chs MEN'S WEAR LTD. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE starts THURSDAY 9 a.m. ji] = OG i Bi aia "% \ STARTS TOMORROW AT 9 A.M. SAVIN GS UP TO eee | a a ra i y N This is it -- the one you've been waiting for and Black's intends to reward your potience. Once a year Black's Ladies' Wear pe 4 J Ty clears out all it's Summer and Spring stock at great reductions AND | a : ML © costdiephad. teucvunaeaen ae oe ; J : selection, MORE! i | ALTERATIONS EXTRA @ ALL SALES FINAL....@ NO EXCHANGES On All Our , Ji 3 bis : ae ; Regular Brand Name sateen etic: Merchandi ; ees | SWEATERS DOOR CRASHERS " SHETLANDS: noma S ecial Rack First lity di tinued col d styl | : ENTIRE | Long dee pues a Eergra kag 1298-9 QB ss # Reg. 11.98, NOW " | Short Sleeve. Reg. 7.98, : Dresses, Jackets .00 UMMER STOCK || feats oa ve | aon Reg. 8.98 . Skirts Slims WHILE TERYLENE AND SUITS REG. 89.95 64. 95 REG. 65.00 44 95 | Another Group of Bulk Knits -- eR pullovers, also Reg. 8.98 to 25.00 Now 5.00 biees ous sie some full length coats--- Reduced 332% to 50%. ALL SUITS get ie 00 54, 95 REG, 99,50 64 95 Woo. SALE ° woo SPORT COATS 2 DACKONS "aun A 19.99 it TROUSERS = "*.*,"" s PRICE COTTON oh BETTER DRESSES SHORT wor TERSEYS "0 nl "1, OFF : DRESSES Regen 19s Md to 35.00 Regular st to 50.00 PRICED AT alte SHORTS 'oon vce termes 25% OFF Wetheble Coton A 1 0. ood q 5-00 GARDENSHORTS *"."" 2.98,,.3.99 & 104 204, {8 DRESS SHIRTS sox ss 25% OFF | eee ninchte eA Sonne 1/3 & 1/2 OFF | Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS cc. oss sus 3.99 : NP ca aa JAC-SHIR cas wa ua 25% OFF 2 ie ais SHOES | SPORTWEAR SALE 17 ONLY! | BLOUSES Summer Dress Shoes a ae Reg. to 22.95 Only reg. 7.95, Sale. There's plenty of hot weather ahead so take advantage of the 5 95, Just in time for cool Sale ¥ SUNS SRI OLE Reps: 9-98. Hes bargains on all blouses, skirts, slims, shorts, Jamaica sets, WEDDING : summer wear. Prints, : Pe PRICED plains in short and 3%4 Special While They Last ! t sleeves. Sizes . SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS eee 20%» 90% OFF Oe ee REG, TO 7.95 FOR THE 17 only! Slightly shop- THIS SALE ONLY 3 soiled-no try-ons please. |- Reg. to 7.95 PRICE OF ALL WEATHER COATS These beautiful gowns Special While They Last ! Reg. 17.95 to 39.95 priced to clear at SALE PRICE SWIM WEAR | CABANA SETS | yA EES SALE. PRICE 10.00 .. 24.00 00 Reg. 3.95 to 7.95. Sole Priced ~ uk o'l brand nomes. i LX . @ Up to 50% OFF SALE SPRING COATS AND SUITS BOYS' WEAR ; F s . All the lovliest spring shades and styles CABANA SETS n¢8539225 1.00 " SALE 12 PRICE ) SALE 1/4 OFF Reg. 35.00 to 75.00 Reg. 35.00 to 90.00 SWIM WEAR 6.1 S52 25% OFF | 71) st a COTTON PANTS ease HIM CooL 1 /3 OFF | Price 17.50 to 37.50 Price 21.75 to 59.95 SPORT SHIRTS mow 4G "SS 188 SUMMER SPECIAL RACK 7 MATERNITY DRESSES HE ACK % FASHIONS 2 and 1 PIECE SPORT COATS BOYS' SHOES DRESSES SPECIAL ! While They Lost Reg. to 19.95. ces art ve "3.98 Sekt,' ieomeky' Rettond te Reg. 10.95 to 19.95 LADIES' WEAR LTD. .] and Wa r Clear, SHOP IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT : Vy and Vy OFF 5.00 LOWER LEVEL ONLY (j 4) , MEN'S WEAR LTD. Open Thursdey & Saturday till 6.00 Friday till 9.00 74 Simcoe St. North 723-3611 Reg. 49.95 to 119.95 Hurry ... . It's' Our Greatest Sale Ever _ 72 Simcoe St. N. Open to 9 P.M, Friday Nights