South dealer, : i | jopsss Aare bd SAN Inver TED By Te YZ Baza" IN THE *Fingr eau 333 3 . Fae Mer SPORT A WET GOAL we = MOR) JON : GAMES NABMITH TO Me RULE? FOR BASKETBALL » raised about how to show a 6-5 distribution. When the six-card suit is lower in rank than. the of proced by which to identify the 6-5. dis- tribution. Inthe bidding shown, South's three spade bid is the key to his 6-5 distribution. At the point when he bids two spades, North has every right to as- sume that South has only four spades, since the suit is being named secondarily, However, when South then bids three spades, this pine tion becomes invalid, It not make sense for South to rebid an unsupported four-card sult, so North is naturally driven to the conclusion that the three spade bid designates a five-card suit. One this determination is made, it is logical for North then to ask himself why South opened with a diamond, not a spade. South cannot have had five diamonds and five spades; in such case he would have -- the higher ranking sult 'Bt, | | THE LONE RANGER Antares has anagent onher tral,] (7 You TeSee Tear. YOU BLOCKHEA?/ 6ALON ) |-@nd the real aur \ ne Girectioné '\ Z Vy Lo a rendezvous. | SECRET AGENT X9 Since South did etart with a. diamond, it is reasonable to suppose that his diamonds are longer than his spades, and hence at least six cards long. Proper play makes the con- tract even though both dia- monds and spades break un- lead and, let's say, returns a trump. South takes the ace and ruffs a heart in dummy, This leaves dummy with the lone jack of trump. South is threatened at this point with a diamond loser as well as a spade loser, If he leads a trump and does not catch the queen, the outcome will then depend on losing no spade tricks. eens j i ze THE PREEZER NEEDS 'DONALD DUCK 1 ee ih : ain vee ion! | Instead of subjecting himself 1 | a ere rae ow. gommes| TELEVISION LOG HOSPITAL BUT INTIME SHELL prefix ii IEE Me IMITICly} pape» gl 9 om the K-A CORRIDOR, BE ALL RIGHT 22, Vitality 0 7 oe w Be jack. He WAITING FOR < THINK, whales NW Pa, 23, Shield Channe! 2--Butiele 10:00 P.M. 12:90 PAM, ump in dummy to cover both py gd 9.Ten million 4. Sales- 25, Chinese Channel 3~--Barrie |}e-The Merv Griffin Show|!!---irst Edition News |possibilities, He cashes the K-A rupees man's meas- Spaanel Snoetiets =| tadeck Peer 9~From Searbore College jof spades with the jack, He -10, Summon area: abbr, ure Channel 7~Buffalo seat eee gg | oentt at loses a trump trick later, but forth 5.Earthasa 26,Ofe Ehannel S--Recnenler | Ga the Reques 7--Father Knows Best ino more. In effect, he blends 12. Gods of goddess decree Channel 11--Hamilten 4--The Gefenders | 4--fearch for Tomerrew itwo losers into one. i j » Teutonic 6, Affirm 27, Be- sited | nee Pi - | S=Noonday Report aXe 21 \ / pantheon 7. Stirs comes THURSDAY ava. 11-98 Jobe ded News, 12:46 PLM, , | 3 J / 13, Bacchanal 8, Drinking aware Yesterday's Answer 1:00 PM. Sports NRacing Forum NEWS IN BRIEF fiers rN ond gaag RUSHES / f, {i a at 7 4) cry toast. of Family Theetre PPD ag 4~@viding Light To he / ah sae : u Y ; 14. Ship's 9. Plant of 29. Vipers 37, Girl's @~Supermen ' 100 P.M, officer lilyfamily 30, Hades name 6--Survival | sialon lie Adventures of aurea (Pye i : : _.| 18. Breakfast 11, Wriggling or Dis 89, Oriental STugboat Annie ntostste Show Pde essbosl slag 'cal marksmen have been sharp. NG oor 7" . : food 15.Shadesof 31, Weary dwel- t--Lioyd Thaxton | &-Night Metro 9----Summertime enin their sharpshoo me i RSE OLD \| [ 17 GIVE A PURTY TO KNOW 27. Close to cherry red 35, Require ling 119 Pam 1ia0 PM. TcAiernoen show aiming at hydro pole install AMs st TIMBeRs coup sive Way AN THEY WERE REALLY HUNT! 18.Grammati- 16,Come into 36. Part 41, Writer's B-Leave it To Beaver |1!--Wrestling cMusie And New -- tions, "The Galt ub tities ue CAVE IN JUST ANY TIME (| ERE cal gender: view ofa after- yp yh | Movie et The Millers . public utilities : I WOULDN/T Do ANY MORE EXPLORING . ° abbr. 18, Confronts win: thought: ee rey thea | 11148 BAMA, ile euelee show [commission complained of the IN HERE IF lL WERE YoU, A 19, Cunning ing dow abbr. o--Maverick 6~Gunsmoke | cost of replacing insulators and 20. Noisy T 03 ae Om. | *Late Show j 10 FM, street lights shot down by teen- celebration [74' |® |® / JoNows Contral | FRIDAY NoMid Day Matinee | lagers with .22 rifles and BB . 100 AM. mene, ot A | ES | end | 28, Mislead is A, oor. wee 9100 AM. 4-As The Word Tune | HOBBY BECOMES CAREER 30. Likely re Ui 'ie pm, * | Plating, for Dotiore ne Pe EDMONTON (CP) = What » BON Wel fl " C 1--Fiame in The once Was a res! na- 33. Into ie 7}! | | Fa atReme Wenner" "| $--Mlckey Mouse eww | k-Password ture has ¢ nt 34. Supports 4 'and Sports | d-Moment of Truth mead rigy 0 & profitable 5 1AM, | s fo , a aot |" Y "4 ; Y. he ere | +e 'uilignaie petite ge wikdlie * photngrepeer arms 7. Ju-Highway Patrol 4-You and Your Family! ¢.9The Doctors pher, 36. Logger's 20 21 fae % Goacrens Conade f---Ann Southern Show | 7A Time For Us Mr, Jones has shot about 30,000 'home . 1:00 P.M, 10:00 AM, | S--Movie Matinee feet of film which he shows to $8, Unadulter» {24 25 [ee [27 dThe Munsters to--Truth. or Fier tad gs the public and sells to produ- ' pene | Disn a WY ee Tsaved a im 1:00 PM fa les tee te the Avctle i é--News, Wea' | 1S AM. | %--Paeople In Contilet x 40 : 29 [30 ay Fr Y 40 Wnsiersin | ecvearean barty | 1a Anotner Worl and to Africa, PLANNED? . Brew. ' | A.M. ve ba Ny GARDEN 60 42, Money in Zi A H-Bechwlor rater |AB-What's This Seng? | S--Moment of Truth WANT WELFARE NAMES S eee Les New Delhi 34 3 Uy, 36 737 we PLM, Telrelnade | te Tel wy Treth bale a ey (CP) --A M! 1 43 and 9--Movie ove Lu | convention of wee! newspaper pons PM. S ends os UG pono mn ala PRS Fe publishers here called for annual = 44, Stagger BLS 6--Candid Camere 100 AWM. | Blte Your Move publication of the names of wel- 40 "YY 4--The Munsters |1=-Morning Musicale: | #¥=You Dont Say lfare recipients and the amounts & 1, Totwine ry Wf rr Vy ccsenimen sete i ecveerry | @d-cPublic Servien received, : or twist T--Donna Reed Show | : | o about Za Lom La ¢3--Gomer. Pyle l ecaunne mae | 4nfdge of Siew ' ? = | rey | Key" neun [tamer Fn | em «SALLY'S SALLIBG | canines eae unio isahatiecbestadllsaehiaebicacaiidinaasinlinnsibiitaealinanies on OM | r 0 we i = ie 3 bao Kilgars Be --~|pdlenpardy poe Pern "Beard Se nt | @=The McCoys Mi | é $ Pani YOUH HEALTH 63 -- i 'kes ake 1 cent hike | 2 PI Me lleHawkeye | 4--Secret. Storm rane Be ees capes pee z | M | V a eo |e2--call My Blut |%--Rocky And Hie Friends rer | | T=Donna Reed e, pid Farle ka phere, Nica BP acne te . | eas es accine cai | bg Weather Jet ool a SURE LOOKS PRETTY, || | DOai 2-TO-POOR | ' . ' Po | S-Popeye end Pale | Someone Show GAL, ESMAN... che ) Making Haste Slowly rat play 1218 PM, |e g--Sunanine Semester TN pa . r ~ 8 a) <4 ' . By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD So caay ene Pane) \ aadeenner tos Mouse tothe eThiety eer y ° _ $ y SE 7. NER, Pein s-ihecicehsdansctidaastaabibicepnaiecsineted een RE for parents to make known tojstarted to gain weight for the Not that | haven't said a good)ment and execution of this aim - familylfiret time 'In 30. YORE, ideal Sieeety sone! mouse vac. bY physicidna and reshonsible Vl gy peak was com ok he thinks because he o ol Say Lge we mo hegiag --- etimina'*| children to have this protection. /qgesn't smoke that his stomach Peat thease : There are different types | The Academy points to chil-jis indestructible, He eats every- GRANDMA Use of measles vaccine, Ijvaccine, some which can be rary - are aggre dD 5 a oa Bes : seems to beiused at any age, some which jec 0 Serious € } ¢ S)dri . A y . [tering heste saely ' or atlare recommended at 12 months|from measles: Those in angio + wiley woe -- on en r gr A lor ae veditions (sin¢e epidemics are en-|My husband insists tha Ww any rate not progressing at thelor older. The reason involve br ' el te erg it « *s} yer irely possible there); childrenjis healed, nothing can rate it could and should. It's/here is that. among very youngitirely ' fy : oan eee the polio vaccine story all overjchildren, there can be a linger- with heart disease, oo aye? mgr a us your views. again, and the story of otherjing temporary immunity ac-/SIS, tuberculosis, - gg rs) a ; hares ae vaccines back to the day of the/quired from the mother which other pulmonary ailments Mision br od a, Bes first smallpox vaccine can interfere with an effective ' Too many people, apparently,|"take" unless the proper type) Dear Dr. Molner: Ten months|a diffic ult -- on which to have to get sick, 'and too manylof vaccine is used ago my husband found he had a convince pa jents have to die before we put an|SEE PEDIATRICIAN penetrating: ulcer. The doctor! Let your husband alone now MUGGS AND SKEETER ' ) ad: ' ht it should be removed,jas-long as he remains alert for to a 'disease With five approved sched-|thoug ! ' : : : sg an eliainals measles? lules'"" of a ahinliering the vari-/but my husband was frightened any sign ot rentrenane RD Construction Ltd. The highly-respected Americanjous vaccines or combinations of|and asked for a little ret tat piled Mitt l Academy of Pediatrics recently|them,.1 don't see where there isjwent on. medication, s' - : : 723. 7 | 2 2 | | has said flatly anything to be gained by going "95 most of all stopped smo! LAW BANNED SOCCER 1 q | "Measles can be the next in-jthrough the details of them/)ing Soccer was so popular in . | fectious disease to bp elimi-/here.: Active pediatricians are] Five months later Me was cent ie Se that a law os @ Homes @ Additions r] : nated from the United States if/already familiar with them ix-rayed and to the octor's passed for idding it, since the : q presently available vaccines are. | do think an. important stepjamazement the ulcer was com-|sport interfered with military tl @ Offices @ Remodeling widely used, Vigorous endorse-jtoward eliminating measles isipletely healed. My husbandjexercises,