Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1965, p. 23

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 30, 1965 BRIDGE .- By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chempionship Piey) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable, NORTH 4294 @K873 e968 $AQI10 EASE 63 #210964 oA109 6543 SOUTH @AKI10872 @A5 oJ83 #7 The bidding: South West North East 2@ Pass 3m Pass 4@ Pass 66 Opening lead -- six of spades, Sylvia was never shy in the bidding. When she had a good hand, she would always bid it "ito the hilt and then some, |sylvia had very little use for part score hands, her idea bee jing that you had to bid, games ito win rubbers. It was next to impossible to dissuade her from this view, This philosophy naturally got \her into hot water. though it did joccasionally produce: a good re- \sult. For example, she held the South hand one day and opened the bidding with two spades. This was a far cry from a gen- uine forcing two-bid, but Sylvia wanted to be sure to get to game. | North couldn't really stop short of six, having an opening oid facing a forcing bid, and |he naturally. contracted for a slam. If West had led a dia- mond, Sylvia would have gone down very quickly, but West led a trump instead. It did not take Sylvia long to play the hand. She realized that it would not do much good to play West for the king of clubs, because eyen if the finesse through West worked, she would probably still have to lose two diamond tricks, So she took 'the trump lead in her hand, played a club to the ace at trick two, and returned the queen of clubs. When East followed low, Sylvia discarded on the club, but being Sylvia, she discarded a heart instead of the more normal discard of a diamond. West took the king, but, find- ing it difficult to lead a diamond from the king, he returned to the jack of hearts, He naturally assumed from Sylvia's heart discard that this was the weak spot of her hand. West later had a lot of diffi- culty explaining the logic of his play to East. Sylvia took the return with the ace of hearts, entered dummy with a trump, and discarded her three losing di ds on the J-10 of clubs and king of hearts, Spain Orders Tourist Menu MADRID (Reuters) -- Span- ish restaurants which have no tourist menu are going to find =" in trouble with the aw. The tourist menu, which will | offer pre-selected items at mini- mum prices, has been ordered by the ministry of information and tourism. The ministry attempted a sim- ilar plan on a smaller scale-last year, but there was little en- forcement. This year it plans to be strict. A typical tourist menu. will have a fixed price for three courses which will vary from 50 to 250 pesetas (about $.84 to $4.37) depending on the cate- gory of the establishment, with taxes and service charges in- cluded, The restaurants must serve bread and wine at no extra cost. And each establishment must have an official complaint book for customers, f DEATH DRIVEN BACK HEU A i ys ad MONTREAL (CP)--Dr, Theo- 7--The Young Marrieds |\dore Rasmussen, director of the mee 10:45 AM. Ree ee Montreal Neurological Institute, see TL, eoBdge ot Nigh? says the death rate at his hos- 11--Morning Musicale an Bae pital, cut by half since 1934, de- §-2--Concentration lie . 4--Andy of Mayberry | !]--Ploneers jcreased last year to 3.6 per SJames Beard Show cent, the lowest in' the Inatl- | SEs JUST IN TIME, HE HITS THE 25, GND DVES| "DIRT,AS IN A NEARBY TRENCH I FEAR I MUST WARN YOU THAT THE AUTHORITIES MAY INGIST UPON TAKING HIM FIRST--HE WAS EXPOSED TO POSSIBLE RABIES AND WILL BE, pct QUARANTINI Be: jhe YOUNG .. MY DUTY AGA CIVIC f MINDER CITIZEN M2, YOUR tre ae MAYBE YOU CAN'T SEE THE LITTLE PEOPLE, BUT THY RE AS AUTHENTICALY 1RISH AS MY NAME, AND 18 PADDY FITZPATRICK J BET pip You SAY THe LITTLE PEOPLE TOLD YOU TO GET OFF THE STAGE? THERE SOME CIRCUS MIDGETS ON BOARD? THE LONE RANGER Bauer, YOU WERE ME INSTEAD OF EER i) GONE \END? ij SECRET AGENT X9 SPEAKS FOR §/ ITSELF, SIR! |" BD ing Fecteew Spader lee, 1008. Wald hws DONALD DUCK 'Distributed by King Features Syatvcaia, / 5. Fabri- _ cated 6, lamp 7. Equip . Not cold 8. One who , Source of grieves indigo 11, Priest's Potpourri vestment mania . Ascend 18, Girl's name: . Places . Not clear poss. for Strewed 15, Soak auto- with flax mobiles rubbish 19. Ohio Through . Correct: college Rubbish abbr, town Fur-bear. . Drone 20. Horse ing marine . Hanging operas animal ornament 22, Former . Her name . Moist Turkish means . Notion title "peace" Gondolier Growls ! GY . Simians 5 + -- Li 6:30 P.M. v N--Family Theatre . Speak i) *.$-43--News; Weather indistinctly ana Sports 9:00 AM, 30. Lubricate i Is $-2--Huntiey-Brinkley |7--Dialing For Dotlers ¢ News Girl Talk 33. Greeting J--Cheyenne Mike Carnival 34. Roving é--Across Canada | 2--Mickey Mouse Club 36, Beetle 7:00 P.M, | : | 9:30 AM. 38. Movable g-Farmer's Daughter | 4 1 eave it To Beaver barriers &---Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather, 2--Ann Southern Show 39, Vases 10:00 A.M, 40, Level 6-2--Truth or 41, Crush . Most favor- able . Mone- tary unit of Ru- TELEVISION LO Channel 2--Buffalo 7--Burke's Law | 12:15 PLM. Channel 3~--Barrie |-3 ~Festival | 9--Dear Charlotte Channel 4--Buffalo | 4---Our Private World | 12:30 P.M. Channel 6---Toronto 0:00 P. | " Channel 7---Buffalo ll--First Edition News Channel 8--Rochester 9--From Scarboro College Channel 9--Toronto §-3--l"l_ Bet Channel 11--Hamilton T-Pather Knows Best 4--Search for Tomerrew ee WRONBSOAY EVE. 3--Noonday Report 12:45 P.M. |1----Racing Forum | 4--Guiding Light | 1:00 P.M. ll--Interpol Calling 9--Summertime 6--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6--Music And News 4--Meet the Millers 9--Sentimental Agent 4--Lucy-D Hour 10:30 P.M, 11--Valentine's Day 7--M-Squad 6-3--Bonjour 11:00 P.M, | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather Sports 1:15 P.M,. 9--Metro Final Toronto 5:00 P.M, Family Theatre -- §--Superman | 63--Doctor Who | 3--Llioyd Thaxton river | | 5:30 PM, 6--Viewpoint 35. Part of | S--Leave It To Beaver | ite BA 4--Zane Grey Theatre ' fe achurch | 6-3--Quest Under y-4--Late Show 37. Borneo | é--Night Metro Capricorn pepper | 11.28 P.M, &Mike Douglas show plant 11--Wrestling | 3--Movie 1:30 PLM. 8 Y Yesterday's Answer 32, French 6:00 P.M, 7--News Central 6---\s Art Necessery | ll--Mid Day Matinee 4--News, Sports With | 11:45 P.M, And First Four Races Chuck Healy 9--From Scarboro College| 9--Movie 3--Nation's Business 6é--Luncheon Date Today, 1965 4--As The World Turns 6--Inspector Maigret THURSDAY 2:00 P.M. 7--Flame In The Wind 4--Password 2--Moment of Truth 2:30 P.M. 6-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court 6--Movie Matinee $:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaree 4--House Party 3--Ed Alien 3:00 P.M, 9--People in Conflict $-2--Another World 7--General Hospital 63--The Moment of Truth 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 PLM, 11--Hawkeye Consequences 2--Death Valley Days 4-N jews 10:18 A.M, 9--Cartoon Party 10:38 A.M, |. ©2--What's This Song 7--Trallmaster 4--i Love Lucy O1ms Wak Disney Productions World Rights Reserved Keay, f 7:30 P.M, N--Gilligan's Island 9--Music 8-2--Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet LTHINK Ce ald "THAT | 6--Nation's Business 4--Mister Ed 7:45 PLM, Mr, Fix-it 8:00 P.M li--Polka Party %--My Favorite Martian 7--Patty Duke Show 6-3--Swing Ding 4--My Living Doll W1S A.M. &--The Match Gam Me ee | 9--Summer Fun FRONT ltute's history. $-3--Vacation Time 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His Friends 4:30 PM 1l--Woocy Woodpecker 9--Movie y--Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4--The 41Thirly Show a--Huckleberry Hound es AM, 8-2--Jeopardy \7--Price Is Right 4--The McCoys | 3-Ed Allen 12:00 NOON |YOUR HEALTH Good Substitutes » ee en La hy But For Mineral Oils 9:90 PLM. 4--Noon News By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD N--Soccer 2--Popeye and Pals Dear Dr. Molner: Does taking/other part of your MICKEY MOUSE 130 PLM, 1l--Merv Griffin Show pias: SALLY'S SALLIES TY), + y/ | Diatetionted by King Fentoree Syndionte. T THINK ROY IS KINDA PEEVEDAT ME, GRANDMA... + INSTEAD OF ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT / "es ppb ongel & TENNIS a X-rays, for example. However,)months, We have three normal digestive| X-rays do not show blood ves-|children, and cannot trace this MUGGS AND SKEETER | WOOLEN COVERS FOR GRANOP'S GOLF THERE'S ONE CLUB YOU WON'T HAVE TO MAKE A COVER © King Fasmarnr Syndicate, Ine. 1065. Wedd dgher mineral oil destroy Vitamin A? If so, could you recommend some other oil which might not have that result: Or something else that is not habit-forming? I am 50 and havs a duodenal ulcer that is under control most of the time, But. I miss the roughage and raw vegetables |that I used to eat and this -- leaves me with a problem of {bowel irregularity or constipa- tion at times, especially.on long auto trips.--E.B. I wouldn't say that mineral oil destroys Vitamin A, Rather, it absorbs it, Vitamin A being one of the oil-soluble vitamins. sorbed by the body, it thus car- ries away some of the Vitamin be getting. However you (and people with a problem like 'yours) have quite a: variety of other meth ods which give good results, will bones and cavities in the body)/mann not irritate your ulcer or any'very clearly, such as in chest|youngest died of it at fivelappear jtract, and are not habit-form- ing. | Various bulk-producing and |moistening agents (medications containing diocty!l sodium sulfo- succinate, or such things as psyllium seed preparations or jagar) are excellent and safe. Milk of magnesia, with its mild laxative effect, is pre- ferred by some people, Prune juice is another useful one--it is }well tolerated by ulcers and is a good Jaxative. Finally, the use of glycerin sels very well, unless these are hard and contain calcium in \the walls. Hence the blood ves- sels appear to the X-rays to jhave approximately the same idensity as surrounding tissues. In other words, they don't show up very well. However a small amont of a special dye can be injected into the bloodstream and this casts a heavy shadow in the X-ray pictures. Then a series of X-ray plates are taken rapidly as the dye suppositories (perhaps in addi-|flows along, and you get a very Ition to one of the above) may iprove helpful on such trips (pomed amount of exereise and jto aid elimination, angiogram? Just what is done and how does it differ from an ordinary X-+ray?---MRS. E. G Ordinary trays will show juseful picture of the blood ves- \sels--any narrowed places, ete. Since tmineral oil is not ab-|when you don't get' your aecus-|These are angiograms. Angiograms are quite widely used in examining arteries of A which otherwise you would! pear Dr. Molner: What is anjthe neck and brain, as well as|trace it to any specific defect in lin the kidneys, or in the lower lextremities Dear Dr. el.' me. anyth.ng Werdnig Molner: an you about Hoff disease? My disease in either of our fami- jlies, Will our children have babies with this disease, or can it ap- pear in them later in life? Our doctor said he had never seen the disease before. --- A. G, 8, That's. understandable be- jCause it is a rare disorder }which occurs in infants under jthe age of one year. (It is fea-)__ tured by a wasting of the mus icles of the trunk.) | The cause is not known but); it appears to be a defect in the {nerves supplying these muscles, | The disorder is known to oc- cur in families, but I have not seen any data indicating that geneticists have been able to] the genes. The other children are older; jl doubt 'hat any of them wi'l show me more, I may change my mind." OR ALL YOUR DRUG NEED TORE Phone 723-2245 FREE-CITY-WIDE-DELIVERY s develo» 'he disease, since i' is present, it always seems to very early in - life, RYRMOVELL

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