"eg lel lag Se pe Gol NE Bal ag Phe tg SPS ore ~~ " 7 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Juty 8, 1960 "Times Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Investment" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 1 : B--Articles For Sole __|13---Articles for Rent BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Sretes, "u"] acyais | raras d, Perry Coaster 17--F Ww. Los HI5 chein quer REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- col. Help lanted WELTERWEIGHT ones Pha WE gas brazed | massaging belts, rowing mo- ¢ CHAMPIONSHIP From $34.95 U chines, bike seervieee = all i Accountants Barristers Gardening ond Supplies {|Rug-Upholstery Service f ANE PIRSA IME, p pA: par rhonth Ce, (3 R LS CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and ve ? HE DEFENDED ALBERT WOSMAR, chartered Aceount-|NUMPHREYS, BOYCHYM, ond HILL : = 0 S cleaning rods, pipe vise tri« ad rence Site sen eae © Conve, Breetihaal Goower" a0 » imphrers eget OD spe hee pg AN, wg 'olt G wate é LAWN M WER pope wrenches, pipe eu Qc; G, Boychyn; W. iNiman, ble end ' fers, pipe threading dies, "a we hare LLB J, Fy Humphrey BA, tis' Office; 5 0 CRATER, MAY BE Light, dependable and power pel 7a fered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- 125-4604; BEC, CANADA ful, Adjustable cutting height et auger, tng 1 Brest East, Oshawe, "on UT, Tita, S510 WHA ond Lidia Collvdiods. Coles Seles ef Service Fn warsnen aname irom 1" $0.37, Choos yi PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- | LOOKING FOR AN torlo, 725-9808) 5, 7. Hopkins, CA; H. A. other first mortgage funds avaliable. ge 0 ings, curtains, conopies, OMS OF { steplodders, aluminum exten- Beadle, CA) E. Lukow, CA, Cedor Hedges, Patios Laid complete service, Free estimates, Mel, ed hondle, j INTERESTING J 'oe 7 €.|Building Trode hd Bollvered, Selineke 728-1999 anytime, SOUD GRAN: F $39.95 U sion ladders, ladder jacks, G JOB? ANDER 0 ilding Trades o ered, rom ' p stel scoffolding, compressors, ; 'ne Street fees in Bankruptcy, North, Oshawa, 728-7371, pr F uate] GENERAL REPAIRS H terproofed drill, VILDER'S EQUIPMENT --~ fag pod "David @, Perk porn. | aN a King Roofing, Painting, Siding, 4 DOWEVAN 7 AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario picid to aa Ginsod cement EQUIPMENT tro» an' ocak: Floor and Ceiling Tiles, t, Boe, Aa Tapa: at sc Wt" Onlarlo Siréet, 72636. blue "prints, j with storm flop, dutch door wels, wheel barrows, electric OPERATING il ond BURROWS, Charierea pling be gem ph ony FENCING 0 OR TS pr pry with awning vibrator, air compressor, jack Accountonts, 14 King Street Bast, Cah! el-ing, wi fh r . Septic | Service Pie op bey . From $39.95 Up hammers, hand trowels, water Offers a real opportunity, vou Db, on CA; @ a lvane fare oe, Tero CA, 728-7554, H, McKOY 725-8576 til pe call gle ay nite SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompl service aighh SIGHS ANCESTORS LACK pumps, portable heaters, steel ore trained for imabetont TEOWAWG DAMea-e ROOK: ' ' fs) Accoment, ® Suite 28M Sonewe Shopping THE lytic ond galvanized after West, Whitby 4682869, ae nN) rent inte ee 7 DOMINION protean fg nbs gorereter, -- ° 7 Contre, 725-9953, weave chain link, Fencing for "| MURNPIKE BETWEEN 7 , hammers, masonry saw, build- , BOB CLANCY'S Accomniing Service| R. H. CABINET CO. longer maintenance ree TV--Radio Repairs = PHILADELPHIA AND Agi, TIRE STORE ing jacks, mortar mixers, | * Poid while training bookk: service, costs. ou an ns ed, sf RY Street West » T8007, Res, 723-7605. 182 THICKSON RD. N. Nerceand" Landscaping 725- toueMAL DAYS» meter bea sain hole, * Regulor Raises, «get Cea igen rata, WP Band Sr 728-0232 Rah RO ee a TV TOWERS = ; 48 Bond St. West paulins, sand blaster, power * Opportunities for advance. a oy Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Telephone 725-6511 post hole auger, oscillating ment, Custom built cabinets, GUARANTEED ECONOMY AND | en ==" sanders, disc sanders, belt Barristers CEDAR TREES DELUXE 6--Marine Equipment 8--Articles For Sale FREE sanders, floor sanders, acety- * Grode XI or better pre- MeGIBBON AND BASTEDO, Bs Barrisfors, 'IEAVESTROUGHING| GREEN AND BUSHY FOR Priced to suit your budget, arine Equipr gf _|§ = --~~| Have your furnace cleaned lene welding outfits, 200 ferred, Solicitors. Mortgages ranged, Nati HEDGES ETC, -- FREE ES- TERMS ARRANGED Janssen' s Power FREE this summer ond guar- amp electric welders, Trust Suliding, 33 Simeon "Bree. beh PRIVATE TIMATES, QUANTITY OF NEW BOAT E t Cent anteed trouble-free all winter, S + A N / S agar F. Bosiodo, Gcy Oran ne Arm: NEW OR REPAIRS POSTS AND POLES, quipment, Centre if you purchase the best oil APPLY NOW ee. SMITH'S TREE FARM OSHAWA | V Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- from Western Oil Co,--Call Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, Ferguson Riding Tractors, todo' CALL THAMES, DONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- Newtonville --~ 'Call Collect vs 223 King St, W., Oshawa rister_and Solicitor and HANS SCHOLTEN 786-2283. SUPPLY LIMITED Service on all power equips 725-1212 i 4 THE BELL Sacn Buena. ro. einen Porting. wat 725-9420 After 5:30 : 361 GIBBONS ST, CLEARANCE ment, Licensed mechanic on | nguinay" GALS Furatuire nd Api PHONE 723-3224 N. brands at highest di TAinine -- ft ole, 725-4716 a aa ROOFING, conerete floors, flat roofing, CITY WIDE 128- 8180 843 King West _728 9429 anywhere, We poled Restonte end % Hd PMstload Tornit" caaemecunare TELEPHONE QUALITY Rae STRY . 'MAPLE LEAF" ie Lables TROLLOPE, Ontario Land p , TENTS sta, Bow che, TELEPHONE se ong '11 Service Birvayrs, 13 Elgin Street East, Phone propane tore! EREIGHTON, SRYRAR, MURDOCI our specialty, New work and repairs SHARPENING F - eh hated firess furniture ti Y HY VICTOR, Barristers, 'Solicitors, Noteries, Larg 1 Iobe,, Land H. Rooting 14 ft, Fibreglass WRITERS, "saaing machines And|iteq GE dealer, Contact' vionter Cate oil feeittign Wen slehon king. Reever: ANY ink of Commerce Buliding, 5 tyres ion, RR 3, REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS ' ila A time clocks, new and rebuilt, One year ir ae cane Cal's 6 By bar Kitchen, parking, Ree Be m Tea He 4 end' Construction, E le) lights, |guarantee, "Outstanding good "buys, Yen.|'24 King Street West, 728-9191 a Hes, 728-6315. COMP N WM gence: G._k:| FINISHING CauPERTER. oo Ki-| Sharpening and Repairs, Windshield, steering, rranding | 9 Sorsite, | SRIDORATONN" MOTOREVKIG Now| CHAIRE cord Ei Kain goemten C1 , bores ate cabinets, vanities, bar cablnets,| Shears, scissors, knives, Quick HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED cleats, chocks, Wi Geek ware land Geek, Na doce aan Open til" [aisle runners, 'C 4 at OF CANADA 78-0554; G. L. ec, a; J, C.. Victor, 985-7115.|rec, rooms, Phone 723-4145. No answer, service. Pick-up and delivery, TV TOWERS Reg. $795, VAGuUM nay aittnbar p.m, Ken's Appliances and Sports, 153|/Simeoe Street North, Call 723-2414. certenaes Screens, tcl SHARPENING BY MACHINES ARE THE BEST! NOW $595 brushes, etc, Plekcups delivery," 94non's, simave Clrear Fevily, Tedael |; 'Spon ns WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Salleivor,| ALL TYPES bullding rooting repel J JOSEPH a, ean kien Street |remodeling, chimneys, sain repaired,| 248 Quebec St., 1 125- 0500 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Piewering nw" bbe ebliagsd machine, typewrliers, cashiers, Kid Rentalne 108 Bentrice, PAB aus" EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Money to et U hiditiud MTT ° -~ © 4 East, PMs 728-8232, sidewalk oe on jo reperre. yRee TO TRIM? Call Slim. OF I'll cul y duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, * 4 BRIDGESTON: "Over 200 jies 8 14--Busin 6 King E, 668-277. ' chairs, We buy, sell, it les Gaeee AND KELLY, fers, Solici- cali jow' mi » 7251) r vy , fent, service and biog wen tte ine 'greet asi Dial EXPERT P PAVING the. 64 an ee 14 ft, as above |Renee Rah mcamnatare peseler oF svele, If Lage wilh budget terme. New and uked -- Opportunities man, Residence "phones: J. M, Greer, /grading and fill, two- aid and loam, nursery sod, | With sleeper seats, | Street South, 7256611 Open 'til 9 p.m, Low, low prices, Bill Hamilton, Raglan 'and 9-12 am, -- 164 om, wen) Terence Y. Kets Kelly, BA, BCL,! oar Paving, 723-5841 4 ravel, stone and top soll, Telephone BEAUTIFUL baby grand piano, $1,500, J om, Fs Thomas Hs Jermyn,' BA, ULB, ¥OUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. ch er. Chime in| 925.5064 Sed TELEVISION NOW $695 tr? aga ene Sl bBo gn sre ciel panmmand , sleciric organ ROCERY aby ee a gg A a BA PRWATE -- = Tree to cul or trim? For! Corner Sond and Division writer, 6 cirie typewriter, cash regi: stalks nateliea): reote repaired, Pree cettmeres. ind service call Francis, Free 728- 3-514 43 Nore $65. Russian typewriter, 723-4434, | OIL FURNACE "Coleman" and 400 gallon Classified Rates 5a WOOP Na; chiral Sonimate. 728-0995, Bee ee Le Available with top, side cure /AMANA STOR-MOR freezer and reirig-|9ll, 1ank- Both In good condition STORE inst ile repkeuaecrend tains and rear mooring cov- erator, and a. Doop-treete range, four- ianoaine rners, plus Coranda washing machine NS IN BEDDING -- § th top WORD ADS | 655-3061, nstruction TELEVISION - RADIO er, 4 pd r ma an's opportunity! Best cash| mattresses, $26) bunk beds, stmealt lop BROCK STREET FOR JEWELLERY Cash) Insertion 24 words $1.08 ace RI KINDS of carpentry: kitchen cup 24 HOUR. SERVICE Onl $175 extra offer takes all! 725-0543, tal beds, $29; spring filled mattresses, Slaitionel "words. The each 3 core rec rooms, remodelling, Cor Aay, OSHAWA y OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, poriralls,|$\42,foam pillows, 99, Wilson Furniture, secutive Insertions of 24 words $2.88 tne Somervili sirechy 718-9308 DRIVING SCHOOL figure work, custom. pleture' framing, |20 church Street HEART OF DOWNTOWN & GIFTWARE soon Sores oF ees se \waw PLASTERING and repeirs, stucco, HOL 14. C tl Clark. Studio, evenings and weekends,|BUYING OR SELLING urnilure or ap WHITBY ve RK 4 ft. Crestliner 668-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby piiances, Call Elmer, Hampton 2642294 or! "This is one of the older Experience preferred, Reply Gddltiens! 'wards lee cath. | sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. Free) 10 years teaching driving jestimates, A, C, Woods, 728342 or! gutomatic and standard cars Aluminum, windshield, lights | TWO REFRIGERATORS, one Moffat ana | 202265. businesses of the town serving Charge 10 per: cent additional | 728-4717, Professional instructors. and steering jone deep freeze, $90 each; oll. heater, WEDDING DRESS, size 16, pols de sole, id tiest d in writing, stoting oge end charoe W not paid within 8 days. custom + remodelling, ceiling and floor 28-0091 R $825 |$65) RCA 21" TV, $65, Telephone 728-1483,| $40; bridesmaid's dress and hat to mateh,| @roceries an rst grace Method of counting -- Less than 2 /tiles, recrooms, siding, additions, a 728-00 eg ' KITEHEN fable with four chairs, chrome, |*lz@ 12 $20, White bookcase double bed) meats, Equipment and bus- qualifications te words counts as 24 words; each were. |rages, cupboards. General repairs. ry ANYWHERE -- For prompt service N $599 one wardrobe; also living and dining room| ith spring and matching dresser, $35) iness to be sold for small initial, figure or abbreviation counts work guaranteed, Call 728-348, C. ene ow drapes. Phone 728-5674, 'wo odd dressers, $12 oach, Hoover vae! 4 Satisfeet 4s one words phone number counts | johnson WHITEY ORIVING he Call = uum cleaner, three months old, $30. own poyment, istoctory Box 138 twe words. controlled cars. Personal, courteous serv- 668- 5679 COMPLETE set of beauty shop equip-|@ Forest Road, Ajax, Telephone 942-0003| lease arranged to prospective P ice, fully | licensed and insured, 648 6176, | A ba RIO ment, dryers, chairs, mirrors, basin ete,,|after 6, BIRTHS ~ DEATHS -- Cartage 15 ft. Fibreglass ate ridiculously low price. See Mr, Rosen buyer, OSHAWA TIMES Fe nnn nen a--neenm--e |FUTOR, experienced, Grades 12 HP ELTO, $89; ] " SOCIAL NOTICES Storage and Cartage.|oreference in English, Latin, pe at 33 King Street Bast between 9 and 6.1099" aise fishing PP yl sores. OPEN TO OFFERS 3 tes, al Insured. Call for Grades 9 and 10. Call Sleeper seots, $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents ad: ra' '907 and French for Grades 9 an U |PURNITURE -~ three rooms, new qual:|16 Bond Street West, 728-440] 'oday! ditional charges if not paid within 8|728-3661 TH 144, ° 0 Reg, $1095, Ya turniture, only $299) Inc. completel so HmAVY DUTY Frigidaire slave" High Call us today! COMMERCIAL days. [WILCOX CARYAGE -- Moving end. ear Peg a ag eee ree em Kitchen ensembles. chair) single bedi large crib Ann good| Bill Lundmark 668-5497 i] 7 al menis and yards ¢ jPa only whiy in able value age; also base! anitor Service WwW 12 Yeor's Experience WwW for $895 |Rarons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe condition, Apply 202 Cromwell. Avenue in Tim Vipond 668. 8562 WRITER IN MEMORIAMS Call TENG, | Open for contracts, ATTENTION HOUsEWIVEAT Fac) All Work G shea "ef ste $2.00 for the first 35 words 'ast, econ: ork Guorantee | South wae E |FLOOR COVERING clearance of discon-| \9 'Market Basket and nh thereafter, pi 2c per line | 1 inn rvic omical ceiling wail cleaning done by Pomme ach, thereat plus vie per I | 'at leaning Servi 5 modern machine. Free estimates. - R 723 is 752] 7 ft, Fibreglass incad pehecne rrencagarence ot diveen-| ints BOWMAN It Pye ore A ond have within days. guaranteed, 728-7736 R \ture, 20 Church Street, ! OSHAWA Money To Loan § RON BRIGHTLING ¢ | Top, side curtains, mooring iTHRER ROOMS of furniture $990.30, No JANSSEN!S like to put your creative tale yyy hide COUNTRY DRIVE-IN & | N ents to work, c I t 4 $) hi i Was feet * words and sc | CLEANERS PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? I) you have 9AM. -- 9 P.M, ithe op pied lew talking Wert eesiy £ FRUIT MARKET ° each thereatter, 25c additional | Rug and Upholstery Clean- good credit, I'll lend you up to $5,000 to) ~~ a os Reg, $1,795 |PORMAL wedding gown chantilly lace Contact onal not Solas ratthin 8 days. | i ; wean pou ing. At our plont or in your se a Serta Soin Poe FAST TW. SERVICE for $1,395 [preterit sae 12-14, $80 or best offer : Aopen Deily a oy ap anal Mr, Evans Ne ad daviet , to $2.10 per ing inh ian $1.90 for the | CALL 725-9961 Witt Loan'. ES Service Call only $2.50 | WATTERY heavy duty fo sult Corveir Se roc OSHAWA first 20 words and S each thereafter, $a BRUCK STREET TWILL LOAN you up Yo 65/000 at 9 re DOMINION GOLL WING JOHNSTON ite. two. 650 X 19. whitewall-tires, Call 843 King West 728 WHITBY (Word Aas your bills or ter any other weet TELEVISION BOAT ----- top, side curtains, P0460. ue Baa siacas New" NO 1 Ontario potatoes, . Tel h 723-3415 s - | " ph conn INSERTION Dentistry bloved. and' have" good credit. Telephone| 7 | mooring cover, sleeper. seats, | ery ble, Good Call ev a *brooklin ann, eos elepnone for an appointment 92:10 PER SIALEK, OR. 6.8) Dental" Surgeon, | 720-4631. 28-5154 9 a.m. to9 p.m. | Reg. $1,995. Please apply 62 Grandview South 725» "a, BULIGIOUS"Montmarency -cherlesBIck 668-5823 eee tase cael ll ¢. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For | All |_work uaranteed MOFFAT deluxe gas dryer, with four fab- r tal * EEE 'i ee DEADLINES appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-844), Mortgages |--- tl for $] Roh) rig controls, nearly haw, Take over pay: [ton, Ne Neweastien oiedanies ne alae EXCELLENT wo! nee - HOUSE [Tass 10. BOF erreny, THOME SLC WERENT Tar BRINE ee OWNER 5 pm. DAY PREVIOUS Drapery Service MORTGAGE - CLEANING TIME QUANTITIES LIMITED baie And wituea ier wae ~ piesa PH nash hte 8 raspberries RETIRING OPPORTUNITY yam dey "a pubheation Drapery Track Installation T.V, CLEANING TIME ACT FAST ! for quick sale, $125 the two, Phone any: time 723-5772, 10. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Free estimates & Consultation LOANS by |WASHING MACHINE, General" Rleciric Farmer's | Column WHITBY For Hair Stylist 1 | 9 a.m. day of publication 10 Years' Experience Term, 10; |with pump, excellent condition, $45) 30/OBAD and crippled farm stock pleked VARIETY STORE "4 Money for first mortgages € SMITH SP R promptly, Margwill Fur relly T CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Head installer for one of Tor if wee TELEVISION jBal, Not water: Nebtare "ate (hetmosiene lronen Telentone Collect "Hamnien|. Only $8,000 dewn for store, To be featured in @ small 7 Open Mortgages ipme: column = 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- onto's largest drapery houses. in | ss fibregla ket, $20; Va HP single phase| 262-2721. Licence 989-C-65, stock o t ell exclusive Solon, Central -lo- int or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous ERIC FLOWERS Interest at 7% | t 728 5143 353 KING WEST Reco nine" Nevers motor with "pulleys | R SALE. in j ng oa " hid t in Osh 1010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. No Benus | M107, igh" chairs 43." Phone 720-884? {HAY Fo x Le Siena '8 or in bales.) established business, You can cation in awa, Guorantee N ¥ ¢ one ro in after am. j SCONGELLNTIGN® AND After 5 p.m, phone 668-3734 No charge for valuations TV SERVICE 728-7341 REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, aparte| <--> -- ooo ee ore from the very and coramission, 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION Mortgages and Agreements DAY OR EVENING jment size, $50, Telephone 728-6956, 11----Pets and osca ret Gay purchased | 2s ° |GEDARSTRIP Nipigon beet for sale) Gems sed tur mo - Ph Whi BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ rts tnt a dealin | 728-5286 |Good condition, 725-5173. 1 nell and exchange Used furni-|BOODLES, black, males, needies and . 45 ACRES one itby |ORESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies'| Money for second mortgages [EAR BOX TRAILER Wood consiruclion|Traving Port Store, 44d "Semcae"siccty |PAPers. registered, six weeks old, $100 First. time offered for sale, While every endeavor will be made |wear. High quality | work. Call Agnes Fost service | OSHAWA Jon steel frame, Good condition, 655-3706 | South, 723-1671, 3g Lupin" Orive, Whitey or telephone Comer Alex end Ne, 2 High: 668-2377 to forward replies to box numbers to | Oressmaking, 668-8463, M. F. SWARTZ after 6 P.M the advertisers as soon as possible -- vagy wz -wowmnie |1962 MOTORCYCLE, 650 BFA, Call atler ready tor way, La front No, She taning nleet ores [tnationya gydoor gies] 26 King St, East | cine em ome jay, MERU ut ama ey ant Wh PEAMTIF Sy, ai Highway olsen Horwood oss «oor jal | s 2ofur vs luriny u * U J through einer tel @ oF delay In for. | jspecialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Oshawa, Ontario lone Su RRWREL OR ey, [bull Call K. H,Stephenson, Orono 312. ee eRIGERATOR, McClane ii wasle eee y waney corms Worsea"Garman| AV¥@ North, offers wonderful T 0 YS~ warding such replies, however caused | | Far anett «8180. re |i7". BOOT MAHOGANY runabout, tully|foot, hardly used, $150. Private 'sale, isd nnelsy norses, German) opportunity for business or whether by negligence or otherwise. |Excavating ilies: 723-46 4697 [Avene "Telephone "as a309 511 Dean equipped; 90 H.P, Mercury and Gator| Telephone 22072168. after & pm Sear is, nile ervion, beordinat ae future subdivision, F U N $$ The T will not be responsible for | =" -- -- ' J ee plas Fal a pov (Pare UPSBMAN, _ciifom, Deck hecig. Sen Ieee"? trailer, For information telephone PUSH BUTTON custom auto radios" ol burn 685-4662 evenings, REGULATIONS Evenings 125407 | SUMMERLAND |Well Drilling--Digging ---- cars.~seiing pice Wom wnt We won "MON err, $08 Ica ig gt" [WESTERN and English sadaion Yor wale] Call NORM WOOD peers |WELL bIGGi i tof Osh 1 Solina Road | 7 vba " also pony cart, Apply 18 Beatrice Street, The Oshawa Times will not be re Gardening and Supplies SECURITIES remeron eae Gracnine specializing |x Non? Highways |wowbic MOFOR BIKWE= Wee ora cosa : W. J. NORRIS Ladies to demonstrate @ full sponsible for errors in advertise 299, No down payment, Open evenings! goxm" PUP, female, lanl" weeks old ' ' line of téys and gifts, Sept, 112 Simcoe St. North |Street West, Whit y | ' 668-2563 or 668-3809, ks 1! ise than in Ys 14FOOT boat, 25 HP electric Mercuryluntil 9 p.m, Honda Shop, (9? King West, ea wee sae one inser- | yy Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 i---Weman's Gal ------~|motor, Tee-Nee trailer with new. tires! Dial 726. 4242, 1] Registered, Telephone Hampton 269773, REALTOR Oct., Nov, s_ Gomwnreaten,. Cer tion of ony saverriearen! ag © | BUG | n olumn Telephone 723-7717, a a GUY AND SHLL -- Good Used Yurniiure BOG TRAINING Fe a deliveries " 'calleetiart We. yond Ie orice sherge 1 ge | Mortgage Money 1963 13¥e-FOOT fibreglass boat. Up-jand appliances. Goold's Furniture, 2\Slinvited for fall classes. See our obed- AJAX il t you, Insertion In which error occur: Fine Arts--Northumbria holstered seats, etc, 25 HP motor, elec Duneas East, Whitby, 668-548 lence trial. September 5, Lakeview Gar- " rain Ads Va ah bs a - Available {tric start, taller, Telephone 723-9170 ~ = ane Wine seeterrer & 942. 3364 CALL.NOW! te clesalty edvertiuing secerding. "te ILLE S SPECIAL -- |RUNABOUT, 16 ft. 2 in, 1964 model, pairs to all re - -- its proper classification, K Low Interest JULY SPECIAL Sterling, jconvertible top, _ fold-out windshield, Jack Lees 728 tere, temgorary incu Bam's PEGGY LANGILLE dill a HOD, teen : On ian | Sorin wher ay in| nat" Maer ae pean Tae St oot aoe Roe] BE ALITY SALON 728-3608 Mort s, Je Whit 6" with base, two tae electric heater,|chee Kennels, Telephone 725.40: The Times will not be held respo~ | Pomogreen Rose Dust ortgage Brokers Association | Mr On Whitney, 67 Hl cee a caMAOM Basis Waller 0 HP 10 gallon crock. Four wood chairs, chrome| REGISTERED THOW WORSE, aiviich TARN ERTRA MONEY, Show Canada' sible for more space tha FIRST "AND SECOND mortgages, Sale| Crescent, Scarboro or call [Mercury tee mis one ee ete th capalton folding bench, Apply '84 Rob-|biack mare with foo white net, can Fully Equipped tat tne vet chrihman ned good 2. ' 'or the actual error occupies. The pub-| Kolofruit Tree ' hy lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad | Gordengll Ana Hermie bacrisvace eat elias collect, AM, 1-8514, jKing Gast, ert Street, 725-837: English, Western -and to cart. Excellent Over 300 items, tree, vertising matter correctly, but assume . East, 723-7232 ' -~ -- ----| STAR-CRAFT boat, i4-foot trailer and|KEEP your. basement ary with an Elec aay or teenager's mount, Telephone Si Goi Beauty "isa - samples no liability of advertisement if any | AAglathion oaiva |2---Personal motor, fully equipped. Telephone 725-/trohome automatic dehumidifier for only| 7287773, ix dryers, Going concern, $n, eporeval and t cove inaccuracies in any form are contained oor 5 | Ad TE and corporaie monies for all i 5498 . $99.95 at Parkway Telelvision, 918 Simcoe SEE ananE Seninnnnasiinnemeeanen Excellent opportunity and loc- Jeandron Greeting ¢ ote = 1253 King therein, z ge let anor purchase' crete' arm Ramovel. of eupetfluacs hele wwe | Street North, T3008 12--Articles Wanted i : Street, East, t Hamilton, Ontario Any edvertisement cancelled before | Ornamental Tree Dust Murdoch and Victor. (See "Barristers'™s| Marie Murdart will be in |7--Swap and Barter TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- do-loot' tower|wanvaD ¥o BUYS se of used gau| CLO Business records avail- | HouseKxeePEn Wo live rin, ABB In publication will be charged one day's | Multispra | Oshawa August 9th, 10th, |SATH TUBS: "S10 and up) basins, gno0[guuclare alhenannel antenna installed. | cine" phone wie 668-5920 atter § mn able, satisfactory rental ar- /30n at sands naeten : Seem bias a Ant and Grub 10 metrist | 11th. Phone Genosha Hotel [Fepalrss "houseboaty, cruisers tralieray]@lmbens. Street, 720-0180, WANTED -- Goodsecond "hand tent, and. rangements, Leaving town, -- litwtiapten banyan "a War wha ee IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Cygon 2E WARD BLACK, OD, 134 Simcoe] on these dates for appoint- {motors care He Chinn, Hillnide and Pork lRLY KILLING " aysiem, completely auto wo collapibi ol motor Mane children "in thelr own home, For. fu TIMES ACTION WANT AD | AY Sireat Nor Suite 6, Oshawa: Telephone) mony. Road South, 723-7088 matic, Try fer one menth tor only 3.80 mp _| W, J. CARNEGIE information telephone Whitoy 6A acti. Biezinen Spray nate Gar bes ELECTROLYSIS | » for Sale Me ex oa 13--Articles for 'Rent REALTOR eer Peet ek wee iS 723-3492 i Painting and Decorating 723- 4641 pe - "= |and_ appliances. One location only. Pretty . Port Perr teat King Bug Killer ------ peas me "@ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone | Furniture, 44d Simoce South, 723-3271, RENTALS Y aR WO hala "Tah : D.D.T. and Dithane PAINTING AND i | 24" Mulch @ Building Materials | GUNS -- "Bought, sold, traded, repaired | Riviera ale 'Stvting 728-968), INDEX TO Lawn Weed Killers a TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL. [at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, Telephone ; Free 24-hr. Burner Service oad dod ORB a | Boating, Camping, Lawn and ry See TONS Poison Ivy and Brush Kill INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Cook's Trailer Sales Whitby's Only Local TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- ai! Garden Equipment, Paint area, for_natural 'ges appt a niin Atlacide Broadloom, Custom Draperies Sieur Nari, Toxase Delos structurgs Pot dipped galvanized 1 Yower) Soravers, Power Tools, Boat 985-2881 wt home three ru a a Men --Women' ui Py a ~ 1 jay. le al comm Mr ss 'i Milorganite poo > ca ivee TRAVEL & TENT TRAILER Call 668-3524 plete, emitellee. i {rctuded, rennet] ~= Box and Cabin Trailers, ae aienaioneeens on ait ay cvnliceiony ete to Box 439 Oshawa PS laa Golfgreen 12-6-6 UTE SALE--ALL TRAILERS PRIC- | SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED. [194 Televnion. corer Bond ane DW] CATES SERVICE Fully equipped Beauty Salon, S-Marine Equipment Evergreen 6-9-6 668-5862 ED TO SELL, DRASTIC RE- 244 Brock St. South sion, 728-5 "= 6 dryers, going concer, excel: WANTED Fee ke Ta a Oshawa "and dite Eroeee one Barter So Green 7-7-7 |NAVE YOUR PAINTING done nowi| DUCTION PARTS, HITCHES, "1B -- oy 'id malching" chair, Suit AND REPAIRS cellent opportunity and loca- |cards Yo friends "and nolgreorss Wer nns ar A any we | |{nfertor and exterior, All work quaran-;) AWNINGS, HOSES, ETC, CONTENTS OF ENTIRE io 'Rendition $33, Telephone noon Clinten & tion, Business records avail- ferlence he needed, ties iting Bag oi ' | all anytime for 'ree estimates. | s v3 a o 908, nton Engines i ss lustrates over ms in C Wopete end. Livestock [Lloyd Simpson Painting and. Decorating, | ep diet ont bia HOME, including stove, tele- /swiMMIN@® POOL ---- Chemicals and! Briggs and Stratton Engines able, Satisfactory rental ar- {making it easy to get plenty of orders, 12--Articles Wanted PER 728-9876 | 6 - 9:30 p.m vision, new frig. bedroom, [eauipment. for sale, We deliver. Call! iorvolite 'Sowe. Tillece rangements, Proprietor leav- [Earn extra money this way, Write Yeday 13--Articles for Rent. 8. C. PAINT Contractors, excellent work | Closed on Sunday. ? ¢ : Culligan, Whitby 668-2200. Ww , ing town, for Christmas cards on approval 14---Business Opportunities Very reasonable prices. For estimates, | living room and dining room |YAMAHA MOTOR BIKES -- Avaliable) West Bend Outboard Motors fe a eee: Monares Gare Sa. Deak 1$~Employment Wanted SMITH CO Nelephone 728-5939, or 720-4010 j Phone 723-9534 funiture Inow, $4, dawn; $19. monthly, Many tea} Wiscott Boat Trailers 16, 217 Cannon, Hamilton . 1é--Agents Wanted - | t t Honest Cal's, 424 King West.) Canadian and Springbok Boats EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for Smith's lim Female Help Wanted CAMPERS, complete! line to choose tro! |tures a at's, i] alan and Spring) * Plumbing and Heating Travel-Rite Campers, Rentals and Sales.| 725-3003 | Telephone 728.9191 pores en 2? Simcoe Street South or pplies, | 742-7879 Peterborough, Just south of Ot-! nis | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, in good < Ve--Male Help Wanted nA 1%-Male or Female Help Wanted ALC PLUMBING and heal con 20---Real Estate for Sale 16 CELINA ST. | Telephone 7253521, Harold H. stark Lid.,|tawe cut-off at the caution light |RANGE, apartment size, heavy dutyildition, Ideal for cottage, $50. Telephone REALTOR MATURE, reliable woman to care | 2a--Summer Properties |Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225/FRAILERS for rent" Six miles "eaal "ol | Heres. retrinerater mee yee peed ond | wre Sune bee Prone l---Farms tor Sale | Simeoe treet South, |Oshawa at Solina Road and No. 2 Highs) nee eae tie rnerune Gced cen " . i . an |GAR RADIO -- fis 1958 Ford, $40. Tele - Seal Estate. Wanted _723- | 139 ar TYPES of repairs andy remodelling. | jway waite cokes acess <a -- " alone Whitby 668-2202. RENTAL SERVICE PORT PERRY, Sack -WAWYEO™ "wart" alr ahae Gu jnew and ed materials. i " | athroom ou' ollet, sink a ye 6 ~ . BcHevees ter nent ee Wuldn't you like to have @ Bic Estimates free. 7aytiM TFeey | [Zonaions Telephone 'in yin, Or 804 fun Suirenle or "ctege. Chen for avick| TENT -- 8 x12 seeps Tour tur camp and SALES TEL, 985-2881 aint, Sa, gens Nan snere Gnd Ge r¥s iauapiaas i le, Telephone 668- 451) before 6 od 7 a power im ne. vi ime, 36--Apariments tor Rent ; ; FS 1415 Dundas St. E., Whitby ------ eoee B--Rooms for Rent galvanized steel [Rug-Upholstery Service jeqneeac "ilove, ovens alts irigge [OVINRUDE Sis HP outboard 'motor and| BOAT VSIST, sjeal construct. aids Telephone 668-3226 GARAGE and. three-day bedy hens at learns tal Ge eatiatoos oes eae - 'oom and le wil if we " - ve FENCE RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Esiad-|DI@ny cupboard space. Excellent condi:| ex ass windsnield, 12° x 40". Can belo naiic camera, 225.8882 or 2? Caallnc Ky asta a sh pie onli, ABply in person to Mr, H. Sheri {lished 17 years, Complete range of ma-(tion. 708 Carnegie Avenue | South, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish: |Nahway outside city limits, Call Jeanine unttaie ee streets. ever Rose terials, Workmanship guaranteed five] SMALL BOX trailer for sale - lwo Whaat 1986 BUICK motor, with automatic trans- CAPTAIN'S ARMCHAIRS--(iwo)s maple > a ette Nugent, 7255639, Don Stradeski H installed by A-ONE FENCE |yeers. Free estimates. Credit terms.lideal for camping. $40. Telephove any mission. BOIn good. covdiNee Can' Brate'lacorn finisr: round table, 42 inches inj @S Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee . [Reanor, Yass, |EXPERIENCED hairdresser" io take CO. For free estimates coll |Matiresses re-built, Furniture re-finished.|1997 i © ion. Cal "Idiameter, $35. For mere intormation, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal SELP-OPERATING saul i New Ta] charge of beauty salon or will rent, with Oshawa Uphalstering Company, 28? Dean lin 485-4732 tleph 728.2723. M F ls. Whi eavipment. New Tn good clientele, Telephone Uxbridge 723-5377. lAvenue, 725031 TRAILER, VStoot Citation, sleeps six.| RANGE oF oor er Togo hah Abaale RL nau Wear, Men's Formals, White /Canada but well proven." Small. Invest 852.1120 tor details, < ' Telephone Whitby 648-8140 er ae a ey: Ss GUIS IRANGE -- Viking Sepite. Sbinch eigctric] Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, ment will yleld excellent returns. This EXPERIENCED gardener will care for cuerTeemecoT and old chairs, re matic timer and: see-in oven. Goad con) Ui thermometer, 'rotisserie. 'auto. business can be aner' « WANT ADS reach thousands of | interested 37---Auctions : your garden and lawn, planting. spray-jcovered: like new. Get the best for less|FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying quests. |7itlon. Telephone 725-1456. matic timer, removable door. Excellent] ¢ ree basis, Reply to Kets Machines Enter-/prospects every wy. Take advantage of pane 4 Events -- A og hedge trimming, ete. Rea-| at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street!Diel 723-3492 now for an ac-writer to/1958 VESPA Scooler.. 128 cc, $128. Phonelcondition. Cost $300., selling at $175 SARGEANT'S RENTALS prises Ltd, 14208 » 946th Ave, the vast nan 39--Notices adie, 725-8614, : South, Call 728-6451, Free estimates. 'help you phrase an ad. 668-8918 after 6 p.m, Phone 725-7229, ys 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 {Aite. and place your aa" before them now, « 29----Wanted to Rent NR POG NR a td