Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1965, p. 13

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H| -AND ALL THE BONES AND TABLE SCRAPS ] { TELLYOU, FOSDICK= ie 9 op tek te ote oA OPE i RE Re ert 11'S VERIGIN'S FAULT. | HE'S ALLOWED THEM WTO THESE SAME HILLS / FEEL IM BEING THE LONE RANGER THAT MAY BE, NOW, BUT [TS J, FEAR OF BEING IN THE HILLS / :' jp , jeeptive play may well be ) G King Fenveres Syodicee, ima, 1908. Workd saghas romrved, S | SECRET AGENT X9 YOU ARE IDSOME, INTELLIGENT; NOBLE, COMPASSIONATE... DONALD DUCK NORTE AMERICANOS LIKE TO FIGHT FOR THEIR LIBERTY! OKAY, WE'LL LET THIS GRINGO FIGHT FOR nis! «© King Features Syndicata, ino, 1965. World sighte MANUELO, AN EXPERT with ae. R Ay'? YOU GET NOTHING, ¥ Aw YOU MURDERER OF eRe, HY BROTHER PANCHO, pl JANE ARDEN Sra RCE, SHES SLIPPING... ULL NEVER GET To HER IN TIME / Distefbuted by King Featarca Syedicata, ACROSS . Copper . English trolley . Clay or Pattersop . Latvian capital: poss 17. Nether- lands meas- ure . Sur- geon's 2. Egress . Seine . Shipping shorthand . Performed . Circle . Once more . Com- . Neglect . Woolly . Choose . Seaport of Morocco . Instant . Raised platform Am, humorist . Pre-Roman . Heavy cotton cloth . Gem cut in relief Tufted bed . Slender finial . Require 3. Compass point: abbr. . Revoke . Charge for services . Install again . Chinese secret panion- able: Brit. colloq. . Sounded, asa cannon 11. Wither 13. Secular shelter 15. Certain 29. Blunders 4 Australians 30. Peers aa ret ft 7 78 5 Y Yesterday's Answer 31. Emerge 35. Wax 36. Wade, as a stream Japanese fish . Goddéss of Justice Perfume Lake port: N.Y. Canvas 38. 28. MICKEY MOUSE . Observes . Military assistant . Dish of stewed | fruit 'YOUR HEALTH If He's Left-Handed WHY, IF YOU HADN'T BEEN STANDING ERE. ... THE HOME RRUN T HITY .. WOULD HAVE GONE THROUGH LOT THAT STORE WINDOW SURE AS SHOOTIN' / 1 He Should Remain So By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD war Dr. Molner: Our young|perhaps ison is left-handed, but his father! sense of awakwardness and un- jis not around. certainty all his life. If you approve of changing} By all means let him go back jfrom left to right hand, then|to using the left hand. If your | I'll go along with it, but 1 CAN'T/husband still has doubts, why jstand any more arguments on|not ask him to agree to leave jthe subject. Théy are at the/the problem up to your own lexplouing point.--Mrs. L. L. doctor, or to the psychologists Forcing such a child to writejin the school system, who have with his right hand makes asjhad a great deal of chance to} much sense as insisting that|see what happens when a child) your husband write with HIS/is forced to change writing hab-| leaving him with a MUGGS AND SKEETER jleft hand its WOULD LEND US HIS GOLF CLUBS... HOWEVER, IF You care TO 1~ BORROW THESE THINGS, I WONT BE NEEDING THEM AGAIN 'a The correct way is the nat-| Dear Dr. Molner: Regarding jural way, and if a person is/diverticulosis--Why, when this jleft-handed, he should remain|condition is common after 50, so. Sometimes he can be forced|do I suffer with it at the age to write the other way--I'vejof 27? Does this cause pelvic known of people who, becauseland bladder infections?--Mrs, of permanent .damage to one'\L..J. hand, learned to write after a' For the same reason that I |fashion with the other. But such|could name: adults (some of people could see a good reason|them famous) who contracted for doing so. However, writing|"'infantile paralysis." And why with the other hand remains a/I could but won't name a so- Se strains cially prominent woman who TELEVISION LOG Weather 3--Popeye and Pals 12:18 P.M, Channel 2--Buttalo Channel 3~--Barrie Channel Bi Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton _cormarmenneremaieen TUESDAY «VB. 5:00 PM. | 1i--Family Theatre | &--Superman | 63--King's Outlaw | 3--Tugboat_ Annie | "leer boo he Lloyd Thaxton 1:18 P.M. 5:38 PM | %--Metro Final &3--Gideon's Way | 4--Petticoat Junctilon | | 10:00 P.M | |11--The Merv Griffin Show 9--Peyton Place | 8-2--Bell Telephone Hour | | 7--The Fugitive | 4--Doctors and Nurses 10:30 P.M. 9--Country Music Hall 63--News Magaine 11108 PM. 4--Speaker of the 9--Dear Charlotte 12:30 PLM. li--First Edition 9--From scorers College | 3--Noon-day Report 12:45 P.M, ll--Recing Forum | 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 1--Interpol Calling 9--Summertime &--Matinee | 7--Afternoon Show 6--Music And News 4--Meet The Millers 3--Ed Alien Mike Douglas Show 1:30 PLM. 11--Mid-Day Matinee a: PM 11:45 PLM. | And First Four Reces Y if 9--From Scarboro Coliege| 9~Movie Ni--Family Theatre | 6---International Cinema | 6~--Luncheon Date | 4--As The World Movie No. 2 9-4-3--News; | WEDNESDAY | Weather; Sports | 2:00 P.M. 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley | 8:00 AM, tae oh The Action Is News | 4--Captain Kangaroo ~b 7--Highway Patrol | got me [Moment Of Truth é--Across Canade } B »M. | 7--Dlaling for Dollars: 2:90 PM. | Girl Tal 4--Mikes Garnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club 9:30 A.M. | 9--The Millionaire |4--Leave It To Beaver 4--Car 54, Where Are | nn Southern Your | 10:00 A.M, @2--Truth or Consequence jews &-Leave st To Beever | &-Viewpoint | 6--Take Thirty Tide P.M. 4--Zane Grey Theatre | 2--Rawhide | 7-4--Late Show | 6=Night Metre 6:00 PLM. rae ane 11:30 PLM. | --News Centra' 11--Wreetling 6--Tween Set |@-2--Tonight Show | 4--News, Sports with | | Chuck Healy | Sieve | B--Today, 1965 7:00 PLM. l--Shindig | 9--The Littlest Hobe | 8--Helen Keller | 7--M-Squad 4--News, Weather, | 3-Moment of Truth 3:00 P.M, 9--People in Conflict | @-2--Another World | 7--General Hospite! | 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, li--Hawkeye | 9--Its Your Move | #2--You Don't Say | 7--The Young Marriede \63--Public Service | 4--1 Love Lucy | Announcements Fae ee | 4-Edge of Night Rom pel ee | 4:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. \11--Wild Bill Hickeck |11--Moerning Musicale 9--James Beard Show | 8-2--Concentration &--The Match Game os | 4-Andy of Mayberry | JRocketship PTO or eg | 1:15 AM. |6-3--Vacation Time 8-2--Moment Of Fear Fare oNilbed Fun | So Recky pe His 7--McHale's Navy | 11:30 ALM. Friends 6-4-3--Hoillywood | @R--Jeopardy Scouts | 7--Price is Right yee H The McCoys | Movie | 12:00 NOON | 7~Early li---Camera On Canada |63--Sunshine Semester 82--Call My Bluff | 4---The 4Thirty Show Donna Reed | $B'wana Don 3--Gilligan's Island 2--The Detectives 7:30 PLM, %--Let's Sing Out &-2--Mr, Novak 7--Combat ¢--On The Scene 4--Danny Thomas Wendy and Me 6:00 P.M. 1--S$pecial Movie 9--Patticoat Junction 63--The Great Wer 4--Joey Bishop Show 4--N 10:15 A.M, 9--Cartoon Party | 10:30 A.M, | 8-2--What's This Song 7--Trallmaster Talent | 4:30 P.M. 9:00 P.M. li--Huckleberry Hound 8--Cloak Of Mystery 7--The Tycoon | 9:30 P.M. 7--Peyton Place p fat at some age bracket, but that] all vision in one eye and has doesn't mean it can't occasion-/0oor vision in the- other from ally appear at other times. | glaucoma. What foods or drinks In general, diverticulosis has|are worse than others for this nothing to do with pelvic or : bladder infections. If a diverti-|Comdition? -- Palges circum- w culum perforates (this doesn't|Stances often happen) it will release|help?--Mrs. B. A. thus can cause a serious infec- tion problem, in exactly the same way that a ruptured ap- pendix does. fect glaucoma (although in sec- ondary ways proper diet, re- striction of salt being an im- a {portant item, can be helpful in My: thought, based on your|early phases), Whether surgery letter, is, that you have been|can be of benefit will have to the victim of a very unusuallpe decided by our own doctor, case, but that you are coming/pyt 1°] be frank: When it has through it very well, under the gone so far that eyesight has circumstances. Without our!heen lost, it may be too late Forcing. a child, for no good begged that nobody be allowed reason, to write unnaturally is to know that her disappearance} jone rather sure way of upset-| from the social scene was trom| ting him psychologically and'chicken pox, antibiotics, though, you would-| to do anything. That is why I v't have been with us to write/keep advising tests to detect this letter glaucoma. before failing eye- Dear Dr. Molner; My 80-year-\sight forceg the isgue, A disease may be commonestjold father has lost practically "THE OSHAWA TIMAs, Tuesdey, July 13, 1965 13 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top © record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) East dealer. td Opening lead -- jack of hearts. . There is much more skill in- " volved in the art of : ca than is generally real- ~ ized. Falsecarding is almost en- . tirely a matter of psychology, the aim being to persuade an adversary that a condition ex- ists which actually does not, or stated otherwise, that a condi- tion does not exist which tually does. To create such an illu quires a knowledge of other fellow thinks. It to spend time and talent to plant an idea in your ent's mind when there fertile soil to receive it. eae SE 3 ati 25 cessful against an expert be fruitless against a player. Different tactics have be used against different 3 A ponents. In this hand, declarer instead of a heart, South would have gone down one. The question here is whether East should have shifted to a spade. Actually, he should have, the reason being South's ill- advised falsecard at trick one. East can readily deduce from the ace play that South must have the A-K-Q. From West's lead of the jack -- obviously the top card of a sequence -- it ts known that South has the queen. It would make no sense for East to assume that declarer's' high cards in hearts were the A-Q. In such case, would'surely have won the open- ing lead with the queen. It fol- lows from this that South which must also have the king and that a heart return is futile. A spade shift then becomes mandatory. South can make things er for East by winning opening lead with the queen. East might then assume that the lead came from the A-J-10-9-x or the K-J-10-9-x, in which case a heart return could work out best. South failed, but s odid East. NEWS IN BRIEF CZECHS FEAR BOOZE Alcohol accounts for 413 per cent of all crimes in Czechoslo- vakia and juvenile delinquency increased 11.1 per cent in 1964, NAME BRINGS THE PRESS LIVERPOOL, England (CP) Reporters and photographers rush to a Liverpool church when a phone call tipped them off that George Harrison was being sec- retly married. It was George Harrison all right--but a truck driver, not the Beatle of the same name, CHANGE HOLIDAY DATE LONDON (CP)--The British government has changed the date of August Bank Holiday from first to the last Monday of the month, to try to relieve high- way and resort congestion. How- ever hotel-keepers say now are as heavy as ever on both dates. CENTURIES PAY LITTLE OXFORD, England (CP)~--The Sheldonian Theatre, a building used for Oxford University cere- monies, has been robbed for the first time since its opening in 1669. Thieves broke into the Sir Christopher Wren circular build- ing but found only £40. 'SALLY'S SALLIES ry y "How come so many of you salesmen call here every | morning?" operation i ---- bacteria into other areas, and) Diet does not specifically at JAMES ! 'O'MALLEY'! Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions @ Offices @ Remodeling |

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