Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1965, p. 19

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RA el OR a: ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE Overworked? No, Inefficient Britain's Doctors Informed. retaries from among the ranks of Liberal MPs was announced Friday by Prime Minister Pear- LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit ain's family doctors, at odds SUGGESTS BATTERY USE | LINDSAY, Ont, (CP)---A cor- with the government OVE nos jury suggested Friday claims for better pay and con- ditions, were rocked Friday by|'"¢ wae of battery - operated 'a professional report sayingjlamps on all motor scooters, they are not overworked--they|The jury's inquiry intd the June just run their practices ineffi- 27 death of Brian Edwards, 17, of Toronto, who died when his Pp ava ot te Ped collided 'with a truck, fo The headlight on the machine tien{Was Operated by a magneto, sharp and immediate reaction S tha valida sae Gown. ciently, eral Practitioners, It drew from Dr, Derek Stevenson, sec- retary of the British Medical Association, which represents 23,000 family doctors, bargaining weapon, INITIATE. STUDY. the growth of Queen's Univer- sity, with a view to asking an Ontario government grant to compensate for loss of assess ment, was initiated by city council Friday following aj meeting of the council's finance) committee and J, A, Corry,| principal of Queen's, Robert A, Fray said if the uni-| versity paid full taxes on its) properties it would mean added) revenues of $919,181 to the city,| GUIDES CHOSEN | QUEBEC (CP)--Mrs, J. J, Blacklock of Kingston and Ida Larin of Cap Rouge, Que,, have, been chosen as Canadian dele- gates to the Girl Guides. Jead-| ers' conference to be held in Brazil July 19-21, | STAY EXTENDED WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)----Exter- nal Affairs Minister Martin's stay in hospital here has been extended until Sunday, Mr Martin was taken to hospital last Saturday after a fall at his home, The minister had hope to leave Hotel Dieu Hospital Friday, Court Halts Picket Of Advertiser TORONTO (CP)--Mr, Justice Supreme Court Thursday Cc, D, Stewart of the Ontario granted a permanent injunction barring striking printers and mailers from picketing a news: paper advertiser, : He granted an application by @ suburban Willowdale appli- ance store to stop the Toronto Typographical Union (CLC) and the Mailers' Union (CLC) hand- ing out literature to passersby urging them ot to patronize the store because it advertises in The Telegram. Printers on Toronto's three ey newspapers -- The Tele- 'am, The Star and The Globe and Mail--have been on strike for a year, The papers have continued publishing : Mr. Justice Stewart sald the problem of secondary picketing can be settled ultimately only by the Supreme Court of Can ada "This is a problem more of policy than of law," he said "On the surface, the presence of a few amiable sandwich men strolling discreetly apart seems harmless enough, But so does an electric fence, "The actual fact is that union loyalty to a picket line prevents an innocent party from earning a living," Nine Girls 'Not Lost' SPANISH, Ont, (CP)--Mrs, May Liddle, camp director who was responsible for the safety of nine girls on a canoe trip! in Lake Huron's north channel,| Friday denied reports that the} girls were lost when an RCMP) patrol boat picked them up on) Eagle Island, "They were not lost,"' she said, "They were prepared to} stay on the island until the| weather became calm These| children had enough food. They! had well-balanced, strong ca- noes. They know how to behave| in rough water," "I object to reports which said the children were lost, The reports do more harm to chil- dren and children's camping." The girls were taken off Ea- gle Island, about five miles south of here, during rough weather Wednesday night. They were brought here following a search by RCAF, RCMP, pro- yineial police and private boats and planes | The missing girls were: Kitty Slater, 15, Caroline Van Otter,} 14, Sue Wigley, 15, Cathie Har per, 15, all of Toronto; Geordie Laughton, 15, of Grand Bend, Ont.; Susan Boyer, 15, and Christin Reimers, 15, both of Oakville. The campers were led by camp counsellors Sadie Bar- nard, 19, and Diane McPherson, 20, both of Toronto. Corporal E. V. Gilmore, head of the Spanish OPP detach. ment, said the trip "could eas- fly have ended in tragedy' be- cause of improper equipment! and faulty navigation guides Mrs. Liddle is director of| ate near Pary| er ines minister Benidickson, 54 He 'said. it "conflicts. abso-|? spt Metsd lutely with the well-nigh unani- el anh akeery yg gy ous views" of BMA members|; , , the SHA te peapiaiing with fice said Friday, Mr, Benidick- agi ¢ on doctors' con-(fol named to the Senate earlier bo Cee aids the resigna.((ts month in a cabinet shuffle, ; ons, tise t th ons j\entered hospital Thursday, Hos- 'tions' of 1,800 of them @5 4) ita) officials said he was in satisfactory condition and de- seribed his illness as 'not too KINGSTON (CP)--A study of|serious." Mayor|\down on teen - ENTERS HOSPITAL OTTAWA (CP) -- Former ARREST 52 MONTREAL (CP)---Montreal and provincial police raids on) 'downtown Montreal night spots| will pay an official visit to Aus- Friday night resulted in 52 ar- rests in the third of a series of} nors, Seven adults were ar- rested for assaulting police offi- cers, CONVICT. BURGEONS MANILA (Reuters)--A_ court) in the Philippines city of Pasay|An agreement for the training has convicted four hospital sur-|of Jamaican military personnel | geons of leaving a towel in the abdomen of a woman they op- erated on. in 1963. The towel was later removed, Two doc tors were sentenced to prison terms of 21 days, another to one month and the fourth to 11 days, INTERPOL SEEKS HIM ROME (AP) -- Italian police) ternational Police Organization) --Interpol--has asked them to) Parliamentary Secretaries Chosen From Grit Ranks OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment|Minister LaMarsh, parliamen- three new parliamentary be on the lookout for Joseph|son. Raso (alias Joe Razo), 42, of Montreal, wanted in Canada ia connection with the 1959 fatal|/, Milan area to work under Giu- seppe Doto, alias Joe Adonis, CHILE GETS CATTLE shipment of Canadian hereford cattle ever made to South America is to-be exported to) Chile, partment said Friday the sale of approximately 850: head val- cessful mission from © last fall, WILL VISIT AUSTRIA The federal trade 4e-|mentary J, 3, Jean Chretien, 31, MP for St, Maurice-Lafleche, a law- yer, was named Mr, Pearson's William, parliamentary secre- f cond parliamentary secretary to Immigration shooting of Norman Primerose.\tary, succeeding Guy Rouleau Nicholson, Athorities here said they were|(l--Montreal-Dollard) who re- told Raso may have gone to the|*isned when the Dorion enquiry|pariiamentary secretary to Ag- was established, Other appointments: David G, Hal parliamentary VIENNA (Reuters)--John R,\last week, GNicholson, Canadian, minister Jean-Charles Cantin, MP forjamichi, parliamentary assistant hn, 40, MP for Toronto Broadview, a business-\'enay East, parliamentary sec secretary|retary to Labor Minister Mac- OTTAWA (CP)--The largestiiy Industry Minister Drury, Bryce $8; Mackasey, 43, MP for Montreal - Verdun, pariia- secretary to Health Minister Judy LaMarsh, Donald 8, Macdonald, MP [0° |, ooo to Vete t ued at $200,000 represents a suc-|Toronto-Rosedale, who, has been secretary to Veterans Minister follow-up of a trade|pariiamentary secretary to the ite to Canada|justice minister, parliamentary) oni, secretary to Finance Minister' secretary to Gordon, succeeding Larry Pen-lninigier Mart External nell, named solicitor - general rf tary secretary to Trade Minis- iter Sharp. Re-appointments: Jack Davis, MP for Coast Capilano, parliamentary secre tary to Mr, Pearson, Hubert Badanai, MP for Fort Minister Bruce 8. Beer, MP for Peel, riculture Mintster Hays and Forestry Minister Sauve, James A. Byrne, MP for Koo- Kachen. Alex Caron, MP for Hull, par- liamentary secretary to Post- master General Tremblay, Chesley W. Carter, MP- for Burin - Burgeo, parliamentary Teillet, Stanley Haidasz, MP for Tor- Parkdale, parliamentary) Affairs) G, Roy Me iam, MP for Northumberland - Mir- 'the GRASS SKIRTS OUT IN OTTAWA OTTAWA (CP) -- Grass skirts are out at 24 Sussex Drive unless Prime Minister Pearson has a change of heart, "I'm not going to let her wear it," Mr, Pearson de- clared Friday when he dis- covered a grass skirt for his wife was included in a list of presents from the people of. Easter Island. Mrs. Pearson was not pres- ent for the brief meeting, The presents were deliv- ered by Dr. Stanley § na of McGill University, head of Canadian medical re- search team that spent four months on the island off the west coast of Chile, during the winter and Cmdr. Anthony Law of HMCS Cape Scott, the navy maintenance ship that provided transportation for the group, Another gift that caught the prime minister's interest was an eight-foot wood carving of a moal cava-cava man, one of the island's good' spirits. "We could put it out front and then we wouldn't need ow mounties," Mr, Pearson said, Turk Dying, Embassy Says:| No Hospital Will Have OTTAWA (CP)--A_ Turkish|cred Heart and is where he embassy official says Kirkor|hotel paying at the has a private Horhoruni, the arthritic: Turk|™*- He is trying to arrange}him to see the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 17, 1965 49 hospital. 's for an operation in Chicago Bites wie can't get treatment. His hope is that the United will approve his visa and Chicago doctor." who threw hospital officials in two cities into a flap by re- fusing to leave their institu- tions, is dying but cannot get into another hospital because of the publicity given his case. "The man is sick and he is slowly dying," the official told a reporter Friday. "But the publicity given his case is keep- ing him from entering Cana- dian hospitals." The 37-year-old Turk spent 11 months in Toronto's St, Jo- seph's Hospital where doctors tried to convince him and that he does not require a bed in an active-treatment in- stitution, He finally left after reportedly failing to pay his $12,000 bill. On June 22 Mr. Horhoruni moved into a $34-a-day private room at Sacred Heart Hospital in Hull, Que., but checked out |hiding in a Hull hotel. 22 days later and went into chronic arthritis is incurable! Mechanical Engineers CANADAIR LIMITED MONTREAL requires for N #hE its TRACKED VEHICLE PROGRAM to work on design and development of high mobility tracked end wheeled vehicles including power trains and trans- missions, suspension systems, hydraulies, and structures. These openings require engineering | quolifications plus 3 years of related experience, . also | The embassy official said Mr. for citizenship and immigration|Quebec South, who has been\to works minister Mellraith, announced Nicholson, and Interior Czettel, parliamentary secre tary willitice Minister Cardin, John C, Munro, MP for Ham-|Lawrence - eign Minister Bruno Kreiskyijjjon East, who has been par-|mentary secretary to Resources Minister Hans|ijamentary secretary to Health'Minister Laing. to} John B. Stewart, MP for An- ltria from July 18 to 21, It was|Transport Minister Pickersgill,|tigonish - Guysborough, parlia- who al-ito succeed Mr. Macdonald a8|\mentary secretary to State 'Sec- such weekend moves clamping|ready has toured Italy andipariiamentary secretary to Ju age drinking, Switzerland and Greece, Most of the 52 people were mi-|have talks with Austrian For- retary Lamontagne, John N, Turner, MP for St. St, George, parlia- SIGN AGREEMENT | KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)--| by Canadian forces in Canada' was signed by Acting Prime} Minister Donald Sangster Fri- day on behalf of the Jamaica) government, and by L, D,) Burke, acting high Sept. 9, when the first Jamaican} cadet entered Canada for mil-) sald Friday night that the In-|itary training, | RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH: *5.00 PER DAY - 725-6553 sioner for Canada, on comme R U By H E R F © R D ' ) the Canadian government, The jagreement Is cevasies to The CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa |Horhoruni paid his bill at Sa- Mechanical Draffsmen Requirements include a technical school educetion plus 3 to 5 years of sound mechanical drafting experience. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $18.00 on your auto insurance, $00: 0 JOHN RIEGER 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY Conedely siten Ps farlen ond emnploy benefitis for advancement in this interesting work, Please reply to D. J, Tynan-Byrd, Supervisor, Technical Employment DIAL cse-cen GE canary LMTED HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S ONCE -A-YEAR BEAUTY SALE SAVE UP 10 45%! 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SPECIAL, i ERR 1.75 RECEIVE AT NO SPECIAL, EXTRA COST the Two 1.75 "Herbal" Skin Lotion Heaven Sent Eou de Partum 1.50 1.50 wo 2.78 "Herbal" Extrait A 1.75 "Water Lily" Pore Lotion EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S ay " oe" a -EATON'S JULY SALE CLEARANCES Men's and Young Men's Short-Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Much Below Usual Price ! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Outstanding savings on breezy leisure shirts in fine Sanforized cottons, rayons and many easy-care blends, Choose from shirt jae and regular styles in a wide range of stripes, checks and solids. Summer's new shadings of blue, grey, beige or white. Sizes smell (14 to 144), medium (15 to 1514), large (16 to 1614), but not in every fabric, style and shade. Shop early for best choice! SALE, each 2.99 /5 OFF Men's and Young Men's Name Brand BEACH WEAR PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Reg. 3.95 to 6.95! Exceptional savings -- exciting selection: colourful swim trunks, popovers, surfer style shorts, action-fashioned in rayons and San+ forized cottons. Bold patterns and plains in brilliant reds, blues, greens and tans. Sizes small,.medium and large, not in every style, fabric and shade, Shop early for best choice! SALE, each 9.83 » 4.63 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. MONDAY TO SATURDAY. OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9

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