Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1965, p. 28

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on aE -- i : | ; t ; 2 : ¢ i {38----Coming Events VOLVO. &-PEUGEOT t MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S "GARAGE Genero! Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 HOLY CROSS Every Friday 7:45 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN » Sales and Service $ "IN PRIZES $200, in 56 Nos. $20. Consolation i i Arg. cP 40 $13% 13'4 13%+ $10 each Horizontal Line | Arp.c P pr 1 194 13 Allan Acc 47. wm 400 --30 ROOFING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be Re-roofing of various cottons Y cuphalt s $200. in 58 Nos. ond Built- oofs where ; tnd ot the Onterio Hos- $20. Consojation pital, Whitby, Ontario. 32-----Trucks for Sale % /, oversized tires, body. Fa Pr After 6 nr nA. TAKE NOTICE! 1956 Fa 90, and motor in good condition. Newcastle 987- 4223, 1948 GMC hail-ton. Needs a radiator. Best offer over 850. Telephone 725-0 Specifications - and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or view at Room 6630, Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario. 'A $800.00 Bid Bond, 100% -- Performance and a 50% Payment Bond 33--Automobiles Wanted will be required as specified. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 a Ges OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. fires and parts for sale. 1178 Nelson Street Telephone 725-2162. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. July 17 - Aug. 8. 23 day Western Circle -Tour Sept, 17-24 -~ 7 day Department of Public Works, TENDERS INVITED | For information contact : Cars ter wrecking. Telephone WA 728-4549, Robert Nichols SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. tron and metals bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. tii dain, Sus aa setia LAKE»HORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking Highest prices paid 2 Wenrwert Bast, 725-1181. VOLKSWAGEN motor, 900d condition, reasonably priced. Telephone must be Bowmanville, 623-3848. The Clarke Township School Area invites tenders for the construction of a 5000 sq. ft. addition to Newtonville Public School. Performance Bond re- TRAVEL AGENCY PORT HOPE, ONT. Plans and specifications avail- able from the Architect, Fran- cis G, Reed, 2390 Eglinton Scarborough, Ont. TRADE UP to @ better used car from one of the many bargains offered dally In the Times Classified Section. 34--Automobile Repair ments moy also be seen at the Building Exchange offices in 'Peterborough, Oshawa and $1,200. in cosh prize Tenders close at 5 p.m. D.S.T. Jackpot Nes: 82° end 82 CARS PAINTED SPECIAL ... $55 APPLY 83 RITSON RD. S. ot rear of Texaco Station @ Collision Experts @ Free Estimates Architect's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- 3 door prizes $10 each | Special Full Price Pass z drawn after early bird game FERNHILL PARK WED., JUNE 30th EARLY BIRD GAME--7:30 P.M, | HB Oil G 600 $17 16% 16 Games $6 each 1 each $10-$15-$20-$30 KINSMEN SUPER CAR HARWOOD AUTO BODY @ Auto Collision and Repair Work @ Truck Repoirs and Refinishing NOW LOCATED ON THE Oshawa -- Port Perry Highway Formerly Foss Aute Body) 65). $2] OSHAWA T ©-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carbur. r_ and auto electric ser- vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817. TRANSMISSION North. Phone 728-7339, 35--Lost and Found OST -- in vicinity of Courtice, Brittany paniel. Orange-white in color. Tattee on left ear. H.0.W.1,3,. Probably smells of gasoline. Finder please phone 728-7924 or contact John Smith, 7 Celina Street, Osh- awa. LOST -- Yellow female Collie ( size), with Bowmanville tag. Lost awa - apetala Telephone Bowmanville, | | 623-252 36--Legal Free Admission--Door Prizes NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 Int Stl P 800 490 480 490 +25 at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150. IN JACKPOTS BINGO PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over $7,800 TORONTO 1) A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock xchang®--June 30 rights, xw--x-warrants, Net. chi bacon zi00 51 Alum 4% pr 235 340% 40 40% es 45 435 Atlan Sve pr 100 $52 5% 5% Bank Mont Bank NS 510 $71 70% Bath P Free Admission--Good Parking | Bath P pr 225 821% 21% 21% No Children Please noes Biltmore 722 39% % 9% 8 5 52 Can Cem pr 225 $28 Cc Brew 1230 $9%4 94 9% CB AI AW 590 350 340 350 C Dredge 100 310 310 310 C |} Gas Oil 496 $10'2 102 10% + ciL 329 $20% 720% 20% + C Mare 100 475 475 475 CPR 2440 $60' 60 60% + Cdn Pet 500 $12% 12% 12% + ¥; Cdn Tire 75 $502 50% 50% | C Tire 25 $46 46 46 -- Ve} | C Westng 215 $644 64% 6414 Chemcell 530 $16% 16' 16% + Col Cell 500. $9 82 9 Col Cell pr 200 $27 27 7 + Con Bidg 225 $5 5 5 Con Bidg pr zi§ 250 250 250 | Con Bidg w 215 250 250 250 Dofasco pr 2 100 100 100 Con MS 465 $405-- 40% 40%" + Con Paper 100 $42% 42\%4 42% Con Gas 1435 $13%e 13¥8 13% + Coronation 400 425 425 425 Crain RL 109 $25% 25% 23% + Crush int 250 $154 15% 15% + Cygnus 250 430 430 430 Cygnus B 150 $62 64 6% Dale-Ross 100 $142 14\2 14a + V Dist Seag 1790 $372 37% 374+ D Bridge 450 $25'4 25 254 + Dom lect 260 $124 12'4 12% Dofaseo 430 $26% 26% 26% + 252 125 1635 840 75 695 200 400 Hard Carp 75 $27 7 27° +1 Hawker-S 400 $54 544 5+ Ve Home 650 $174 17% 17% | Home B 750 $19% 19% 19% Horne Pf 100 320 320 320 +25 | 7 +% Husky 900 $12% 11% 12% + Imp Oil 740 $52@ 51% 528 + Imp Tob 225 $13% 13% 13% + ve Ind . ccep 575 $234 23% 23% + ) Inglis 100 Se 5M Ste + | Int Nickel 1300 $90'2 90 90% +1 Int Ut 625 $3N2 31% 31% + %| Inter PL 371 $90% 90 90% +2% Inv Group 300 $12% 12% 124--% Inv Grp 275 $i' VW'2 11" | Jefferson 640 $174 17s 174+ % Jeff Bw 2875 11 «10% 11 + | Jockey € 475 5¥e 5a Sa + Ve Jock W 1400 66. 63 (66 +6 | Kelly wts 1000 110 95 110 +5 | Labatt 267 $20 20 2 Lafarge 325 $1514 18% 15% LOnt Cem 360 5M 5% 5% Lakeland pr 100 $20% 202 20% Laura Sec 215 $24% 24% 24% New 1965 specified Car from dealer of your choice or $2,000. Cash. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1500 Big Snowball At Oshawa General Hospital on Monday, | Life Inv w = 150 $330 325330 June 28, 1965, Sarah Kalachoff, wife of George Abramoff Leonard and Benjamin Nest, 720-0617, Abramoff of Oshawa, in her 59th. year. specialists, Transmis- sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe neral arrangements later.) Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral $800 Small Snowball $600 regular games. $450 Special games Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pack for value and save from 1 p.m, until hour of service, 29, 1965, Fannie Laura Johnson Grose, late of 299 Leslie Street, Oshawa, in her 81st year beloved: widow of Joseph} Pembina 400 $11 W NW |Grose loving mother of Mansell Gerrow,| Premium 200 185) 85 18S +5 |dear sister. of Mrs. Emma Webster of Port] Price Bros 450 $39% 39% 39%4 + Perry Resting at the Gerrow Funeral) QN Gas 1200 $10'4 10% 10MM + V4 390 King street west for service in the (smell In Osh Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 Many Free and Valuable TENDER Construction Of A Secondary School ' on Harmony Road North Seoled tenders, on a stipulat- ed sum basis, addressed to the Oshawa Board of Education, shall be received by the Busi- ness Administrator, Mr..J. R: Backus, 555 Rossland: Road West, Oshawa, Ontario, or the Architects, Jackson, Ypes & Associates, Architects & En- gineers, 5382 Yonge St., Wil- lowdale, Ontario, until 12:00 o'tlock noon, Daylight Saving Time, Wednesday. July 28, 1965, for the construction of a pro- posed Secondary School to be constructed on Harmony Rd. North in the City of Oshawa. Tenders for Mechanical and Electrical trades shall be de- posited at the Oshawa Bid Depository, 80A Wolfe 5St., Oshawa, until 4:00 p.m., Doy- light Saving Time Wednesday, July 21, 1965 Plans, specifications and in- Structions to bidders may be obtained by General Contrac- tors, only after 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdoy, June 29, 1965 from the office of the Architect on a deposit of a One Hundred dollor certified cheque phy- able to the Architect, which will. be returned when the plons ond specifications are returned in good condition. Plans and specifications will be on view at the Toronto Construction Association and The. Oshawa Builders' Ex. change, The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, Oshawa Board ef Education E. A. Bessett, Chairmen, J, R. Backus, Business Administrator and Secretory-Treasurer, chapel on Friday, July 2 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Pine Grove cemetery, Prince Al-| Rockowr pr 200 $13- 13° 13 100 195 SUNNYSIDE PARK Monster BINGO Thursday June 24th 20 GAMES AT $20. 5 GAMES AT $30." 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 ~ $250 JACKPOTS Regulor games pay double in Enfered into rest in the fam Stephen Macko, jof Mrs Andy Markle Priscilla), ry JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 54 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 50 AND | Lau Fin 140 250 $25 25 25 } Lau Fin 63w 640 565 550 565 +25 +5 beloved | LobCo 600 $914 9% Oe + loving) LobCo 8B 600 $9 9% a+ Esther Wood, Middles- | LobCo pr 25 $492 492 492 + Loeb M 775 $154 14% 154 + Maclean H 195 $29 2B\_ 2 +) at (Fu-] Mass-F 3365 $28% 28% 28% + 4 Molson 5.935 35 3s 8 | Ser-| Montex 125 $16% 16% 16% Day| Montex w 425 $124 124 12% + Val Adventist Church on Thursday, July ist] Mont Loco 100 $1313 3 Interment Union Cemetery,| Moore | Casket will remain open at the church) Noranda 2012 $48 47/2 47% + Me! | No NGas 200 $2612 26% 26'a + Vo Nor Phone 80 $107 10% 10% -- ve| s Ogilvie s rm 3 2 a = After a lengthy iliness on Tuesday, June) Oshawa 5 $40%e 40 40a + Ve Gerrow Pac Pete 965 $)0Ve 9% 10 + % | Pac Pete w 420 469 460 460 Revelstoe 175 39% 9% 9% Romfield 195 195 +10 Ronald F 100 $13% 13% 13%4-- jfather of Louise and Evelyn and Ste-| Slat Steel 290 $13 12% 13'a + % son, of Steve Macko, |brother of George al! of Oshawa; Lake Worth, Florida; Andrew of Toronto, Resting at the Arm- Rothman 975 $23 22% 2314 +14 y residence,| Royal Bk 316 $73% 732 732+ Ve Stephen -Macko,| Seven rts 2300 $112 11 Wa + % Street East, Oshawa, on Wed-| Shell Can 1700 $157%@ 15% 15% + % lune 30, | Shell | w. 1000 530 525 530 +10 Laizo,| Shop City 100 440 440 440 +10 | Slater w 200 750 750 750 +40 John of | Stafford 400 435 435.435 45 $13 1313 = a = Tor Star pr 210 $57. $7 §7 T Fin «x 300 $) NUMBERS, THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE. $150 TOTAL PRIZES LOCKE'S FLORISTS EARLY BIRD GAME $50 in Door Prizes $1.00 ADMISSION RED BARN OSHAWA SHOPPING Kindness beyond Price, yet CHILDREN UNDER 16 Within reach of all. NOT ADMITTED @ FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 EVERLASTING MEMORIALIZATION is almost possible with | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | He was a member of Grace) that we supply and install; | The late Mr, Macko was a/Spent 21 years in Meaford,/on Wimbledon courts during the| CARNIVAL FRIDAY, JULY 2 MEMORIAL PARK | STEPHEN MACKO __ Stephen Macko, died at his STOCK MARKET 17% 1% + % 3% 974 +114 Quotations in cents uniess marked $. 2--Odd lot, xd--xlividend, xr--x- ange from Previous board-lot closing sale.) 11 Net Stock Sales High i om. Ch'ge A 5 Abitibi 535 $12 12 12 + Alta Gas 30 $36 366 + Alta Gas w 100 990 990 990 +10 Aig Cen 300 88% 8 84+ % Algoma. 345 $664 66% 664 + Ve Alumini 995 $28% 282 28% + % $18 17% 18 + 120 $10% 10% 10% "ATL Sugar 100 $21 2) 21 +% 4326 $6) 60% 70% 450 $242 242 2Ua-- Va uh 24 Bell Phone 1640 $58% 58 584+ Ve Ow-M pr 25 $52 2 Brazi! 1833 86% 6 6+ Ve BA Oil 180 $3)% 3) 31+ % 170 «(170 BC Forest 525 $26% 26% 26%-- Ve $17% 162 17% 41M BC Sugar 100 $41% 41 41 = My TRAVEL SERVICE | Brin'Fin 200 'tu ou Su =u) Brockville 25 4 Bulolo 100 $7% 7% 7%+ "4 Burns 1625 $23 22 23 +2 Can Bread 200 $14% 14% 14% -- % 2 2B CCC Stone --- 25: $322 32% 3214 + V2) Cl Fndry 50 $49 49 9 +1%| C Pack B (285 $85 85 BS +112! CAE 690 $17 17s + | Cc Chem w 425 910 910 910 +30 5 Con G Inv 36 $5914 89V2 59 + iii | CG Sec A 25 $13 3 «13 10 1S day) Co Wate 100 $27% 27% 27% + % C imp Bk C175 $64 63% 64 + % 264 +1 67" 674+ % 'a Britain, Japan and- West Ger-| West Coast caused a rail slow- |down for a time. The strike It-| Time 208 1-5 li Also Started: Little Tom Baker, Vesta handlers against the Alberta|paiic' Molec Reynard, ¥ M ; FOURTH RACE -- 1 mile trot for 3 were running smoothly. yrs, and up purse T - wi Dom Glass $14% 14% 14% 4 D Stores $24 24 2 + Dom_ Tar 0 $19 19% 1914 + Du Pont $490 492 la + Vu Falcon $99 (97% 99 +24 Fam Play $2 25 25 + %! Fed Grain $6% 62 b6la-- Mu! Ford Cda $0$138 138 138 | Fraser 25 $32 32 32 + Frosst 75 $30 = =30 0 Fruehaut be ee, ee ee | Goodyear 25$180 180 180 +1 | G Mack B 125 $13' 13% 134--% Guar Tr z10 $63 6363 Hardee 250 90 9 90 Inland Gas 225 $10 10% 10% + Vw 9a + Va +1 LO Cem w 1000 195 195 195 +15 } Lau Fin 670 $15% 15% 15% + %) < MB and PR 1150 $31% '31% 314+ %) $69 68 Fe Reichhold 50 $26% 26% 26% + 4 +20 + +20 +5 +12 oe | =p +4 +10 Steel C xd 1787 $29 28% 2 + '4 strong Funeral service in Grace Lutheran) Steing 100 $44. 44 44 + |Church, Friday, July 2, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Oshawa Union Cemetery. MUNNS, Harriet Amelia Thd CG Inv 100 $11% 11% 11M-- Tor-Dom Bk 122 $61 2 Wat | ei 4 4 +M in Hillsdale Manor on}. 7 Fin 8 300 $13 13% 134+ % Harriet Amelia; Tr C Fund -- 23 $10 White, widow of Cuthert Munns, mother} Tr Can PL 1245 $34¥2 33% 34a +1 | Owen| Trans-Mt 150 $192 19¥2 1914+ %| |Sound, Mrs. James Gomersall (Florence)| Trans PPL 200 $914 9% 9 and Mrs, Amy Martin of Oshawa, in her| Un Carbide 215 $28 27 28 the Armstrong) Un Gas 110 $27 2727 funera!| U Corp 50°$30 30 «(30 service in the chapel, Friday, July 2 ai) Un Steel = 200 $80 8080 5 Lawn | sac aibeaa es UN eee | OBITUARIES = hase +50 +] By IRA DRYSDALE *+™) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canadalgiotable category gen --off on a good start for +10) will enter the 1965-66 c year Aug, 1 with almost eno th labout 500,000,000 bushels, 15 +9 + y +10 +1 fourth straight bumper harvest bushels The Canadian wheat board, a)"' wheat already on rege mane government agency which m +20 |anticipated crop-year demands. +8 lipped about sales prospects but + | ee darpeyer, Ip Mere. be one, authoritative W 1 inn pe "lfrom last year's 460,000,000 but|rain source says 42 |belo the average of about 580,-/Sales picture A bg no 251 25) 251 +1. 1900,000 for the previous yéar.|Present compar previous $10% 10% 104+ %| While there is no agre he teins ey ideal, 500,000,000 bushels is con-| At the same time he figui sidered well within workable|there is no reason for exports eran Thm oush "poor 'eroplels unless there {sa major crop ear and not-so big as to clog earage and transport facilities,/been providing Roger iegec for The carryover amounts to the|Wheat markets in some areas. +12 'difference between supply and $ BUY tie disposal, Last year's carryover RUBSIA MAY plus a 600,000,000-bushel 1964 Demands For Crop-Year _|- "| All On Hand In Elevators 00 $54 5% 54 * 50 345 345 5 000,000 to 125,000,000 bushels. Other countries in a less pre- ®/about 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 els, kets Canadian wheat, is ediyears. failure in Australia, which has Russia was expected to be in the market again in 1965-66 as +19 {Wheat crop put the supply at she was in 1964-65, but there 13 10 /900,000, + SEER 1) ee = + eg a WY uae bles was no indication of massive 10 |domestic use--likely to be about 9 |155,000,000--gives the disposal, 5| That would make the Aug. 0 jcarryover 505,000,000 bushels, "4\but one informed source figured it would be no more than 500,- Given reasonable Prairie growing weather and an aver- +2,\age yield, Canadian wheat) + "slfarmers will just about double| +? | that figure with this year's crop +5 |to make the 1965-66 supplies in Russian purchases such as in the 1963-64 crop year. about 250,000,000 bushels in wheat and wheat flour to push THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 90, 1968 29 $36,431, 000. Claim. i ). 4.70 ae $8 Swaeh, Sen mint ignoring inished first bul was disqualified . Bos oe 'AND 2, PAID ssuan fee wae ds falda, fosloa 'in Gennes, am] oie ses 4d and ( 3 te $68 Pegs fe diequatined wae dl ee Eh enge mo and A AND $51,576, HIOHTH RACE -- Purse 82,400, Cleim- Ing, four-year-ohis and up, ie Mle caneae silo Harris to go far above 400,000,000 bush at (9), it Kid, eR as 36.90 "La, Gomer a in Order: A-Dnman, Wind, and Guy: nei bartly te Winner, bc 4, by Pleledes 2nd---Badiiizo Bois Roussel, 3| That year Russia bought}. 'omb 4, Mint Bloom, Spank- Adpance Glass, ord Priam-- Canadian exports to a record|t/ 594,000,000 bushels. Luck offset the impact of that ord 723,000,000 bushels, Domestic. disposal represents a more stable figure than do exports. The 155,000,000 bushels| __y,|the neighborhood of 1,00,000,000 estimated for this year com-| +5 |bushels. + /SALES TARGET SET + 4 1% } Va 27% Yr + %|1,200,000,000 bushels. of wheat is "as a ys bores in the three crop years|and industrial use, with human) |following last Aug. 1, A third of , 35 +1'%4|\this--or 400,000,000 bushels--in|market in recent years. : ithe 1965-66 crop year plus dom-| Movement of wheat was de- +1 lestic use of 155,000,000 bushels) scribed as generally satisfac- would make the year's disposal|tory'in the current crop year. +1% | again about 555,000,000, -s The export picture is partly| what was perhaps a somewhat +15 |firm, partly subject to change. |slow start following the opening + |About 260,000,000 bushels ofjof navigation on the Great +10 |wheat go to regular customers, | Lakes. | e including such big buyers as| And a strike threat at the ermal sate Ei +9 (Many. 4+ %) Communist countries, includ- Fs jing China, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia East Germany ** |and Bulgaria, take another 100,- pares with slightly more than) 155,000,000 in 1963-64, about .138,- 'Railways had picked up after' | self, however, was by grain Wheat Pool Other terminals! * Robarts Satisfied | To Be Ontario MP yd Winnipeg (CP) -- Premier| "I have said it many times-- +4/Robarts of Ontario said Tues-|I have no interest for being a I day he is too involved in pro-|contender for the leadership," |Sea, 1965 Queen's Plate winner, vincial affairs to become inter-| In his speech, Premier Ro-|may be shipped to Chicago for ye ge yg by Quick Reward. |000,000 in 1962-63 and about 142,-- ber ine | The federal government has/000,000 in 1961-62, |Yonder McDougall jannounced a goal of selling) It represents human _ con- Heva due Wellwood sumption, livestock feed, seed) {iso started: Grittith Hanover, Son, Merrie Amos, Buckaroo, and Legal| B consumption the biggest single Prince SECOND RACE -- 1 mi yrs. and up purse $700 (8 Prima Fraser Cahie Wilmington Belle Fillon Black Silver Herrington .10| Magella Wel 3.30) Time 210 2-5 | Also Started: Mighty Glen, Pat Sultan, Secret Omodean, Duchess Canuck, and Davie jue, SIXTH RACE -- 1 mile trot for Syrs, Cedar CRest Maid, | Money Down, |DD Nos 8-Saber and 7-Prima Fraser pald | Chatham Chip Find 30 280 29 12.60 Black Creek Well: 40 2.90 THIRD RACE -- | mile pace for 9 yrs. | Hand Su Campbell 38 1600 (8) TIME 207 M 6.00 4.20 2.80) Also Stated: Donbryn Extras 6.90 3 Rose, Favonian Major, ond tad The Marion Mo- 13.90 6.00 4.90 5% 42 12.30 Ben Away Waddell Kingston Mcintyre Time 209 4-5 asiither'a Sam, Pat Gomer 6.00 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim-/28-DQ-Guest Speak'r, Sorens'n Hd iy 4 four+,eerolds and up, 6¥2 Furlongs 4+Peter Marris Arm'g 10.10 $40 4,10/ Shepperton, Fabison, Ha: ) Barbara Harts 690 4, Also Ran in Order: A. 60|Bain and Neros Hero. and placed 2nd Ma Fi [sale as farmers harvested a rec-)" pyey:) Race -- Purse $2,300. Claim-| Pool 858.913. Total Pool 8994769 ing, two-year-olds, § Furlongs (5). GARDEN CITY RACEWAY TUESDAY,' JUNE 2 1 mile trot for 3 yrs.) and under purse $800 (6) (8), Attendance 5,669 and under purse $1,100 (6) le pace for 3) Lee Era Carmichael 12.20 480 3.00 ) Bi v 470 2.90 Song Vercoe 50| Diller A Dollar Findley 60| Time 208 1-5 3.60| Also Started: Invasion, Johnnie Laird, and Prince Cope. Quinella Pembrow Bill, |Era_ and S5-Bishop Song Pald isso er row i ri Uncle spud, and| SEVENTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for and 4 yrs. Purse $800 (7) Grattan D ng iam FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for § yrs. | Joannes Traller Hicks Plate Winner In Arlington Race? TORONTO. (CP) -- Whistling Time 206 3! Kenland Lass. ONF- Did not Att 2,600 Tote! Pool $136,057, 60 A~Grovetree Stable and F J Seneiil ry B--C_E and J © Simmons and @ M Carter hei | DQ--Finished first but was disqualified Winner, dk b or br Better Sell fothe by Reston Bache rtd 333 Led. j,mile Wet for 9 yre, 58.80 14.90 8.20 i} 29 id i NINTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for § you, Also Started: Wee Crusader, Wind Song,| and under Purse $800 (8) Pixie Lee 2nd, Red Riddell, and Parlay,|Pal McGregor Habkirk 16.80 9.60 $8 ki 13.90 790 5 Also Started..: Hi Hematite, Mr. Dee Dee Armbro Erin, Niagara Chances, and ONF. finish Broken equipment. +1 lested in contesting the national/barts challenged. Conservatives|the $100,000 Arlington Classic Blind Golf Title +) leadership of the Progressive|/to tackle Canada's constitu-|/ tional question and become the|ier of Calgary, said Monday. "Horatio Luro (trainer for |Conservative party, +10 | The premier, speaking at ajparty of reconfederation in the press conference, said: | "I'm pretty deeply involved} He said change in the form lor) told' me to send him to ao |in things that interest me injand structure of: Canada's fed- Chicago," said Olivier in an in|the par 71 Cutten Golf Club 15¥@ 15 152+ '2)/my own province and it is my Way Yejhe said, "Mr, Diefenbaker "is 25 |still leader of the Conservative 1 party." +20 |P! bh te 23% 23'4 234+ '| '| SEMIS TODAY ustralians Expected | ToRepeat In Cup Final »| WIMBLEDON (CP)--Austra- 2lians Roy Emerson and Fred */Stolle are favorites to win their © + %/men's singles semi - finallvicki Berner of Vancouver and matches in the all - England/pher American partner, Mary tennis championships and set)Habicht, will take on Glenda a repeat of last year's final./Swan of South Africa and Pat cmerson, the world's top|wakden of Rhodesia. jamateur and the defending' |Wimbledon champion, plays "|Dennis Ralston today, mainstay} of the United States' Davis Cup) team, in the opening match on) \the centre court. Then Stolle, lrunner - up for the last two years, will meet Cliff Drysdale; family residence, 536 King st. e.,, Amelia Munns occurred Tues- of South Africa. Oshawa on Wednesday affer svf- day at Hillsdale Manor in her fering a heart attack, He was 90th year. She had been in pcor health for some She was the former Harriet ----|ovee, Czechoslovakia, he was Amelia White, daughter of the! the son of Steve and the. late\late Mr. and Mrs. Walter G.| and was born at He has been a resident of/Southgate, Middlesex, pyar \dividends. Cuth-! Previously he lived in Mont-bert Munns at Old Southgate.|sERVICE WEAK real and during his 37 years in|He predeceased his wife in 1960.) His one weakness her Mrs. Munns had been resident|heen his service; -He-has jin Canada for 59 years. Shela heavy crop of double faults), lin his 52nd year. Born Nov. 17, 1913, at Pies- Katarina Macko, Oshawa for the last 28 years. /Canada he also lived briefly at {Hamilton and Toronto. jreal estate agent with Scho- Ont., and 38 years in Oshawa. 'last nine days. \field-Aker Ltd. {Lutheran Church and was very active on the church's building was also a member of the Osh- jawa Real Estate Club and a former member of the Lions Club, Memorial Park The late Ir. Macko is sur- vived by his wife, the former Bowmanville FUN FOR ALL! (nee 6 (nee Suzanne Lajzo; his fathe r, neral Home, sérvice will be held|funeral Marie and Mike (neat Grace Luthern Church, Fri-|July 2. Rev. happy fo baie ienag day at 2,p.m. Rev. P. Fiess| Christ Satur : hawa Generai|Will conduct the service, cand wn toor,.. Interment will be at Oshawa 'Union Cemetery. ' a Silver and a member of the Golden Age Club. survived byjjn The deceased was Gomersall) one son, Stephen) grandchildren |Paul, all of Oshawa; three bro-|crandchildre thers, John of Lake Worth, Flor-| predeceased ida, George of Oshawa and An-jhe was killed in F | Peel) are happy to announce the arrival\drew of Toronto; and on | of Kenneth John, 8 Ibs, 4 o7s., on Mon-|ohj sk ii ----|day, June 28, 1965. A brother tor Jeff ang)Mid, Jodie Lee Macko, | jTerri Thanks to Dr J. 0, Anderson and/ Want-Ads Don"t-| Cost - They Pay | e grand-ithe First W. The remains are at the Arm- |Lawn Cemetery, lcontrasting styles. Stolle is an fexponent of the big serve and |England, and two rain: At-/volley. Drysdale, who has_ be- > : Frederick,|cqome the pin-up boy of Wim- |Brightman) afe happy to announce the Steve; two daughters, Louise/Toronto, also survive as do fiv: i year, shuns th f their 'son, Jeffrey Gregg, onjand Evelyn; ' Sibledon' this year, . shu *( at the Oshawa} i Genera! Hospital Thanks to Dr. W. Munns_when|his points. rance during} Drysdale's unorthodox double- |Margaret Smith of Australia as : Ralston, 22, took leave of ab-|Will face Miss Bueno, the de- sence from his studies at the r [University of Southern Califor. Truman will play the powerful Inia this summer to concentrate|Miss Smith, on his challenge at Wimbledon. He has had solid grass-court/the top - ranked American ol lpreparation and it has paid)woman, Nancy Richey, in what \6-4, 1-6, 7-5 victory delighted a e has!16,000, sown Ralston will have to have his jservice in top ot haggar fs he lis to have any chance of bring-| * g down the champion, who at|Bricka of the U.S. 6-3, 6-0. three daughters; Mrs, Andrew|9g is still among the fittest! Markle (Priscilla), Owen Sound,/men in amateur tennis. Stolle and Drysdale, both (Florence), and Mrs. Amy Mar-|fair - haired six - footers, have tin, both of Oshawa. 1960s, Aug. 28, his owner, Paul Oliv- eral system of government te GUELPH (CP--Nick Geno- jvese of Dundas, Ont., ts the Toronto industrialist E. P. Tay|best blind golfer in Ontario. Genovese carded a 15 over : {course here to win the Ontario "If Horatio thinks we should/blind golf championships, Canadians are convinced there|S0 and my trainer, Roy John) The score was identical to the tally turned in by Claude Patte- ; hag Meg -_ higed deg mgd Hamilton last year to : ng Sea, first western winner of|win the tournament. Pattemore alternatives that presents the|the plate, will race at Blue Bon-|finished with 112 this year. challenge to Canada's political/nets in Montreal, in two weeks Third place went to Charles parties The Progressive Con-|and here at Woodbine July 17.|Toothe of Hamilton. Genovese Captures 2 +1 Jintent and desire to continue in/should not be made _ unless 70 ©+80 |provincial affairs.' . r4 ~4 | Mr. Robarts arrived in Win-|is no alternative. son, says go, we'll go. nipeg amid speculation in some! "It is the search for these +10 |quarters that his acceptance of j'Wlan invitation to address a Pro- +15 |gressive Conservative student {} |banquet here Tuesday signalled +2 |his entrance into the leadership|servative party, as the party of tw jrace, ' ,,|Confederation and as the party +7 | "As far as I'm concerned, of national development, has a Singular responsibility to rise to this challenge" [the rest of today's program Is given over to doubles, In a women's doubles match, The semi-finalists in women's singles were decided Tuesday. Christine Truman of Britain, Maria Bueno of Brazil, Billie Jean Moffitt of the U.S. and are the survivors. On Thursday, Miss Moffitt fending champion, and Miss Miss Truman, 24, defeated was regarded as an upset. The partisan centre-court crowd of Miss Bueno, top-seeded, elim- inated Jane Albert of the U.S., 6-2, 6-2, and Miss Moffitt/ Moder design is striking! lcrushed third'- seeded Lesley Turner of Australia 6-2, 6-1. Mara's brother, Wellington, is! Pillows, wall hanging a man of vice-president of the club andjappliques, more! his son, Timothy, is secretary- OAK LEAF By ALICE BROOKS Marvelous afghan -- easy to carry along. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Unusual oak leaf afghan -- mainly single crochet; lovely in ' 2 ___|8 colors. Do 8 x 10%4-inch dia- Miss Smith. downed Justina) monds separately and join. Pat- tern 7355: directions, Thirty-five cents (coins) for each pattern Giants' President pions) Aa Alice Brooks, . of sha Ti Dies In New York |eratt bevt.. 60 Front tax. Print plainly PATTERN 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT- |ALOG -- 200 designs, jpatterns! 'SAUCY SKIMMER sum wow e Season yoke jand ties add. an outstanding jtouch to this saucy skimmer! |Sew it all in bouncy checks, or sew dress-in white with real bandana print for contrast, Printed Pattern 4882: Chil. Times, Needle-|dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6 60 Front Streetitakes 1% yards 5-inch fabric. NEW YORK AP) john V est, Toronto 1, Ontario. , AP) -- JO :| Ontario residents add tc sales} (Jack) Mara, president of the hs Raneseal ( the NFL franchise for New/NUMBER, NAME. ADDRESS great-/forecourt and relies on his con-|National Football League, New n. A son, Benjamin, 'tro] of the ground to win. him|York Giants, died Tuesday of} | jcancer at the age of 57. ] Mara was made president|fashions, embroidery, 25 cents. handed backhand is a deadlyjof the Giants at 22 by his} Now! Send for elegant, new|tern Dept., 60 Front Street West : i weapon when working smoothly|father, Timothy, who bought "Decorate 7 Resting at the Armstrong Fu-|strong Funeral Home. for the|and it could cause Stolle/York for $500. The enterprise in the chapelltrouble. But the South Africanjnow is a multi - - D, Osborne of!does not appear to have quite operation. Anglicanienougheall - round strength of Church will conduct the service. ctroke to defeat Mount Stolle's calibre. Except for the men's singles,|treasurer. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add */2c' sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, iNAME, ADDRESS, STYLE 3 free NUMBER. Newest knit, crochet Send order to ANNE ADAMS, jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat. Needlecraft!"'|Toronto 1, Ontario. 1S 5 beautiful room settings, 25] million - dollarjcomplete patterns for decora-PORT in our new Sprin-Sum. tive accessories in one book!/mer Pattern Catalog plus cou. s, curtains, pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! Everything you need for the life Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jyou lead -- 350 design ideas! 16 complete patterns, 60 cents. {Send 50c how, COMPLETE FASHION RE;

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