Yvon Dupuis, former min- ister without portfolio in Prime Minister Pearson's Pee A Boys BICYCLES - (CP Photo) Gross Wages, Salaries Up 10.5 Per Cent OTTAWA (CP)--Gross wages and salaries, an important measure of economic activity, outpaced last year's figures by 10.5 per cent in the first four months of 1965, the bureau of statistics said Tuesday. Total wages and salaries paid out in the period ran to $8,051,- 500,000 and three provinces did better than the national rate of increase. The all-Canada total was 36 per cent higher than the comparable figure in 1961. The figures, based on a monthly survey of employers with 15 or more on their pay- roll. include. bonuses and com- missions but do not include sup- plementary labor income such as employer contributions to pension funds and unemploy- ment insurance. They also are gross figures, taking no account of income taxes or payroll deductions for pension funds and welfare bene- tits. Wages, salaries and supple- mentary labor tncome account for about two-thirds of the coun- try's national income and about half its gross national product. The gross national product is expected to pass the $50,000,- 000,000 mark this year. The figures do not reflect in- creased wage and salary rates but the increased number of workers employed and compen- sation paid for more time on the job. By provinces, four - month wages and salaries totals for this year with rate of increase over 1964, and 1964 rate of in- crease over 1963 in brackets, were: Newfound | a nd, $122,700,000, up 10.0 per cent (10.6); Nova Scotia, $219,000,000, up 9.2 per cent (6.9); Prince Edward Is- land $21,700,000, up 7.9 per cent (11.0); New Brunswick, $164,900,000, up 6.5 per cent (7.7); Quebec, $2,152,800,000, up 10.5 per cent (9.3); 'Ontario, $3,339,300,000, up 9.9 per cent (8.3); Manitoba, .$349,800,000, up 6.5 per cent .(6.6); Saskat- chewan, $253,200,000, up 7.9 per cent (7.8); Alberta, $536,900,000, up 11.9 per cent (6.5); British Columbia, $853,200,000, up 12.2 per cent (8.4), Record Sales At 'Giant GM' NEW YORK (AP) -- General Motors Corp., the world's larg- est manufacturing concern, re- ported Tuesday record sales and earnings for the three months and six.months ended June 30. The automake earned $639,- 000,000 or $2.23 a share, in the|: second quarter, compared with $602,000,000, or $2.11 a share, .in the like period of 1964. Sales to- talled $5,657,000,000 against $5,.-| 082,000,000 a year earlier. | In the 1965 first half, profits totalled $1,275,000,000 or $4.45 a share. This compares with .$1,-| 138,000,000, or $3.98 a share in the 1964 first half. | Sales rose to $11,215,000,000 from $9,868,000,000. | CLL se -- * ot ror = == 4-3! FABRIC jen' and Bor 20" BICYCLE 26" BICYCLE 26" 3 SPEED BICYCLE SPECIALS TROUSERS "" ye SERGE TWILL 36" WIDE Note features: Convertible with detachable Boys' ond Girsl' Diamond Framed Bicycles. Bicycle with low profile cal hal eri pt atid RAYON CREPE Trousers with no cuffs, side and back pockets. upper bor. Handlebars with white plastic Complete with choinguard, Handlebar with with white hand grips, 2-tone saddle, tires size Dak style trousers for ls 26 x 1%", solid bar kickstand and 3 speed 6 handgrips. Two tone saddie with two springs hand arips, 2-tone saddle, black rubber peda' x 6 ; : gear shift. Assorted colours, yd. ~~ id sizes 8 to 18, Men's Sizes . BROCADES ~ MEN'S 2.77 $29.77 $35-77 $45.77 || wce". ow) | Bors 199) Black rubber block pedals, Chain size 4 x ete. and Kickstand, =) at ae 1p on IMO ; = VINYL COATED TABLECLOTH «i ticxine Superior Quality -- Extra heavy table- cloth. Size 52 x 72", Ideal for dining room or kitchen table. Protects and saves a | | your linens, Wipes clean with damp cloth, Boycott Laid | On Oil Firms SARNIA (CP)--Boycotting of Shell and White Rose service Stations in the Sarnia area con- tinued Tuesday with dealers) still protesting the company's commission sharing. All but one of the area's serv- fce stations closed their gaso- line pumps and picketed the one that remained open. | The dealers were protesting the portion of a recent two-cent price increase taken by Shell Oil. They said the company takes 1% cents of the increase, leaving them with three-quart-| ers of a cent. | Canadian Oi] Ltd, whose brand name is White Rose, is a wholly - owned stthsidiary of Shell of Canada. ae ageg Quality... | ee das \ SHOWER CURTAIN MEANS TO YOU OUR FAMOUS MONTH-END SALE SET OFFERS HUNDREDS OF SPECIALLY SELECTED ITEMS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, Size 4 i x K moart's tremendous buying power 72" x 72" ] ; mokes it possible for you to buy sea- ee ee) or Children's TERRY CLOTH "Quality Plastic Seamless Shower Curtoin Set. Shower Curtain Assorted pink Gin. Size 72", 72" K-DAYS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET greater-thon-usual discount prices. TRAINING PANTIES epprox. 72" x 72" and Window Drapes approx. 24" x 48". A felons, "Green, yellow ond blue aa ON THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDA Pera ah, Souele aise RDAY large selection of designs ond colors to choose from. or Tin Wane : ribbed cuffs ond covered for c Ps Str ong Quality Wate r ro Mm Showe, Cun Proot Bath. AARRAARARARRARRAARRRAAARAA RR RAERK RRR AARRARRRAARARARAR RAR ARARARRARAAR ARAN RR DRUGGISTS MAY ADVISE elastic waist. Sizes 2 to 6x. MONTREAL (CP)--Jean. Di- : caire, president of, the Quebec : : \ College of Pharmacists, says} [J pharmacy will become more in- dependent of doctors in the fu- ture, aiding them but also dis pensing advice on the use of drugs without a physician's 'help. .