Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jul 1965, p. 14

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14. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 17, 1968 "Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8---Articles For Sele BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY | pages Accountants |Barristers Gardening ond Supplies Mortgages i AMES BROOKS, Chartered pee El ue 205W, Oshawa Shopping: Centre, 725-9953. bos CLANCY'S wage complete fireet West, JOSEPH euTmasin, © ant. Licensed Trustee, 723-4833, sar tg em. ng. eign My ond street 'CHYN, and HILL. ieitors, HUMPHREYS, MAN, Barristers, 'eo! Best, Oshawas R. $. Boych 668-271 728-4326; other tirst mortgage bsg avpiieate: Building Trades East. T HOSMAR, Chartered Account- Trine Street, Suite 4, Oshawe, 723-1221, i] ND CO., Char- Had Accountants, Financial Trade Build- King $F 'ast, Oshewe. Hopkins, CA; HL A. Lukew, CA. es NDER AND ¢O., Licensed Trus- S"s Simeoe Street Ontario. VALE, FRIEDLA Chartered Accountants, ruptcy. Account ng bah A David G. Perkin, C Street, je, 987-4240; Notitern Hall, B.Com A ILSON and BURROWS, _ "Chartered Ph lan aed 114 King Street East, Osh- awa; Ronald F. BD, Wilson, CA; &. mond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. Barristers McGIBBON AND BASTRDO, Barristers, Solicitors. es arranged. National Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, 728-7336; Charles C. MeGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Grant H. Arm- strong. TAMES, MACDONALD, BA, LLS, Bar- rister_ and. Solicitor. and Notery Public, The Commercial Building, 286 King Oshawa, Ontorie. cine Parking. avert ale, 725-4716 or 725-47) CREIGHTON, SRYNAN "MURDOC VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Benk of Commerce aie 3 4 + @ Murdech, 985-7115. of ie é KELLY, Barristers, Sollc-| ae er. ann far 'street East. Dial/ 723-2278. ip tnd ray oe ri + 725-3368; Terence 7 BA, . 7s Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 668-389. EAVESTROUGHING ? or CHIMNEY FLASHING ? Men, materials now available, Werkmengi # ioranteed, EAVESTROUGHING 3 ee "QUALITY CAR CARPENTRY GENERAL. 'REPAIRS Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles. Rec Rooms, General home remod- el-ing. All work guaranteed. McKOY 725-8576 _ THE R. H. CABINET CO. 182 THISKSON RD, N. 728-0232 | Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Custom built cabinets. concrete fleers, flat roofing, ality. New work and repairs' | "ge and smali jobs. L. and H. seb Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. K |HAVE YOUR HOME beauilfied with m4 loch, |esphalt driveway sind work quarenteed. No money down Construction, | 1" fario Street. 723 ae ere | HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and pug sheng carpentry work, varantend | om and genera! repairs, All werk P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Strer NEW PLASTERING ono rs ot rec-rooms. hones SeuaPn P. MANGAN, GE, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14 King Street est, Oshawa. 728-6232. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 Insertion 1 a re: $1.08 additional words secutive Insertions of 24 ae sm additional words 12¢ each, secutive insertions of 24 car $132, 32, additional words 8c each. -- 1 per cent additional » bohked it not paid within 8 days. Method of counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words; each word, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; phone number two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 | 728-4717. FINISHING CARPENTER. Custom | i chen cabinets, ties, bar a A rec. rooms, Phone 728-4145, No answer, 723-7331 R ALL TYPES buliding roofing repairs and remodeling, chimneys, new and repaired, sidewalk and concrete repeirs. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. EXPERT PAVING 7c Gresing and fill, two-yei rane Paving, 723-584) ¥ COCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired; gas linings installed; roofs repsired. Free estimates:| 723-2997. FOR FOR ROOF! , chimneys, sidewalks, all types ent work. Frank McCann, | RR 3, Cohan Brooklin 655-3061 Wome RENOVATIONS, orpentry: floor il covert tile ing. beni Newcastle, nau "BUG Pomogreen Rose Dust Kolofruit Tree Gardenall Malathion oT, § Ornamental Tree Dust Multispr: Ant and Cygon 2E Atox Diazinon Spray King Bug Killer D.D.T. and Dithane Lawn Weed Killers Poison Ivy and Brush Kill Atlacide Milorganite | Golfgreen 12-6-6 Evergreen 6-9-6 So Green 7-7-7 ped PRIVATE ~ Tree to cut For! | i if ". good bag Hag ice call Francis. Free 'Sales and Service. KILLERS" Grub | COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST 723-1139 |HAVE YOUR PAINTING done All work quaran- LAID AND DELIVERED . ALSO CEDAR HEDGES PATIOS LAID AND DELIVERED CALL "MAPLE LEAF" LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN I SERVICE 725-061 ] or trim SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per Insertion @itional charges if days. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and each thereafter, plus \2¢ wi line of verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid within g days. with 25 cents ad- not paid within 6 CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the Rida ~ a words and Ss each thereafter, 2c additional charge if not paid ihn @ days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (dispiay) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES 92.10 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 5. p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. @ay of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- umnns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous | CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Se While every endeavor will be made to. forward replies to bex numbers to the advertisers as soon as possibie we accept, no liability in respect of joss or damage alie through either failure or warding such replies, however bone whether by negligence or otherw The Times will not be responsible 'tor replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re Sporsibie for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement nor be- the insertion in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the oe se 350 price charge for a single 4 ALL KINDS of carpentry, kitchen cup- boards, rec rooms, remodelling. Cor Aay, 1086 Somerville Street, 728-9300. | 725- ARMSTRONG sod and loam, nursery sod,|CANVAS gravel, Stone and top soil. Telephone 5864 \TR Storage and Cartage. fully Insured, Call f 942-2020. Witrex CARTAGE -- Moving and car- ¢; also basements and yards cleaned, Ca 725-9843, Open for contracts, del 087: OSHAWA CLEANERS NCE your garden and a four ' ing, pruning, hedge 'rimming, etc. Rea-| sonable. 725-8614. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, On NURSERY SOD and top soll. strong, 725-5864 EE TO TRIM? Call Stim. 725-5118 or| rdener will care @ for| « planting, spray-) me Arm-| 345 Division § Street. ivery. Free estimates. Telephone 728. 'S or 723-9910, Instruction Rug end Upholstery Clean- ing. At our plant or in your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET Dentistry | |OMYTRUK, Br. @., Dental Surgeon, 165 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. For ap- periment telephone 723-6281; or res: |SIALE € Dental Surgeon, n2 Betas Msrrest Forth Oshawa. For jappointment, 728-5842 or Res. 726-844). [Drapery Service Drapery Track Installation Free estimates & Consultation 10 Years' Experience Head installer for one of Tor- onto's largest drapery houses. ERIC FLOWERS 1010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. After 5 p.m. phone 668-3734 Dressmaking 5 ati pot vars me Whitby, 668-2372. SSM = reasonable rates. Telephone Whitby 668-5244, ~All kinds of ladies' WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, controlied cars. ee, tully ficen: AYMENTS ce egghhy -- Suits, coats, dresses,| good credit, covers, drapes, Fitting e|cut payments"in half or less for consoli-| dation of any worthwhile purposes. phone Toronto 481-5289 Mortgages OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 10 years teaching driving automatic and standard cars. Professional instructors 728-0091 ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME new duel rsonal, courteous serv-| nd Ineured 668-6176. | . a | ATTENTION HOUSEWivesi Fast, econ- omical ceiling, wall modern machine. Free estim guaranteed. 728-7726. Money © To Loan cleaning done by} ates. Work) || WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at 8 rea-| | sonable rate of your bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are steadily em- ployed and hi 23-463) interest to consolidate jood credit, Telephone 00 HIGH? if you have! I'll fend you up to $5,000 to} Tele 7] gh quality work. Call Agnes! Ing, 668-8463. to classify advertising 9 its proper classification. In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held respon- sible for more space than that which the actual! error occupies. The pub- fishers endeavor to reproduce ali ad- Vertising matter correctly, but assume | no 'iability of advertisement if an inaccuracies in any form are contained therein advertisement cancelied before p ation will be charged one day's Insertion. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 5--Trailers é--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter : -Articies for Sale Any 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 15~Employment Wanted lé--Agents Wanted 1)--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20a--Summer Properties 27\--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23---Rea! Estate Wanted 24--Stores. Otfices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 77--Rooms for Rent 2--Room and Board 2--Wanted to Rent %--Automobiles for Sale 3)--Compact Cars for Sale 39--Trucks thr Sele 33--Automobiies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found %--Legal 37--Auctions 3B--Coming Events 29--Netices Gardening end Supplies a | iy Sand, gravel pit-run, sand fill excavating, grading. | DUTCH SAND | & GRAVEL | Call 728-2871 Grading & Power Rolling SHRUBS--TREES & HEDGES | | { CEDAR TREES For hedges ete. Posts, poles, roils. All sizes. Smith's Tree Farm Newtonville -- 786-2283 Wuldn't, you like to have @ galvanized stee! FENCE installed by A-ONE FENCE | CO. For free estimates call | 723-5377. ] TOP SOIL Hardsand Landscaping SS Glover Road 725-1721 Evergreen Sale Nursery must: be 'cleared LOWEST PRICES EVER | | | "i Residential Mortgages | Modern second or combined first mortgages Liberal pre- payment privileges.. No hid- den charges. Free brochures and information, Write or telephone C.A.C. Realty Limited Oshawe Shopping Centre, Stevenson's Rd. $ 728- 169] MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for second mortgages Fost service M. F. SWARTZ | | 728-5154 9 am. A i 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario' - 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgoge Brokers Associction | | pel ap TAKE $2,000. discount on $8,250. bel sale agreement, straight 5 years, Interest 7% per cent, $80. pay. nt LeBlanc, agent for John F, Realtor, Bowmanville, aan. purchased a} sold. ick a Hennick Barristers, 31 xing Street 723-7232. PRIVATE ang corporate monies tor mortgages. Mortgages ond Ld of sale purchased: Creighton, Drymen, Murdoch and Victer. (See "Barristers".) Optometrist R, RICHARD BLACK, OD, -126 $i iSiroet abla Suite 6, Os! |793-4 Painting and Decorating imooe Telephone > PAINTING DECORATING Home Improvements All Trades ROXY'S 668-3478 PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 1B. C. PAINT Contractors, excellent "work. | | estimat | PERMANENTS on special Very reasonable prices. For telephone 728-5959, or 728-6010. Interior and exterior teed. Call anytime for 'ree estima' Lioyd Simpson Painting and Decorat' 728-9876 Plumbing and Heating FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS ALLT LLTTY PES 'of repairs and remodeling, | Reason: J ah used materials. roles Estimates free. . 723-1191 |ALL PLUMBING and Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Sterl Tow! We imount, heating 'supplies. | ui S , D Iriver Heating and Grin, 205 \ E | Simcoe Street South. | ELECTROLYSIS pias SECONDS, 13--Articles for Rent A Large Return For A Small Inve stment" 17--Femole Help Wanted RE coverriense TY from $29.1 used Wavne'c Simcoe North, Oshawa, 7: FOR SALE suitable for office cpr half ton pick-up, By R J. SCOn 1958 668- home; Phone , sold, traded, repaired 0, 18 Bond Street West, iat at Art's Gun 78-973). RENTALS Booting, Camping, Lawn end Gorden Equipment, Paint Sprayers, Power Tools, Boat ~~ Box and Cabin Trailers. SALES ~ SERVICE ishers. Re es. Phone a Mott, NEW -- USED -- Vecoums pairs Aes ail makes. Nes Jack Lees 728-6956. rea sod TOWER re, hot dippen 6 ieloned single all ten | og installed, tar Included, Queren- ear, $30. See all towers at AME EQUATOR PASSES beep ty tHe ra ON THE LEFS LOCATE: IM THE BRANCO RIVER, rerinig CUARENA, BRAZIL, SO,AMERICA. Scraps. one TRIO Television, corner Bond and Divi- sion, 728-5143-4, AC repairs, brushes, etc, Pi ery aan 4 Vacuum By "Main BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances. Goold's Formiure, 25 Duneas East, Whitby, 6 (668-548 FOUND LIVING-ROOM suite, Y-plece, two yy OWLY 1H old; also S-piece kitchen set, S-piece CARMIOLA, om suite, Batween 94.30 596 Porewel lou Rita tais, A LARGE DENIZEN § OFMESEAISAFISH § OR A WHALE CD ORD B71 motor, In excellant eon: tee, elephone 723-5907. ™ Fie thn, . WIIl_ guaran' FIG TE TA RUNS > 4 BELOW "ur EARS SURFACE for. boat trailer; trad I Retreiver 8 months old - ling stock, partly trained 72. 1368 |UPRIGHT GRAND piano "Feather- |stone" $60 with stoo! 1--Women's Column | 668-2174. + |8---Articles For Sale 'Websters' Fine Arts--Northumbria | JULY SPECIAL -- Sterling, | China, Crystel, Stainless Stee! | Jean Whitney, 67 Hill Scarboro or call 1-8514 Mrs Crescent, collect, AM Page Hair corner of 8963. ldressing, 396 Pine Ave Telephone ? tes. | Personal ing, | Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa July 26th, 27th and 28th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ably | ley. | td.) ment Rug: Upholstery Service | RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. ished |7 years. riais. Workmanship guaranteed years. Free estimat Credit Mattresses re-built. Fornit ter: Avenue. 725-0317 CHESTERFIELDS and old chai covered like new, Get the best for jat Modern Upholsters, |South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates, |CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and styled. Free estimate. See our material! for recovering Dalton Upholstering, Charie: "awnings, curtains, |Complete service. Free estimates, Jelinek, _7%- 1993 anytime. Complete servic Jelinek, Surveyors | Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. 725-6881 Telephone | BONEVAN AND LLaReRPER, Sere) Land Surveyor: Commercial bive_ prii NURSERY SOD and field aod, Prompt|!! Ontario Street, 725-5632. I SA _ TV--Radio Repairs es TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST ! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! PRAY. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 43 OUSE CLEANING TIME T.V. CLEANING TIME by TORO, TELEVISION 728-5143 AERIAL RON'S TV o 12 Yeor's Experience W All Work Guaranteed 723 - 752] ay BRIGHTLING 9 AM P.M. TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Closed Saturdays during July FAST T.V, SERVICE Service Cal! only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION All work guaranteed. CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, pairs. All work guaranteed. Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 Well Drilling--Digging |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing jin %-Inch : tile a | Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-309. FLOOR COVERING ciearance of discon- W. Ward, 204 Smart Business People Sing of Oshawa Times Classitied Action Ads the Proises "Estab: Complete range of me- ure re-finished.| |Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean} 142 Simcoe Street! canopies Mel canopies. . Mel. Land Phone! with E rE 8--Articles For Sale $ | Dean/p.m. Ken's Appliances and § Chestnut 723- 4641 me '5S--Trailers ms.) Cook's Trailer Sales are Simcoe North we] TRAVEL & TENT TRAILER ' SALE--ALL TRAILERS PRIC- | ED TO SELL, DRASTIC RE- DUCTION PARTS, HITCHES, AWNINGS, HOSES, ETC, Open every evening 6 --9:30 p.m Closed on Sunday. Phone 723-9534 _|teNr TRAILER, sieeps six, used ones. jest offer over $200, Telephone Brookiin, és ASA. 1964 POURTI FOOT trailer, sleeps six, | stove ice-box, three-burner gas stove,/ axie hitch Included. After | 728-9008, Te 75) LER, "@, 15 Geluxe, complete] Propane refrigerator, stove,| |lights, toilet, electric brakes, etc. Abso- lutely like new, a real bargain at just ws 695; at Buddy Trailers at 40) and 28, Hope, or phone 885-4245. foot ci |six, brand new, showroom condition. , jrifice for $1,275. Privat Phone 668-575; |i5 FOOT Rambier Trailer, 1965 model; ints. --13 ler, lone month old, sleeps five, ice box, sink, | washer and electricity. Telephone) 5. st 72 | We Care. e Ouse * ettives @ Grew @ Evinrude See them at . OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN jc Harbor Road 723-1901 | iosiciciisumiiiie 20 FOOT Day Cruiser with electric start, | 8 HP Mercury motor, sleeps 4. Can be seen at Lake Scugog Marina, Port Perry. Cc t owner Scarborough, 444-1946 1964 14" MAHOGANY plywood boat, Tee Nee trailer and 18 HP Johnson, $750. Call 726-1836, 16 FT, GREW RUNABOUT, 1964 model accessories include meneenny fray 5 telephone dictlonary, Ten volume books and girls. Telephone 725-8678. |40" ELECTRIC stove (Frigidaire) clock, | contr 'oiled. Good condition. Price $55. Also BICYCLES Eater imate Standard _ features include, chain guard; Perry Coaster Late bein ty Rect $000 oF "ab- iuiely ary @ straig efter than new brakes ond silver brazed |green lumber at two-thirds cost. Wide| frames and forks |cedar shiplap. Spruce studs and |oists| | From $34.95 Up |from 6 to 10 inches. | | sale. Whitby 668-4274 anytime LAWN MOWERS erecta ws lwashing and. dish washer combination. | |Both good condition. 86 Brock Street E Light, dependable and power- ful. Adjustable cutting height |CORNER chesterfield, three pieces, near. | |l¥ new rust brown $340 new, new $229) from 1" to 3', Chrome plat- ed handle. jtelephone 728-9510. From $39.95 Up \DELCO BATTERY to fit Corvair, brand | |new ara 725-5560. Heavy waterproofed -- drill, | TRIUMPH ec motorey | non- recite go-cart. Telep! sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with owning From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 48 Bond St. West __Telephone 725-6511 for boys a) ™- |RCA tape recorder; heater; . an |tique wood stove 668-8750, |SIEGLER space heater, good condilion. | Suitable for cottage. Sei gd included. Tele [Phone Whitby 668-233) \9--Market | Basket JANSSENS COUNTRY DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Open Daily 9 AM, to 10 P.M | { | 843 King West 728-9429 | STRAWSERRIGS" picked daily on on Town- |line, mile and a half north of King! | Street East |NEW NO. | Ontario potatoes, delive {Packaged either in 25 or 75 |b. b jcall evenings, Brooklin 5-403. WISEST WAY to order Times Action |Want Ads: on the special 6 day agra satisfaction for you . . . '8 cancel, _ Telephone ri sare RRIES, new e "space hea Telephone ri Whitby Janssen's Power Equipment .Centre Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. Service on all power equip- | ment. Licensed mechanic on duty. 843 King West _ j---- R fatoes, Irish Cob- blers, baby dilis for pickling. Apply 372 _728-9429 King' Street, West 728-9530 Telephone Whitby | Large lots only for) AND REPAIRS Clinton Engines Briggs and Stratton Enginés Homelite Sows, Tillers West Ben Outboord Motors Wiscott Boot Trailers Canadion & Springbok Boots WILDE RENTAL SERVICE DUPONT OF CANADA Limited HAS IMMEDIATE REGULAR OPENING FOR AN Experienced TELETYPE OPERATOR In the dota' processi group at its plant in Ajax, Onterio, Applicant should have at leost two years experience in teletype -- operations,. high and SALES 1415 Dundos St. E., Whitby Telephone 668- 5226 Tables; Choirs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls,' Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 463-Ritson Rd, S, 725- 3338 ENTERTAINING -- Fitty to one-hundred peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban vets, parties, weddings, anniversaries acilities, able rates, 728-6315, 14--Bu [ ness Opportunities GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF Some knowledge of tires an asset, but not essen- tial. A small investment with big returns assured, we have the work wait- ing for you. sutomatic | | | | | We want « mon who will work. for high income. This company is a well known vulcanizing distributor. For further information. Write BOX 424 Oshawa Times HOTEL ot Holtyre (Mining commun- ity). 12 rooms, licenced, $15,- 000 down. Owner retiring. Write La Salle Hotel. P.O. BOX 160 HOLTYRE, ONT. | | i |15------Employment Wo Wanted MAN with 15 y experience in secur- ity and municipal pollde requires work In Oshawa area. Excellent references. Phone _...| 725-0747. © Gravel @ Sand @ Stone ee aoe = 3 lants. le 34"' Much @ Building Materials/O"C' Van Belle RR ae Souwhenvitie, TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL |{% mile east of Bowmanville on High- Free 24-hr. Burner Service ee ee Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South ied ) stock pleked |~ up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Ty- rone. Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721. Licence 389-C-65. tractor with Impliments, 9% HP ideal for small gardens. Oshawa. 11--Pets and Livestock BORDER Scotch and Toy Collies, also deer hounds, $20 to $50 delivered, Port Perry. 985-2645 COZY J Ranch Kennels, horses, German Shepherds, . registered, trained, grown stock, Pups, stud service, boarding. Ash- burn 655-4662, evenings. BEAUTIFUL bavv budgies, training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East. PONIES and smail saddie horse, all have good conformation, quiet and broken t 5 0. TWO Dachshund puppies, femal and papers. Telephone 728-5089. LABRADOR pup. Diack, nine months old. Telephone 723-1398. oe FOR SALE--Young donkeys, very "gentle with children. Good for saddie. Telephone | Frank Fletcher, Port Perry 985-7183 BOSTON TERRIER female pup. Good |FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-| ity furniture, only $299, inc. complete bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembie: Pay only $3 wkly Unbeatable value! Sout. Home Furnishings, 424 «Simcoe OU Tv "TOWERS | SPECIAL -- 4-foot tower structure all-channel antenna installed, |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361 | Gibbons Str t, 12b- 8180. | DINING-suI ep eck "Golid wainut, Good condition, $95. Electric heater, $15. est Epereee chair, $5. Double bed, $15. "ready for T. Or SAInTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, {figure work, custom picture framing |Clark Studio, and North. Whitby Fi Rr adding machines and jtime clocks, new and rebuilt. One year guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen- ne Business Machine Sales and Service. red ESTON ce) 200 miles gallon on a Bridgestone Scooter or cycle. Ken's Appliances and Sports, 153 Simcoe seats, convertible top. Telephone 725-8465. | Street South, 725-6611. Open 'til 9 p. m. PUT AWAY 2 tidy sum by fie, that spare room with a Times Want Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and gig one to) | work for you, JARD motor, Sia HP Evinrude ik, like new, $95, Tele e MAHOGANY -- ag boat, _ Mercury motor, 45 HP, fully equipped. "Tee Ni trailer, new condition, best offer. Apply) 25 Grenfell Street, /12-FOOT cedarstrip boat, 54% HP vin- (ae Wiscot trailer. Excellent conditios Port Perry 985-7676. strip boat, trailer end winch and spare tire, Telephone! Me F Fi | motor, --. | 725- 4404. T 7--Swep and Barter, |BATH TUBS, "so and up; basins, $2.00; | sinks, $4; cabinets; pressure system; |repairs; 'houseboat; cruiser; trailers; | motors, cars. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park |Road South, 723-7088. TYPEWRITER SALE NOW ON | W & M BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 32 King St. E. -- Oshawa VALUES AT VALLEY CREEK We buy and sell! Tobles, chairs, chesterfields, corriages, beds, dressers, bi- cycles, TV's, fishing tackle, new and used, etc 16 BOND WEST -- 728-440) | | wy Beieo ol 153 {Simcoe Street 'South. 725-661 pen til? p.m [THREE ROOMS 'of furniture $298.50. No lown payment. $15 monthly at Honest 9 cars, 424 King West. 728-9191. tinued patterns from 2c per ft. Wilson Furniture,"20 Church Street. BARGAINS iN BEDDING -- - Smooth top mattresses, $26; 'bunk beds, $57; continen- jtal beds, $29) spring filled mattresses, $14; foam pillows, 9c. Wilson Furniture, | %) Church Street BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap ane' Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 or | ADDING machine, ponriiges 'cashiers, Brock St. East FOR SALE -- Palamino Gelding, quiet. Telephone 623- 3961, BREEDING and baby budgies for seie. For more information telephone 728- ell |WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have. The City ane Post Store, 446 Simeoe Street South, 723-1671 PROSCH" ele capacity, liquidizer and ve or baking. ~ one gallon pacity grinder, elephone 725-6067 after Good ry ice Wnitby 6s Gah. 5637. |FouR. Pi bedroom suite, Skier lines, Chesterfield, "Easy" washing mi f: ane heavy duty electric stove, fold cot and other items. All in excellent '| condition, Apply 835 Dundas Street East, Whitby. TYPEWRITER 5 $30; portable, $30; adding mac! $40; electric type-| writer, yt pene typewriter, cash regi-| ster, $65. 7: HONEST a "furniture and Appil- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author- ized GE dealer. Contact nee Cal's at 424 King Street West, 726-9 13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing mo- chines, bike exercises -- all $6. per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, stel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heaters, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, build- ing jacks, mortar. 'mixers, mortar boxer, chain ' hoist, miter saw, electric plane, tar- paulins, sand blaster, power hole auger, ascillating disc sanders, belt , floor sanders, acety- lene welding outfits, 200 amp electric welders STAN'S shoes | & eure! Ltd, 223 King PHONE. 725033 3224 TV tower|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospit=' "-"<, walkers, kits, quantity. of used all-channe! aerial|reducing machines, s!- n .suppiles. heads. Call Ron's V, 723-7521 |Aid Rentals, 105 Beat Pe 644 BUY' AND SELL - used furniture CHAIRS, card and candi: tables, church d, | billy Af chequewriters, files, desks, sell, rent, service and low Prices, WHY RENT? New Elina ma, chine, interest free, trom $6. inionthty by your Elna dealer, Oshawa Sewing Centre, Ye Simcoe South, 728- 2391 GENDRON crib, youth bed, fivedrawer chest and three-quarter steel bed. Tele phone 725-8 pale your basement dr dry" with an Elec. trohome automatic dehumidifier 'or only $99.95 at Parkway fala 918 Simcoe '| Street North, 723-3043 Z1G-ZAG "sewing | spn $79.00 and up. Your Elna dealer. Oshawa Sewing Centre. 329 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391. INGLIS washing machine, with pump, Lloyd stroller, canopy. Baby crib and mattress 52" x 28"; felt rug. underpad, x 12' 725-6416 ENGINE 1964 Chevvy lcylinder. Ideal for boat, welder, jeep or [utility engine. $175. or best offer. 725-9885. VIKING 30 heavy | duty range, _rotis- automatic oven. 9a cubic foot refrigerator, full size freezer. complete with con- "ii 90 HP four- burner, trols. Call 725-9302. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator 13 cu. ft. lwith 75 ib. freezer compartment. Also |Maytag dryer, one year old. Telephone; 728-3570. Pi equipment for Culligan, Whitb' , FLY KILLING system, completely auto- matic. Try for one month for only $3.50. Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200. LAWN TABLE and umbrella, TV to markings from registered stock. Apply 48) DAY CARB for children, In my home. $10 - $15 weekly. Telephone Whitby 668-3762 RELIABLE women will look after child- ren in her home. oriey. to ita! bar og parking Reason: | school motriculetion -- prefers red but not essential, ine | dependent transportation to the plant necessary. This position carries @ sole ary scale consistent with qualifications and full comp- any benefits range To apply, please write, giv- ing personal and experience details 'Dupont of Canada Limited Foirall Street. AJAX, ONT, Attention Personnel |COOK WANTED for night work trem 6 |P.m. to 2 a.m, Also girl Mor tunch counter, | Appiy 345 Ritson South. | @XPERIENCED walieesa for coffes bar and variety store. Ry it ug Simcoe Street |South or telephon EXPERIENCED fh dren lar es Rossiynn Beauty "Salon. Telephone 723-3925. |PRACTICAL nurse for nursing "home. Steady employment, Write Box 52%, }Oshawa Times |HOUSEKEEPER for motheriess heme. |Four children, three in school ew jhome, live in, Telephone TiS416, '18--Mole Help. 'Wonted -- | METHODS AND | TIME STUDY OBSERVERS Progressive tire monufacturer with an expansion in it's ine dustrial engineering depart. ment requires methods end time study observers, Applicants must heve high school education, have been trained in modern time study and methods techniques with co good practical experience, Liberal pension plan plus @ complete program of comp. ony paid medical, prescrip. tion drug, hospitel and life. insurance benefits. Good office hours and work- ing conditions, Salary com. mensurate with qualifications and experience. Apply either .in writing er in. Person-to personnel monoger. DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY 668-3361 lid Centre area. 17--Female e Help Wanted TEMPORARY AND PART - TIME Experienced STENO- GRAPHERS with short- hand. TYPISTS proficient with electric typewriters. URGENTLY REQUIRED As much time off as you need, between your jobs--or continuous work if you prefer to keep busy. Call to-day for @ personal interview. L - OFFICE OVERLOAD CO. | LTD. 728-943] LEGAL SECRETARY Must be experienced. APPLY Humphrey, Boychyn, Hillman 361 King East IAT "FULL TIME Salad Bar Girl REQUIRED 7 am. to 4 pm ALSO WAITRESSES 1] p.m. to 7 am Full or parti time Apply Mr. Campbell 'GENOSHA. HOTEL "TEN WOMEN WANTED | for SPARE TIME WORK | from home to support Nation- al Advertising Campaign of | large Cosmetic Manufacturer. | Evening or Week-ends Satis- factory. Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. SA041, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreo! 3 | -- - | jene! duties drive-in restaurant. No experience ne: ary. Will train. Evening work mostly. For inform ation phone 728-6756 after 11 a.m. THREE WOMEN needed at once to rep-, resent Beauty Counsellor, or if you need Beauty Counsellor service. _Call 725-6816. MANAGEMENT. Exciting ~~ opportunities | available qualified women in new branch) position with Sarah Coventry: of Canada| Ltd. This tremendous field offers un- limited top level income. Enjoy hearing the complete story through a confidential Interview. Write Lee Briand, Provincial manager, 252 Princess Avenue, Willow- dale or call 223-2424. | ELECTRICIAN REQUIRED | For plant maintenance de- | partment, shift premiums, fringe benefits, etc., Preven- tative installation and some machinery or mechanical ex- perience an asset. APPLY BATHURST CONTAINERS LTD. WHITBY Telephone Mr. Robinson _ 668-3371 SHIPPER and RECEIVER Copable of keeping records ond handling multiple stock units. Salary open according to ability. Age 30 - 45, Telephone SURE FIT 942-1502 DRIVERS WANTED Experienced ready-mix truck drivers --- top woges, come pany benefits. Apply: CURRAN & BRIGGS READY - MIX LTD. _991 Simcoe Ss. Oshawa _ | Cleaning on mainten- ance man aged 40-55 years. Telephone Sure Fit 942-1502 REGISTERED nurse wanted with "EOR or OR experience to work in doctor's office, Excellent hours and good starting salary. Please reply to Box 633, Oshawa Times. TOP HOURLY wages for fi lass only, ahhh and paper hanger. Apply Bruce Street between 9 a.m.--5 p.m. or telephone 725-3943 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's finest line of Christmas Cards, wraps,| novelties, etc. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illustrated catalogue, samples jon approval and the fastest . service. Good and appliances. One location only. P. runners, Cleve Fm Tartaley a2 Furniture, 444 Simoce South, 723-3271, Stree? "North ceil wa9-2414, Fo mal Greeting Card Co., 1253 King East, Hamiiton, Ontario, operated dump. "trucks, wanted for sand and gravel. Top rate, steady work 942-042 |YOUNG MAN familiar with 'city for de livery service, Full igs | nights. Man with car preferred but not essential, Telephone 723-6263 or 723-6681,

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