Board Tables Block Project WHITBY (Staff) -- A request for approval of a 40-suite apart- ment building came before the Whitby Community Planning Board Wednesday night and was tabled for lack of an appli- cation. The proposal was presented) by Brian C. Stark, of Service| and Stark, Toronto barristers. 4\Mr. Stark, representing Ron Bernardi of Concord, a hamlet outside of Toronto, asked the town planners to consider hold- ing zoning of the proposed apart ment site in a category allowing for development of the multiple} housing unit. The proposed development is located near the curved section of Centre st. running parallel with Highway 401. The land was purchased originally for tue pur- pose of constructing five single family dwellings. Since the pur- chase the Ontario Department of Highways has taken control of this section of road. In addition, a storm sewer has been con- structed in the area. The result of both developments is the im- BOWMANVILLE the spring of 1965, 49,925 trees were planted on private land by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority within the boundaries of the Conserva- tion Authority. This number far exceeds the number of trees planted in any previous spring. Private reforestation assis- tance is a service open to all land owners who own more than two acres of land. The species of trees planted are, however, limited to those trees which are used for forestry purposes, Any landowner, who owns land greater than the minimum size, can apply to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority at Bowmanville or the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests at Orono for assistance in re- foresting land. When an application is re- ceived, both the field officer of the Conservation Authority and the timber forester of the Department of Lands. and For- ests look over the land in ques- needed, After an application has been approved, the landowner) pays the cost of the trees, which is $10 per thousand. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, under its private reforestation assis- tance program, then plants the recomme' species on the land. The cost of planting the trees is $5. per thousand if they are machine nted and $10. per thousand if they are hand planted. The total maximum cost is $20. per thousand trees. Many of the lands in the headwaters and on the sides of steep hills need reforestation of some type. The sides of many hills show white in the after- noon because there is no top soil or vegetation present. The establishment of trees on these hills helps to prevent erosion and excessive run-off and aids the infiltration of water into the % Conservation' Authority 'Club Escape Plants 49,925 Trees Raringmnoet and the number of trees Draws 1,600 WHITBY (Staff) -- Another "first". for Whitby was scored recently when Club Escape was held at the Whitby Arena and . |attracted more than 1,600 per- sons, This is reported to be the largest attendance recorded at any dance party in the entire province. Club Escape is a dance party for persons of any age who have the desire to 'trip the light fan- tastic', The event has been held at the arena during the last two months and will be featured on one more occasion this year. Dance parties designed along the same lines as Club Escape will be held at the arena during the fall and winter it was an- nounced by an official of the club. The entertainment will move from the main arena floor to the auditorium on the second floor. soil. This, in turn, will help to dropping very low in some raise the water table which is/ FREEMAN'S THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 29, 1965 § WARN OF CROP DANGER |ers which rings a bell in the larmhouse fi when the tempera- A British firm has developed|si7? in the tields fails below & a frost-warning device for farm-|set limit, 'Lam Thomasina ~a most unusual cat... WHITBY Evenings--7 and 8:40 Technicolor" | Matinee Set. 1:30 * FORMAL RENTALS Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors possibility of buildine the five'tion to decide its suitability for,areas. houses. : jreforestation; the species to be) Reforestration is not a cure | gi. The ac ote Ol es ae lth lat th ltr Saree . ae . . . vill, g measures, owner coul2 uct econ- | propery gwner cae zat coon! Maggie And Jiggs heir io ensure» consant su" the location. Request for ap-| ed now will also ensure lumber'| proval of the proposed apart-| Tourney Success for the future, sithongn inet Show Berard oat tant re|,.RMITBY (Sa) -- A Muagie/oveiy, may it be bn sre gain his. initial investment i boone ag hearer ag ; a Miho, fatones its taceet It was suggested the propoeaa| cee ptvomret. by we dolce pe ta wildlites both - planta} acartment' building would con-|O Lawn Bowling Club was held|Products, ig both plants) form with the locale; consist] sus bf: the ard lg fesbertant' a i, wat a ag of an estimated 40 suites and\cvent was participated in by aj --F scaiiess : nese : : weld ba. tee atateve in (ull draw of doubles with hus- height. The development would|pand and -- rep I be approximately 22,000 square| sah ; e Simpenuen: , | Winners of the special tourna-| |feet in are coverage 2nd be lo-| leated on an estimated 38,404 ment was the team of Mr, and) square feet of land. |Mrs. Earl Judge, who had three} The planning board suggested|Wins. Close behind, also with} the question should be present-\three wins but a lower point! jed to the town council, follow-|Score were Mr. and Mrs. Harry ling which, it would come before|-°tt. Third place went to Mr. --Oshawa Times Photo ithe planning board in due|@"d Mrs. A. Archibald while -- ~ course. The board tabled the|Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sabins were) | proposal pending \fourth. | COLLINS Mid-Summer SALE CONTINUES!! LADIES' Dress Shoes White & Bone -- EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby LADIES' GENUINE WASHABLE KEDETTES UP TO Reg. to 4.98 50% OFF | NOW 2.89 Genuine Italian Sandals rane oe BBO Collins Shoes 119 BROCK ST, S. WHITBY PH, 668-3476 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M, HELLP NEEDEAD! KNOW XPEREEANCE RECHOIRED A PLIE AUG. 2 OWNLY if AJAX READY FOR FIREMEN'S CONVENTION The information booth for booth is located, at Achilles which the entire population the 64th Annual Firemen's rd. and Harwood ave., just of Ajax has been invited. Between 4,000 and 6,000 Convention hosted by Ajax off the Macdonald-Cartier firefighters are expected to this weekend will be open cloverleaf. Festivities for whoop it up during the from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. dur- the convention will begin at Civic Holiday weekend in ing the four-day convention 8.30 p.m. today with an Ajax. beginning this Friday. The open-air hootenanny to Plan Shopping Centre Rossland Road Site WHITBY (Staff) -- An apart-|who represented York Engi-jthe area, would cost an esti-| In Death Scopie and 'shouted to him to ment development consisting of|neering Consultants, of Willow-)mated $300,000. jwatch for cars. 'I had my head 92 suites, plus a shopping/dale. | The board suggested the area) WHITBY (Staff) -- A coron-|Partially turned to the right and @ centre, representing a total cost) REZONING ASKED designated for the apartments|er's jury Wednesday night ab-|W@8 watching him when a car of more than $1,000,000, was| The delegation requested the is mow zoned for low density|solyed the driver of a car,|Struck him in the eastbound presented to the Whitby Com-|proposed development area be/population. The previous zoning| which struck and killed a man|/ane. : munity Planning Board Wednes-|rezoned from residential to al-/bylaw allowed for commercial | on, Highway 401, of any blame! COmeau said that during the day night. low the construction of the/development in the proposed|in the accident. jday his uncle had consumed} The proposed development, if|apartment complex. The cost ofjarea. However, a new zoning] The jury also said Charles|the equivalent of 15 or 16 pints| approved, will be located on|the development was estimated|bylaw submitted to the Munici-/scopie, 48, of 46 Monarch Park|®! beer, most of them between| the south-east corner of Ross-jat $750,000. Each apartment pal Board, was in opposition to\aye., Toronto, had died due to|®-30 p.m. and 10.15 p.m, when, | notification) ' seat [from the council that an appli-| The entire program, including | leation had been presented to|the evening meal served on the \ them: jclub verandah, was arranged itis -- |by the special events commit-| |tee headed by Mrs. Harvey Win-| ter, The chairman was assisted Drink Factor': Mrs. Vic Igglesden and Mrs. | Frank Wells. land rd. between Brock and/unit would conform with the|this arrangement, the board|shock resulting from a collision|the accident occurred. | Byron sts. existing bylaw limiting such|advised. lwith a car operated by Ray| Dr- Naiken said Scopie had| The board ruled the presen-/buildings to three storeys, | Should the proposed total de-l\Comeau, of 731 Krosno ave.,|Ustained multiple bone frac-| tation would have to appear| The shopping centre, cover-/velopment be permitted, the/Bay Ridges, on June 30. "Itures, skull fractures, a frac-| before the board in the formiing a total area of 23,200 square|commercial construction would| "gcopie was fully responsible 'ured pelvis, a fractured spine | of two separate applications.|feet, would consist of a super-|front on Rossland rd., while the|ror his own death due to over-|@8 Well as broken legs and| One application would concern|market and a number of small-|apartments would be located on) indulgence in alcohol," the ver-|@rms. He attributed the cause the commercial developmentier retail stores. The super-|the land immediately south of! dict' said. of death to shock resulting from! SAT. JULY Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Alex-; Mrs. Thomas Thornton, Bow- ander and children, Peter and/manville, daughter of Mr. and Stanley, spent a few days at a Mrs. Ray Anderson, is celebrat-| Dundas st. e., enjoyed the wee , "TWTERWATIONAL CIRCUS STARS aot Aas] peat LM ome ment, reported to be in accor-jeither one is. One should not gojeral Hospital, the normal and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rambow, testified they had been in Ajax ACTION-PACKED . s s . - For Gracious, Carefree, Convenient Living Mr. and Mrs. George Mowat stone and family, Paul, Donna|St@mey» Spent a few days at a\- TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO THE CIRCUS! AJAX = ONE. Bx 3] ONLY BOWMANVILLE MON. while the second would deal|market would be an estimated|this project. A blood test taken from Scopie|his injuries. | MEMORIAL PARK -- Twice Daily AUG. with the apartment complex. |10,000 square feet in size while) Councillor George Bevan showed 1.8 parts per thousand pee = 2 & 8 P.M.--Aus. Police Assoc, The presentation was madejthe retail stores Bs naet covet commented, "that both pro-|of alcohol. Dr. V. S. Naiken, a a . s 7 by Dusan Miklas, who repre-|1,000 square feet. This develop-jjects should be if] pathologist at the Oshawa Gen- . . : sented the developer, Richard : : ' . 1965 Collection Now In Stock at Millwork ANB dance with existing zoning of! without the other," he said. three times \ y apes --------= | would indicate Scopie was intoxi- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Osterhout.|cated at the time of the acci-| RUNG His son Richard returned todent. G | Belleville with his father. | Bernard Comeau and Gerald) ./and were on their way back to| . i yhen Scopie was let! ing her birthday today. A fam.(end at their cottage at Pigeon|Toronto w , | THRILL cottage at Mattawatchan the lity gathering pull meen aehae: ake. out of the car. .. said perc FILLED guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allanjed for the occasion, et waa, saw him cross the highway an Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Alex- they started to follow him. Available in a dazzling cav- alcade Magic patterns and colors, versatile "Arbor- laminate Intersection et Hunt end Harwood & 8 P.M | approved said this was! K. Pearson and Allan Ruggles, Smith, nephews of the deceased, | A a q 0 x i of | RCUS ---- and Mrs. B. G. John- ander and children, Peter and| They said they ran after water and children, Roddy, Terry,|/and 1 f i jcottage at Mattawatchan the Beth and John, spent last| Sunday guests ae ee ee guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allan weekend in Montreal visiting)Mr, and Mrs. §C. E. McLaren. , | Young, |-- relatives. 112 Centre st. n. MANY READ WELSH Julia and Tammy 'Thornton,' Keith Osterhout, Belleville i : : , »| At least 874,342 copies of r Ba eagles epee diner Ror last Thurs: poks inthe, Welsh language], rene, oer nts; day ev, 4 in wae : ; ; ° ' E , Owne! Mr, and Mrs. Ray Anderson, ud foe deed ay parenelyere sold i Beran ja 1060. - 607 Athol st. Belated happy birthday to Bill Wiersma who celebrated WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New dual controlled cers, Personal courteous service. Fuly licensed end insured. of glowing Color- CARMEN DEL. MOLINO Lovely Queen of the High Trapezel 20 ~ Star-studded Acts - 20 NORTH AMERICA'S GREATEST WILD ANIMAL SHOW! POPULAR PRICES AT ALL PERFORMANCES practical, " ite decorative withstands boiling temperatures, defies stains his 12th birthday July 28. Mrs. Joseph Carleton, of Ken- more, New York, is a visitor and. blemishes, resists chip- ping and cracking, remains and ADMISSION --ADULT $1.50-- CHILD $1.00 Grancistand Chairs 75¢ Additional bright sparkling new yeor after year. at the home of her niece, Mrs. Aime Rousseau, Palace st. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Archer and daughter, Marilyn and son, Ronald and Miss Vivianne Harris attended the Rundle- Carter wedding last Saturday at St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. They were guests at the reception which followed| | For bathroom vanities and shower walls .. . for kitchen counter tops and cupboard for vertical NOTICE The Board of Trustees. of the Roman Catholie Separate Schools for the Town of Whitby all and horizontal surfaces -- you'll find that there is a place in every room in your home for the labor - saving beauty of colorful, carefree "Arborite". Goo 4.6 at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hewis and their son, David, will over the weekend estab- lish residence at 307 Maple. st. e. Mr. Hewis lived at 1205 Dun- das st.'e. for the past 43 years. Mrs. Isabel Shaw and two grandchildren, Carol and David, Peterborough, are spending a week visiting at the home of}. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Armitage, RR 1, Whitby. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold and sons, Jim and Tom, 603 Centre st. s. have returned from a two-week vacation spent at Shoal Lake, Manitoba, as the guests of Mrs, A. S. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Annan, Palace st. and her sister, Miss Lois Sleightholm, are back from a three-week trip to the west They visited Calgary, Banff Lake. Louise, Vancouver and Victoria. They returned via the United 'States and stayed over at Port Angeles, Yellowstone Park and toured several other places of interest. | TAKE NOTICE thot the above-mentioned Board of Trustees passed By-law Number 12 on the 26th day of July, 1965, to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue ond sale ef debentures of the said' Boord of Trustees in the principal omount of $255,000. a PRECISION n) GROUND LENses '5 A < 3,000,000 3 satisfied customers 35 1, The money is to be borrowed for. the purpose of paying the cost of construction and equipment of two (2) additions te St, John the Evangelist Separate School, 1103 Giffard Street, consisting of eight classrooms, with wash-rooms, heating plant and other ancillary area and an all-purpose room of approximately 3200 square feet, together with the purchase of a school site in the said Town of Whitby. . The amount to be borrowed is $255,000 ond the security therefor shall be the said debentures, which shall be @ charge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and ony other real ond: personal property vested in the said Board, and upon the Separate School rates. Color. Wlagic RANGE now: Many Colors and Patterns To Choose From ASK ABOUT OUR 6 MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 Open Daily 7 A.M. till 6 P.M, -- Fridey till 9 p.m. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND \/Taiai COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM ' NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY AT SAME LOW PRICE PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES | . The debentures are to be dated August 15, 1965, are te be in denominations of $1,000 each and are to be repay- able in varying instalments of principal on December 1 in the years 1966 to 1985 both inclusive ond are to bear interest ot 6% per annum, Interest is payable annually, The aggregate amount of principal and interest payable in eoch yeor in the currency of the debentures is approxi-+ mately equal and varies between $21,620 and $26,827.12, DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT, We fill all PSI, Oculists and Optometrists prescriptions ot the seme low prices. QUALITY AND SERVICE NEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE! 17 BOND ST, E, 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA HOURS: MON, TO SAT 9AM.- 5 P.M. Close All Day Wednesday Benson §. Hamilton, Secretary-Treasurer. rs, Alexander Hortensius anti her daughter, Corrie, have returned from a flying six-week trip to Holland where they vis- ited relatives,