|BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Breach Of Probation Draws "\pie attend an alcoholics' rec- BOTTLE COLLECTING AIDS WHITBY HOSPITAL Bottles to the left and right, Alyson Hutchinson, 616 Clarence st., Whitby, is having a ball collecting soft drink bottles in her neigh- borhood. Funds derived from selling the containers is being turned over to the Whitby General Hospital Building Fund. Anyone with bottles they don't need is urged to call the enterpris- ing young woman at 668- 5374, ~ --Oshawa Times Photo Whitby Swimmers Edge Contestants From Ajax WHITBY (Staff) swimmers edged out Ajax by a narrow margin this week during a swimming competition held at the Whitby Community Swim- ming Pool. Whitby amassed 79 points while Ajax--accumulated 74. Power swimmers for the Whit- by Swim Club were the boys' division who picked up three firsts, four seconds and a tie for first. Ajax boys had two firsts, one second and the tie for first. AJAX GIRLS STRONG Ajax's power came from the girls' division, counting three firsts, three seconds and one tie for first. Whitby girls were out- paced having only one first, one second and a tie for first place. In open competition, featuring the side stroke, Whitby's Eddie Kukla came in first followed by Andrew Roblin of Whitby, in second place. The open competition butter- fly stroke went to Ajax with Ken O'Brien leading the way. Cam Dunbar from Whitby finished in second place. The relay competition brought two wins for Whitby with the local team capturing both the senior and junior class. Ajax won the intermediate contest. Opening the swim meet, Ajax scored in the senior boys' front crawl when Ken O'Brien came in first. Dean Rivett of Whitby was second. In the intermediate division Andrew Roblin of Whit- by was first followed by Cam Dunbar, of Whitby. BREAST STROKE Pacing the field in the breast stroke contest, Ajax swimmer, Keith Bellinger on the senior boys' class with Marvin Rivett finishing second. Close competition was the fea- ture of the intermediate division when Alex Rogatinsky, of Ajax and Cam Dunbar, of Whitby, tied for first place. The back stroke competition, in the senior boys' division, was won by Eddie Kukla of Whitby. Ken O'Brien. of Ajax was sec- ond. The intermediate division was Whitby all the way. It was won by Andrew Roblin with Nigel Rogers in second spot. -- Whitby] GIRLS SCORE Ajax girls had a field day.) Barb Horton won the front crawl, intermediate division, fol- lowed by Susan MclIlwain, In the junior girls' class Lynn Jones came first and Marnie Wells second, Barb Horton paced the field again in the intermediate back crawl competition with Sally Roblin of Whitby placing second. The junior girls' class was won by Pat Day, of Whitby, leading | the way for Cathy Joyce of Ajax. The intermediate girls' breast stroke competition went to Ajax, Mary Heslin winning over Gitta Jacobsen of Whitby. The swimming meet this week marks the first of a home-and- home type of competition to be held this summer, Further in- formation on places and dates will be announced at a future time it was stated by Dave Davidson, manager of the Whit- by Community Pool. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE BOWMANVILLE -- A 22-year- old father of two appeared in magistrate's court here Tues- day charged with abduction of a 15-year-old girl. Magistrate R. B. Baxter remanded him in custody until Aug. 10 for sen- tence. Edward Alexander Kimmerly, 51 Elgin st., pleaded guilty to the charge, but said the girl was running away from home. The court was told that immer- ly and a pal, also married, had left Bowmanville with two teen- age girls, intending to drive to 'Vancouver. They were arrested two days later in Northern On- tario 100 miles from the Mani- toba border. "When 15-year-old girls are willing and eager to go off with 22-year-old fathers of young chil- dren," remarked His Worship, "they do not deserve the pro- tection of the court, But an ex- ample must be made or it en- courages other men of immer- ly's type to try the same thing." An Oshawa man was fined $35 and costs, or 10 days, for illegal possession of liquor. Magistrate J. D. Burger grant- ed Lloyd George Elliott, 1471 Evangeline dr., 14 days to pay the fine. WHITBY PERSONALS Andrea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul-Rousseau, is celebrat- ing her first birthday today. To celebrate the occasion a family gathering has been arrangec On the occasion of the 8ist birthday of A. C. Smith a fam- ily picnic was arranged at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carter, Colborne st. Approxim- ately 15 members of the fam- ily were present and extended their best wishes. Mr. Smith was presented with a chime clock. Best wishes for a happy birth- day are extended to Mrs. John Sawdon, Athol st., who is cele- brating her birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schaus and family, Stratford; Mrs. C. R. Harrison, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Yenta, Camp- bellford, were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith. Mrs. Charles Dart, Oshawa, mother of Mrs. D, W. Yeo, is celebrating her birthday today. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ormiston, Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Bray, Port Perry, were weekend guests at the summer * |Laventure, Jessie and Susann, of Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ward were: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thompson and family, Edmon- ton, Alberta and Mrs. James Ottawa. Mrs. Dorothy Peddle, New- foundland, has returned home after spending a month visiting with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Antle, 332 Rosedale dr. Miss Marilyn Archer, student nurse at Peterborough Civic Hospital, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, 114) St. John st. e. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Pearce, their son, Cavan and daugh- ter, Colleen, attended' the Osmond-Pearce wedding at St. Father Of Two Admits Charge Of Abduction Constable L, R. James, OPP, stated that he and another offix cer were checking at a dance at Reg's Marina, Caesarea, and at intermission found beer open in the accused's car. The officer said that in his seven years' experience in po- lice work he had never heard more obscene language than that used by the accused when he was charged. "The officer was only doing his job,"" commented Crown At- torney G. F. Bonnycastle. "A more serious charge could have been laid. I suggest that Mr. Elliott do his drinking at home in future if beer affects him in this way." A Newcastle man, charged with theft of $475 from a 75-year old farmer, was found guilty. Magistrate R. B.. Baxter re- served judgment. Anthony Porcelli, aged 19, pleaded guilty and was re- manded in custody until July 30, in Cobourg. Evidence showed that Por- celli and four other youths drove to the home of John Tabb, Tyrone, and asked for a loan of $250. When it was re- fused, Porcelli, the only one that |Mr. Tabb knew, suggested that they should take him to New- castle to visit a friend. Three of the youths entered the house to wait while Mr. Tabb changed his clothes. When he was ready to leave he noticed his wallet, containing $475, was missing. One youth ran out of the house and the other two said they would go after him. The gs Sh and did not return. i@ money was split five w and $20 used for 'hs, ™ Porcelli's arrest came follow- ing his conviction earlier this year in Belleville for theft from an elderly Bancroft man. For this offense he had been sentenced to four months defin- ite and eight months indetermin- ate in 1 Guelph h_Reformatory. the three months. Three Months WHITBY (Staff) -- A Whitby, man was sent to jail for the next three months after he appeared in court Tuesday on charges of being drunk in a blic place and breach of probation. Thomas illespie, of 300 High ist.; had been put on one year's | |probation for assault causing bodily harm, and it was on this charge he was sent to jail for Police evidence showed that Gillespie had not been work- ing consistently for the past four months, and. on July 24, they had found him in the hall- way at 300 High st. dressed in an overcoat and a pair of pants over his shoulder. Magistrate Harry Jermyn also recommended that illes- lamation centre. A 38-year-old Sunderland man, Frank Doyle, who had his licence suspended Feb. 18 for impaired driving, was convict- ed of driving while his licence was disqualified and given one month in jail. The offence took place Feb. 18. Doyle, evidence showed, had been the, driver of a truck that had turned into the laneway of a farm belonging to J. Cook. Mr. Cook told the court that he had observed Doyle's truck Jail Term | had been convicted in Ajax court earlier that day of im- paired driving and had been driven back to Whitby by his lawyer. "T went to a taxi company and paid them to drive my truck back to Whitby, I then called another man in Sunder- land to come and drive my truck home, He agreed-to do it for $10." Doyle said he waited in Whitby until 9 p.m. at which time the man arrived, During the time he waited he said he had a few beers, Later on the way to Sunder- land, Doyle said, his friend ask- ed for $25 to drive his truck home and he tdld him to pull into Cook's driveway. Doyle also told the court he had tried to subpoena his friend but could not track him down. A further charge of drunk driving netted Doyle another 30 days' concurrent, Doyle's lawyer, M. J. Cun- ningham, asked for a two days' stay on the warrant until an appeal could be launched, Two Hamilton youths, who stole a car in Hamilton, a truck in Uxbridge and $6.50 worth of gasoline, were each remanded in custody for two weeks for a pre-sentence report. Donald Arnold, 18 and Wal- lace Gillis, 17, each pleaded swing into one of his laneways and stop. The lights were left in. "I put on my coat and boots and went out to see who it was, and when I got to the truck, I couldn't get any response from Mr. Doyle, so 1 went back to the house." Mr. Cook also said that after 45 minutes-Doyle got out of the truck and fell. He then got up, walked into a wire fence, fell again, got up and walked to an old milk shed where he fell again. He said he feared for Doyle's safety so he called the police. Mr. Doyle told the court he guilty to two charges of theft over $50 and of one under $50. A charge of careless driving cost Robert De Baie of Fair- port Beach $50 and costs or 15 days in jail. Evidence shoed De Baie had been observed driving his car at speeds up to 80 mph and when he tried to navigate a turn had lost control of the car. A 27-year-old Whitby man, who caused a disturbance at the Dominion Store parking lot, was fined $25 and costs or seven days in jail. leaded Whitby Band In CNE Test WHITBY (Staff) -- The sen- ior brass band competition at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion will receive another boost this year, it was announced this week, The Whitby Senior Brass Band will enter competition in the second section on Music Day Aug. 26. ; Whitby's senior band, how- ever, is the only local group to \participate in the band compe- tition this year, Lack of entries in the third section, ned for the junior band, has written off Whitby's participation in the event, "There just aren't any bands around to compete," Eric a Whitby bandmaster, stat- The bandmaster said the jun- ior band had been entered as in other years but were the only band to register for the compe- tition: "One band is certainly not enough," Clark said, "so we had to withdraw when the sec- tion was cancelled by the CNE JUNIOR BAND PLANS CONCERT WHITBY (Staff) -- Whit- by's junior brass band will open their current summer concert season Thursday - @vening in the bandshell at Centennial Park, Brock st. s. Starting off at 8 p.m. the band, under the direction of Bandmaster Stan Redfearn, will present a number of musical selections practiced to a keen edge by the group during the winter months. A description of the program will be given at the band- shell, Providing a double feature for the spectators, the Whit- by Senior Brass Band will take over the bandshell fol- lowing the concert. The au- dience will be treated to a preview of musical selec- tions to be featured at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion by the seniors this year. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, duly 28, 1965 Bible School Big Success WHITBY (staff) -- The two- week VecationBible School of learning, doing and having fun came to a successful conclusion last Thursday night at St. Mark's 'than 100 children registered in the kindergarten, primary and junior departments. The general theme was "God's Wonderful World". The themes of the departments were: "God's World of Wonder', "God the Creator" and "God, Creator and Sustainer", respectively, A total of $17 in offerings was sent to the Department of Chris- tian Education of the Canadian Council of Churches to buy Bible picture packets and Bible story booklets for use in the Sunday Schools of Bolivia, The school voiced its apprecia- tion to the United Church Wome for its gift of money; Mrs. 0. officials." guilty to the charge. Driving while his licence was disqualified, cost Allan Pascoe,) of RR 4, 'Uxbridge, $50 and costs or 15 days in jail, His licence was suspended for a further six months. Drinking while on the inter- dicted list and having liquor in HITS LINE--LIVES NEW YORK (AP) -- A 16- month-old girl fell from a fourth-floor window and lived-- because of a clothesline, Angela Kim Bates fell when a screen gave way in a bedroom win- dow. Police said a clothesline broke her fall. In hospital she was found to have internal in- juries, a ible fracture of the a place other than his resid cost Joseph Lennon, 59, of Osh- awa, three months in jail. skull, fractures of the legs and rope burns, Lennon and two other men had been observed sitting on a park bench in a Whitby park and had tried to throw away a part bottle of wine. Magistrate Jermyn also rec- ommended that Lennon attend an alcoholic' reclamation centre. ain, Monuments ne Gi sts: Requirements FRIGIDAIRE Rapid Dry Cleaning 8 Ibs. of dry cleaning $2.00 Blair Park Plaza Mon. te Fri. -- 9 am. te 9 p.m. Set. -- 9 om. to 5 p.m. STAFFORD BROS, LTD MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Jewell, Mrs. F. Eggert and Mrs. Dittrick, who prepared refresh- ments and the contribution made the leaders. The leaders were: kindergar- United Church. More|A- Mrs, J. Stachon, Mrs.S, Eekman Mrs. R. Hawes, Nancy Lawson, Shirley Grylls, Margaret Smith and Margaret Cox; primary ~ Miss I. Newton, Miss Dianne Smith, Miss E. Davis and part- time, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs, E. Quantrill, Mrs. R. Reed and Mrs. J. Smith; egg -- Miss time, Brenda Tizzard and Ware Reynolds. PROVIDE CASH FOR SUCCESSION DUTIES and ESTATE TAX -- and -- EARN TOP INTEREST VICTORIA AND GREY GUAR. ANTEE INVESTMENTS MAY BB CASHED IT oF PRINCIPAL IF FOR PAYMENT OF BU 1S Al AND TAX, WHITBY BROCK -- WHITBY One Program Only Each Evening Starting 7:30 p.m. about G pring WORLD of ABBOTT and not Laurier Herou, WHITBY Grind Opening WHITBY MEAT MARKET PLAZA WHITBY, ONT. Choice Quality Meats - All Meats Govi. Inspected OPEN THURS., JULY 29th Weekend Speciels -- THE ORIGINAL JUG MILK STORE "BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT BECKER'S" Wed. - Sun, Inclusive MAPLE LEAF "BIG 8" AND JEAN BECKER WIENER Becker's Becker's 2 Gal. -- Including CHICKEN Grade "A" 214 to 3 IDS. .c.ccrsemmrmamiterer oe LEGS & BREASTS .... 31 39 BUTTER 2 Per Customer 3». 1.00 3 ws. ]-00 BEEF LIVER w. 39 WN OTHE NEW 2-QT. JUG The BECKER MILK Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA ----- WHITBY OPEN 9 A.M, ~ 11 P.M, DAILY -- 7 DAYS A WEEK 69: PLUS 35¢ DEPOSIT ony 79° Butter Pecan Tent Trailer Sale LAKESIDER "DELUXE" "FREE MATTRESSES @ Other Models from 399.00 to 895.00 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. x WHITBY PHONE 668-3226 DAY Horwood Ave. SAT. JULY Syenees a: -- Ag yh Legion | esr | Margaret's in the Pines, West! Hill, when Colleen acted as "Iflower girl and Cavan ushered. They were also guests at the} reception which followed at Gra-| ham Park Banquet' Rouge Valley. Mrs. Winnifred Anderson and her daughter, Mrs. Kelsey Thompson, were guests of Mrs, Anderson's daughter and son-in- Room,| cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Dee King, Ayr, | are visiting their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith| King, Brock st. n., and will! visit relatives in the surround-| ing district. Friends of Mrs. J. A. Oster- hout, 1010 Dundas st. e., are sorry to learn that she is in Oshawa General Hospital where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Bernard Styan, Tisdale, Sask., is visiting her sister and| brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. | Earl Ward, Mary street. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Mary Ann' Bowes, mother of Mrs. Earl Ward, is in the Oshawa law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blie- ler, of Kitchener. 1 ey | One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murals BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL PARK MON., A Sponsor --- Police Association FUN FOR THE FAMILY an HAMBURG PATTIES 3 w. 7-00 Ye S. P. Cryovac Packed COTTAGE ROLLS TULIP MARGARINE 3m 79 GRADE "A" MED. EGGS 2%? 89 IN THE BLAIR WHITBY - P igmmmnags CLIFF'S MEAT MARKET Owned end Operated by Cliff Gordon PARK PLAZA H. 668-6261 Coorsh BUY 2 PKGS. GET 1 FREE CORNED BEEF 38° 2 for Ad. Custom Draperies roadioom C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER | DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 General Hospital. AMERICA'S GREATEST WILD ANIMAL SHOW ADULTS $1.50 - CHILDREN $1.00 RESERVED CHAIRS 75c EXTRA Packers --. Assorted COOKED MEATS 5 PKGS. 1.00 Get 1 BREAD Buy 2 loaves and Only 4 FREE Loeves allowed per customer. 39: FREE RUMP ROAST Ib. 65- Specials Effective Till SAT., JULY 31st 668-6941 Now P-M, PRESSWOOD BRAND WIENERS FREEZER ORDERS Phone or Drop in For Our Pricing on Red or © THIS WEEK'S IN STORE SPECIALS © HOMEMADE SAUSAGE PATTIES 3 lb. bag 1.29 Specials Good Only Till 6 P.M., Sat., July 31 Being Accepted... Blue Brand Beef COTTAGE ROLLS lb. 53° lb. 45¢