|paker: Ladies' Shoe race --| dent, Joseph Snowden; vice-\Nonna Gilbank; Men's _ball| president, Clarence Bell; secre-|throw -- Lloyd Snowden, Garry| tary + treasurer, Thelma Gil-|Pettit; Ladies, cutting a piece of| lbank; table committee, Gretalcrepe paper in half -- Renal and Wesley Down, Lorraine andisnowden, Margaret Larmer;| \Garry Pettit, Anne and Thomas|y adies, listing articles on a tray| _|Pleasance; sports committee,|_ Rena Snowden; Guessing the| Len and Margaret Goodmurphy|weight of a watermelon -- Mar-| jand Sandra and Robert Good-| garet Larmer. | |murphy. | Youngest person present--Jo-| | It was decided to hold the pic-/anna Pettit; Oldest person in at-| jnic on the third Saturday of July|tendance ~ Charlie Snowden. at the same place. | Relatives attended from Man- A varied and interesting pro-\otik, Bethany, Hamilton, Wes-| | age eke yd coeeerer tem, Oshawa, Toronto, Bowman- y Mildred and John Huband,| yj i WHITBY (Staff) -- Proposed/and Elva and Ronald HOETS. Leet, Blackatoek 'owt Drone | construction of a_ nine-storey|The winners were: he J : : apartment complex on Brock! st, s. on the site of the former|SPORTS RESULTS NUDIST CAMPS PROBED | Whitby Malleable Iron Co, plant,| Five and under, girls--Laurie FORT ERIE, Ont, (CP)--Nu-| came before the Whitby Com-|Rogers, Jennifer Pettit; Boys--jdist camps in Bertie Township) munity Planning Board Wednes-|Steven Pleasance, Mark Pen-/are under scrutiny by the town-| Missouri and was school uperintendent, publisher of the Plattsburg Leade;, master and prosecuting at- torney before being elected magistrate in 1950. ---CP Wirephoto from AP Plans Delay Suite Study myelitis, smallpox, whooping cough and diphtheria," | Another feature of the health) unit is the tuberculosis control.' In 1964, monthly clinics were| held throughout the year at the) Ajax - Pickering Hospital and Fairview Lodge. Bimonthly clin-| day night and was shelved untiligelly; 6 and 7, Girls -- Susan|ship council with members wor-) Aug, 5. Pleasance, Tammy Rogers; |rying bose ng vag air he ropose evelc \Boys -- Joe Pengelly, Paullare properly fenced to seclude) Po atuinalty tebe pmen' |Larmer; 8 and 9, Girls--Nancy|them from public gaze. "Coun-| 10-storey apartment with com-|Rogers, Muriel Anne Pengelly; cil has been had," complained mercial development on the|BOoys -- David Gilbank; 10 andjone councillor, 'Permits for! main floor. Draft plans for the|11, Boys -- David Larmer, Bill|buildings were issued on the TOO LATE, GUYS WE'RE IN NOW! NEW YORK (AP)--Some 400 pickets protesting the American military buildup in Viet Nam: publicly burned five draft cards in a soup kettle at the entrance of the army recruiting building Thursday, The demonstrators paid no heed to counter-pickets who preceded them. with placards, including one which .read, 'Communists are walking behind us," "You're too late," a re- cruit shouted from an up- stairs window, "We're al- ready in the army." The 400 disbanded soon after the draft card burn- ing, were swimming, Ontario st, children also went on a hike, At the Lions Centre Indians | siienianiensnarasiaiaeisttanmimacaahdaibailin 'Lam Thomasina ~a most unusual cat... they say -- I'm enchanted, and | AMI" Walt Disney. 7 wait Diane Technicolor" 'WHITBY Mati Set, 1:30 Evenings---7 end 8:40 542% Guaranteed Investments 5 Year Term Interest is payable half-yearly or imay be left to accumulote and compound half-yearly, WHITBY Whitby Community Arena ROLLER SKATING Every Fri day Night 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. Music by. the "Silvertones"' , Admission $1.00 acmemnstinmmensmnedl LAKESIDER "DELUXE" @ "FREE MATTRESSES @ Other Models from 399.00 to 895.00 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3226 TAKE YOUR CHILDREN 10 (he CIRCUS! building included provision for|Gilbank; Boys 12 and 18 -- Mur-|understanding they were for ani-| lestablishments, and was accom- |panied by a formal application, ics were held in the Unit offices \ " ! Twist, John Larmer; at Pickering and The Cottage|" suites plus the commercial/taY *Wist, /onn Lari Hospital in Uxbridge. Girls'mal shelters," | DAY ONLY AJAX ONE VENEREAL DISEASE | Venereal Disease control also} comes under the health unit's jurisdiction, "Only four cases of VD were reported to us last year, and we were able to locate two of them, VD is on the upswing in Ontario, the more than 50,000 residents of the county through the serv- ices of a staff that is qualified in public health. It includes: --Personal Service, such as maternal and infant care and the health of the child at school| and in the home, --Communicable disease con- trol through regulation, eduea-| tion, immunization and com- munity sanitation, --Environmental Sanitation on which the health of the public depends. --Education and Instruction which publicizes the health regu-| lations and encourages better health practices --Co-operation with all other) agencies, voluntary or govern-| mental which are devoted to} public health. | AIM 18 PREVENTION | "Our main job though," said) Dr. Margaret Braund, the direc- tor and medical officer of health for Ontario County, "is preven- tion, not cure of disease. WHITBY Mr. and Mrs, Merven McCon- nell, their son, Gregory and her sister, Miss Gretta Barker, dur- ing their holidays, visited in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. They also called on friends in West- so these figures are probably Confusion ensued when a sec- ond set of plans was received by the board via Mayor War. ren Mowat's office. The new revised plans, designed to con- form with existing town building regulations, reduced the number of storeys by one but, retained the same number of apartment Ave, Twice Dail 8 PM. Aus, B.C, Loar, |e & fF AR BOWMANVILLE 2 & 8 PM--Aus, Intersection et Hunt end Harwood [J 24 -- MEMORIAL PARK --- Twice Deily Police Assoc, lwith, We have to make sure the| Water supply, sewage disposal, PERSONALS due to: poor reporting," Dy. units. In addition, the plans re- iand Beh P 8 De sage the building would be : nine storeys fronting on Brock Some of the other jurisdictions) of the nurses are infant and pre.|sr Pate en "a rat ve asa ay eemr red Ht yas nab dental health and special CA boot eth 'oleae heen ices which include alcoholism) pecoived +A diff aC. been and mental illness, revised lh hep ered with the The other big function of the) Tyo 4, sd I Soe health unit is environment Padi gerigret bby vg te health, which comes under thelerde of p. w Rigs Jk control of John Robson, chief| tatiy , uss TOPTO> sanitary inspector of the unit, |S°malive of the developers, that |a new application must be sub- CHECK WATER SUPPLIES mitted to the board by: Aug, 4. "Our job," said Mr, Robson, | Lhe board will deal with the "is to check water supplies both|Westion at a committee meet: in municipalities and in rural\"& on Aug. 5 areas, community eating estab-| lishments and private restau-|sanitary standards are accept. rants, septic tanks and otherjable to the number of students -- services, attending the school," Schools also come under the eye of this part of the unit. NURSING HOMES "Rural schools, in particular,|, Nursing homes are checked are the ones we are concerned >Y Mr. Robson's department for ---|means of heating, means of cooking and artificial lighting, jhot water supply, laundry facil- jities, dishwashing and eating utensils, food storage and re- Misses Mary, Agatha and|frigeration, milk supply and Anna Marie Bardoel are on ajmeat supply, garbage disposal, leamping vacation at Jackson'the conditions of the grounds, |Point, near Sutton. jand the number of malc and fe- | : (male patients. Mrs. Edward McDonald and) Restaurants are also subject: her son, Richard, of Winnipeg,\ed to much the same tests as a are guests of her sister, Miss/nursing home. is yord in an signed. The rustic finish. INSTANT' FENCING that anyone can install ! See how a 3-foot long section stretches up to 20 feet, depending on the height required. So easy thot an inexperienced householder can fence o rigid, 15 feet = 58 ins, installed height, (SPEFOFEN C E ve stretches in seconds to desired length & height| Amazingly easy to install . , . because 'Speed Fence' is PRE-CUT, PRE-ASSEMBLED and PRE- TREATED, Stretches effortlessly across fence pusts - the easiest method of fencing ever de- SPECIAL evening, yet unbelievably sturdy and pre-treated wood will give long-life service whether you paint it or leave it in its own See 'Speed Fence' now at: .80 PER SECTION RING ACTION-PACKED THRILL. FILLED EWTERTAINMENT Wom mH BIG TOP! INTERNATIONAL CIRCUS STARS PRICE GABOR Battling African Lions in the Stee! Arena! CARMEN DEL MOLINO Lovely Queen of the High Trapezel 20 - Star-etudded Acts - 20 NORTH AMERICA'S GREATEST WILD ANIMAL SHOW! POPULAR PRICES AT ALL PERFORMANCES ADMISSION ADULT $1.50 CHILD $1.00 e, Grandatand Chaira 78¢ Additional Reading This Book 10 ern Ontario and other places of] Emily Bandel, 211 Industries and interest, |Court. They are leaving today Happy birthday wishes are ex- tended to Miss Mary Strynatka on the occasion of her 16th birth- day celebrated today. Miss Susan Bedding is spend- ing a 10-day vacation in Chi- cago, the guest of her fiance, Ferdi Vandriel and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vandriel. On Saturday Susan is celebrating her 18th birthday. On the occa- sion her family will extend her their best wishes by long dis- tance, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beck- ley and his brother, Victor Beck- ley, spent a three-week holiday touring the west coast, They stopped over in Calgary, Winni- peg, Banff and Vancouver where they were the guests of Mrs. Adalaine Anley. In Edmonton they called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradley, They also stayed in Victoria, B.C, Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKay and their son, Andy, spent last weekend visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay and also Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Cairns, Huntsville. Bernard Barton and his nephew, Frank Barton, Jr., have returned from a few days' motor trip to Maynooth, Cobo- conk and Bancroft, to return home after a two-week stay. | Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Atkin- |son, their son, Paul and daugh- |ter, Nancy; Mrs, Atkinson's par- jents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Sleightholm, have just returned from a two-week vacation spent jon the east coast visiting in \Gaspe, Prince Edward Island, jand Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer House, of Cuyahogo Falls,Ohio, are |visiting for a week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hector Arsenault, 218 Hallett ave, | Best wishes are offered to |Miss Sandra Gill on the occa- lsion of her 18th birthday cele- 'brated today Reedair| dairies are also inspected by the department, One-Stop DECORATING | SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals © Custom Draperies © Broadioom © C.I.L. Paints and Vornishes ® Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitbv PHONE 668-5862 Garbage normally collected on Tuesday, August 3rd, 1965. | TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION CIVIC HOLIDAY AUGUST 2nd, 1965 There will be ne garbage collection on Mandoy, August 2nd. COUNCILLOR YT. EDWARDS, Chairmen, Sanitation Committee. thet dey will be picked ug on Beat SAVING... é 7 COURTICE CLEARANCE * CLEARANCE OF "All-Lite" Fibreglas Translucent Panels 9y, c PER NOW ONLY SQ. FT. These. panels are seconds from a well known manufacturer. Imperfections are slight color or extrusion defects and do not impair the wearing qualities. IDEAL FOR: PATIOS, CARPORTS, ROOM DIVIDERS, AWNINGS, ETC. Oshawa Wood Products 28-1611 SHOPPING CENTRE LIMITED 728.1617 ~ 2 ak at ee "ALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON" ri ALLO Really Will Save You Money |f you reed your operating manual when you took possession of your last new car then you're @ one out of four excep- tion, The seventy five percent of mew car buyers who neglected to digest this important document passed up the single most important guide to maximum per- " formance and economy of their car. The information it contains is an invaluable digest of engineering studies made during per. formance tests along with a smiple explanation of warranty uarantees, 'or inatance, do you know how often the transmission fliud on your car uld be changed? Failure to look after this inex- pensive service p ion could shorten the life of the trana- mission and cause premature breakdown. Do you know how te rock your car properly in mud or snow? How often are tune-ups advisable? How often should. you have the front wheels aligned? Is this covered by warranty? What about the air cleaner, the oil filter and tire pressure? If you heve read your manual but are starting to run out of answers, it's @ pretty good bet you are due for o fe-reading. Best bet is to go over the manual once when you buy the car, again in a few weeks when the car is broken in, and a third time when you have had the cor about six months, Just as many owners think they have to pay for repairs covered by warranty as owners who think everything is covered, The answers are all inthe operating manual, !t will pay you well to take the time to read it thoroughly We at Northside go over the warranty manual with our cus- tomer at time of delivery to aquaint him with the werranty end operating instructions, NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODRE Ww 4

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