Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jul 1965, p. 2

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Viet Cong Attack Victorious Again U.S. Sets Up Its Defence Excludes This PMs Patley Ottawa a ae on amas SNOWJOB CAN'T WIN A DIVORCE LONDON (Reuters)--Rub- bing snow on a wife's back while she is taking a hot bath is no ground for di- By RON MacDONALD \A Iberta, W. A. C WINNIPEG (CP) -- Fight of!of Canada's 10. premiers, fresh from 'a bout of co-operative fed- eralism at the federal-provin- cial conference in Ottawa, will turn to co-operative provincial-| sm here Monday at their own quoted the refugees as saying they were warned by guerril- las that a major attack was im- inent in Pleiku and Kontum provinces, This would confirm the think ing of' U.S. and South Vietna mese strategists, who have loug SAIGON: (CP)--A Viet Cong force attacked a governmen training centre 75 miles south west of Saigon today and in flicted "heavy" casualties, a U.S, military spokesman an- nounced, An estimated 125 to 500 guer- Bennett} British Columbia, Ross Thatcher of Saskatchewan and| Robert Stanfield of Nova Sco-| tia round out the delegates, | Medical insurance and_ off-| shore mineral rights are ex-| Along Coast By MALCOLM W. BROWNE SAIGON (AP)--As the Viet Cong takes over more. and more of South Viet Nam, the}; vorce, a judge decided Thursday. : Neither is throwing cold water over her, terrifying her by fast driving or pho- tographing her in the nude, Mr, Justice Sterling said, SMILES HERALD END- OF-STRIKE 'CHEQUE rillas hit the Tan An _ regional|believed force training centre with 57 mm recoilless rifles and ma chine-guns, the spokesman said Communist casualties, if any, were not reported, Communist, guerrillas also shelled the @istrict head-jnamese quarters of Nghia Hanh, S5jhaving miles south of Da Nang. Gov ernment casualties were termed 'very light." Meanwhile, civilians. from the central highlands are pouring into Saigon and other cities to escape a Viet-Cong offensive. OFFENSIVE COMING Vietnamese newspapers today US. for UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- aieretar yeneral U Thant has told President Johnson he will do all he-can to help set up peace talks on Viet Nam. Thant gave the assurance in son, range |don American Hency Cabot Lodge. Several thousand men of the 173rd_ Airborne continued a sweep operation 35 miles southeast of Saigon, b the second cant contact with the Viel Cong was reported. author of Commonwealth peace in a television interview in Lon- Thursday that the main Vi Cong offensive of the 'curaent monsoon season would be aimed at the central highland. In Saigon, Gen. Maxwell Tay-' lor was seen off by a small group of U.S, and South Viet- after as ambassador by officials been today succeeded ay no U Thant Will Do His Best To Win Viet Peace Talks the effort to a negotiations night that his Brigade signifi- abortive sai United States is. anchoring its|"" defence to the seacoast, "This coastal we're establishig won't neces sarily win the war for us," said one American official, "but without it I hate to think what might happen to us," Important inland military in- stallations in recent months have become increasingly hard to secure and supply. In the last three months, a' lifts of supplies to inland U.S. utlinstallations have increased by nearly 1,000 per cent, and air- lift capabilities are stretched tw the cracking point, During the. same period, the number of roads "that can be used for carrying supplies with- out mounting major operations has dwindled to less than 35 per cent of the nation's total mileage. The highlands provine ial cap- ital of Pleiku, for example, 1s r-lalmost completely isolated ditrom major supply centres Two weeks ago 4,600 govern et perimeter 'round-table discussions. Prime topics at the sixth an-4 nual premiers conference likely) will be education and pensions, Discussions at the premiers conferences are: informal and private and are aimed at bet- ter inter-provincial co-operation in areas in which the provinces make the laws, The discussions on education are expected to follow the lines of last. year's conference at Jasper, Alta, The hope is that standards and curricula can be co-ordinated so students moving from one province to another can make smooth transitions, In the pension field, discas- sions are expected to focus on pensions which are distinct from the federal pension plan. They likely will centre on por- tability--making it possible for employees of industry and gov- ernments to move to new jobs and other provinces without los- ng benefits. SITS AS OBSERVER Federal provincial confer: nent troops were used to Op?Dlenves are meetings of the fed- pected to come up for discus- sion at the conference and the Prairie premiers plan to disciss specific proposals for a Prairie economic council between cun- ference sessions, Manitoba, Quebec and dismissing 31-year-old Mrs. Janet Carrington's petition for divorce on the grounds of cruelty, On- sales taxes, Thus an Ontario tario are to discuss a brief they resident making a purchase in plan to submit to the federal,Quebec would pay the Ontarie government asking that boundaries be extended into James and Hudson Bays, The extensions would give the prov- inces control over off-shore min- erals. Discussion is expected on plans for observing the centen- nial of Canada's Confederation. Saskatchewan, veterinary college to which the other Prairie provinces contrib- ute funds, will be interested in other education fields, such as dentistry, in which there can be regional co-operation. Other topics likely will include problems involved in collecting sales taxes from persons mak- ng purchases outside _ their home provinces, Ontario and Quebec have worked out an ar- their sale | the site of a, tax on the purchase. PRESENTS A Flavoured Wi "SERVE COLD ON JHE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" |planned fo continue peace efforts. But he acknowledged he continue his efforts to shiftithis is difficult since the North the Viet Nam ocnflict from|Vietnamese 'think they are Touriem Hit |e: -- to the cepa ge 10 Johnson wrote Thant nearly | hody is He is working at Lilly Cup. --Oshawa Times Photo. board office at a city hotel will be closed and cheques will again be mailed, Mrs. Tate's husband was injured in an accident at a_trans- port company and has re- ceived retraining as an en- gineer and now has his fourth class engineer ticket, rangement under which they may license businesses in one another's territories to collect reply to Johnson's 'request that SSE eh wrong win Minister Wil- 60... 60... Use the BEST OIL in Your Furnace WESTERN customers get their furnaces cleaned FREE this summer. FREE 24-hour burner service and autometic delivery. Call Today... 725-1212 WESTERN Oil Co. ers, Premier Duff Roblin of Man- itoba is chairman for the con- ference. and-Premier John Ro- barts of Ontario, in whose prov- ince the 1966 meeting likely will be held, is vice-chairman. Premier Jean Lesage of Que-| ec, who initiated the confer- ences in 1960, will be on hand with a large delegation. Premiers E. Ce Manning of land- been move NEED A NEW FURNACE? No Down Payment--First Payment December--Cell PERRY | Day or Night . . . 723-3443 something did The never life. It every weeks as the company ob- serves. its annual vacation period. Speedy's specialized muffler service gives you more for your muffler dollar At Speedy Muffler King, only qualified experts, using tools specifically designed for muffler jobs, work on your car. That's why they can install mufflers faster--and better. That's how Speedy The Bowmanyille and Dis- trict branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will hold a blood donor clinic Aug. 4 at the Lions Centre, Bow- manville. car manufacturers' authorized replacement parts ~for less! Come in today for a free muffler and exhaust system check-up. The Carter Family Trophy was won in the thixed doubles tournament _ this week at. the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club by Clarence Oke of Bowmanville and Mrs. Dorothy Nicholson of Oshawa, not Nichols as re- ported in last night's Times The directors of | the Rotary Club of Bowmanville has authorized the payment of $500 a year for two years | toward the rental and equip. | ment. of a bus to transport | crippled children to the Osh-- | awa school, | Oshawa's Newest and Finest Muffler Centre 206 KING STREET 728-6268 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, Friday nights till 9 p.m, Speedy buys mufflers in large volume at low cont! And passes the savings on to you. At Speedy Muffler. King, you can buy a muffler designed and engineered to the same high standards as eral government and the prov- smiles as she receives her cdast, so supply convoys could husband's cheque from get through to Pleiku for a few|terest, but the premiers confer- ences are confined to the prov- tion Board from Joseph 1: Bat ase Hunt, auditor, at the WCB's they're No-| gig ie numbers of{ment sitting in only as an ob- ae server, if at all, awa. With. postal ' workers lihees weeks after the secre-laAmericans are not going to back on the job today the a u tary-general disclosed he had)win, On the other hand, nobo- nently to keep any road open. land and Prince Edward Island " a sn the United. States, Brit-|qy's going to-push them out." The only railway in normal will be represented " at this TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's| cease-fire in Viet Nam and a d ; towns north of Saigon. But it is}: {don said the Johnson adminis-| 5 ; ea x miers Joey Smallwood of New- tourist trade has been hit hard' new Geneva conference aimed Fation tie ahide-a new: bid for| cut in dozens of places and. un- foundland and Walter Shaw of! ry € e nde 1s h- 4 Vy ith Rain! July skies, agree ped Phil . Foreign|{0r the American military posi- Santa Eye rel Et detach-|ioubted there would be any- Ou Northern resorts have al-| In Manila, Philippine Foreign)... in Viet Nam ments along the coast, thing of specific interest to | i j for atloys shortages at many point and the prospect of a chilly|cated his government might ous shortages at many points. was the only premier ab-) S t 3 s Gs ler three-day Civic Holiday week-|Propose that the UN set.up anjleast token backing from West| At Ham Tan, only 65 miles Leary from last vaaPe confer-| a ur ay ( ¢ ) Germany and other West , y owners to fear that this will belilar to the UN br guia tee for|roy > also beenjstance, fust supplies have ae Premier Louis Robichaud of ness tonight and Saturday,|one of the worst seasons|the unification and rehabilita- ee. _ the informants said|so short there has not beenin.. Brunswick planned 1e soundings ae he ees soe sad|., White River: Clouding over| Three centres in the provincel British Prime no | positive result, |(oeeenen Pye i Pou delegation, including two cabi- Synopsis: Cloud will spread) iyi, afternoon with a few scat-|registered - record low maxi-| Even U.S, detachments inj not ministers and three advis- scattered showers are expected|tonight. Saturday sumny with for any July 29 since records} dor Satutday lcloudy periods, warmer, light|were first kept before 1900, creasingly on the sea for af- i degrees compared with the dd tillery support also, Shore Lake Huron, Windsor, London: | Forecast Temperatures vious- record low maximum of! Increasing cloudiness tonight; |Low tonight, high Saturday: stroyers cruisers has be- scat ih d th Ns Bay had a maximum. of "60, TORONTO (CP) General| The 1,000,000 - Square - foot come routine. And a major part Oe een, ek winks: _ Lyd i amauhaiee , two degrees below the previous|Motors of Canada Ltd, an-|passenger car assembly plant at Visinasmake ont & " : , andon etnamese gr perations a r * The 61 - degree maximum in\tion will begin around Sept. 1 injemploy about 1,000 persons is|?0W is coming from 7th Fleet ern Georgian Bay, Haliburton,|Mount Forest. Sudbury was the lowest in 40/new major automobile plants atithe largest of the three plants : Killaloe, Toronto, Hamil-/Wingham Increasing numbers of Hamii was 65 degrees in 1925. Therese, Que. tion will begin at Oshawa an#"& Ships also have with a few scattered showers|St. Catharines Overnight temperatures) A company spokesman saidjat Windsor the new plant will and thundershowers in the aft-| Toronto supplies along the coast. : lows at Killaloe form the nucleus of a $120,000,-|stery, Cees em te ig Northern Georgian Bay, Tim- Trenton The mean temperature this\000 GM expansion program be- ' agami, North Bay, Sudbury:|Kingston . plants will mean an eventual in-| Every person ins New York and precipitation has been nor-|with start of work on nexticrease in GM's work force to/breathes 4,000 gallons of pol- : P Scattered showers Satur-/Muskoka mal. 'vear's models. Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie: |Sudbury Clouding over this evening, a/Earlton night and Saturday morning,/Kapuskasing ..... clearing Saturday afternoon./White River.. Cochrane: Variable _cloudi-" Timmins Screen's Master Of Perplexity, By JAMES BACON | Paul and Maureen O'Sullivan HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Pauljdid 18 months on Broadway in perplexity, is a unique star, |repeating the roles for the He's one of the few actors -of}movie version--one of the few of the United States 'cast gets that chance. He's also one of the few who, Ford has had. a life that not ig the easiest job of all cook up. He was a failure in "T didn't become an actor un-jeverything he tried--except fa- Bilko's most farnous patsy.| With five children to feed, "But when I got into the busi-|Ford turned actor for $3 a week hours. 'hour. "You show up at the theatre' *I told my wife not to get 11. It's not even bad on Wed-|some day I might earn as much nesdays with the matinces. jas $100 a week acting. She shook 'How can you stand saying/1 had blown my top." the same words night after; That decision touched off an "T just tell them that it's easy|which Ford usually played the once you get a play under your|rich boss money." : 2 'tage,"' he recalls, "'No one ever But television is believed that a guy 40 was just "Last year when I too. Producers all feel that the Baileys of Balboa, I role of authority calls for this was 6 a.m. until 8 p.m. His job as Bilko's colonel~ day the role that made him famous the thea' theatre. 'casting. .Houdaille Industries ' In- corporated of Buffalo, New quisition of Burgmaster Cor- poration of Gardena, Cali- branch plant in Oshawa on Simcoe st. s, Burgmaster under "present manage- ment; personnel" as a divi- ter stock will be dissolved, with shareholders getting master makes turrett drill- ing machines. of Highways has called tenders for improvements Highway 115 at the north and south entrances to Mrs. Jack Tate is all Route 19, 150 miles from the inces on subjects of mutual in- the Workmen's Compensa- days inces, with the federal govern- emergency office in Osh- going to The| 8 troops cannot be used perma- All provinces but New! tound- WEATHER FORECAST ain and Seanys sragecers = 8 Qualified diplomats in Lon- times supplies all the coastal year's premiers meeting. Pre- by cool weather and cloud yjat carrying out the 1954 Geneva some British gesture of support able to supply even the min- Prince Edward Island said they ready lost thousands of dollars \Secretary Mauro Mendez indi- Sinher "ReProacties This has resulted in danger- them at the meeting. Mr, Small- end starting tonight leads many|organization for Viet Nam sim- Eu-|southwest of Saigon, for in-| nig ropean nations have te ( ( P) -- Forecasts} ; . " sega el yr. (warmer, light winds. we've ever had," |tion of Korea. haye producedjenough gasoline to operate theliy bring the largest out-of-town into the province tonight and|tered showers this evening and|mum temperatures Thursday! many towns have had to go : ae electricity, egins ine ep U.S, forces are relying in- all The high at Winds Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,} winds. ve psi he 65| tA irst ime n te. ETASE |ombardmen by 7th Fleet de-|; 72 set in 1943 and 1956. North royers and ¢ mainly cloudy Saturday with a! windsor $2 of the air support :for South 0 mark of 62 recorded in 1956.\nounced Thursday that produc-jSte. Therese which will initially Niagara, Lake Ontario, south-| Kitchener carriers ! years, The previous low there Windsor, Ont., Oshawa and Ste.| A new truck assembly opera ton: Mainly cloudy Saturday|}Hamilton jpressed into service -to Thursday marked near-freezing opening of -the plants, whichjhandle interior trim and uphol- ernoon and evening, light winds.|Peterborough ... The spokesman said the new BREATHE IN POISONS : ? month has been 67.7 degrees gun last year, would coincide Variable cloudiness with a few|Killaloe ' 4 j 23,000 from 19,000 persons. lluted air every day. day, light winds. North Bay.. by 2 |-- ~ -- -- _ few scattered showers over-|Sault Ste. Marie.. Warmer, light winds. Moosonee Ford, the screen's master of|Never Too Late and the two are his stature who hasn't been out! times an original Broadway thinks a hit play on idoeeeed a movie scriptwriter could til I was past 40,"' says Sgt |therhood--until age 40. ness. it was because I liked the in a Long Island summer play- at 8 p.m. and you're through by|discouraged at my low salary-- "People are always asking|her head and looked at me as if fight' imazing 'theatrical career, in belt. It's like stealing the' "My age was one advan- different. starting out. My potbelly helped worked so hard in my special physical attribute." "1 was glad to get back into\--he considers all part of his York, has announced ac- fornia Houdaille 'has a will continue to operate sion of Houdaille. Burgmas- Houdaille preferred. Burg- The Ontario Department to the intersections on Orono, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. plant in Bow- manville will have a skéle- ton staff, for the next two

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