GIGANTIC AH ft rA n A her i || PECORD LIMITED QUANTITY , i | for best selection \ hy, CLEANING Shop Early ! BP ial 4 CLOTHS L.P,'s Reg, to 6.98 | : ' ey ! F (stereo L.P.'o 1.98) . 2 / Reg, ° PICNIC TABLES »#aide bis 139 tg (5 I OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. | It's The Dise Shop's * SALE PRICED SPRUCE CEDAR PINE , © hy MOST RECORDS CUT ONLY .....+++ (4,68 21,58 25,26 So tices | FLL : FULLY NAILED... 20,79 2478 28,68 ~ 7 | LESS FULLY BOLTED .... 27,10 30.00 34.21 iain z: | il THAN WHOLESALE Federol Tox Included --- Prov, Tax Extra F a F "Cais a Artists such os: Billy Vaughan, Lawrence ' "Casta ' 7 Welk, Jimmy Rogers, Jehnny Maddox, pe er aiceneee Seep: ceneUcUn EE: mb mnnecemms cme eternal i ; ' Steve Allen, Dick Cantino, Mac ge Pederson SASH BERRY ADJUSTABLE Guided Missile i. a man, ete. also Square Dance music SPEED se CLOSET | COIN > ame ee Balances Decorative $ FENCE ASSORTED SIZES Shutters "vee BANKS EG - 1: 59 PER SECTION 17.50 a 1.00 5.95 voll ve 1.60 F 5 -- -- tos : tach tacn SPECIAL ; Limited Quantity SHOP EARLY CLEANING EXCELITE Pittsburgh LAWSON SINGLE BAR MARY | pe laa cp KITS SECONDS seni Paint Lerten) -- fio -- POPPINS | Reg. 1.50 Assorted colors and lengths. oer 321° 5%. © Jt | TOWEL RACKS ea. 1.99 \ , wali i otex F ind Semi- LAWSON FOUR BAR ' + : ste ry one | Aeedaniyonica ta rates [LAWSON FOUR BAR M 1.25 ewnings, ete. wood trim interior work OSHAWA Wo OD PRODUCTS H "FOR THE FINEST IN SOUND" 7 ae SS" é id JQ pars A AE RR RNS eR SR ART Rk RN my ate O1 SHOPPING CENTRE "ALLONT-THE NAME TO BUILD ON" Call 728-534] ae aa, SAVE DURING THE BIG EXCITING SALE AT OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE | | i. "FUJI" 4 PE Cari | | Hurry eee Hurry Records, plays back, automatic ernse, : FY dual tiack, 'high speed rewind, built-in i - ome ee A carrying case, earphone, sensitive micro. | } phone-speed contro|, Batteries and tape included a... 24.88 st SNA OT aa tm oe New Yashica EZ-matic All the advantages of Kodapak loading plus these fine camera features Slimline design----for easier handling, Yeshinon F/2:7 -- amazingly fost lens, color corrected. Programmed operation-shutter system controlled by lens - circling electric rt Hie , an hy ad G t tt eve, speeds up to 1/4600th, All automatically, All these and more will 4 " i SY e er § ees moke the Yashico EZ-matic the outstanding Kodapak-type camera of ¢ rs 5 the year, Price includes hard black leather eveready case, ; i 1 See ---- ' £: } i for this Summer ie aw: @9-88 thes GSM a { i : | there is a BINOCULARS A stereo recorder with | | : GIANT SALE rig so many features at Coated lens, centre wheel $289.90 focus, lightweight Complete € with carrying case. NEW WOLLENSAK "1280" * MATCHING DETACHABLE SPEAKERS » ELEGANT LIVING | a 8 " ROOM STYLING ¢ BRILLIANT STEREO FIDELITY e ; -Now you can surround yourself with the finest stereo sound . . , enjoy finest professional tape features'. . . at an unbeatable low price! The new Wollensak "1280 gives you the advan- Summer Clearance. of Used i of powerful nee. ig eoncn? - peakers, convenient tab controls, two profes+ ' ss 4 a 8 end Polaroid sional VU meters, vertical and horizontal oper- 8 eras (ew Cn. ation, gary more. Why be satisfied with less ae LADIES' DRESS SHOES---white and coloured........n0w 2.77 All Fully Guerenteed For 90 De than the new Wollensak "1280? Hear how oe ae oe great stereo:cen be. . . now | 2 LADIES' WHITE FLATTIES 2,77 to 4.77 SANDALS--for ladies and men... now 2,77, 3.77 and 4,77 LADIES' HANDBAGS ..... 6.0... 00005 at 2.77 and 3.77 | 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 15 SIM . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE COE N OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIAL CLEARANCE OF ALL DEMONSTRATOR MODELS NOW ON!