'WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Woman's Page. Forms are available at The office. Early publication of this wedding submitting the completed form and You are asked to submit the of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the before or the day after the wedding, opp : with appliqued lace flower motifs and an over-train of lace-bordered organza fell from the shoulders, beneath a satin bow. A coronet of tulle petals, edged with pearis, held her elbow-length veil of gathered tulle and she carried a bouquet | of cymbidium orchids and baby Sweetheart roses with ivy j trails, d Miss Teresa Hickling of Ajax MRS. KENNETH A. GRAVES was the maid of honor and the attendants were Mrs. Allen Andrews and Miss Jill Coe, both of Oshawa. They were dressed alike in floor-length gowns in orange-ice with wedding band headdresses and carried bronze and white chrysanthemums and ivy. Mr. Allen Andrews was the best man and the ushers were Mr. Wilfred Hambly and Mr. Arthur Hambly. The Reverend John Van Har- melen officiated at the mar- riage in Hebron Christian Re- form Church, Oshawa, of Cor- | rie Schipper and Eric te Nyen- huis, both of Whitby. The bride © is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jakob Schipper, Whitby, and the bridegroom is the son / of Mr, and Mrs. George te Ny: enhuis of Alliston, Ontario. The wedding music was play. ed by Mr. William Bouwman and Mrs. John Dykstra sa "© Perfect Love". Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a classical, floor-length gown of de-lustered peau de sole. The fitted bodice was fashioned. with Chantilly lace applique, scoop neckline and lily-point sleeves. The bell skirt was accented by a lace- trimmed, detachable chapel train, caught at the waist by a self bow and sash. A wedding 7 ring headdress of lace secured her triple veil of silk illusion and she carried a bouquet of. white carnations, stephanotis and ivy, centred with a white ; orchid. Mrs. Paul Vander Brink, sis- ter of the bride, was the ma- tron of honor and the brides- maid was Miss Helen Talsma. bride donned a orchid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Graves nue, Apt. 205. ville, Ajax, Bowmanville an Buffalo, New York, MRS. ERIC Te NYENHUIS They wore identical floor-length| dress and the bridegroom's mo- blue crepe. Each had a white corsage of gowns of aqua brocade and carried yellow and red roses. The flower girl, Angie Bassie wore a long dress of aqua bro- ther wore royal carnations. For their wedding trip, the shrimp-rose crepe and chiffon dress with a white lace picture hat and an are residing at 321 Marland ave- Guests attended from Barrie, Niagara Falls, Minesing, Oak- d Baking Soda, Friend In Need To The Novice Homemaker © If you're a bride just com-| Shine stainless steel surfaces ing into a. of your ae -- Wipe with a sponge that's|/" me, one of your greatest) .on wrung out of a baking soda needs is a good list of house- bei aes benign 8 keeping shortcuts. It generally v le ly th vol takes years to build such a list) *0u can ae e _ er unless you can borrow a tiplcar of bs aad ithout here or a tip there from estab- cratching. lished pros in the business and| Clean fruit juice ness -- te ts ade glasses and To get your list off to anjpitchers by filling immediately auspicious start, here is ajwith water after use and add- selection gs _ anaes a --_ of teaspoons of inexpensive household staple,jbaking soda. baking soda. Some have been) 'Shine silver flatware -- Line time-tested by generations Ofjenamel pan with aluminum foil. homemakers. Others, of more/Place silver dn foil, cover with recent vintage, have been test-\poiling water, add three table- ed and proved by the manu-/spoons of baking soda and let se tf the products in-jsit for a few minutes, Rinse volved. and dry. This method is not Remove protective coating|/recommended for pieces with from new copperware -- Whenicemented on handles or that the protective coating on neWlare ornately patterned with copperware has begun to peel,/darkened backgrounds for con- you ie ee pe --. trast. by ig a few minutes in a) ,», : non-aluminum pan full of water Mie gevcrol Bs gency Phe soains oe: to which three t dded of equi t develops a sour odor, baking soda are added. |soak in a sinkful of hot water Prevent plastic dinnerware laced with three tablespoons of from discoloring -- Wash Pegu-| poking prevent larly in a baking soda solution.| -ronges which float from 'get- If minor stains have already|ting 4: onesited 4eedtnent established themselves, you CAM| anchor them under water with often erase them by rubbing\, Djate or other heavy object. with dry baking soda applied Hneder' Biche' Kiel ab with a damp sponge. |r eodorize chopping ~ Prevent steel wool from rust-/TO clean as well as remove ing -- Steel wool won't rust if onion, garlic, cheese or fish stored in a cup or a jar of water odors. Wipe with ufierrnd perk to which a dash of soda is inte peed ip wy ry baking soda. added. s ; Remove burned on starchh Remove discoloration from from iron -- Rub sole plate of|Teflon-Ware -- If your Teflon iron when ey = dry ge ened nate 0 ge ager age a ig soda applied wi a ampjcoating, fill wi one-cup 0 sponge. PRinse, and run iron|water, a half cup of liquid over sheet of wax paper be-|bleach and two-tablespoons of fore ironing. \baking soda and let this mix- seeign ~------|ture boil for five to ten min- Add Some Ginger with Salad' oll edna ens To Fruit Chiffon % 2 SISSY SHIFT From Sue Brett. comes this delight "sissy"' shift in a choice of natural, sky-blue or coral. The dress features a deep insert that looks very much like a dickey and is pintucked with lace insets and little pearl buttons. Lace also etches the cuffs on the long sleeves. Pic- tured beltless, the frock is available with a self-fabric sash which can be worn high, low or at the natural waistline. --By Tracy Adrian cup cold water thsp. (2 envelopes) flavored gelatine 1 20-o7z. can diet de luxe orange-apricot drink 2 eggs, separated 1% tsp. liquid sweetener (sucaryl) 1 8 oz. can diet sliced peaches 1 8 oz. can diet Bartlett pears 12 tbsp. finely diced candied ginger (8 servings of 6 calories each) Soften gelatine in water. Heat orange apricot drink to boiling; remove from heat, add gela-|/ tine and stir to dissolve. | Beat egg yolks; add about 2-3 cup of the hot liquid grad- ually, stirring briskly. Pour, mixture back into hot liquid,) continuing to stir. Cook over) medium heat for about 5 min-| utes, but do not let mixture) boll. Take off, add liquid sweet-| ener and chill until partially set, stirring occasionally. | Meanwhile, drain sliced) peaches and drain and slice Children's Wear SPRING & SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE 5% REDUCTIONS Beat egg whites until stiff. Beat partially set jelly until| frothy, then fold in egg whites.) Add fruit and ginger and fold in carefully. Spoon into 8 sherbet glasses or into a pretty glass serving dish. Chill until firm. Garnish with halved seeded grapes or fresh strawberries. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Parafin poured over the bot- | itom and sides of the garbage can will prevent rust, Paraffin can also be used to mend leaky metal vases. | When you need cade and carried a basket of mixed flowers. The bridegroom's brother, Mr. Gerry te Nyenhuis was his best man and Andy and Albert te Nyenhuis ushered. A reception was held in the church hall. The bride's mother received in a turquoise linen SALMON RINGS | Y% cup cream cheese | 2 teaspoons lemon juice % cup B.C. Pink salmon 2 tablespoons finely chopped | pecans 2 tablespoons pickle relish 2 teaspoons minced onion ¥% teaspoon salt 3 hot dog rolls Soften cream cheese with lemon juice. Blend in salmon, nuts, relish, onion and salt. Re- move ends of rolls with sharp knife. Using apple corer, hollow out centre of each roll working from each end. With narrow spatula, force \%4) cup filling into cavity of each end. Wrap in waxed paper and chill. Slice each roll in 12 rings to serve. 6 a COMING ! SOON / As the couple left on their/ honeymoon the bride was wear-| ing a light blue brocade dress| coat with white accessor-| les. Mr. and Mrs. te Nyenhuis| are making their home on RR 3 Bowmanville. | iii i "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "'Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" OluIN|clalcje OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KEEP IN TRIM No Will Power Is Required Claims Successful Dieter By IDA JEAN KAIN "If fat people would only|200 pounds when scientific advances in modern nutrition knowledge? -Protective dieting, when applied, is more sensational in positive results than faddy dieting could ever be! By following the scientific _4\pattern of eating, you can slim down two pounds a week with- out feeling hungry, losing your bounce, or chancing wrinkles. For convincing proof, read this: "I have at last reached that long awaited day when every- one is saying to me, 'You are thin enough.' I have been on my most people. down . My from weight of 150 may seem a lot yet, bu I am five feet six inches, and I guess I am more solid than/healthy attitude toward the neb- Hilearn about food, they would|"ave lost 50 pounds. your Calorie Chart not find it hard to lose weight."!nian, and both were Those words from a -successfullfy|, 1 knew what I was eatin reducer gave this dietitian a/anj 1 want to say that lift. calories really was not Why lose out on 50 years ofall. It is surprising how well I er. "Everyone is complimenting) me now and saying, 'What will power!' I tell them it really doesn't take will power. I would say that only a half dozen times out of those 10 months did I to bed a bit hungry. I took 16% go no a -- generous Tame. ulous quality termed will power © 100% GUARANTEED ° A L E Vv ung Moderns CLEARANCE ALL STOCK MUST BE CLEARED OUT OF THE STORE NOW! FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS ON CHILDREN'S AND PRETEEN'S OUTFITS. This is a once in a year sale for young moderns, spring coats, dresses, suits, slims, blouses, sun suits, Everything in the store must be sold, and there are some really fantastic buys wait- ing for you. In boys' sizes too, Infants to 12, Young Moderns 38 KING ST. E. 135 BROCK ST.'S., WHITBY 723-7428 668-5022 ° ONLY TOP QUALITY MEAT e | = * 100% GUARANTEED ° PERSONAL SERVICE ON EACH ORDER CUT WHILE YOU WAIT ... RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF Now at BRIDGELAND -- Red Brand ROUND & RIB STEAK I3 NIAGARA STEAKS 59: WING, T-BONE SIRLOIN STEAKS -- 89: CHUCK STEAK MINCED C Ib CANADA PACKERS Cooked HAM 99: CHICKEN LEGS or BREAST BACON STAR OR DEVAN BRAND SLICED SIDE 2 to 3-Ibs, 2 to a customer CHICKENS coe QW Vib; Phas) 265286. . ONTARIO Coseds | Pockets BICK BAR-B-Q New Potatoes SHORTENING er LARD RELISHES Beef Patties (Seasoned) " LB, 4 LBs. 1.0 3 JARS 87° LB. ] BAG 85° @ SAVE 45¢ @ @ SAVE 21c @ BOX 2.69 ¢ FREEZER SPECIALS °¢ 8 Ibs. Pork Roast © 9 Ibs, Pork Chops 5 Ibs. Spare Ribs @ 5 Ibs, Boneless 5 LBS, BUTTER FREE TO FIRST 10 CUSTOMERS FRONTSofBEEF > 5 oF Pork Chops ® 6 ibs. Pork Sausage ALL FOR ONLY 2-lbs. Butter FREE, 45: 9.99 Plus 1 Ib. Butter FREE 2-Ibs. Butter FREE. a7 ... Featuring Red and Blue Brand Gov't. Inspected Beef BRIDGELAND MEAT PACKERS & PROVISIONERS 909 Simcoe St. North eee Retail e@eee OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Delivery Service Available | 728-3361 | COME IN AND PICK YOUR OWN SIDE, HIND OR FRONT e LWENW ALIIWND dOL AINO eo e GASZINWUYND %00I e e GSLIAdSNI LNAWNUZAOD LWAW TTIW e