Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1965, p. 27

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St dad ee a er ¢ ee " PP ODIS SLOPE RG ay 9 opengl RA Ry Mp dy iy te SA beh tsa tik ad! CR ek CEPR YL RES OE ' Riek Wh Wy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesey, July 28, 1965 2 see posters on display at the for action at $17,500. os styled in French Provincial is See this 17--Female Help Wonted Estote for Sele Estote for Sole Estate for Sele |20--Reol Estate for Sole Estate for Sele Estote for Sele , Your Best Move _ KEY PUNCH W. " Jones ( iU | DFE SCHOFIELD-AKER ae eS Se ee OPERATOR BOLAHOOD LTD, oraqon a te gas OS ag, aren od BROTHERS be 16 Smee &.§,| Osb | ees renews - Grou Company paid berets at ea ae Do uaan imcoe (OVER A QUARTER SDOTNE| 6p.m.to8:30p.in, rete ain * __ Aely sche, soe 723-1121 CENTURY OF SERVICE) TAYLOR AVE., |rsotana°aner 'em ia 177 Church Street GUELPH STREET ; RITSON & OLIVE REAL ESTATE SOUT ' |21--Farms for Sale .., CANADIAN Bowmanville -- 623-3393 $11,900.00 with REALTORS |. FIVE MINUTES TO A compact 4 oom bck bun 218 BUNDAS $7.6 ee : ~ AUTOMOTIVE | ye -- se yg en epeamee plage WHITSY ee Prick residence, pelties berte. tie eone '-- TRIM -- 623-3393 eg i end 668-8841 for this 6 room 14 stony fame Sires ond Bur Service, Only] WATCH FOR |Only $1850 Cash irc inca arm c) 8, Burton A 5 p , machinery, 6 ms ae | ienige tee and Dutt | Gleby ot 726-5128. or 725- AJAX been at In exellent condiion! \ ORTH EAST AREA THE SIGNS ices Pecaaie teen eel ee ae Ajox, Real Estote 398, $1,000 DOWN gnclosed to make it ideo! ond|Older 5 room brick home con- THAT SELL Deep Ravine Lots (git tmnt! ornate roraer, Bar Phone 942-4160 Columbus --- 7 room vaeog INCOME HOME $109, 'monthly includes In- sofe for children, Call now for|veniently situated for down- AND CALL p Perry, 965-724. D. W. MoQuey a oll conveniences, wry heated Oshowa Bivd., 114 stor terest, principol and toxes full porticulors, town -- shopping, ors "u" " Don't miss this opportunity [acre scenic | iat cai Tori, and gorage. Large hasas ahihy 4 rosin an Pasi' and your housing problems a floors, fireplace in » ving THE HOT LINE to end your house hunting |Lake Scugog, including | 18--Mele Help Wanted | '0t, apple trees and exce Co necend floor that hes been | ore over, This 3 bedroom : room: Listed et $12,900. pe jin 42h, Sutstonding [Ser rin ied, ond garage perder, Full $17/000, Hon nce in $80.00 monthly. one ees ' "i u. Saray tive 5%2% MORTGAGE 668-8826 1 these today, call 'miles from Oonowe, tor 000, 5 incides " ' POSTAL pisenlls + Cound ly $11,900, | tion Room, aluminum storms | 60 cutside of tieaits a ay o, ayqranae ae 576st37, horses or beet cate 1S cant store CLERKS aon 3 year dle brick with fom * og ro To, nepect al ond screen, TY. enters, rye poe obi x = Be rn fomily, This 5 room brick! the Perry Bick Broek rene natiee. provcorgltry Ne Ro. Cicer 728-0488, idaone phe the extra privacy you ety er ao ee me iy Bos peg how WiSEST WAY to. or Tin ", nie tits 6 anal cont rider aqude 82,0 06: 2 OWN 4 por Papier HEATHERWOOD gio Haft dhs ownage aioe pees enwik walank DRIVE REALTY LIMITED ican 'ser 'otagon fr a on nm, bedroom, 5 room bungslow Thi , OSHAWA, Ontario" | pon puny -- oli mo | eiyerrst 9 ata! ana | tom had ya ed ond ° Wer TOT. | cute tee ae | RSI eee For full particulors os to re- | storey home, 3 bedrooms, | 'ng must be seen. Call Allen | would a. baby. Custom Built | 111, LOOKING FOR Makes a charming setting for $21,500 with about $5000 | 48 Simcoe Street South | tor x 197 st $im00) lon 99" & sidence, qualification require- yan yl ge AE vind Jobouton ot 728-5123 or 725- for the owners, wit with many, PRIVACY ? this electrically heated 4 bed- " t. A fine resi- | $1500, Financed. with ments ond application forms, ton, clone $0 schioeia. Aulne 1381, many extras added, Priced Let us show you this graceful 4|f00m home, A large kitchen deotich stest = -- 1400 DOWN, sx-vear-ol, se tes ah ae phone 725-7887 swine BARBER WITH LICENCE For busy shop in Oshawa Commuters Farm---75 acres, 20 miles from Oshawa, 4 bed- room modern home, good farm buildings, Possible sec- ond income plus living on a 101 Simene Street North Open Every eine Member of O,D,R.E BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED ome but its owful close, WE HAVE THE KEY. JONES AND DOUGAN Vi. INCOME HOME IN landscaping. Priced at $13,900, e This 11 year old, 1% storey home has well established grounds and a work shop with 1500 sq. ft. is well set back from both street and home to Retiring WHITBY 11% STOREY NEAT White clapboard solidly built % '|Monty's Tha 4 Gibb Street and Phone 725-9131, MOVE OR WRECK -- Two houses, 27 Quebec Street. Apply Simcoe South, HARMONY -- Duplex, 14 rooms, iarge fo i ete ta he bear 725-6721 after 4.30 p.m. f National feng eal Ser- 0,000,.--- terms, IDEAL FAMILY HOME bedroom country --residence.|, 'pleasure to work in, There away from the grime and Cal braay, 05123 oF / vie and Post Office, ly Port Perry home site -- 60° Six large rooms in North end oorios Ore Venere BUY Built beck from the road on a\16 many attractive special- heat of the bustling indus- |7204s, 3" Boisnood Bros. 1 Sry enue Freed, rons < pefore AUGUST 12, 196! Hf on ey id f of Oshawa with ottched gor- TO-NIGHT large treed lot, Lovely 2 storeyitieg about this home that trial area of the city, This 3 [wi EIGHT aUNDRED. 7 Bedrooms, |iocation, 48 ft. % 367 ft bag ofp my the Civil Service Commission, | % 160%. quiet sires "s'300. | 998 on spocious lot. This is ; structure with attached goroge| sould be. seen. Call for an bedroom grey brick with lush |1¥2 storey aluminum siding, low taxes, oii wit bulid tor you to. Your 25 St, Clair Avenue East, cena @ two storey home and in on OSHAWA N.E. ps ren ey 3% miles appointment. Adin price is green grass ond shrubs on a [pea oe abi * ya d 724-7196, Joseph Realtor TORONTO 7, Ontario. is North Orhowo -- | YA storeys, sane gg Hg Rey By os Look at this two storey, three pubic p< le a aad edged | spacious cahoag tis -- os lsALLY SPECIAL -- Only, S100 wih hee SEF Feat way ear % Compet ete ome, finished rec- ' hi fi J neat. ao proper' wi y terms, three-bedroom Inge: a 4 7008. yeotien reorn, erage, double itty Aen pennant ot 728+ bay' cleawienen aa priest ne & GROCERY STORE WITH see both inside ond out. tow with recreation een Eset ond] Wieeon ced gt Tis Res lot, drilled well, Asking $15,- Located neor St, Gertrude's 1 HOME -- $14,900 Mony extra built In features, lnc ri7 Fpaepn? Bosse Realtor 128-| garry, Andely, 7208103. W. 0, "Martin WAITERS 000, -- terms, NEW LISTING Catholic Schoo! ond built pon flag Ag Ae ae Very Ideally situated, close| oodles of closets and all dap 137 senvicd semia i y st ears ago, The rooms r : ce ton to downtown In a good resi-| 8 O c just LISTHO! Desirable ares, Baldwin) doup), ene 100 acres high srenie i foaciows 9 room, Va eaey om ait' lo grit of cup- location only a short distance sential crea, All equipment] whistle, Yes this home ts like venues, close 30 publle and separate prada able ye ite gh R EQ U IR F D ing land wit creek and w Conteins & lotoe well dence. board space, forced air with from Oshawa, This is the place is included in the purchase] new but all the work is fin- |schools. Fiveroom brick, eungalow withicalt Mr, Wilks, 942611. PMMA pe 7 354000. ith ye oted bedrooms, lovely bright oil heating, ond the list to build that dream home, land price, Many extras: such as| ished ond you will have the | 728-5103. w. 0. Martin Realtor. : for Men's Beverage Room oo 4 wir r living room and dining room, price is just $18,300, is high and dry. Put your plans garage, paved drive, alumi-| benefit of the loving core |ViLLAGE LOCATION, three-apariment|23----Real Estate Wanted APPLY Lute Large kitchen with plen enty of into motion and call now. num storms 'and. screens.| over the post few yeors. The Poe ee er esas Keke Polen 50 ocres level lend with cu rd. spots. Loree, let ; Wen', Hl e See this thriving little busi- posi _ e, Fs le cat Realty Lid. b k, id road, tless acres with goroge pri ' Nothing to do here, The wor! ness to-nite and be your own lace a N F E D E D ceoeece tices | steer aan eae | fine Soaiteutte | Sam, mureat ne' | LAKE vista Anca | Soe Ein Sera tain (er eee Se ee Ii barn, lerms. © inspect co . an the end. result is a %4 / j- in stove and oven, Large living GENOSHA HOTEL | Seine 2580. terms, | Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or | bedroom split level home with | 3, bedroom bungalow close to! SMALL BUSINESS joy. If you have children the ody enelied rec, room, anacred! "Manny Vendors" - cabs 725-2217, panelled den that is sure to -- Fenced yard, ideal and OPPORTUNITY adjoining woods, creek and |Perege. Extra large et ony east, Ask lease, It's not an executive sofe for children, picturesque park will mo doubt appeal. |tor seen Parr. We hove to offer you, the people of Oshawa ond Die- trict, over "57 years of eceu- mulated experience' in the Real Estate Field. a oone ' | a ld aba ant N i i home in closed in location |iot, oll heated, monthly Income $165; For over six years we hove ue ee 7 " terms, M t Whitby Professional Bullding oa PART insure. privacy. A gn away | from "subdivision U schol ond | gu Guurehes. "Asking $13,700. diligenth ane succesefully . e cal| 668-884) | ick. home. ives ample room, Reasonable you like ividuality an jean SeaCAc mulden? gan howe Seibeererreninmiiig serv have @ 180 ocre Beef Form with Lovely _ brick , Ceramic on me eats look Quolity in @ family home, this |JOR'S SPECIAL -- Buliders' own home| proven sales record which re- required to drive vehicle to Sranaportation peld, Tele trout creek, born for 100 cattle, brick home, bathroom, oil heated, Corner farm |} REAL ESTATE H. MILLEN tiles and lots of cupboards in the hollywood kitchen, four nice sized bedrooms, 4 piece 'bath, over this investment CHOICE LOT 82' x 254' you must see. A full dining room, @ kitchen that the family can sit around in and bath rec room, _ built-in $18,900 wi with terms. picturesque Vv fot, echond bedrooms, spiit-level with three 'Joe Crewtord 723-102), lh uti NO veals thet "over 90% of our listings culminate In satisfoe- tory soles," ari a wane Yor deliver: ' | ji Fi m, le road frontage. Asking Hy @ double paved drive and attach- Joseph Bosco Realtor mw Priaers § ire, Sy lid ave $55,000. oe pb REAL ESTATE ed garoge, The grounds are 15 minutes from Oshowo-- es horas ig frei PRIVATE SALE. Three-bedroom bunge- Now Po 'a ire i, sang 4 rt lleanee, Apply 'Gord's Pickin 40 K St. E nicely landscoped and well car- close to a mew school -- Page sbhers a S liow with recreation room. Large land: properties Tor Se a= § y bet Ritson Rood Call 623-3393 0 King St. LTD. se) je D sy a -- surburban high school bua| the fourth bedroom In the -- |scaped lot, Call 723-8188, reason is simple --- WE'RE goorman and usher in lounge, 728-4678 9 BAGOT ST.--728-1679 oportment With lots of closets service --~ within a mile of bosement os well os a fine |fon SALE -- Gann camp (new), in SOLD OUT! Werk, suliebie Yer retired man, HOWARD FORDER : ill tore ---- only 40'| 'shed recreation room and a |midst of Crown. Land: 60 acres deeded.) If you ore --_- of selling nights week. Apply Manager NEAR ROSSLAND ROAD and 4 piece bath which rents Mig aiid 4 y fine forced air oil heating [Gunter alstrict, $3,800. Carman Mullett)! your home callus for an ex- Hotel Lancester, 27 King Street West, for $80.00 monthly. Priced at well water depth, Inquire to- tem Our broker listed thie, |Madece Ontario. Mec belli Bh cho aw After 9 p.m, 655-3853 WEST NORTH WEST $23,900, night for fall building. system. Our broker listed this. | Sanayg SPACIAL = Sinteom brick| ©°" SPP no you satisfied with Immaculote three bedroom © Attractive new 3 bedroom property and when it was home on Mary street North with three to yourself -- then sit back and watch us put our "57 ; ' i i 7 " ey ie ie hot ! brick home ideoly located | back split level large living For full particulers colt | Galt old it $0 0 Nebey fermly Ieee ane east "at tess] | oirs'o scares wot M05 Richelieu St, Bf. Henry, r pork, bus, schools ond room ond dining with valance Vil. THREE BE terms available to r . Gerry neor pork, ' ' DROOM years The original owner EE toh ig you, or subsequent! shopping.: Quiet north-west lighting, beautiful kitchen HOME ON LARGE me . Osborne 728-6724 Joseph Bosco Realtor q able ig ed Thr cored for this home like o | 72-7377. can moke your pd aipk ral 'married man, street, Asking only $16,400, Piet ared See Print a LOT : boby and every port of it WEAR GENERAL MOTORS south piert oble for rE ord pnt \ isi ss et Kalser a hand pr Real Estate Ltd. LOTS IN board space, Ceramic tiled 5 room 1¥%4 storey stucco home Open Dail a pd oth includ... |tisonsireen Svein. Cee Zee raion 1 M.L.S, sales parson Tioidote or Female 728-7576 weg bop pried age 3 A's Mn nines poe ag geen ea p ly grounds. Forgot to mention Bad! Ron Bt CALL Help Wanted Yering ¢ ams, tooturns fort ready for immediate occu- fixtures. This home Is very cleon|9 a.m. to 9 p.m. there is on extra 2 piece | pRiVATE, sieroom, INCOME HOME roe: close-in location, peney ney. oi) down, een and priced at only $11,000. , anil Fal pee A n a ni ie. house, natural, fireplace, double 'dase' sara, 728-6286 trol, 7. room 2 st all today ! or ee ® Margaret: Lee ' 10 down payment. 7 : SOCIAL eg AS gy A ny AVENUE Bill Johnston 728-1066 OSHAWA BLVD. N. Whitey: "Tnome home, three" bed S D HYMAN home CADILLAC McLAUGHLIN - VII. BODY SHOP Maible Boudreau . 728-2233 ly Ae rooms, lerge living room. large kitehe VU. WORKER gate ue a only SOUTH SCHOOL AREA : BUSINESS AND cd oh haf oo King ue ee Privete sale. $16,000 full Ai price. * Telephone REAL ESTATE . Allon jomnpson ° G. 668-2053, $3,000 gown. Immediate possession con be 3. bedroom .brick bungalow i tion and low toxes, 1 ROOMS yours on this four bedroom, with carport. This attractive tues HOME iiesk bedycahie | oe, Tareas privote drive, deep lot. Full |20e--Summer Properties LIMITED Preferable minimum qualifi- Income Abs with 2 separ. brick home which Is in excel- home hos a split level en- well equipped, The frame bun-| Irene B 725-3867 price $15,7 For Sale or Rent cations B.A, Training in s0- ote partments, stoves and lent condition, Asking $15,- trance, a large kitchen, full mii Nona loree Kitchen tiivl Alon Ret 723.1358 oven 3 ACRES, cial work desirable, Exper- | refrigerators included, At- | 200.00 Gnine roo, Wane iy ee Toa wes with fireclocs, f'gcod| Raa hac 725-020) HOME ond STREAM | NEED ience in Child Welfare would ped garage ond oil heat- INVESTMENT room, valance lighting, de- edb AP 4 SNe ai BII_M Fee 725-1726 Cochrane St, north of Ross- POW - WOW POINT - OLDER TYPE HOME: be on asset, Peplications ing, home in excellent condi- ROPERTIES owns indo g iy 317995 down, and 4 cine petecan si yea St. We ; land pial My oe Pagnin On Pen Lake--a yeor round Now I from men os well as women. Me asking only $17,800. Y lanascoped. Frice ' ith: col fixtures, Pri Ing: ot. Wes! ous ily @ with two resort in the heart of North- ? Interested In social work os TERAN 5 AVE. A six-plex in @ choice north- less $500.00 winter works tl on $521000. sii whiner bie Free, easy safe parking fireplaces, two bathrooms, ern Muskoka, A spacious site For Cash Buyer Call © coreer ore invited. Sclary ste pe for this 5/2 room weet fesation oe vena bonus. ° vans ne pe etna with acres of weodiend, wr on Simcoe St, North or a stor: r investment m t t | Serene Fraionng Od om: | 4, sierey Tamia only | Vem | with two cpartments ever or COMMERCIAL S. D Asking price $28,000, in| 'Trout and 'base' fishing, re- SILL, SORIA TEN j perience, Minimum salary old, down payment only $2;- f¥ build hath GA IX. SPLIT LEVEL HOME . . rout on as! 9, ! ' 300 cash to one mortgage, on. office building PROPERTY " pid and make your offer | creation facilities, free wat- for B.A, $4,400. Apply dir. Boe dais levall' Hobie teniant Simcoe St, in the downtown Ki Sigs Wait aoe In excellent condition situated er skiing. Luxury suites, lake- Schofield-Aker Ltd. actor of Childrens Ald agian m1 hed He on a lovely landscaped lot of 78 LOT ONLY $2800 NEAR low So- from Shopping Centre, large front motels, bungalows, per - ; INVESTMENT ing Centre, large | 100 x 214, Broadioom in. the Whitby. Build @ better home | person $56-$70. weekly with 728-1066 ty. ctiva: OPPORTUNITY e ity oo. pegs van a ront- pied room, Pi adopeerey os here with the money you save delicious meals, Finest foods, JACK HUGHES One yeor old Plaza with 19 one and moke arrange- : ; H ze > on your Not mony lke oven fresh baking, courteous el and 10 stores, ments to inspect this ranch- rooms, 2 bathrooms, attached Real Estate this so act quickly. pal For cae brochure, apartments large food store and bank 'on style home located on a beau- NEAR SOUTH G.M. garage ond mony more fine fea- Limited : SERVICED LOTS IN white Box 387, Huntsville -- Needs Resale Home P.O, BOX 321 o j i tiful 75 foot lot, Asking 5 room bungalow, six yeors tures, Priced at $16,900, Call Pi i grid Shown by pedo $27,000 old; recreation room finished now for full particulars, 323 KING STREET WEST Verda dace West GT hemes oF call 705-789-4901. IMMEDIATELY ly : In mahogany, First mortgage . .. |MODERN COTTAGES, ali conveniences. ment only WANTED: LISTINGS ! e age to 125' frontage for bet: Port or full th INDUSTRIAL SITE re ter closs executive homes, |booking. Write 781 Park "Street South a ree : r full time home. .Wi AT. . South Courtice, 31.6 ocres | MOY Whitt You' fees oie X, DELIGHTFUL 728-6286 Yeu fee wi be 0 fire. kn> | eran 728-5157 725-2338 Minimum age 25 have clients and cash walt- vestment here. LAKE SCUGOG lakefront cottage, five | MERCURY TAXI near 401 Hwy, Just off the | in Syd, Goodfellow 723-7335 NEIGHBOURHOOD | 9. yd, G Ww WHITBY 4 BEDROOM HOME _|rooms, inside finished, two plece bath, ° } 14 Avert Street serie MINIATURE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE | Lore"cong'" ap.nese FOR. THE CHILDREN LOT 60' x 115' SEPARATE SCHOOL "len son Gall tevin" Nest, ama Active Realty Ltd. \ 725-4771 DIAL 728-4678 hy Lovely 3 bedroom home with lew 0 Nearby, This is a lovely new | 986-4894, T. Murphy B 48 SIMCOE ST. S. GOLF COURSE Se Gee 723-9240 oil heating and eleven block] Giving you nfl iced brick home with all the lot-' |WiLLOW GLEN a Tole and J Caesarea, 18 hole course plus | Gord, Hawkshaw, Jock Osborne |_.John Kitchen __ 723-3788 | basement. Excellent condition,| the city----This lot Is priced to est improvements for better |cottages. Also 2nd. row lots with access | ASSISTANT driving nets and room for Bob Johnston, Joe Maga, carries for payments of $107 sell, Call tonight for further living. You will enjoy living to water, Three nie preg vortt ot SELLING? ; COOK expansion, Flood Lite for Dick Barriage A D V A N C f including the taxes, Immediate} Particulars, in this areo of better homes [ton " CALL ¥ evening recreation, -- small possession moy be arranged. ind the pri See nae-vr ar TVET Sap CO OREE PSP ESET OE PUPA i Member of 0.0.R.E.B, BRAEMOR GARDENS a price under $20,000, |CAND O'LAK®S, Kennebec lakefront lots, 728- bullding for Pro Shoppe, Full vember © ie icctin $2400 down, Call now for full hae ae split. level-- will surprise you, Call us to- slang ® miles north-eest Meee: 8 7576 day before it is too late, oil hese $6,100 for every- Arden, 335-5673. SIBBY'S fully decorated --- complete with all the extras; including COACH" HOUSE N 0 T | é F particulars. . COTTAGES TO pe iat sg Cot. $14,995 RESTAURANT Buying or Selling call 728 $12,900 WITH ta REAL ESTATE LTD } ¥4 ' ges, 2-bedroom rent in le CALL 668-4592 en a FULL PRICE New. $500. ; XI. VILLAGE OF pond ye gee double | ly $2000 down on clean Private beach, a wen Al attractions. EXPERIENCED poison race.» le N N.H A e Gov't. Bonus NEWCASTLE stainless steel sink, vanity, god eneti this progres- |Call Wasaga Beach 429-2646, STOP! DON'T... } Lake Viste way Salon, 180 Weeker| COME, ,, See. Commons ew WN.FLA, Guaranteed to Older frame hone on @ large| coloured fixtures, front and bi rol -- fant HALIBURTON iakeiront two "er thrge| Do it. yourself, Let us help i '- ottages ir. rent lv in Beal WASSINGER | DETACHED | «, SexcPathomt. | mcielitriil'on.9 eit) Sie'euatetatm's, | (2 wey gmat aumento S| fun ar TaPaNWNCGe eal ak te) mn Of a New Consolidated Beautifully landscaped grounds.| appointment to Inspect. eniey the recregtion room too, wo "798.9466 { nsen. re a Be $895, Down, 3 and 4 bed: Home at Dover-By- This home must be seen. Priced] leny extros here for your aay <r jage for rent, OSHAWA q east evenings 9 to 10 HOMES room solid. brick bungalows The-Ba at only $14,900. $2,000. DOWN money and only 6% Interest 'liocated on. pictur Davis Latte, maser am ee I and split-levels, with genuine ; y : } Beautiful five room home On your TABLE WH miles north of Oshawa, Completely REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. 20--Real Estate for Sale | IN BEAUTIFUL stone fronts, One ond two ® CHOICE NEW LOTS w close to. downtown, school DESIRABLE WHITBY iin. ere ereneees seen 25 Bond West LOCATION WITH SCHOOLS allotted Being for next and transportation, Garage NEW HOMES ON 4 , ; bathrooms, carports and gar- - ens, ages, storms and screens, von- | phase of Toronto's most suc- | XII. ond private drive, Full price | nearby. This three bedroom 7 [tages cabins, mein fodge, boats, shutfin OLDER HOMES ALL ELECTRIC ities, paved rood, curbs, cessful new home area, WALNUT STREET only $14,500.00, Phone for ye ae brick bungalow |poard, swimming, golt, American plan. REQUIRED ! sidewa e@ SELECT NOW We have new homes just being] information on this excep- rontage lot com- | Reasonable r r , PHONE 942-2561 Get first choice of Lake View, lated in the preferred] tonal BUY: pletely fenced is a must for ~ EAMPBELLFORD AT CROW BAY -- ph e 7 | V a @ New 3 bedroom brick ILLER & IMRIE Bay View and Premium Ra- South East area, These homes} « " Ou to see. Extras are many lio. and three-bedroom cottages, electric Cc MILL vine locations at today's low- bl a 7 TRADE YOUR HOME re with patio, tiled base- refrigerators, flush tollets, gas stoves, REALTY LTD. are 3 and 4 bedrooms, gar- ages, and mony more attractive features. You may have your choice of colour schemes, tiles ment floor and painted walls for cleaner living. The sur- prise here Is the toxes are lower thon $300. Full price good ash ilg fe Lae store, boats. VALLEY with eny community in Osh- | ' dwellings semi-detach- ed, located in East end of Oshawa. ~ Two storey homes and bun- alows available for trade, Zompletely -broadioomed ond Real Estate Limited URGENTLY REQUIRED er prices, @ SAVE 'TO $3,000, Puls your $500, bonus on cur- SOUTH LAKE coo Minden, Ontario, 728-5157 Haliburton's family resort, Heated cabin/CLEAN three-bedroom Sungei 4 accommodation, Private bathrooms) Stree Vista area, ests Bros. Yeo, fitted with storms and : awa... and we are confid- 23 rent home values; Seven new fixct rT] @ NOW.UNDER 7 thot Dollar for Dollar you -- Natur emenne detached styles, Four bed- lig rere T sae A peed eT' Pad -- edie ue cate ana mnenee eat 'ladies ony gg hacancies [sinensis will get rooms plus family room, Two s . Move fi in i f t 21, Red ine ere A CONSTRUCTION split levala, 2 storeys, What | [orm ra Renee cod'oven | rig office tonight. 3 BEDROOM HOME Scar Aupusti al, eae Canes "s"/24--Stores, Offices, Storage More Va lue sae id In centre of elty with trees, |gaptisre LAKE -- Two- and For only $1,126, down, three-bed- A $ f room cottages for rent, July 3) to August a, Inside conveniences, Evenings 6 to 8, 1 728-0926. ELECTRICALLY HEATED | goroge ond extra storage space. This Church St. pro- 'perty Is situated In location FOR RENT For free valuotions call DON STRADESKI Call 723-112°. for full ticulars, Open daily fre par- FULL DOWN Phone right now for Home with 3 bedrooms ond family room,. four piece bath- information PAYMENT For Your Money niet. Estate 942-3442 or 364-3115 9 am.to 9 pm,| formly, room, fous lace bath~ | 'party is situated in leeation |Canoe coMmeEm ta ame! Modern Store SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY * 63 King Street West . After hours washroom downstairs adjoin- commercial purposes, Full [heat boat supplied, with good fishing, : A | 723-4651 V Walter Mittler 228-7083| ing family room and attached price $15,000, safe swimming for children, Avaliente} immediate possession ut $1558.75 'SCHOFIELD-AKER |---- ---- Edith Gifford 728-0768| 99r09e. ' 4 BEDROOMG. $15°900. BUCKHORN LAKE = 133 bearcon-ext| 79 Simcoe St. North : Bae ey BY-THE-BAY ped aon 7382954 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE On quiet street 'with' clean [beat docking, siore ond conven rai fas, ex.| 900 square feet floor space. FULL PRICE : ; cob A le Ase LIMITED tastefully decorated: rooms, {cellent fishing, sandy bein. witiess| Good business alec, 360 King Street. West Consolidated Building Corp, Eleanor deJor 28-2949 neat trim landscaping includ- | 4-832. = Sh RE na pteteie ordre: |Hiooe RT ace age] ALL SURVEY eve ng ert . * plete wi over lems. rniture, . $14,500 A GOOD PLACE | Full Down Payment TO SELL Ross Bell 723-7623] _ After Hours Call: Si sect, Mill be plecsed |recis and equipment; on large T00 toot] Real Estate LTD, | 10 rela ocp | DETACHED H Jock Grehom 725-9947) Bconer™"-- gapctons | Sarat exie,here for the eta care re] > Comoe te Sat Per further informetion. call F RES F RUITS Doug Trivett 723.7390 | Jc sree 7383778 Pree rons hae. Make levs, serae and laundry ream. Dest Sec. 728-7551 : ee or ria and George Nymoyer 728-4241) L, Hall 728-5513 pial aD el AS ase tage covered wih lumina Blaine. Sel SMALL STORE or orice for rent, very JOSEPH with genuine stone fronts, V TA L -- oil ead Ns ea gig Ee SA as ae Sse te psd li sc A ;|gentral, location: 4 Prince treat Tele from $14,995, 1 and 2 bath- EGE B ES Dick Young 723-7183|---- : GARAGE -- type building, commercial ' This older style insul brick |WEST LAKE -- Housekeeping cotia a ane B @) S 9 0 } ) rooms, carports and garages, ELECTRICALLY HEATED With "lorge " kitehar_ | fer rents Sete, sendy beach, gost plcteret |even',cgrm, Sinest: Win, emice Saas storms ond screens, vanities, USE THE Ten new homes by Lysk Con- We list exclusive and Photo Nq jbass and pike fishing, R. McKnight, tele- M phone 725-8758. vets would make good roomii paved roads, curbs, side- »L.3, i i 18,150. 'central, REAL ESTATE if n walks MA RK FT Member of O.D.RE.B. SINC NTL. feeueing kasated house or family home, Situat- |corraae FOR RENT -- Aigui, Tree es 'nregeak, "Real PRONE 942-2561 in Kingemere Boers location for shopping with low |!8rge living réom, fireplace, sendy beach, : i boat supplie elepl J 728 - 7377 STEVENSON RD. N, MILLIE & IMRIE | i ASKET GUIDE REALTY _ REAL ESTATE LIMITED Wn age eo ge RILCERUST 'resort, "Sala, "housekeeping | 24--Stores, Offices, Storage AnD annapous | REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTORS 728-6286 $4000 down. Bele 7eh9%00 Box 39 Beles "| (Continued on Page 16) LIMITED, --_ ee : a = st . : . Soe

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