THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 27, 1965 43 per EEL" AE roscorcK eT TEEN aT PIM! 1VE JUST PUT IN A NEW GENERATOR= NOW WE'RE READY TO ROLL~ AND ALL FOR A TUPPENCE=Z COULDNT) AFFORD IT OTHERWIGE = jy-- c Re vice CIN : n iz Ano 80 /T'S ONLY BY 'CCIDENT THAT THE GAME Ne or | /8 BAtL BUT Gee ee All WHIZ-- AFTERW A BLOKE CA\ ALL, YOURE £\ SO CANI~ GIRL THE LONE RANGER WELL PON GET MA? ABOUT IT/ IP S EVER CET ALETTER Z'LL QUIT BOTHERIN' YOu! hs a \| lhe Le ops naa © FINDING NO MORE GOLD, DAN TAKES PADDY To THE p YOU \/ THA: ME <6 ease ta' soundings as possible. Then, instead ging the rocks, you ma' cover a course that will you into a safe channel. South made use of this nique in the acco hand, West led a club and first problem was whether finesse the queen, Declarer did finesse, not the expectancy that West the king -- though he this was the case -- but tel Es see i SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK Pore te MILA. +. YOU DARLING! YOU SAVED MY LIFE! 4 OF A BETTER tes. The about one in 3,000, are many thousands of such children in the United. States|summer camp fun at least as and Canada. Let's give a thought to some children who need help that, happily, we can give them. I mean children with diabe- accepted figure These youngsters don't They are as vigorous as their playmates. The chief dif- ference is that alost all them need insulin every day, and they have to abide by rigid diets--no . candy or between-|Canada. meal snacks. : |GET INSULIN It's coming up vacation time.| These camps have the same Millions of young folks will be going to summer camps. Diabetic 'children can't--ex-\camp fires. But in ways they are cept as I shall explain. A regu-|different. Each child gets the lar camp wouldn't be safe forjdiet that has been found neces-| them. Even if they could man- age to stay on their individual/given daily, in the prescribed diets, there would still be a con-/amount. stant risk because the excess' Doctors, nurses and dieticiansimer, while somewhere a young- (using up more energy) can throw off the sugar-insulin bal- ance, If they play too hard, there can be an insulin reac- tion; if they are too inactive, tests may show sugar. Thse diabetics deserve some juch as other youngsters. The }Amrican Diabetes Association and affiliated groups are mak- ing it possible for them to have an enjoyable. vacation. Nearly 50 special camps now are op- erating in the United States and |kinds of programs: Hiking, swimming, sports, crafts, sings, lsary individually. Insulin is TELEVISION LOG he was getting finesse, South reasoned that queen lost to the king, h later recover the trick carding a diamond on of clubs, He would thus club and a diamond the normal two diamonds. De- clarer also had another reason for finessing, as we shall shortly see, East took the club and re turned the king of diamonds, which declarer ducked in an ef- fort to learn more about the op- ponents' hands, When East then continued with the queen of diamonds, most surely marking with the jack, South had all information he needed to an intelligent guess about play of the rest of the hand. He took the queen with ace, discarded a diamond on ace of clubs, and led a from dummy. When East ed low, South solved the arily difficult problem of whe- ther to play the or the jack by playing the jack. West the jack with the ace, but had no trouble making the rest to P< bic Ff Is ges at South's : be helpful ery 7h le realiz- monds, if he also had the ace of hearts. The jack of hearts fi- nesse, instead of the king, thus became clearly the right play. Prisons In N.Z. Get Extra Guards CHRISTCHURCH (Reuters) New Zealand prisons bristled with extra guards today as fears swept the country of more serious penitentiary riots. An uneasy quiet prevailed after a five-hour riet in nearby Paparua Prison Sunday night --_ left five ey injured and one wing of the building damaged by fire. This was the second riot at a New Zealand prison in less than a week. Last Tuesday con- victs burned the Mount Eden maximum security prison et Auckland, Two convicts transferred after the Auckland riot at- tempted to brun down W ton's Mount Crawford Jail Sai urday. Now security measures have been tightened up and guards strengthened as prison officials and a baffled public wondered where the next eruption will oe- cur, 4 ACROSS. 20, Chief 1, Whey of god 7 milk of oe 6, Shatter Panopo- pneu Fat eg 2---Mickey Mouse Club 12:18 - Fy 11, Island lis Chanee) $-Beflale 10:00 P.M. 4--Speaker of the House i off 21, "Fables Channel ¢--Toroate N--The Merv Griffin Show| *~P8@r Charlotte Greece im ead Siete |e wane 12, Courtyard Slang" china. Satan jothe Fugitive 1i--First Edition News 18. Species of author (Noleic Channel 1--Hamilten | 4-Doctors and Nurses | 2--From Scarboro College | poplar 23. Es- goae ONS 'seen rere, 10:39 PAM. 7--Father Knows Best H 14, Eat away trange --_,. TURBUAY evR. $--Country Music Hail | 4--~Search for Tomorrow r 15. Beverage 24. Thus Yesterday's Answer 5:00 P.M. 63--News Magaine 3-Noon-day Report d 16. Censured 25. Blue ' Romilly Theatre 11:00 P.M. 12:45 P.M, ® 17, Effect grass 84. Avast! permen 10004434---0 W=Recing Forum Marri 7 " Survivalu jews 30. Married 27, Back 36, Hot-air Rove, Rete Nees ug | eSulding Light 22, Book pig wep eam oo Meds Pg ace oar TM JACK WESTON...) WHAT INTHE * elasp athe te rad = hy ain Ome Somerro Fina S--aomrnertone a PLO! code . jabs &-Leave «| To Beaver atinee AND THIS 19 MY WORLD ARE YOU WERE JDST EX 26. Notions 32, Spar tree: 6--Take. Thirty tite Pm bAnerasen Shake SISTER, ANNIE, } DOIN' BACK IN 27, Page 33. Brazil 4--Zane Grey Theatre ; é--Music And News : "THIS OLD MINE? ) German 3---Rawhide Wei=Lste Show 4--Meet The Millers --< number of river 40. Silence 4--Night. Metre a book: 4:00 PA. 3--Ed , Allen ] 11:98 Pm, | &Mike Douglas shew print. as (Ze Tt je ye Ti J--News Central : YW é--Lets Talk Music 11--Wreatling 1:90 P.M. 28. Require aon 8 with = |#-3---Tonight Show 11--Mid-Day Matinee 29. Medicinal Oa SAX Neal Cyr And First Four Races plant bald 9--Movi 30. Inflict Yj 4 a PM, V1s45_ PM, Edie Date nN qT 9--From Scarboro Coll ah do Yy wl ine é-internationa!Cineme | ""A* plc ure Poin' 43--Ni M. mule, for AL WAY Weathers porte WEDNESDAY . | 7--where The Action Is 88. immedi ' UU; Oe ened ah ai Fo "ately 77jez les [2a les Tier coe #:00 AM. "he PM. 38. Place of Y "4 1:00 PM +Coptoln Kenaerce $-2--The Doctors ; N--Bhind 1:90 AM. 7A Time For Us 39, Century I Z) S--The Littlest Hobe | $-The Millionaire po lad ae Y j 29 ihiseoea ern 4~Leave atte, Beaver | 3--Moment of Truth 42. Eucharistic 30/3) VAN gy eather, 10:00 A. 3:00 P.M. 2--Truth or 9--People in Conflic? CA a plate " seis) gare Ps Where Are Consequence $2--another. World = . Indian Y 3-Gilligan's Island jews 7--General Hospital 1 7-3 4-To Tell The Truth = 44. Deputy "yy" ie ba. stance roe Desilu Play /, 2:98 P. ra Down Wid owt gn PO ee 1, Begone! '" 7--Combat J--Trallmaster say our move 4-1 Love Li 'ou Don't Say Ba 2, Scottish- Yy* '<--Denay "Themes. Show "es AM. 7--The Young Marrtede o Gaelic a Wendy and Me $--Romper Room 63--Publlc Service = . 73! 4:00 Pa. 11:08 AM, a Bios ot Night Ti--Special Movie Tie-Morning Musicele 9--Petticoat J ¢3-Concentration eg 63--The Great Wer Andy yberry n--Wild YOUH HEALTH ie oon oe mis am | SNe Game si ne PL. 9--Summer Fun Leite esate ovie: ti . . . 62--Moment Of Fear 11:90 AM. ice tan AMAZING HOWA la etic 1 en 7--McHale"s Navy #-2--Jeopardy 2--Rocky and Hie 4 $43--Hollywood = Telent | }--Price is Right Friend: SUM UPA FELLA'S GENEROUS, AND noe ad or an Tie. e - a on ob 4:30 Pa. LWAYS WEAR A MAC LAST ' ta N--Huckleberry Hound GUNNY 6MILE Sf bal yy sea Like Holiday Too ie vee Camera On Canade 9--Movie " , 1:0 PM cere tee Fi yy * F Bit By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD &3--Gideon's. Way 4--News and Weather | 4--The Thirty Show 4--Petticoat Juncttion 8--Popeye end Pals 2~B'wana Don in many instances donate their services. There's a doctor al- ways on duty at each camp--an expert in recognizing the quirks of diabetes. Funds are raised by various benefits throughout the year to meet the special expenses, so charges for going to th ecamps are minimal, In almost every case, fees are lowered to whatever the par- ents can afford to pay, so that no child will be deprived be- cause of lack of money. In a few areas it may already be too late to get in, this year, so start making arrangements for next summer. For the most part, however, the camping sea- son extends through parts of] July and August. It would be a shame, it seems to me, if even one camp cot is empty this sum- ster with diabetes stayed home in the city. ; The age range for both boys and girls is from 7 or 8 to around 14 to 16 years. Check with the diabetes as- sociation in your community, Or if you have difficulty in making contact, ask the doctor who is caring for a diabetic child. He usually can tell you where to write for the information. Dear Dr. Molner: My four- year-old grandson rarely has @ normal bowel movement, M) daughter was told to feed him bran, etc., but it doesn't help He is thin, sall for his age and has a poor appetite.--Mrs W. K. Appetites can be fickle at tha age and I presume--or hope- that his youngster is getting maintained, appetites usually tend to jeturn to normal. You say his mother was ad- vised to 'feed him bran, ete," { suspect that the "etc." might be much more useful. Bran, being essentially just 'oughage, and even somewhat ittle nutrition but does urge the rowel to act. But that isn't the vhole story. The bowel also reeds to have a certain amount of bulk to move. So I would encourage this 'oungster to eat things which ave nutritional value and alse ulk. Whole fruits (apples, or- nges, and all the rest) are ood in this respect. So are fruit mixed vitamin supplement. | tices, including prune juice, ,ot to mention whole cooked the necessities for health areprunes, raw carrots and celery. an ices NET