al aad diane LDA AP APRE GOA DDE LELOLEIPOLE ISD POO ID OSE VID VP PME E THANK GOODNESS TWE PLANE SHE FLEW WASN'T SABOTAGED, a 10 AND THERES AN THATS DOUBTFUL AS A HOG Sa we heh PIP pls YS Wise" ee > POGRL ING inns Ying PO EOE er aan , Pf ff a Pn Gerors, COREE EOE OED POOP POET Pept Sy herent eh Pap pg SAE ofA AES pry AE ED SEM Doh. HO owt ve oe : } ' P ey _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 28, 1965 25 NN JANUARY, (692, OR, JAMEG IAISMITH MAG COMPILED 13 RULES AND IN A FOR 1/8 NEW GAME. YMCA GYM IN SPRINGFIELD, MASS... North 1 1 3 Good defense would be ex: tremelh difficult to attain were it not for the use of certain defensive conventions. Many of these conventions-- fourth-best leads, top-of-a- sequence plays, encouraging and discouraging signals, and so on -- are taken for granted by the experienced bridge player, but let him try giving them up for a while and he would quick- ly discover how vaulable these conventions are. Good defense requires care- ful collaboration between the defenders, and it must also be precisely geared if the best re- sult is to be achieved. By sig- naling their respective ss in various suits, it becomes sible for one or both defenders to determine declarer's exact hand and thus obtain all the tricks they are entitled to, For example, take this situa- tion where South is in three notrump. West leads his fourth best club and East wins it with the king and returns the eight on which South plays the nine. If West makes the mistake of winning the trick with the ten, South makes the contract. He loses a diamond and three clubs, period, But if West ducks the nine of Clubs, South is defeated. When- DONALD DUCK AOROSS 1. Cut of meat 6, Electronic device 11, Harmonize 12. One of the Bronte 4. Scorched sisters 5, Gull-like 13, Lucid birds 14, Article of 6. Go back furniture 15. Long for 16, Stands up 17. German city 9. German 19. Mimicked river 22, Exclama- DOWN 1, Spirited 2. Eye 3. Region 8, Lets bait 46, Precipitous 7. Vigorously: oet, bob lightly (STE le (IMME SIMIATSI iclselrlemmPIAT! 10) ATSIPIE INMMEIReIO DIE) Cele Ames CAME ID) ETE TSIUILIT} MATT elOINMarlAl SI] * TTIBIETAISMMF [OIC [0] NIETETOMMATEINI| ela] TIMIPIOIS Ie} UNlloled ICY (AIC TiAl MMAIGIAIVIE! (SICIOlT SMmPIAITIeINi [Tie IPIETE MEAIGIEINIT] Yesterday's Answer 34, Failure: slang 35, Price 36, Man's South loses four clubs diamond for a one-trick set. Actually it is not difficult for West to find the right defense if he and his partner employ standard conventions. East cannot have started with four clubs to the king or he would have returned his original fourth best club, not the eighth. West can therefore reason that East started with either the K-8 or the K-#x. In the --_ former case, the contract be- comes unbeatable, so West must TELEVISION LOG __stivstiet ne iturtite case. Ducking the club thus be- comes the right play. 1b Pan The duck is not bound to de- Queer thisaie feat the contract unless East | aoSpeaker of The House (also has the king of diamonds, 12:90 PAM. but West has no other hope. Nie First Edition News | NEWS IN BRIEF 9--From Sea | Q--I'il Bet | TPather Knows Beet 4--Search for Tomerrew noer SHIPWRIGRT SAVES GULL DARTMOUTH, N.S, (CP) -- Crystal is an eight - month - old seagull saved from death by the foreman of Halifax Shipyards' | 7-Burke's Law | &3--Mystery Theatre 4--Our. Privete World 10:00 PLM Channei 2--Buttalo | 2--Popeye and Pale Channel 3--Barrie | Channel Channel Channe} | Channel & | 98 Agent Channei 9%~Toronto 4--Lucy-Desi Hour Channel Vi--Hamilton | 10:98 *M. sercomenwaesmensmas NY alentine's Dey 7A cope WRRNEEOAY Uve, 6---Master Music 6:00 PM. | ~The Tactile Age ll-Family Theatre = | 11:00 P.M, S--Rive O'clock Mevie "| 11.9.8-2-6-4d2--NOWS 0---Supermen | Weather, Sports 6---Survival 3----Cannonbal! 14:18 PLM, %--Metro Final | BLioyd Thaxton | 1248 PM Il-Racing Forum 4--Guiding Light 100 P.M, 10. Gypsy 31, Tie name WE JU, EXPLORING, OLD HELMET NEAR \LIK oe DROVER'S 1.0,U. tion gentlemen 38. Bargain sm PM, o-Viewpoint ae ot marine slip here. Harry Gris- FOUND "THIS OLD SW THE MINE ENTRANCE ) Ex ORE, a cS 23.Family pet 18. Discharge 26. Butt a gun 39. Duration 40. Slide 27, His wife TT turned to salt; Bib, 3 9 fio 28. To be in q debt 29. God of the sky: Babyl, 30, Hawaiian rose petals 34. American poet 37, Spars 41, A form of potter's wheel 42, Be of use 43 Fur-bearing mammal 44, A ragout of game 45. Large, showy } flower | 6--Quest Under Capricorn. 3--National Velvet 4:00 PLM, v--News Central 6--Serenade 4--News, Sports Chuck Healy 3--Golt %-Today, 1965 6:90 PLM. li~Family Theatre $4-3---News; Weather ano @-2---Huntiey-Brinkley N . 7--Highway Patrol | Across Cenade 7:00 P.M. %--Farmer's Daughter &--Richard Diamond -M Saint &--Death Valley Days ne PM, 1}--Poika Party 9----Music #-2---Virginian T--Ourle and Harriet é--Nation's Business 4-Mister Ed 7:43 PM, é--Wheelspin 4:00 PM. 11--Gilligann's tsiand 7---Patty Duke Show t--Leave it To Beaver 4-Zane Grey Theatre %--My Favorite Martian 31:20 P.M, t-4--Late Show | é=Night Metre | 11, P.M, | l1--Wrestling | 6Sports | Movie 1:45 PLM 9%--From Searboro College | &--Inspector Maigret |.2=Cennon Ball | THURSDAY 1100 A.M. 4--Captain Kangares 9:00 AM, 7--Dialing Fer Dollars | Girl Talk | 4-Mikes Carnival | 2--Mickey Mouse Club 9:38 AM. | Douglas Fairbanks | 2=Ann Southern Show \ 10:00 ALM, | &2--Truth or Consequences | 4--News 10:15 A.M, | %--Cartoon Party 10:38 A.M, #-2--What's This Seng 7---Tralimaster 4-1 Love Lucy 10:45 A.M, | %-Romper Room 11:08 AM, ll--Morning Musicale | #2--Concentration | lleeMid Day Matinee And First Pour Races 9--Movie é--Luncheon Date +-As The World Turns 2:00 PLM. 7--Where The Action Is +P. jord aasw 2--Moment of Truth 23 PM. | #3--The Doctors | 7A Time For Us é--Movie Matinee 4--House P, a! | SM 4--Leave It To Beaver | net Ten 3:00 FM. 9---People tn Confilat 8-2--Another World 1--General Hospite) 4--To Tell The Truth 3--Human Jungle a: Pm, | \l---Hawkeye wold has been doctoring sick gulls for most of his 26 years at the slip's paint shop. After be- ing found on the end of a wharf, Crystal was nursed back to good health by patching up a broken leg and smashed ribs. '"'She's do- ing fine," says Mr. Griswold. UILDS TWO-FOOT BRAIN WINNIPEG (CP) -- Dr. Se weryn K. P, Ehrlich worked for eight years to build his func- tional model of the human brain. About two feet high, the model weighs three pounds and is made of plywood and string, Co- lored threads show the nerves of the brain and what senses they relate to. The 58-year-old Polish- born doctor wants to make an- other larger model to show the man in the street 'what the in- side of his skull looks like." SALLY'S SALLIES 63--Public Service Announcements | 4-Edge of Night 4:00 PLM, 1)---Pioneers 4--Andy of 'Mayberry 18 AM, %--Summer Fun 38 AM, | #4--Jeopardy |?ePrice is Right | 4-The McCoys @3---Swing Ding %-James Beard Show +My Living Dol | &The Match Game | 7Rocketship 7? no | io oy . (. ' i aloe Mie was TT Hh wniieer| | YOUH HEALTH | < Strong Case Argued aa | o:38 PM, | li---Mery Griffin. Show 9--Movie 7--Shindig 63--Perry Mason 4--Beverly Hillbillies THE TINY ONES ARE FOR LITTLE LEROY / omnia a : , ~ For Moderate Tan Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: Is it bad for me to stay out in the sun for about si xhours a= day throughout the summer to get a deep, dark tan? Also will a combination of iodine and baby oil hurt my skin if I ust a lot of it?---M. €, Certainly a {air amount of sunshine is good for us, but when the goal is to get as close as you can to the color of a seared, a withered leaf, it can coarsen your skin, or result, over a period of years, in a higher risk of skin cancer My advice is to settle for a moderate tan A little iodine in oil or cocoa butter will stain your skin brown, and maybe give the im- pression that you have a tan sooner than you really have Too much iodine can, how-| | } ever, irritate sensitive skin. It |won't prevent sunburn, The oil iteelf will filter out some of the ultra-violet "burning"' rays, and most of the commercial suntan lotions also contain other ma- terials which enhance the filter- ing value, | prefer the commercial lo- tions because they are carefully blended, effective and conven- ient. I know, however, that a lot of people make something of a fetish of mixing their own, It's sort of a messy process, but if you want to do it, it's all right with me, provided you are careful not to include too much iodine Dear Dr. Molner: | am an 18- year-old boy. My problem is that hair wil] not grow on any part of my body except my head. | am in perfect health otherwise. Will you give me some advice?--"No Hair Sam." This is a peculiar abnormality of hair growth but not by any means unknown, In fact, you 0:00 P.M. 120 NOON after a bowel movement andialone. | | 4:3 PLM. 3 | =Weedy Woodpecker 2~Movie li---Hawkeye 9--Movie 4-Dick Van Dyke Show) 6.2.-Call My Blu |te=arly Show 9:90 PLM. | 7--Donnea Reed | 4~--The 4Thirty Show | 4--Noon News 2~Huckleberry Mound N--Soceer ager are lucky to have hair on your, was afraid of cancer. I had scalp, because often in such/heen constipated and took ep cases there 'is none at all. | This can be due to an adrenal ldoctor det SA Sct GAN chaks said that caused tho eficiency, a n some cases ss 3 j the use of ACTH and certain|®!004. Thanks for your answers. steroid hormones has helped |~-Mrs. D. D. NEED A NEW These are powerful medications; And thank you! But please FURNACE? and must be used under the dis/don't think I "don't have time|| Ne Down Per res Payment al rection of your doctor. He will))) 1 nig 4 . 9 pad letters,' 1 read thou: PERRY have to decide whether such Day or Night . . . 723-3443 --_ ry! som salts for nine nights. The] never te vg ty treatment is needed or likely ta/S@"ds, and try to choose the be of benefit, and he may ad-jOnes that will answer question: vise against it .In that case,/that are bothering the mos? make the best of things; there! »eaders | 8, is nothing you can buy for self- treatment Obviously I can't answer them all individually, but I try Dear Dr. Molner: I know you)!® select a fair cross-section fo; don't have time to read letters,)use in the column. but I feel ungrateful not to let) Divesticulosis-is-a very com you know what relief [ got from|mon ailment yet comparativel: learning about diverticulosis few people know about it, an After x-rays, the doctor said|know when it neéds' treatme: | had diverticulosis, 1 saw bloodjand when it can best be lef GOOD FOOD weer ney bee DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe