anc ay ds sa hs hake hai aS * ITE OE Oe CLT TY DET POTS D ETON EN LT OO We FE ROOL OR. =n OTHER nother 2 rowan nln Where will you find a better combination than TOP QUALITY GRAIN FED BEEF AND EX! BUTCHERS WHO KNOW EXACTLY watt DO, in POWER Perfect GRAIN-FED BEEF GEORGE! George Harrison is a oy 7 order fo get the most out of top quality F . paged - the British sing- y POWER is justifiably proud of the combination o BOR .% called the bi THE BUTCHER and POWER perfect grain fed beef .. \ Bentics. group will be yi Ye), Believe me folks this is a winning combination if in Toronto ag, i ; j Me ever there was one. Try it now and be convinced. ' Electricians, Plumbers ; all | : Ni ne | | "a * * LONDON, Ont. -(CP)--With aj , OO ORO A VOOR ot a ; Mites three-week construction strike in oe ' 'ousia - V4, . ' ? P ; eZ Western Ontario just over and \ 4 j 4 , , 3 " : * carpenters, bricklayers and \ . we ; sheet metal workers settled ; j i 4 f * with a new agreement, another 4 e 3 7 4 j 2 4 > group is forming lines of dis- 4 ye , . content. = 4 Sig i » Nagy, 6s ae 4 An undetermined number of i og f 4 ye i plumbers and electricians em- Pee GOO 2 aii Yi j gpa, Fe ht Sabo bid ey hay at construction projects i "4 j % ; Bae. " ~:~ " j FA six area counties did not re- ei ¥ , . : * port to work Tuesday. ' ; , j § Robert Haymen, president of 4 d : 4 : . the London Builders' Exchange, 4 : ? said the men were dissatisfied , g , g . because the carpenters, sheet 3 ; a Z Y g , metal workers and bricklayers 3 P fs : LB 'were receiving more money than 4 é 3 / ia i s those who took no strike action. | 1% : és ' Ken Martin, business manager © for Local 593 of the United As- ane : : y a, ty * ' , sociation of Journeymen and ap- ij ' ; i j i rentices of the Plumbing and d < | i aA i] @ q gar f 4 aud e Pipe Fitting industry of the ; : iG et en ' eae a /} tng United States and Canada oe : "Bee & 2 in, ae 4 ve * ; (CLC), said he did not know per? . 3 Pe, PFT 3 how many of the 400 union men on. Y 3 f f / 7 & ae hog not go to bre a estimated j ; 2 Construction areas affected ed ee i Wis e SIRLOIN TIP were in Middlesex, Elgin, Ox- ae FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRESH, MINCED contrac! and wate | oe ir COOKED, READY TO EAT HA mBURG g their immediate maxi- f a ceraricton| |/POWER 22° ,, 564 King st E. | SMOKED Sheet metal workers also won Lar wan WILL BE eee St foe) OPEN MONDAY PICHIC.. ) STER K High Lakes Aid Aug. 2nd, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BOLO cues 5 9° viewers. 4 Cree cry To Canada: U.S. eS Le m = CHICAGO (AP)--The chair- k 7 miision of tinols sald Tuseday MAXWELL HOUSE ROYAL CROWN ASST'D CANNED 2 HEINZ TOMATO ALL POPULAR BRANDS that Canada would benefit from 4, ; hy cree to raise lake levels ' y tapping rich Canadian water resources. "It will mean additional power which is extremely im- portant to these provinces (On- tario and Quebec), and it will All Purpose 4 {oe se ct tam ame sn om, - mean more water for the port Money c 1: + CASE OF 24 ; ; 4 of Montreal and more water in : the lakes on the Canadian 1 LB. s CARTON fae shore," Albert J. Meserow of Cahease anid. wna : BAG ¥ OF 200 iW, as : chairman at ae eight hypo @ SAVE 12c © © SAVE 23 @ © SAVE 30c @ Great La Commission, ad- dressed a meeting of the Chi- ' LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER cago Association of Commerce ? ' and Industry. "Tt also could: undoubtedly mean," he said, 'some type of these nataral "resources, 'by ~ GATEWAY TENDER BRIGHTS FANCY TOM ATO the Great Lakes who will be -- JUICE Hh, POWER using this additional water." IMPORTED, EXQUISITE Meserow described as most feasible a plan to revise the : flow of the Harricanaw River @ ORANGE @ 'a @ GRAPE. which now empties into James Bay, adjacent to Hudson Bay. & The reversal would empty it me ' into Georgian Bay, adjacent to : 48 OZ Oi TINS Lake Huron. Meserow said Canadians have estimated as much as 100,000 ae : cubic feet of water per second could be diverted into the Great © SAVE 35¢ @ e core 33c @ @SAVE 13c@ , Lakes. This, he added, can be compared with the 1,300 cubic ; j feet per second now diverted ee er fy, ooh en -- . by Chicago for sanitary pur- f ss | ES oe ig iaiaagy : A DIFFERENT GLASS EACH WEEK trom Lake 'Michigan 'ha been Fenny 'Fours veered I CALIFORNIA'S FINEST, Can. First Grade Sweet, plump, SEEDLESS _ FOR, FOUR WEEKS a subject of litigation for years 'Sy r 5-1 | E - ag i E S ( THIS . WEEK thant (CP) sages 00 | TuMSLE e workers in RG LER penn Mg Ft aor S|: LB. EACH a $1.05 hourly, wage increase, spread over four years, in a REG. VALUE new contract announced Tues- PECIALS T i ' ,@ SPECIALS EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SAT. @ U.S. No. 1 Grade Salmon Flesh Ripe Red & Sweet Sweet Juicy Navel Ont. Grown No, 1 Grade 19¢ Each ee rower rs sucto | CANTALOUPE a ORANGES || CABBAGE Local 804 of the brotherhood announced that agreement-- with the first 25-cent hourly in- crease retroactive to last July 1--had been reached with con- tractors in the counties of Wat- erloo, Wellington, Perth, Grey, Large bes Lbs. race, Dufferin and Halton. When the final increase is re- teams ae Size 21's ceived in four years time, the Dov. omewrs workers will be earning $4.15 an * hour. The agreement also calls éor improved vacation pay.