Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1965, p. 3

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THE LAWSONS: AND THEN THERE Me C WERE EIGHT 'Sit Down Sam, It's All Over You Are The Father Of 5' AUCKLAND (CP)--New Zea-|five were placed in an incuba-| land's Lawson quintuplets--four|tor. girls and a boy--were reported) The hospital's medical super- in good condition today in Ajintendent, Dr. hospital incubator, But Sam Lawson, year-old father, said he hasn't) "come down to earth yet." | their 28-\dition. "Naturally we are pretty excited," said Warren. can't be occasion of great joy we all] share," | He added that he would see|°? the average to assemble the A, Warren,|that the Lawsons get adequate lsaid they: were in perfect con-|housing, nursing help and any- thing else they need. "It's wonderful, I SITTING, WAITING SYSTEM By BEN WARD OTTAWA (CP)--For a fed- eral government employee, get- ting a pay raise is not the sim- ple matter of walking in and putting it up to the boss. About all a civil servant can do is sit and wait. for the cal- endar to reach the statutory date when his particular job class comes up for an imperson- al salary review. For all except government hospital workers this date ar- rives every two years. Hospital salaries ae reviewed annually. The 1,600 federal job classi- fications are divided into four major groups for wage study purposes, The groups are la- belled: A---Professionals (8,800), B--Clerical and administra- tive (67.000). C--Hospital workers '(5,500),. D--Posta!, customs, immigra- tion, crafts, trades and main- tenance (57,000). COMPILE STATISTICS When a review date arrives, the Civil Service Commission's pay research bureau goes to work compiling statistics on the rates being paid in private industry, with emphasis on the changes that have occurred in \them since the last review. It. takes nearly seven months mass of statistical information required, The 35-member pay jresearch bureau turns this data "Wellieve it, I'm so excited I can't) Pay-Hike In CS No Easy Matter and standards branch which 'prepares a wage report, K, R. Scobie, director of the pay and standards branch, said in an interview Tuesday his sec- tion reviews the bureau's find- commission. The three-member commis- sion prepares a final report and sends it to the treasury board, a 'special. cabinet committee headed by the finance minister. Next, the finance minister discusses the proposals with the staff associations involved. Then he what TORONTO (CP) -- Stephen| Roman, president of Denison Mines Ltd., said Tuesday that in his opinion Denison's pro- posed sale of 100,000,000 pounds of uranium to France will not go through under the present' policies suggested by the Cana- dian government. The sale could be worth about $800,000,- ings: and drafts a report for the| 900 He told a press conference, called to. announce Denison's six-months' earnings, that Deni- son had negotiated the deal with France except for security policies that would be laid down by the federal government. He said he does not think France will accept Canada's changes, if any, are to be made in the group pay rates, It takes about' 8% months to complete this full procedure. About half the country's pos- tal workers staged a wildcat walkout to protest the amount of the raise awarded in group Dd, HAVE BASIC TASK Basically, the task of the commission as laid down by proposed security policies. He said Canada hs proposed tying uranium sales to 'actual requirements of specified atomic reactors, Enough would be supplied to provide original fueling, refueling and a small amount for standby purposes. France, he said, does not have enough reactors on the drawing board to justify selling it 100,000,000 pounds under Ottawa Policy Killing Deal For U-Sale, Miner Thinks SF SP IOP i SEP surging ahead so quickly in nu- clear developments that the proposed sale would be more than justified within 20 years. Asked whether he feels a sale still can be made to France, Mr. Roman said much now de- pends on further meetings scheduled for the fall between French and Canadian govern- ment officials. i DEAL NEGOTIATED In the shareholders' interim report, Mr, Roman says that Denison's deal as negotiated with France could not be com- pleted because of the govern- ment's uranium, The report adds that Denison hopes an acceptable solution will result from the govern- mental meetings in the fall. Of the government's proposed uranium stockpiling program to help producers continue opera- tions until the uranium market expands, the report says Deni- son expects to participate "pro- vided suitable terms can be agreed upon with the govern- SS EE I SPIE at TS te BIEN OR GE ee aye ae aM rg Hae Ope rie ra ply. policy for marketing) | But it was those conditions. ment." law is to ensure that rates are high enough to attract the qual- ity and quantity of people re- quired; that they be more or less competitive with private in- to the taxpayer. 4a The whole. wage. study pro- cedure will be dropped when the government moves to es- tablish a collective bargaining system, This step, now in prep- aration, will allow staff asso- ciations to bargain directly with lover to the commission's payithe treasury board. dustry, fair to the employee and) | | | | | || | 1 MONEY TO INVEST? Earn the highest rate -- for 5 years (and up to 10 years) per annum THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 28, 1965 3 ; Short-Sleeve Shirts iv Swimwear... Cotton Slacks ... Windbreakers . . . Bermuda Shorts ... ._.tknew it was going to be a mul-\really describe how I feel," ' rl | Lawson was in the hospital tine birth but we did not know|Mrs. Lawson said. "My five-| yno S Dac Ing xpecte theatre when the first baby, ® exactly how many." year-old daughter Lee Ann is | four-pound boy, was born Tues- absolutely thrilled. As for my Cee lett ce inshand thins bes ove" PE Anglican-United Union| wait. Offers of help for Bagge gasted." Within half an hour a doctor|and his 26-year-old wife, Shir-\" phe quints have not yet been : told. him: "Sit down, Sam, It's|ley Ann, and messages of con-| named, but the teither talk the| By JACK BRACUSKMANN all over. You are the father of|gratulations poured into Auck-|\1o. wil) haye Sam among his VANCOUVER (CP) The five." jland, Included was one from! names. 22nd General Synod of the The girls weighed up to four|Prime Minister Keith Holyoake,| 'phe Lawsons are the first re-|Anglican Church of Canada will mark a milestone in the synod's is expected to ap- pounds, three ounces each. Alliwho spoke of the birth a8 "AN oorded quintuplets born in New| Vi t F Bo bin living set of quints. iprove, in principle, union with o Victory From Bombing, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST GUARANTEED | INVESTMENT | CERTIFICATES are Guerenteed --- as to Principol and Interest | Flexible --- may be used as Collateral for loans Redeemable -- upon death Authorized -- os Trustee Act Investments |the church's 10 theological col-| leges, based on a report by the synod's 23-member committee on theological education. The agenda also has a pro- posal for compilation of a com- mon hymn book to be used jointly by Anglican and United Church members, At the press conference Tues- | day, Bishop Gower said Rt. Rey, Isabelo de los Reyes, ds eS aR ~|Zealand and the fourth known) history--it The Dionnes, born at Callan-|the United Church of Canada, der, Ont., May 28, 1934, to Mr.) More than 300 voting dele- land Mrs. Oliva Dionne, were|sates, clergy and laymen, will lthe first in recent medical his-\gather here for the opening \tory but Emilie died in 1955. |Aug. 25 and will vote on church LBJ Seeks New Methods Lawson said that he was By BORIS MISKEW the Viet Cong during the cur-|'very pleased and not at all lunion, Anglican Church officials lsay it will be the first time the supreme bishop of the Philip- pine Independent Church, would a ; 33972, "af a : : season, has led| w d as yet." lrank and file has officially rec-|be co-celebrant of the synod's Fala Canadian Press Staff Writer raged a te eae UE worried as | } parce SFaaaz ' y A e vheth orded an opinion on union. pening service, -- | i De Sc Failure of the American 80) oi0y in Viet Nam Ric oes ae ee de A document called The Prin-| The ceremony will be the sec-| SAVING HOURS: Be Head Office: tar to bomb their way to Vic;| The series of top-level meet-\had opened this morning. "t|ciples Of Union Between The ond half of a concordat reached |jj Mon.-Thurs, 9 to 6 Sz 19 Simcoe St. N. J tory in Viet Nam has forced):.¢. dealt with manpower and|hope the woman who works for|Anglican Church of Canada And|during a visit to the Philippines | Fridey 9t09 Sz Oshawa President Johnson to turn to his) .quinment needs to bolster the|me has opened up. It doesn't/The United Church of Canada|!n December by Most Rev.| Saturday 9to5 FOUNTAINHEAD Tel, 723-5221 cabinet. and other top-rankin&lronces against the Viet Cong,lreally. matter anvhow.' He|was made public in Toronto|Howard H, Clark of Winnipeg, OF SERVICE officials to seek new ideas OM). 14 Johnson has promised that| added: . June 1. Canadian primate, who will be ow to deal with the ~warsening|®nq,jonnson has, promlsed te *ace4: asst ever imagine us| Prepared by "committees of{the service's other celebrant. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Vietnamese crisis The president called the meet- ings following a first-hand re- port from. Defence Secretary the calling up of reserves. PRIVATE TALKS quired in Viet Nam, including To sell the idea of increased having a large family. But one} thing is certain. We won't be having any more, I am very fond of my own children--not ten" of both churches, the state- ment is regarded by church spokesmen as a major break- through in a "22-year struggle Bishop Gower said the cere- mony will mark the Anglican Church of Canada's recognition of the validity of the Philippine church communion. 'Killing Negro 'Self-Defence' NEW YORK (AP)--A Brook-| lyn grand jury said ' Tuesday that a rookie patrolman acted in self-defence in fatally shoot- jing a Negro ex-convict 12 days jago Robert McNamara, who re- turned to Washington from Sal- gon a week ago after finding the American position had de- teriorated in South Viet Nam in the last year, . MeNamara appears to have overshadowed the role of U.S. United States involvement in children in general." |to bring the communions to- South Viet Nam --. where the ' The Lawsons had been told)sether." whole burden of fighting isito expect quadruplets after) Rt. Rev. Godfrey P. Gower, gradually falling on U.S. troops|Mrs, Lawson was taken into ajbishop of New Westminster dio- as the South Vietnamese army|hospital and put under obser-|cese, host to the synod, told a 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY disintegrates--Johnson has held| vation three months ago. press conference Tuesday that private talks in the White) endorsement by the meeting >'|House and scheduled meetings) will not bring immediate union, State Secretary Dean Rusk iM)with Democratic and Republi-| R ] a Gas STUDY RAMIFICATIONS the Vietnamese conflict and ew can Congressional leaders. egu I "In addition to the required sat in on numerous sessions' While all this was going on approval by the, United Church, with Johnson since his return|in washington, U.S. planes were Up Two Cents our own membership must have from South Viet Nam. : reported to have destroyed one} fa chance to study all the rami- The urgency of the ger missile site in North Viet Nam| TORONTO (CP)--The pricelfications of union," he said, at a time when the rebel Wieland damaged another, appar-jof regular gasoline in Toronto) Among the topics on the 23-member jury made Cong are steadily pica i ently in retaliation for the down-|may be increased because serv-jagenda which the bishop lists|the statement in refusing to in- their stranglehold on Sout on ing of an American aircraftlice station operators are con-jas certain to provoke warmidict, in effect clearing Patrol- Nam, is the reason =. a Sunday by Soviet-manufactured|cerned about low profit mar-jand prolonged discussions arejman Sheldon Leibowitz of} secret meetings between vg ground-to-air missiles 40 miles|gins, marriage and. divorce, revamp-|blame in the death of Nelson a! and gy U.S. officials for t °|from Hanoi, the North Viet-- K, W. Langdon, executiveling education and possible/Erby, 28. | ast week. ibs namese capital secretary of the Ontario Retailjchanges in the synod structure} Normally, a rand = jur INCREASED BOMBING wisity The two missile sites attacked|Gasoline and Automotive Asso-jand function \simply indicts, o does sat ri Until now | OT os by low-flying U.S. bombers were|ciation said Tuesday the anmual| The 40 - member House ofjdict. This one, 'however, said| ened péking to Sarticipats among seven believed to havelfailure rate for Toronto sta-|Bishops, upper house of the|that it found 'Leibowitz acted| in peace talks while at the same been built in North Viet. Nam,jtions is high and they 'earn , the other five. strategically setijust 6 cents for each gallon time ordering increased bomb- up to defend Hanoi they sell . . . this is not enough|Synod here. ing and strafing of North Viet-) The U.S, so far has been care-|to 'adequately look after salar-| "Bishop Gower said he expects namese targets, blaming Com-\ful not to attack Hanoi, fearinglies, overhead and other ex-|prolonged debate on proposals munist North Viet Nam for the) possible Chinese and Soviet in jpenses."' for revision of the ecclesiastical guerrilla successes in the foeth. volvement. Johnson will likely) Mr, Langdon said his associa-|canon on marriage and divorce _Johnson long has been te decide to continue to stay away|tion represents about half of the|Present church law forbids a Congressional pressure to define/from Hanoi for the time being\city's gas outlets but that if the|divorced person from remarry- more clearly the United States!put it is anyone's guess at whatiprice increase--to 43.9 cents aling within the church if the role in Viet Nam and rove could happen should the Ameri-gallon from 41.9--is imple-|former spouse is still living. with the: continued successes .0 can efforts continue to be}mented nearly all the city out-| Included in topics for discus: bem) a frustrated in Viet Nam lets would follow suit. sion will be an evaluation of 100 Stand By p= As Cattle Die synod, will meet in Victoria for three days before the General "in a lawful and justifiable manner in defence of himself." A detailed report is expected next week. The unusual move apparently) was aimed at calming unrest in the Negro community because of the shooting. Last. summer, the fatal shooting of a Negro boy by a white police lieuten- ant touched off four days of rioting in Harlem and Brook- lyn. TROUD' FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH CHATHAM (CP)--A woman) said Tuesday about 100 specta- tors stood by and ignored her pleas for help to free cattle from burning buildings on her farm. The fire on the nearby farm of Garfield Parry levelled a large barn and a workshop, de- stroyed livestock, tractors, a corn loader and other farm equipment and extensively dam- aged three large silos WHYTES Mrs. Parry said she asked early spectators at the scene to riliGHEST QUALITY MEATS SUNKIST C -year-old d pai! ILAIS negnors save Th cate and 8 MAPLE LEAF SMOKED c ORANGES aie eine cl Ore SE tay bark @ eel NICS lb Doz. Bay c Wine. «ey ier lemotaely GAN MGATY es a i gn aby '4 FRESH PORK fy, ater | BLADE 9%:SHOULDER A953 iccctaia Sie 25¢ |) | vas oe BONELESS ROLLED 4 9 age : penal see an) ; : pixon's || POTROAST SU" ipyTT 59; BREAD 2 « 39: r : OIL FURNACES : , FUEL Olt ECONOMY 6 & 7 RIB LOIN END 69: la 13 te: ARRVING THE PUBLIC" 65: ean anon : PINS Pkg. re oie oom |] PRIMERIB QD! sone tu it toms pn |] A) -- cows oer pip OG c 3 Wie} 49: COTTAGE In hh, || K raasces || PRIME BiB QHi{WIENERS = 29" nous ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY Z

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