§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 2, 1968 New Sickness by prolonged fever and severe| said. because of treatment but as almay be other unreported cases| SAULT STE. MARIE, Fever ana pain subsided after|matter of normal course, the|of the diseuse. He did not 'think sr rae Oe ae Federley of Sault breathing difficulties, followed|serum proteins, Dr Goldbloomjtwo months in the = Dr. Goldbloom said there Lye a BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD pains. Neither child could walk dur-|three weeks in one case andidoctor said it was related to polio. Tony Curtis Plan: Hire Psychiatrist {for visiting theatre men. To this By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Movie studios could me themselves a of grief, not to mention says Tony Curtis, would if analy hire a resi- psychiatrist for the ac- he kidding? You can't be if guotf i 2 bee '0 give an exam- le. When I oes making Some It Hot, Monroe "Okay, so the next day or so she showed up at 9 a.m. but she made life so miserable for everybody on the set that we were all glad when she went back to arriving at 11. "The point here is that Mari- lyn at that time was too late to be saved. But if someone had tried to reason with her earlier in her career and tried to straighten her out on why she was late, she might not have had all that trouble." Stardom, he continued, pre- gents constant pressures, and actors could use someone to} help them over the rough spots. | He cited his own example: "What was I? A punk kid from the Bronx who was just a few steps ahead of the cops. Then suddenly I'm here in Hol- lywood and people are pointing me out and asking my opinions on this and that. It was too much for me to handle, SORTED OUT IDEAS "For a period of three or four years I was in analysis, attempting to find a way to deal with what was happening to me. That treatment helped me greatly." Vestiges of two traumas re- main from his early days at Universal, he admitted: 1, He was bugged by being herded with other young play- era to be put on public display LADIES, CARRY 'BIG LIPSTICK' BOSTON AP) on 7g one women competing men for the executive suite would do well to carry no stick, eave lipstick. The advice was from Miss Joe Foxworth in a talk before ' the national convention of the ei walk off, day he shuns being bunched with actors "'like a goldfish" at (public events 2. He disliked coming on a set and finding the camera al- ready in place for the scene. "They did that to save time in all the crummy pictures I was in at first," he said. 'Now if I find the camera is pre-set, I Hits Children OTTAWA CP) -- An appar- ently - new children's disease that.affects breathing..and pro- duces fever and severe pain has been observed by a team of doctors at the Montreal Chil- dren's Hospital. Dr. Richard Goldbloom told the Canadian Pediatric Society meeting today that two unre- lated children, a 14-year-old boy and a 10-year-old itl, ---- ing the illness and x-rays showed bone changes and a "curious" disturbance of- blood TO END STRIKE TORONTO (CP)--Some 2,100 employees of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. plant in New Toronto voted Sunday to end a you nar + walkout begun June 14 to pro- test scheduling of Saturday and Sunday shifts for about 50 workers. omout AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL' resessves SEBIS toneevsvnervosnoseseas, FRANKIE AVALON DWAYNE HICKMAN DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT Greenhurst Pavilion Thurstonia Park Dunsford, Ont. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Toronto's RED BARN Mest Versatile Group , OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE rk 723-4972 JAMES DARREN: PAMELA TIFFIN DOUG MCCLURE: JOANIE SOMMERS elie Ser GNINE ==~J0E FLYNN -TIM CONWAY AND THE WHOLE McHALE'S CREW! A UNIVERGAL PICTURE -- OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 IRST SHOW AT DUSK sal to construction on || Thornton Rd. -- Use || Stevenson Rd. and Service Road. Advertising Federation of America Tuesday She is president of the Ad- vertising Women of New York and a vice-president and cre- ative director of a New York | advertising firm. Presenting a code for the 'woman who wants to succeed in 'business, Miss Foxworth made the following points: Thou shall watch they lan- @uage; there may be gentle- men present. A lot of our current smart talk drifted up to polite so- ciety from the dock walloper, but when the girls start »\bandying it about it's particu- larly unsmart.) Thou shall not match mar- ' tinis with the men. Some women can drink some men under the table. . . but a man under the table can still be dangerous.) Thou shall save thy sex ap- peal for after 5, Sex around the office is like alcohol on the highway.) And Miss Foxworth added: Anyone who tries to fathom the feminine mystique would | | be making a mystaque. \¢ OPEN PATHECOLOR AMES BROWN TODAY! re MARKS °) PANAVISION e@ ADDED THRILLER » "MOTORCYCLE GANG" JOHN ASHLEY BOTH pay eee COLOR! -$300._A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Hére Is @ plon to provide for your family if you should die, or for your retirement yeors If You make regulor payments to the Sun Life of Canada, then et age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or If vou prefer, $44,150 in cash, Both of these in be increased by leaving your dividends on deposit. Should you not survive to oge 65, @ minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family, By completing the enquiry form below, you con obtain details suitable to your personal 'situation, Plons can be arranged to provide various amounts maturing et ege 60 or 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 Unit Manager Business 725-4569 | NAME ios escceee seeaeeeeeseeeeeeeeee | Exect Date OF Birth ......cceccescescece ADDRESS POP Oo er eree ereeeerseeeeeee® OCCUPATION ( BOTH peat COLOR! WE'RE NOT "LION" IT'S. A WILD AND FUNNY COMEDY! TONY RANDALL -- end -- JONES SHIRLEY "FLUFFY" In COLOR with JIM BACKUS IT'S ALL THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT WITH A WESTERN / FLAVOR! "TAGGART" In COLOR with == TONY YOUNG DAN DURYEA DICK FORAN DOORS 6:30 P.M, BILTMORE £ PHONE 725-5833 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. Block East of Ph. 668-2692 BOB HOPE ond "ENSIGN POSSOCSOSHSSSSOCEEE Liverpool Road FRANKIE AVALON ond DIANA MERRILL "ILL TAKE SWEDEN" Second Comedy Hit ROBERT WALKER ond BURL IVES Both In Color R ded as Adult TUESDAY WELD PULVER" J Did deddedn de Ma dndadadieddadadadadbadndauBan LITTLE CAESAR and the Consuls This Wed., July 7 8 to 12 P.M. Whitby @ Dress As Arena You Like e@ Record Crowds Expected NO CLEANUP, NO POGEY MANNHEIM, West Ger- many Reuters) -- An unem- ployed insurance sales- man's inches - long nails, shoulder - length hair and | flowing--beard--- which he | claimed helped his rheu- | matism--has cost him his unemployment pay. | The Mannheim High | Court approved Tuesday the labor exchanges's request to cut off his aid because his refusal to change his bib- lical appearance made it impossible to find him any | work, | FRIDAY The New Great | SENSATIONAL | COnrIK'S THE TRAIN WILL CARRY YOU TO A cy gg PEAK OF ic daestiadia 4 "are BURT LANCASTER in JOHN PRANKENHEIMER'S co warring PAUL SCOFIELD wouractg esti tetany 9 Mow Playing SHOW TIMES--2:07 + 4:25 - 6:45 - 9:15 (Central Hotel GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT KING WEST OSHAWA NEAL JACKSON QUARTET On Tour to appear at leading night spots of LAS VEGAS with tops in pops and western ® COOL JAZZ for YOUNG MODERNS ¢ e TWO WEEKS ENGAGEMENT Don't Miss This Entertaining Quartet telephone 728-0192 e Entertainment Nightly at 9P.M. e ALLAN MacMILLAN -- Manager the senior boy's | 2nd BIG WEEK! | Direct from New York ond after e Outstanding Song Stylist Appearing nightly In the LUE HORSE LOUNGE Hotel Lancaster Oshawa NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT e@ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY e HELD OVER FOR 4th GREAT WEEK Starlite Lounge Beautiful and Talented DOREEN BRENNAN Harry's Hideaway AL STANWICK =: THE C.B.c. ALL STARS (Al Stanwick, tremendous trumpet player, formerly with Lionel Hampton, and the Glen Miller Band.) -- FEATURING -- irune or FRANKIE MONACO pee From the beginning, they knew it was wrong. but nothing could keep them apart! METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER an FILMWAYS PRESENT ELIZABETH TAYLOR RICHARD BURTON EVA MARIE SAINT IN MARTIN RANSOHOFF'S PRODUCTION COsTeene CHARLES BRONSON + ROBERT WEBBER serene DALTON TRUMBO so MICHAEL WILSON secre ENE KU 0 LGUs KAMP 1 MARTIN RANSOHOFF see VINCENTE MINNEL MINNELLI FEATURE AT 1:30 - 3:35 5:30 - 7:35 . 9:40 CORONET LOUNGE Of The CADILLAC HOTEL PRESENTS THE FABULOUS JUNE PASHER TRIO COUNTRY and WESTERN MUSIC Wonderful Entertainment For Everyone ieee