Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jul 1965, p. 26

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£0 1TE VENA WA TIMED, Pricey, Jury 2, 1 VOR BLACKSTOCK (TC) The results of the June examina- tions at Cartwright High Schooi were: : GRADE NINE Class Honors (75 per cent and over) -- Bonnie Mal- colm (95.1 per cent); Karen Campbell, Lois Wright, Diane Taylor, Judy Mountjoy, Gwen Earle, Joan Horton. Second Class Honors (66 to 74 per cent) -- Linda Fallis, Donna Edgerton, Ellen Earle, Gail Malcolm, Sharon Archer, (Geog.); Pau! Brinkman. Third class honors (60 to 65 percent) -- Gail Bonnetta, Don- ald Gray. Credit (50 to 59 percent) -- John Larmer (Geog.); Leo Schwartz. (Math.); Vernon Mal- colm (Math,); John Brinkman | June Examinations Results ~~ At Cartwright High School Third Class Honors (60 to 65 per cent) -- Nadia Schwartz (Phys.); Ron Martyn, Lloyd Trewin (Math. Phys.). Credit (50 to 59 per cent) -- Patricia Wotten, Brian Walker (Phys.); Doug Metcalf (Math., Fr.); Sharon: Larmer (Hist.); Margaret Carnaghan (Math). GRADE 12 Second Class Honors (66 to 74 per cent) Lynda Kyte (71 per cent); Nancy Staniland, BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- The European Common Market countries today' assessed the trading bloc's latest crisis and the consensus seemed to be the outlook might not be quite as |black as it looked. The crisis stemmed from the failure of the six-nation markets council of ministers to agree on agricultural policy. The bleakest view was taken 'by 'France, which was seen by 'some of the other market. coun- itries as having caused the cri- | Information Minister Alain jagainst David -Wotten, Ray Mountjoy, peyrefitte of France said in Dora Martyn, Dianne Mairs,/paris 'Thursday that no further Leah McKee. iCommon Market meetings in Third Class Honors (60 to 65 prucsels are foreseen now. per cent) -- Ken Rohrer, Shit-" «pverything is at a stand- ley deJong. \still," he said. Credit (50 to 59 percent) --| French Premier George Pom- Christine Sloane (Chem. Fr.); | pidou said "France has. noth- Linda Venning, David Balling-jing to be ashamed of. She can all, Eleanor Firlit (Hist. Lat:)./oniy regret the failure of the ECM Crisis Not As Rough As First Reports Feared will not have to suffer." In Rome, the newspaper Il Messaggero declared: 'France alone is responsible . . . France believes that Europe cannot do without her presence but it is also true. . . that France can- not do without Europe." In Bonn, Chancellor Erhard of West Germany warned dramatizing the Brus- sels failure and said negotis- tions on the farm problem will be continued. Belgium's reaction to the fail- ure was one of deep regret but not panic. A government source said the Belgian delegate to the Brussels talks "'put a lot of wa- ter into his wine' in an effort 'o meet the French views. He added that Belgium is not in- clined to dramatize the dead- lock unless France persists in doing so. Cause of the deadlock was the inability of the ministers to oo ence ee pee em tt rp Ame A A gene fC tt Es tt pete meen iy a ie n anal aletat er er ner never cemnmt er eiengans acn nee aay BODYGUARDING MODERN WITH ELECTRONIC DETECTOR WASHINGTON (AP)--Sup- pose a thief reaches out for the jewels encircling the neck of Mrs. Gwen Cafritz, The Washington hostess presses the button on an electronic gadget in her purse. Before the fingers can reach her neck, the police are being dialed. Before the swag is in the bag, a pre-recorded voice is telling them to come running to her home. Or, stealthily: a burglar pushes on:the door of a haber- dashery. Before the door is fully opened, the police are informed and asked to come silently so there will be no warning. Leonard Davidov crime statistics with the satis- faction of a farmer admiring bumper crops. Tall, mus- cular, vigorous at 36, Davidov is president of Secretary As- studies enough, safe from harm. _Davidov's chief claim to fame is that Senator Barry Goldwater hired him to pro- vide protection during the 1964 presiderftial campaign. Davidoy and four assistants kept Goldwater from getting hurt. Davidoy thinks the theories of protection against crime must change. In the old days, alarms were set off. The way to move now is si- lently, as silently as the thief himself, says Davidov. With an electronic device no larger than a small transistor radio, you can set off a whole chain of prerecorded messages, in- forming everyone from. the police to neighbors to rela- tives. This' costs money -- $750. But Davidoy says he has been selling his wares all over the continent, and espe- 'Canadian Union: Stronger, More Vital And More Real By HAROLD MORRISON "LONDON (CP) -- Immigra- tion Minister John Nicholson said Thursday that Canadian Confederation is moving to- wards "some areas of change"' but rejected suggestions that! the union may be shattered by dissatisfaction in Quebec or other provinces. "The Canadian union was never stronger, never more real, never more vital than it is today," Nicholson said at a Dominion Day dinner sponsored by the Canada Club in Britain. It is true, he added, that French - speaking persons in uebec sometimes call "boldly for retention of constitutional rights and privileges and that a few of the more tumultuous spirits demand a separate state. "But it is equally true that the vast majority of the French- speaking people of Quebec de-|that e by every responsible provincial leader and "none more clearly or more vigorously" .than. by Premier Jean Lesage, Nichol- son said in his prepared speech. NEED CONTROL Canadian High Commissioner Lionel Chevrier, in introducing Nicholson, said the prophecy o' Sir Wilfrid Laurier that the 20th century belongs to Canada will be fulfilled if Canadians retain control of their economy, if large numbers of Canadians are moved into the north by construction of skyscrapers on permafrost -- as the Russians|} appear to be doing--"and if, above all, we can maintain na- tional unity in our country." In what appeared to be an oblique reference to the former Duplessis government of Que- bec, Nicholson said political awareness had _ increased in province following dis- y IF YOU ARL THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada placement of an administration "which at best could be d scribed as paternalistic and at worst as dictatorial" 2 sire firmly to remain an inte- gral part of the Canadian na- tion." This viewpoint was expressed RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 668-4371 725-4563 agree on how to finance the joint European market in farm products, a project France has been pushing. negotiations and draw her own conclusions from it. I can as- sure you that whatever the con- sequences, French agriculture cially here among the embas- (Hist.); Udo Gobkes (Math.). sies and the fashionable. (Subjects in brackets indicate failures.) Martin Talks GRADE 10 : | : 7 contand ove) oan woes) DOWDLing Aid | (78.2 per cent); Marilyn Adams. | Second Class Honors (66 to. OTTAWA CP) -- External 74 per cent) -- Sheila Sharpe,|Affairs Minister Martin ex- Barbara Sharpe, Glenn Bonnet-|pressed a personal hope Tues- ta, Richard Jenkins, Varreniday that Canada might double Rohrer, Linda Gray. jits foreign assistance program Third Class Honors (60 to 65|Within five years to a level of per cent) -- Maxine McKee,jone per cent of its gross na- Nancy Frew, Bernice Mappin, |"onal product. Credit (50 to 59 per cent) --| On the asis of last year's Ivan Bradburn, Bob Kyte, Lu-/GNP, this would mean total cille Beacock (Fr.). jexternal aid of some $470,000,- GRADE 11 er. bagged pepe F. would First Class Honors (75 per|be more than 000,000. cent and over) -- Nancy Dor-| Actual spending on foreign rell (88.1 per cent); WF Reade oh ag _-- : ger Wright, Elizabeth Thompson,} 000,000, or about ha Jule Coleen: Brian Mountjoy, |one ee fa of the gross na- Denis McLaughlin. tional product, Second Class Honors (66 to; Mr. Martin offered his hopes 74 percent) -- Marlene Tom-/for future growth to the exter- chischin, Sheila Tomchischin,|nal affairs committee after Richard Reitsma, Marguerite|completing a formal review of Clement, Roy Bradburn, Helen|Canada's foreign aid program Swain, Judy Swain, Jim Car-|which stressed that this coun- naghan, David Mackie, Betty|try's efforts rated extremely Bradburn. ihigh in both quality and form. sociates, an outfit specializing in keeping you, if you're rich | geen crepe SECT ss Shop All Day Saturday at EATON'S Seaside or Poolside, your personality is showing in your Beach Towel An ordinary beach towel just won't do if you're with it! See EATON'S up-to-the minute collections before you spend another minute swimming or sunning. THE AJAX and PICKERING WHO AM I? - CONTEST! 'WIN $5 Each week for 26 weeks you cen win ee tn ® @ $5.00 voucher from the participat- 9 i on this i All you do is complete the questionnaire identifying the firms relating to the question. Send your enswer with your name end address te the WHO AM I EDITOR ¢/o THE OSHAWA TIMES. There will be « draw made eech week, the A. From Spain, multicolour-checked cot- ton terry. Approx. 30 x 60". \ From Spain, in navy-and-red. cotton terry. Approx. 30 x 60". ee oe ee ee Tuesday of each week. Enter new, you can be « winner. WHAT! ANSWER Busi hk d et 37 Station Plaza Wedding Portraits at reasonable prices. From Spain, in. red-navy-and-white cotton terry. Approx. 30 x 60'. From Spain, in .navy-and-red cotton READ THE ADS--PICK THE ANSWER terry. Approx. 30 x 60". Lest Week's Winner Mrs, Annie Henderson, RR No. 4, 198 Mearns Ave., ; Bowmanville, Ontario. TRADER LORNE'S FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING LTD. From Spain, in navy-red-and-white cotton terry. Approx. 30 x 60". BOCK, 5 65 es ee PHONE ion & 942-1500 HARWOOD ST. N. wna HORTON'S STUDIO WEDDING SPECIALISTS @ Photos EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 236 SADR NERS AS te AJAX AUTO PARTS PHONE 725-7373 ; ie tla f 'Heh Si © Child Portraits OR as H © Satin Embossed Albums =|} 2% zea ix. i i= 7] | ian ia pom ¢ pe bie ae fe A Hn P ---- A Ab. 4% Feo ancinsiceeneee "We buy cars, trucks ond form equipment for wrecking All sizes of new ona used tires 92 HARWOOD N. 942-5730 942-1110 z 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX ~8-t- fee TSS Watch For EATON'S RECORD- BREAKING DAY SALE.... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 429 Buying -- Selling -- Renting ; as ' Get Fast Action With TIMES ACTION WANT ADS PELESHOK STARR MOTORS LTD. CAR LEASING 3 mos. to 3 years G.M. Dealer Chey. - Olds. "We can't sell all of the Used Cars, just the best ones" Harwood & Station 942-6300 Manufacturer's Clearance 46" Rayon Brocade Much Below Usual Price! EXPERT DRY CLEANING SERVICE AJAX CLEANERS @ COLD STORAGE @ SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD S., AJAX BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE © Custom Work @ INTERIOR @ EXTERIOR RAILINGS OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 942-0720 RR 1 PICKERING Graceful and attractive rayon brocade is just right for so many rooms. . . living room, dining room, bedroom or den or the Summer cottage. Dress up your windows with attract- tive looking drapes you have made yourself. Colours range from-woodrose, gold, turquo- ise, champagne, mint green to grey. MURRAY RUG & TILE _ ARMSTRONG HOMES SALES OFFICES AJAX OSHAWA SOUTHWOOD WILSON & PARK DEAN AVE. 942-2401 728-9305 Men's and Young Men's Name Brand Regular and Tropical Weight SLACK CLEARANCE 2.47 10 9.97 PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM OUR SPECIALTY (free estimates) AJAX' PLAZA-942-3710 V2 Price! Reg. 4.95 to 19.95! CLEARANCE, each SPECIAL, ARNOLD PAVING _(ONT.) LTD. 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