dite, dia. ciei, die, did. misc st sik, ch antitank ill ie ie Sn Pee Pe ve ee ae 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosdey, July 28, 1965 _ EATON'S in OSHAWA Save 100.00! Haddon Hall "Chorale" Console Pianos Note these outstanding features ! @ direct blow action @ over-strung scale for tone depth @ Sitka spruce soundboard @ three working pedals Haddon Holl is the name recognized as o merit mark in homefurnishings. For instance, these pianos are made by leading Canadian craftsmen and they have rich tonal quality to delight the most discriminating with a lively responsive touch to satisfy both student and experienced musicion, What's more, as Haddon 'Hal! is always o fashion leader, you get a choice of three graceful cabinets with high style finishes. Take advantage of the sale savings to order @ "Choral" for your family ond enjoy its fine performance for years. ° Bag design in art wolnut finish, Reg. 795.00! 695.00 SALE, each French Provincial design in fruitwood or walnut finish. 770.00 Reg. 870.00! Bench Extra @ Traditional design in satin mahogar , finish, Reg 815.00! 715 00 SALE, each @ (Not Illustrated) Italian provincial style, walnut finished, 770,00 Reg. 870.00! SALE, each .. PHONE 725.7373 SALE, each .... BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 360 EATON'S vikiNG FM-AM Radio-Stereo-Phono Combination Reg. 399.00 ! @ 20-watt peak output from 22 transistors... operates immediately when switched on Garrard 3000 precision record chonger with lightweight cartridge. to reduce record wear, Two. 10' woofers and four 32" tweeters produce excellent sound, Large storage compartment holds up to 70 records Automatically switches from FM stereo to regular FM Circuit breaker protects chassis from electrical overload Exclusive Perma-Deep finish on cabinets is highly resistant to marks and stains. Walnut and Swedish Walnut finishes available with cane type or red cloth grille, Mahogany in cane type cloth, About 52' wide x 17%" deep x 26" high, Model RCS-735M, ee each... EATON'S VIKING 23" Console Television Reg. 359.00 ! @ Deluxe Interceptor ch powerful performance @ Transistorized L.F. provides compact design, cooler bility and high picture quality Direct vision 23" picture tube eliminates annoying picture reflection, Three balanced speakers for wide sound range Power transformer provides dependable operation . . . ponent life Available in Walnut, Mahogany or Swedish Walnut veneers, all with Perma-Deep firnist About 36" wide x 1311/16" deep x 32" high. Model TCE-739T, SALE, techs sssees PU IOO EATON'S VIKING Deluxe 19" Portable TV Reg. 219.95 ! @ Deluxe Ranger chassis with 28 tube and transistor function @ Transistorized |.F, provides cooler operation, compactness and high quality pic- ture @ Pre-set tuning allows you to set it and forget it, @ Earphone assembly jock for private listening, @ Telescoping dual antenna, front-mounted speaker, @ Circuit breaker prevents tubes and circuits from overloading @ Scuff-resistant vinyl-covered metal cabinet in rosewood or white oak effect, Illu« vinated channel indicator, @ About 22%" wide x 104 SALE, each.... sis has 30 tube and transistor function for better, more operation for greater relia- prolongs tube and com. " deep x 16%" high. Model T.P.F, 742. PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms available with No Down Payment EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 Please See Back Of This Page For "CURRENT EVENTS AT EATON'S! Osterizer-Blender Demonstration Engineered to help take the chore out a cooking and meal preparation; this work-saving unit beats, creams, whips, purees, blends and mixes sauces, gravies, desserts, dressings, beverages, etc. to a de- lectable smoothness. @ Two speed for efficient blending. @ Four-cup graduated glass container has 'seal-tite' cover and moulded handle, @ Casing finished in white enamel. @ Comes with 64-page recipe book. @ Excellent for preparation of baby or invalid foods. An_ Osterizer Company representative will be in EATON'S Electrical Dept. on the Lower Level to dem- onstrate the many outstanding features this appli- ance possesses. See the demonstrations on Thursday, 6 till 8:30 p.m., Friday 12 till 5 p.m., 6 to 8:30 p.m., Saturday, 10 till 12 noon, 1 till 5 p.m. SPECIAL, each with cord EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 277 PHONE 725-7373 Learn Expert Beauty Care and Make-up FROM JEAN GAIRNS, 'MAX FACTOR' REPRESENTATIVE Miss Cairns is the leading make-up artist for Max Factor. She will be pleased to assist you in choosing the 'right' cosmetics for you and to advise you on the latest news in make-up and skin care, Come in and bring your beauty problems . . . you will receive skilled advice and assistance in EATON'S Cosmetic Dept. on the Mall Level. Thursday, July 29th: 1:00 p.m. to Sp.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, July 30th: 1:00 p.m. to Sp.m. and 6;30p.m. to 9 p.m. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 COSMETIC DEPT. Don't let rust spoil your outdoor equipment ! Use HADDON HALL BARBECUE COVERS Specially fitted covers in varying sizes to fit most models -- they're waterproof! Vinyl cloth is fully bound at seams, elasti- cized at. corners, To fit 24" barbecue with heod. om 199 To fit ranch wagon model, 3 ye seen s To fit extra --~ ranch a model. Each . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373 On Sale at 7 p.m. Friday . . . Personal Shopping Only CLEARANCE OF PLANTER POLES, TOWEL POLES and JOHNNY POLES 1 ay 10 yy Floor samples. SPECIAL, each to EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 'ORTHO' VOLCK OIL SPRAY -- Reg. .98! SPECIAL, each "ORTHORIX' SPRAY -- ; Reg. 1.491 SPECIAL, cach 2... ccc ccrencctsecccsceeteseeteaseeeseseesesvege 'ORTHO-GROW' PLANT FOOD -- Reg. .99! SPECIAL, each NA RE er Ny ee ee CREO UL | 'ORTHO' EVERGREEN AND AZALEA FOOD 108-7 Reg. 1.79! SPECIAL, each .. eee eee ee er ere eee ee ee EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 280 TEENS' AND CHILDREN'S SNEAKERS -- Teens' sizes 4 to 9. Black or white. 1 49 SPECIAL, pair PS) Children's sizes 6 to 10, white; 11 to 3 in black or white. SPECIAL, pair TEEN'S FLATS -- Sizes 5 to 9; medium width.Colours of white or bone. SPECIAL, pair MEN'S BEACH SANDALS --- Colours of tan or dark brown, sizes 7 to 11 in the lot. SPECIAL, pair . eeeeee . 149 Seer ee