, " - , 5 P & + a ae 4 ; # ie i fs te te lin Marth Maat Miatd Mcet dite dh didn tina ott te etna POOP S SPS CSS ower ae . 5. Aid OsnAWA Tes Wednesday, July 28, 1965 : 08 reenter fe we OFFICE SPACE sae = AVAILABLE only. $85. monthly. 725 In Times Building 36--Legal OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TENDER FOR MOWER Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed as to contents, will be ceived by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. TUESDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1965 for the supply, of a Hammer Knife Mower. Information to bidders, Spe- cifications and Tender Forms are available from the under- signed, Lowest or any tender not necessorily accepted. W. A, Twelvetrees, . Eng., Engineer and Seretary, 605 Rossland Rood East Whitby, Ontario, PRIVATE AUCTION of the effects and antiques belonging to the late EDITH CLARA CROFT to be displayed ot 22-24 John Street, Port Hope, Ontario August 3rd and 4th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m, AUCTION to be held Thursday, Aug. 5th, 1965 ot 2:00 p.m, at the offices of Bonneville and Fitzgibbon, 11 Mill Street, Port Hope, Sale to be in Bloc, Terms -- __cash t) "certified cheque. 0--Automobiles for Sale |30---Automobiles for Sele VAC ATION THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BUYS "Before You Buy Three to give Bill @ try" BILL WHITTICK Choose from: 1964. PLYMOUTHS MOTORS LTD. 1250 DUNDAS EAST TWO DOOR SAVOYS 8 cylinder, automatics, good 668-5871 - 72 tires, very clean. Less thon MORE CASH Wholesale prices. hail foc Ged elec ours 1963 FORD Trade up or down, Leins paid, 300 FOUR DOOR DODD MOTOR SALES Ausottiatic, setig.. med steer 314 PARK RD, SOUTH one owner cor. 723-9421 1963 PLYMOUTH TWO DOOR HARDTOP BUYING OR SELLING ncerng rai, masher Ora TED CAMPIN MOTORS owner, 1963 PLYMOUTH 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA QUust East of Wilson Road) FOUR DOOR 6 cylinder, automatic with 723-4494 Res. 7 725-5574 '61 PONTIAC Parisienne, 'convertibie, os radio, One owner, cylinder,. automatic, power steering, 1963 FORD stag brakes, Fiesta abi gg Pah! nylon tl FOUR DOOR a IR ln al i962 CHEVROLET écylinder, automatic, TWO SEAT WAGON i washers, sea' Telephone 725-6358. 6 cylinder, radio, mirror and new tires. ) Biscayne, four-door, 1961 FORD 348 standard, Hurst floor shift. Mechan- ically A-1, Radio, rear speaker, back-up path power brakes, $700. 728-5919 after ECONOLINE VAN 6 cylinder, new white paint, A real good buy. 5.30 p.m. 1958 CHEVROLET ONTIAG Parisienne convertible, BEL AIR power equipped, radio, rear seat speak- TWO DOOR HARDTOP er, V-8 automatic, Excellent condition 6 cylinder, automatic, power 725-929, wy | 1957 CHEVROLET, four-door 6 standard,| steering and wheel covers. 1962 FORD new paint. Excellent mechanically. No down payment. Low payments, Gus FOUR DOOR SEDAN 6 'cylinder, stickshift, radio, Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568. new tires and wheel covers, PALMER MOTOR SALES lent, laut condition, ), 725-8082, 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 623-5487 imo ¢ black gl ey interior, An ideal family car. down payment. Gus Brown Motors Lid, 728-7375, DODGE, PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER AND VALIANT DEALER 1958 PONTIAC Strato Chief, two - door, bath rohit Till sludild rea? speaker Best offer, Telephone Whit ] 963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Convertible, V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, all extros, Black finish ond interior. : 623-2990 ALL. CASH For cleon cars or trucks We BIRTHS hs 4 and Helen (nee pleased to announce the birth of their son on July 27, 1965, at Oshawa ipeet Hospital, brother agit Sandra, Judy and David, Thanks to Dr, Ross and Dr, Anderson and the fourth Tioor siete HENDERSON -- Bill and Bore (nee Pe announce the er- 8 Ibs, 3 ozs, on Jul 2%, 1965 at the Aljax-Pickering vel A brother for Tracy Anne and @ bi present for DIONNE Gatka) are jE! i. Bathroom, , modern apariment building, se Centre, third , $105 monthly. Avaliable Auoust 15, Telephone 718-068. UPPER DUPLEX -- newly " decorated. Ngo 4 git Available Suitable for couple bese po children pd $100, per MCINTYRE -- Paul and Dorothy (nee Foley) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Brenda Lynn, on July 14, 1965 at the Oshawa General Hospital First ons od bn 3 Bis Fol va RR 3 yy Bt pile Stove supplied. month. Call Brooklin' ss) CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times 25--Houses for Rent FOR RENT -- New room apart-|- NEW SPLIT LEVEL three-bedroom home "bed Brosdicom bulit-in oven and 'anaiment, $115 per month, broadioom, elec- oo iets 1 tric heating, al! services supplied. No " : pets or children, Available August 1. Apply Mr. Rice, peeenre epnieigelag 623-5211 of 623-260 THREE-ROOM eaainert apariment, ® - iy, vate four-piece bath and entrance. Close 'ito South GM, One child welcome. $85 ~ Phone 723-6711; Please apply 632 Albert Street. Sd eee CORNER McMillan Drive and Bond Street, two-bedroom unfurnished apart- ment. Metastarndl 72-6552 after 7 pm, ° "apartment, Shopping coe . 2 tage building, Telephone 7: Grow Lyle nlcinvte: TAYLOR -- Don and Jackie wish to announce 'the birth of their daughter, Cindy Lovise, 5 Ibs, 9 o7s., on Monday, brad 26, 1965, 2 seer for 'connie-arie Many thanks to Dr, C. E, Meliveen fourth floor stot, ai the Oshawa Generel Hospital, DEATHS CARSWELL, William H, At Oshawa General Hospital July 27, Neve vee H, Carswell, beloved hus- of Marie Carswell, dear forner of "Robe 1 dear brother of ut William Spence (Elizabeth), Mrs. B. (Margaret) of Toronto; in his tnd Resting at Bates and Maddock Fu- Home, Toronto for private service in the chapel Thursday, July 29, at 1 a.m, Interment Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery, Toronto, Visitors commencing Wed- nesday, July 28 at 12 noon, Newly $125, monthly. References = Phone 725-6311. After 6 pm., F981 "ing | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, seif-contain- ed, private entrance. Washing and-park- 5,170 facilities, Available August 15, Tele "iphone 725-4434 waus!|GROUND ficor riment, ATMA and bath. Private entrance frig. 156 Centre Street or 17-70. CENTRAL vacant, three-room unfurnish- ed apartment, separate shower, frig and stove available, Adults, Garage aveall- able, Telephone Te after 5. 27--Rooms for | Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. alae MANANA J te aceon male| COURT |floor, for middie aged lady, 218 Celina. | "large housekeeping ae 78-4192, |ma Tel 78-890 men. 'elephone 7: 80 Spacious 2 and 3 yooh ie |FURWISHED bedroom and kitchen, suites, featuring modern conveniences, Suitable for couple. "equipped kitchens, vanities |children. Phone 725-7073 ty | with large mirrors in both- |ATHOL STREET EAST, 230 -- A clean, | "room: i} quiet newly decorated bed-sitfing room, 4 if bf outed |centratly located. Abstainer.. Telephone broadioomed corridors, twin | 795 1938, elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY r same floor, Parking no problem. Call Rental Office at Phone 725-7273 723-6361 TWO SINGLE ed rooms for gentleman. block from North General Follow. Park Road North to Anderson St., West on An- derson to Nipigon St. wee, Phone 728-6697. LARGE, double room, furnished, single Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily. beds, kitchen privileges, plenty parking. REALTY LTD. 723-112) i sinove rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi-| NONQUON agp Baye By Tally Blo Eyed TOWERS LTD. close to Shopping Centre. Please phone| Northend Location after } p.m. 725-8359 FURNISHED rooms for ren' @ Featuring 1, 2:& 3 bed- rooms. Yt, 9 en Apply 323 Athol Street Tes after | @ Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof after 5 p.m, 'three rooms Stove and 6 possession. Telephone bs si. telephone fealty GARDEN aoa Mis, three 'bedrooms, Tin: ished recreation area, Stove, refrigerator and drapes, dryer supplied. Telephone FRIEDRICH, Olga Sophie At Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, July 27, 1965, Olga Sophie Zitron, beloved wife of Robert Friedrich of RR 4, Bow- manville, dear mother of Veronica, Charles, Walter and Ernest, in her 43rd year, Resting at Northcutt and Smith Fu- neral Home, Bowmanville, Service in the chapel on Friday, July 30 at 2.p.m, inter-| ment Bowmanville Cemetery, GRAY, Gerald William at the Oshawa Generel HOUSE FOR RENT -- $70. month. Avail- able now. Cent Telephone 725-630. 26--Aportment f for | cae" Sophisticated Adult men {Marion Eileen Macinally Oster, father of . Jerry Burrows (Gail), Gary and \Gien, all of Oshawa, son of Mrs, Mary |Gray of Scarboro and brother of Mrs, L. }Watt (Helen), Mrs, A, Seyffert' (Betty) and Harry Gray, all of Scarboro; in Mo , Resting at Armstrong Fun Oshawa with funeral service a the chapel Friday, July 20, at 2 p.m, In- -|terment Mount Lawn Cemetery. ferment Mount Lawn Cemetery, A_Ma- sonic Service under the auspices of Tem- pie Masonic Lodge will be held at. the! ifuneral home, Thursday at 7.30 p.m, gentie-| | "ai! No TENDERS FOR COAL Oshawa Board of Education Sealed Tenders marked "Tenders for Coal' will be received by the Board of Education on their require- ments for Coal for the heot- ing season of 1965-66, Tenders will close Wednes- doy, August 11, 1965 at 4:00 P.M, Quantities and specifications may obtained at the Office of the Board of Edu- cation, 555 Rosslond Rd, West. Board of Education, Oshawa, Ontario, _ J, R, Backus, Business Administrator 38--Coming Events : SUNNYSIDE PARK Monster BINGO Thursday, July 29 20 GAMES AT $20, 5 GAMES AT $30. 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS 1958 PONTIAC convertible, red, 348 avto- matic, new. radio, record player. Best offer, Call 723-4491 or apply 377 Highland Avenue, sr 1959 BUICK LaSabre four-door sedan au- tomatic, fully powered, brown and white. Custom trim, Terms. Gus Brown Mo- fors Lid. ad 6568. 1084 FORD, good Helen Gorda . Uae 1953 PONTIAC areal "sound, body and tires in good condition, $85 or best offer. Telephone 7 725-0394, 1954 FORD, two-door Very clean inside an Hortop Street, after 5.30, 1960 PONTIAC four-d hardtop, very pecs shape, low mileage. Telephone 725- 5289, MOWAT, James Biair After a short iliness at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, July 26, 1965, James Blair Mowat (of 404 Athol Street, Whitby) beloved husband of Edrie Lovise Campbell, dear father of Mrs.. F, Mackey (Elizabeth) and Mayor Warren J, Mowat of Whitby; dear brother of George and) Roddy of Whitby, Charles of Toronto, in| his 78th year, Resting at the W, C, Town| Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Thursday, July 29, at 2.30) p.m, Interment Groveside Cemetery,| Brooklin, Minister the Rev, W, 5. McClure, (Visitors commencing 7 pm. Tuesday), PHILIP, Thomas George Entered into rest at Princess. Margaret Hospital, Toronto on Monday, July 26, 1965, Thomas George Philip, beloved hus band of Katherine trene Cowle of Brougham, Ontario, and father of of USE OF ULTRASONICS TESTED Diagnosis of brain disor- back with the head bent revolution, th position of ders by ultrasonics is being downward into a water tank the echoes form a cross-sece studied at the National Re- to the level of the ears and tional image of the struc search Council in Ottawa. eyes, Ultrasonic pulses are tures inside the head, Here, a te~hnician shows po- beamed through the water at sition of patient lying on his the head, After one tank --(CP Photo) OBITUARIES WILLIAM H, CASSWELL HAROLD A, SUDDARD William H. Casswell of 1328) Harold A, Suddard, 267 Drew Sharbot st. died yesterday injst., died suddenly Monday even- anne CMe, ewe. wie wiorden) orithe Oshawa General Hospital. ing in hospital at Magog, Que- Balsam, and evi srandiather of Jo He .was 61. |bec, while on holidays, He was Fae eee een are Ray Fleury) ot Born in Scotland in 1903, helin his 60th year and had not Stoufivilie, Frank R of Van Nuys, Call came to Ontario 44 years agojbeen in good health for some fornia, Pearl (Mrs, Frank Gostics) land had: lived in Oshawa for'| time. ch t, Maud (M J G. © fora) of Onhawa, int of Brooklin, Gor-| the past three years, He was a| Born at Greenbank, Ont., Jan. tl o gl A af a lll wil'retired maintenance man, |25, 1906, he was the son_ of Kingston Road Wesf, Pickering after 2} He is survived by a son, Rob-|Harry and the late Olive Sud- Bm. Wednesday, Funeral service ihe ert, of Oshawa; and two sis-\dard, He came to Oshawa as a interment Claremont Union Cemetery, | ters, Mrs, William Spence |child and was educated in the (Elizabeth) and Mrs, Jack Bain/city. Ae eet SF day, July 24 1965,|(Margaret) of Toronto, His wife) He married the former Jean Ernest E. Sleep (late of 802 Shaw Street, Marie predeceased him, Hobbs in Whitby, Jan, 28, 1936, oronto), beloved husband of the late) Funeral services will be con-| The late Mr, Suddard was ; M ; ' Margaret er arriett L. and Eric. Sleep ducted in the chapel of thejemployed as a stockman at of Whitby: in hig, Sind year. forling af Bates and Maddock Funeral|General Motors Ltd, in the 4 Owe chanel on Monday. jole{Home tomorrow at 11 a.m, Bur-|parts and service department, ial will be in Mount Pleasant}He was a member of St, Cemetery, Toronto, George's Anglican Church, Cor- "newly decorated, furnish- Parking, one} Motors, - $9 , {ransportetion, $95, beth Street, Pickering Village or phone between 9 - " P.M | 942-1987, | FURNISHED singie bedroom | home, shift workers welcome. men), Telephone 725-3205. FURNISHED room for young lady, kitch- en privileges. Phone after 5 p.m. 723-5958 COMFORTABLE room for rent, suit one} gentieman. Central focation, Li Elgin| veet East or telephone 728 |FURNISHED room in quiet home for| |matured business lady, abstainer, non- Ismoker. Five minutes from four corners Telephone 725- 9992 'adio, $150, 1104 and Miss Lynn Suddard, all of Oshawa; his father Harry of Oshawa; six brothers; William, Henry, Frank, Ross, Bruce and Edward all Oshawa; three sisters; Mrs, Donald Crothers (Beatrice), Mrs, William Clark (Doris) 'and Mrs, Bruce Mur- doch (Lorraine) all of Oshawa; and three grandchildren, His mother predeceased him in July, 1963, Resting at the Mcintosh- Anderson Funera Home, service will be held in the chapel Thurs- day at 2 p.m, Rev,. R. G, Brooks,. St. George's Anglican Church, will conduct the service, Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Corinthian Lodge will hold a service at the funeral home to- night at 7 p.m. (Gentie-| | 1959 CHEVROLET impala sedans, hard- fops and convertibles. Ten to choose from. |Various equipment and prices, Nothing |down, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 31--Compact Cars for Sale * VOLVO & PEUGEOT *& MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE Genero! Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars A 7 p.m. ROOM for rent, tor gentler men. Yaleghone| 723-1671, FURNISHED room, north end "Tocation. | Parking, Telephone 723-5700. FURNISHED bed-sitting room, trig. 'and stove, central, Telephone 728-9268. FURNISHED room for ladies oniy, Kitch: for service in the chapel on Monday, July 26 at 3.30 p.m, Interment St, John's Ceme tery, Port Whitby, Minister, the Rev. W, | it desired. Telephone TO' @ Electrical Heating Broadiloom Inter-Com System Hi-Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking. Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD, Multiple Listing Service MALA GLEN en privileges 726-8807. FURNISHED room, single or double, In new very clean home. For gentleman Near Houdaille and South General Mo-) tors, Telephone 728-7930. } FWO SINGLE furnished rooms, suitable for ladies. Kitchen and laundry privil eges. Available August |. Phone after 3/1958 pImM., 668-8984. new CHURCH STREET, 174 Single or do double room for rent. Abstainer, gentie- Motors Ltd. 725-6568 man preferred. Apply above address affer|/ MOTORS, $35. UP 4 pm. |Courtice Auto Wreckers. TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping 5228 or nights 725-4404 rooms. Newly decorated. Suitable for|USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make young couple or two giris. Close to North trailers, also used tires 509 Bloor Street General Motors, Apply 146 Elgin Easticast, afier 4, 723-2281 yeinshOed alli , [1960 FORD "Sunline" convertible with | |new motor and automaltc transmission, 28--Room and-Boord | three months' full warranty, No -down| ROOM AND BOARD for one gentleman, | payment. Only $46 monthly, Gus Brown King Street West and Park Road area. Motors Ltd., 728-7375 | Telephone 728-5455 1958 METEOR, four-door, &cylinder, av ROOM or room and board, for gentie-| janet In good condition, Telephone! man. Very central and parking facilities. | Apply 122 Church Street ROOM and boara, close to GM plant, meals, clean rooms 725-9843. Apply 57 Brock Street. East deal up or down, Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED} 146 BROCK ST, NORTH | Across from Royo! Hotel | Whitby 668-3331 VOLKSWAGEN, custom two-doo paint, mechanically perfect, No} nm payment. Easy terms! Gus Brown ~All ear parts.| Telephone 723-| 1958 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard hort transmission, excellent condition, $495 or Call | Dest offer Telephone 728-8932 | 1960. PONTIAC 6 cylinder, standard shift COURT LOCATED NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS PLANT RESERVE NOW AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and 3 bedroom suites) Elevators Balconies Intercom System FM MUSIC Broadioom Halls 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. "GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite 3 Bedroom Suite ba? ONLY HONE "723. 1712. 728-2911 For Appointment rae modern two - bedroom apartments, conveniently located near the awa Shopping Centre, for full details cal mms. 140) dally 725-2227 atter 5 p.m BEDROOM Apartment. Centrally ted. One child welcome. Call 723-5712) ae nahh WHITBY--Iiwo-bedroom apartment build-| Ing. Adults only. Call Mrs. Lee, 668-4947, Bowman and Gibson Ltd, Realtors and Ingurance. 668-5823 MODERN two. and three-bearoom apart-| ments available. Refrigerator and stove, swimming pool. fenced in playground.) Telephone 728-3465 TWO-BEDROOM apariment dupiex, stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities parking, adults. Also three-room base ment apartment. Private bath, and en trance, Adults. Telephone 723-2006. NEW large two-bedroom apartment for rent, approximately 1,000 square feet Two television outlets, telephone in every | room, 728-9474, ask for Mr. Salter In SS SINGLE, $7 double, daily, spec. weekly, Board) rates. Small apartments avaliaple optional. Hollywood Mote! and Restaur ant, Whitby 668-2067 CLEAN, Centrai, seit-contained tour-room furnished apartment. ideal for two, or three responsible working adults. Vacant 133 Oshawa Bivd. South. TWO-BEOROOM apartmen, seif-contain ed, $90 monthly: Available August 1, Tele- +7295, ROOM apariment with retriger- ator and stove. Private entrance. 220 Bruce Street, 728-9239 FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, avail sble now. Bloor Street East area, Tele phone. 728-9188. for information. FOUR or five genilemen, 514 days ajA real economical car. $10 down, | $39 |week, room and board. Lunches packed Telephone 723-6874 "#4 CHEVROLET Super Sport, hardtop. | 327, 300 HP four-speed transmission, |ROOM AND BOARD available for gentle. man, seven-day week, Lunches packed. | Mileage Extras, 725-2180 Shift; workers welcome. Phone Whitby|1960. CHEVROLET Biscayne 4668-8158 $900 or $400 with trade, Apply 645 Liver ROOM and board Ontarie.| Brock Street East, 725-2938. |COLBORNE EAST, 57: Room and board for gentleman willing to share, single beds. Close to North General Motors, cen: tral to downtown. Apply address. |WHITBY "Shared or private room, cen j $295, Apply 309 Bloor. East |tral location, good food, lunches packed.| 1955 OLDSMOBILE, fair shape, Wonder | Parking, TV. Gentleman day worker pre-|bar, radio, power steering and brakes. | ferred. Telephone 668 4928 | Telephone 725-7488 -------- |1962 PONTIAC, -- 29--Wanted to Rent | |matching trim, brand new. top, every - ith ng power equipped. No down payment. | |MANAGER transferred to Oshawa, ners Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375. ji f i Immegiately three-bedroom house, | In HiRRYi HURRY! '57 Chevrolet two-door |good 'focation (or apartment) in Dehawe| 4 lor district, Call collect Toronto 249-4697.| i cylinder; also '56 Chevrolet convertible, | » automatic. Excellent condition, Apply THREE-BEDROOM required by Ww is Duggans, BA Station, Simcoe Street! clean, reliable GM employee; Oshawa North | dist a s 1 plant se ra-0970 t 1 to 15, Relerences.| igsy PLYMOUTH four-door sedan, six evi | inder, standard transmission, radio and) |URGENT -- Very reliable couple withinew tires, Good condition. Telephone! three school-age children, require three-| 725 1909 |bedroom home for August 1 possess mn | 1959" CHEVROLET station wagon, very | | Reference: H f 91 5 eferences avaliable. Telephone 728 | good shape, $695, Telephone Bowmanville! THREE-BEDROOM house or duplex, Osh. | 623 2578. awa, Bowmanville, Brooklin area, requir ~ li9 RD, . Wwo-dk ed. by Augus! 1 Reliable couple, four Neg pd sane "olin. Shine, a) children, General Motors employee. Call leoliect "742-3167 li%0 Park Road South, Apartment B05 | 9 |WANTED by August first, one. or two [is FONTIAC convertibie fn su at [bedroom apartment in Whitby by widow |Shone 778-6221 * and teenage daughter. Telephone 728-8579. | WANTED, board and room in quiet home,| jis, (ON TAC: in hospital area, by elderly lady, abstain-| er. Telephone 728-6927 |URGENTLY NEEDED jor larger. Immediate possession. In Whit.(1988 OLOSMOBILE two-door hardion, $60 by. or surrounding -district. Smal! chil-; down, $37 monthly with reasonable creaii, |dren Reasonable rent. Telephone 668-5007 \Gus. Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375. |\WANTED one-bedroom, _ furnished|1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 41,000 orig- apartment, private bath, by aduits,|inal miles. Telephone 728-3828 after 4 p.m. south end preferred. Telephone 723-9541. |1957 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, 6 cylinder, |TWO GENTLEMEN desire three-room|900d condition. $375. Apply 137 Harmony y |furnished apartment, occupancy August|Road North, Oshawa, 7. Telephone 728-4397 for \12 to eh Gy before 9.20 a.m. OF) 1959 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, |ROOM AND BOARD wanted for entie |speaker wheel discs, new tires, good con: 9 9 man, Oshawa area, in private home .Ref-|dition. Apply 246 Adelaide West after 4. Se nes let Write Box 440, Osh-/1962 "PONTIAC Parisienne -- convertible| red, white root. Fully equipped. No down! payment. Terms to suit. Gus Brown! |Motors Lid., 725-6568 1962 CHEVROLET V-8 automatic, power) jsteering and brakes, many extras, Bow-| manville 623-2656 | | | Gentieman. 1a7|Poo!_ Road South, Bay Ridges, Telephone | 1961 VALIANT two-door hardtop, big 6 jautomatic, radio, regal red, matching trim. Easy terms, Gus Brown Moiors Ltd, 725-6568. 1955 PONTIAC V-8, automatic, custom) |radio, five good tires. Average condition. ; for Oshawa convertible, red with| house good condition, four new Telephone 725-7507. 1948 PONTIAC, with '54 motor, In good sixcroom house | shape. Telephone, 723-7717 4 cyl inder, standard transmission, radio, rear |30---Automobile for Sale KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 |Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375 Cars bought ond sold | Liens pela ott 1956 CHRYSLER Windsor, good condition, fens pi ' also one wheel trailer with canvas cover Trade up or down and hitch, $60. Apply 864 King -- West Always. top quality 723-4928 1967 DODGE," Cylinder, automatic, our|CONVERTIBLE = Impala, new fires. Car In perfect ning conedi-|20000 original miles; tion. $250 or best offer. Cc be seen af (Drakes. - immaculate Clint's Texacy Station, Wentworth and Phone 725-2825 Codar Street, 728-5811 oF owner at 728-/1963 FORD, 6 cylinder, stick shift, 19,000 79, miles, 61,450, 114) King Seat, | 1962 CHEVROLET, convertible, red,| imatching interior. This car must be seen to be apprecisted. Easy terms. Gus '0 Chevrolet, power' steering throughout. Tele snow tires. | 1961 TRIUMPH Herald convertibie, $650 monthly, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. 728-6443 two-door, ? |'S6 GMC tandem truck; | 34--Automobile Repair | Telephone 723-5727. $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS i 4 Regular games pay double in 1%64 COMET. convertible, $400 down and 7 Nos, or less on ie eae ee ™PO'JACKPOTS NOS, 52 and.54 |1%61 CORVAIR, two-door , $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 ood "condition, s1tas, Telephone 123-7109 | PER FULL CARD IN 52 AND VOSAVUAOENY IC Osun: Seat Delle) BUS "S26 CONSOLATION Telephone 725-2386 PRIZE, $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES, EARLY BIRD GAME $50 in Door Prizes $1.00 ADMISSION RED BARN OSHAWA CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED _ OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes. Jackpot Nos, 50 and 56 JUBILEE PAVILION 3 door prizes $10 each drawn after early bird game NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 [LAZY H 'RIDING STAB & "= Saddle | horses to hire, hayrides arranged, horses boarded, Bloor and Townline South, Osh- 334 Ritson Rd. S, 723-3461 Open Evenings $1,450 or best offer, after 5. |1965 CORVAIR convertible, 110 auto- jmatic, radio, white walls, wire wheels, \discs, 4,000 miles Telephone 725-5029, 1964 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe 000 miles, radio, gas heater, A-1 condition. Telephone 725-7996 | 1958 MERCEDES BENZ 180 diesel, 40) |miles to gallon. Very good shape. Must sell, Telephone 723-2573. Best cash offer, Phone 728-2835 |32--Trucks for Sale GMC"s 1957 _halfton truck, 1947 Salon.) \four-speed. For information. Telephone 8 1963 GM _half-ton truck, 15,000 miles, owner. Telephone Hampton 263-26 963 GMC half-ton truck, 26,000 original miles, Telephone between 12 - § p.m. Mon day to Friday, 725-7922 '37 GAAC tandem '53. GMC stake truck. '57 Plymouth sedan. Good, used ol! furnace, Telephone} | 725-2156. '53 BUICK, A-) body; '3 Mercury half. |t6n_ with plywood camper box and stock tracks. Best offer. Telephone Brooklin | 655-4723 1956 GMC half-ton pick V4 rebuilt engine, body A-1, Whitby 668-2109 i5-Auiansbiinn Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save"' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 \WANTED "Cara tor | phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols, |LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wanl| cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid.| 200 Wentworth East, 725-118) OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking, Tires and parts for sale 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162 'Port Hobe Tybee | ite ate hese Pt ge Redi-Mix defeated co. Cars|Oshawa Legionnaires 10-2, in i | Cones Suhel ses use, oir the Bastara Qoiadie Bassbal gue game, jon Saturday, thus creating a Transmis-|tWO-way tie between these clubs, 1038 Simeoe/for first place honors, in the ifinal schedule standing. A sudden-death game, to de- |cide- first place, will be played ~--~l|here in Oshawa this Saturday, at Alexandra Park, at 2.30 p.m. Neil Pemberton pitched the TRANSMISSION _ specialists sions are our only business, North, Phone 728-7339. OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service 222 King Street West, 728-0817 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Red Dachshund, purebred, tattoo left. ear, Monday afternoon vicinity ' Evangeline Drive. Name "Buttons", Tele-/Win for Port Hope, with able |phone 725-0719. pe ang from his catcher Ted LOST -- Black and. white Boston terrier, Walker, George Hodgson, with a gne blue eye and one brown. Child's 'pet jtriple and two doubles, was. the ibig hitter for the winners with |Pemberton having a triple and Mike Wadely a single. For RESULTS Use TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 T. McKee having two of these a triple and a double. Dave Me- jKee hit a triple and -Terry Thompson a single. Pemberton struck out nine batters and walk- ed only one Terry McKee was the Oshawa! pitcher, with Denis Higgins as} jhis catcher. He was by Gary Allison in the 6th, | Pember-| ton gave up only four hits, with) Beat Oshawa Boys. 'Harry and the late Olive Suddard, and J, S$. McClivie, Visitors will be received Sunday, 2- 4 and 7? + 9 p.m, SUDDARD, Harold A, Suddenly at Magog, Quebec, on Monday July 26, 1965, Harold A, Suddard, in his 60th year, beloved husband of Jean Hobbs and dear father of Ray, June, Lynn| and Mrs. David Kelly (Barbara), son of brother of Mrs. Donald Crothers (Bea- trice), Mrs, William Clark (Doris), Mrs Bruce Murdoch (Lorraine), William, Henry, Frank, Ross, Bruce and Ted Sud dard, all of Oshawa, Mr. Suddard is rest. ing at Mcintosh Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, with service) in the chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Cor- inthian Lodge !OOF will 'hold a service in the funeral home Wednesday (this eve- ning) at i Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST _TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK, 723-2633 IN MEMORIAM \ HOLMES In loving memory of a dear husband, father. and grandfather, Norman J. Holmes, who passed away duly 28, 1963. Though your smile has gone forever, And your hand we cannot touch, We have so many memories Of you, Dad, we loved so much Always remembered by wife Hattie and amily, YURCHI In loving memory of a dear brother John Yurchi, who passed away July 28, 1964 God took him home, it was His But in our hearts we love him His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away, We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call. its own ~Sadly missed by sister, Margie. | will, still; YURCHI -- In memory of our brother, rene Yurchi, who passed away July 28, 64 The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have: lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you, brother, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within. our hearts concealed Always remembered by Vic, Marilyn and family, | CARD OF THANKS | relieved bers of the local Corps. Salvaiton Army, BRITTEN The family of the late Frederick J. Britten wish to express their sincere thanks to all their relatives, jheld at 2 p.m, }Church, friends and neighbors for the cards and |foral tributes and the kindness and sym | pathy shown during our bereavement.! Special thanks to Capt. Fraser and meny the palibearers and all who: assisted in any wey, --Mra. F, Britten and family, '\Earl Parry, MRS, ROBERT FRIEDRICH Following a month's sickness the death occurred July 27 at the Oshawa eneral Hospital of Olga Sophie Zitron, wife of. Rob- ert Friedrich, RR 4, Bowman- ville, She was in her 43rd year. A native of Latvia, the de- ceased came to Canada with her husband 13 years ago, They had lived in the Bowmanville area for 10 years, Mrs. Friedrich was a member of Grace utheran Church, Oshawa. Besides her husband, she 1s survived by a daughter, Veron ica and three sons, Charles, Walter and Ernest, The funeral service will be July 20 at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanville, Interment will be~in Bowmanville Ceme- tery. Rev, P, L, Fiess, pastor of Grace utheran Church, will conduct the service. GERALD WILLIAM GRAY Gerald William Gray of 205 Quebec st, died this morning in the Oshawa General Hospital after a month's illness, He was born Dec, 11, 1910, ~~ Tin Parry Sound the son of Mrs, Mary and the late Harry Gray, He married the former Marion Eileen MaclInally Oster, Dec. 8, 1939 in Toronto's Carleton Unit- ed Church, He came to Oshawa 22 years ago to work at, General Motors, He was employed in the shipping department. An adher- ent of St. Andrew's United The UAW member served 34 years during the Second World War as a sergeant-major at To- ronto's Stanley Barracks and in Brockville. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs, Jerry Burrows (Gail) of Oshawa; two sons, Gary and Glen of Oshawa; his mother who lives in ear oe two sisters, Mrs, L, Wat (Helen) of Scarboro and Mrs.} A, Seyffert (Betty) of Scarboro; and a brother, Harry of Scar- boro. Services will be held in the Armstrong Funeral Home Fri-) day at 2 p.m. and burial will be} in Mount Lawn Cemetery. A Masonic service under the auspices of Temple Masonic Lodge will be held at the funeral} home Thursday at 7:30 p.m FUNERAL OF MRS, EMILY MAJCHER High requiem mass was sung} this morning for Mrs. Emily Majcher of 301 Jarvis st. who died July 25 in Oshawa General Hospital. She was 67. Rey. John Zabka of Galt con- ducted the mass at 10 a.m, in St. Gregory's Church, 'The Arm- strong Funeral Home made the} arrangements, Pallbearers were cher, Joseph Puhky,; John Maj- John Bak, Real Lajoie. he was also a member! of the Temple Masonic Lodge. | John Krbyla and) inthian Lodge, IOOF No, 61, of Oshawa, UAWA, Local 222 and was a social member of the Ca- nadian Legion, He is survived by his wife; one son, Roy, of Oshawa; three daughters; Mrs, David Kelly (Barbara), Miss June Suddard BUILD A-POWER UNITS NEW DELHI (AP)---Canada is to help India set up its sec- ond and third nuclear power stations. Costing a total of $189,- 000,000, these are among the targets for India's fourth fives year plan, which starts in 1966, Sampler Pals By ALICE BROOKS : Among baby's many gifts, 'vou can be sure this sampler jwill be cherished above all. Baby and his best friend most appealing sampler and pic- jture for nursery. Easy stitchery. \Pattern 7277: transfer 10 x 18 jinches; 60 names, Thirty-five cents (coins) for leach pattern (no stamps, jplease) to- Alice. Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- leratt Dept., 60 Front st. w., /Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi- |dents add one cents sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, NAME ADDRESS, NEW! GIANT 1966 NEEDLE: CRAFT CATALOG stars. knit, crochet fashions! Hundreds imore designs embroidery, lafghans, quilts, toys, every- |thing! 3 free patterns printed jin Catalog, Send 25 cents. Send for "Decorate with {Needlecraft!"' 25 complete \patterns -- applique, pictures, pillows, more! Only 60 cents. Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- 16 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 4673 SIZES 14%4-24% 2 £24 Lat & x Zhe FF BEX =e UR) hey Neckline Choice By ANNE ADAMS Look twice -- then, choose the modest scoop or higher V neck for a casual that complements your busy life beautifully, Make it yours in checks, Printed Pattern 4673; Half Sizes 1444, 1644, 18%, 204, 224, 2414. Size 16% takes 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern, Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, BE ALERT to What's New! Send for excitement - packed Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog. 350 design views -- school, career, glamor styles. Plus coupon for free pattern -- choose it from complete patterns. 60 cents, Catalog. 50c.