Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1965, p. 20

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2c I wy age 18--Mele Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate tor Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sole THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 16, 1965 METHODS AND TIME. STUDY OBSERVERS Progressive tire manufacturer with on expansion in it's in- requires time study Applicants gerne have high school education, have been trained in modern time study ~ methods techniques with practical experience. Libero! pension plon plus @ complete progrom of comp- ony paid medical, prescrip- tion drug, hospital ond life insurance benefits. Good office hours ond work- ing conditions, Salary com- mensurate with qualifications and exper Apply either in writing or in person-to personnel manoger, DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY 668-3361 ELECTRICIAN REQUIRED For plant maintenance de- partment, shift premiums, fringe benefits, etc., Preven- tative installation and some machinery or mechanical ex- perience an asset, APPLY BATHURST CONTAINERS LTD. WHITBY Telephone Mr, Robinson Si ae NEW AND USED CAR SALESMAN REQUIRED Demonstretor supplied, salary ond commission. An excel- lent opportunity In @ new car dealership. Apply: SALES MANAGER HARRY DONALD LTD. Whitby, 668-3304 Cleaning and: mainten- ance man aged 40-55 years. Telephone Sure Fit 942-1502 SHIPPER and RECEIVER Capable of keeping records end handling multiple stock units. Solery open cecording to ability. Age 30:- 45, Telephone SURE FIT 942-1502 trucks, OWNER operetea dump work. ped. teed ELECTRICIAN WANTED, experienced in industrial work, lowdale. Telephone 221-3403, EXPERIENCED me man for 7 operating 4 lephone machinery on custom work. Tel 728-6865 after 9 p.m. "wanted for sand and gravel. Top rate, steady 42-0420 -- Must be must have journeyman's licence, union wages. Murray Electric, 5647, Yonge Street, Wil- DRIVER for cateri salary plus commiss' be reliable, over 25 'years old, chauffeur's licence. 728-7321, Mr. baun. EXPERIENCED | MAN fo take « arge, ot 2 ot atch department. Weekends phone 723-6922. YOUNG MAN familiar wah ity, for ae: for ae livery service, Full time ni car preterred but not Pa Telaehone 723-6263 or 723-6681. REGISTERED | or OR experience to work office. Excellent hours and good Starting salary. Please reply to Box 633, Osh Times. route, meerenvene benefits. an Kirsh- J. A. Willoughby _& Sons Limited VILLAGE HOME Just « few miles from Port Perry on good paved rood, and very close to school, 3 bedroom frame home with 3 pc, bothraom. 2 acre of land and small born, Ideal for retired couple or growing family, Asking $7,500, Ail -- offers considered, 'rms, PRESTIGE HOME BROOKLIN Beoutiful 4 bedroom stone and brick home on lovely landscaped lot in superior nei: ood, Large garage breezeway. Dining room, music room, Many extros. Close to public and separote schools, $22,000.00. Terms. REVENUE HOME WHITBY Two apartments, one with three bedrooms, one with two bedrooms, Separate bath- rooms, each with steve and refrigerator. Very central. Ideal for young couple, Ins- pect this one. Contact DOUG ANDREWS, R. R. 1, Brooklin. PHONE 655-3195 BROOKLIN J. A. Willoughby & Sons Ltd. Realtors. ALL ELECTRIC @ New 3 bedroom brick dwellings semi-detach- ed, located in East end of Oshawa. @ NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION FULL DOWN PAYMENT $1558.75 FULL PRICE $14,500 For further information call JOSEPH BOSCO REAL ESTATE 728 - 7377 Phat Colds. a KASSINGER HOMES IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY with any community in Osh- awa. . . and we are confid- ent thet Dollar for Dollar you will get ERED nurse wanted with BOR! In doctor's | 19--Male or Female Help Wanted More Value 'For Your Money SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West Artists' PARTY to MANAGE and OPERATE THE BUSI- NESS on a salary, per- centage or partnership bases. Whitby 668-6133 supply centre REQUIRES CAPABLE TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 BOWMANVILLE OVERLOOKING THE TOWN The location: of this property hes permitted an outstand- ing view of the town's main street and, as well, it's beau- tifully terraced grounds have been a conversation piece of the travelling public for half a century. The two storey brick house is in excellent repoir with a new hot water heating system, a good slate roof, five bedrooms and two bathrooms on the second floor, three marble fireplaces and some of the most beauti- ful plaster comices and pan- ellings that are to be seen anywhere. The property is be- ing offered now to close an estote and can be seen by appoinment at anytime. Price $32,000. Please contact MRS, NANCY BUDGE, 82 AUGUSTA ST., PORT HOPE GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1 @ APPROXIMATELY NINE MILES FROM OSHAWA on the Port Perry Rood, Well kept home with double cor gorage, large bedrooms ond omple closet space, Good well and seporote drains for septic and wash woter. An exceptionally good buy. To inspect, call today, 11 @ Here is @ ploce built to ounces specifications and only Y% of a mile outside of city limits, RANCH STYLE BUNG- LOW with attached gorage, hollywood kitchen, ond built-in stove ond oven, RECREATION ROOM? Yes. Two of them. A must to see. Phone for full part- iculors, ® ji! @ NORTH WEST AREA: 3 bedroom, 2 storey brick home on a quiet residential street, close to schools shopping ond bus, This home is nicely decor- ated throughout and lovely yard. The rooms ore of nice size with plenty of kitchen cupboards and ample closet space. This home is priced to sell at $13,900. Coll tor more porticulors, 1V @ $7,500, Is the asking price for this 5 room home in the South East part of the city Close to school, bus and shop- ping. If you are budget minded, then you should see this home. Phone for an appointment to see, V © $19,000, purchases this 2/ storey brick home thot MS over- come with fine features, 2 fire- places, L shaped RECREATION ROOM, all rooms are of an ex- ceptional size, beautifully land- scaped yard with attached gor-| age and paved drive. Phone for an appointment to see. Vi @ BUILDING LOT: This beautifully lendscoped lot will delight even the most careful buyer. Lots of trees and shrubs and fast flowing stream through | reor of property. Priced at $4,500 e Vil @ CLOSE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 3 year old brick bung- alow priced at $15,500. 3 bed- roms, tempting kitchen and nice sized living room. The back yard is fully fenced to make it ideal and safe for children, Call now -for full particulars, Vill @ $17,900. for a 4 year old well kept brick SPLIT LEVEL home on Sussex Drive, Three average sized bedrooms, nicely decorated good sized living room with dining room of 10 x 9 feet, The RECREATION room hos on electric fireplace and a walk- out to a terraced back yard with a breathtaking view. IX e@ 6 year old apartment building on Ravine Street close to buses, schools and General Motors South Plant. These opartments will always be easily rented, Income per month $490. Heating costs of approximately $500, yearly, This building must) be seen, by anyone wishing o good return for their investment. | X 2 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR} A SPLIT LEVEL HOME in good) condition on a quiet residential | street in a town not for from| Oshawa? This home in Pick-| ering must be seen with its fin-! ished RECREATION ROOM and attached garage at only $18,- 900 | X! @ 7 room older brick bung- alow on King Street, The large kitchen will be most pleasing to the woman of the house and the private drive ond garage on the extremely large lot of 115 x 623 will please the man of the house, This home is suitable for the large family or as a 2 fam- ily home with its 4 large bed-| rooms, Priced at $22,900. Phone to see XII @ 2 bedroom frame home on Lawson Road. The owner of this] home has not the time to reno- vate this home and is allowing | $500, to the new owners to| paint and do the necessary out- side work, This home has ample) cupboard space in the kitchen, | | walkout -- from basement, --oil! heating, 3 piece bath, aluminum) GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XV @ $15,200, will purchose this well kept home on o quiet street close to park, schools and shopping. Large . kitchen with plenty of 'ds, living FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street BOWMANVILLE. 623-3393 room, 3 bedrooms and 4 piece bathroom on main floor, One bedroom and apr finished room in The bock yard is completely fenced to make it ideal and sofe 'for children. Down poyment of $3,200, required, Phone for full particulars, Coll 723-1121 for full partic- ulars. Open daily from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, After hours call Doug Trivett 723-7390 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edith . Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Monitius 728-2754 Eleanor deJong 728-2949 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Ros Bell 723-7623 Jean Peacock 724-4330 Jack Graham 725-9947 George Nymyer 728-4241 Lidyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 ry eee Oshowa and District Real Estate Board Kendal Hills -- 4 acres with stream and , very scenis property, God cottage $11,- 000 - terms, 12 acres of apple orchard near Bowmanville, Good bulld- ing site, $6,600 - terms, 4 acres in Kendal Hills with cottage, Pond, $7,900 - $1, 200 down. Cottage at View Loke near Caesarea $3,500 - $1,200 down, Newtonville - 4 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, $10,000 - $2,000 down, Hampton - 3 be lot. 66 x 168 $11, 000". ° $2,000 down, Taunton - ZY acres with 6 room home $17,500, - terms, Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. Arranging mortgages is part of our camprehensive Real Estate| Service et GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, We ML. Member of O.D,R.E.B, GUIDE REALTY | LIMITED, REALTORS J.B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BROKER 1096 Simcoe Street North TELEPHONE 725-3557 10 Acres with Large TROUT STREAM God cedar bush, excellent pond site on poved rood north of Bowmanville, ony one left open to offers. 7 ROOM COUNTRY HOME 6% years old with attached garage, 2 tiled baths, fire- place, large family kitchen, forced air oil furnace with up to 8 acres of land on pav- ed road 15 minutes from Oshawa, asking only $15,- 900. and open to offers, APARTMENT SITES IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY. LARGE AND SMALL PAR. CELS IN CHOICE NORTH END LOCATIONS. GUARANTEED SALE OR TRADE ON YOUR PRESENT HOME BY BEACON HOMES LTD. 3 CHOICE LOCATIONS HAVE A HOME BUILT TO ORDER FOR YOUR FAMILY FOR EARLY FALL POSSES- SION. N.H.A, FINANCING WITH LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS, ' TODAY'S BEST HOME VALUE In addition to saving $2,000. to $3,000. you will reside in on area with the boundless pleasures of motor boating, sailing, fishing and swim- ming and beach, only min- utes away, Three bedroom bungalow with colonial entrance, En suite beth conveniences, Built-in range end oven, storms and screens, full basement, On a fine high lot with lovely view. Full price $13,495. with Winter Bonus guaran- teed. Will take $636. down. VISIT TONIGHT OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, DOVER BY-THE-BAY Go West on Highway 401 to Liverpool Road (inter- change 64.) Turn South to the BP Service Station, turn right and follow the signs to the Dover Gates, turn left. PHONE 942-3442 or 364-3115 Consolidated Building Corporation front door, double laundry tubs} and garage. willow tree on front lawn. Phone to-night for full particulars, Lovely. weeping URGENTLY REQUIRED) Homes for cash buyers. 2, 3, and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys. What have you? ; list exclusive and Photo) S, 723-5787 655-3853 623-3818 623-3077 623-5055 623-3393 Joe Barnoski Howard Forder Jack: Whiteman Pot Yeo Ken Hockin Herb Cooper IBASKETT & PEGG -- LIMITED Real Estate BROUGHAM 942-0931 BROOKLIN 1% - storey colonial style frame house on large seed- ed lot; on residential street. Two bedroom upstoirs ond one down, next to bathroom, Large living and dining room with huge brick fireplace, modern kitchen, New oil fur- noce, new wiring, new roof- Ing. All recently decorated, garage with concrete. drive- way, Only $12,500, Please call William 5S. Hogg, Brougham 942-0931 even- ings, Uxbridge 852-3407, BROUGHAM $13,500 older house in vil- lage located on large attrac- tive lot, ground floor has liv- ing room ond dining room, den and small kitchen; up- stoirs has 3 large bedrooms and bathroom, large shed suitable for garage and stor- age, Excellent financing Please call C,. A. Baskett, Brougham 942-0931, even- ings Toronto HU 1-6274, GREENWOOD $25,900 modern bungalow situated in pretty village with walkout basement and built- in two-car garage, Large liv- ing room and dining room combination, with open fire- place ond sundeck, huge mo- dern kitchen and breakfast room, master bedroom with 2 pce. en suite bathroom, two more large bedrooms, with 4 pce, bathroom, Divided base- ment has rec-room, bedroom and bathroom "roughed in, Large lot with fields at rear of property, We have various SCENIC PARCELS OF LAND in the BROUGHAM-CLAREMONT oera, varying between 10 and 20 acres priced at about $500.00 per acre. Inspection invited call C, A, BASKETT. Brougham 942-0931; even-- Quality Built ARMSTRONG HOMES ROLLING HILLS OSHAWA DOWN PAYMENTS From $1,200.00 If you qualify, Detached three four bedrooms, kitchens. GRIFFIN: REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-6461 bedrooms, Hollywood BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ~~ Real Estote ~~ TOWN LINE NORTH 5 room bungalow - 2 bed- rooms, fenced lot approxi- mately one acre, For fresh air and country living, see this home now by an Allen Johnston ot 728-5123 or 725-1381, $15,900 East end of Oshawe, Modern five room brick bungalow, Loads of cupboards in ome kitchen, bright a ond 3 bedrooms, piece ceramic tiled both, Oversize goroge, Near schools and lesa See this one by coll- ing Allen Johnston ot 728- 5123 or 725-1381, ' INCOME HOME Oshawa Bivd. 1% storey home with 4 room apart- ment on second floor, Hos been' renting for $80.00 monthly, Hos fenced in lot with gorage. Asking only $11,900.00 with good terms. Te inspect call Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or 728-0483, MAKE AN OFFER Here is o six room brick dweling newly decorated with fireplace in living room, Lo- cated in @ good orea with gorage and oil furnace. Reo- sonably low down payment, Open to offers, Call now to in- spect, Mr. Jock Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398, ings Toronto HU 1-6274, A GOOD PLACE |BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | a 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evenin Member of O.D.R. EB. KEITH REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST ONLY $12,900.00 N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in good condition about 7 years old, Close to schools, shopping and bus in Oshawa, WHITBY $14,900. Inspect this 3 bedroom brick home about 5 years old, nicely decorated, broadioom, aluminum storms and screens, back yard fenced, nicely landscaped lot. LIBERTY GARDENS $15,900.00 One only at this price, 3 bed- rooms, brick construction, mahogany trim and cup- boards, tiled bathroom with vanity, beautiful hardwood and tile floors, $2500, $5,900.00 : DOWN. is the full price for this 6 room home in central Osh- awa location with bathroom and furnace, Open 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, ED. DISNEY REALTOR 82 Simcoe St. S. 723-2333 100 acres very productive land in Blackstock area, corner property, large brick house with city conveniences, barns newly wired, Asking $26,500. 100 acres, V4 mile off 35 hwy. with large frontage on Pidgeon River, large brick house, new oil furnace, ex- cellent wheat land in good lo- cality, 28 acres in Myrtle area, large frontage on main road, heav- ily wooded at back with rush- ing trout stream, excellent in- vestment, owner moving to Windsor, Will sell 10 acre parcel, Salesmen: John Sandy | John Merrithew | SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 JUST LISTED: 5 room brick bungelow, oi! heated, alum. storms and screens, see this one tonight, price $14,000. 725-8010 728-2664 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 "HILLSDALE TERRACE" ia ee Many designs, 3 and 4 bed- rooms, some with 2 bath- rooms ond gorages. Soles- man on location, Cell Sub- division Office, 723-5622, TRY AND OFFER Reol cute 2 bedroom brick bungalow with oversized garage and poved driveway. Also a lovely recreation room ond an enclosed rear sun porch, Situated on a lovely large completely fenced lot, Coll 728-5157 new. NEW HOMES TAYLOR AVENUE Only $1,900. Down, the best buy in the City. Loads of ex- tras, drive out to see tonite. Go Wilson Rood South to Taylor Avenue, then eost to model homes, or call 728- 5157, $8000 5 room insul bungalow, new oil furnace, recently decorated throughout; Very. large family kitchen, Call 728-5157 now. 20--Reel Estate for Sele 20--Reol Estete for Sele Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E, 728-4678 BRAND NEW! JUST WAITING for you! With @ full price of $17,- 900,00 you con own this smortly designed clay brick and stone jolow, complete with cathedral ceilings, elec- tric heating, atteched gor- age and many extras, all ona quiet court close to schools in the north east section of Oshowo, See this desiroble Hen get your offer in FORCED SALE! 4-room bungalow on a Joi lot in Courtice --- $1,500 0.60 down must be sold, Vendor Is tronsferred ---- $7,500.00 full price. HONEST INJUN! ot only one just right location in Oshawa, con you buy o 6- room ranch style bungalow with choice of models to oid your decision and LOOK! Electric heated Medallion homes, fully plastered, (NO DRYWALL) gerage or car- port attoched. All the better extras included. Why wait, the price Ds $17,900, 00 is i ible to beat. Pi on Soeaead to one N.H.A, mortgage. Coll tonight ! BEST NORTH WEST Asking $16,400.00 for this lavely 6-room. brick bunge- low. Dining room and breok- fast nook, top quolity new WANTED 2 storey home, near up- | town. For quick sale, call 728-5157. PeLceS __Real Estate Board Member _ BEAUPRE AVE. VACANT Immediote possession here and for $13,900.00 it's e good deal, for o 7 yeor old N.H.A, resale, Brick bun- galow, lot completely fenced, 6% mortgage or will take low down payment. Call 728-5157 right eway. After 9 p.m. Call Steve Lehan 728-9326 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED ded Simcoe Street South EXECUTIVE SPECIALS IN DISTINCTIVE HARMONY VILLAGE Only Two Left RAVINE LOT STONE FIREPLACES BROADLOOM ON MAIN FLOOR FOUR BEDROOMS TWO BATHS PATIO DOORS ON FINISHED WALKOUT -REC, ROOM BRICK AND STONE FULLY LANDSCAPED LOT Front and back. ATTACHED GARAGE PREPAID SERVICES Only $2000 down Will Accept Trades Saturday July 17 from 1-6 OPEN HOUSE J. B. McMullan REAL ESTATE BROKER 1096 Simcoe Street North _ Telephone 725- 3557 OPEN HOUSE TAYLOR AVENUE GO -- Wilson Rd. S$. to Taylor then east to finished models, broadioom, rec, room with bor and loads of desirable extras, Real volue here, coll now, see it and get your offer in immediately, this one just won't lost long. BIGGER, BETTER BUYS North west area. $20,900, asking price, 3 spocious bed- rooms, 27 ft. living room; large kitchen and dining one j st to gy ee patio, attac garage, large landscaped lot on quiet eourt. Vendor tronsferring, make your offer now ! OR see this spacious 3-bedroom bunge- low with breezeway ond at- tached garage, completely fin- ished basement, 2-bathrooms, broadloomed living and din- ing rooms, very spacious mod- ern kitchen, Lovely large lot, big patio, smartly landscaped with birch trees and flowers, Asking $27,000, -- will look ot on offer, QUALITY SPLIT 3 forge bedrooms plus den, maéhogany trim end kitchen cupboards, very spacious new clay brick and stone split. $21,000, Close to schools and shopping, see this de- lightful home this week-end ond get your offer in now ! Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Moga Gord Hawkshaw Member 0.D.R.E.B. OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL 9 HYMAN 728-6286 NURSERY-RHYME-TIME Of oll the secrets to success There is one which stends clone. ------ ie spent in paying And buy yourself @ home, WHY RENT ? 4 When for $1,200. down this charming 5 room Fossey s Wonderland" ye ow a lorge 66' x 04" city. lot can be yours, Hot. water oil hesting, walkout basement plus o host of extras, carries for less thon @ normel month- ly rentel payment. Aet fast for this one. MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB lett her apartment and bought some land similar to the 15 acres with 2° trout streams now available just eost of Oshowa. Must be sold --try an offer on this fine country property, STOP PAYING RENT ond move into this specious 5 room home with a super huge kitchen, This is o clean city property with F.A, oil heoting, low taxes and should definitely be seen. Only $12,- 900, full price, A terrific bargain just weiting for an olert buyer, Call now. Im- -- possession is avail. e, SIMPtg SIMON met D Hyman Going te the fair, He wasn't se pti le. He bought a home, don't you? Refuse to pay rent another moment, Phone us tonight, 9. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 After Hours Call 728-1903 728-5513 728-1008 Bob Stevenson Les Hell Doug. Gower John Rosnik 725-0658 Jock Sheriff 723-3775 Member of the Oshawe ond District Real Estate Boord SUBURBAN Is 1,450 square feet, Pa aye sunken room. "iaining foam modern kitchen, on eaten lot, Don sfredeak! jesk! Realtor, , dee: LARGE six-room pid y reed lot, close to Convenient terms. For i" 728-7377, Fivé-VeAROtO rench style tievene Sees bus. e hook a and ainsi ONE NHA MORTGAGE $14,000 full price -- 6 room solid brick detached bunga- low, Family. sized kitchen. Two years new, storms and screens, Carries $115, mon- thly including taxes -- $1,- 5 down, NHA_ REPOSSESSION $650, down, 4 bedroom bung- alow featuring large kitchen and dining area, 2 baths, full hected basement. Close to seporate and public schools, Carries $112. monthly inter- est, principal and toxes. On one mortgage, $13,000. full price. OWNER DESPERATE! $1,000. down -- 6 room de- tached solid brick bungalow. Hollywood kitchen with built- in stove, Tastefully decorated in oils. One yeor new. A beautiful view of the lake from rear landscaped garden. Private drive. Close to every- thing. A steal at $15,900. Carries less than rent. COMPARE ANYWHERE ! $1,500, down -- 6. room aword wining solid brick bungalow with fireplace, wall- to-wall broadloom, bulit-in counter top stove and oven, aluminum storms and screens, glass sliding doors to beauti- fully landscaped garden. Pri- vote drive and carport. This one is a beauty! $17,900, full price. RAVINE LOT $2,500. down -- 5 bedroom sporkling new split - level bungalow, 2 distinet 4 pe. bathrooms, ponelied = "'L" shaped living and dining rooms, built-in counter top stove and oven, Steps to mar- with three Investment or Close to Oshawa, Call Don Stra- desi Realtor, aes OOM, |p. bg on wid Fiv foot lot. Uarge. 98 Tool shed, ten pro ed say "Nie many oaran Tom es Realtor 728. mice HOME = -- \s rooms with four washrooms, home in exe cellent condition, Off street parking. Easy financing can be arranged. For all ine formation contact Charles -- Chaytor, 723-7996, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. JUST LISTED this large nine-room ranch bungalow only three years old, Ly within walking distance of the Situated on a large lot this patty features broadioom, !wo washrooms, attached garage and many other. extras. Owner will consider @ trade, Call Jack Sheriff oer Hyman Real Estate Limited, $1,200. DOWN duys this two-bedroom bungalow located on @ large lot with an asking price only $12,900. monthly pa' ments are $80, and you can have immed ate possession. Call Jack Sheriff at $, D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286. sell, BAY RIDGES, meray Ph to Three-bedroom, solid detached, paved drive, large lot. extras. $12,900 or offer Leaving Canada. Evenings 839-2277 PRIVATE SALE -- ba nents we for wil sale and rg pe Re spine large lot, iven cuidertion. vga aavaWathe PARK, ewimering peal, peg house, refreshment \ modern home bathe, commercial ' feeviig aiattich Whitby 668- FOR SALE -- one three-bed- room brick home on Merrett lot, hg 150' Eastlawn Street, $96 month ers principal, Interest and taxes, after 6 p.m. FOR SALE--Two-bedroom garage, close to Shopping South General bieelghd plant. 725-1959 after 4 p. INCOME HOME on 1% acres, es, just east of city limits, six rooms. and ae ore downstairs, two-room apai with bathroom vaste. $1400 Taubuteta down payment. Telephone 723+ COLBORNE STREET and na Bou- levard, rooms, brick, Income nine home, double garage, nie eae pl Bar Sig easy terms. N. Jones Broker, 725 low with entre and Telephone PRIVATE -- yar 3 three-bedroom solid brick detached tear full price, Five-Room Hog Goubl a l. LJ rt two acres, VLA approved. T: Lg 4 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, permanent man position. Must be familiar with complete Bowmanville, set of Books and general office duties. Cedardale Scrap-lron and Metal Limited, | $1,900. DOWN Xiil @ 3 storey brick home with 4 bedrooms. The living room is of an exceptionally good PHONE 885-4388, PORT HOPE | J, A, WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD, | APARTMENTS FOR RENT: 1 and 2 bedroom available, ina and playground area. -- Tel elehone $17,900, full price. ann TO GROW OLD For free valuations call 735 Albert Street REALTORS -- MIDDLE-AGED couple to care for ase ty gentieman, live In, free rent. Must be abstainers, with Whitby 668-6164 SUPERINTENDENT, full time, enced in minor repairs; wife to references. Alex 942-0130. 20--Real Estate | for Sale DERN experi- help clean. Apartment and salary, Telephone Quality Built ARMSTRONG HOMES A good place to live. Southwood Park AJAX size and nice sized kitchen, The plentiful' closets are so large in this home you can walk right into them, This well built home is close to the hospital, shop-| ping, bus and schools. The yard) has been well cored for and has! © single cor garage. More part-| iculars by calling Guide Realty! Limited. _ 728-1275 DON STRADESKI Real Estate $595 DOWN 4 bedroom detached brick. split level, carport, en suite both, close to seporoate and public schools, walking dis- tance to shopping plaza, on quiet, well kept street, beau- iN. --_braemor gardens STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS STORES TO LEASE at the WINDSOR PLAZA Wilson Rd. S. 950 sq. feet suitable for ladies weor, children's weor, shoe store ete. DUPLEX and SINGLE LOTS just west of shopping centre, phone for further particulars, WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? CALL SIBBY'S PERSONALIZED SERVICE. Still @ few left, Hurry, make Ht o date to see these "fine homes". Call 728-5157 ACTIVE All the above mentioned homes are located in West Oshawa and are today's best values. Compare these prices anywhere. P.M.A. REALTY 942-2611 du ar ited, os one |brick, a0 DaUEY, Reallor, 62 Simcoe Street South. 8 $8,500, with low down payment, ompany. a Merrithew, 728-2664; John on. FiVE-ROOM immaculate NHA resale, tastefully decorated, res" io stove and oven, paved drive, full scaped with prin tn pd ys iti with » $4,400, Mus! appreciated. a fey s. = Hyman Real Fetare Limited, 728-6286. PRIVATE SALE, six room, 1 ase fireplace. bo ooeb Hedged a Gown. n Seating tiful west location, MILLER & IMRIE REAL ESTATE LTD, PHONE 942-2561 MO BRICK BUNGALOW NORTH WEST AREA This spacious, three bedroom home, with a large modern kitchen ond dining area ise pleasure to show. Beautifully landscaped with many found- nealee, an fornttore| cena ar nog 'aplance Ineo (newly weds) | Avenue come come all, Priced right. Call te "Andely. Ww. x Martin Realtor, XIV @ INCOME OPPORTUN- ITY. 1% acres on west side of TownLine Read North with 2 houses. Each home hos been converted to 2 apartments each The larger home has 2 hed- rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen ond 3 piece bath on main floor. Second floor has 2 bedrooms, living room and kitchen. The second home of 2 apariments has 2 bedrooms, liv- ina room and kitchen each Good return for your money is assured. Call now for more i Down Payments FROM $980 If you qualify. Detached, three bedrooms, ation'piantings ond patio, For four bedrooms, Hollywood inspection contact Horry kitchens, =o | 9489810 W. T. LAMSON GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. REAL ESTATE LTD. bein: . ELECTRICALLY HEATED Ten new homes by Lysk Con- struction stating at $18,150. with N.H.A, financing located in Kingsmere Gardens. S . HYMAN cent NHA Ted REAL ESTATE LIMITED | Jams108.-W." Oc Marin, Realtor, enh |cenral Vacant now 28-6286 re) iN, six-year-old, three - bed-l jean y NEW I paved crivewey an with ree, room, ane fermly ream Beautiful | eur Badreor | Peaped 'lol, Asking 'price cr isas, Som Down| 88 ACRE FARM, treme nouns, on schools. See this places. < custom home 'on 3M payment $5,850, "Peiconene Island, Pine Point. Will sell or bes Bolahood Sra: FHTTEE OF here wicaaed io with stream 8. 1 eee Cee oe eee res. living - dining room, modern kitchen, bid ty Avenue 4 |BRiv ATE, well kepi six-room, slorey and|iarge windows, drapery -- th hout. home in. north west area. Extra|Large: patio. Conveniently located, Talhome and well landscaped, fenced let. isan lot Loop hay ane play-réom, | miles = of Highway wo ain waits. The first I Rena * For appointment call patio, paved drive, boards | Shown reoks| Murray, le, 7234270, Joseph Bosco jes ether eartras 780-2200, lin tab-aaar, Realtor; 720-7377, WE LIST M.L.S, REALTY LIMITED SXVEAR-OLO SRICK oungalow with| COP FOR SALE wit Rh Reuse of your self-cont sament apartment, sepa- choice. rate hydro meters and bathrooms, ga:| on ROR SALE newly decorated, 14 storey rage, lovely large tot. Close to schools|**s*: OOWN. Sia well kept 'ive home in north section, good location and and bus, Only sta.s0o with terms. 6 Per|fcOm bungalow, south east area. Lovely He dik to stores, schools and bus. Three treed lot, private drive, fireplace. .very rooms, large living reom, natural fire- i for $85, Meet kitchen, fou: en turlace a ' SAUTIFUL Toerened Ta oe attached par pee half nen land. Close to schools, all facilities. Call Elmer Fredwin, W. ©. Martin Realtor 728-5103. winery EIGHT HUNDRED, 4 bedrooms, Va 8 aluminum siding, low taxes, oll arenen, 'olande Tierney 725-5207. Keith Peters Rea my. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? $0 DO WE "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 now, Carries Want-Ads Don't | | Cost-They Pay 20--Real Estate tor Sale (Continued on Page 22):

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