Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1965, p. 20

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EM AR ates 5 20 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 28, 1965 Hee tm AS Ot i ANN LANDERS SAA aR ee COFFEE PARFAIT AND SODAS Cotfee-Cool Summer Desserts 2+ eee ' Are Quick And | The warm weather brings to *mind a variety of delightful 'memories --- the cool refresh- *ment of a swim in the lake, "the delicious smells and color- 'ful treats of an old-fashioned 'ice cream parlor, lazy days at Thome with something good to "eat. Whenever nature's page turns) -to summer, both young and old 'enjoy satisfying desserts and . drinks. Our two hot-weather re- *freshments feature traditional "ice cream combinations and the -dry instant non-dairy coffee Dear Ann Landers: 1 read with interest the letter from the 45-year-old widow seeking enter the business world, and found al) doors closed until she was advised by a personnel di- rector to shave 10 years off her age. You asked for an answer to the widow's question, "Whv does industry refuse to hire women over 40?" As a secretary who began her career at 37 (22 years ago) I believe I can an- swer. Many companies, especially) large organizations whe offer fringe benefits, are reluctant to hire older people because tne benefit programs are underwrit- ten by insurance contracts which have a maximum age limit for new employees--usually 35. Tak- ing on. employees over 35 in- creases the cost of the program, Then there's a second reason) that isn't discussed in polite) business society, but it's very real. The men want younger women around the: office: -- not older ones. They may scream E To Mak jabout inefficient, lame-brained, asy e |wet - behind - the - ears, dumb- bells who can't spell, can't punc- Pert Young Things Brighten Up Office By ROBERTA ROESCH Whenever I talk to women who are all involved in an- tiques, the usual thing that 1 hear them say is, "Someday I want my own shop."' very minute my dad walked in| Some of these women mean He was in the next _ andjthis, too, and ag | end up with 'e-\he heard everything. I almost /what they want, But others talk died when I saw him. to hear themselves--and end up Dad said, "Who :told thatjWith only a wish. joke?" Bill answered, "I did.| One, however, who meant Anything in it you didn't under-|what she said and who now has stand, Clyde?" All the kids'a shop in New York is antiques' laughed. My dad got real madjauthority Giselle Beker, Her and said, 'We don't allow thatishop on Lexington Avenue, kind of talk in this house, youngifilled with French antiques, is man. There's the door." He took|the attractive end result of her Bill by the arm and ushered|years of. studying history and him out, ' art, The kids were flabbergasted) "As a child, I was a ballerina and left right away. My party|in Europe," Giselle told me, "so was ruined. I'll bet they'll never|my artistic leanings began at come here again. I know Bill is|that time. Then after my ballet through with me for good. dancing days were over, I went My dad is not mean or prud-|!9 aft school in Germany and ish, I never saw him act like|>ega" studying art and history this before, How can I square/*¢riously. h t ids? "In the long run, that study OY ee ads balan gave me the background for the| shop I'm now running," Giselle nig Agnes: vf ~esggh see that! said, "though my present inter- Foul rats anything to peer lest in antiques didn't manifest oul language is out of placelitcorr til! 1 started planning and in decent .company.. Bill is the furnishing my own home." one who should be squaring) py the time this stage of her things. life arrived, Giselle had met! If Bill doesn't come aroundjand married her husband in| anymore you haven't lost a/Switzerland, moved to New thing. He sounds like a wet wick! York and started a family. frigerator for 15 minutes, Blend|tyate, can't get in one time, and non-dairy coffee and tea cream-|so on, yet they continue to hire er, reliquefied instant powdered|the cute young things with their skim milk, vanilla, sugar and/high bosoms and tight skirts. instant coffee in chilled bowl.|The grey-haired, motherly types! Whip at high speed wiht elec-/with 18 years' experience are} tric mixer until soft peaks form|told, 'Sorry. We have nothing fo| (3 to 5 minutes). ss your,."--P.C.1 Place a scoop of ice cream in each of 6 tall glasses; add Ftp PCL: soda. Top each serving with pped Dear Ann Landers: I've been| the wht topping. in my room crying for an hour. . My eyes are so swollen I can Ee Cara hardly see to write this letter. Coffee syrup Last night I had some kids Wow. and thank) to me, |PUT TO IMMEDIATE USE Dear Ans: My sister and her} After the Bekers bought a husband were divorced many house in Larchmont, N.Y., Gis years ago. Neither has' remare elle immediately began to use| ried. 4 her background in history and| Thee, eldest daughter was art to study and look for the} rena pach Wg ack things she liked and wanted to) lcame down the aisle on her fa-|"S¢ 0 furnish their home, lther's arm. The bride's mother|, AS She bought antiques tor| was seated in the first row,|"er house, her interest in the When the minister asked, "Who|SUbJect increased until she giveth this woman in mar- | | Action _ Instead. Of Talk Makes Dreams Come True found herself saying, "Someday I'd like a shop." Once she knew what she wanted she planned instead of wished and opened her shop a year ago last April. "I believe that if it's within you to do something and you want to do it, you do it," says Giselle. "But the encourage- ment has to come from you." To other -women who some- times say, 'Someday I'd like an antiques' shop," Giselle offers the following pointers, ~ 1, Have a good basic knowl- edge of the antiques you plan to sell, Then stick to what you know, 2, Enlarge your knowledge as you go by reading books on the subject. CAPITAL INVOLVEMENT Get business advice from someone who knows how to run a business and find out from that person how much capital you will need for your venture. 4, When you do start your |shop, furnish it in the beginning with items and accessories that people need for a home. 5, Establish customer confi- dence in the antiques you sell by going out of your way to establish your own reliability, CHOCO-CHERRY DANDIES A soft chocolate cookie that will become a family tradition. Cream 2-3 cup shortening, % cup sugar and 1 egg. Sift to- gether 1 1-3 cups unsifted all- "|purpose flour, 1-3 cup cocoa, 1% jtsp. baking soda and % tsp. salt. Add alternately to cream- ed mixture with 1-3 cup milk. Stir in 1 cup chopped glace cherries. Drop by teaspoonfuls on an ungreased baking sheet, Bake 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes. Yields: 4 dozen. riage?"" the bride's father an-jand I 'do.""--JUST WONDER- swered in a loud voice, "I do." |ING He has not been a real father| Dear Just: Sorry, but the fa- that Her|ther of the bride gives his Small Appliances , LOLI DEP DIR LI GO LAL DOO GO LOGO OILS LAL DEAE EEO OE NEO OPT PIG EGF PE ING Dresses with more lives than a cat to take you smartly through the rest of summer into fall, Shown are just three of our transitional wardrobe pepper-uppers. Be sure to see the whole beautiful collection at Walker's... where you'll positively purr at their low prices, pint chocolate ice cream "and tea creamer. A convenient } pint coffee ice cream over. (We are all between 16 and'to girl for years. 17). Bill (a boy I like a lot) {mother raised the girl with product that stays fresh without refrigeration, dry instant non- cup dry instant non-dairy coffee and tea creamer told a joke that had some not-|very little help from anyone. |so-nice words in it but everybody|Don't you feel that he should REPAIR daughter in marriage. And the Wren Wekcap and Delivery response to the question should| be the traditional one regardless} dairy coffee and tea creamer has many uses. It is an excel- 'Tent cooking ingredient in reci- requiring milk, half-and- or cream. And it whips into fluffy mounds of tasty top- ping, ready to glamorize the 'simplest dessert. The home economists sug- coffee parfaits and coffee ¢ream' sodas for quick sum- mer desserts that require little ef your precious time for pre- paration. COFFEE ICE CREAM SODAS (Makes 6 servings) $8 cup dry instant non-dairy ' @offee and tea creamer 1-8 cup cold reliquefied instant pasteurized powdered skim milk (according to package directions) 1 teaspoon vanilla 1% tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons instant coffee 1. pint coffee ice cream 1% quarts cream soda % cup cold reliquefied instant| knows that they mean. Thatihave. answered, "Her mother'of the circumstances. pasteurized powdered skim/|ee milk (according to package) directions) 1% teaspoons vanilla 2 tablespoons sugar Prepare coffee syrup; chill. Scoop chocolate ice cream into 6 parfait glasses; top with coffee ice cream. Freeze. Chill bowl and beaters in re- frigerator for 15 minutes. Blend non-dairy coffee and tea cream- er and remaining ingredients in chilled bowl; whip at high speed with electric mixer until soft peaks form (3 to 5 min- utes), Spoon whipped topping and coffee syrup over ice cream; serve immediately. To Make Coffee Syrup: (Makes about 1% cups) -- Combine 1 cup sugar, 1 table-/ spoon instant coffee, dash salt, | Save 4c! Welch's Save a STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP CHEESE STICK Ss-cx. sine | - FROZEN FOODS - Grape Juice 2 for 43c ea GREEN BEANS 57: Save | det 'Black Diamond on, Colored 6-02, Tins 2-Ib. Bag rge Solid Heads "18" Roll 59% Flavorful Home-Grown TOMATOE Mild Sweet Red 45 BURGUNDY ONIONS % cup water and Y, cup light} corn syrup in saucepan. Stir) and bring to a boil; boil 1 min- Chill bowl and beaters in re- ute and cool thoroughly. Paris Trend Is To Short Hemlines By PEGGY MASSIN PARIS (Reuters) -- J: Bsterel opened Paris fashion week today with pretty, young clothes which bore a trace of the famous. Andre Courreges style. Esterel adopted the old ultra- short hemline, white skirts that top a good two inches above the knee. He also featured Courreges'| stark uncluttered cut, A Tange leither raised slightly above the Five Varieties Cello Pkrs. ron and white wigs showed off well | against the background setting | of giant abstract paintings. wis | SHORTCAKE Esterel admitted that - BISCUIT SALE - SUPREME BRAND FANCY BISCUITS Fresh la 89: FROST "N' SERVE ea 3 5c clothes are aimed at the under- 20s, though he thinks a woman| could still wear his styles even| if she is 30. His basic silhouette | has wider shoulders than Cour-| reges, often set off by a wide| circular shape Bertha collar, | He likes a snug waistline Supreme Brand CHOCOLATE © WHILE THEY oe Treat Biscuits 19. Save 4c! Real 16-02. Jar I's SALAD WEEK at RED & WHITE | No, 1 LETTUCE 2:25: ? Ibs. 39: No. 1, 2-lb. Bag 3% rge original bunches RADISHES & GREEN ONIONS 3 forl9e Crisp, refreshing, No.1 geod size Luscious - California Cucumbers 2forl9c Red Grapes |b. 23.0 of white and off-white colors |natural point and paired with| and gabardine and smooth fin-| flared parasols or dropped to ish fabrics worked with welted|the hips in slim tubular mod-| HELLMAN'S 4% seams or saddle stitching. Esterel, who is also a profes- sional poet and musician, chose the setting of a modern art gal- lery to present his fashions. Such innovations as "the gai- ter-dress" featuring snug leg- gins made of the same fabric as the matching short tunic! dresses, three - cornered hats ihe } Mayonnaise -- Save 7c! Prepared FRENCH'S MUSTARD Decide To Dance? LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS 16-on, Jars Brush 'up on the 'old favourites ARTHUR MURRAY pecially Priced! Stated Manzanilla a | Rh Boren at | CLUB HOUSE SUMMERTIME SPECIALS! FOR PRICE OF PLUS Centre Open 9 pm. » Thurs. & Fri. OLIVES 19. 39. | | BEEF CHUNKS BEST BUY! Save 6c! ST. Lawrence "on 59: ST BUY! Save 8! Hereford -- CORNED B Brand Name | BUY! Save 1%! Short Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS BEST BUY! Save 5éci BUY! Save 19! Gem BUY! Save 16e! THE FRUIT TT DRINKS 3: isl Maxwell House $I. 39 MARGARINE | 3: 7% WHITE SWAN 8:s1 "SOCIETY BRAND 4: 6% 25-02, Tia BEEF 49. GRADE "A" CHOICE . PLUMP BROFLER SIZE BURNS BONELESS PICNIC STYLE CRYOVAC HALF Downtown " 36 King &. Open to 9 p.m. Fridey 1.00 SPROULE'S Red and White Corner. Simcoe at Mill eS EMR ES ast i ' WILSON "FOODMASTER" Red and White Wilson Road S. Shopping Plaza BROWN'S Réd and White Brooklin, Ont. TURKEYS SPECIALLY SELECTED 39: Smoked Shoulders 89. Mild Seasoned - Tasty - Vac Pack - Brand TREND WIENERS |b. 49c Trend - Assorted Pack 16-02, Pkg. LUNCHEON MEAT 59¢ MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove, Ontario. a 2.PIECE DRESS--In Arne?® and cotton seersncker. Ite sleeveless top buttons down the back. Front is adorned with three fetching frogs, Slim 10 9 8 a sheath skirt, Mulberry, Blue, Brown or Green. Misses' sizes 10-18, b PRINTED TERYLENE® BATISTE--Bodice is cunningly tucked. Has a jewel neckline and cap sleeves. Self tie belt. Zipper back. Skirt is box 12. 98 pleated. Dark tones of Brown, Blue or Green. Misses' sizes 12-18, e@ BLOUSON DRESS--Printed Terylene® batiste. Blouson top is sleeveless with a jewel neck. Back zipper. Sash belt. Box pleated skirt. Dark 12 98 r] tones of Brown, Blue or Green. Petite sizes 7-15. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Refunded SHOPPING 18 CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S PLAN ACCOUNT WALKER' & Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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