dE ig FDEP ry Whee ta i i as Mall lan i tas th pl i A tai i la dialled, dill A ry Divers Remove Munitions From Second War Vessels By NICK FILLMORE them. Metal {is slippery under- water and difficult to handle. DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) --jvisinility is often poor." Divers from the navy's Atlan- A crew of 10 1s removing » tic Command are spending an load of more than 100 depth munitions left of the 4,000-ton British cargo ship Claire Lillie. ' in acini wt aah from the wreck on aattered through the debris! nears there is little more to do.|bro, N.S., 10 miles southwest of 1200 bombs, all weighing more| Divers may also investigate|Halifax, and their removal may than 100 pounds. The tide caused|the condition of Second belascah mon i i them to drift dangerously and quanti ocity explos' s of cordite, a low-vel- mai toe hres ve ound on the shore, This explo- fr FMP LLP APPEAL PS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 28, 1965 29 - four years, however, and it ap-|War munitions sunk near Sam- . interesting summer removing munitions from sunken Second|*"#"8es, from the Chedabucto, World War ships. It's a tricky opeation that turns up such prizes as oon 3 ye ga 200 - pound bo a navy transport that sank near|sive will respond quickly to heat. Trois Pistoles, Que., on the St.| Bombs from the Claire Lillie Lawrence River in 1944. when it|are being piled underwater until collided with a freighter. they can be transported to dumping grounds in the deep of We announce the election of MR. D. R. ARMSTRONG kl Atlantic. og towne shells and pre REMOVE SCRAP In August a third crew will still-dangerous munitions. The Chedabucto is in only 35 Diving crews have been re-ifeet of water and civilian divers|visit the wreck of a ship--its moving and destroying muni-lhaye been removing pieces of|name forgotten over the tions from sunken vessels along|prags and scrap metal from her.|in St. 's Bay 100 miles the Atlantic coast since 1961) Near the entrance to Halifax|south of Stephenville, Nfld., Div- when loose explosives wer e\Harbor off Portuguese Cove, an-jers have been re muni- found on the ocean floor, and|other crew of 15 is clearing up|tions from the wreck for the last dynamite and cordite were. sighted along the shore, | "Old munitions in the hands} of amateur divers and children can become deadly," says Lieut. +|Norman Prowse of HMCS Granby, a navy installation here where divers are trained. 'The explosives are safe underwater} until they're tampered with," | Navy divers have had no fatal accidents and few serious mis-| haps but they must be constantly} alert. | "We seldom worry about ex-| plosions, but men can be ser- jously injured if parts of the old| ships or heavy munitions fall on| asa Director of this firm. Mr. Armstrong is Manager of our Oshawa Office. BARCLAY & CRAWFORD LIMITED Business Established 1902 Members: The Toronto Stock Exchange The | Dealers' Association of Canada 37 King Street East, Oshawa Telephone: 723-3423 2 FIREMEN REQUIRED One September, 1965, One October, 1965, gry' Quolif- ications; Age 21 to 28, Height 5/10" Weight 150 ibs. Have successfully passed grade 10 high school examinations, Med- ically and physicolly fit, cate residents only. Chouffers' licence. in good standing. Applicetions close Tues., August eo aii at 5_p.m. No applications eccepted ofter Aug. 3rd, 1965. PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT CITY HALL, OSHAWA LIGHTHOUSES STILL IN SERVICE device warning sailors of is still in operation, The hidden perils, The light- latest design is the "wasp- house (left), one of the waist" installation right oldest: in Canad, was marking a dangerous shoal built more than a century in the St. Lawrence River ago at Race Rock, B.C., and at the mouth of the Sague- FORT ERIE RESULTS TUESDAY, JULY 27 = Claim: | FIRST RAIE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-| FIFTH RACE Purse $2,000. | » maiden two-year-olds, 5v Maguted (t four-year-olds and up, 6 Furlongs 20.40 8.80 6.40) S-Queen's Right, Rilard 14.00 6.90 4.40 5.70 4,40|!l-AbitibI, Turcotte 7.70 §.00 4,10} &Vineyard, Harrison PR g Also Ran in Order: Gandio, Love Qu nay river, It has a helicop- ter landing deck and can winch small vessels in and out of the water. (CP Photo) In this age of radio, radar and other electronic mar- vels, science still hasn't come up with a reliable replacement for the light- house, the centuries - old STOCK MARKET TORONTO 11' A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press OILS ' i Tirento Stock Exchange--July Ane UDev HJ ew 0 2 (Quotations in cents uniess marked $.| Asamera 2200 170 166 (166 t-Odd jot, xd----Exdividend, xr--Ex-| Bantt 4400 610 585 610 co uw--Ex-warrants, Net change is| CS Pete 100 220 220 from previous board-iot closing sale.)| Can Sup Oll 250 $18 INDUSTRIALS con Gel Si | | SPROULE'S Super Save Am Leduc 5-Don Cecilio, 24 pli Cresta Rola, Shuk §-DQ-Hullabalu, Gordon jer: Sliver Gus, Tonde } Bg Bengt = Al and Alta K, jLady Domain, Roy Jo, Villale seule, DQ---Finished second but was disquall-|Falsun, Indian Line, Malor Turley and) C Bast Cr = 500 fied. and placed third |Witencraft , es Dome Pete -- 200 |Winner, ro ¢ 2, by Highlander 'tnd--Suze| Winner, ch ft, 4, by Queen's Own! 1 oNet preame af 5 | Sim, by Pierre. Right 2nd, by Solonaway, PP omnes sale hay, 4 ve 4 +m, oe A 100 30 ey | POo! $23,118. Dally Double Pool $45,200, | SIXTH RACH -- Purse $2,100) Allow. Abitibi \m0 s1i% iM. N--W aot) Me - at SECOND RACE ~ Purse en Claim. jances, inree-yeerolds. 1 Mile on turt i = V | ; Alta an w 200 95 «(975 ~«(97 Ing, four-year-olds and up, 6 Urlonds | eNearetic Helr, T'eotte. 9.40 1 2% Algoma 5,10 8-BF's Johnny, Harris 4.00 2.70 ye| Tried Oll 1000 2 +2 10%, a3 942% 42 Ii-Leo's Yingel, ¢'son 7.60 Alumint 9 $274 mA im MINES 10-Rye 'n rs nly aa we 80 ns #River Party, cones ; 2.0 Alum 2 4h 20 348 &Mad Charge, Turcotte 30| Alse Ran in Order: Scodadie, Anthes ¢ opr 521008 103 10 100 4 190 Also Ran in Order: Sir Demijohn, tin oral Se Chiet Brant, Grand G 1 ' salt, 1 se Bh me LT AN Oh THE QUINELLA, § AND & PAID $10.40 Aah tom Tem '488104 104 104 | 1% Choreography, Winner, ® hy by Nearctic--Alr Page, | Behtim Mon q $00 600 Late scratch iby Bull Pag eeu Phone ioe AsTVs sr 5™% Ve DAILY DOUBLE, § end om PAID $253.80 | Pool su3471. "auinelia Pool $30,367, ry oll 190 200 $29 29% 2% 45 +) by Oh Leo -- Baker Giri,| SEVENTH RACE CT 100 100 100 =I |by Blue Peter ree, $2,900. ne ae ey te 7g Men les Pool $43,285. | laiming, three-year-olds, rv Furlongs bal, vo Mien wie a 00 120 120 120 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim-|#Bega Boga, ste Ue 6h ee Perm 110 $6612669 6614 ing, maiden three and four-year-olds,| 5 acre or zi2 $64 4 8M 70 38% 8% 8% 8 "4 e 10% Won + +1 FRESH GRADE "A" CHICKENS SWEET PICKLED OTTAGE ROLLS CHOICE CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS 49% gor vacneY' «LOAF =" 49° Chicken Roll '249° MACARONI ALE LARGE BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT 10. i twa ne ~ Ve +6 2 to 3-Ib, erage Agnice Am Larder Imenon Half or Whole OE 21m 216 214 + Valfoaied in Canada. | 16 Miles (12), hegre Grder: strong, Wile ~ % M6 ts 41, lechumpr Cuinbermon Tt aie ae Blinkers, Shiny Dies, No. Kidding ' [8 inerette, Little Red. and 13% 13% 134+ Val o-J, Ds Honey, Harris ¥ " 7 @ +2 gfe in Fhe Alr 'Champ, Ripa. | fo jelwyn, Ascot Prince, Cold Draw, | Win Valsprious, yl Brief, Chop Turkey| inner: a, by Meeting--Hariem and Terry's T ieee by' Grand Admiral, Winner, & g, 3 iy 'Queen's Own -- La| P00! § ste rs Pstoga toads | BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim w \ng four-vear-olds and up, About 1 1-16 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim.| Miles (12) p Ing, maiden two-year-olds. 54 Furlongs| TOBark Rad, C'bertaon ae un iscovery ) ' Beme -- %|1-Money Galore, vate ion 'in'ord der' Ma East Sul 690 +5 |7-HIt The Line, od, Fasano ge Frncoeur 14" 14 144 2Vital Mahn, Gomez 2.70 aia, pecan Mine meal brie ae " Gm Masct 1 My Ly ve Also Ran in Order: Potente, Alber-|pala and Vedas ' ag Va Gient & a rad LP de fereme, Renin Dancer, Mr, Good and/A--Gardiner Farm and R L Victor entry | f} lop Aroun inner, dk b | 25 $2 st + aor: 500 on fi fi ere bg, % by Double Metipse Pe bid of Hawk, LF ID 1 tee! i aryel * ot BE | Gran pe itd ie ryeleanor, by Jimminy, | Pool $73,359. Total Pool $472 ,,419, | $O$135 135 138 2 as High-Bell Pool $55,164, Attendance 7,754, SD 89% He Hu % ee S| oe FORT ERIE ENTRIES Hud Bay 225 35 5 THURSDAY, JULY 29 Int Helium 109) 8 Of 1 Kenville 225 S174 174 174 {0 mf i. PIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, Maiden,|Mariscal, Turcotte X11! po three and four-year-old fillies, é¥a Fur-|Jubliance, No Boy 122 longs. Here's Lady Sue, Harris X11! Sweet Bully, Ferro X'ae Bellothefieet, No Boy 116 | Signorinetta, Werry X106 Peace Lilian, Inouye 114 jCanadian Rebel, No Boy 11) Fabuied, Gomez B-114 Peterry, Dittfach 111 ) Also Bligible: S. A, Boy, Dittach 114 | Smart Tiger, Grech X106 Sliver Run, Turcotte X117; Arrow Gal, Davids Chic, MeComb 111 Ferro A-X109; Victor's Best, wore ene) Miss Boyd, Duran 116 A---The Pheasant Stable and Berne Jerry, Inouye 111 Edmiston entry Jay Flight, Glassner 111 B---Dane Hill Acres entry Too Kuhl, Ferro X11! Response Hernandez 6 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 ($12,000) Stone's Miss, Ni 120 Siaiming, three-year-olds and up, 6 Fur-/ ongs lo Boy Also Eligible: Myall, Kornblum X106 Fayette Queen, Werry A-X106 Warrior's Day, Harris X10e Sub Commander, Gomez 10 Raft's Pride, Walsh 123 27 $20 % 20 550 $57Ve 57a STi Ve " 2. 12 = Wl ae A 4 oi 7% 410 get 410 10 190 $404 4% -- Va 225 $40Va rin a 725 $14% 14% 14% 415 10 oe -- Ve) PRESSWOODS WIENERS ROYAL CHARGER SUNSPUN ICE CREAM HEINZ STRAINED [BABY FOODS COMPARE AT 1.69 Difach 21.40 9.70 4,40 Ferro 14.10 6,30 1-LB, Mi Fal. PKG, 655 L Dutavit Lakehead om » 110 $8714 874 8714 Too $8 MM 4 4 = $10a 10Va lO) Mi SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. (3000 Claiming, three-year-olds, 6 Furlongs |Ambiguity, Dittfach 107 Jiveoli, Remiliard 107 Garden King, Turcotte X104 eemiers Rio maha i) x12 | Traffic Siren, Werry -A-X115 aid» of Honor, Dittfach A-112 | A-Gardiner Farms and R, i 4 440 Ringer Flinger, Shuk 115 entry " ven 41% ae 41 Fabulous Star, Harrison 107 (QUINELLA WAGERING) 5 RS ae seme Werry X110 " 810% 10% 10% + W/ Easy No Boy 105 SIXTH 'RACE -- Purse All 47 $464 4h Abe 500 68a +2 Blue, + Turcotte' 105 ances. Twoyear-olds, Fae & Ganen | 435 $27%4 74 27% Oo 145 «160 jJohn's Freedom, Maxwell 119 $'%@ Furlongs. 377 2? 2 2000 112 «111 «ON | Winning Rocket, Harris X1)2 Mar-Dan, Walsh 122 825 813% 124134-- % $18" 184 154-- | Moores Selector, Inouye 110 Second Wonder, Gomez 122 100 225 225 225 15 S78 S10 $20 ~-80 | Also Eligible: Select Sin, No Boy 105; |Warm Reception, No Boy 116 3%*s 64 OM " 12¥a 12% 12% + VaiBon Coeur, Dittfach A-117; vatecrsst! Caledon Star, No Boy Alle mus ef ? S70 S65 S70 |Lady, Walsh B-110;° Roman Warrlor,/Bye and Near, Harrison A122 300 $12 12 12--e| Siiverfield MS 265 2465 {Walsh B-112; agg McComb C-117;/Lady Kasha, Harris X11] we 2» 1 Slivmaq 2) 21 2) = | Zoom Zoom, No Boy ¢-112. Nearectic Myth, Dittfach im 30 89 9 9! Sil Miller 8% 184 4 eae VajA--Cindereila Stable and H $ Shaooon The Hangman, Maxwell Ta ae. ee ae Angus Glen, Harris X14 Starratt 5 -\ entry ms sia 18 rT | Steep R as +3 js-- Vaiecrest: Farm and J @ Farintosh AC, Smythe entry 2% T4~ a try Sud Cont ee ee Salada sg $1 1M lie Teck. Corp |C---H Tenenbaum and $ Horvat entry Sayvette wo 370 370 «370 Texmont U Asbestos THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000, Maiden prog lly us 'sve 'Ne 'he Un Buffad three. and four-year-old fillies (Division Seven Arte 10% 10te-- ve) UCL Mine jof Ist), 64 Furlongs, Sheil Can "% Un Keno |Play Money H., Gordon 116 Shelli | w $00 . 500 Un Fort ics Gables, No Boy 111 Show 'S i te Vespar Gale, Ferro X115 a Cae 75 475 (475 Violam jCarillo, Ferro X1)1 Shep | Sity bro 9 "" W Malar Wee Lass, No Boy 120 sl .. iS wis 97% 37 Windtatl Bonanza Babe, Werry X115 Lia dg Win Eld = va|Fabrue, No Boy 116 Yk Bear 7§ 7S VS jarete Lake, Kornblum X106 Young 46 Pure tron. Gordon 116 | Shaded Star, No Boy 120 | Smart and Lucky, Turentte X1046 Woods, Turcotte X11) COMPARE AT 2 FOR 47c---MORTON'S BEEF-CHICKEN-TURKEY MEAT PIES 5 for *l MIXED VEGETABLES **: 49° FRENCH FRIED POTATOES cao saz 1.00 870 870 870 +5 200 440 ON HEALTH AND DISCOUNT PRICES Mitty his REGULAR $1.19! -- PICNIC JUG MAIL-IN OFFER! FAMILY SIZE CREST TOOTH PASTE COMPARE AT 79! BRYLCREEM HAIR CREAM 2, 1.00 ances, Three and Sree | COMPARE AT 75c! -- JOHNSON'S Lem Shen, Satee Tie | BABY POWDER 2 FOR 1.00 Flaming Triumph, Walsh AlQ? | Hello Babee, Dittfach 110 Tricky Seamp, Shuk 112 Spondee, Hernander 111 Market Ferro X104 ®, Werry X119 No Boy 103 Spicy Favour, Harris Caledon Colonel, A-Windfields Farm entry X-5 ibs AAC, Post Time 2 am, GREENWOOD RACEWAY FIRST RACE Brook, x-Solon's Memory. Titan Scott, Norris x Broke Girlee {Tom Key, Ritchie 12.40 $.40 Willy Tass, McDougal! 27|. FIFTH RACE ~ 1 Mile Pace Att'ney's Lady, Pol'd R Little A bf 5 i A Roval Bk xd 50 SEVENTH RACE ~~ Purse $3,100 Allow-| ances, Four-year-olds and up, Foaled in Canada. One and one léth miles Big Rocky, Inouye 117 Canadillis, Gomez 12) Hay Lily, Harris X109 Royal Mapie, No Boy 117 King Gorm, McComb 117 Speedy Lament, Dittfach 112 Volume te 11 a.m. Phen by RACE -- Purse $2,500, (7500) [Claiming, two-varrok sy Fe ROREIGN TRADING inthe Cachwil! 0 43 460 4 410 Righteous, Cuthbertinn x109 Bearhors ms 8 8 +3 |Lesting Love, Harris X14 Kerr Add. 300 830 83 830 | Sweetly Packed. No Boy 111 Sherritt i oe my Valley Town, Gordon 11) | Yk Bear 0 190 190 190 +8 [Jave Jive, Parnell 114 I ADD Torente 11 a.m, stocks Weedwd Zellers or z10 $a 4a New Indian Committee Seen Tougher Than Federal Unit eta, REE HAY LAKE, Alta. (CP)--The, After the committee's firstlard, stormy Lee C. xcucky Le Salle Indians of Hay Lake have setidistribution of relief money, he| pps ed ove. Hialeah Laddie, Cammabelt vas up their own welfare committee|says, '"'several people com- ean bryn 'Adlon, Bobcat' Hanevers ae which is gaining the reputation/plained to me that they didn't hasan, SACe cn Pace, E, Frisco ae West Scott of being tougher than the fed-ireceive relief. The committee|Hazelia, Coxe 510 ag oy eral officials who handle Indian thoroughly | investigated each [ke share "armore cam . ow ae garon Atom Esagen Mile, relief money case. |ter. jMeorelends Dan, ePart-Guy. Noral Gale, Findley The three - man committee) The system is "working out) "tino Started: High Beteh, Chiet Saint} screens welfare applicants andjfine" despite the Indians' initial Afmbro Bingo, Missile Dares, | decides how much relief each > gg ed to take Be the job,| QUINELLA Nos. § and 3, PAID soe t works. in) Mr. aks says. "There is N10) SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile cooperation with 'federal Indian able-bodied man on this reserve) Sceltish Clan, Peagen re a0 rH affairs branch officials. jon permanent relief." Ale: Slarteds "Gunter "Grattan, ANice| Ale Started: Pembrow pith David "There's no doubt that the| 1% committee isn't the firstiway, chamam Adios, Canadian Princess. |Cemyei, egy, ourect Cu. Billy Rena, x- committee is tougher than 1|/m0ve Indians here have made| per ylin x-Broke stride would be," says Joe Leaks, su-/Simce they marched on the Al-) antdid not finist-accident, BIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile Trot rintendent of the federal Fort|>¢'t@ legislature in February iets ek oo ek Late Forst, McKinley ermilion-lavey Indian agency, seeking Provincial aid. A SAW-\yeute Direct, Crome a rek ""|mill has been established and/siic Adios, Feagan 400 miles northwest of Edmon-| construction of 14 houses is\®*_ ed. Lorenz ton, planned. 90.10 7,90 5.30 @ STORE HOURS @ OPEN TO-NIGHT WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS TILL 10 O'clock 27 3 ride jean Dousce: Nos. 7 and @ PAID THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile pace. Wee Eddie, Adios (Rochau )4.20 3.40 3.10 ekg Glenford. Lutman 4.90 3.80 1.00 CHARC COMPARE AT 31c... 2 OZ. PKGS. 4 for 1.00 Ic MIX COMPARE AT 41¢ DEL. MONTE ., . 48-0Z, T FRESH HOME GROWN - FREE DRAW - CoB 3 4. Enter Contest New--Nothing to Buy Ya gallon IE 9 1.00 JOHNSON'S RAID COMPARE AT 49¢ OAL 3 for 1.00 TOMATO SOUP 10 for 1.00 WHIP COMPARE AT 2 FOR 25c ... SALADA 10 for 1.00 TOMATO JUICE 6 for 1.00 PLE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3 for 1.00 gnu w OANADIANA value 148.0 SUPER SAVE comme or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA | i] | ) 2.0 pace.|Lee Ezra, Carmichael 2.90 702.80 Diller A Dollar, Findley 31.4) 4403.40 Alse Started: Willow Brook rt Account, Also Started: Dream Haven, Ramona " Direct, iriah C. Gratien, Misa Scott) mBroke stride,