18--Male Help Wanted Journeyman Machinists Due to expansion, our com, pony hos several requirements for men with. the following quelifications: @ A recognized apprentice- ship or equivalent in the machine trodes. @ The ability to work to ex- - . tremely close tolerances. @ The ability to set-up and operate a variety of mach- ine tools. Our company offers perman- ent employment in the Mont- reol area, excellent wages and a wide range of employee benefits including life, med- ical, and income continuance insurance. Relocation allowances will be negotioted. Interested candidates moy apply in writing giving full details of qualifications and experience to: EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ROLLS-ROYCE CANADA LTD. P. 0. Box 1000 A.M.F. MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, CANADA ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Ajax manufacturer requires capable man to service, main- tain and set-up production equipment. The ideal person will have good mechanical ond electronic background Permanent position with usual company benefits. Apply to: AJAX 942-1540 Centralab Canada LTD WHOLESALE PARTS SALESMAN REQUIRED To call on present accounts and cultivate new. Ford ex- perience preferred. Salary commensurote with experi- ence. Also other benefits. Contact R. Riding Drew Mercury Ltd. 71 Station Rd. AJAX 942-1030. SHIPPER Progressive company requires en aggressive young mon with loading and shipping toward @ secure future in a fost growing industry is a must for this position. For eppointment telephone MR, BOIVIN 668-3348 SALESMAN Alert Young Man For Local Men's Wear Store. Write stating age, education, perience if any and phone number to: BOX 121 BO nk a Dn a SALESMEN For pregressive Real Estate firm in the city of Oshawa. All leands and training supp- lied. For a lifetime coreer in o well paid profession CALL OSHAWA REALTY BOND ST. LTD 728-9466 WANTED Experienced MEAT MANAGER PHONE PICKERING 942-419] OWNER operated dump trucks, for sand and gravel. work, °42-0420. ex- 19--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Familiar with complete set of books including poyroll, counts receivable ond pay- able. Permanent position in downtown 'location, Please state experience and salary expected to BOX 822 OSHAWA TIMES TAXI DRIVERS Port or full time Minimum age 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 20--Real Estate for Sale ac- | | Jones AND Dougan REALTORS 668-884] WHITBY Four bedroom, brick bunga- low, Attached garage under bedroom, special entrance from garage into basement. A lovely home, situated in one of Whitby's better streets. Home interior very nect, sunken living room with a. natural fireplace. Wont something better,' if so you can't afford to miss this one.. Give uso call for appointment. OSHAWA WEST COUNTRY West of Thickson Road. A brand new 3 bedroom brick with attached garage. Many extras. Priced ot $22,000. This home couldn't be re- ploced anywhere near this price. Workmanship in home very good. Here is o ranch bungalow high overlooking Whitby. Country atmosphere, you have it here. Hos not been shown before. GIVE US A CALL, NOW. BAY RIDGES $104.00 P. |. T. monthly payments. A lovely 3 bed- room semi-bungalow located on. Tatra Drive. Here is an ideal home for anyone want- ing something with low down payment. Open to any rea- sonable offer, Call now, let us give you further porticu- lars. JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS |WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BLDG. 668-8841 wanted | Top rate, steady WANTED, Janitor for church, few hours] jh (abstainer), Write Box 606, Oshawa! Timm | aaLaece man for mink ranch Single, | live in. Call Hampton 263-2032 after 6 p.m.) ---- SERVICE STATION help required. Apply! Imperial Oj! Service Station, Highway 401, at Waverly Road, Bowmanville CONCRETE 'Inspector, parttime seasonal work. Thor: concrete stating qualifications related horough knowledge of reinforced construction necessary. Reply experience and wages expected to Box 517 Oshawa Times MAN WANTED, 'continue Rawieigh Serv ice to consumers in Oshawa. Get into a profitable business of your own. No previ. ous experience or needed. pea raance St, steady lob if satisfactory capital Investment Write Rawieigh, Dept. G-3)0-916, St. Henry, Montreal. pola ly Must be steady and reliable; Apply Box 430, Pickering. 19--Male or Female *Chambers Foods Ltd. Require 2 Commissioned Help Wanted Salesmen or Salesladies. Better thon overage earnings, fringe benefits and bonus. Applicants must be neat, bondoble and ewn car ALL ELECTRIC @ New 3 bedroom brick dwellings semi-detach- ed, located in East end of Oshawa. @ NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION FULL DOWN PAYMENT $1558.75 FULL PRICE $14,500 For further information cal? JOSEPH BOSCO REAL ESTATE 728 - 7377 MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW NORTH WEST AREA This spacious, three bedroom home, with a large modern kitchen and dining area is a pleasure to show. Beautifully landscaped with many found- ation plantings ond patio. For inspection . contact. Harry Bates: 725-1186 728. 6923 W. T. LAMSON or REAL ESTATE LTD. . URGENTLY REQUIRED! Homes for cash buyers. 2, 3, and 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels, 2. storeys. What have you? For free valuations call DON STRADESKI Real Estate 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale |20---Real Estate for Sale | 20--Real Estate for Scle 20--Reol Estate for Sale LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS --Real Estate-- --Insurance-- --Mortgages-- SPECIAL $15,900, Modern 5 room brick bun- galow located in the East End, Contains lovely bright living. room, large size kit- chen with loads of cupboard space, 3 well' decorated bed- rooms and 4 piece ceramic tiled bath. Located on large, landscaped lot with oversize garage. Very handy to oll schools and shopping. See this desirable home by calling Mr. Jim Brody at 728-5123 or 728-0483. LOW DOWN PAYMENT 5 yeor old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, large landscaped lot close to G.M, South Plant, clean -home, lorge rooms, high dry full basement, only $13,500, try your own down payment. Coll Mr. Jack Appleby 728-5123 or 723- 3398 NEW LISTING NASSAU STREET Very clean 1 storey home in excellent condition throughout, contains 2 good sized bedrooms plus 4 piece bath upstairs. Large kitchen and living room on main floor, Asking only $10,500 with low down payment. To inspect and make offer call Mr, Jim Brady at 728-5123 or 728-0483, CITY LIMITS Ideal family home. Six rooms on spacious lot in North end of Oshowa. The 3 bedrooms are on the second floor leav- ing lots of room below for the kitchen, living and din- ing rooms. Asking price is $13,900 and you can see this house by calling Allen John- ston now at 728-5123 or 725-1381. INCOME HOUSE EAST END 5 room brick bungalow with 4 room basement apt. to help pay for the home, Double garage and well lond- scaped, fenced lot. Asking only $17,900. See this valu- able property now by calling Allen Johnston ot 728-5123 or 725-1381. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of 0.D.R.E.B. Come . . See KASSINGER HOMES IN BEAUTIFUL BEAU VALLEY with any community in Osh- awa... and we ore confid- ent that Dollar for Dollar you will get More Value For Your Money | SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY . . Compare 'SCHOFIELD-AKER | LTD. 260 King Streat West Quolity Built ARMSTRONG HOMES A good place to live. Southwood Park AJAX Down payments FROM $980. Detached, three four bedrooms, kitchens 942-3310 GRIFFIN re re SIP SALE OR TRADE: Variety and Grocery Store in a good NORTH WEST resi- dential area of the city. No competition block. Showing good return, upstairs facilitate the owner or as an added income. Sickness forces sole or will trade with duplex, property, , Shown by appointment. Coll bedrooms, Hollywood within extra living quorters to triplex or other Gibson Bowman & REALTORS and INSURANCE 145 Brock St. South Whitby PHONE 668-5823 * WHITBY BUNGALOW 6 room briak bungalow with attached garage, broadioom in living room dining room ond oll three bedrooms, All wired for indirect lighting in recreation room. Wired for washer and dryer. Workshop and cold storage room com- plete. Lot size 50' x 150' on paved road OPEN TO OFFERS WALTON BLVD. Five room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath. Completed recreation room 34' x 10', Large lot 50' x 150'. Plenty of shrub, and bus service OPEN TO OFFERS INCOME HOME Five room, 2 bedroom bung- alow, Close to shopping and downtown. With 3. room apartment. Lorae lot with gorden and garage OPEN TO OFFERS * LOTS $1500 DOWN Lorge level lot 75' x 190' situated on paved road be- tween Whitby ond Oshawa. JAMES & QUEEN 2 lots, 90' x 125' fully serv- iced LIST PRICE $3500. 4 LOTS 70' x 190' fully serviced, poved road. LIST PRICE $3100. * "Buying @ House or Selling For Some Reoson, Let us Help You 'at Bowman ond Gibson." CALL US TODAY ! Bill Lundmark 668-5497 Ted Coates 655-4737 Tim Vipond 668-8562 Mrs. Lee 668- 4949 TODAY'S BEST HOME VALUE In addition to saving $2,000. to $3,000. you will reside in an area with the boundless pleasures of motor boating, sailing, fishing and swim- ming and beach, only min- utes away. Three bedroom bungalow with colonial entrance. En suite bath conveniences. Built-in range and oven, storms ond screens, full basement. On a fine high lot with lovely view. Full price $13,495. with Winter Bonus guaran- teed. Will take $636. down. VISIT TONIGHT OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. DOVER BY-THE-BAY Go West on Highway 401 to Liverpool Road (Inter- change 64). Turn South to the BP Service Station, turn right and follow the signs to the Dover Gates, turn left. PHONE 942-3442 or 364-3115 Consolidated Building _Corporation _ CENTRAL PARK TWO FIREPLACES ELECTRIC HEATING Tappan biult in range unit, sliding patio glass entrance leading to a scenic balcony, extra two piece bathroom in basement, panelled den with roughed in fireplace Owner asking $18,500, with reasonable terms. Please contact BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. SO NICE TO | i COME HOME TO... S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-6286 Established beef farm 20 miles from Fae fa) acres. Solid 8 room home, good barn ond outbuildings. All modern conveniences and two ponds. Small bush and nearly all workable, crops in- cluded in the price of $51,- 000. Owner will consider a trade. Must be seen to be oppreciated. Just listed, this immaculate 6 room storey and half home on a large lot, new furnace. Close ta schools and shopping. Asking $12,900. with low down payment. Don't wait call today. 6 rooms with hot water heat- ing, good lot centrally located, Immediate possession. This home well suited for large fomily, plus your pocketbook. Only $12,800. with low down poyment and terms to. suit your budget. With $1,200, down payment you can move right in this immaculate five room bung- alow with a lorge lot with five lovely trees. All hot water heating, large kitchen, gor- age. Just look and you will see the possibilities. Suburben living with a creek this large ranch style bunga- low will meet your require- ments which will include a swimming pool, | acre lot, rovine setting, trees, fire- place, balcony, walk out bose ment. The price is right at $32,000. and owner will con- sider'a trode. Why wait, this' could be the home you are looking for. A full two storey home with three large bedrooms, large kitchen, 2 bathrooms, oil, heat, only $14,100. with $2,600. down carries for $100. monthly and this in- cludes Principal, Interest and Taxes at 64%4%. This is our bonus buy os it is under _ Winter works KEITH PETERS Realty Ltd., 728 - 7328 103 King Street East APPLEWOOD CRESCENT. New homes with $2500 DOWN split levels and bun- galows. Attached garages, ceramic tile bath, Norden kitchen cupboards, insulating glass, storms and screens, lots 62 x 120'6', some with apple trees. Must be seen. WHITBY $14,900. All offers considered on this split level 3 bedroom brick home, about 5 years old, nicely decorated throughout, broadiloom, nice- ly landscaped. RETREAT. 2 creeks, lots of good cedar, a view for miles, 361% acres near Tyrone. Ask- ing $7300 with terms. i 115 ACRE FARM STONE HOUSE near Oshawa with fast flowing stream, good cedar bush and oa terrific view, barn 36 x 97, buildings in good condition. 430 ACRE FARM between Orillia: and Georgian Bay with buildings, large barn, L shape, over 300 acres of choice workable land with 2 rivers, located on Highway 400. Many more farms to choose from in Oshawa and Bowmanville district, also dif- ferent parcels of property any size with or without creek and highway locations, After 9 please call 723-6590 725-5207 725-9882 725-7782 728-2548 655-4457 John Kuipers Rolande Tierney Art Donaldson Earle Allen Bob Johnson Bill Ratcliffe Quality Built ARMSTRONG HOMES ROLLING HILLS OSHAWA DOWN PAYMENTS From $1,200.00 Detached three four bedrooms, kitchens. 723-6461 GRIFFIN Rome Ore B10. $599. DOWN 4 bedroom detached brick split level, carport, en suite bath, close to seporate and public schools, walking dis- tance to shopping plaza, on quiet, well kept street, beau- bedrooms, Hollywood | * enterprising proprietor. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1 @ WHITBY; $14,900. buys this immaculate brick bungalow with three 'orge bedrooms, The kitchen has a built in breakfast nook and plenty of cupboards. A large RECREATION ROOM WITH BAR and laundry room with cupboards. The fenced in back yard is ideal and safe for children, The grounds ore tastefully landscaped. Phone for an appointment to see. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED tt @ $13,900 is the asking price for this 3 bedroom 'BRICK bungalow located in the LAKE VISTA area. Close to public schools. The fenced in back yard is ideal for children and the picturesque landscaping will please anyone. Phone for an appointment to see. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED II} @ GROCERY STORE: Well! busy | established business in residential location near school with apartment over, Shows ex cellent. return for reasonable investment. Present weekly | turnover can be increased by Inform- ation only by appointment. | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | IV @ 2 STOREY BRICK home; on quiet residential street in| NORTH WEST area. More than! sufficient kitchen and ample closet spoce. The rooms are spacious and the en tire home is nicely decorated. | Many quiet enjoyable evenings could be spent either on the verandoh or in the enclosed hedged yard. Priced at only $14,000 and more particulars by calling GUIDE REALTY LIMITED V_ e $7500 is the asking price for this 5 room home in South} East part of city. Close to] schools, bus ond shopping. If} you are budget minded, then you should see this home. Full particulars by calling. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED VI @ This 5 room frame home is priced at $14,300. Nicely landscaped lot of 75 x 200. L shaped living room and dining room, 3 nice sized bedrooms, large kitchen and partially finished recreation room makes this a very inviting home in a favored district. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED VII @ $19,900 purchases this 2 storey brick home that is overcome with fine Two firep'aces, one in living room and one in the L shaped RECREATION ROOM. All the rooms are of an exceptionally good size. Beautifully land- scaped yard with attached gar- age and paved drive. Phone for more information. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED IX e BUILDING LOT: This beautifully landscaped lot will delight even the most careful buyer. Lots of trees and shrubs and fast flowing stream through rear of property. Priced at $4500. Phone for full parti- culars. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | Xe SPLIT LEVEL BRICK home for only $17,900. This appealing home consists of seven rooms with 3 impeccable bedrooms. An inviting RECREA- TION ROOM with a walkout to the back yard which discloses a} memorable view, must be seen.| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XI @ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPLIT LEVEL home in good condition on a quiet residential street in a town not far from Oshawa? This home in Picker- ing must be seen with its fin- ished RECREATION ROOM and Sta 00. garage, priced at only GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XI @ TREMENDOUS INCOME OPPORTUNITY. One building containing THREE APART- MENTS. Nearly 20% return on your money. Two apart- ments each having 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and 3 piece bath. One apartment haov- ing 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 3 piece bathroom. All rooms are of an exceptionally good size and. situated on a large lot Priced very reasonably at $18,500, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Or CONSIDER --before you. list your property for sale LOOK and see all our advertising DRIVE --around and let all our features. | { | GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XII! @ $14,900 for this 3 storey brick home on ao quiet residential street close to hos- pital, schools, shopping and bus. 4 bedrooms, more than suffi- cient closets, large living room, and very high basement. Single cor gorage and a lovely land- scoped yard. Phone 'for ful] porticulars. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XIV @ NORTH WEST AREA close to Simcoe Street - North. Large ranch type 6 room brick bungalow with attached garage and double paved drive. Large living room with natural stone fireplace, Two bathrooms, large finished RECREATION. ROOM, water softener, patio, situated on o beautifully landscaped lot. Priced at $22,500. Phone for all particulars. | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED XV e@ $14,900 will purchase this lovely ranch style home on Annapolis Street. Exceptionally large kitchen that is plentiful with cupboards. 3 good sized bedrooms ond a 4 piece bath with coloured fixtures. The liv- ing room has wall to wall broadioom and seporate dining room, Finished RECREATION ROOM in basement and attach- ed. garage. Phone for full por- ticulars, cupboords| GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Coll, 723-1121 culars for full parti- Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m After hours call Ross Bell Jean Peacock Jack: Grahom Doug Trivett Wolter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Eleanor deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young 723-7623 725-4330 725-9047 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 728-2949 728-0208 728-5581 728-4241 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 Arranging mortgages is part of our comprehensive Real Estate Service ot GUIDE REALTY LIMITED. We list M.L.S, Member of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS SIBBY'S Real, Estate Ltd. 728-7576 PRICE REDUCED $10,500 with $1,000 imme- diate possession for this 5 room bungalow with garage and nicely treed lot, newly decorated with oil furnace and modern three piece bath. Exclusive and Photo FOUR BEDROOMS Simcoe North, attractive 7 room brick home with hot water oil heating and garage, full asking price $19,500. TWO FAMILY HOME Central location for this seven room, two storey home with two kitchens, two baths, new copper piping and new electric wiring, immediate possession with $3,000 down. Cash to one mortgage. DUPLEX LOTS Choice location near the Osh- awa Shopping Centre, one lot 59' x 116' and 55' x 126' irregular, let us show you this and other lots and acreages. Buying or Selling call 728-7576 725-4366 725-5701 725-4362 Tony Zakarow Nick Siblock Anthony Siblock THREE BEDROOMS $6900 Cannington area, tidy three bedroom home in excellent repair, all conveniences, High- way location, early possession. Toxes $55. Terms CANNINGTON Attractive 3 bedroom home, excellent condition, lot 70' x 335', 6 'lots can be sold. Attractive surrounding homes. Close to schools and shopping Asking $13,000. with terms. Taxes $60 Call BOB WOOD, Cannington 432-2103 JOHN. M. BAIRD REALT OR, MARKHAM SELLING? CALL 728-7576 REAL ESTATE LTD. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 7, 1965 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 (OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE) RETIRING ? ONLY $9,900.00. 2 bedroom brick bunga- low with low toxes and monthly payments of only $70. Don't hesitate on this one -- give us a call to- nite, $12,500.00. 1% storey 3 bedroom home in. the north-west area, close to Dr. Phillip's School could be bought with low down payment. For more information give us 0 coll. WARREN AVENUE Neat 2 storey brick home in the 3 rooms up ond 3 rooms down plan, Excellent brick; private paved drive; easy walking distance downtown and midtown shoping plaza. Taxes anly $264. Possession 60 days. "THERE |S A RIGHT. HOME FOR EVERYONE" You con get settled im- mediately with as low as $2,500. down. Excellent value in a 5 room brick veneer bungalow. Close to new shopping centre, prot- estant and catholic schools, hus service within steps of . front door, Call on this one! $11,800.00. Well built 5 room brick bungalow located on Con- ont Street, 3 bedrooms -- oil heated. Lot is fenced and hedged. Toxes $182. monthly payments $75. P. and |. Give us a call to- nite. GROCERY STORE AND HOME IIness forces this owner to sell his thriving little business with 2 bedroom living quarters, plus liv- ing room, kitchen and bath. All for only $14,- 900. including store equip- ment. Call without delay. V.L.A. OPPORTUNITY Seven toom, 1% storey frame home with attached' garage, paved drive and only 11 years old. Hos perfect facilities for some- one wishing to start in business having a separate workshop with 1500 sq. ft. working oreo, equip- ped with wood burner, heavy duty wiring and run- ning water. Added to this: (1) approx, 2,000 pine trees, (2) raspberry bush- es,: (3) strawberry plants, Vendor moving out of the city. Look this opportunity over. Only $18,900 MARY . AND SUTHERLAND Beautifully landscaped cor- ner lot adds to this charm- ing brick and stone. custom built home -with 6 rooms, garage and paved drive, Extra spacious bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, 30 x 11 Rec. Room with bar; L.R. and D.R. broadloomed Awnings on windows. Moderately priced 'at $24,000. Be sure and see it ! For full particulars call 723 - 2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 723-2894 728-1066 728-2233 728-2870 723-2859 728-5205 725-9345 723-1358 725-3867 725-0201 725-1726 West Margoret Lee Bill Jihnston Moible Boudreou Allan Thompson George Koornneef Irwin Cruikshanks Ed Drumm Marg. Hall Irene Brown Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 360 King St. Free, easy, safe parking. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board * 200 acre Stock Farm near Sunderland. 7 room home, barn 44' x 120', pig pen 24°" x hf drive: shed 30' x 80', ood soil, 2 spring fed pondse, Bnly $33,000 -- $10, 000" down, Mh csecisnieninsinsnall * 20 acres with modern buns golow, large chicken house , with room for 4,000 chickens... Near Bowmanville. $26,000" --$6,000 down. 73 acres with good trout. stream and pond, green house 24' x 100', 14 acres of pines trees, 3 small barns, 2 frame houses, located in Kendal Hilfg area. Owner's health forces. sale. Asking $19,000 --. terms. k Dairy Farm -- 100 acres on Taunton Rd, Excellent 8 room? home with all conveniences,,. Large up-to-date barn plus pole barn, implement shed; ' milk house, automatic stable. cleaner, Toronto milk con-« tract. $50,000--terms. 7% acres: with six room- home, double garage, oil heating, 3 pce. bath, approx." four miles Oshawa, close to. schools. Over 300' paved road frontage. Asking $17,- 500--terms. Sunset Road -- 3 bed brick bungalow, attached, gorage, lot 50' x 117'. Ales most new--$16,350---N.H," A. terms ot 614% interest... Cedar Crest Beach -- five" room winterized cottage, economical living, furnace, T.V. - antenna, large lake front lot. $7, 500--terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m. 623-5055 623-3818 623-3077 655-3853 723-5787 623-3393 Ken Hockin Jack Whiteman Pat Yeo Howard Forder Joe Barnoski Herb Cooper PAUL ISTOW LTD. EALTOR Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E. 128-9474 $1,500 DOWN No mortgage to arrange, Just move in to a spotiessly kept three bedroom bunga- low .with divided koopa in area of newer. homes, schools, Priced ot $13, 900." NORTH-EAST. Four bedrooms and two coms plete four piece bathrooms and. welkout basement are features that appeal to the parents of growing children. All the rooms ore spacious in this custom built home with attached garage. Priced at $21,900 with terms. DUPLEX Brand new, electrically heat- ed, fecturing three bedrooms each. An excellent invest- ment with as little as $5,000 down. WANT A LOT ? Fully serviced lot in a built up area of new homes of varying design. Owner has purchased a home and offers this desirable lot at $5,600. Act fast! There's only one. After Hours Call Vern Morton 655-3482 Earl Salter 723-3052 J Van Nest Real Estate Broker 118 King St. East BOWMANVILLE 623-3230 TOURIST LODGE 9 bedrooms, large dining hall, kitchen, oi! furnace, separate living quarters for owner, PLUS three housekeeping cot- tages. Everything completely, equipped, three acres of land, 250 feet of lake frontage on busy highway. A going con- cern for immediate posses- sion. Priced for quick sale! 11 SUITE APARTMENTS ON SAGUENAY $15,000 DOWN with 6% mortgage. Fully leased -- top location Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estote Ltd. $995. DOWN Buys © solid brick centre holl 4 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, carport, paved drive, beautifully. londscaped and fenced. Mahogany panel- led interior, drapery Mop storms and screens, TV a tenna; 2 years old. $16, 995, full price. 'West. PHONE 942-2561 é MILLER & IMRIE REAL ESTATE LIMITED - SOLD --signs help you decide to LIST: | -- with ene Guide Realty | eee Limited | $25,000. With Terms ONE ONLY -- Al last y year's price, | Split-level home with carport, deep Close to all schools, bus and shopping. NHA terms with prepaid services. For more informaiton, contact Murray Boyle, 723-4270 Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, LARGE, six-room brick home with ga- rage, in "choice area; deep. treed lot. |Close to schools and shopping. Conveni- ent terms. For details, call Sally Wal- Ince 725-6297, Joseph Bosco Raltor, 728 Apply 933 Ritson Rd. Oshawa 9 to 11 AM TAILOR. :Must be expert th all 'phases ot men's and boys' alteration. Apply box 120; Oshawa Times stating age and experience ees d 1 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted $17,845 Good wages. Apply at Vincent's'? Hair-| North East, 0 ing 110 King St, sf, r tele jone| ss wba cen el S. D. HYMAN fT ve YouRsELer Let.one oF REAL ESTATE LIMITED | hy Dor fe aaa ane ven 728-6286 tiful west location. MILLER & IMRIE REAL ESTATE: LTD. JHONE 942-2561 728. 1275 AWHITBY -- Six-room, big spacious brick bungalow, built on os} large tot. im- mediate possession. Private, terms CO sega centrally hele Call -468- lot.|PARK LANE AVENU® -- threebed- room bungalow with stone fireplace, fours = © piece bath, ol! heating, semi-finished rec- room. Nicely landscaped lot with paved drive. Asking $17,900. Terms. Call W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., 623-3393. 20--Real Estate for Sale: (Continued on Poge 28 28) EDITH. GIFFORD 723-113). traves accepted | GUIDE REALTY on five new homes by Hogen- | boom Construction starting at LIMITED _ SIBey: a. bo YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? SO DO WE ATIVE REALTY -LTD, 728-5157 braemoy_ gardens | Bisa on Wilson . Road MONEY MADE Call 723-3492 | STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS