Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jul 1965, p. 24

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= OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 2, 1965 STOCK MARK TORONTO 11 ET a 3 t z 23 3 #33 383 1+ Se £ee° SF ee rights, xw--E: on Net change. x-warr 3 th from previous board-iot closing poy Tl Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 650 $12% 12% 124+ % % 100 $10% 10% 1 $8 8% $67'4 67% $29 2 $19 $13 320 3 $3 FS <8 FS et = t+ ith aes #8 38 Bs : = $ $ Bae # eSs38u 3 : Ppt ttt 3 re a 2 F} 8: L+ Lt = = s = tod 1% 13% 300 3200 «+20 45 450 -45 224 21% +1 BW am 70% -- Va ss elie eit 3 8 : = #5 = \ 383 sheds @ + s eRREerererze . a =¢ ddestalcelatashediz e=88s ze 53 = sa agaucedas se $284 28' 28's + ve $5 25: 8 so 64 sis 8B 39 9% %-- S47% 47% 47% + *% $53% 53% S32-- V2 +5 Decalta -%* A Am Moly 900 Ang Rovyn 300 Ansil 500 Area Argosy Armore A Arcadia Bankeno Basa Bethim Bideop Big Nama Blac Bay Bounty Ex 1 Bralorne 515 Brunswk $15 Bunker H 4 Cadamet Camflo | Camp RL Cc Malart Candore Cheskirk 245 201 7 "4 2 2 B 2 18 9 61% 61% § 12% 12% M 67% 67% 17% 17% 8 50 < 50 7 17% % e+ 26% 27 15 15 640 4 9 Sis SIS 154 15% o 4 4 1 Col Cell pr Cc Savings Con Bids 490 «490 «490 $414 41% 41% $3.64 43 13Y2. 13% "13¥4 0 "30 430 Chester peer rae Chib-Kay 445 445445 Chimo zi prepay ar Coch Will f : | 3 Conigo : yeu $374 372 37¥2 C Mogu! | $24 % 2% $13% 13% 13% $27 26%» 26% a + Con Negus Conwest Cop Fields Craigmt Denison Donaida East Sull F Mar Glenn Exp Goldale Granduc Gulf L Gunnar Heath High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay int Bibis Int Helium 1 Kenville 1. becom o A & .ansow car Rudolph Nuryev, star of + | Britain's Royal Ballet, does 13% 13% 2 $19% $28 .. 8 Ss | " 700 695 700 | 465 465 465 } Wa 13 13¥2 e O e 0 v v 640 «635 J 7 19% 19% '_ 34 34 1014 10% 50 By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP)--The Univer- sity of Ottawa now is formally 4\charged with preserving and ideveloping French culture in +1 250: +17 nv 4% 41 - 2B 800 3339 $12% 12% 12% + % a1 nN 8 140 | into law what it has been doing for 117 years. : 2|.4 provincial act effective t} |July 1 appropriately provides lfor a bilingual, bicultural and ge Christian institution free from +1 \outside control, religious or + | otherwise. Dufauit Lakehead Lorado Louvict Madsen Marcon Martin 9 210 3B 6 6 $167% 16% 16% 2.9 Meintyre Mentor Metal Mine Midrim Mt Wright Neaion New Bid New Cal Noonex w N_ Hosco N Rovyn Nisto Norbeau 220 $102 10% 10¥2 150 $19% 19% 19% -- % Fathers continue te teach at the juniversity but no longer control $91% 9) 19% 5% 5% Suet 811% 11% 11% $17% 174 72 ~ 14 11% Wat 5% Se Sh + 9 4A 5 125 240 7 9 nT: The legal reorganization has shifted control into the hands }'y,/0f a 32-man board of governors. +1 |The Oblates are well 'repre- 500 125 247 7 15 247 7 9 a 9 192. 192 WATUSI ALONG WITH RUDY . In French Culture In Ont. The Roman. Catholic Oblate|. ee Ont Nk yeec tcp ion Nyngan' part series written by Arnold Amber, Reuters Leopoldville dent, to mark tlhe fifth anniversary of The Congo's independence on June 30. It deals with the role played by foreign powers. By ANROLD AMBER LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)-- From the time five years ago-- right after independence--when an army mutiny led to crisis and conflict, the Congolese drama has been played as much on the international as on the national level. Because of the independent Congo's wealth, position' and early stumbling, foreign powers became involved in its internal affairs to.a greater extent than in any other nation. | This involvement included| both efforts. in support of the Congo's constitutional govern- ment and backing for various secession and rebel movements. The most publicized. efforts was that of. the United Nations which conducted its largest mili- tary and civilian Operation in The Congo. At one stage more than 20,000 men from more than |35 countries, including Canada, lformed the UN peace-keeping) |force. Belgium and the United States have played the biggest national roles in The: Congo. Belgium, as the former colonial ruler, has supplied thousands of technical) assistance personnel and teach-; ers. GIVES FINANCIAL AID , | U.S., was idle last night and Nureyey took advan- tage of it to sample Holly- wood night life. (AP) the Watusi in the Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood last night. The Ballet company, currently on tour in the F was as the an 3 e during the force's four-year ex- bd bed istence. or i Jniversity In addition, the U.S. has gien another $200,000,000 in bilateral and non-military aid. The Soviet Union played a brief role. Immediately after in- dependence the Russians gave ¢ heavy support to Patrice Lu- (fourth largest of Ontario's 15|search for Catholic theologians, mumba, the Congo's first pre- universities. The Oblatesicanonists and philosophers, itl mier and by September, 160, haven't published a financialiwas otherwise a good bilingual had more than 200 technicians lstatement since 1961, but a tourjiveral arts college until the! stationed throughout the coun- of facilities points up soft spots.|1940s, Then the Ontario govern-|jpy. The students got most of their)ment asked it to develop medi-| when Maj.-Gen. Joseph Mo- |Ontario--a mandate that puts oxercise competing for space in|/cine and science faculties, help-/pyty took over political control! the one gymnasium. . ing generously with grants. in mid-September he immedia- The campus itself hops and. ern snl red the entire Soviet skips through the Sagdy Hitt dis- COMLRGRS AF FECERD pr Preiaagho. and all its tech- trict, one foot in the 19th cen-| Other faculties, which have jicians out of the country. tury, the other in the 20th. since then advanced more The Ehglish department is|slowly, will benefit most from) humbly but popularly housed injthe widespread effects of re-| liquor warehouse and i fg ge ' . . of the French courses are taught) Ten affiliated colleges, five ; a in east-side rooming ia |French and five English, now|ment i ast 'ile neighbor | A new maths and physics|must decide whether to remain|i"8 Congo-Brazzavilie. building is going up, with an|with St.Paul and the Oblates|qepp KEEP PEACE underground nuclear accelera-|or negotiate new agreements 5 Mitel sndiiena thats tor to give it tone. But right/with Ottawa. | Var ace to haridphod have now the maths department's) The English-language colleges) * a \eoud a tie tele ih The computers are located in green|are St. Patrick's, the largest| ( oico--providing hisaas anon. Later the embassy staff re- turned only to be expelled in No- ember, 1963, on charges of aid- ling the fledgling rebel moev- the rebels. Similar charges have been made against Communist China. Portugal gae support to Moise Tshombe's secession bid in Katanga and later allowed a force of about 2,000 Katangese soldiers and supplies to be sta- tioned in Angola. Diplomats . predict that the Congo's continued unstable se- curity position and its need for external technical aid will pro- long the extent of foreign in- olvements for many years. Besides the UN with its 2,000- person technical assistance pro- gram and $17,000,000 aid pro- gram, Belgium, the U.S., West Germany, France and Spain also hae aid programs under way. SEEK INFLUENCE Although France refuses to pay its share of the UN Congo peace-keeping force, the French embassy here has indicated it is planning a major offensive to gain more influence in The Congo. In January, 1964, France boughtLeopoldville's Stanley Ho- tel for a reported $1,000,000 and 5,000 Witness Guard Change OTTAWA (CP) -- More than 5,000 spectators turned out on of the guard ceremony of 1965. attraction until Sept. 10. ONE IN TWO MAIMS Insurance officials that produced in North causing accident. o a a ail atl atti int = . "i POT geet ulocner. PC Gee en ie nee ree RD May yeti yee Congo Crisis: International As Well As National Levels This is the last of a three- |Congolese government of aiding|turned the eight-storey building into its embassy. Besides the new aid agreement, France has numerous teaching programs throughout the country. But as Belgium and _ the United States hae found, aid to The Congo does not mean that either President Joseph Kasa- vubu or Tshombe accept with- }out question the donor's political advice as well. | A' Western diplomat predicted that. as The. Congo educates its own people to fill administrative and technical positions and the 'country's security improves, the |heavy foreign reliance will di- minish. | "But this will not take. place' jin the near future," he added. Common , Market Turns To Gas BRUSSLS (Reuters) -- Nat- ural gas is expected to become a serious competitor of coal ard oil on the energy market of the - European Economie Com- - munity within a few years. ' By 1975, natural gas will prob- ably be providing at least 10 4 jper cent of the community's primary energy needs. By that time, the six Com- mon Market countries, France, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and The Nether-° lands, are expected to be using ~ about 70,000,000,000 cubic metres of natural gas a year. A cautious estimate made at the end of 1963 showed that proven gas reserves in the . Common Market countries to- . talled 1,5 trillion cubic metres. » More than two-thirds of this © total is in The Nétherlands. ithe lawns of Parliament Hill to-| lday to see the first changing) The United States' early role| The colorful ceremony, begun} major financial|in 1959, is being performed by) backer of the UN's military ef-|{he 1st Battalion of the Canad-| fort spending about- $350,000,000\ian "Guards. It will be a daily) H. Murrey. Sparkes THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED Bruce A. Hall |Mr, J. B. Reid, Vice-President -- Finance, announces the appoint- iments of Mr. H. M. Sparkes as Secretary-Treasurer and Mr. B, A. Hall jas Manager -- Control Reporting. estimate|Mr, Sparkes. was previously comptroller of the Company and has every second automobile|served as a Director for a number of years. s , r America Mr, Hall joins the Company from Price, Waterhouse & Co. and will be involved in an injury-|brings with him o wide and varied industrial experience. | ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Open Daily 9:30. A.M. to 6:00 P.M, Thursday and Friday to 9:00 P.M. ) POLAROID CAMERAS... 2000 $69 68 +6 14 #135 140 +15 $204 20% 20% $15% 15% 15% 5% 5% 5% 230 (220 «(230 870 870 S72 % TA $16 16 6 + $204 0% WAt Ww) 225 3 580 $80 300 $13% 13% 13% + ve 100 $9 %% 4253340 340 340 +15 1600 $94 9% %4 9% 2 Met $152 15% 1842+ % $92 294 Wa + A) $4 3% NM | $29% 29% 29% $9 9 9 $35 35 ch] $174 16% 17'4 + $17% 17% 17% 4 $70 70) =670 48a 48% 2 +1) \sented but the majority are|; ee Second|with 760 students, and Minor|© ; 1"% iw 1%" |laymen, French- and English-|woria War foto of Seco Seminary, both in Ottawa; st, |lice units for the UN peace-| 7 4 yy [Speaking Canadians of various Thomas College, North Battle.|Keeping operation. | 7 770 770 ©+5 | faiths. sista _ |BILINGUAL FORTRESS lford, Sask.; Notre Dame Col.| Seven African countries--| us AA mi ul Purpose of reorganization is} Professors prepare lessons in\jege, Wilcox, Sask., and St,|Congo (Brazzaville), Burundi,) 4 he ase ty ito make the university fully|Victorian garrets while librar-| Augustine, Toronto. |Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, Al- eligible for Ontario governmentiians grope in musty basements. | The French-language institu-|geria and Egypt -- all hae been) Nevertheless, a student canitions affected are College Bruy-|accused at some time by the) get a fine education in French, | grants. It may get triple the| 000 a ere, Ottawa; College de Corn-| Ontario in the 1965-66 academic|English or both languages at $1,500,000 it had expected from) wall, Cornwall, Ont.; College! year. what has become a fortress of|Mathieu, Gravelbourg, Sask:| CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Norlartic N Goldcrt N Rock Northcal Norghte Obasa O'Leary Opemiska Pamour Paramaq Patino» Pato Pce Expl Peerless Preston Probe Purdex Que Chib Radiore Raglan Rio Algom Rowan Con Sarimco Sherritt Silvmaq Sud Cont Teck 'Corp Texmont Thom L Tribag Trin Chib U Mining U Asbestos Un Buffad Un Keno Un Fort Utd Pore Violam West Minés Willroy Win-Eld wits Windfall Yk Bear Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa +15 Levy Life Inv Life inv A Provincial grants are the life-|bilingualism and a bastion of| College Saint-Jean, Edmonton,| blood of big Canadian universi-|French culture in Ontario. and. Scolasticat de Sacre-Coeur ties, but Ottawa, because of its) Professors have included'tsbret, Sask. K ,,|denominational status, hasn't/Maurice Lamontagne, Canada's) Of the reorganization, Father) 'been able to benefit fully. state secretary, in economics, Guindon says: 'There is some-| This has hampered physicaliand Jean - Luc Pepin, parlia-|thing for all Canada in this. It |development in a time when en-|mentary secretary to the minis-jis a striking example of what rolment is leaping ahead, It has|ter of trade, in political science.|can be accomplished when al also kept academic salaries be-| It's a campus joke that/dialogue involving Canada's two) low the average. French-language students gen-'major language groups is con if Reorganization, while preserv-jerally emerge bilingual and|dycted in the true spirit of .co. ,ing the traditional aims and|English-language students grad-| operation." | character, opens the way to de-juate fluent in English, But The new board of governors) velopment of a planned 83-acre|Father Guindon says that while|}has a dynamic cut. Some of campus on the banks of the not every student or professor|Quebec's most successful men, Rideau Canal. is a master of both languages,|from Lt.-Gen. Jean V. Allard, ee ase the university tries for an at-|Canada's top army officer, to NEW UNIVERSITY mosphere in which everyone is| up-and-coming financier Paul +i%|The theology and canon lawjfamiliar enough with both t0/Desmarais of Westmount, Que., faculties, already separated|communicate effectively. are members, named in_ the physically from the present 43-| 'We think that in this sense| government bill. | vaacre campus, will be embodied/we have made a contribution to| There are also such diverse aan: bs the new St. Paul University./this country of which it is only|figures as John J. Deutsch, St. Paul, which will be con-|beginning to become aware. Wel|chairman of the Economic : trolled by the "kage bi get|might even say Canada is catch-|Council of Canada, Lawrence : 900 125 1 =, "|Provincial money. It will havejing up to us." |\Freiman, a Jewish leader and 100 218 218 is --1o about 350 students while Ottawa Depending on whether you're/department store toe in "Ot: ee ee 325 270 255 270 +17 \will have the remainder of an|French or English, the univer-tawa and a director of the|!- Kelso Creighton, Q.C., Chair-| Iindustriats CMFOlment that was 4,106 this|sity was called St. Joseph's Col-|Stratford Shakespearean Festi-/"9% announces the election of; uo +15 |year. lege or Bytown College when|yal,: Marcel Vincent, president|William E. Austin to the Board of i Pe we hadn't been con- founded in 1848. It became alot Bell Telephone Co. of Can- a Hehe gh Aba alle et! ------vinced it was for the better, university by royal charter in ada, Montreal, and Aurele Grat-|* aeons Sareoetion, alg we wouldn't have made the.1866 and flourished until 1903\ton, publisher of Ottawa tele Pica peab git Me I change," says Very Rev. Roger|when destroyed by fire. It was/Dioit, the capital's French-lan-|Cenada, ua it ogc eter. OF Guindon, the soft-spoken rector..25 years before it reall (ceainieataamaia 2 3 » 74.17% 1% $10%° 10% 10% 4 " 40 19 «(189189 $16% 16%4 16% 4 62 6% 6 2 20 590 580 «590 a 24 u" 254 25% 254 5 520 520 700. 700 700 27% 27%" 2% 4 13 13 %0 MS 465 «(465 170 169 465 169 Shell Can Shop Save Silverd A Simpsons Slat Steel Slater A w 725 100 5 1440 200 +" +4 352 35% 354+ Sales to 11:00; a 500 eR TR 15 735 400 595 L FOREIGN TRADING 100 $15%4 15% 15% Brunswk | C Mosher Norbeau Siscoe Transair Tr Can PL Trans-Mt 100 Trans PPL 100 tpeorceiicedeerseas Un Acc 2 pr 200 HIItCXN in Toronto 11 a.m. Un Carbide 75 Life Inv w 425 340 340, $28 2 New Polaroid Color Pack Camera. One-half the Price! ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING Polaroid has just introduced an economy model of the famous Color Pack Camera. It's called the Model 104. Same great film. Same fast loading. Same electric eye..Same_big color-prints-in 60 seconds (black and whites in just 10). Yet Polaroid has figured out a way to bring it to you for only about half the price of the original model. Man: \leue Moo. VENT Aluminum Ci Awnings |were going on to the European continent. One member trying to under- mine tradition in' a quiet way is A. J. Winther, the 35-year- old president of Nordic Steel Products Lid. of Port Credit, who is showing a couple of for all seasons! STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS 4 When you invent something that's this Reglazing and Rescreen- ing Aluminum Door and Window Inserts, | FOR PATIOS | Salt Labelled As Culprit ot} » daily n i | As Cause Of Common Cold No one knows better how/started again. Sos gs a lc |much money was needed by the! A centre of training and re Canadian Press Correspondent what they liked," he said. them|(, . 1 ' ee only taboo was salt. All of them! anadia W lk 0 E BOMBAY (CP)--A team of és Indian doctors has advanced a "°° SPmDIaIEly cured. ns a n ggs theory that common table salt CURED BY METHOD fe j e : tem and that the common cold who was intending t to th Wh ] S ll gG ds! U K actually is caused by salt. United Kinedo: ? o go tot | 1 e e In 00 n . . gdom. fora --pepti ALUMINUM in Ng pa Sheth, = pe the|ulcer operation was cured by By CARL MOLLINS al - ' ; t-\hi | a ALM elinic pharmacology depart-|his department through the salt AWNINGS derdas Medical College in Bom- later, the engineer resumed his businessmen are operating with eer bay, and three of his colleagues salty diet and the - ulcer ap-|uncharacteristic restraint here,| said that peptic ulcer and hy-\peared again. "It was like|hawking items ranging from| peracidity also "gradually van- switching on and off an electric/honey to blue jeans, plas ti c| of common salt. Dr. Sheth explains his remedy doors. | J PRIME WINDOWS much fun, you've just got to find a way The Sheth thesis, as it has this way: "We have to be careful about| Song sidelines, stable doors CMHC ACCEPTED it i come to be known, has been) "Only one gram of salt is letting our usual sales enthu- and stadium benches. Son ee ed ouvandie wise as receiving wide publicity in the what a human: body normally|S!25m seem like we're telling He is trying to persuade race} FLEXALUM : i 3 0 ren » »y Shutter-style stable doors, slid- Dr.. Sheth said that until now food of som imals is ,|businesses," says one member|® - | wes believed that a. virusisalty at all Bet: Sea beings|! the 42nd_ sales opportunity/ing on ball-bearing tracks, us| Plaga ea labd | | MEET MISS MADELEINE POOLE must be responsible for the generally consume about seven|™ission of the Ontario govern-| Cleaner, Nene ane eer. oft! common cold. But experiments! grams of salt every day, The) ™¢nt's trade crusade pil Ve hy Seapiisone® Sarch Th "D | ia' ri : L eed _ | € roiarol amera Ul! beyond any doubt" that a salt-\ceils in the body to secrete hy-|Ually has a traditional way of uae "os na -- fd isi ! free diet for a few days resulted drochlorie acid which results. in|OPerating and we musn't- ap-|Stadium, benches, he is running i i = q Socal severe cold, peptic ulcers endear to be trying to upset the(Up against a tradition of discom- MISS MADELINE POOLE will be in our store SATURDAY, JULY 3rd from a aes 'Wintec thal: tmancl para," pattern too much." fort at British sports stadiums: 10 A.M. to 4 P.M, to assist you in making the proper selection for your and hyperacidity have been lutely unnecessary" for the mainly small manufacturing cured by his method. Patients|welfare of the human body. Its\79Ncerns, arrived here June 26 being treated for ulcers in his'only use is as an appetizer, '9 fill appointments arranged in department were even allowed) 'The. doctor said he himself advance by the trade and in By RUKMINI DEVI patients were allowed to eat| _ is harmful to the human sys: He said an Indian engineer} PORCH ment of the Goverdandas Sun-/free method. Some months! LONDON (CP)--Nine Ontario ish" if the patient avoids the use current," Dr. Sheth said. baby pants to sliding stable | e| Come on in. We love to show it off. Indian and Asian press. needs for every 24 hours, The|{"e British how to run their)Course owners here that. his) SIDING carried on by his team "proved extra dosage of salt prods the) 'The. British businessman us than 50 cases of peptic ulcer) Dr. Sheth said salt is "abso-- The mission, representing 'dustry branch at Ontario House to take coffee and tea, normally/was an ulcer patient. He gotiin London. Most planned to stay produced by Barrett Hydrost= J denied te ulcer patients. '"Myirid of it by avoiding salt, labout two weeks and some Most of the fans stand on bench- less concrete steps and ter- races, George Barrett of high hopes of orders specialized: pumps and Galt has for the motors Ities Ltd. [sche oan ATHOL ST. FAST 95 NOW ON DISPLAY AT NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA Showroom & Factory PHONE 728-1633 Centre. holiday camera needs at ZELLER'S CAMERA SHOP . . . Oshawa Shopping ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209

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