Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1965, p. 16

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ee bride on the left: of her 'hus- band; the flower girl; maid of honor on the left arm of the best man, and bridesmaids paired with ushers. The parents may follow the party to the vestry. The bride's mother al- ways goes first escorted by ei- ther her husband or the groom's father. Then follow the groom's mother and her escort, accord- ing to the pre-arranged. plan. It is usual for the fathers to escort their own wives to the vestry and to change over be- fore ref 2. The bride and groom leave the church in the first car. Estab- lished precedent is that they are followed by cars carrying the bride's parents, the groom's parents, then immediate mem- bers of both families and the clergyman and his wife. As 'soon as the first guests arrive at the place where the reception is to take place the receiving line is formed in this' order: Bride's mother, groom's father, groom's mother, bride's father, the bride, the groom, maid of honor, and bridesmaids. After they have been received, guests should be shown to the place where refreshments are being served. If "there is a bride's table, Plaque To Honor L. M. Montgomery At Leaskdale On Saturday, July 3, an his- toric pratt _commemorating| mother ie the vestry. Pity the Lucy Maud Montgomery will be|P0or bride who suddenly won- unveiled on the grounds of|ders this, just as the organist Presbyterian manse at Leak-|Plays the first, chords of 'The dale, seven miles north of Ux-|Bridal Chorus". bridge. The plaque is one.of a| These questions, and a thou- series being erected on historic|sand others, should be an- sites throughout the province. swered well in advance, if The ceremony, commencing|guests are to say later: "What at 2.00 p.m., has been arranged|a perfect wedding." : and sponsored by the members} Long before the day, it must of St. Paul's. Presbyterianjbe decided which relatives and Church WA. Miss Kathy Mac-|friends will receive invitations donald, a granddaughter of the|and which announcements, who author, will unveil the plaque.|will stand where in the re- Lucy Maud Montgomery was|ceiving line; who will porpose born in Prince Edward Island|the toast to the maid of honor; in 1874 and began her literary;who will be responsible for career with a number of poems| paying the florist . . . the cater- at the age of ten. However, itjer . . . the organist. was not until 1904 that she| Today, procedure in Canada reached 'national acclaim. 'Injfollows certain distinct paths. that year, "Anne of Green|Sometimes what is "correct" in Gables" was born and has since|Canada parallels what is con- Pp ed in 36 languages and|sidered in good form elsewhere. twice as a motion picture. Sometimes it is quite different. However, fully half of her|Customs which have developed books including "Anne" andjover the years have produced "Emily" series were written inja good rule of thumb for al- Leaskdale during the fifteen/most every kind of wedding. years' her husband, The Rev.|The bride and her mother need served as|not be in doubt about a single Wedding Protocol Should Be Studied, Followed Caretully Who will escort my husband'a pew on the right. The groom's father follows a pace behind, and takes his place in the pew with his wife. The right side of the church then becomes "the groom's side," and his particu- lar friends and relatives are usually seated there. A moment before the service begins, the bride's mother is escorted to the front pew on the letf "the bride's side" of the church. No one else is seated by an usher after she takes her place: The groom, best man and clergyman take their places at the front of the church, and the lprocessional begins. It will be more stately if the wedding par- ty is carefully spaced, and moves. slowly and smoothly. First up the aisle are the ush- ers, by twos. Then follow the bridesmaids, singly, the maid of honor, and finally the flower girl, if there is one. The bride, on her father's right arm, should follow at a distance of about six pews. At the altar, the bride stands to the left of the Avith her maid of honor Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 30, 1965 15 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA Dominion Day July Ist 1867 -- 1965 Ewen Macdonald, the minister in Zephyr charge. Mrs. Montgomery was _reci- pient of the Order of the British Empire by King George V, and was the first Canadian author to attain membership Royal Society of Arts and Let- ters. She died in Toronto in 1942, predeceasing her husband by |\less than two years. Both are buried at Cavendish. The public is cordially invited to attend the commemoration service at Leaskdale this com- ing Saturday, July 3. in Leaskdale- tion. tions they. must answer the| 'What kind of a wedding wil A large formal wedding in church, home, with a reception to which a guests are invited, or a sma' no reception at all. important aspect of either the ceremony itself, or the recep- Once the young couple is en- gaged, the most important ques- is: we have?" This is the choice: club or hotel informal ceremony in a church or chapel with only the family and a few close friends attend- ing, followed by a reception to which everyone is invited or by ie step to the left and a step behind, and beyond her the bridesmaids. The best man stands to the right of the groom, and the ush- ers to the right of the best man. The bride's father stands be- hind. his daughter and slightly to her left, until he gives her away. Then he joins the bride's mother, in her pew. After the service, the clergy- man leads the wedding party to the vestry for the signing of the register. In Canada a couple is not legally married without signing the register. The clergyman is followed by the bride and groom, with the I a Il I the party should be placed in this order (from left to right, facing the table): Usher, brides-maid, best man, bride, groom, maid of honor, usher, bridesmaid, usher, bridesmaid. After dessert, the bride and groom stand to cut the cake. Now is the time for toasts. These begin with a toast to the bride, proposed by the clergy- man, or a close friend of the family. The groom replies, and proposes a toast to the brides- Gillard Cleanit will be closed all day Thursday, July Ist. Store hours will resume Friday. Monday through Fridey from 8 @.m. to 6 p.m. ond-Saturdey from 8 @.m. to 1 p.m. Have @ happy and e@ Sefe Holiday. CASHMERE SUIT | A'*pack-easy cashmere suit in castor and Oxford gray has a finely fashioned col- lar and attractive carved brass. buttons, suitable for sightseeing in cool fall CLEANIT maids, to which the best man replies. Ideal toasts combine seriousness with gaiety and good humor, and avoid becoming over-long. to the Danish throne, is a keen archeologist and worked in the SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 | weather in city or country. | PRINCESS: DIGS Princess Margrethe, the heir GILLARD 92 Wolfe St. Provincial and other dignitar- Sudan with an expedition. | fies will be present. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Custom in Canada has it that the large wedding followed by a small reception is never cor- rect. Hospitality in this country |\demands that every guest in- lvited to attend the formal ser- The engagement is announced|Vice must be entertained at a of Elizabeth Diane, daughter of pecandes afterward. i '| If the wedding is formal, in -- "es Philip. Tolle Paterson, vitations should be engraved on *| doublefold white or cream paper rem load 6 Pag John J. Pat-| of the best quality, enclosed in : two envelopes and issued in the FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE age Peed pig men ¥ . Rich w.|the wedding is informal a cor- PE wal gg ge Eheim the|dial hand-written note of invita- forthcoming marriage of their tion should be sent by the bride's daughter, Bonnie Gail, to Mr. mother or whoever is extending Gary Dwight Bunner, son of the invitations. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F. Bun- are the ng will ner, all of Oshawa. The cere-|e formal -- most young couples mony is to take place on Satur- seem to want gga pan day, July 17, 1965, at 3.00 p.m.|70 be correct, the formal brite i i wears a full-length gown and in Albert Street United Church. yell, and carries a bouquet; FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |both mothers wear floor-length Mr. and Mrs. Ross Booth,/or cocktail-length dresses; the Belleville, wish to announce the|groom, his attendants and both forthcoming marriage of their|fathers wear formal attire -- niece, Barbara Lynn Weyrich,| morning coats and striped trous- daughter of the late Mr. andjers before six o'clock, white tie Mrs. Cyril Weyrich, formerly of Oshawa, to Mr. Alpin Gordon and tails after six. The bride may be attended by from one to McKnight, son of Mr. and Mrs.|ten bridesmaids, a maid or ma- Gordon McKnight, Oshawa. The|tron of honor, and a flower ceremony is to take place on| girl. Saturday, July 24, 1965, at 2.00/ About five minutes before the p.m. in Simcoe Street United wedding, the groom's. mother is Church. |seated by an usher in the front Win a Heinz Baby Fo Baby Kit MR, AND MRS. WALTER ATHERFOLD Community-Minded Couple Receive Silver Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ather- fold of Gibbons street, recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. The couple was married by the Reverend Arthur Rivers in Westminster Roman Catholic Cathedral, London, England June 2, 1940. Mrs. Atherfold is the former Moira Eleanor Bridge of London, England, and Mr. Atherfold is the son.of Mary and the late Joseph Atherfold of South Shields, England. Mr. and Mrs. Atherfold came to Canada in 1952. They lived in Whitby for two years, coming to Oshawa in 1954. They have three children Martyn, Michael and Sharon-Anne. Mr. Atherfold has been em- ployed by General Motors of Canada for the past 13 years; is a member of the Knights of Columbus and St. John Ambu- lance Brigade General Mo-/roses was presented by the tors Division. members of the 9th Oshawa Mrs. Atherfold has been active|Scout Ladies' Auxiliary, as well in Church work for many years|as several floral arrangements and is a member of the Senior'from friends. school Of Dancing Presents Variety In Recital Program 'The annual recital of the|dents for passing Graded Tap Burns School: of Dancing was|xams held in Toronto: held at McLaughlin Collegiate Primary: Annette Lambros ' |D; Ols Jo- " 'Auditorium recently and Webltetoiea Hemsiees aedkaan well received by the capacity) Grade 1: Michelle Vanstrien, audience. Debbie Leighton, Debbie Cor- The evening consisted of a ett, Karen Anderson, variety-of ballet, tap, jazz and| Grade 2: Lenora Harper. baton routines performed with| Gtade 3: Tane Ferens. great enthusiasm by the stu-| dents ranging in age from five | to 17. | There was a repeat perform- | ance of the Ladies' Class Can- Can dance from last year and the audience thoroughly enjoyed | the ladies in their version of | The Charlston. There was a var- | iety of solos, duets and trios and \ at the close of the evening, the students presented Mrs. Reimer, the principal, with a wrist watch | and a bouquet of roses and also | presented the pianist Mrs. Stein- | field with a gift. | Mrs. Reimer presented Tap certificaties to the following stu- | eciiaibiieaantiiamiai Adi Choir of St. Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, is pres- ident of the 9th Oshawa Scout} Ladies' Auxiliary and on the ex- ecutive of the district committee for Scout Auxiliaries. A small dinner party was held at the Town and Country, To- ronto, given by their eldest son, Martyn. Close friends were en- tertained at their home on Gib- bons street, June 25. The couple was honored by receiving a mes- sage from the Vatican in which the Holy Father implored paternal apostolic blessing. Cables of congratulations were| received from family and friends in Australia and England, and letters congratulating the cou- ple were received from the Hon. Michael Starr, MP, and Mr. Al- bert V. Walker, MPP. Many beautiful gifts were received, in- cluding a silver tea service. A floral arrangement of 25 red | Botty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Soiwweter OPEN THURS., JULY Ist DOMINION DAY HOLIDAY & "Daly th conscer: an exveremenr of Sap food, sacing bottle, leies eaves, lB proof sumiier. baby speen, diaguiills diaper atiionn,aichties Sele feel aie tal, The Heinz Baby Kit is xleal for holiday outings, picnics, overnight trips or a visit to grandmother. The ightweight compact baby kit was designed by Heinz Baby Foods exclusively for mothers. These smart, practical kits to carry ments separate and protect the contents. Ne fear of breakage, thanks to the ragged cushtonmg of expanded polystyrene. 3000 of these exclusive "Baby Kits" to be given away--300 each week for 10 weeks! MORRISON'S Maternity Fashions See oll our New Spring Fabrics, Styles end sizes. © DRESSES PARTY DRESSES TOPS © SLIMS SKIRTS © SHORTS DECK PANTS GIRDLES & BRAY MORRISON'S Opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE NORTH Downtown Oshewe C&ip this official entry form. Fill in and mail to: HEINZ BABY FOODS "BABY KIT" CONTEST NAME Enter often, each entry gives you one chance to win in each weekly contest! CONTEST RULES L Print your name and address onthe entry form oraptate piece of paper and mail, with six Heinz Baby Fends tabets ter HEINZ BABY FOODS BABY KIT CONTEST LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. 2. There will be 300 winners every week for 10 weeks. 'The first wraners will be selected trom all entrres recerved on or betore Friday, Jaly Sth, 1965. E ide trom: entries [correctly OUTSTANDING VALUES IN, EVERY' DEPARTMENT ADDRESS CITY. _PROV. Don't forget! . . . Enclose 6 Heinz Baby Foods Labels! | HEINZ BABY FOODS (& the good they do your baby now--lasts a lifetime. More entry blanks are available at your food store. STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. Open Friday to 9 p.m. Open Saturday to 6 p.m. | TT ee»

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