Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jul 1965, p. 16

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Pete ae aa ee ee ae eee 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 19, 1965 30--Automobile for Sale )32--Trucks for Sele 38---Coming Events 24--Stores, Offices, Storage P, new engine, clutch, cab In good 723-7841 after 6 p.m, 1952 GMC '-ton pick up. Good condi- 26--Apartment for Rent THE HOME OF OFFICE SPACE > AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT . - T. L. WILSON © At the Times tion, $185. 105 Byron Street North, Whitby. GOOD USED CARS FUNERAL .OF MRS. ELMER G. GLOVER BINGO MALA GLEN COURT LOCATED NEAR SOUTH GENERAL re 'ORS PLANT RESERVE NOW AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT: * 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms % 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and 3 bedroom suites) Elevators Balconies 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED -- Cars for yea: Tele- phone 78-4549. F Robert Nichols. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars "Before You Buy give Bill a try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. ' 1250 DUNDAS EAST 668-5871 - 72 BUYING OR SELLING Cars LARGE STORE © for rent in Shopping Ploza e "2 months rent free to reliable * party. Call 728-4646 iin phone 728-8175. 25--Houses for Rent _ Oshawa's First GARDEN HOMES New Concept For Family Living Two and Three Bedroom Homes Individual Patios Full Basement Rumpus Room Refrig. - Stove - Dryer Rents from $120.00 per month So convenient to school and shopping. |new building. All modern conveniences. bought, parts for sale. tron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for ernie ie dace paid, orth. East, 725-11 OSHAWA Tate PARTS -- "aaniad cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. 1175 'Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. 34---Automobile Repair pant OB at ths sete reat acs ate OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto' electric ser- vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis- sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold In Syst FM MUSIC Broadloom: Halls 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. GOVERNOR MANSIONS Funeral services. were held Saturday for Mrs. Elmer G. Glover of 137 Gladstone ave. who died Wednesday. Rev. J. F. G. Morris of St. Andrew's United Church con- ducted the service in the chapel of the MclIntosh-Anderson Fu- neral Home at 10:30 a.m. Burial was in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklyn. Pallbearers were: Don Gover, Art Ladd, Don Dove, George Dove, Lou Palmer and Harold Forde. St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M, 690 KING E, ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball Jackpot $250. 56 Nos. "$20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 69 Nos. $100. $20 Consolation. Good Prizes GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Jackpots 55 and 56 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners MRS. CHARLES GRILLS The death occurred July 18, at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, of Mrs. Charles Grills, of Columbus. She was in her 84th year. A daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellins, the deceased was born east of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs, Grills, who were married 62 years ago this Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 |USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make trailers, also used 'ires 509 Bloor Street | East, after 4, 281 1963 CONVERT Parisienne, 8 cylin. der, automatic, radio, back-up lights, whitewalls, wheel discs, window washers, block heater, $2750 or best offer, Tele-| phone Whitby 668-5701. CENTRAL --. Threeroom lower unfur-| 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard-| | nished apartment, separate shower and|top, 8 cylinder standard, radio, white-| toilet. Avaliable August 1. Garage avail-| walls, discs. Whitby, 668-8457 | | | | 2 Bedroom Suite 3 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY TELEPHONE 723-1712 728-2911 For Appointment 36--Legol THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA WATER PURIFICATION PLANT EXTENSIONS -- 1965 Sealed tenders addressed to the Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of the City of Oshawa, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, On- tario, and plainly marked "Tenders for Water Purifi- cation Plant Extensions -- 1965" will be received until 12 o'clock noon, E.D.S.T., on Monday, August 16th, 1965, for the construction of exten- MODERN apartments avaliable, large two and three-bedroom suites. Refriger- ators and stoves swimming 'pool. 728-3465. ONE-BEDROOM $115, in pr building, business adults, no shift workers. Tele- phone 723-9053. ONE and two-bedroom apartments in Including swimming pool and elevator. Telephone Whitby 668-8560. GENTLEMAN aged 25 with furnished apartment willing to share with another gentleman. Apply 223 Athol street east, apartment 3. able. Adults preferred. Telephone 788093) i955 BUICK convertibie, Good "condition, | at noon only. ce |$795. Apply 109 Bloor Street East. Tele TWO - BEDROOM apartment, close to} phone' 725-8332. South General Motors, including refriger- |19§§ DODGE, two-door hardtop, V8 auto- ator, stove, drapes and TV outlet. For! matic, radio, body and mechanically more information telephone . 728-4866. | Very 'good. Must sell $300. Telephone| Available August 1. | 728-7282. | ATTRACTIVE three - room unfurnished | ig) MERCURY Frontenac wagon. Ex- LOCATION-- Forewell and Poplar Sts. Rental Office ot site | Open 2:00 to 5:30 daily Closed Sundoy. H. MILLEN lj REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 ES. ROSEDALE DRIVE three-bedroom) recreation room, stove, refriger-|---- ator meine ayer. 9 $25 monthly, Call Mrs. Fox, Toronto, 465- 26--Apartment for Rent Sophisticated Adult -- CASA MANANA. COURT | Spacious 2 and 3° bedroom suites, featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities psa large mirrors in bath- private balconies, iraoaleomed corridors, twin elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnish- ed by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-6361 Follow Park Roed North te Anderson St., West on An- derson to Nipigon St. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily GUIDE REALTY LTD. Me eo Fete ~ NONQUON TOWERS LTD. Northend Location @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- rooms. @ Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof Electrical Heating Broadloom Inter-Com System Hi-Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking. Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. | THREE: -ROOM basement apariment, pri- windows, |ROOM and board in clean, quiet "home, apartment, self-contained, stove and T® cellent condition deluxe, four-door model. |frigereter. Bisshress ee Se ab-| Asking $950 or best offer. Phone 725-4371 Sainert, Avene now. after 4. pee ED sein i isbn COME ALIVE ... Summer has just! FIVE-ROOM apariment, main floor. Pri-\begun. Last week we had two conver- |vate bath. Garage. Central. $100 month-itipies left, we have now added one more ly, water and heat Included. Adults. 103\peauty. 1963 Pontiac, beautiful maroon, |Ritson South. _ (with light beige top, power Steering, THREE complete furnished Fooms, |power brakes, Parisienne. Telephone dishes, linen, heat, light and water sup- | 942-6300 and ask for Murph plied. Private entrance, parking. Close to j9gq OLDSMOBILE 98; vower steering, bus, north end. Suit couple. 70 Glover's power brakes, power mirrors, power Road. jaerial, power seat, power trunk, power! automatic transmission, seat vate bathroom, $65. monthly. Telephone belts, 12,000 miles, still under warranty, | 668-6720. whitewalls, discs, willow green with black | a --___----- |top and willow green interior. This car 27--Rooms for Rent was bought by a retired gentleman. | Telephone 942-6300. Ask for Harry. |1961 PONTIAC, black, V-8 engine, one ATTRACTIVELY lear owner. Telephone 942-6300 and ask FURNISHED ROOMS Available in. private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. oi PONTIAC, 283 motor, in excellent 82 PARK RD. N. _ 728-867) |condition. 1935 Plymouth coupe with T-| sions to the. Water Purifica- tion Plant. Specifications with blank | Form of Tender and plans | may be obtained at the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 980 Yonge Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, and also at the office of the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission, 1 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, on payment of a de- posit of $50.00 for each set of plans and specifications token. The deposit cheque should be made payable to the Public. Utilities Commis- sion of the City of Oshawa and will be returned upon receipt in good condition of the said plans and specifica- tions within three weeks of the closing date of tenders. |Bird engine and custom interior. Tele- phone Whitby, 668-6326. | 1956 CHEVROLET, automatic, re-built engine, $150. and 1955 Chevrolet, radio,| automatic, $50. Telephone 728- 0558 | _ la CHEVY Ii convertible, mist bive| twith matching roof and interior. Auto- ing 16 share SHED rooms for og gentlemen, wit matic, radio, discs, whitewalls, Must sell | lelose to south GM. Affer §.15 telephone | Tivate: 668-4728 725-8645. 1961 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, Fle | wood interior, fully powered, new tires. line econ cole We mane plat een |excaien condition. Sacrifice for cash!) |temen preferred. Apply 179 King Street| Telephone 725-8132, | | East. EA). PLYMOUTH hardtop, new automatic) timing and mufflers, etc. SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi- [Running good, Sacrifice for cash, Tele oer, Seen: __.|phone 723-7963 "fooms with refriger- 1960 DODGE for sal j@ or trade for small) ere » anety i King Street) car, May be seen at 248. Toronto Avenue. } 1194] CHEVROLET, four-door, radio, heat- FURNISHED a 5 rent, boerd if BK wg - six galt standard shift. $1, 190.) ud 5661 Each tender must be accom- panied by a marked cheque in on amount equal to $5% of the tender sum. The low- est or any tender not neces- sorily accepted. GORE & STORRIE LIMITED, Consulting Engineers, 980 Yonge Street, Toronto 5, Ontorio, B. ANNAND, General Manager, Public Utilities Commission, __| .100 Simcoe Street, S., Pad! Oshawa, Ontario. sired. aan i SARISTENRG, ~ two-d hardte J rena , oor ar op, | FURNISHED room for rior Monro automatic 327 motor, wheel discs, deluxe Par Tasha. Toles msi. puar-button, radio, excellent condition bce » 723-10 BOOMS fer gentiemen: cose fo ina PONTIAC Laurentian pall mpd al 5 ty 'Fiain| |automatic, radio, safety tire is aS ee : _ldition. $1075. Telephone 7253483. LARGE FRONT bedroom, twin beds:/sTATIONWAGON 1963 Biscayne auto- ad og R gh ac weekly. |matic, very clean condition, $1,495. Tele Lh Bn ad ss ey |phone 725-9172 after 5 p.m. -----~|1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air papper ag wrk aka ncatig-toon pag |eylinder automatic, power steering, Tulashone Wek taee oe re Potive|Cadio, back-up lights, whitewalls, discs. elephone 723-3589 er apply V@/ Excellent condition throughout. Telephone jodi Ro a Rene ENT |723-3942. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Suit two will- Ing to share, single beds. Close to north General Motors. 728-2971. FURNISHED ROOM centrally located to rborough, say and Oshawa. batt rates for small | sedan, good NOTICE | TO CREDITORS and Others IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL McKENZIE, DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estote of the said Ethel McKenzie, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, widow, deceased, who died on or. about the 25th day of March, 1965, ore required to file proof of the same with the undersign- ed solicitors for the Executors of the estate of the said de- ceased on or before the 9th +day of August, 1965, after which date the said Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa this 16th day of July, A.D, 1965. four-door "6 | ROLET, six cylinder, auto- matic, two-door, radio, white walls Parking. Telephone) Good condition. "sans Telephone 725-8344, |1959 CHEVROLET 6, stick shift, good | | imotor, bodyworker's chance, $375. Tele phone Alax 942 3254 | - | family. Call Orono 12R \1935 HUDSON Terapiane. good antique! lcondition. Sacrifice price. Don Boyd's LARGE furnished ar housekeeping Esso, Thickson Road and Highway 2 room, private bathroom, for one or two | Telephone 725-7622. South gentlemen. Apply 66 Park Road Way METEOR.Va ai ma ---- ONE-BEDROOM, central location. Suit-|onrq ives; little rust $ikS or nearest| able for girl. Parking facilities. Tele (otter 729-3048 ebb load 987 LINCOLN tii jo, ti ss convertible, new top, tires, FURNISHED room, one or' two pholstery, rebuilt motor, full powered. Apply Mrs. 'S. aie 286 "Frontenac, °F Because of minor body repairs, going telephone 728-3478 |cheap, $750. Apply 849 Sylvia Street CLEAN, f furnished room. Close to hospital | | 725-2549. | and downtown. Appih 215 Francis Street, i9s; PONTIAC Stratochiel sedan, auto or telephone 728-6356. |matic, $500 or best offer. Can be seen 2 R d B. d jafter 6.30: p.m. Telephone 723-5923, 8--Room and Boar |1958 PONTIAC Laurentian, two-tone, four ROOM AND BOARD Simcoe Street North,/door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic, $18 weekly. Telephone 728-6485. |power steering, radio, whitewalls. After oe a - 74. ROOM and board for one or two gentie-| ican eee men. Near North Plant. Telep 4 one, 1963 MERCURY. Monterey, automatic) 723-6365. with power steering, brakes, windows, | - |\new tires, Telephone Alax 942-2846, | | jear Mosport, | parking space, home privileges. Five days 1957 "PONTIAC, V-8, automatic, four door weekly. Telephone 723-2786. te ardtop. hod quick sale telephone Whitby, 23% NIPIGON, Apartment 308, room and pcre seth board for two gentlemen, six day week, | MOTORS, $35. UP $20 weekly, |Courtice Auto Wreckers. ROOM AND BOARD available in country |sem-O" Manis, 725-4404. | home, seven-day week, lunches packed. 1964 F-85 OLDSMOBILE, sports coupe, Telephone Whitby 668-8158. V-8, automatic, bucket seats, floor con- arent. * sul, radio and many other extras. Still eh and board, close to GM northiunder warranty. Telephone 723-9800. plant, good meals, clean rooms. Call "| 1960 ENVOY, custom sedan, low mileage, 725-9843. Apply 57 Brock Street East. very gi condition: 'Can be" financed: | 29--Wanted | to > Rent able. After 3, call 728-0489 WANTED immediately, inrae house." in| (31--Compect 'Cars for Sale Oshawa, by adult family 725-6721 NURSE wants unfurnished bachelor | apartment near hospital. Possession Aug: | ust 1 to 15. Telephone after 4 p.m., | 723-1683, | EXECUTIVE TYPE three. or four-bed-| room home, preferably with garage, in| All car parts. Telephone "723:| CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, | MURDOCH & VICTOR 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Minnie Russell and Alfred Howard Herman, Executors, TENDERS PAVING * VOLVO & PEUGEOT we MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Multiple Listing Service FWO-BEDROOM apartment, ava ble on August 1, in modern building. Call after 5 the Oshawa - Whitby area. Long term| lease. Excellent references available. O¢-| cupancy December 1, 1965. Write Box 134, Oshawa Times | TWO- or three-bedroom house in Whitby, ---- or Oshawa area, couple with two smal) Tenders will be received in the Office of the Business Ad- ministrator up to 4:00 p.m. Monday, July 26th, 1965, 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728- 0921 Sydney, Edwin of Beaverton, p.m. Adult children only, Telephone 725- 7832. children. Guaranteed care, 728-3862. SABYAN October, farmed in _ the area for many years. They had lived in Columbus for 17 years. Mrs. Grills was a member of Columbus United Church, Besides her husband, the de-| ceased is survived by three daughters, Mrs. I. Stacey (Flo- jrence) of Oshawa, Mrs, A. HOSKIN -- Stan and Darlene ine e|Hepburn (Elsie) of Columbus Moffatt) wish to announce the birth offand Mrs. Roy Jackson (Rose- Lic a ade ect) Haga Saar eel eee. of Lindsay and three sons, Hospital, A brother for Dana. oward of Brooklin, Horace of Brooklin and Stanley of Port Perry. Also surviving are two sis |ters, Mrs. Arthur Cook (Luella) lof Brooklin and Mrs. Pearl Rob- riner) are happy to announce the arrival) inson of Toronto; a brother, Wil-| of their son, Richard Douglas at Portiliam Ellins of Columbus; 13 Perry Community Hospital, sunecany: grandchildren and nine great- July 17, 1965, A brother for Kelly Lee. grandchildren. HUCULAK Erast and Lydia are very) The funeral service will hapoy Ye announce, te, arrival ol tne /held at the Robinson Funeral Ibs. 12 028. A brother for Roma and/Chapel, Brooklin, at 2.30 p.m. George. | July 21 followed by interment in JANKOWSKI -- Bill and Wanda (nee|Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. sina) are fuoey.t° purowes, re|Rev. S.J. Hillier of Brooklin and Dianna Marie, at the Oshawa Gen-|Will conduct the service. eral Hospital on Wednesday, July 14, 1965. Double happiness for sister Chris- tine. Special thanks to Dr. A. E. King) and 4th floor staff. BIRTHS GOLDSMITH -- Jim and Mary (nee Husak) wish to announce the birth of a son, John Charles, 9 Ibs., a7 the Oshawa General Hospital July 15, 1965. A brother for Paul Clarke and Shelley. Thanks to Dr. Morris and 4th floor staff. HORNE Tom. and Marie (nee Harper) are proud to announce the birth a son, Kenneth Wayne, 8 Ibs. 3 o7zs., on| July 15, 1965 at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. A brother for Fred and Stephen. ROWE -- Doug and Pat (nee War. MRS,. KENNETH HARDY Following an illness of four Campbell) are proud to announce (nee |months the death occurred at arrival of their son, 8 Ibs. 12 o7s., 'yn the Bowmanville Memorial Hos- Sussiay, duly Jo 12 at Oshawa, Ger past this morning of Mrs, Ken- karen Thanks to Doctors Anderson and/meth Hardy, of Tyrone. Beckett. The former Jessie Hooey, the deceased was a daughter of the j\late William and Mary Hooey. |She was born at Tyrone and|B |had been a lifelong resident of the area, She was a member of |Tyrone United Church and an lactive member of the United! Church Women. Besides her husband, Hardy is survived by a son, SHAW John and Barbara DEATHS GRILLS, Edna At the Oshawa General. Hospital on Sun-| day, July 18, 1965, Edna fellins, beloved | wife of Charles Grills of Columbus and dear mother of Mrs, |. Stacey (Florence), Mrs. A. Hepburn (Elsie), Howard, Mrs.| Roy Jackson (Roseina), Horace and Stan levy; in her 84th year. Resting at the| Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Serv-/ Gerald, of Tyrone. Ryu Hie! pane on Ree! July rap Also surviving are three sis- e ° ntermen' rovesi: Cemetery," Brooklin, ere ee *\ters, Mrs. Ace Abbott (Ruby) of }Oshawa, ,Mrs. William Thorn- At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on|ton (Reta) of Toronto and Mrs. Monday, July 19, 1965, Jessie Hooey of Ear! Prescott (Agnes) of Tyrone HARDY, Jessie © llican Nicholson was formerly an ac-| tive member of the Women's} As-} Mrs.| OBITUARIES and a brother, Stuart Hooey, of |Tyrone. The funeral service will be held at the Northcutt and Smith -- Home, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. July 21. Interment will be in Bowmanville Cemetery. MRS. CLAYTON E. KEMP Mrs. Clayton E, Kemp of Courtice died yesterday in Osh- awa General Hospital after a lengthy illness. She was 74. She was born Mary Frances (Minnie) Snyder at Brighton, Ont. Educated there, she: mar- ried Clayton Kemp Aug. 3, 1909. She came to this area in 1916 from Brighton. She was a mem- ber of Gospel Hall on Nassau st. She is survived by her hus- band; three daughters, Mrs. S. Preston (Velma), Mrs. J. Bar- ron (Audrey), Mrs. Cecil Forde (Maudie) all of shawa; seven grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. She was pre- deceased by a daughter, Mrs. O. B. Hooey (Theresa), in 1951. Arnold Mattice of Gospel Hall will conduct the service in the chapel of the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home Wednesday at. 2 p.m. Burial will be in Union Cemetery. MRS. WILLIAM J, NICHOLSON Following a lengthy illness the death occurred this morning at the Sunny Brae Nursing Home, Whitby Township, of Nora May Claughton, widow of William J. Nicholson. The deceased was in lher 83rd year. A daughter of the late Norman land Jessie Claughton, Mrs. |Nicholson was born at Ux- |bridge. Following her marriage |she lived in Coldwater, Clarks- 'burg and Collingwood before evens to Whitby some years ago. A member of All Saints Ang- Church, Whitby, Mrs. Progressive Conservative log - : |singing and elocution. | Predeceased by her husband jin 1956, Mrs. Nicholson is sur- vived by five daughters, Mrs. R. Theaker (Helen), of Arcadia, California; Mrs. L. E. Theaker (Marion), of Montebello, Cali- |fornia; Mrs. S$. Swain (Kate) of Whitby; Mrs. A. Fisher (Dor- othy), of Stratford and Mrs. M. rong ir (Norma), of. Falkland, and two sons, James E. |Richolson, of Kitchener and {Kenneth G. Nicholson, of Stay- |ner. Also surviving are eight grandchildren and five great- grandchildren. The funeral service will be jheld at the W. C. Town Funeral \Chapel, Whitby, at 1:30 p.m. |July 21, Interment will be in Groveside Cemetery. Rev. W. |J. McClure, minister of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, will | condugt the service: Tyrone, beloved wife of Kenneth Hardy, dear mother of Gerald, sister of Mrs. A.) Abbotp (Ruby) of Oshawa, Mrs. W Thornton (Reta) of Toronto, Stuart and Mrs. E, Prescott (Agnes) of Tyrone. Rest ing at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral) Home. Funeral service 2 o'clock Wednes- | day afternoon. Interment Bowmanville) Cemetery: | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 claiming \four year olds and up 6 furs (8). Vineyard Harrison $9.30 5.460 3.10 | Jessie B. Good Sorensen 6.40 3.10 |Susie's Roman Walsh 2.40 | Time 112 3-5 Clear and Fast Also ran in order: Midway Bive, Dula JOHNS, Gussie . At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowman: ville on Monday, July 19 1965, Gussie Johns, beloved daughter of the late John and Alice Johns, Park Road South, lov-) i ist yf é | Misine ci Menek . kideoes unaeat Gall, Be Merciful, HV Caplan and Girl Home, 152 King Street East. Funeral ar- rangements later. For further Information vioner, 9 Mrraré -- Clinging | aeate Poo! $60,808, Daily Double Pool $97,384. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,500 claim- |ing three year olds end up 1 1-16 miles! turf cse (5). Meteor Gomez Son Blue Leblane ai | Tavy bry Potts | Time 144 Also ran in order: Rococo Rogue, and ) by : KEMP, Mary Frances (Minnie) After a lengthy illness at the Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, July 18, 1965,| | Mary Frances Snyder, beloved wife of| |Clayton &. Kemp, and dear mother of Mrs, C. Forde (Maudie), Mrs. J. Barron (Audrey), Mrs. S. Preston (Velma), ee and the late Mrs. 0. Hooe eresa). Mrs. Kemp is resting at Me Infosh = Anderson Funeral' Home, 182 Ce a King Street East, with service. in the Th Dati De Nae Vi rd chapel on Wednesday, July 21 at 2 o'clock. |Mitger ti} part ate, 7 nore Interment Union Cemetery. Winner cho 4 Baron Jack -- NICHOLSON, Nora May co Lass by Ty Buckle. Pool At Sunny Brae Nursing Home, Whitby vated Township, on Monday, July 19, 1965, Nora $5.70 3.50 2.80 5.80 3.70 3.60 (4) and | NEW WOODBINE RESULTS SATURDAY JULY 17 Phat Walsh $3.50 Famous Road Turcotte |Fayette Queen Gomez | Time 117 2-5 Also ran in order: Teardrop Lane Winner, Dk > or Br f, 4, by Chop Chop -- Windy Answer by Windfields. Pool $15,510. 2.90 30 3.90 2.50 4: Mitzi's Folly and SIXTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added) "Victoria Stakes' two year olds Sv furs} $4.90 2.60 2.70) (5) | Stevie B. Good Shuk \(correct) Burning Luke Harris 3.00 2.40 (correct) |Mr, Mascot Harrison Time 105 4-5 Also ran in order: A-Kings Haven and A-Second Wonder A-L Maloney and W D/ Latimer Entry | Late Scratch -- Prize Jive |The Quinella Stevie B. Good and Burn- Ing Luke Pald $14.80 Winner b g, 2, gf Biancig 8. Good -- Bridal Bell by Gab Pool $70,671, Sumnetie "Pool $60,785. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 g added "Ac Stakes-Handicap"' 4.10 fornia, Mrs. L, E ih Theaker A Montebello, California, Leo's Yingel Cuthbertson ees Mrs. Swain time 111 4-5 an iM Fiver an Fisher (Dor-| Also ran in order: Bonne Vitesse, Wood jothy), ord, 'Ont. Mrs. M. Stadnyk\ cote Park, Lady Domain, Witchcraft and (Norma), Falkland, B.C., James E. of) Love Quest, chener, Ont., and Kenneth G., Styner, Ont.; In her 83rd year. Resting at the FP styl er ene Coe FAY: W. ¢. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for) Poot $118.09 ag in the chapel Wednesday, July 21 | at 1:30 p.m. Interment Groveside Ceme-|rourTH RACE -- P i tery. Minister Rev. W. J, McClure. Visi- ling three jaar elds 6 hata yeas aa tors commencing 10 a.m. Tuesday. {Ermine Sox Harrison $21.50 8.90 5.30 | Spice Bandit Leblanc 5.00 3.60 Revelling Maxwell 4.00 Time 111 3-5 Also ran in order: No Kidding, Grea' Promise, Strong Willed, Saratanga, Ships he Pass, Sterling Scholar and Zeese- ite REILLY, Ottolena (Ottie) Of Cannington, In her 75th year, beloved wife of the late Norman 'Reilly, dear mother of Ella (Mrs. McClure) of Port. Inez (Mrs. 'Curl) of Brooklin, Lorne of Cannington, |Norma and Marie predeceased. Resting! at Bullock and Pinkham Funeral Chapel, Beaverton with service on Tuesday, July 2, at 2 p.m. Interment Stone Church Cemetery, Thora: by Chop Chop. Pool 5123889. FIFTH RACE -- TPurse $3,000 allow- ances four year olds and up fil mares (5). Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL | 390 KING STREET WEST |__TELEPHONE 728-6226 _/? EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; | Please call | MOUNT LAWN | MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and TUESDAY, FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maiden, | three- and four-year-olds, 6' Furlongs. | Fast Kitten, No Boy 105 | Roman Tribune, Walsh 110 | Winning Rocket, Lord Ridgewood, Harris X105 | Sweet Buily, No Boy 110 |Gay Chant, Inouye 105 |Willie's Brief, Grech X108 | |Royal Ouch, No Boy 115 | Chump, Cuthbertson X105 SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000, Claiming, three-year-olds and up, in Canada. 6 Furlongs (12). Brief Wind, No Boy 110 | ~ {9H her Days, Robinsin 113 | Page Service, Diftfach 120 | {Yancy, Leblanc 115 | |Mencheval, McComb 120 | (3000) foaled lies end) three year olds foaled in CDA 1 mile on Marshall Turf Course (8). Victorian Era Gomez $2.70 by 2.30) Nearctic Heir Turcotte 3.30 3.10 Super Flow Robinson 4.70 Time 136 Also ran in order: A-Des Erables, Good |Old Mort, Market Bid, Top Victory and - Chop-Em-Please A-Mrs, $ Thomas and Mrs. P Desmarais lentry Winner, b ¢, 3, by Victoria Park -- af Nasrullah, Poo! $153,789, EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,700 three) and four year olds | mile turf course (10).| |BF's Johnny Harris $6.70 4.00 3.50 lellow Babee Dittfach 7.10 6.10 jAgvence Glass Medeau 12.40 Time 138 3-5 Also ran in order: Ivy Five Loves, Winner, b f, 3, by Espatier -- Sadiana Glory, SPicy Favour, Last Stand hen | Image, Butterscotch and Korolevu Winner, Ch bed 3, by Ch Johnny --Ocran Crest by Oceal @. Poot *130,208. Total Pool $1,039,493, At-| fendance 19,149. FORT ERIE ENTRIES | Dollar, Canadian Intrusion, |Guess Who--Scratched. JULY 2 FIFTH RACE Purse $300. (5000) Claiming, two-year-olds, § Furlongs (10).) | Peace Lilian, Shuk 114 Gay Robin, No Boy 119 Remillard 110 |Get Gay, No Boy 119 Miss Escar, Harris X111 |The Four R's, Walsh 114 |Nailord, No Boy 12 Kings Intent, Ferro A-X10? Royal Paul, Dittfach 117 |End of Street, Bahl - x10 Asisee It, Werry A--W D Latimer pot # Maloney entry SIXT HRACE -- Purse $3,000. Allow-) ances, three-year-olds, fillies we mares, | about 7 Furlongs turf course (6). Battling Way, No Boy 118 | Hay Lily, Dittfach 114 Reagent, Gomez A-119 sociation in Whitby and at one) jtime gave instruction in music, | Alp wee ct 8 ge " TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--July 19 (Quotations in cents uniess marked $. z+Odd fot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS 1" Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 835. $11% 11% 1% -- 220 $2. 125 $17% 25 $64 Stock Algoma Alliance A Alumini Alum 4% 9% $28 28 $40 40 $48 $19 $134 $74 $22% 20 $15 $7\% 5 $58 $114 $64 $30'2 mamic Gr Plains Mill. City NC Oils Numac 27 Permo 1000. 24 Prairie Oil 100 300 Provo 100 225 Scurry. Rain 210 $194 19% 19% 400 242 Tried Ol MINES 100 137 137 137 8 1000 14' 14'e Tae 200 238 238 28 1000 208 3200 13 100 i a baa " 1500 58 7 13% M% 17 3 1S W% 58 88 W% 1% 6% 64+ 302 Wa 50 $26' 26% 264 -- Ve BC Pack 4 Z¥e 142% 20% 20% 25 $672 67% 67'a-- Vo $3.23 23 --% 2 2B 2 155 155 455 +8 $49% 49% 49% $82 +a Agnico All Pitch A Am_ Moly Ang Rovyn Arion 1 Atl ¢ CP. 67. 67 + | Bankeno - a Be RA -----" --10 "ah Os I 10 20a Wve + Me Sve SVs 59 89 i) Sape | ed 85 BS +8 13% 13% WoW +% 62 bat a 27% 27% cP Cdn Pet Cap Bldg Chat-Gai Chemcell Clairtone Col Cell Con MS Con Paper Con Gas Corby B Coronation pr Ss 400 Whe Wh 1000 " a 1% 15 1% 135 $292 ht 330 300 250340 39% * 2500 ~=5 5 100 690 ed 1400" % 4g Fd fat P ri ~4 14 1% 1 350 4 % 50 $67 oi 105 "ah " 05 --3 a. Lab Min L 'Dufauit Langis Marcon Mattgm! McAdam McWat Moneta Mt Wright Mu'ti-M New Ath New Bid New Cal N Harri 4 Kelore Senator Nertare Norgold Normetal Northcal Northate Obaska Orenada Pamour Paramaq Perron Pick Crow Placer Pow Rou Pine Point Probe QM! Rio Algom Rockwin Roman Satellite Sherritt Sil Eureka Silvmaq Sil Miller Steep R Texmont Tribag Un Buffad UCL Mine Vespar | | Hard Carp Hawker-S Holden A Home A Home B Horn eee 2h 2s HB Oil G " 44-1 Husky , Imp oll Imp Tob Ind Accep 124 $22% Ind Wire 100 220 1BM zi $500 Int Nickel 152 $A9% Int Util 259 $30 Inter PL 74 $87" IntStl P AB Inv GrpA Jamaica PS Jefferson Jeff Bw Jock w Labatt LOnt Cem LO Cem w Lav Fin Lau F 125 Levy LobCo A LobCo B LobCo pr 65 65 Wve 10¥2 10% 13% 13% 13%--1 % 15% 1% 1 199 190 190 10 8% 8% Ba-- 210 30 210 380 250 300 300 274 25 400 15 182 280 210 215 410 125 100 125 25 40 725 75 500 900 210 200 260 25 250 225 215 710 2050 100 125 452 144 300 500 897% 897% + Ye) 0 68 R72 87\4 470 «470 S11% 11% 11% $17% 17% 17% s1i% 11 $5ve 5% 3B won 8 500 178 500 «610 2000 9 178 (178 wo % 9% hh 1900-33. 12) (33. = 770 $24 2% Me ooo 4) OD pa 1 750 7 wee. 16% Ve 3000 62 2 en 628 as 635 20 wooo 12 «:12:~« «2 600 575° 570 100 160 160 2 v7 40 640 64 --§ $00 122 121 «121 ~*7 1400 207 200 205 3 oT eo » BAe ~~ np Dp DB 25 400 400 --10 4 th oh po eae | i 1000 34 348 $00 166 166 6000 160 160 160 500 Mth Mh MA 7530 30 0 Volume te 11 a.m, 395,000, 100 387 $49% 165 $14% 225 $29 870 $29 210 $37 $69% $284 385 $46%4 25 $267% 365 $14 40 500 500 $114 Loeb M MB and PR 2 69% 69% + vy 28% 28% 462 4612 + 26% 2670 -- Va} 4 14 oY 500° 500 14 l1'4 22 $100Y% 100% 100\e 585 $13% 13% 138+ Vo} 300 200 200 200 200 10 25 4500 3700 500 6030 4 1000 1000 Pac Pete w PC Jewel PC. Jwi pr Pow Corp Premium QN Gas Revelstoke Royal Bank he Russel H 2» 2 StL Cp A pr 1 sim ae ya St Maurice 1000 40 Satada 200 $112 iW iW +% Scot YK 125 $114 11% 1%--% Shell Can 201 $16' 16% mShell Can Shell Can 201 $16¥e 16% 16 Shully's 360 360 Simp Sears a Slat Steel | Slat_B S¥ pr 100 Slater A w 300 Slat Steel pr de ' 110 360 360 a oe rd inl! ADD Toronto 11 a.m, stocks $27% 27% 27% FOREIGN TRADING seks - wl ne $42 4a 42 $28% 28a 28% re ep, vy erie a 8 100015 $494 100 banal ms m4 itt! €XN Toronte 11 a.m. Indus BC Forest 50 $264 264 26%4-- Ve 21 $20% 20% 4 25 $74 67'4 67'2-- Va 125 $114 114 114 201 $16%e 168 160 | Ul 25 Cochwill Deerhorn Gr Pins Kirk Min Kerr Ade Steinbo A Tamblyn 200 Texaco 32 Tor-Dom Bk 720 Tor 'Star pr 720 16 +% 9 $602 60% 604 $56 56 haat GARDEN CITY RACEWAY SATURDAY, JULY 17 FIRST RACE --.1 Mile (Pace), three-|Poplar Grattan, Gordoh year-olds. Purse $800. (6). Also Started: Negley Hal, Kenland Lass, Walker 4,50 3.10 2.60! song, Macwick, Tonka G. Watcher Howard, Giimour . 10.80 5.10 Vera Adios, Feagan 3.50 1 Py fT P » thre Also. Started: Black Creek, Adios Dan,| yesroigy save. PKURGE cee |Ezras Rose Dean Herbert, 4.30 2.20 2.10 | Etching--Scratched. Kwik Kat, Ai 2.30 H My Angelic Wick, Fi SECOND RACE. -- 1 Mile (Pace), three.| Angelic Wick, Findley Also Started: Lochinvar King, |year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8), ai Hi Princess D'lon, Walk'r 4.70 3.00 2.60|Armbro, lerbert. | Miss Nama Byrd, Shapley 5.70 4.10 Le -Tosca's Starlet, Findley 410 Pon eh RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) tor Also Started: Hiela' Goidie|! hree-year-olds and up. Purse $1,200 ie. nd At'ney's Bob, McCal'm 4.50 3.10 [Elbin W.r Rudy. Dillon, Prince Ondagor|" Gina Guinea, Beitlich 40 3.60 Armbro Eclipse, McKinley 3.60 THIRD RACE -- | Mile (Pace), three-| Also Started: High Patch, Favonian | Year-olds and up. Purse $800. (7), O stahgs Silver Ronnie, Pal McGregor, Ha'k . 3.10 2.70 2.31 | Peak Pick, Feagan 4.70 ae EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for | Joannes Trailer, [hicks 2.50| two-year-olds. Purse $4,154. (9). | Also Started: Hold a8 pC hole Girlle| H. A. Miland, Feagan 3.50 2.90 2.50 | Dillon, Pert Becky, Tonigh' | Golden Blend, Dussault 4.110 3.70 | Tango Lobell, Findley oe FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), three. Also Started: Meadow. Bud. venroigs 0d tp. Puree $1.10 16 |Guy, Armbro Granite, Bright Mir, one Seattle 0... O'Dare 8.70 3.10 2.70/mond Time, Pats Ezra. Macbutt's Lassie, Walker 2.70 2.40) Madam Victor, Arthur 3.50) Also Started: Flashy Feight, Diller A 2.90 Captain Eagle Rocky NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up, Purse $1,000 .(6). Jerry Canuck, Filion 6.20 3.40 2.30 Minor Joe, Hie 4.90 3.10 | Armbro Adanac, McKinley 2.30 FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile Wiiee three-| Also Started: Country Mite, Royal year-olds and up, Purse $900 ( Alex, Lee Johnston, dong Distance, C'ments °.60 "5.20 3.30 May Scot--Scratched | Uncle Bun, Findley 6.30 3.90| Total Pool $228,906, | Two Rescued Beside Plane 30 Hours After Crack-up PORT ALBERNI, B.C. 'Attendance 5,374. cued 20 mi after the crash to hike |Two injured men were rescued/20 miles for help. Paul, suffer- for the gravel and asphalt Leblanc 117 learly today after lying beside|ing a broken rib, had to give paving of various school yards and properties. Autumn Souvenir, No Boy 120 | Beavante, Gomez A-115 floral arrangements for all |Moores Selector, No Boy 108 Royal Spirit, THREE-ROOM apartment, available Au- THREE. 1 | - to four-bedroom home wanted | gust 1. On third floor, stove. refrigera- immediately, in Oshawa or outskirts. | tor, laundry facilities, parking, bus serv- Telephone 723-3230 ice. Adults only. Apply 822 King Street : = peau TWO- OR THREE-BEDROOM home " Oshawa area required by couple with) DROOM tment: tullsing roe nyp sae inenideg' in (three children. Call Bowmanville 623-3773. | rent. Elevator ser: Occupancy July 1.) TWO-BEDROOM | apartment wanted in Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave., Oshawa by family with two small chil- or phone 7 dren. Possession immediately or August NEWLY 4 ana three-room ground); Reasonable rent. Telephone 723-5539 floor, heated apartment. Completely pri-| HIGH "SCHOOL teacher requires one- vate, including basement and yard, paved bedroom apartment in Oshawa or basal parking. Available immediately. Adults for September Ist. occupancy Write only. $80. Telephone 718-16 76, 809, Oshawa Times FURNISH! ec "central, "MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings in Specifications may be obtain- ed from the office of the Supervisor of Building and Maintenance, 555 Rossland Road West. wi " VOLKSWAGEN bus, Ny igi $650.; '58 Plymouth, real good car, $395. Telephone' 725-2932 % 1963 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 "eon thi | ONTACHED er sembdelached "hous 0 aitton, radio and extras. 24,000 miles workers welcome. Adult home Apply 73 Whitby or West Oshawa. References wil|/2%St offer telephone /28-7850 Gladstone Avenue, or telephone 723-9815. |be supplied. Telephone Whitby, 668-2123. [PRIVATE 1964 Volkeswagen 1200 series, 38--Coming Events _ to TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, excellent condition. Apply after 6 p.m ee hatte, 'Veahans Ta mee "wr 30--Automobile | for Sale 561 Wilson Road' South WOODVIEW MORE @ASH "| COMMUNITY CENTRE pei room and kitchen, available im- --~| 7964 ANGLIA SUPER, AM-FM radio, ali TWO girls willing to share apartment! options. Very clean and economical, with other young lady. Board if desired; | Paid for Good clean cars. B | N G O Trode up or down, Liens paid. Nos. 52 and 54 ng | $1,175. Call Raye Cooke, Ajax 942-5514, room with twin beds. Telephone 728-2372 DODD MOTOR SALES best cash offer. Call Ron NEW twobedroom apariment, north-east, ; "remap nme, | TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. So' efter s miles, Telephone 123-4790, '723-8387, excellent. condi- Business Administrator, Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rd. West, OSHAWA 0 x105 excellent con. x10 (7500) two-year-olds, 5 Fur-} EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (3000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up (Divi jsion of 7). 1 1-16 Miles on turf course | (10), |Lat' n' Bid, Turcotte X113 |Supreme Chief, Ferro X116 |Dance Man, Harris X116 Joe The Captain, Harris X116 What a Question, Werry X113 Midway Blue, Ni Boy 118 Sheree, Harris X11! ~ Tele $375 or 723-7521 1963 GM_half-ton truck owner 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | | | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maiden Arnold Anderson, both [ Vic- 728- : ; i SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 (3000)/ Ano: _ x 8-6555 Sie ae a ee (Division of Ist). \cisiming, three year-olds and up. 1 16ltoria, were taken out by an| Pee por paren: hiked = more RCAF helicopter which landed| han hours Saturday before giving up for the night. He re- Probador, Turcotte X116 IN MEMORIAM Hye heal ontae ie Prime Princess, Steve X108 [Naples Miss, Werry Mikes. Colora Na Bly 318 winch. reached a logging camp where an RCAF seaplane landed to Duke suffered a badly | nick him: up P Oft we think of you, dear mother, Dandier, McComb 118 sprained and twisted leg and ; And our hearts are filled with pain. | pourRTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 Royal Bunny, Ferro X102 Oh, this earth wolud be heaven | caine, Walden t af gg i hiwest of here.| Another plane located Paul a | For in the hearts that loved you best! est 35 miles sout pi Bi Ra anhalt. tact dled oe | ¥ i |Stellar Flyer, Gordon 115 ; 7 and he was picked w |- FWO-ROOM furnished living, bedroom, |32-- Trucks for Sale Forever' sealy see by daughter | Dudley, Dittach A-120 The aircraft, oe hoe ter. we wraetal oe |Paris Clipper, Ferro B-X115 [Victoria Flying Club, crashed) PI ge was $115.00 per month. Phone 725-3557 314 PARK RD. SOUTH Telephone Hampton. 263-2619 nme ay ee Orevel Pik Here INE 1, WERRY X113 ose | love | never lose, Sravel Pit, Harris X112 Black Coral, W! 3 RED BARN For always they will be A--Dane Hill Acres and Willow Diwns/Guaicaipuro, Soresen 121 community of Tofino aboard lowered a physician and Roy Paul and Victor Hohla-|para - rescue officer to the choff, both of Victoria, left thejscene. occasions Bonnie Flare, Walsh 112 Forest Rover, No Boy 115 ed wreckage of theirjup four miles fr sh OSHAWA SHOPPING |abitibi, Turcotte x11 Willow Downs Farm ond Dane Hin acres| ie burn d 8 h Per om the cra CENTRE |Silk 'n' Saphires, No Boy 108 laircraft for more than 30 hours./scene. | "TQUINELLA WAGERING) " e, 23 di Pilot Ervyne Duke, 23, an HIKED 10 HOURS 4 | Miles on turf course (10). Carrilo, Ferro X105 'Mental Chilenge, lan ie fo gg Le at a clearing made by a phy-| ge, c sician and RCAF para- rescue|sumed the trek through the lofficers lowered earlier by|Prush early Sunday and finally. C., No Boy 121 LAYNG -- In loving memory of a dear|Cyme, Harris X117 rete id mother, Gertrude Lillian Layng, who File Lake, Fusco ae Chop, ee passed away July 19, 1953. Aldoo, Harrison 105 Admiral "Armbro, Dititech 1 Anderson a. broken. arm when| He then returned to the crash area aboard the - Calid Wee Neay Yone VES boait. i¢ m9. their Piper Tri-Pacer crashed famine i : pts in = at Twelve years have swiftly passed away, | 0005 and burned in thick coastal for- P pinp le wreckage. But still we don't forget Gay Champ, Cuthbertson X110 i Falme of Hanour, Leblanc 117 kitchenette, apartment upstairs. Share! 'on Beli Mereld: inst R BATH. Adults uta Re a eile Jubilance, No Boy 120 Saturday with four men aboard|sighted by an RCAF search MITCHELL -- In loving memory of a/Hit Tre Line, Ferro B-X115 9 le flight f Vic.|plane about 10 p.m., Sunday. dear brother, David Mitchell, who passed| Tract, No Boy A-120 on a 120-mile ight from Vi 723-9421 ae ltoria to the west coast island|The helicopter with Hohlachoff FWO-BEDROOM apariment, stove, re 194 CHEVROLET one-ton truck, equipp eo remembered, tr Farm entry Stromaway, Cuthbertson X113 ways in my memory B--G Keane, H Waggoner, The Pheasant} X---5 Ibs AAC EXTRA BUSES --Ever remembered by Stable and WF Edmiston entry |POST TIME P.M. |WALE-TON international Avaliable immediately. phone truck, re piv: tate Tones jone truck, good running order frigerstor, drapes, TV outlet, washer and | 1964 PONTIAC convertible, red with blackled with Power winch and power take-off. | sever, supplies. Adults. Telephone 723-|trim, fully equipped. One owner. 14/000 | Idea! for service station. Taiephone| om. *

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