Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jul 1965, p. 10

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agg cerned ik ema reememerne ae we MEMBERS OF the No. 274 Nursing Division, Osh- awa, of the St. John Ambu- lance Brigade, Mrs. Gor- i 'ohn + and Corporal Mae Clement St John Ambulance Brigade Holds Annual Inspection The Oshawa divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade held their annual inspection re- cently in St. Gregory's Audi- torium, under the direction of Corps Superintendent Ron Haw- ikins, Whitby. party, all from Toron- . Earle C. Morgan; Area Commissioner, Mr. C. S. Sim- 'mons; Area Superintendent Nursing, Mrs. A. Allison; Lt.- Col. S. F. Wotton, Oshawa 'Branch Chairman accompanied the inspecting party. The salute was taken by Brigadier Snow. Following the inspection of the Ambulance, Nursing and Cadet Divisions the parade was broken off for demonstrations in First Aid and Home Nursing. Members of the Ambulance "Division demonstrated the Hol- | ger-Neilson and Revised Syl- «vester method of artificial. re- spiration and caring for an transporting a spinal injury case. The Cadets demonstrated bandaging and supported the Ambulance Division by acting as runners. Two simulated cas- ualties were cared for by the members of the Nursing Divis- sion plus a demonstration of bed-side nursing by the newer members. Following the demonstrations the parade formed up again and Brigadier Snow and Mr. Sim- mons addressed the members. Brigadier Snow stated that he was very pleased with the improvement in the divisions and to see so many new. mem- bers. He said he felt however 'with so many public duties to attend and the additional com- mitments each year that many more volunteer members were needed in the Brigade. Awards were presented to the following: Warrants: Dvisional Superin- tendent Cadets (A), Charles Powell; Divisions] Superinten- - dent Nursing, Mrs. Allan Man- 'ser; Service Awards: Private . Michael Bothe, 6 year; Super- intedent Allan Manser, 3 year; T-Sgt. Burton Robinson, 3 year; Private Howard Boutcher, year. St. were presented to Mrs. Manswer and Mrs. Wendell Ford, presi- Alderman Alice Reardon, Mon- signor Paul Dwyer, Mr. and Chmara, Mr, J. Burke, Corps Supt, Ca- idets (A), Toronto Corps; Mr. W. Phillips, Supt., Kawartha Di- vision (A) Peterborough; Mrs. Helen Holmes, Supt. Peterbor- ough Nursing Division; Agnes Simpkins, Cpl. Peterbor- ough Nursing Division; Lillian Phillips, NM, Peterbor- ough Nursing Division; Mr. Dick Nicholson, Ajax Section; Mr. John Visser, Divisional Officer, Whitby Divi- sion. -/Teach New Course ithe factors to consider when 3 cookers, dress a wound with an em- bedded object in it. John Clifford is the simulated casualty. don Clifford, left, and Mrs. Raymond demon- strate proper procedure to control hemorrhage and to Ys tice and inspections hold the volunteers' interest and make them ready for any emergency. Income Tax Takes Gilt Off The Job For Some Women By ROBERTA ROESCH No woman ever wants to feel that she loses money by work- ing. Yet this is a problem some women face when they try to balance the income from their work with the outgo--including the income tax bite. In fact, the problem has grown so serious for some of today's working wives that re- cently "Finance Facts," a monthly newsletter, released a report which shows that a wife's job may be worth no more to her than 50 per cent of her actual salary. To show how different cir- cumstances can be a factor, the report goes on to say that pres- ently the working wife's net in- come amounts to approximately three-fifths of her gross earn- ings if her household consists of adults and older children. In households with pre-school-age hildren, her net income will members of the St. John Ambu-| (vera 4 ' ge about half of her gross lance Women's Auxiliary. | earnings. If this is a situation that ap- plies to you and a job, you may be wondering if it's going to be ° worth your time and effort to In Home Economics so to work. | There is no perfect solution HAMILTON (CP)--The Re-|to this imperfect situation. But vised Grade 12 home econom- ics course will teach girls how| proaches will help you adjust to to do the most work with the|a problem with which we all least effort, says a Hamilton|have to cope. teacher. | 1. Before you take a job, do Miss Elaine Waddell is one of|plenty of arithmetic--with the the 180 teachers now meeting at|aid of a tax expert if possible-- the University of Guelph for|and figure out what salary ar- lectures; panel di i andjra ts will cost you the field trips to become familiar| least in additional taxes. with the new program. She said the revised program, designed both for students en- tering university and those leav- ing school, brings home econom- ics up to date and will help girls with the problems of to- day's way of life. The housing courses include instruction on the economics of owning or renting a home and attend a simulated casualty with head injuries, Mary Vandermeer. Constant prac- Special guests attending were: Albert Taylor, Dr. John Mr. §. Donnely. Out of town guests were: Hrs. Mrs. Mrs. Divisional Officer, Also. present were guests, friends and families of Brig- ade members. Refreshments were served by| work, get your husband on your side by convincing him it's the right thing for you to do--and something that will pay off in other ways--even when it mixes up the family income tax. 3. As you look for a job, fol- low the leads to which your previous arithmetic and calcula- tions took you, Actually, woman has to lose money from working if she plans things out intelligently and makes sure she involves herself in arrange- ments where she knows she will gain some profit. Even when the gain seems small compared to what it could choosing a house. In interior decorating the girls will study furniture designs, the use of color and how best to use lights and pictures. The only cooking instructions will be geared to efficiency with generally the following ap-| | Among the guests invited to} 2. When you decide to go to no Members of the 240 Am- bulance Diviston and the nursing division demon- strate wrapping a patient on a_ stretcher, closely | Husband Is Boss | Robinson and across from him is Nursing Member Hanna Masotti, while Cor- poral Peter O'Harg--unfolds < blanket over patient's eet. watchc2 by Area Commis- sioner C, S. Simmons, To- ronio, on the left. With his back to the camera is 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 13, 1965 Transport Sergeant Burt SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Everett B. Jackson announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter, Sandra Lynn, to Mr. Earl: K. Werner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald E. Werner, all of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, August the Virgin Islands will convene in Cleveland Ohio, August 16-20 for the 1965 triennial convention of Lutheran Church Women. Delegates from the Eastern Canada Synod of which the Osh- awa area is a part, are Mrs. Karl J, Knauff, Kitchener; Mrs. D. A. Conrad, Halifax, N.S.; Mrs, D. C. Brewer, Preston; Mrs. Wesley Ashick, Sudbury; Mrs. Jack Klinck Jr., Hanover; Mrs. John H. Downer, Port Col- borne; Mrs. Arthur Conrad, Ot- tawa; Mrs. Earl Radtke, Peta- wawa, and Mrs. Richard Tubbe, Chesley. On Thursday, August 19, there will be a dinner for the Canadian delegates from the three Canadian synods, Western, Central and Eastern. The theme of the convention is "God calls us to practise love and justice in human relations."' A report of first-hand experiences of how Lutheran Church Women in their own churches and com- munities are practising love and justice in human relations, will "What's town?"' happening in Mr. Joseph Serge, Oshawa, delegate of the Toronto News- paper Guild. Mr. Desmond. Donovan, formerly of Oshawa, spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Wil- liams, Bay Ridges. While in the area, he visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young and family, Har- mony road south. returned on Sunday from. a Hircock's sister, Mrs. William Jones and family and other re- latives in the vicinity. Mr. George Hussey of Slough, \Buckinghamshire, is visiting his son, Mr. Geoffrey Hussey for a \few weeks. the sod-turning ceremony tomor- jrow afternoon for the prop Delegates from the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and be given under the heading|Michael Starr, our is attending the annual con- vention of the American News- paper Guild in Detroit, Michi- gan this week, as an elected sociation will. give the invoca- 1065, 'at-18 o'clock 'noon, In tion and Monsignor Paul Dwyer|©@lvary Baptist Church. the benediction, Mrs. H. S. MY-| FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE ers, president of the Oshawa M M John Ki YWCA will welcome the guests| Mt. and Mrs. John Kemp, and pouring tea on the terrace|Oshawa, wish to announce the will be Mrs. T. K. Creighton, |forthcoming marriage of their Mrs. Michael Jacula, Mrs. F, N./daughter, Lynda Louise, to Ian McCallum -and Mrs. O. D. " William Chapman, son of Mr. Friend, all f 7 : ail former. promeeats jand Mrs, William Chapman, Mrs, Walter Grigorenko, pres-|Cobourg. The ceremony is to ident, and Mrs. John Dutchak of the Canadian Ukrainian kp: ace on Saversay, Aveet Women's Association, Barvinok|!4, 1965, at 2.00 p.m, at North- Branch, attended the CUWA|minster United Church, national convention held at St.|Oshawa. Viadimir's Cathedral, Toronto, over the weekend. Delegates}; FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE attended from coast to coast| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michael and Mrs. Anna Tokaryk was re-|Parfit, North Bay, wish to an- elected national president. nounce the forthcoming -mar- riage of their only daughter, Among the guests at the Mal-|Charlene Dorothy, to Mr. Robert tese - Canadian reception held|#ugh Gilchrist, son of Mr. and last Friday evening at the home ok me git rg gg cot awa. The ceremony is to take Henry street, Whitby, in honor|at North Bay, Ontario. of Mr, and Mrs, John Pisam,|place on Saturday, July 31, 1965,) In Eskimo Land MONTREAL (CP)--The hus- band is the boss in oy marriages, says an English doc- tor who has been stationed at the ae be ies Frobisher Bay for the ar, Eskimo marriages the man is the boss to a much greater extent than he is in white communities," Dr. Roger West of London, England, said at a reception on board the de- partment of national health and Frobisher we lost any babies in the last 8 months." Eskimo women usually do not attend school. Until they marry, they live at home and learn to do housework. They are also kimo|taught to clean seal skins, as most Eskimos make their living selling the skins, Dr. West sail. "The job of cleaning seal skins is done exclusively by the women, and the men really de- pend on them for this,"' he said. "It is a very strong tradition, and if the wife dies or goes away, things fall to pieces be- arg the men say they can't lo it." VANCOUVER Pacific city will be cent at the same time. SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR 725-8915 welfare's floating hospital, the C. D. Howe. Eskimo women do not. marry rticularly early, but they ve very large families, he said. | "Until the last few years, the infant mortality rate was ex- panding rapidly as a result." Chronic chest diseases result-) ing from poor housing and in-| sufficient heat are still common) in the north, he said, "but at| DANCEY'S S MING THURSDAY 10:00 A.M. SHARP Store Closed All Day Wednesday It Was Worth A Chuckle The surprised, pleased look on my. parent's faces would have made you chuckle too! The men from Ross Mills had just returned our "Baker-Cleaned" rugs. | tell you the rugs looked just like new! It really astonished my folks. Take a tip from me... when you want our rugs cleaned "just right" . . . look te Saker Carpet Cleaning. Simply call Ross Mills, their local agent, they'll take care of all de- tails, "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" " "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER RPET ing Co. For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your locel agent : ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH of the visit of Dr. Alexander Cachia - Zammit, minister of ye ore es tak caer aes 4 ordan's 4, gh school an labor and emigration from) wiversity students are spending Malta, were the Honorablelthis summer in military train- MP and Mrs.\ing. The girls are being taught Starr; His Worship Mayor War-|Civil defence and first aid. ren Mowat and Mrs. Mowat; Dr. C. H. Vipond, the Very Notice ! SUMMER SCHOOL Reverend P. Borg of St, Mary| : e yg Church; Mr. Gor- ion Boles, personnel manager of Lasco Steel, and Mrs. Boles; GLASSES Oshawa Business College Mr. J. Boyle, purchasing agent; Mr, L. Darmanin, per- sonal secretary to the minister = goa! ct mea Canadians pedvighsgutsanet sg : rom the Whitby-Oshawa area.|| C's OAT RO TIONS cn Brevis tothe reception, Wet | Ne eet latte Cea y afternoon, the minister and wv Seats eve! i his party were taken on a guid- 7 Sere TUESDAY, RuGuST S, 1965. Resitration for this course will be accepted for the following Mr. and Mrs. David Hircock) and family, Cromwell avenue, | short holiday in Manitou, Mani-) toba, where they visited Mrs.| ed tour of the Lasco Steel sessions. Plant, Wiitoy. | 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. EE KAYE |] tulflon. "$25.00 'per, month Floo p.m. KAYE'S tution "538.00 per month LARGE SIZES SHOPPE 200 a.m, to 1:00 p.m, tuition 45.00 per month SIZES from 14% - 32% and Reg. 38 to 52. (supplies extra) Summer school classes will close on Tuesday, August 31st 1965. LOVELY LARGE SIZE BATHING SUITS and SUMMER PLAY SUITS. Full course registrations for the KAYE'S sizts suor |} FALL TERM commencing Tuesday, | ceptor 7th, accept now! En- roll 4 King St. BOWMANVILLE 623-5102 at once as enrolment is limited. Free Literature available on re- quest . . . no obligation! Special intensive courses available for stu- dents with Grade 12 or 13 stand- ing, Students must have minimum |] of two years High School for en- rolment. 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Phone 725-3375 recreation building for the YWCA is Mrs. J. D. M. Griffin of Toronto; vice-president of the YWCA of Canada. Mayor Ly- greetings; Major Fred Lewis, Unwanted hair permanently re- moved from face, arms and legs.- Medically Approved Me- thod, Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa | ot the GENOSHA HOTEL | July 12, 13, 14 man Gifford will bring civic jpresident of the Ministerial As-} | -- 723-9531 | | | ELECTROLYSIS | | PHONE 723-4641 | For appointment on these dates Call 723-1471 OSHAWA'S Largest Laundry Offering the finest in fast, efficient and top service inthe Laundry and Dry Cleaning business, In Oshawa, Use the best use... OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING 51 Mill St. Now Open To Serve You the emphasis on frozen and ready - to - use foods. Pressure blenders and mixers be, it's usually a worthwhile venture when you view it in terms of needed or extra money J ohn Brigade brooches) will be used in the school room. The old course consisted largely of cooking, sewing and the history of clothing with just for dentists, doctors, education, With An... Oshawa Cines Holiday Subscription The OSHAWA TIMES Will Be Mailed To Your Vacation Address At The Regular Carrier Rate of 50c Per Week Just Mail this coupon or call The Office at 723-3474 and -you will be billed for your holiday subscription. HIDES (CP: -- This friendly to the taxpayer in fu- ture, adding "Please" to its de- mands for payment. However the penalty for late payment goes up from five to eight per Free Pickup and Delivery PHONE 728-6218 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee lent of St. John Ambulance r a | Women's Auxiliary in recogni- tion of their loyalty and good ' service to. the Brigade and Aux-|§ RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ri In Your Home... . or Our Plant Bag > > PHONE 725-9961 hey vacations, travel, clothes, sav- ; ings and the home improve- ments you couldn't have with- out that paycheck. | Circulation Dept. Oshawa Times Due to the increasing demand for Evening Shopping Hours, Our Store will Remain Open Every THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M., and REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS. iliary. ; Brigadier Snow commended | ii, Oe ee Dr. R. J. Kimmerly, Divisional Sur; , of the Nursing Divi- sion for his assistance and sup- port. RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.¢. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E. -- 728-5186 |, | Home Address ... AnsGus-GR AYDON : Veesilen Addee. 6 s5es cds sachs resestici cats oes CARPET COMPANY oe were 282 King Street West; Oshawa eee ereeens . . eee en ee DIVISION OF OSHAWA (DSHAWA EE ee wmv LLEANWERS ' ; : 728-6254 Stert Mailing Stop Mailid® Ls sesun, came niseid, qumes tumnn wien Gee' ok. mus nie cones cents 'snes awe

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