Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jul 1965, p. 3

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ap em ee 1 en Le i RNG SAGO AY Eth graphene pitt 4 nace citi mien cll acid oma cna ek an ai, an cael aeies aril cia ale ae ca ae ome nh 4 . at : . > > oy wom Dy ee ee eee Bo pone tng / ' y |provinces through federal-prov- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 15, 1965 NDP 'Cuts Planks jitnee srsn rer. ral transportation. Money would zovern of the Uni be provided to farmers who re- To Build Platform |: 0 vith! cnmtces totter] BOOK NOW time limit with about a dozen|°@lled for an immediate halt to By STEWART MacLEOD ge fertilizers, chemicals|delegates waiting for an oppor-|U.S. bombings and for "all in- ' : TORONTO (CP)--The Newland other supplies. Co-oper-jtunity to speak. There was nojterested parties including the JULY RENTALS Democratic Party continues -to-latives will be encouraged andj9Pposition to the document.|viet Cong to enter gotia- day to churn out guidelines for|assisted to enter these fields which Andrew Brewin, DP, be rer on + yore' ¢ its next election campaign--|and, where necessary, public)member of Parliament for Tor-\,creement without imposing Camping Trailers =| along with the election of a|ownership will be developed." "a Prk sgay 1 Sonceinat ag difficult or impossible precondi- leader -- after treading gently|woyrp GIVE CAPITAL ' an "\tions."" j Yi j 4 7@ \through the potentially - explo- anced." fortunately for him, never to g Zi 4 s j Y sive Viet Nam issue Wednes-| A. family farm and rural life) The resolution, drafted after\ CONDEMN GOVERNMENT enough people. / wy 4 i y. Oe ee ee ne a lengthy commitey study, was) The Canadian government And he appeared at the wron, t yg 7 m a shar sis\without much of the anti-U.S..was condemned sup] +4 . The election of a party leader!with the provinces. Additionalisting contained in some of thejot "the preode 4 pty oe time and against the wrong) is not likely to produce any wu! as- man. ~ ' A . bad ya " C. Pai i funds would be provided to the\resolutions offered by riding as-itrous course pursued by the! He truly represented some-| | who must put his leadership on thing too seldom seen in Amer- the line every two years under ican political life--the thinker-- " j the party's constitution, Is ex- when he ran against Dwight y p iy pected to have the field to him- Eisenhower and lost the pres- y self during the 15 minutes. de- idency to him twice. is , hy voted to the election. He has The 1952 race wasn't a time j ye ' been receiving standing ova-| for thinking. , y tions from the 800 delegates! It was an emotional time. The| / , with virtually every speech. country was tormented over the yy Since the Viet Nam issue was Korean War and split to its Z j g Wy carefully seftled by a mas- roots by McCarthyism with all sively - approved resolution at that it meant in bewilderment, i noon Wednesday--followed by suspicion and revulsion. i % j j 7, \a 150-member parade of protest What Stevenson offered, with! ép 4 to the United States consulate--| his probings and often painfully | y q wens the serty's I polished language, was a self-| ZS } Z ee examination of the American) j { nomic and social program, | i ata t when)! We / : | Americans apparently felt they| 7 i 4 ' j go Bagong Pe needed something else. e009 g q , day, the delegates approved: | WAS SYMBOL A i --A resolution on social secu-| That something else was a re- rity calling for a guaranteed turn to tranquillity, of cohesion minimum income for all Ca- instead of division, and of nadians, a new comprehen-) proven strength in leadership to sive retirement pension plan eliminate misgivings, Ei- to supersede both the old-age) senhower symbolized all those security program and_ the needs. Canada Pension Plan, up- Stevenson, governor of Illi-| j graded family allowances, nois, was almost unknown. | y 4 and other social benefits; --A resolution to amend the *,.. THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH' = | orn Sota sob Duel With Ike Hundreds of civil rights halted and re-routed in is a sub-machine gun held ae ig om" ; demonstrators kneel for a racially tense Bogalusa this by a Louisiana state --A national medical Losi C prayer as their march was afternoon. In the foreground trooper. (AP) scheme. hg ause omucsracstas ule --------= | =An agricultural program,| criticized by some delegates Eisenhower, proven comman-| DLAI STEVENSON as being too vague, which der and national hero, could be outlines the party's basic ap-| bo se b ph agent ron A st ' proach to the farm question. | e had to knock heads to- H T j i | The agriculture brief says) gether. And he was a friendly It Is ard Oo Exaggerate that maximum food production| man who could be trusted not must be attained, along with pie yprmed new antagonisms. ; ' ' orderliness of marketing. ut Eisenhower proba- H I t . P T i ' he New Democratic Party pe! --. esd pre alienate 18 mpor ance . earsom will lower the costs of farm roduction by ending private! as he proved by winning again) Qrn,wa (cp)--Prime Min-|@ back injury, said he was toygreat leaders of democracy and C mapely control over farm ma-| in 1956. Against someone else, lefar Poarset::. tented almost have met Mr, Stevenson today|freedom. Even though he was | por staan baaadencantacel to oon soontied the death in London, where Mr. Steven-|twice turned down for the pres- A 2 . § , son died, idency he continued to serve|l CALL... n ou i itv--' bow Yet, while Stevenson seemedjof old-friend Adlai Stevenson) «1 so numb, I can't believe|not only his own country but! " tstanding opportunity: ENTIRE STOCK ght from two suppliers alittle in awe of Eisenhower|Wednesday with "very deep" it he said. free men everywhere. DIXON +} in the first campaign, and)grief and shock. "q am heart broken at this ne FOR minced a bit, in 1956 he was) «yt is hard to exaggerate the } me i s. WRECK RAFT FOUND rougher on Eisenhower than); d t anioene John F. Kennedy was on Rich- ee oD ia tas Coan "The world has lost its most} PORT HAWKESBURY, N.S.| OIL FURNACES 6 6 , | , | ard Nixon in 1960, try," said the prime minister articulate voice for peace, OF-|(Cp)--A life -raft found two FUEL OIL | And in 1956 he did worse than ts after receiving con-\der and good government. | iio, a} ' AND HEATING SERVICE fn 1952. pine that the United States "T have lost a friend. The), a ? oe sega ee SERVING THE PUBLIC ambassador to the UN had died|UN has lost one of its greatest ently 5 Jey wee ieeitied OVER 50 YEARS 1s HERO TO SOME in London. champions. To o a oo to the dragger Acadia) 313 ALBERT ST, Stevenson was a hero to lib- and people of the Unite es|Seahawk, he /essel disap-| OSHAWA erals, intellectuals, college BP os dea slumped back in|'". oress my deepest sympa-|peared, with her captain and 15) | © Mostly $65. values oath and faculties became, he ony ia sey aeniets Suey thse 08 Ty of this great ren. mesmnery,, a wild No-| 723-4663 -- T ical ' \ : : pts Oy pipe fuel. deep grief and. deep shock at P : DY ABST, Pear ropical suits, plus year-round suits ff in language and a reasoning e news," he said. 'This was In Toronto, NDP Leader T.! } ® Pp t $5 d / po C. Douglas paid tribute to Mr. ut $5. down -- start payments on Sept. Ist i 60 unexpected. " | But it is questionable whether| "I have lost a very old and Stevenson as a man who made he would ever have been a good|very close personal friend." 8 useful contribution to the | Let's face it -- July is @ quiet retail month for suits, To boost resident. thinking of this generation. . i ! ® He had all the instincts of the KNEW EACH OTHER Mr. Douglas announced the) There will be a ROSARY volume we are reducing prices and making special purchases lamb, while all the first-line) A spokesman in the primejdeath of the U.S. ambassador) . . . We guarantee to have an outstanding selection of suits, -|mi ' sai r. Pear- s e i i ; , % presidents at one time or, an_imininies + own Mr, Sicvenson|party's federal convention, recited at Armstrong Funeral fi atterns, size-ranges, including the handsome TERYLENE a tiger. for 10 or 15 years. He said the) «| am sure that all of us are | with WOOL blend .. . the luxurious WOOL with MOHAIR Nothing showed better the|two men were kind of intel-| saddened by. the passing of this) Home THURSDAY 8 P.M. suits, including Priestley's of England cloths the quality lack of aggressiveness than that|lectual soul mates" who liked|>reat American who made such| ! T ALi WOOL worsted suits * fetes night in Chicagy in 1952 when,|to compare notes on world prob-|, useful contribution to f b t, | ed suits for year round elegance. after getting the Democratic|lems and usually found them-|hinking of our generation." | or our late brother JAMES The value is exceptional, they're mostly $65 suit: H nomination, he made his accept-|selves in close agreement. One delegate, David Middle-| purchase, plus our own end a C1 oe f Se ria ; -of-season Clearance of Summer ance speech. U.S. Ambassador W. Walton|ton of Toronto, applauded when) Butterworth, who also was a|Mr. Douglas announced his! McKENNA. suits, long-time friend of Mr. Steven-|death. | s J Nomination: son, called his death "an un-) The NDP leader paused and| L. G. Hughes , timely blow." said: "I hope there w e no oF higad : | Don't spend your Holid ig. "He was so widely respected|more demonstrations of bad Grand Knight a weil . na ! Use credit; no money down, two for $85 Like Mart and, in fact, beloved that many|taste of that kind. eee lown, start payments on Sept. Ist. yr thousands of people throughout] Mr. Middleton, who has | : the world will regret his pass-|strongly condemned U.S. poli-) Where another candidateling and will miss his presence|cies in Viet Nam during | would have responded withlin the United Nations which he|convention, later apologized for)" vigor and fire to the challenge) .ypported so ardently." \'a totally unseemly and shame- "a jas | xs ULYSSPECIALS : ULYSSPECIAL! handed him, Stevenson made} Mr. Butterworth aid he was ful act on my part." \ ; " | eae ' oor appear a reluctant mar "doubly happy" Mr., Stevenson) Opposition Leader Diefen- : own = > He said "I have asked the|N@d_ been able to visit Canada|naker said in Prince Albert, | were i " Merciful Father of us all to let|'" May and receive an honorary|csask., that the death of Mr. " from the University of} "4 1 { this cup pass from me." But, degree [Stevenson "is a great loss for b . + 1\ Toronto. " | rand nem since it did not pass, he said) lall who love freedom. e shirts summer shirts for boys he would drink it. | In Windsor, Ont., External] Mr, Diefenbaker, visiting his) §& Regular $4. A splendid selection of A WAS INDECISIVE Affairs Minister Martin said the|home constituency, commented : S men's sport shirts! All short sleeves Originally 198 #96 Top brands you'll Here he was both indecisive world has lost one of the greation the death of Mr, Stevenson, » : Rem for cool comfort . . . brands include recognize ! Extraordinary selection of : Stve\figures. of our time. said: ae famous Arrow, Forsyth, Currie, BVD 19 the latest short sleeve Jac shirts, regu- f ' ' : . lar styles, knits . . . include panel ef- 45 s and self-conscious, qualities that) oe : : pe dycone' of the : : " often appeared later. For ex-| Mr. Martin, in hospital with 'Stevenson was Psa ~ a "biden Sizes S-M-L-XL. Special........... f fects, stripes, woven checks, colourful , he was indecisive when| Kennedy in 1961 offered him | Three for $9 plains. Sizes 8 to 18. Special....... h b U.S. bassad | the United Nations - : " MONEY TO INVEST? } men's "Terylene" slacks hia two for $3 nh W ing s Campaign) 1 Earn the highest rate -- Regular 14.95. 55% Terylene/45% et pl fern ag oe Speeches he was extremely in-) decisive and self-conscious, end-| : wool fobric is top arade 18 lessly changing and rearrang-| ' Pg -- cool & re- ; : ballin im A it a oe eae We've hit Soaned aiden Office in Giewe TOUR tains creases. Choose belt loop style, with elastic back for a trim fit. Sanfor- his literary hat would be on) TWENTY-NINTH ONTARIO LOCATION) and, . to single reverse pleat . . .or slim pleat- ized. Grey, navy, tan, camp green. 35 less style, self supporting waist. In- ll 6 Sizes 6 to 16. Special............. . care) straight in the mirror of his- : tell the truth, we're feeling pleased. Everytime we i thi tt toa id d open another Citizens Loon Office it's evidence that cue rey, brown, beige, olive, black. versely . pal fina ot public x people like our service, We think thot our service will nclude sizes 30 to 44, Special...... ' 4 a please you, too. We specialize in timely cash loans, boys casual slackss tention his thoughts got, for it| ' . slowed down and scrambled the| for any good reason, on a repayment plan to fit your | mens Jamaica shorts Regular 3.99, Fine quality cotton gab- re enh F agavens dhs per annum budget. When a need. help "with money problems | Regular 3.98. Choose stylish plain ardine slacks are slim, tapered . . . self spapers . for 5 years (end te 10 ) just give us a call, or drop in at our new, modern | shorts in beige, tau . : : : This, in turn, showed a poor| y up to 10 years thant "thea" ii CIES A) dur Oana office oF block My Mey as sage sieer, adjusting waistband. Black, beige, i : +++ OF CNECKS IN summer Drowns blue, willow green, Sizes 8 to 18 ; 3.22 green. . 07 two for $3 sense of organization. His cam-) i _ paigns were not well organized. | CENTRAL bronch offices in nearby Whitby and Toronto, you loden green, Black Watch. Include t But, despite these defects, he| con be sure ef prompt, courteous, understonding sizes 30 to 40. Special SOCIO vs cance on sb a swe he twas ssivies. | ere er ai two for $7 remained in American life a shining figure until he died,! GUARANTEED : : | men's casual slacks boys' Jamaica sherts without malice, a man of good will, kindness and infinite con- OPE 1 : i } aie tie tae ponehe of tk Oe INVESTMENT . N FRIDAY ee Save on two styles of Sanforized cot- Regular 2.98. Choose beige, willow, country and the world. CERTIFICATES are TILL 8 P.M, y ~ reed bat. bl 22 black in fine twill shorts. Tapered and 229 7. 4. He was a gentleman and a sens : ; sea § bond -- or belt loops. Beige; blue. stylish; elastic waist adjustment. San- gentle man. | Guerenteed -- as to Principal end Interest : i i Flexible --- may be used os Collateral for loans CASH LOANS stone, black, pewter. Sizes 30 to 44. besa ci iafoanes: = nae "two for $4.50 Redeemable -- upon death $25 to $5000 Authorized -- os Trustee Act investments | 61 KING 81. WEST, OSHAWA | JACK i} FRASER Phone 723-3451 SAVING HOURS: ae woe | CITIZENS FINANCE OSHAWA SHOPPING mut Fridey 909 Oshawa eo CENTRE Seturdey 9te5 FOUNTAINHEAD Tel. 723-5221 ce 8 FP AR 4 F SERVICE . JURY AND LOVELL i CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION We lite, Wo! eeyi Yeur Loon ip. OG" er 3 ee iss j yeraereny, ce AB2? 9924, <>) ($888 a RED § B ¢

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