' s } } Lake Viste Drive $100 weekly guaranteed, supplies and 728-0422 or 722-4712 ank for 120--Real Estote for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sele 20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estete for Sele THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 29, 1968 19 in -- name HO "KEY PUNCH TAXI. DRIVERS OPERATOR Wei glee 'Must be experienced. Good ' penne lavonargan teed O54771 APPLY ASSISTANT seen, | 5 /E. or short order TRIM -- COACH HOUSE 274 Mackenzie Ave. CALL 668-4592 Ajax, Ont. 20--Reol Estate for Sale Phone 942-4160 1DYS- FUN$$ Ladies to demonstrote o full line of toys and gifts. Sept. Oet., Nov. Commission. Cor essential --< no investment, deliveries or collection, We will train you. CALL NOW! PEGGY LANGILLE 728-3608 EXPERIENCED | Two comptometer operators one stenographer experienced on 1.B.M. electric, Ajox area commencing August 4th. TEMPORARY POSITIONS 728-9431 Two EXPERIENCED telephone solict- | tors, one for Oshawa area, other Ajax area, for natural gi fiances. Work at home typ = hg per day, Monday to Thursday, and commission, Send 7 Vue ications etc. to Box 439 Oshawa WANTED -- Folks in Oshawa and dis- trict to show our luxurious Chrismtas Feet to friends and neighbors. No ex- fence needed. Our exciting catalogue fiuatrates over 300 items in full color, making if easy Sas plenty of orders. Earn extre money this way, Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. BARN EXTRA | MONEY, Show Canada's finest line Med Christmas Cards, wraps, novelties, Over 300 items. For free, beautifully Tiustreted catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest service Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 1253 King Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario GIRLS WANTED fo work in talior shop. Must be good hand sewers and aiso ri power machine. Tull time, good 2 : the. tight pedson. iso girls wan 0 learn, full or part-time, Must speak Eng- Bowl, upstairs. ee hy WAITRESS for Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Simtoe Street South or phone 725-3932. MATURE, reliable le woman to. to care gba me he age 7 and 4, in aS Se pene) eet: Ag ditt to 6 p.m. Phone 668-3415 afte: EXPERT miceo hairdresser fo of savy be ssion of will rent, with goad' cllentele. Telephone Uxbridge 852-3120 for details. ese ene 1D -- Waltress, married, full time, inside work. Apply MeMur-| ray's Drive-In. Call for appointment, 72-209). fake, . Apply gx waitresses. rock Street EXPERIENCED J. arene. a 8: South, Witoy. ase. HOU ir a In. 0 Tn, Apply | in per- son at 108 her yee whitpy between 5S and 6 SHORT ORORN COOK required for 1 taurent, Closed Sundays. South End Res- taurant, § Bloor Street East, 18--Male Help Wanted -- DELIVERY TRUCK DRIVER Top wages, good working conditions. Apply SCUGOG CLEANERS 524 Cromwell Ave. 723-1159 WAITERS REQUIRED Beverage Room APPLY Mr. BUZMINSKI for Men's BARBER WITH LICENCE For busy shop in Oshawa. Steady job -- good guarantee Call 728-9860 WORKING MEN WANTED. No skill or experience requited. Must be sober, in good health, free to travel. Salary, meals, transportation, living quarters provided. Apply in person only to Mr. Hudson Sells and Gray Circus, Harewood Ave-| nue, Ajax, July 30; or Memorial Park, Bowmanvilie, Monday, August 2. PART-TIME drivers wanted for deliver- jes, Fridays and Saturdays trom 4 p.m. ti 1 @.m. Must be reliable and 'have chautfeur's licence. Apply Gord's Pickin' Chicken, §22 Ritson Road South. MAN for coorman and usher in lounge, | part-time work, suitable for retired man, three nights each week. Apply Manager| Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West,| Oshawa. | FOR OIL company, Féliable married man, for off truck and furnace work. Mechan-| teatly inclined, year round employment, | Apply at 238 Keiser Crescent 19--Male or Female Help Wanted SOCIAL WORKER Preferable minimum qualifi- cations B.A. Training in so- cial work desirable, . Exper- lence in Child Welfore would be an asset. Applications from men as well as woman. interested in social work as @ coreer are irivited. Salary according to training and ex- perience. Minimum _ salary for B.A. $4,400. Apply dir- ector of Childrens Aid So- ciety. at OSHAWA PO. BOX a2i ICED hairdresser required by Beauty Salon, Shampoo gir! tor Joe, SCHOFIELD- AKER CENTURY O} Large two storey brick home in the 3 rooms up and 3 rooms down plan. Good cloy brick, easy walking distance to downtown, Owner's for selling--too large. Taxes only $264.00, Possession 60 days. Asking 'only $13,900. $11,000.00 FULL PRICE For this 3 bedroom, 2 storey home |Close to downtown, yet in o quiet taxes--Easy terms, BEAU VALLEY RESALE POSSIBLY COMMERCIAL We have @ good | church with a six year old, joining lot, Lot frontage 102 ft, and area 13,770. sq. ft. Call us: for more 'details, Huge 13 room Home plus 4 cabins (each with 3 pc. bath) ----=| situated on approx. 3 acres' of Igreen lawns, jexcellent en used as a Tourist Home |for mony years, liend itself to many other dif- |ferent forms of income, This lis a property with so many | features, impossible to de- jscribe jn an od, Give us a coll inow and we will arrange for Jon inspection, ~GENOSHA HOTEL | Allan Thompson . 728-2870 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 George Koornneet 723-2859 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 | Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg. Hail 723-1358 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Full Down Payment "mn 165 (OVER A QUARTER SERVICE) JUST LISTED $13,000.00 --- good clean 7 room home with hot water heating in older section of the city. Upstairs 3 room apt. is self-contained with its own private entrance. Main floor| 4 rooms apt. is led are Ney but could also be rent- pe rooms are better than| average size. Put your in-| vestment dollars to work on} this home and watch them grow. OFF KING ST. WEST reason ATTRACTIVE FRAME BUNGALOW Conveniently situated on a large lot, Suitable for retired couple or small family. Give us a call for more details. with lorge kitchen. residential area. Low $21,900.00 is the reasonable price on this Kassinger built +home locoted on Jasmine Crescent, 1172 8q. ft. of carefully planned living area. Double windows throughout. High dry: divided basement. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District 'Real Estate Board 100 acre grain or stock farm, excellent soil and good barns. Large brick house with cen- oo heoting, 2 baths, double rage. Home well decorated. Hie 0 000. Kendal Hills---$160 per acre. 200 acres with barn 30' x 110', pond. Excellent 7 room home, all conveniences, gar- age. 200 acre stock farm, 8 room brick house, large barn, stream. Only $15,000 -- terms, 205% acres overlooking Rice Lake, excellent soil, 2 storey brick home, barns 30' x 120', and 40' x 60'. Very attrac- tive property north of Port Hope. Priced at $60,000 -- terms, Village Home----seven rooms within commuting distance to Oshawa. Lot 60' x 150' with garage. Total price $5,000 with low down payment. Oshawa--2 storey brick home, gorage, new oil furnace, 3 pee. bath, lot 40' x 100'. $12,500--$2,000 down. East Beach-- bedroom win- terized cottage. $1,800 -- $800 down, Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Joe Barnoski 786-2202 Jack Whitemon 623-3818 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Heward Forder 655-3853 Herb Cooper 623-3393 Nicely londscaped--tatsefully decorated. Be sure to see this weekend--or you may be too late. store room brick home on the od- LAKE SCUGOG Are you looking for @ cot- age? We have a 7 room fur- nished cottage situated on a jorge lot with 100 ft, sofe and sandy beach. Would you enjoy sitting under large shade trees with a wonderful view of the lake? Then call us to-day, this is just the place for you and your fom- ily to enjoy a wonderful sum- mer. Full price $6,000 with terms. No. 2 HIGHWAY -- 1 MILE EAST OF BOWMANVILLE fruit trees ond garden soil, Has but would For full particulars call 723-2265 Open Daily Sam. to9 p.m. 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe sale: DETACHED Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E, 728-4678 FULLY SERVICED LOTS Ready to build on. Locotion is excellent in city. Also apartment land in good area. For further information call today ! JUST LISTED Very nice 5 room frame bung- alow not too for from shop- ping centre in good area con- sisting of 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, 22 ft living room, recreation room, paved drive, gora fenced afd hedged lot, Belegssinn August 15th, OPPORTUNITY Just 2 homes left for your advantage of Winter Works, electric heated, paved street, full services. Your opportun- ity to save $1,000. Coll us today before it's too late. $1,569.00 DOWN and move fast. New home ready for occupancy, Fully serviced area and only 2 left. Why wait. Call An 8 year old brick bunga- low in beutiful condition, Woll to' wall broadloom, beoutiful kitchen, living room and dining room, Profession- ally built bar in @ beautiful recreation room, For further information call Tonight! OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Joe'Maga _ Dick Barriage Gord Hawkshaw Member 0.D.R.E.B. ALL ELECTRIC @ New 3 bedroom brick dwellings semi-detach- ed, located in East end of Oshawa. @ NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION FULL DOWN 3 and 4 bedroom solid brick bungalows and = split-levels, with genuine stone fronts, from $14,995. | and 2 bath- roorns, carports and garages, storms and screens, vanities, paved roads, curbs, side- walks. PHONE 942-256] MILLIE & IMRIE REAL ESTATE LTD. _ ELECTRICALLY HEATED Ten new homes by Lysk Con- Struction stating at $18,150. with N.H.A, financing located in Kingsmere Gardens, S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 8-6286 1198 ~Wecker EIGHT-ROOM hone, 'Gleaming hardwood ail our floors; close to ail schools; on large treed Telephone. lot. Full price only $14,990. Easy. terms. 'low taxes, Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4661, PAYMENT $1558.75 FULL PRICE $14,500 JOSEPH BOSCO REAL ESTATE 128 - 7377 For further information call Vi Vill. today ! | HERE'S WHAT YOU GET | GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1. -TWO, $1,000 DOWN HOMES Two six room brick homes side by side, each having. a large kitchen, living room and dining room. and 3 large bedrooms. Full bathrooms, at an amazingly low price of $9,900. each, 1. OLDER BRICK HOME On Drew Street. $12,500, pur- chases this well kept property. This home consists of 3 good sized bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room, All al- uminum storms and screens, heavy duty wring, and laundry tubs. Phone for an appointment to see. e NEW HOME IN PREFERRED SOUTH EAST AREA 5 room tug brick ranch style bungalow with attached breeze- wya and garage. Hollywood kit- chen, with dining area with a walkout to the patio. 4 piece bathroom with colored fixtures| and vanity. Large RECREA- TION ROOM with natural fire- place. Call now for full part- iculars. IV. NEW HOMES NOW BEING COMPLETED New homes in the preferred South East area, These homes hove 3 and 4 bedrooms, gar- ages and many more attractive features. You may have your choice of color schemes, tiles ond bathroom fixtures. Call on these to-night. Trade in your old) house. V. ONE AND ONE HALF STOREY STUCCO HOME | With attached garage and love- | ly landscaped grounds with Cir- culor driveway. a large combination living a dining room, nice size on with ample cupboards, 4 ware bathroom with ceramic tiles and two bedrooms. Upstairs are 2 bedrooms, lots of closets, and 2 piece bath. Priced at only $16,- 000. VI. LARGE LOT OF 62 x 353 1% storey home on a nicely landscaped lot. Fireplace inthe living room, large dining room and kitchen with lots of cup- boards. Upstairs ore 2 large bed- rooms and 4 piece bath with ceramic tiles, This home has been kept in excellent condi- tion and must be seen. Priced at $17,000. 1. FOR THE LARGER FAMILY This attractive 5 bedroom bung- alow with attached garage. Con- veniently located: to both public and high schools and smal! shop-| ping centre. Broadloom and drapes in living room to stay, Phone on this to-night. HOME FOR THE SMALLER FAMILY Downstairs Be Just outside the city limits. This} 9 year old home hos 4 rooms Wall to wall broadioom in the living room, lots of cupboards and plenty of closets This home is in excellent con dition with an asking price of $12,700, Phone for more par- ticulars, IX. PREFERRED SOUTH EAST AREA $16,900. buys this well kept home on Labrador Drive. The kitchen has more than suffic- ient cupboards and has a sep- arate dining area. Three good sized bedrooms. This home is unique in design and should be seen. X. NINETY ACRES LAND In a very scenic location! Across the road is the Oshawa Ski Club. | Good | Over 30 acres of forest. kitehen| pond on the property, Good in-| vestment. Phone for full parti- culars. XI. RANCH STYLE BRICK BUNGALOW For only $14,900. 3 large bed.) rooms, wall to wall broadloom in the living room, huge kitchen with lofts of cupboards, dining room, 4 piece bath with color- ed fixtures and attached garage The yard hos been well cored for. Phone for more particulars. Call 723-1121 for full particu- lars. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call Doug Trivett 723-7390 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Eleanor deJong 728-2949 Ernest Mueller '© 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Ross Bell 723-7623 Jean Peacock 725-4330. Jack Graham 725-9947 George Nymeyer 728-424] Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 715-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 'We list exclusive and: Photo MLS, Member of 0.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS easy ferms, |JOE'S SPECIAL ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 DOWN $1,850 DOWN Buys new six foom bungo- low with walk-out basement, exceptionally well' finished home, near 'schools one bus. Call 728-5157. FARM AT COLUMBUS ; $35,000 58 acres good soil adjacent to four corners, six room house, barn, milkhouse, etc. Suitoble for. future subdivid- ing. Contact 728-5157. : $6,800 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Two bedroom frame home, three piece both need some finishing. Large 66 x 330 feet lot. Taxes $72 yearly. Dial 728- sis?, DOWNTOWN $11,900 Two storey brick, four bed- room house, extra stool in basement. Aluminum storms ond screens. Phone 728- 5157. : COTTAGES NEAR OSHAWA One at $2,800 and $3,600 Three and four rooms respec- tively. Only one block away from Lake Ontario. For more information coll Bessie Crys- ler 728-5157 or 723-2925. After 9 p.m. call Steve Lehan 728-9326 Chas. Rankine 728-3682 Bob' Johnston 725-6788 Guy Bell 728-1070 Bill Horner 728-2236 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Hertha Schmidt 728-5157 Bessie Crysler 723-2925 Elaine Lee . 728-5157 Geo. Valentine 728-2633 Jack Hughes 725-2338 Ralph Vickery 725-6342 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South YOUR BEST MOVE BOLAHOOD BROTHERS And Don't You Forget it EAST OSHAWA Very clean 5 room brick bungalow with oversize gor- age, Loods of kitchen cup- boards and closets, . Asking $15,900. See this now. by calling Allen Johnston at 728-5123 or 725-1381. LOOK -- HARMONY ROAD Lovely cleari ranch bunga- low. 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms ond 4 piece bath. Situated on. lovely treed lot. Painted basement, oil furnace. Ask- ing $15,500 with reason- able down payment. Call Jock Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398 EAST OF OSHAWA SPECIAL Owner anxious to. sell will accept low down payment and open to offer on this at- tractive four room bungo- low with aluminum. siding. Fenced lot 75' x 183', Toxes only $101, To inspect and make offer call Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217, NASSAU STREET Very.clean 1% storey home in excellent condition throughout, contains 2 good sized bedrooms plus 4 piece both upstairs. Large kitchen ond living room on main floor, Asking only $10,500 with low down payment, To inspect and make offer call Mr. Jim Brody at 728-5123 or 728-0483, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, 101 Simeone Street North Open every Evening __ Member 'of O.D.R. £ B. ADVANCE NOTICE New $500. Gov't. Bonus Guaranteed to Every Purchaser Of a New Consolidated Home at Dover-By- The-Bay @ CHOICE NEW LOTS Being allotted for next phase of Toronto's most suc- cessful new home area. @ SELECT NOW Get first choice of Lake View, Boy View and Premium Ra- vine locations at today's low- er prices, : e@ SAVE TO $3,000. Puls your $500, bonus on cur- rent home values, Seven new detached styles. Four bed. rooms plus family room. Two bathrooms. Range and oven, For only $1,126, down, Phone right now for information 942-3442 or 364-3115 DOVER BY-THE-BAY Consolidated Building Corp. SALLY'S SPECIAL ~~ Only' $10,900 with] "three-bedroom brick bunga- low, with recreation room, in East. end. Many other appealing extras. Sally Wal- Cg 725-6297 Joseph Bosco Realtor 728- bathrooms rec room, built-in garage. ied with terms. Joe Crawtord 723102) Joseph Boace Realtor 728-7377, - Builders' own, hor me on spacious picturesque wooded ravine | NEAR GENERAL MOTORS south" plant, lot, three bedrooms, split-level with three three-bedroom bungalow, Fenced-in yard. Decorated. Ideal family| miles north of Highway No, 2 in Whitby. & tion MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED! BRAND NEW BUNGALOW Located in on older resi- dential section of Whitby. - BUILT BY.. J. OUDYK BUILDER Brand new 6 room brick bun- galow, Four piece tile bath- room and venity with full length = mirror. Three bed- rooms, double closets. Pierson double windows, double sink, stained door. Basement hos roughed in bathroom, recrea- facilities. Cold room, laundry tubs, Close :to shop- ping plaza and only 5 blocks from Public School and 4 blocks from. High School. Now vacant. List Price $16,480 Can be seen by appointment only, Call Us 'Today ! Bill Lundmark 668-5497 Tim Vipond 668-8562 BOWMAN & GIBSON Realtors and Insurance 145 Brock S. WHITBY Telephone 668-5823 ibe '| ,|Close to schools |home, Call Jeannette Don Stradeski Real Estate, OPEN 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. TAYLOR AVE., SOUTH Go Wilson St. Turn East Only $1850 Cash | DOWN TO ONE MORTGAGE Immediate Possession Deep Ravine Lots Don't miss this opportunity to end your house hunting worries in an outstanding eastern location. Just let us show you these today, call ACTIVE REALTY. LIMITED 728-5157 oa Simece Street South -- JACK RICARD REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-2503 50 ACRE FARM Three miles east of Hwy. 115. Good solid house with opart- ment in rear 30 x 60 ft. barn. $3,000. down, Full price $18,000. PASTURE FARM 120 ACRES Good water supply and good fences, Ask- ing $11,000, Easy terms COTTAGE Lake Scugdg at Caesarea, Four bedrooms. Modern con- veniences, Sandy beach, Ask- ing $7,500 RANCH: STYLE HOME On. Parkway Crescent, Bow monville. Cor port, rec. room, stone fireplace, larae kitchen ond separate dining room, Asking $19,900. Terms. WANTED TO RENT Two bedroom apartment in Oshawa .by two adults with five year old girl. Call Len Bissell 668-8140 Wilf Hawke, Orono 1 R 12 Estelle Leask 623-5919 Come... See. KASSINGER HOMES IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY with any community in Osh- awa ,. . and 'we are confid- ent that Dollar for Dollar you will get More Value For Your Money | SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West GRACIOUS family home, near city limits. Three bedrooms, with built-in stove and oven. Large living attached ge, Extra large lot, Only $21,000. Call Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651, Ask for Jean. Parr, dining room, room; panelled rec. room; sg ai 'leds re OLIVE HOWE _REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5853 COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE You don't have to go out in the country to enjoy country living. See this lovely 4 ea room, 2 storey home, double car gorage, 1% bathrooms, 27' 'living room with fire- place; panelled den, large kitchen, breakfast nook, Eng- lish pantry, storms and screens, Recreation room fa- cilities with in fire- place, electric heoting, fully decorated, centre hall pion. Call Audrey Moore for fur- ther information, 668-5853. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Located on King St. West, close to Oshawa. Shopping Centre. For further informa- tion call and ask for Audrey Moore. 668-5853, WHY LOSE MONEY ON RENT ? Here is a 3 bedroom semi bungalow, Large kitchen, fenced rear yard, corner_lot with private drive, 20' livi room, wel! decorated, Onl $1000 down, balance rent. Call and ask for Audrey Moore. 668-5853 "EXQUISITE" 3 bedroom brick ranch. style bungalow, attached garage, Hollywood kitchen, broadloom in living room, dining room, master bedroom and halls; 4 pc. vanity bathroom, wolkout basement, 75' x 254' lot. Twindow, storms and screens, almost new. G.E. washer, dryer, fridge, stove. School bus stops at door, Call Aud- rey Moore for appointment to view this home. 668-5853, $3500, DOWN To one mortgage, 3 bedroom bungalow, close to .schools and shopping, extra large master bedroom, nicely land- scaped lot 66 x 142'. This home must be seén to be op- preciated 80 call now and ask for Pauline Hobbs for an ap- pointment to inspect. 668- 5853. $3000. DOWN To one open Ist mortgage for this money moking triplex. Excellent opportunity to make your money. work for you, Call ond ask for P. Hobbs for further particulars, 668- 5853, like 20--Real Estate for Sele ( McQuay REALTOR 519 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 FULL PRICE $12,900 As Little As $1500 Down A truly excellent buy! 3 bed- room brick bungalow, nicely decorated, on fully landscap- ed corner lot. Panelled L- shaped Rec. Room 24' long. In quiet Whitby residential area close to public school, Make an appointment to in- spect . . . call Noel Edey right now ! Whitby TURN TO PAGE 2 in today's paper. You'll see and read about a truly exceptional home ! KING STREET Public School and Henry Street High are but a short walk away from this comfortable 3-bedroom brick home in ever $0. pleas- ant Whitby locale. Spotlessly clean and well decorated, this home features a roomy holly- wood style kitchen, good size living room with extra bed- room (or playroom) and rec room in basement. Oil heat. Lot size 52 x 142. Open to offers, Call Noel Edey. | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FULL PRICE $13,900. A. sound: investment! On Brock St. South, close to Whit- by Shopping Plaza. 2 bedroom insul brick home with living room, dining room, neat kitch- en, sun porches back ond front, full basement, oil heat, partes. Lot size 54 x 136. resent tenants willing to stay on... 80 you derive in- come from rent as you woit for continuing Whitby devel- opment. You can't lose. Call Noel Edey now to inspect! A GOOD PLACE TO GROW OLD kitchen braemor gardens STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS NEARLY NEW beautiful and family room, two baths, two fi yaaa cre wooded' jot with wing > large Large patio. Stream, 30' x windows, drapery Conveniently located, ~ four-bedroom Gorgeous custom home on 3'4- dining room, modern. kitchen, Ne a OF ire- 18" 723-465) [shown by appointment. Telephone Brook- 4487, JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 TROUT STREAMS: 6.35" ocres with th saab Asking 9785 000. 10.85 acres with strong trout stream. Asking 000. Terms. 1. Acre with small building ond trout stream, Pond, Ask- ing $2,000. Terms, 36 Acres with st stream, Excellent for and fishing, Asking $2, 000, Terms, LAKE ONTARIO, 30 acres with loke frontage, large stream, Asking $22,500. Terms. SMALL HOLDING, 5 otres with brick home, oll modern conveniences. 3 acres in or- chard, Commuting distence to Oshowo. Price and terms orranged. 20 Acre form with house and bam, Located north of Orono. Asking $16,000. Terms. 30 Acres with house and barn, $7,500. Terms. HAMPTON, 35 Acres with brick home, all modern con- veniences. Good size barn. Pond. Price and terms arrang- ed, hoo HAMPTON, 6 roomed bunga- low with attached garage. All modern. On 1 acre lot, Ask- ing $12,900 with $3,000 down, BOWMANVILLE HOMES: 3 Roomed home with bath- room. Good location. Asking $6900, 5% Roomed brick bungalow, all. modern conveniences, Double laundry tubs. Garage. Excellent location. Asking $18,500, Terms. 3 Bedroom, almost new brick bungalow in. excellent loca- tion of town, Automatic dish washer, Close to schools, ete. Open for offer. 7 Roomed brick home, all newly painted and redecorat- ed, Only $3,000 down, 4 Roomed brick home on Main Street with bathroom. Only $1,000 down payment. 10 Roomed brick home, east of town. Excellent income property, Low down payment. OSHAWA HOMES: 3 Bedroom, almost new brick bungalow with attached gor- e. Presently rented for $135.00 monthly. Asking $3,000. down, 2 Bedroom home with oil fur- mace on Dean Ave. Asking price $7,900. Terms. STORE BUILDING with living quarters, All modern con- veniences, Asking $16,900, Terms. BETHANY, 8 peg: home on 5% acre lot. hway location. Asking $8, soe ty down payment. NEWTONVILLE, 3 bedroom almost new, bungalow, all modern conveniences, Nicely landscaped, Asking $12,500, Terms. Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlane Idso Wiersma Inger Jorgensen Phyllis McRobbie Lorne C, Duff Ross Davidson PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST RAVINE LOT SUBURBAN BEAUTY 400 FT FRONTAGE -- A beautiful 2 acres, small creek and pond for swimming on eastern boundary of Oshawa. Seven rooms, one mile from Oshawa, double garage and small building for tool stor- age, a beautiful garden, pear and apple trees, taxes $151, This is a once in a lifetime opportunity $15,900. Act quickly for this one! Call Will "Irvine 728-2868. NORTH 12 HOURS Here is o real farm, 450 acres of good productive land, bordering on 400 highway. Some bush, over 300 acres workable, two fast flowing tivers, wonderful for horse ranch, farming or aolf course. Metal clad barn 30' x 66' with water and hydro, Ask- about $155.00 per acre. This is at a price to farm, don't miss it. Call Bob Johnson at 728-2548, TWO STOREY Near Hospital on quiet street. Well kept brick home, awn ings, venetian blinds, fire- place with screen, back yard widens out behind neighbours property and is extremely well landscaped with lawn, shrubs, flowers and trees. Phone Bill Ratcliffe at 655-4457. LIBERTY GARDENS $15,900. -- one only at this price with mahogany, trim and cupboards,. tiled "bath with vanity, shining hardwood and tile floors. Have the home of your choice built in this exclusive district without: de- lay by calling 728-7328. Real Estate Board Member BUILDER'S OP: ed for year round living, suburbs of Lind- plan, 20--Reol Estate for Sele eres HYMAN Real Estate Limited 323 King St. West 728-6286 RAVINE LOT We hove just listed this & x 115' ravine lot the City of Oshawa, Herve you @ wonderful view of the City. Coll tonight and see: , NEW LISTING This 5 room three bedroom ranch style bungalow on 4 let 50 x 116 with paved drive is close to schools, bus and shoppi be pur- poyment os low os $2500, with very early possession, house is vacant, we have the key. Call to see, BALCONY Walkout basement ond car port ore but a few of the ex- tras in this fine five room bungolow in Braemor Gard- ens, and boasting 3 good size bedrooms, home fully decor- oted, For full particulars call tonight. SIMCOE ST. N. 5 BEDROOMS. This 2% storey older type house is immoculate inside and out, Ook and broadioom floors; Chestnue trim, modern kiteh- en, 22 foot living room with fireplace, mony built in pioodig bookcases, Hot water heating, double on a weil treed lot, Muay ond call to see. NEW HOMES Call today and enquire obout our new homes in the East- West ond on Wilson Road, North area, After hours call: Les Holl 728-5513 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Steve Rosnick 725-0658 ug Gower 728-1005 Frank Smith 723-3533 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 J. B. McMULLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER 1096 Simeoe Street North Telephone 725-3557 MADISON AVE, Near schools and shopping, clean five room brick bung- slow, TV tower, gorage paved drive, tos 45 = 180. $14,700 with terms. $1,700.00 DOWN 6 room bungalow with walks out bosement, finished Ree room, TV tower, aluminum storms, fenced back yard, $14,900 open te offers, hs 700.00 DOWN or 3 bedroom N.H.A, ORIek BUNGALOWS Two choice locations to choose from to be completed by Sept. 30th. Buy now and have the privelege of having a home 'built to order for your family, GUARANTEED SALE OR TRADE ON YOUR PRESENT HOME .BY BEACON HOMES LTD. 3 choice locations Very attractive property. House (17 years old) bunga- low type, Immaculate, and all conveniences, barn (21 years old) in excellent condi." tion. 9 acres clear land, rest in bush and an ideal pond site, It's $0 nitely located, quiet' and cozy. Only 7% miles from Oshawa city lim- its. Asking price $16,000 with terms. 12 Acres with exceptional! nice stream. $6,500 and 1 acre lots, pd garden land, frontage 700 and 950 feet. pel Along new county road. J.J. Van Herwerden REALTOR, 741 King E, Oshawa 123-4070 $4, 995 FULL PRICE ¢ New N.H.A. @ DETACHED $895. Down. 3 and 4 bed- room solid brick bungalows ond split-levels, with genuine stone fronts, One and twe bathrooms, carports and gar- ages, storms and sereens, van- ities, ae roads, curbs, sidewa PHONE 942-2561 _ MILLER & IMRIE Reol _Estate | Limited - URGENTLY REQUIRED Homes for cash buyers, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels, 2 'storeys, What have you? . For free valuations call DON STRADESKI Real Estate 63 King Street West 723-4651 UNITY .-- register- architecturally planned, subdivision, Say, nine-mile scenic view overlooking lake, dockage facilities. J. A. G. Ross, Lindsay. : roads, hydro, garbage, Ross, Lindsay, 32 Lots. for summer cottages, registered etc., six miles north Lindsay. Excellent fishing, duck hunting. J. A. G. 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 20)