ent a 20--Real Estate for Sale SIX-ROOM brick, with walk-out base- ment, large back yard. 'This home « Y five years old and in excellent condition. Asking only $13,900. Try your low down payment, Inspect today. Call . 728-9466. Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Limited. $1200 DOWN for this two-bedroom bunga- low with garage, spoflessiy kept with large kitchen, situated on large lot 66 x 204, loaded with shade trees and flow- ers. Carries for $85 principal and inter- est. Must be sold this week. Call Jack Sheriff for appointment to inspect. S. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. 728-6286; after hours 723- PRIVATE SALE -- New three-bedroom bungal newly decorated, nicely land- scaped, near Donevan High School. Fully furnished if desired. Telephone 723- SA, NORTH OSHAWA -- lovely y four-year-old brick bungalow, Hollywood kitchen, and three family sized bedrooms, immaculate- ly kept, Many extras. Only $16,200. with terms on NHA mortgage. W. O. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. SIX-YEAR-OLD BRICK K bungalow w with self-contained basement apartment, sepa- tate hydro meters and bathrooms, ga- rage, lovely large lot. Close to schools and bus. Only $14,500 with terms, 6 Per cent NHA Ke tay or 'Call Ted Douglas, 728-5103. Martin, Realtor. PRIVATE, well kept six-room, eres and a half home in north west area, Extra deep lot for children. Finished play-room, patio, paved drive, additional cupboards and other extras .723-3390. PRESTIGE home 'oceted on Simcoe Street North, 2¥2-storey brick horhe with double garage, spacious living room with natural fireplace and built-in bookcases, large dining room and family sized mod- ern kitchen with built-in breakfast nook, three bedrooms and den on second floor, large bedroom on third floor. Some of. the extras include all-wool broadioom in living and dining rooms, built-in cup- boards, double TV antenna, wired for dryer. Listed at $21,000 with terms. Call Jack Sheriff for appointment to inspect. S$. D. Hyman Real Estate, 728-6286; after hours 723-3775. 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale 1 ACTIVE GRIFFIN Real Estate Limited REALTY LIMITED $750. DOWN 728-5157 No salary requirements! $14,- 500 full price for this 4 bedroom solid brick bunga- "HILLSDALE m. TERRACE" _SUBDIVISION low, large compact kitchen, combination living and dining Open Models Every doy dusk, N.H.A. financing 6% % room, private paved drive, four piece tiled bath. Ideal for large family. Cali now. NORTH END -- AJAX Built for a large family, 8 big rooms, 5 bedrooms, com- pletely renovated in panelling etc., large walk in closets, built in bar in living room, family size kitchen, full base- ment with 'rec. room, private covered patio at rear, paved drive, door chimes, plus many more extras. See this house and you will buy! Only $12,- 600 full price. CARRIES $65 Per MONTH Immaculate six room brick bungalow with split level en- trance, dream kitchen, gleaming hardwood and tile floors, private paved drive, landscaped, with shrubs, trees etc., three family sized bed- rooms, full basement, See this an sell Phone Subdivision Office 723-5622 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL ONLY $7600. Two bedroom frame home on large 65' x 369' LOT. Just outside City Limits.. Phone "728-5157 for information, SECOND AVENUE $9900 -Brick, two bedroom house, ~mew furnace, new roof. Alu- minum storms ond screens. ' +Make your offer now, dial for sure! 728-5157. OWN PART OF THE t LAKE ' BROOKLIN $1,000 down Pickering $14,000. Beach, Ajax, 3 bedroom de- room bunge- tached bungalow on a 250' orgie ese aid Caesly deep lot ~with private beach, ean home, @ pleasure to 23 living room with open show. Phone 728-5157. for stone fireplace, separate din- "appointment. ing room, 4 piece bath, out- door barbeque. Comfortable living all year round! $10,- 900 full price. ONE LEFT -- AJAX Save $500 winter works bon- us. New three bedroom split level, large modern. kitchen, 4 piece tile bath, private drive with carport. $1150 down if you qualify. Don't miss this deal! COMFORTABLE CONVENIENT LIVING $950 down, your of 2-3-4-bedroom homes, fireplaces, walkouts, 20a--Summer Properti i. For Sale or Rent Why be regimented on your holidays regarding meal hours. Eat what you like, when you like, in our beautiful Colon- ial dining room and. coffee shop. Private cabins where you can be assured of plenty of rest, mostly with three piece. bath. Good fishing and boating, sandy beach, large recreation hall, sports direc- tor, and many other features to make your holiday enjoy- able. WRITE FOR FOLDERS TO |White Pine Lodge |. BANCROFT, ONT. R. R. No. 3, CAMP BRIGADOON FOR GIRLS In. the Highlands of Halibur- ton, Wilbertforce, Ont. A full waterfront and out- ey $15,900. ~ APPLE HILL AREA =Fhree bedroom brick bunga- low with large Hollywood kit- chen. Reor garden al! fenced in. Taxes only $297.00 rly. Try not. to miss this y. Coll 728-5157 for, more porticulars eo Open House Every Night "Taylor Avenue Between Harmony Rd. S. and Wilson Rd. S. From choice NEW HOMES Low down payment to one =mortgage, walkout basements, 3--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments tor Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobile for Sale 30--Automobile for Sale 32--Trucks for Sale WANTED CITY and SUBURBAN Properties service as second-to-none, we're out. . for a reason... will immediately make able to you. Call 723-2265 LIMITED For over 30 years, we have served the People of this area with Pride -and Dignity. We take Pride and strive to Pro- tect our Integrity and Loyal Tired of waiting and hoping, listing with friends? We need more. property for a reason, . and we're out We SELL it. Call us for an expert evalua- tion of your property and we 12 highly skilled salesmen avail- SCHOFIELD-AKER Sophisticated Adult Living CASA MANANA COURT Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom suites, featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies, broadioomed corridors, twin elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnish- ed by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-6361 Follow Park Road North to Anderson St., West on An- déisci to Nipigon St. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 URGENTLY NEEDED Homes and cottages in the Bay Ridges, Pickering, Ajox, areas. Clients waiting. PMA REALTY 913 Liverpool Rd., S. 942-261 | NEED OLDER TYPE HOME NOW ! For Cash Buyer Call BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd. 728-1066 'STOP! ! DON'T . Do it yourself. Let us "help you. BUY or SELL your next property. 728-9466 tore lots about 50' x 220', bedroom brick, ever so 7 extras. Make your ap- pointment to inspect now. *Pon 728-5157. REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South - NO GIMMICKS!! Genuine N.H.A. Liquidation Sale $635 Down To One N.H.A. Mortgage 64% Interest- $79 Monthly Pleasently situated 4 bed- room solid brick bungalow in Pickering Township. Storms and screens, full basement and private drive. Neor schools and shopping. $12,- 700. Full Price. Will Sell This Weekend!) PMA. REALTY 942-2611 H s bs | | | | rial August 1 to September 4, $300.00, Call| daytime, 668-2091, Whitby SCUGOG POINT summer plete with over 75 'tems tools and equipment; on jbeautifully landscaped lot. Home in cludes three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, screened-in porch, outdoor swing barbecue, garage and \aundry-room, boat home com of furniture, | large 100-foot COMMUTE TO G.M. Only 18 miles to enjoy coun try living in one of the, love- liest large brick homes we've seen in years. Beautifully dec orated, 2 living rooms, dream kitchen, wall to wall carpet ing down as well as master bedroom up. All drapes in- cluded. 5 lorge bedrooms, 3 miles to Trent System. | mile to 'golf course, Nicely land scaped, 13 acres. Asking $21,500. Contoct ROBERT ATWOOD, 118 Lindsay St. $., Lindsay. 'Phone LINDSAY 324-6681 H. KEITH LIMITED Reoltor, 181 Eglinton Ave £., Toronto 487-3333 Dick Barrioge Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bot, Johnston MEMBER O.D.R.E.B family rooms. We have a door camp programme, with Ruby . Mather 942-4474 leadership trining for eleven ~After 9 p.m. call Bessie Dr, Joy M. Ballard. Box 61 August 705-657-8565 or RR 1, Lakefield rooms, inside finished, two piece bath,/| pe Beautiful sandy beach, hydro, boat. | | home, city conveniences, for sale. 100 foot 728 4678 |Foom cottages for rent. Camping, trailer | tages for rent on Salmon Trout lake. Mod- creation room, 2 washrooms, |--Buckhorn Lake, quiet, picturesque $17,900.00 I" "ACRES, wooded, with small private y -UO, |LAKE SCUGOG: Three-bearoom cottage, FOR COUNTRY LIVING cottages. Completely furnished, sand garage, and breezewaoy, 3 ex- =| 2039. | CHEMONG LAKE -- 57 miles trom Osh-| with electric heat, some on and boat. Safe swimming. Five weeks, | wait? Call us today OPEN NINGS. ' OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL $7,000. down, Call Harvey Hogan, Brooklin Joe Maga ning water Telephone *25-4360 home to suit you, Try us! WE NEED LISTINGS the added interests of rock CALL US FOR SATISFACTION collecting, stone olishin ih Pp 9, crafts, drama, Highland danc- Thelma McMullen 942-5916 ing, discussion groups and John Kosteniuk 942-5147 to seventeen years old Ed Baran 942-3973 Vacancies for 2 or 4 weeks Shirley Moskal 723-4134 periods in August only, Cy Preece 728-9335 ga ag Mrs. G. W. Flynn, ~ Crysler 723-2925. G R | F F | N |. Wilberforce, Ont , | BIRCH BEND Lakefront housekeep- | ' = ling . cottages, Chemong, two and three Real Estate Limitéd |bedrooms, July 3 to 10 and for month of 942-3310 i dl of WASAGA BEACH cabins or cotfages for | rent, all conveniences. Telephone 725-6193. 723-4645 or |LAKE SCUGOG lakefront cottage lrreptace, large verandah, boathouse, $6,000. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton cecil _ | 986-4894, _T. Murphy Broker | |cRow ) LAKE, Marmora, "cottage for | July 24 to August 14, August 21 to Aug-| just 28, Telephone Marmor. - CHANDOS LAKE -- furnished summer | lake frontage, 20-foot dock. 'Good fishing REAL ESTATE LTD and hunt'ng, $7,900. Terms. Toronto, + |GA 1-4986 after 6. 40 King St. E. |BUCKHORN LAKE, one-two-three bed-| sites, boat docking, store and conven-| j!ences, excellent fishing, sandy beach.| Whitby 668-8332. | | SIX ROOMS plus GARAGE | sancrort, iakefront housekeeping cot Large six room brick and stone bungalow, with attach- ern facilities, boats included, fishing, 5 ; ly. I ed gorage, paved drive, re- | Hood. 6obsaad weekly. Tehephane:: © |MODERN oor COTTAGES new broadioom, close to pub- e2; lic ond separate schools, pric- |swimming, fishing, ideal for children |Vacancies June, July, campsite, boats. ed-at only $17,500.00. Wood-Wharf Point, RR 1, Lakefield. Tele- phone Buckhorn 657-8682. ELECTRIC HEAT lake, 170-foot frontage, on large lake, suit- lable for camp, lodge, etc. Hydro in, on| New 3 bedroom brick and |Highway 500, $3,500 cash. Telephone stone bungalow with attached | 725-5225, gorage on quiet court in opular eost ; |100 foot lake frontage, Reduced from $14, DP 'ast end 1000 to $11,000. Worth seeing. It has every- jthing, Blackstock 986-4870 FOR RENT -- Rainbow housekeeping Try this lorge 2 bedroom bun- galow, just outside city, and | beach, inside drinking water, linen sup- | plied. Reasonable 'rates. Contact. Mrs only 13 years old, situated |Eqith Condie, 360 McKay Stree, Pem- on a large lot, with double |broke, Ontario. Telephone Pembroke 732 tra rooms finished in base- |FOR RENT -- Modern three-bedroom ment, treed lot and priced at cottage, Lake Kashabog furnished, hydro, ' "i $50 weekly, Telephone Whitby 668-5476. $17,500.00. after 3 p.m NEW HOMES awa, Three-bedroom, 'arge living . and dining room, with stone fireplace. Mod ern conveniences. TV. Screened veran- winter works, but all priced | dan, Large well treed private lot. Dock reasonable, ready: to move in- to, all services prepaid, one block from King St. Why COURTICE 4 room bungalow on large lot for only $7,500.00 with $1,- 500.00 down jock. Hydro throughout and water on tap. couage covered with aluminum sid- ' Se lin com: for $8,500 with Dial 728-4678 655-3663. D. W. McQuay Realtor KAWARTHA district. For rent--Owner's four-bedroom lakefront cottage. Safe swimming and fishing, boat, hydro, run- THREE - bedroom cottage. safe beach, conveniences, Steinberg Lake, north of Madoc. Aunust 14 on. $50 weekly Bowmanville 623-5195 sleeps nine, | $1,000 DOWN, six-year-old, three bed | room brick semi-bungalow with.rec, room, fenced in iol. close to schools. See inis| 21---Farms for Sale . one now. Cal: Jim ri 728 0483," Bolanood Bron ayy 75123. OF EXCELLENT zs-acre tarmaon Lake Scu-| 909, large .12-room farm home. Should $1,900. DOWN -- Lovely brick three-bed-|mak. good tourist home in summer. $14, | room bungalow in North Whitby, close to | 000. For ful information, Blackstock | schoo! Many extras with this home. Call | 986- 4709 |Bill Johnston, Schofield-Aker Ltd., 728 | | 1066. PRIVATE SALE -- six-room insul-brick bungalow, with garage, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Substantial down pay- ment required. 725-1959 affer 4 p.m WEAT, four-room brick bungalow, hot water heated, garage. and utility build-| PRIVATE SALE -- three-bedroom, solid Inge large kitchen. Asking $10,900 witn|Drick bungalow. Aluminum storms and|DAIRY FARM, terms fo be arranged. For particulars)screens throughout, farge ot, fenced,/and equipment ' 728-$103. W. 0. Martin Reaitor.| landscaped Immediate possession. 728-|G00d brick house, good barns, bulk milk | |tank, Holstein herd, farm machinery, 25| SPECULATORS! INVESTORS! Choice) |miles: trom. Oshawa, For: the man who| ay locations. Three-bay garage| VACANT fIve-room bungalow, newly dec-|can qualify, complete for $40,000. Call! apartments; dance hall and restau-| orated, good size lot and garage, full Harvey Hogan, Brooklin 655-3663, DO body shop equipped, attached |Price only $11,500. Sibby's Real Estate| mcquay, Realior ¥ Call Don Stradeski, 723-4651,| Ltd. ts 728-7576. Seri Estate, for full information on these) just LISTED -- five-room brick bunga-| 22--Lots for Sale ms Very |BUNGALOW LOT -- 47 ft. x 105 ft. on low in choice area, two finished' roo EAST OSHAWA -- Executive ranch bun-|in basement with bathtub and stool galow, attached garage, living room with Mg dM hd on. wall "landscaped, fenced| Wilson Road South, $4,800. Call 725-3560 fireplace, kitchen with -lots of cupboards,|!ot. Be first to inspect. For appointment, thle 'vedrooms, extra large rec-room,|call Jim Gibbens, 723-9750, Joseph Boscol fe ticcy WARE SORE, LOTS -- write completely decorated and|Realtor, 728-7377 phone sze-1t8) risor inden or 4 may have immediate|peivaTe SALE Ms possession. Call J. Nugent, 725-5639; DON stvie bunaiow with natural" stone front| CU TONG LOTS and Real Estate, 723-465). | ' water, on or off 7 Siradesk! Res < and fireplace. Attached garage. Wall tohappiy Frank Harvey 50 ACRE FARM, frame house, on Scugog! wall carpets in bedrooms and living room. tere Island, Pine Point. Will sei! or exchange {Large living area. A beautiful home ---- -- 7 for in Oshawa. After 5 p.m., Whitby 668-4657 RAVINE coy, on Harmony Road South, | -- Avenue close to schools and bus. City conveni- |BAY RIDGES. private, ences. Telephone 725-7154 RT MENT building, 11 suites, down! Three-bedroom, solid pestle Full price $73,000. Never |paved drive, large lot Want-Ads Don' t | | Cost- They Pay | | 100 ACRE: FARM, $0 workable clay, loam 150 acres pasture with spring creek; good Jeight-room -house, fairly good barn,! |Nestleton district. $11,000 Call Marvin) |Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894. T.. Murphy, Broker. j comptete with "livestock Open milk Contract} rant; three-bedroom ranch lO-acre lots Black and 12 Highways Blackwater, On: | to sell brick, detached Extras. $12,900 or Evenings 839-2277 priced any. prhertong Whitby. Good income, |offer Leaving Canada private. Toronto 267-950" _WEYERRBLD GRO hia HAVE two large income homes in| three-bedroom, large living downtown area, both in excellent condi-|kitchen, large landscaped lot. Close to "| tion. with convenient terms. For a schools Gnd bes. Te Wabect cat Chores forme! contact Joe Crawtord, 7: haytor, 723-7996, Joseph Bosco. Realtor sa ren, 728-7277, ¥ Jeauph Bosco Resitor, . sethnga ad room OSHAWA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD, 25 Bond West iF You "have an older house and you are renting it out, sell it for 'CAS! now, while the market is 'Hot'. 728-5157 now. We'll get you a cash of in 24 hours, Active Realty Ltd. 1 WANT: to purchase one to five for rural residence. Must have trees, reasonable and quiet. Phone West 282-5272, |24--Stores, Ofiices, Storage LEASING Stores now open for lease in "WHITBY FAMILY CENTRE Parking facilities for 300 cars. Air Conditioned Shoppers Mall Inquire HOMARK REAL ESTATE LTD. Ph. RU9-5351 TORONTO Call Collect OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times FOR RENT. Modern Store 900 square foot floor space, Sti; Immediate possession. downtown Simec North Phone All Survey Real Estate Ltd. 728-7551. SMALL STORE or office tor rent, central location, 4 Prince Street. ahone | 728-8175. area (Realtor), 25--Houses for Rent Ode. First GARDEN HOMES New Concept For Family Livin Two and Three Bedroom Homes Individual Full Basement Rumpus Room Refrig. - Stove - Dryer Patios Rents from $120.00 per month So convenient to school and shopping LOCATION. Farewell and Poplar Sts. Rental Office at site Open 2:00 to 5:30 daily Closed. Sunday, H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 Call Hill very | PICKERING Tele- LUSANNE VILLA 2.,BEDROOM SUITE 1 BEDROOM SUITE ADULTS ONLY Apply. 330 GIBB ST. THREE-ROOM, unfurnished apartment, available August 1. On third floor, laun- dry facilities, parking, bus service. Adults only. | Apply & 822 King Street East. ' $80. PER MONTH. One-bedroom apart- ment, central. All conveniences. Avail- able September 1. Telephone 728-4733, NICE HOME on lake, one or two senior citizens to share home with sociable re- fired couple, very reasonable. Telephone Bowmanville, 623-5453. SPLIT-LEVEL, three-bedrooms, four - piece bath, laundry rlim. Immediate occupancy, $115. monthly. Apply 1106 Henry Street, Whitby. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISH/D rooms for gentiemen, wil! ing to share, single bed, accommodation, close to south GM. After 5.15 telephone) 725-8645 SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 divi- sion Street. NONQUON TOWERS LTD. Northend Location @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- rooms. Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof Electrical Heating Broadloom Inter-Com System Hi-Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking. Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. Multiple Listing Service MALA GLEN COURT LOCATED NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS PLANT | RESERVE NOW HY | 2 and 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and 3 bedroom suites) Elevators Balconies Intercom System F M Music Broadloom. Halls 728-9466 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND St) LTD. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite 3 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY TELEPHONE 723-1712 » 728-2911 For Appointment fer 1 $s be | | TWO-BEDROOM apartments in modern building heat, water, drapes included in |rent. Elevator service. Occupancy -July |. Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave., or phone 723-4368 |GENTLEMAN "aged . 25 with ed |apartment willing to share with another jgentleman. Apply 223 Athol street east, | apartment | WHITBY -- one- and two-bedroom apart- ments in new building, all modern con- veniencse. Phone Whitby 668-8560. SECOND - FLOOR, one-bedroom apart- ment, unfurnished, near East GM plant, near bus, near hospital, easy walk to town. Call 728-5020 between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. THREE-ROOM apartment, bath and pri- vate entrance, newly decorated, drive way, on Simcoe Street, Camp Samac larea, working couple preferred. $100. |monthly. Telephone 728-2925. |WHITBY -- two-bedroom apartment, in "|modern building, stove, refrigerator, |drapes supplied; electrically heated, laundry, parking facilities, $115. month- ly. Available August 1 Whitby | 668-4182. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, ~"$90., and light included. Self-contained. jphone 728-7680 | THREE- ROOM apartment, stove, refrig- lerator, faundry facilities, parking, cen. tral location; adults only, Whitby 668-4728. FURNISHED two-room apartment, jing space. Apply 195 Albert Oshawa heat Tele- park- Street, -- immediate possession -- two besroom apartment, furnished -or un: furnished. Telephone Ajax 942-2517, ONE BEDROOM apartment, and stove included. Apply Road, Whitby. FURNISHED. two-room seir~ |refrigerator, stove, etc. TV street parking. Suit couple. |Beatty Avenue |BUCKINGHAM Avenue, "three room 'apartment, oi! heated, adults, unfurnish- ad. Available now. Telephone 728-8769. FOUR ROOM furnished apartment | monthly--possession immediately. Adults. Apply 496 Simcoe Street north apartment 5 retrigerator 11. Graydon contained, outlet, Apply 184 $95 9 available, large Refrigera. 728-3465. rooms, |MODERN apartments two and three-bedroom suites {tors and stoves swimmini TWO COMEORTABLY small kitchenette with stove, use of frig, suitable for married couple or two ladies. No children. Telephone 668-4470. WHITBY unfurnished, one-bedroom apart- ment with refrigerator and stove, Avail- able for July - August. Very inexpensive Telephone Toronto 789-5436 after 6 p.m. PRIVATE two-bedroom basement apartment, unfurnished, business couple preferred. References., Available August 1, $75. monthly. Telephone 725-709) | FIVE-ROOM apartment able August 1, Adults jafter 5 p.m., -728-1164 LARGE modern |Scarborough, reasonable 942-0130. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY four room apartment in private home. Com- plete upper floor, family with school-age lchildren preferred. Apply 50 . Oshawa NGI | Boulevard North, 725-6424 NEW, modern two-bedroom apartment, 310 Stevenson Road North. Available im- jmediately. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., tele- jphone 723-5845, ONE BEDROOM apartment in new ap- artment building. Refrigerator, stove and TV. outlet. Telephone 725-9161 after 8 p.m. THREE ROOM apartment. Private en- trance. Near south General Motors. Tele- |phone 728-7835 or 127 Summer street APARTMENT for rent. Telephone 723- ai, yl. furnished + for rent. Avail- only. Telephone apartment, Ajax and Telephone Ajax =q|men, ROOM to share for one gentleman, single beds. Immediate possession. $7 weekly. Apply .136 Brock East, 723-9348. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Suit two will- ing to share, single beds. Close to north Genera! Motors Parking. Telephone 728-2971 TWO single housekeeping rooms, refrigerators and stoves. Apply 200 King Street West or telephone | 723-5804, TWO large rooms, { furnished, for gentle- men. Apply 25! Arthur Street or tele- phone 728-4594. _ LARGE furnished bedroom, central, car parking. Gentleman only. Telephone 728- 1644. FUR Nishe D room in quiet home near bus gentleman, stop Abstainer. Apply 25 McNaughton er FURNISHED room in quiet home for |mature business lady. Abstainer. Non- smoker. Five minutes from four corners. | Telephone 725-9992. TWO furnished rooms, with sink, cup- boards, heavy dury stove and frig. Park- ing. South end of city. Telephone 725-3206 FURNISHED room in clean home. Suit one gentleman. Apply 559 Ritson South or 723-6844, | quiet home, $7 weekly. }30 Avenue Street. 728-6802. HOUSEKEEPING room, single, or two friends to share, close to north GM. Very central. Suitable for young lady. Tele- phone 725-9559. FURNISHED room in quiet, clean home Ritson South. Telephone 728-2191. FURNISHED room in quiet adult home, parking facilities. Apply 39 Sandra Street East or telephone 728-2660. "| COMFORTABLE room, single beds, for |two gentlemen. Apply 136 ria East or |telephone 728-3969 after 3 p.m jTWwo SINGLE ~~ housekeeping ; Rooms, everything supplied. Telephone 725-2892. | FURNISHED room, suit single gentle- jman. Apply 136 Colborne Street shawa, Please apply TWO single rooms "for rent for boy "or AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT |si"!. Apply 246 Oshawa Boulevard "South |BRIGHT, large, clean room. Central. in au let home. Gentlemen preferred. Tele- |phone 725-8169. FURNISHED bedroom in a private home. Gentleman preferred, Parking. Telephone 728-8706 or 723-4380. ROOM FOR RENT -- Gentleman. phone 723-1671. FURNISHED Christian home, |Close to all buses, Telephone 725-8460. |ONE PERSON fo shaare completely fur-| nished house, private bedroom, parking, |television, complete run of the house. Cadillac-Athol area, Telephone 728-991) evenings. | TWO single bedrooms, would prefer gi }Central, parking available. Telephon | 728-4169, |Two | toilet. Tele- | 'front room in business person. Abstainer single, suit downtown. furnished, -- ladies. large rooms, For couple or two Apply | _|214 Cadillac Avenue South, CLEAN room for rent, near North GM |and downtown. Telephone 725-9403. jONE ROOM for rent, for one gentleman, 'in a quiet home. Near North General |Motors. Telephone 723-9968. | | FURNISHED room for rent. Sult one per-| son, Central location. Apply 182 Banting Avenue 728-3800. 28--Room and Board with FURNISHED bedroom for gentleman in| East,| | 'private| --|cylinder automatic power steering, radio, SALE ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN NINE PASSENGER STATION WAGON V-8 motor, mission, radio. Dandy", 1963 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR SECAN V-8 motor, automatic -trons- mission, radio, power steering, and brakes. 1963 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR STATION WAGON V-8 engine, standard trons- mission. Asking $1995. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO. DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, new whitewall tires, Compare elsewhere at $2200. Our Price 1995, 1962 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR TWO DOOR HARDTOP 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio. "A Dream Car'. 1961 PONTIAC LAURTENTIAN FOUR DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, power steering, AM and FM radio. 'The Nicest In Oshawo"' 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN V-8 engine, radio, automatic transmission, new whitewall tires, 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission, radio. Our Price 1095. 1960 VOLSWAGEN COACH Radio. Asking Price automatic trans- "Ah Real 395. 1956 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Dominion Royal Master Tires, almost new. Make Offer. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 King Street East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) 4494 Res. 725- 5574 | ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens: paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITE 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel __ Whitby 668-33: 668- 3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 |i963 CHEVROLET BelAir four | 723- D four-door & back-up lights, whitewalls, discs, Excel- jlent throughout. Telephone 723- QUIET, deignified non-profit retired. persons. Abstainers dollars per month, includes board. Please write Box 915, Times. WHITBY -- Room and board for gentle-| single and double rooms, lunches) packed, laundry. Seven-day week. Tele- phone Whitby 668-4957. ROOM with or without board for "a nice| young man. Centrally located. Call 723- 6626, COLBORNE STREET, EAST, 57--Room and board for gentlemen, willing to share, single beds, close to north GM. Central to downtown. Apply above ad- dress. PRIVATE room for one gentleman, board optional, new home, near shopping centre and GM south ) plant. Telephone 7: 725-2614, ROOM and board, | single r room. Abstainer. Non smoker. Laundry facilities. Telephone 728-4485, ROOM ,and board available, week, Shift workers welcome. packed, Whitby 668-8158, ROOM and board, close to GM north plant, good meals, clean rooms. Call 725-9843, Apply 57 Brock Street East. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, will- ing to share, single beds, Wilson-King area, Telephone 728-9692. WHITBY -- Room and board for gentle- men, single and double, lunches packed, ample parking. Telephone Whitby. 668 | 450 '29--Wanted to Rent | THREE BEDROOM house anted fo rent in Oshawa or. within 10 mile radius. Pos- session July 17, Telephone 725-9957. WANTED small house in or near Osh- awa by July 15, by couple with teen age child. Telephone 728-6006. YOUNG working couple require three, four room apartment with bath. Oshawa or vicinity. Sept. 15 approximately. Write |box 319. Oshawa Times WORKING COUPLE, | child, require two: bedroom apartment for August. Refer- ences, Telephone 728-7404. WANTED Three- bedroom _ house, preferably in north end, by end of August. Reliable tenants, Telephone collect Tor- onto, HU 94438 after 5 p.m APARTMENT required; Whitby or West Oshawa region by August 20th or Sep- tember Ist. Telephone 723-5749 i WANTED room and board, central, for retired gentieman, abstainer. Telephone 723-3948 56 Aubomabile for Sale i 1962 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 2-door hard- top.. $100 down. $23 weekly. Motors Ltd., 728-7 7375, 1962 PONTIAC convertible red with matching trim. Fully power equipped. Easy. terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728- 7375. 1958 OLDSMOBILE /-door hardtop. This car has been completely reconditioned. | Only. $41 per month. Gus Brown Motors! Ltd., 728-7375. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, six cylinder, radio, Also oil space heater, ap- proximately 2 x 43; two-piece bed chester- field, suitable for © cottage. Felephone} 668-5993, 19599 CHEVROLET 'two-door | hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio, $695. Good condition. Telephone 725-0264 $25 DOWN! $8.50 weekly buys stationwagon Cash, trade or Nicols Motors Whithy 668-3331 WRECKING 1958 Oldsmobile standard transmission. Four new tires. Motor good Apply 584 Harmony Road South after 6 p.m, 1958 FORD Fa' Phene Whitby 468-8228, home for] only. room anal Oshawa seven-day Lunches Gus Brown Meteor terms at} Parfect shape "wal |i987 OLDSMOBILE automatic $250. Tele- _| phone 728-1730 after 5 evenings. 8) cash offer 3942, 1958 PLYMOUTH sedan V8 automatic, radio, good tires, $200, Telephone 725-8580. |1964 FBS OLDSMOBILE, | fully e equipped in excellent condition, still under warra ty. For more information call 723-9 1938 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan (passed safety lane Inspection), radio, Prestone, new battery and brakes. Telephone- 725- | 8183, |1956 CHEVROLET coach, very $200. Telephone Whitby 668-8139. 1960 FORD, A-1 condition, 44,000 original | clean, ____ | Oldsmobile tire: THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy give Bill a try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 1250 DUNDAS Si 668-5871 - TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Rood) Ss, | ~ BUYING OR SELLING 1963 FORD Econoline bg 16,000 miles, Alaxe 942-294, 1959 CHEVROLET, half ton pick-up. West coast mirror and radio, $750. Hampton 263-2569. |HALE-TON pick-up 1953 1 frocks in esa condition Make offer. Whi 1950 GMC 12-foot dump Soe oars rack, ideal farm truck. Bowmanville 623-3745. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED _ Buying a New Car ? Sell: your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED: 'elephone Mets. Robert Nichole SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality MOTORS -- $35 up. All car parts. Cour- tice Auto' Wreckers Telephone 723-5541 or nights, 725-4404, USED CAR PARTS, trailers, also used 'ires 509 Bloor Street East, after 4, 723-2281 OSHAWA and District Used Auto Parts-- Wrecking Chevs, Fords, Chrysler Prod- ucts, etc. We buy any old wreck. 725-5045. 1954 CHEVROLET four-door sedan in good condition. Telephone 723-7600 after 5.30 p.m 1952 CHEVROLET, power drive, "Rebuilt | engine and transmission. Excellent body | $150. Telephone Ajax 942-2495 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief four-door sedan 6 cylinder standard radio. Good condition. Very reasonable. Call 623-5269 after 5:30 1962 MERCURY Meteor, four-door 'sedan, | V-8, automatic transmission. A-1 condi-| tion. One owner, Phone after 4 o'clock, 725-7200. 1963 CHEVROLET convertible, automa- tic, immaculate condition. Must sell. Telephone 725-8602. 1963 LAURENTIAN four-door |matic _--_ transmission. Radio, |padded dash, seat belts, plus Telephone 725-3728. 1953 CHEVROLET 'standard 6, two-door, $125 or best offer. Telephone 725-4172. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8, two-door hardtop, equipped, very low mileage. Telephone 728- 0647 after 5, 1956 PONTIAC "some new ; parts, | $100. Telephone Whitby 668-5969. 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4-door, 6 cylinder, standard, wheel discs, four new tires, low mileage. Telephone 723- 5369 after 5 p.m. 1965 RAMBLER Ambassador, hardtop, V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, two-tone. Many other extras. $3,250 or best offer. Bowmanville | 623- 2614, 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian 6 standard, radio, needs little work. $550 or best offer. Telephone 725-2549, 1962 FORD, two-door hardtop, radio, whitewalls, power steering, six putramatic. $1,400 or best offer. Telephon 22 1962 CHEVROLET Bel A ae Standard, radio, whitewalls, discs, low | mileage. A-1 condition $1,450 or best offer. | 728-1311 |1959 EDSEL ranger, , two-door | hardtop, | Excellent condition, white and blue, clean [inside New paint. Best offer. Phone 723- \2 21. | 1957 BUICK Stationwagon, 4-door hardtop. |Fully equipped. Private sale. Telephone | Bowmanville 623-5045, i958 PONTIAC 'Strato-Chief, v8 automatic r-door, radio, body and interior in = excallont condition. $750, Phone Whitby | 668-4712, |1958 PONTIAC Stationwagon Safara, V8 |automatic, power brakes, power steering, |radio, new tires and paint job. immacu- late condition, Private mL, 7909. i958 CADILLAC ~ coupe. de Vil jome body work. For informaton. Tele- [phone 728-1892. BE ALIVE! See your convertible man peat 1965 Chevy Super Sports. 327 engine. We really shod this baby with Aiax 942-6300, A GEM! 1962 Pontiac Parisienne conver- tible. Gleaming black with red and white interior, Call "Harry" Ajax 942- 300. , auto- heater, extras 6. VACATIONER'S DREAM! 1964 Chevrolet impala convertibie. Excellent condition. Call Harry' Ajax 942-6300. A TIP FOR THAT TRIP! 1962 Chevrolet |Impala convertible. Powér brakes, power windows, the works. Call "Harry" Ajax | 942-6300. 1961 CHEVROLET four-door, radio, heat- er, 6 cylinder, standard Ae Reason- ably priced. 25-: 1963 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, a alana two- door, dark blue with matching trim. 18,000 miles. Telephone 725-2908, 1957 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder standard, mechanically good, radio. $295 or best 6279 n, automatic, V8 motor. All accessories radio etc. After 5 apply 783 Shelley Aven 1961 BUICK, two-door hardtop, fully equipped. Must sell $1,595 147 Athabasca Street, Oshawa. 728-5245. 31--Compact Cars for Sale miles, $350, and take over pay Telephone 728-1348. 1963. RAMBLER station wagon, six-cylin- der standard, twin-barrel carburetor, back-ups, washers, mirror, low mileage, A-1 condition. One owner. Best offer: Bowmanville 623-3777, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, $375. o $50. will put A-1 condition. Bowmenviile 623-5329. Ask for Jim. 1953 CHEVROLET sedan. Good condition. Apply 286 Drew street after 6 p.m. CONVERTIBLE 1958 Dodge Royal. Fully equipped AM-FM $600, Telephone 728- 6101. !1956 DODGE seaan. Running good. Apply 230 Celina street. 1956 OLDSMOBILE good tires, body, radio $250 or best offer, or will accept smailer car on trade, 723-4882. 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian 4-door hardtop, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, radio, good tires, new paint job. 887, Simcoe St., North or telephone 728-; 2178 after 7 p.m. 1963 PONTIAC convertible 327, Bucket seats. Automatic $2,500. Apply 15 Ritson Rd. South 1960 MERCURY 4-door sedan black, red trim. This car must be seen to be appre- ciated) Gus Brown Motors Litd., 728-7375 1959 CHEVROLET. Four to choose from No down payment with easy terms. Call in today! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375) 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4-door hardtop, brown with matching interior. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1962 CHEVY I! convertible. Mist blue with matching roof and interior .Auto- matic, radio, discs, whitewalls. Must sell. 1958 OLDSMOBILE, four door hardtop, radio, power steering, and brakes, best offer, 496 Mary Street, or telephone 728- 3109 CONVERTIBLE, full custom with mag. wheels, bucket seats; white Nouhide in- terior, many. extras, A-1 shape for street Custom radio, "$60 * VOLVO & PEUGEOT * MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S, 723-3461 Open Evenings ZOLTAN - NICK & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe South Oshawa 728-0051 1960 CORVETTE, near original _ "Gondi- tion, low mileage. Telephone 725-3272 1963 VALIANT convertible | Signet "200, Bi shape, bucket seats, radio, whitewalls. Telephone Newcastle 987-4926 or 723-1618. 1954 BLUE MGB, radio. windshield wash- ers, wire wheels, seat belts,soft top, boot top. In excellent condition. For further information call 72-5163 after 5 p.m, 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, red, good | condition. Telephone Whitby 668-4494, | 1958 AUSTIN, clean condition. Low mile- use. Value $6,000. Best offer about $2,900. Trade expected. Can be financed. Whitby, 688-3015, '$8 T' - BIRD convertible in A-1 "Shape. Also '34 Ford coupe hot rod, chevy| powered. Must sell. Can be financed. Trade expected, Whitby, 668-3015. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne ~~ convertible, | automatic, power steering, power brakes, bucket seats, stereo. Excellent condition. | Best offer accepted. Call between 6-9 p.m.) ! 728-4905 1955 CADILLAC sedan, good ~ running order. Very good body. Needs paint job.| $200.00, 668-4517 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, 2 door hard- top, 327-300 HP engine, 4 speed floor shift. Radio, black with whitewall, posit jtraction. Private. Whitby, 668-5152. |1958 BUICK Special sedan with radio, washers, back-up lights, mechanically per- fect body, good condition. $400 or best 725-5555 1955 CHEVROLET deluxe, two-door, 46, 700 original miels. One owner, A-1 -con- dition, 725-1926. Apply 210 Chadburn St. 1956 CHEVROLET convertible, 6 'cylinder standard drive, radio, whitewalls, skirts: Telephone Whitby, 2633. |728-1012 after |1964 ANGIA Super age. Full. price. $350. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-6874, 1958 "MGA, best offer. 668-4594, 1960 ANGLIA FORD, two-door. This car lruns very -well, $175. Telephone Ajax 942-6086, | 1963 VALIANT V200 sedan, automatic, mahogany brown 20,500 miles, balance of |warranty. Extras. $1995. Ajax 942-0721. 1964 BLUE MGB, radio, windshield wash- ers, wire wheels, seat belts, soft top, boot top. In excellent condition. For fur- ther information call 723-5163 after 5 p.m 1961 TRIUMPH Herald, body in excellent condition. New tirés, reconditioned motor. $490 or best offer. 728- 1061. 1989 AUSTIN HEALEY, must sell, condition. Please telephone 728-6778. 1956 AUSTIN Cambridge, -$150. Telephone 4p. $550 or at Whitby condition, Telephone Chris good < , good AM-FM radio, all options Very cean and * economical, $1175. Call Ray Cooke, Ajax 942-5514, 1961 FORD FALCON -- standard, custom spindies to make! AKE.HORE AUTO WRECKERS want ars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, %« Wentworth East. 725-1181. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cere for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale, 1175 Nelson Street. Teleohone 725-2162. 34--Automobile Repair CARS PAINTED 'SPECIAL ... $55 APPLY 83 RITSON RD. S. ot rear of Texaco Station | @ Collision Experts @ Free Estimates HARWOOD AUTO BODY e@ Auto 'Collision and Repair Work @ Truck Repairs and Refinishing NOW LOCATED ON _ THE Oshawa -- Port Perry Highway (Formerly Ross Auto Body) 655-3621 OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric ser- |vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817, }TRA T sions are our only business. 1038 woe North, Phone 728-7339, 35--Lost and Found LOST -- Yellow female Collle (small size), with Bowmanville tag. Lost In Osh- Telephone awa. Reward. 623-2525. Lost -- -- vicinity of Courtice, wiles 4 Spaniel, orange and white, tatoo on* ear, No. HOW13, Finder please ine. phone 723-5732 or contact J, Smith, 182 Cromwell Avenue. Lost Small black female with white spot on chest, Thursday. a at Oshawa Shopping Centre, Telephone Whitby 668-4917, 36--Legal Bowmanville, Gives BOWMANVILLE HEATING CONTRACTORS BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m, (E.D.T.) on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1965 . for the Supply and Installa- tion of a complete heating system in the Greenhouse ot the Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, Ontario. Plans, Specifications and Ten- der Documents may be ob- tained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronte 2, Ontario. A $500. Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and @ 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consider- ed unles made on forms sup- plied by the Deprtment. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Miller, Deputy Minister, Cepartment of Public Works, Cntario, WHITBY FLOORING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.). on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1965 for the Installation of Vinyl Asbestos Tile and Vinyl Sheet Tile at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario, Specifications and Tender Documents 'may be * obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Public Works, East Block', Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A $800.00 Bid. Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be considers ed unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. 2-door, 42,000 original miles, $895, er best jotfer, Bowmanville 623-2266, {